Grading Guidelines (All Grade Levels)
Approved grading guidelines for each grade level or course will be communicated to
students and their parents by the classroom teacher. These guidelines establish:
The minimum number of assignments, projects, and examinations required for
each grading period;
How the students mastery of concepts and achievement will be communicated
(for example, letter grades, numerical averages, checklist of required skills, and
the like);
Circumstances under which a student will be allowed to redo an assignment
or retake an examination the student originally failed; and
Procedures for a student to follow after an absence.
[See Report Cards/Progress Reports and Conferences on page 97 of the
Parent-Student Handbook for additional information on grading guidelines.]
Grading Standards Elementary
Hays CISD expects students to give their best effort the first time an assignment is made or a
project or test is given. To ensure this quality of work, the following rules apply:
1. Teachers are required to record a minimum of one daily grade per week and a minimum of
three major grades per grading period for each content area.
2. Daily grades will count for 75% and major grades will count for 25% of the overall grade for
a grading period.
3. Teacher discretion may be used to determine what assignments constitute a daily or major
grade, except for district-required Curriculum Based Assessments, which are to be recorded
as a daily grade and eligible for reassessment.
4. Homework may be assigned and rewards or consequences given for completion or non-
completion. Homework may not receive a numerical grade in the gradebook.
5. Students may not receive grades for participation without demonstrating mastery of the
objective standards and district curriculum or as documented in their IEP.
6. Students have five school days from the time an assignment or test is returned to the
student to receive re-teaching and to re-do the daily grade assignments.
7. Students may re-submit daily grade assignments and re-test only one time per assignment.
8. Students may receive a maximum grade of 75 on all re-submitted daily grade assignments
and tests.
9. Major grades are not eligible for re-do.
10. Assessments given within the last week of the grading period will be recorded in the
following grading period.
Re-teaching and reassessment for mastery Elementary
Students not mastering an objective standard will have the opportunity to be re-taught and
reassessed a second time. Re-teaching may occur in a variety of ways and in different settings.
This may or may not be scheduled during class time, but must be pre-announced so that
students may plan accordingly. Since a single skill is addressed numerous times throughout a
grade level curriculum, a student has many opportunities to demonstrate mastery of that skill.
The number of re-teaching opportunities such as independent practice, activities, and/or
ongoing homework, depends upon the professional judgment of the teacher and are required to
strengthen skills prior to a second assessment. For reassessment, the teacher may or may not
use the same assessment to determine mastery.
Late and Make-up Assignments Elementary
Students are expected to complete all assignments. If a student is unable to complete their work
during allotted time, teachers will provide opportunities during normal school hours to complete
their assignments with ongoing communication to parents and guardians.
1. Students will be expected to make up assignments and tests after an absence. Teachers
will communicate and provide the make-up assignments required to be completed and
communicate a reasonable amount of time to complete the assignments.
2. Each Campus will provide additional and timely interventions to ensure that missed or late
assignments are completed and skills are mastered.
3. The District shall not impose a grade penalty for make-up assignments after an unexcused
4. The District shall not impose a grade penalty for make-up assignments after an absence
because of suspension.
5. Conduct will be reported separately from academic grades. Conduct codes reflect behavior,
class or group participation, and completion of assignments.
6. Any assignments not completed and submitted may be given the grade of a zero.
Grading Standards-Secondary
Hays CISD expects students to give their best effort the first time an assignment is made or a
project or test is given. To ensure this quality of work, the following rules apply:
1. Teachers are required to record a minimum of one minor grade per week and a minimum of
three major grades per grading period for each content area.
2. Minor grades will count for 40% and major grades will count for 60% of the overall grade for
a nine-weeks grading period. All semester exam grades will count as 1/7 of the semester
3. Teacher discretion may be used to determine what assignments constitute a minor or major
grade, except for district-required Curriculum Based Assessments which are to be recorded
as a major grade and eligible for reassessment.
4. Students have five school days from the time an assignment or test is returned to the
student to receive re-teaching and to re-do assignments or take re-tests. The re-teaching,
re-submitting, and re-testing within the five school days is scheduled at the discretion of the
5. Corrections made to an assessment do not constitute a reassessment. Students must
participate in re-teaching prior to any assessment.
6. Students may re-submit assignments and re-test only one time per assignment. The
following assignments are not eligible for resubmission: major projects and midterm, final,
and benchmark assessments. Grades on benchmark assessments will be derived from
material that has only been previously taught.
7. Students have two class meetings from the time a missing grade is posted in the grade book
to make up the missing work.
8. Students may receive a maximum grade of 75 on all missing or re-submitted assignments
and tests. When a re-test or re-assessment occurs, grades should be assigned in the
following manner:
If a student scores a grade of 75-100; a grade of 75 should be entered in the
If a student scores a grade of 0-74; the higher of the two scores (original grade or re-
test) should be recorded in the gradebook.
Re-Teaching assessment for mastery-Secondary
Students are expected to complete all assignments. If a student fails to complete assignments
or if late assignments become a concern for that student, teachers will notify the parent or
guardian and the campus designee.
1. Students will be expected to make up assignments and tests after an absence. A student
shall be responsible for obtaining and completing the make-up assignments in a satisfactory
manner and within the reasonable amount of time specified by the teacher.
2. The District shall not impose a grade penalty for make-up assignments after an unexcused
3. The District shall not impose a grade penalty for make-up assignments after an absence
because of suspension.
4. Students may be required to attend a teacher or campus program to complete any missing
and/or unsatisfactory assignments turned in after the due date for a maximum grade of 75.
Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action.
5. Any assignments not completed and submitted may be given the grade of a zero.
Late and Make-up Assignments-Secondary
Students are expected to complete all assignments. If a student fails to complete assignments
or if late assignments become a concern for that student, teachers will notify the parent or
guardian and the campus designee.
1. Students will be expected to make up assignments and tests after an absence. A student
shall be responsible for obtaining and completing the make-up assignments in a satisfactory
manner and within the reasonable amount of time specified by the teacher.
2. The District shall not impose a grade penalty for make-up assignments after an unexcused
3. The District shall not impose a grade penalty for make-up assignments after an absence
because of suspension.
4. Students may be required to attend a teacher or campus program to complete any missing
and/or unsatisfactory assignments turned in after the due date for a maximum grade of 75.
Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action.
5. Any assignments not completed and submitted may be given the grade of a zero.
Academic Dishonesty
In accordance with EIA (local) policy, a student found to have engaged in academic dishonesty
shall be subject to grade penalties on assignments or tests and disciplinary penalties in
accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and
unauthorized communication between students during an examination. The determination that a
student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom
teacher or another supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written
materials, observation, or information from students.
Students not mastering an objective standard will have the opportunity to be re-taught and
reassessed a second time. Re-teaching may occur in a variety of ways and in different settings.
This may or may not be scheduled during class time, but must be pre-announced so that
students may plan accordingly. The number of re-teaching opportunities such as independent
practice, activities, and/or ongoing homework, depends upon the professional judgment of the
teacher and are required to strengthen skills prior to a second assessment. For reassessment,
the teacher may not use the same assessment to determine mastery.