Health Informatics
Learning Assessment Worksheet
1. Please describe your program’s specific learning goals (list as many as appropriate;
use 1-2 sentences to describe each):
Goals of the Graduate Program in Health Informatics
To produce trainees who are:
a. Knowledgeable of
primary domains, theoretical frameworks, and standards applied in
health informatics.
b. Able to describe the complexities of clinical workflow, reimbursement, and health
information technology use in healthcare.
c. Able to design and conduct descriptive and inferential statistical analyses and
predictive modeling of biomedical data sets using appropriate software.
d. Able to design and critically appraise research or evaluation studies of health
informatics innovations.
e. Able to manage health data in relational databases and non-relational formats.
f. Able to develop and succeed in cross-disciplinary teams to pursue common projects.
g. Aware of issues and best practices in the responsible conduct of research and human
subjects research.
h. Able to present health informatics operational projects and research in a public forum,
orally and in writing.
2. Does your program have a process in place to assess whether the students meet the
defined learning goals? If so, please describe this learning assessment process,
including who is involved, frequency of the assessment, and how the information is
Our learning assessment is comprised of successful completion of coursework, written exams,
and papers within 1-2 years in the program. All students defend a final presentation of Capstone
Project findings to Program Directors in the final term of studies. Program Directors and staff
review student academic status at the end of every term to determine satisfactory academic
progress is being met and that the defined learning goals are being reached. The education
curriculum committee conducts a final audit of the student at the end of the final term to confirm
that all requirements have been met before the Master’s degree is awarded.
3. Does your program currently systematically collect, store, and/or use for learning
assessment at the program level any of the following outcome measures:
or paper stored
Use for learning
Direct measures:
Results of exams/tests for
individual courses
Number of student
publications and abstracts
Quality of students’
Health Informatics
presentation skills
Program metrics (eg, time to
degree, completion rates)
Y E Program
assessment, Y
Other (please describe):
Indirect measures:
Student feedback
o Student surveys Y E Y
o Focus groups N N N
o Exit interviews Y E Y
Alumni survey
Career tracking
Other (please describe):
4. Does your program regularly review and adjust (1) the program’s specific learning
goals, and/or (2) the manner in which outcomes are measured and how the
information is used? If so, please describe how this is done:
1. Informal discussions throughout the year with departmental faculty. These discussions typically
involve how to achieve the learning goals, especially keeping the course topics and material
current and course resources up to date.
2. Annual meetings are held via the Curriculum Committee Meeting to track student progress and
ality of Health Informatics courses.
3. Advisory Board meetings are regularly held with nationally recognized representatives from
academia and industry leaders in the field of Health Informatics. These meetings involve
presenting curriculum and seeking feedback.