Running Head: C212-Task One
C212-Task One
Patrick Gump
Western Governors University
Running Head: C212-Task One
C212-Task One
United Hemp is an industrial hemp supplier, with headquarters in Portland, Oregon.
Formed in 2012, and incorporated in 2013, United Hemp owns a dozen hemp farms in 4 US
states, supplying raw and processed hemp to several manufacturers.
In 2017, after losing a contract with a major manufacturer, United Hemp’s leadership
took a risk and decided to manufacture hemp-based paper and construction products. The paper
proved to be a hit in the cannabis industry, leading the company to add industry specific hemp-
made products to their portfolio.
Recently, United Hemp has begun to set its eyes on the global market. Fueled by a
cannabis legalization in Canada, a loosening of hemp restrictions in Europe and the US, and a
recent purchase of a production center, United Hemp feels prepared to take its brand to the next
level. In order to fuel this expansion, United Hemp is seeking to expand its production business
The purpose of this paper to propose a viable marketing strategy for United Hemp. This
proposal will identify products the company can offer to the global market, and how they will
provide a competitive advantage. It will also discuss the customer relationship management
(CRM), distribution, pricing and promotional strategies in order to be effective.
A1. New Products and Services
United Hemp has been proven competent in processing hemp fiber. While the focus has
been on manufacturing paper and construction products, this ultimately leads to a limited
portfolio of offerings. United Hemp would be best served by introducing two new products for
the global market, hemp-based fabric and hemp-based bioplastics.
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In order to successfully test the global viability of these products, it is recommended that
United Hemp tests these offerings in the Canadian market. Canada is advantageous due to its
proximity to the United States, relaxed industrial hemp laws, and recent legalization of cannabis.
In order to identify the global need for Hemp Fabric and Hemp-based bioplastics, three
research methods were used. During the exploratory research phase, the marketing team traveled
to Canada to directly observe the commercial hemp market. The team met with six companies that
processes hemp into consumer products, each of which demonstrated profitability and rising
demand for affordable hemp fabric and bioplastics. Then, the marketing team ran series of focus
groups, discussing the hemp market with customers, retail businesses, and suppliers. These groups
reinforced the conclusions from the direct observations. Finally, the team ran a series of
experiments, comparing the effectiveness of several product offerings in business-to-business and
business-to-consumer markets. It was determined that supplying raw fabric and bioplastics to
suppliers will be the most likely to be profitable and effective.
United Hemp’s main competitor is American Hemp, which supplies raw textiles and raw
CBD oils to various markets. American Hemp originally had a first-mover advantage in the US
market, and still enjoys a significant market share. By effectively introducing hemp fabric to the
global market, United Hemp can gain a first-mover advantage over its competitor and develop
intimacy with customers in our target environment. By introducing bioplastics to the portfolio of
affordable product offerings, United Hemp can utilize their operational excellence to grow their
global market share.
When launching these products in Canada, there are two risks to be aware of. First, there
are risks of regulatory barriers with the Canadian Government. Hemp and marijuana come from
the same species of plant, with hemp being classified in Canada as having less than 0.3%
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psychoactive THC (Canada, n.d.). It is important that United Hemp maintains it’s testing
standards to ensure their products can be exported globally. Second, since the Canadian
industrial hemp market is more mature, there is a risk that consumers may prefer Canadian-made
products to their American counterparts. Since Canadian hemp is most often cultivated for CBD
oils, Canadian hemp prices remain high. If United Hemp can keep shipping costs low enough,
they can drive demand for their products.
A2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
It is recommended that United Hemp adopts the use of CRM software to manage its
global operations. Salesforce offers four features that makes it the ideal software for the
company. First, Salesforce provides Opportunity, Lead, and Account Management functionality,
allowing salespeople to effectively turn prospects into lasting customers. Second, the software
provides sales data and forecasting, allowing United Health to monitor and adjust for market
trends. This functionality will also be key to monitoring performance of product offerings as they
are introduced into new markets. Salesforce offers a mobile app, allowing sales teams to enter
and update information in real time. This will provide marketing teams real time information,
allowing them to adjust CRM strategies for each client. Finally, Salesforce offers Multi-Currency
support, allowing for seamless integration of foreign currencies.
Effective use of CRM will be vital for driving customer satisfaction. Ferrell and Harltine
(2014) noted that Customer satisfaction is the key to customer retention. Fully satisfied
customers are more likely to become loyal customers, or even advocates for the firm and its
products. Satisfied customers are less likely to explore alternative suppliers and they are less
price sensitive.” As United Hemp brings its two new products to international markets, the
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information generated by Salesforce will be used to review and adjust the marketing team’s
strategies. For example, if sales forecast for fabric product indicates a slowdown, the marketing
team can consider using various financial or bonding strategies to drive sales, or even decide to
adjust the marketing mix altogether. Information can also be used to communicate customer
needs or to share feedback, increasing ability for the firm to respond appropriately. By utilizing
this information effectively, United Hemp can continuously keep its customers satisfied, driving
customer retention.
A3. Distribution Channels
United Hemp’s current distribution channel consists of direct distribution to buyers.
When selecting a distribution channel for Canada, two considerations must be made. First,
United Hemp must consider Canada’s laws and regulations surrounding industrial hemp and its
importation. If raw American Hemp does not meet Canada’s regulatory standards, United Hemp
may be forced to produce its products locally, or risk supply issues. Second, since both nations
are in the North American Free Trade Agreement, United Hemp must weigh the costs and
benefits of importing finished fabric and bioplastics from the United States against
manufacturing from inside Canada.
With these considerations in mind, United Hemp should consider using industrial
distributors to market its product to the Canadian market. In their book Marketing, Pride and
Ferrel say, “ (distributors) can perform the needed selling activities in local markets at a
relatively low cost to a manufacturer and reduce a producer's financial burden by providing
customers with credit services. Also, because industrial distributors usually maintain close
relationships with their customers, they are aware of local needs and can pass on market
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information to producers (Pride & Ferrell, 2014).” This allows United Hemp to focus on its
excellence in production.
· Supply Chain.
United Hemp’s Global Supply Chain should not be dramatically different than the firms
current supply chain. We will just be exporting our raw and finished goods to a Canadian
Distributor. Our distribution partner will do all work selling our products to buyers and will
facilitate communication between buyers and United Hemp. The buyers will manufacture and
distribute the finished goods to consumers. One possible disruption to our supply chain is risk of
our distributor not selling our product. If our distribution partner does not aggressively market
our products to businesses, it could disrupt demand for our products and negatively impact sales.
A4 . Pricing Strategy
United Hemp will be best served by employing a Competition based pricing strategy.
Since United Hemp sells relatively homogenous materials, they must consider the prices of the
products they are intending to replace as well as their own competitors. In business markets,
where price is a key consideration, United Hemp must be competitive to survive. For these
reasons, the following prices should be set for its new product offerings:
Hemp Fabric: $15.01/yard
Hemp Bioplastics: $0.30/pound
· Costs.
There are several important costs associated with the development and launch of fabric
and bioplastics. One of the biggest challenges was accounting for increased variable costs. Fixed
costs are set to remain low at $4/yard for fabric and $0.5/lb for bioplastics. With the increase in
shipping costs, variable costs for fabric will be $7.92/yard for fabric and $0.15 for bioplastics.
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This puts total costs at $11.92/yard and $0.25/yard. At the stated prices, fabric will achieve a
26% markup and Bioplastics a 25% markup. One thing to note is that these margins will be
sensitive to shipping costs.
· Acceptance.
The marketing determined customer acceptance of these prices by survey of several
distributors. The marketing team asked a small sample of domestic distributors about prices in
these categories. Much of the sample indicated interest in the marketing team’s proposed price.
· Competitor Prices.
The distributors noted that competitor hemp fabric averaged $15.20/yard. Bioplastics
averaged $0.33/lb or more. While most distributors were sensitive with competitors’ prices, the
lowest competitor’s price for fabric was reported to be $14.99/yard and $0.34 for bioplastics.
The proposed prices will be competitive in the market and will drive demand.
A5. Promotional Strategy.
United Hemp should continue using a Push Policy for its promotional strategy. United
Hemp’s global promotional strategy should be focused its sole target market, distributors and
wholesalers. For this reason, most of the promotional mix should be focused on Personal Selling
and Sales Promotion activities to attract and retain clients.
· Media Channels
The firm should use two forms of mass media and two forms of social media to promote
its products to the global market. United Hemp should focus its traditional mass media strategy
towards industry-specific magazines and direct mail advertisements. United Hemp should take
out ads in major hemp and cannabis publications, such as HEMP Journal and Cannabis Culture.
Distributors are more likely to read these publications and see United Hemp’s ad. Using direct
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mail will ensure distributors are aware of the brand and what it offers. United Hemp’s Social
Media strategy should be centered around Search Engine Optimization. To accomplish this,
United Hemp should utilize social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to develop
an online brand presence. Secondly, the firm should post a recurring blog on the firm’s website,
to be shared via social networks. This will drive traffic to the blog and will also drive the website
to the top of search listings, therefore benefiting SEO.
· Justification.
These channels were chosen specifically to reach our target market. Distributors need
only to be aware of United Hemp. By inserting the brand into these four media channels, the
brand has multiple opportunities create awareness with distributors. The social media strategy
will focus on general awareness of the brand, while traditional mass media will specifically
target the market. If done effectively, United Hemp will present itself as a viable alternative and
an opportunity to drive profitability. This will drive interest, which will give the sales teams
more opportunities to secure deals.
· Sales Promotion.
Sales Promotions should focus on giving the sales teams tools to success. One effective
promotion activity is to offer a buying allowance for purchasing specified quantities of the firm’s
products. This will encourage distributors to carry United Hemp’s products and will drive market
penetration. Another activity would be to provide deal loaders, or specialized displays, for new
distributors. These displays will make it easier for distributors to promote the brand to its
network, and will drive demand for United Hemp’s products
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By introducing hemp-based fiber and bioplastics to the Canadian and global markets,
United Hemp can utilize it’s first-mover advantage towards gaining market share for its brand.
By following the marketing strategy provided in this proposal, United Hemp can expect an
effective market penetration, competitive prices, customer retention, and enhanced growth. This
will set up United Hemp for long-term success.
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Canada, G. o. (n.d.). Hemp and the hemp industry Frequently Asked Questions. From
Government of Canada:
Ferrell, O. C., & Harltine, H. (2014). arketing strategy, text and cases (6th ed.). Mason, OH:
Cengage Learning.
Pride, W. M., & Ferrell, O. C. (2014). Marketing. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Salesforce. (2019). From