Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Table of Contents
Parent and Student Handbook ............................................................................................................. 4
Parents Role in Education at StMM ................................................................................................. 4
Parents as Partners ............................................................................................................................. 5
School Mission ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Beliefs ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
School Procedures and Guidelines .................................................................................................... 7
School Website ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Social Media .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Change of Address, Telephone Numbers, Email Address ....................................................... 7
Daily Schedule (K-8) ............................................................................................................................ 7
Pre-School Schedule ........................................................................................................................... 8
Early Arrival ........................................................................................................................................... 8
After School Program ......................................................................................................................... 8
Student Attendance ............................................................................................................................. 9
Early Dismissal ..................................................................................................................................... 9
Lunch Program ................................................................................................................................... 10
Health/Sick Child/Allergy Information .......................................................................................... 10
Nuclear Emergency: Potassium Iodine (KI) Tablets ................................................................. 10
Medication ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Food Allergies: What is a “Nut-Free” School? .......................................................................... 13
Child Abuse Laws .............................................................................................................................. 14
Counselor ............................................................................................................................................. 14
School Office Hours .......................................................................................................................... 15
School Store ........................................................................................................................................ 15
School Visits ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Search ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Student Transportation .................................................................................................................... 15
Park and Walk up Procedures ........................................................................................................ 16
Snacks, Class Parties and Non-Instructional Celebrations .................................................... 17
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Family Trips ......................................................................................................................................... 18
Field Trips ............................................................................................................................................ 18
School Communication .................................................................................................................... 20
Emergency Closings ......................................................................................................................... 20
Transfer of Schools ........................................................................................................................... 20
Academics ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Accreditation and Affiliations ......................................................................................................... 21
Grades in RenWeb ............................................................................................................................. 21
Parent Conferences ........................................................................................................................... 21
Grading Scales ................................................................................................................................... 22
Honor Roll ............................................................................................................................................ 23
Honor Society ..................................................................................................................................... 23
Honors Classes .................................................................................................................................. 23
StMM Middle School Math Tracks ................................................................................................. 24
Review of Student Academic and Discipline Records ............................................................. 24
Promotion and Retention ................................................................................................................. 25
Academic and Ability Testing ......................................................................................................... 25
Homework ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Homework/Classwork Makeup Policy .......................................................................................... 26
Expectations and Discipline ............................................................................................................... 26
Code of Student Expectations ........................................................................................................ 26
Discipline Policy ................................................................................................................................. 27
Demerit System Grades 5-8 ............................................................................................................. 31
School Safety, Harassment, Bullying ........................................................................................... 33
Electronic Devices ............................................................................................................................. 33
School Uniform Policies ....................................................................................................................... 33
Uniforms for grades 4 Year Old Preschool to 8
grade ........................................................... 34
Uniforms for 3 Year Old Preschool ............................................................................................... 35
Shoes and Socks Policy ................................................................................................................... 35
Physical Education Uniforms (Grades K-8) ................................................................................ 35
Additional Uniform Regulations ..................................................................................................... 36
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Uniform Guidelines for Dress-Down Days .................................................................................. 37
Uniform Guidelines for Dress-Up Days ........................................................................................ 37
Enforcement of Dress Code ............................................................................................................ 37
School Committees and Parent Volunteers .................................................................................... 38
Parent School Organization ............................................................................................................ 38
School Advisory Council ................................................................................................................. 38
Volunteers/Safe Environment Requirements ............................................................................. 38
Parent Facebook Pages ................................................................................................................... 39
Potty Training Policy ............................................................................................................................. 40
StMM Athletic Handbook ..................................................................................................................... 42
Athletic Guidelines and Procedures ............................................................................................. 42
Eligibility ............................................................................................................................................... 43
Playing Time ........................................................................................................................................ 44
Expectations of Coaches, Players, and Parents ........................................................................ 44
Other Information ............................................................................................................................... 45
Uniforms ............................................................................................................................................... 45
Practice Days ...................................................................................................................................... 45
StMM Technology Policy and Handbook ......................................................................................... 45
Technology Policy Mission Statement ......................................................................................... 46
Online Program Policies and Guidelines ..................................................................................... 46
Cell Phone and Personal Devices Policy ..................................................................................... 48
School-Owned Devices .................................................................................................................... 51
Discipline Policy for Technology ................................................................................................... 52
Social Media Policies ........................................................................................................................ 56
St. Isidore Project Handbook for Promoting Responsible Technology Usage ................. 58
What should I do? Procedures for Alerting StMM of Technology Violations .................... 60
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Parent and Student Handbook
Parents Role in Education at StMM
We, at Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School, consider it a privilege to work with
parents in the education of children because we believe parents are the primary
educators of their children. Therefore, it is your right and your duty to become the
primary role models for the development of your child’s life---physically, mentally,
spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically. Your choice of Saint Mary Magdalene
Catholic School involves a commitment and exhibits a concern for helping your child to
recognize God as the greatest good in his/her life.
Setting a good example is the strongest teacher. Your personal relationship with
God, with each other, and with the Church community will affect the way your
child relates to God and others. Ideals taught in school are not well rooted in the
child unless these are nurtured by the example of good Catholic/Christian morality and
by an honest personal relationship with God in your family life.
Once you have chosen to enter into a partnership with us at Saint Mary Magdalene
Catholic School, we trust you will be loyal to this commitment. During these formative
years (Pre-K to 8), your child needs constant support from both parents and faculty in
order to develop his/her moral, intellectual, social, cultural, and physical endowment.
Neither parents nor teachers can afford to doubt the sincerity of the efforts of their
educational partner in the quest of challenging, yet nourishing, the student to reach
his/her potential. It is vital that both parents and teachers remember that allowing
oneself to be caught between the student and the other partner will never have positive
results. To divide authority between school and home or within the home will only
teach disrespect of all authority. If there is an incident at school, you as parents must
make investigation of the complete story your first step. Evidence of mutual respect
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
between parents and teachers will model good mature behavior and relationships.
Talking negatively about a child’s teacher at home will only create an attitude of distrust
toward the teacher, the school, and the parent.
Students are naturally eager to grow and learn. However, sometimes in the process of
maturation new interests may cause them to lose focus. As this natural process occurs,
the student needs both understanding and discipline. At times, your child may perceive
discipline as restrictive. However, it is boundaries and limits which provide a young
person with both guidance and security.
It is essential that a child take responsibility for grades he/she has earned and be
accountable for homework, long-term assignments, major tests, service projects, and all
other assignments. Parents are encouraged to let their child experience a logical
consequence for an inappropriate action or behavior. This responsibility also extends to
times of absence.
Together, let us begin this year with a commitment to partnership as we support one
another in helping your child to become the best person he/she is capable of becoming.
Parents as Partners
As partners in the educational process at Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School, we
ask parents:
To set rules, times, and limits so that your child:
o Gets to bed early on school nights;
o Arrives at school on time and is picked up on time at the end of the day;
o Is dressed according to the school dress code;
o Completes assignments on time; and
o Has lunch money or nutritional sack lunch every day.
To actively participate in school activities such as Parent-Teacher Conferences;
To see that the student pays for any damage to school books or property due to
carelessness or neglect on the part of the student;
To notify the school with an email when the student is absent or tardy;
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
To notify the school office of any changes of address or important phone numbers;
To meet all financial obligations to the school;
To inform the school of any special situation regarding the student’s well-being, safety,
and health;
To complete and return to school any requested information promptly;
To read school notes, emails, and newsletters and to show interest in the student’s total
To support the religious and educational goals of the school;
To attend Mass and teach the Catholic faith by word and example;
To support and cooperate with the discipline policy of the school;
To treat teachers with respect and courtesy in discussing student problems.
As members of the St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School community, all students and
parents are expected to follow all policies and procedures that are stated in this
handbook. Refusal to do so could result in a student and/or family not being invited to
continue at St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School.
School Mission
St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School is a community that proclaims the gospel by our
dedication to quality instruction while fostering our commitment to the needs of others.
We pray. We learn. We care.
Each of us is a child of God graced with special gifts and talents that must be
recognized and nurtured in order to minister to others, bringing forth the Kingdom of
Each student is a unique individual who can learn.
Each student’s academic and developmental needs shall be provided for through a
commitment to spiritual learning and cultural awareness.
Each student has the potential for success and academic self-confidence through active
learning experiences.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Varied approaches to teaching and clear goals with high expectations meet the different
needs of each student.
The entire school community shall complement and support the role of one another in
promoting the success of each student.
Varied learning assessments shall allow each student the opportunity to demonstrate
essential knowledge and skills.
The commitment to ongoing improvement is vital to our continued success as we
nurture confident, faith-filled citizens.
School Procedures and Guidelines
School Website
The school’s website can be found at
The school’s administrative system can be found at Individual ID’s
and passwords are needed to access family, student, and financial information. Contact
Kathy Loeschorn with login questions, [email protected] or 919-657-4800 x 7298.
Social Media
You can follow StMM on Facebook and Twitter.
Facebook- Search for St. Mary Magdalene Catholic School
Twitter- StMM Catholic School @stmmnc
Change of Address, Telephone Numbers, Email Address
It is the responsibility of the parents to notify the school office immediately of any
changes in family information. Changes should be made in RenWeb, or could be given
to the school office. In RenWeb, click on Family Information, then Family
Daily Schedule (K-8)
7:15 – 7:45 Report to the library/lobby
7:45 Students released to classrooms
7:55 School day begins
8:00 Late bell, morning prayer and Pledge of Allegiance
8:05 Classes begin
10:40 – 1:15 Lunch
3:00 Dismissal
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
3:00 – 6:00 After School Program
Pre-School Schedule
3 and 4 year-old morning: 8:15 am – 11:15 am
4 year-old afternoon: 11:45 – 2:45 pm
3 and 4 year-old full-day: 8:15 am – 2:45 pm
After-school care: 2:45 – 6:00pm
Note: If there is a 2 hour delay due to weather conditions or for any other reason, there
will be no morning pre-school. This includes both the 3 year old and 4 year old
programs. Children will have school with a one hour delay, but there will not be any
morning arrival program available.
Early Arrival
Students arriving between 7:15 and 7:45 should report to the library (K – 2
grade), to
the lobby (3-7
grades), or to the upstairs hallway (8
Students may not arrive earlier than 7:15 unless one of the following applies: Student is
participating in a school or class activity; student has a written pass from a teacher;
student is with a parent that has a scheduled conference; or student is with a parent
attending a meeting.
Pre-School Early Arrival is 7:30-8:00 in the library.
After School Program
The purpose of the After School Program is to provide a program in which students will
be supervised in a safe recreational and academic environment. The schedule will
include structured homework time, arts and crafts, outside play and quiet indoor play.
The program will provide quality childcare, which parents can rely upon throughout the
school year.
Registration Fee and Form
The registration fee is $25 per family. The fee is non-refundable and must be received
each year with the registration form for your child(ren) to be considered registered in our
program. The form must be filled out completely. Family data must be kept current in
RenWeb, so that parents can be contacted by the after school program if necessary.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
The program fees and registration form are on the school website and on RenWeb.
Hours of Operation
Normally, the program will operate from the time school is dismissed until 6:00pm.
Occasionally, the program will close at the early dismissal time due to holiday
Aftercare is located in the dining hall Monday through Thursday. On Friday aftercare is
located in room 201 of the academic building.
Student Attendance
A parent/guardian is to notify the school by email giving the reason for the absence.
The school will notify parents when a child has accumulated 5 absences in a quarter.
The academic performance of a student who has accumulated 25 or more days of
absences will be reviewed by the principal. A determination will be made to retain the
student, or the student may not be invited to return the following year.
Student Tardiness
If a child arrives to school after the 8:00 bell, he/she must report to the school office to
receive a pass. The school will notify the parents when a child has accumulated 5
tardies in a quarter. If a child accumulates 20 tardies the child will be put probation and
a parent teacher conference will be held to discuss the situation.
Early Dismissal
If a child is leaving school early, the parent must first sign the child out in the office. An
office staff member will contact the classroom, and the student will be sent to the office
for dismissal. Parents are to wait in the office or lobby of the school for the child to
arrive. As a courtesy to the teacher for children in PK3- 6
grade, please email the
child’s teacher the day before or morning of the early dismissal.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Lunch Program
In cooperation with the PSO Wellness Committee, the STMM cafeteria offers a
nutritious lunch daily. The lunch menu is available in RenWeb. Menus include hot
entrees, a salad bar, and much more. Students in grades K-2 may purchase snacks
one day per week. The Teacher Assistant(s) will determine the appropriate day of the
week. Lunch accounts are maintained in RenWeb for each family. Lunch accounts are
‘draw-down’ accounts, not credit accounts. Parents are expected to fund their family’s
account appropriately. An email will be sent to notify the parents when the family’s lunch
account balance is at or below $5.00. Lunch money may be sent in with the child and
given the school secretary. Checks should be made out to StMM and have lunch
written in the memo. Parents also have the option of paying for hot lunch through
RenWeb. If a student has a zero or negative account balance and has not packed a
lunch from home, they may purchase a hot lunch, but will be denied any snacks or
treats. Students may choose to bring their lunch each day or may purchase a hot lunch.
Students are expected to use good table manners during lunch. They should remain
seated unless they have been given permission to purchase a snack, throw out trash, or
use the restroom. Courtesy toward other students (ie. Excluding someone from sitting
with a group) and cooperation with lunch monitors are in order at all times.
Contact the cafeteria staff for more information. StMM is a nut- free school (see page
44-45). Soda of any kind, candy, and drinks in glass containers are prohibited.
Health/Sick Child/Allergy Information
The health aide is on duty from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. A staff member, level C adult, or
responsible student will bring any child who is ill or hurt to the office. It is the
responsibility of the health aide or adult to contact the child’s parents. If a responsible
party cannot be contacted the child must remain in the health room.
Nuclear Emergency: Potassium Iodine (KI) Tablets
Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant is approximately 8 miles from our school. All schools
within a 10-mile radius of the plant are required to have emergency response plans that
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
provide for evacuation and relocation of students as the first response to nuclear power
plant emergency. (See Response Plan located in Part 3: Emergency Plans of this
Each classroom is supplied with enough KI tablets and cups for their students. Parents
are informed through the health room about the program, if they do not want their child
to participate in the program they must sign and return to the homeroom teacher the
STUDENT OPT – OUT FORM sent to them by the school. Teachers will be notified by
the health room aides of any student who is not supposed to be administered the tablet.
All student cumulative folders will be checked for up-to-date immunization data by the
school nurse. From the day of enrollment, a student’s parents have 30 calendar days in
which to complete the immunization requirements. If a deficiency is found please inform
the administration of the names of students who are out of compliance. Additionally, any
student that is not immunized must provide sufficient documentation to support their
reasons. Any student without immunization will be required to remain at home for a
period of 2 weeks if there is an outbreak of communicable disease in which most
students are immunized for.
As of July 1, 2015 new immunizations have gone into effect.
o Kindergarten students must have a 2
dose of varicella vaccine before
starting school.
o 7
grade students must have a booster dose of Tdap and one dose of
meningococcal conjugate vaccine.
Refer to for more information on vaccines.
Keeping your child home when they are not feeling well is good for both your child and
the community.
o A child should remain at home if they have a fever of 100.0 degrees or above
and be fever free for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
o A child should be free from vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to
o A child being treated with antibiotics for something like strep or pink eye should
be on the medication for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
o A child who requires crutches or any special physical accommodation must have
a note from the doctor indicating the need and the length of time
accommodations will be required.
o A child who has head lice may return to school 24 hours after application of an
effective pediculicide. Upon returning to school the child should be accompanied
by the parent or guardian to the school office/health room and remain until the
child is rechecked by school staff. The child should continue with treatments as
directed and will be checked again in 7 days.
In Accordance with the Diocesan Policy and NC 115C-375.1, physician authorization
and parent permission is required before school employees can administer any
prescription or over-the-counter medication. The “Physician Order for Student
Medication”, available on RenWeb under Resource Documents, must be filled in
completely prior to administration of medication.
All medications must be brought to school by the parent or guardian in the original
container or pharmacy labeled bottle with identifying and administration information. A
health aide or office staff member are the only personnel authorized to administer
medication. Medication will be dispensed between the hours of 10:00am and 2:00pm
each day. Note: It is the responsibility of the parent to dispense medication outside
those hours. Wake County Public Health regulations state that it is illegal for a child to
transport medication to and from school. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the parent
to bring the medication to school with a completed medical form. All dispensed
medications are recorded in RenWeb by the health aide/office staff.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Food Allergies: What is a “Nut-Free” School?
Nationally, a majority of schools have one or more children with known food allergies,
and a significant percentage of children with food allergies have been accidentally
exposed to a food allergen while at school.
Allergic reactions can be life-threatening
and have far-reaching effects on children and their families, as well as on the schools
they attend.
Because no treatment exists to prevent reactions to food allergies or
anaphylaxis, strict avoidance of the food allergen is the only way to prevent a reaction.
Saint Mary Magdalene is committed to offering a safe educational environment for all
students, including students with food allergies, by working cooperatively with parents,
students, and staff to minimize the risks of accidental exposure to a food allergen while
at school. Because the severity of a previous reaction is no indication of future severity,
St. Mary Magdalene assumes that all children with food allergies are at risk of
developing a severe, life-threatening reaction with any exposure.
Accordingly, St. Mary
Magdalene prohibits parents, students, and staff from bringing any food item to school,
including field trips and other school-sponsored events, that contains peanuts or tree
nuts, or that, according to its label, is processed in a facility that also processes nuts, is
processed on equipment that also processes nuts, or otherwise is labeled “may include
peanuts or tree nuts.” Foods that do not contain these labels generally are considered
safe to bring to school; however, if the food is not labeled, parents, students, and staff
should avoid bringing the food to school and, if the food is at school, staff should not
give the food to any child with a food allergy and should minimize the potential of an
airborne exposure.
Although St. Mary Magdalene has implemented a nut-free policy and prohibits food
labeled as containing or having been exposed to nuts, or processed in a facility that also
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools and
Early Care and Education Programs.” Washington, DC: US Department of Health and Human Services; 2013.
Federal law requires food labels in the United States to clearly identify food allergens and ingredients
that are, or contain any protein derived from, common food allergens such as peanuts and tree nuts. Id.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
processes nuts, we recognize that a student may inadvertently bring a food item to
school that contains or has been exposed to nuts. In that case, the food will be sent
home unopened with a note indicating that the food item contains nuts and is not
allowed at school. Parents should understand that the implementation of a “nut-free”
policy does not necessarily mean that there will never be foods with nuts in the school
setting, given that St. Mary Magdalene does not control all food items coming into the
facility. Because of the risk of an inadvertent exposure, it is important that parents
clearly communicate with their child’s teacher and with school health professionals
regarding the type and severity of their child’s food allergy, typical signs and symptoms
their child exhibits if having an allergic reaction, and an appropriate course of action in
the event of an exposure.
By working in partnership with students, parents, staff, and school health professionals
to (a) remove foods with nuts from the school setting, (b) educate students, parents,
and staff on the prevalence and severity of food allergies, and (c) understand the
symptoms related to exposure and respond swiftly and decisively to address incidental
exposures, St. Mary Magdalene seeks to create a safe educational environment that
minimizes the risks of inadvertent exposure and negative health consequences for
students with food allergies.
For more information on food allergies, how to read food labels, and safe snacks for
school please visit:
FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education):
“Snack Safely” provides a safe snack guide that is updated frequently at Click the green tab to view the guide.
Child Abuse Laws
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School abides by the Child Abuse laws of the State of
North Carolina. This law mandates that all cases of suspected abuse and/or neglect
be reported to Child Protective Services.
A certified counselor serves the needs of students and parents through class and
individual consultation.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
School Office Hours
The school office is open on all school days from 7:30am to 3:30 pm. In order to enable
the school to run efficiently and reduce classroom interruptions, the following guidelines
are in place:
1. Only emergency messages will be delivered to students and staff during the day
2. Students may use the classroom telephone to contact parents if given permission
by the teachers
3. Forgotten items will NOT be brought to the classroom, but can be left in the
school office
4. Dismissal plans must be made before the child comes to school each day
5. Visitors, including parents picking up a student, must wait in the office waiting
room or in the school lobby until the child arrives from the classroom
School Store
The PSO operates a school store in the lobby. School supplies are available.
School Visits
Parents and family members are always welcome at St. Mary Magdalene. In order to
ensure the safety of all of our children, visitors are required to stop at the main office
and sign the visitor’s log. An office staff member will provide a visitor’s badge. See Safe
Environment for more information.
The school reserves the right to search anything brought on school property. This
includes cell phones and other electronic devices.
Student Transportation
In order to maintain the highest level of safety, it is imperative that drivers are always
alert and focused on activity in the parking lot. Talking or texting on a cell phone
while the vehicle is running or moving is prohibited on school grounds.
The first parking lot (closest to the playground) is staff parking only, from 7am to 3:30
pm. Please heed the ‘Do Not Enter’ sign at the top of this parking lot. Enter at one of
the other parking sections.
The Town of Apex Police Department has stated that Town Side Drive is no longer
allowed to be a drop-off or pick-up point for our students.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
An orderly arrival and departure from school each day is critical in maintaining a safe
environment for all students. In order to ensure a smooth and productive arrival and
departure, it is important that everyone adheres to our guidelines.
Students will gather outside the main entrance of the building where assigned staff will
assist students. Teachers in grades PK -3 will wait with the students. Grades are
gathered in order with 3
grade students closest to the main doors. Older students may
stand on the concrete area around the trees.
Carpool Line Procedures
1. Be respectful and courteous at all times.
2. Do not talk or text on your cell phone while in the carpool line.
3. Remain in your car at all times.
4. Do not pass or drive around a car ahead of you.
5. Have a sign on your dashboard with the last name(s) of the family(ies) you are
picking up.
6. Follow the signals of the teachers directing the carpool line.
7. If you are the first car in line, pull all the way up to the crosswalk.
8. Once you have everyone in your car wait to be signaled to leave.
Note: You may be asked to drive around if the children in your carpool are not
loaded up in a timely fashion.
Park and Walk up Procedures
1. Parents that wish to park and walk up to the building may do so. You may wait
outside the building.
2. Please make sure a teacher acknowledges that you are taking your child.
3. Refrain from having a conference with the teacher at dismissal.
4. When leaving the school please walk in the designated cross walks.
5. Teachers will be directing both the cars in carpool as well as the families walking
to their cars. Wait for their signal before crossing a crosswalk.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Note: At 3:15 any child that has not been picked up will report to the After-School
Program where the parents will be contacted by a staff member. Aftercare is located in
the dining hall Monday through Thursday. On Friday aftercare is located in room 201 of
the academic building.
Snacks, Class Parties and Non-Instructional Celebrations
No off-campus parties are permitted. The only exception is the Green across the school
on Town Side Drive. Teachers may use this area for educational or celebration
Teachers may allow students to bring fruit or other nutritious snacks for a morning or
afternoon energy boost. Candy is prohibited, and non-nutritious snacks are
discouraged. Water is the only beverage allowed in the classroom. Instructional
activities will continue during the snack time. Teachers may use this time to read to the
students, watch an educational program, complete any unfinished seatwork, or other
audio-visual activities. StMM is a nut-free environment (see page 13-14).
Cakes, cupcakes, brownies and other birthday-type food are not allowed in the
classrooms or dining hall. The outside of lockers may not be decorated with balloons or
other decorations. Parents may not have birthday items delivered to the student at the
school. Birthday party invitations and thank-you notes may not be distributed in the
classroom. Please use the school directory to obtain email addresses or home
addresses to send invitations.
Class parties and Non instructional celebrations
Each grade is allowed to have two parties during the school year. Teachers will meet
with grade level parents to discuss details of the celebration. In cooperation with the
PSO Wellness Committee, StMM requests that there be healthy options are offered to
students when food is involved with the celebration. Additionally, StMM is a nut free
(see page 13-14). Along with the peanut allergy we have several children with milk,
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
egg, and gluten allergies. Please check with the teacher to be sure there are suitable
options for all children.
Family Trips
At times during the school year, a family may choose to take a trip and take the
student(s) out of school. For such trips, staff members will not provide students class
work prior to the trip other than to encourage students to continue working in the same
chapter. Students may bring books home so they can use RenWeb during their trip to
keep up with classwork and homework assignments. Students will have one day for
each school day missed to make up all required work, including quizzes and tests.
Field Trips
1. Field trips are designed to correlate with teaching units and to achieve curricular
2. Field trips are re-evaluated each year to determine the trips compatibility with
curricular goals.
3. A field trip is a privilege and not a right.
4. All grades do not always have the same number of field trips.
5. Field trips are permissible for all grades when advanced planning, location, and
the experience insure a successful learning opportunity.
6. Individual teachers, in consultation with the Administration, reserve the right to
restrict or deny student participation on any field trip due to, but not limited to,
poor academic performance and/or poor conduct (demerits).
7. A written official permission slip, signed by the parent, is required before a child
will be permitted to attend a field trip activity. Verbal permission cannot be
accepted. Permission slips are to be turned in to the supervising teacher.
8. A telephone call will not be accepted in lieu of the proper field trip permission slip.
9. Parents may refuse to permit their child from participating in a field trip by stating
so on the form. Students who do not attend a field trip will remain at home with
the parent and will be marked absent for the day.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
10. Money for a field trip should be turned in two weeks prior to the trip. Parents
may send in a check made out to StMM, or cash in the exact amount of trip (we
cannot give back change). Additionally, parents may pay for the trip via
RenWeb. If a parent has submitted payment via RenWeb, please indicate this
on the permission slip.
11. Students who are participating in the field trip must ride the bus to and from the
field trip with their class. Students not on the bus may not participate in the field
trip and will be counted absent for the day.
12. All monies collected for the field trip are non-refundable.
13. Cell phones are not allowed on field trips unless otherwise directed by the
teacher and/or administration.
14. Parents who are not “official” chaperones may not drive their car to a field trip
destination with the plan of accompanying the class on the field trip. Our risk
management insurance company insures the “official” chaperones and
participation by unofficial chaperones jeopardizes the protection for our students
and all other “official” adults on the trip.
15. Parents who chaperone a field trip may not bring pre-school or school-age
siblings on the field trip.
16. All chaperones must be 25 years of age or older.
17. All chaperones should refrain from smoking or drinking on a field trip.
NOTE: No student is permitted to call home for permission to go on a field trip. A FAX
of the original permission slip is acceptable, but e-mail or a phone call is not. Field trip
permission slips must be retained in the school office for one year.
Field trips are a privilege, not a right. Students not attending the field trip will remain at
home and will be marked absent.
The following is a list of extended (overnight) field trips that may be taken:
Grade 8: Camp Cheerio fall Leadership Retreat
Grade 7: Washington, DC fall Social Studies / Civics
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
School Communication
The administration, faculty, and staff of St. Mary Magdalene use a number of methods
of communication. Take Home Tuesday folders are used for returning classwork, home
work, tests, projects, as well as school related forms, fliers and announcements. The
Principal’s Update newsletter will be sent home via email and will be archived on
RenWeb. Other communication tools are the teacher pages in RenWeb, the school
website, email, parent conferences, classroom newsletters, student planners, phone
calls, PSO Newsletters, church bulletins, and the RenWeb Alert system.
Emergency Closings
When emergency conditions exist, the principal may direct the closing of the school
under one of the following classifications:
1. Close for one or more days
2. Open one or two hours late
3. Dismiss early if unsafe conditions occur before regular dismissal time
When it is necessary to close the school, open late, or dismiss early, the school will use
the RenWeb Alert system, and parents will receive a phone message on all of the
home, work and cell phones that are listed in RenWeb.
Note: If there is a 2 hour delay due to weather conditions or for any other reason, there
will be no morning pre-school. This includes both the 3 year old and 4 year old
Transfer of Schools
When a student transfers to another school:
1. All school property is to be returned to the homeroom teacher or the office.
2. The student’s report card will be emailed to the student’s home.
3. All financial obligations must be met before the student records are released.
4. Records of students transferring to other schools will only be sent through the US
Mail. No records will be given to parents to transport to the new school.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
5. Students requesting records/transcripts/recommendations must make a five
school-day request to the School Office. All forms should be submitted to StMM
for distribution. Completed forms will be sent via the U.S. Mail.
Accreditation and Affiliations
Saint Mary Magdalene is accredited through the AdvancED
Saint Mary Magdalene is approved by the North Carolina Association of Independent
Schools (NCAIS).
Saint Mary Magdalene is a member of National Catholic Education Association (NCEA).
Grades in RenWeb
For students in grades 3 – 8, grades are posted in RenWeb. Each teacher is
responsible for grading work and updating RenWeb on a timely basis, but parents
should expect that teachers will vary in their grading time schedules. Weekly progress
reports will be sent out via an automated email system. Additionally, automated reports
will be sent to notify parents of the following: a grade of 90% or above, a grade of 64%
or below, and a missing or incomplete assignment. Report cards will be emailed at the
end of each quarter. Parents will have access to the report card for 10 days and will
need to print it in order to have a hard copy. Access to report cards may be restricted if
library books or other materials are not returned, or fees are not paid at the end of the
Parent Conferences
Parent conferences will be scheduled at the end of the first quarter. Spring conferences
are held as needed. Conferences must be scheduled in advance. Teachers may
refuse to meet with a parent if the parent shows up unannounced. Teachers have
many other obligations after school and may not be available to meet on short notice.
Parent conferences for those students in grades 5-8 will be team conferences and will
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
be set up by the homeroom teacher. The student is expected to attend. A teacher may
invite an administrator or another teacher to the conference at his/her discretion.
Grading Scales
Kindergarten Grading Scale Grades 1 and 2 Grading Scale
M … Most of the Time O … Outstanding
S … Sometimes S+ … Shows Growth
N … Not Yet S … Satisfactory
S- … More Effort Needed
N … Needs Improvement
NA … Not Applicable
Grades 3-8 Grading Scale
Numeric grades are used for all academic subjects. Tests, class participation, class
work, projects, and homework are all considered when assigning a grade. The weight
of each grade may vary from teacher to teacher. The following scale is used to
evaluate students:
Numerical Grade Letter Equivalent
97-100 A+
93-96 A
90-92 A-
87-89 B+
83-86 B
80-82 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
65-69 D
64-Below F
7/8 grade electives/specials will use the same grading scale as the academic subjects.
The classes will be weighted in RenWeb so that a class that meets twice a week is not
weighted the same as a class that meets five days a week.
7/8 Grade Honors classes will be weighted in RenWeb so they will be worth more than
regular classes.
Specialist in all other grades will use the following grades:
O – Outstanding S – Satisfactory N - Needs Improvement U - Unsatisfactory
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
For a student to be eligible for any extra-curricular activity he/she must maintain all C's
or better and less than 7 demerits per grading period. Eligibility will be determined at
any time.
The athletic director, club sponsor (teacher), and administration has the authority to
suspend any student from an extra-curricular club or team at any time, if warranted.
Grading Scale for Specials (Grades K-6)
O … Outstanding S … Satisfactory N … Needs Improvement U …
Honor Roll
Honor roll will be awarded to 7
and 8
grade students by semester.
Principal Honor GPA 3.75 to 4.50
Academic Honors GPA 3.00 to 3.74
Honor Society
Students in 7th and 8th grade are eligible to be inducted into the St. Mary Magdalene
Chapter of National Junior Society. Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.75
for six quarters in the six major subject areas. The student’s conduct and effort must be
at the highest standard. They must have no more than 3 demerits per quarter to be
Honors Classes
Students in 7
and 8
grade will be offered the opportunity to take honors classes in
science, and English Language Arts. At the end of 6
and 7th grade students will be
given a placement exam. The results of the placement exam, ITBS scores in Reading
and Language Arts, and science along with teacher recommendation, will determine
honors placement.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
StMM Middle School Math Tracks
At St. Mary Magdalene we offer a number of different math tracks for middle school.
Each student will be evaluated to ensure correct placement. Our goal is to find the
class that will provide an appropriate challenge and at the same time, allow for success.
The chart below describes the math transitions through the grades.
Grade 7
Grade 8
CC Math 6 CC Math 7 CC Math 8
CC Math 6 CC Math 8 CC Math I
CC Math 7 CC Math 8 CC Math I
CC Math 7 CC Math I CC Math II
At the end of 5
th, and 6th,
grade students will be given a placement exam. The results of
the placement exam, ITBS scores in Reading and Math, math grades, and teacher
recommendation, will determine math placement.
At the end of 7
grade, all students will take an in-class comprehensive final exam. The
results of this test, along with quarterly grades and ITBS results, will be used to
determine 8
grade math placement.
Review of Student Academic and Discipline Records
The administration, with the assistance of the student’s teachers will review the
academic and discipline records of all students at the end of each quarter in order to
determine if the student is making appropriate progress. If the student shows no
progress, a letter of warning will be issued based on two or more of the following
1. Inconsistent class work
2. Inconsistent homework
3. Inconsistent preparation for quizzes and/or exams
4. Violation of the school’s Code of Student Expectations
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Promotion and Retention
A student who receives two or more D’s and/or F’s at the end of a grading period will be
placed on academic probation. The student has until the end of the semester to
achieve passing grades in those subjects. If the student does not achieve passing
grades at the end of the semester, a conference will be held in which a decision will be
made on whether or not the student will be allowed to continue at St. Mary Magdalene
School. Any student who fails reading, language arts and math for the year will be
recommended for retention. The only exception is an 8
grade student will receive a
certificate of attendance.
If a student is recommended for retention, a meeting will be held by April 30 with the
parents to determine the proper course of action. The parents will have the final say on
the first retention recommendation. If that student is referred for retention a second
time, the child will be retained.
If a student in grades 5-7 fails reading, language arts and math for the school year, that
student will be retained. If a student in grade 8 fails any of these subjects, the student
will receive a certificate of attendance instead of a diploma and may move into high
Academic and Ability Testing
Students in grades 2 through 8 will participate in an annual standardized testing
program. The results of all standardized tests are mailed to the parents. The testing
program includes:
Iowa Test of Basic Skills Grades 3 – 8 October
Cognitive Abilities Test Grades 3 and 5 October
Diocesan Writing Assessment Grades 4 and 7 March
NC Algebra EOC Grades 7 and 8 as applicable May
Homework assignments serve to reinforce and enrich learning experiences and/or
provide the opportunity to apply and use research skills. Homework assignments
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
include reading, writing, drill and practice, problem solving and analysis, observation,
research, projects, report writing, and study materials for future quizzes and tests. The
time allotment for homework depends on the type of assignment and grade level of the
student. All teachers are expected to coordinate the scheduling of projects, major tests,
and other activities. Homework assignments are posted in RenWeb, but are subject to
change based on the progress of each class. The student’s planner is the primary
source for homework assignments.
Daily homework assignments should last approximately:
10-15 mins Prek and Kindergarten
20-35 mins Grades 1 and 2
40-85 mins Grades 3 – 5
90-130 mins Grades 6 – 8
Total time required for completing homework assignments will vary from one student to
another. If a student is consistently exceeding these recommended times, parents
should discuss this with the teacher.
Homework/Classwork Makeup Policy
If a student is absent from school due to illness or family emergency, he/she will have
two days for every absent day to submit missing work. You may make arrangements
with your child’s teacher to have missed work available for you to pick up at the end of
day. The administration reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy.
Expectations and Discipline
Code of Student Expectations
The Code of Student Expectations is a guide for Catholic behavior. Its purpose is to create safe
atmosphere that promotes respect for oneself, for other students, for teachers, staff, other
adults, and school property. Every student has the right to learn in an environment that is
conducive to his/her personal growth and fulfillment of his/her academic, emotional, social, and
spiritual well-being. Every member of the school community has a responsibility to create and
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
maintain this environment. Students will respect the authority of all adults and abide by their
Students will respect and honor the opinion and property of fellow students.
Students will be honest and forthright in all that they do.
Students will conduct themselves in a proper manner while moving about the campus.
Students will exercise self-control and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all
Students will adhere to classroom rules as well as school policies and procedures.
Students will be responsible for completing all classroom assignments.
If a student repeatedly violates the Code of Student Expectations, the student will be referred
to the administration. At the discretion of the administration, the student may be suspended
from school. Any student that accumulates multiple violations of the code could face out of
school suspension or expulsion.
Discipline Policy
The Discipline Policy is outlined in three levels. Level I, II, and III represent a continuum of
misbehaviors based on severity and frequency of the occurrence. Our goal is to provide a code
that will ensure fairness and consistency. Student expectations are at the core of this code.
The examples provided should not be considered as all the possible violations but simply as a
guideline. Additionally, behavior should be documented in RenWeb. When sending a behavior
notice to parents please fill out the form as if you are sending an email. The behavior
notification comes to the parent as an email, not a form.
Level I (Teacher)
Level I offenses include minor misbehaviors on the part of the student which are disruptive to
the operation and educational environment of the school. Repeated instances of these
infractions at this level raise the offense to a higher level.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
The following list includes, but is not limited to behaviors that will result in Level I
o disrespect towards other students
o bullying/harassment(first offense)
o nonconformity to dress code
o chewing gum
o eating or drinking at unauthorized times or in unauthorized areas
o tardiness to class
o missed assignments
o any other misbehavior deemed as a Level I violation
o violation of the Technology Agreement
Level I Consequences
o detention
o lunch detention
o conference with student
o Time out period in the office
o extra written assignment
o loss of computer privilege
Level 1 offense will be handled by the teacher who issued the referral. The teacher will email
the parent the day of the incident using the behavior section in RenWeb. This way all behavior
is documented and the administration can see the patterns in case of persistent problems.
The parent is expected to speak to the child, and follow up with the teacher. When sending a
behavior notice to parents please fill out the form as if you are sending an email. The behavior
notification comes to the parent as an email, not a form.
Level II (Administrators)
Level II offenses are misbehaviors whose frequency or seriousness disrupts the learning
climate of the school or classroom. These behaviors can result from the continuation of Level I
misbehaviors or include new offenses. Repeated or more serious instances of misbehavior at
this level raise the offense to a higher level.
The following list includes, but is not limited to behaviors that will result in Level II
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
o persistent Level I behaviors
o continuous harassment/bullying
o cheating including plagiarism
o defiance
o verbal abuse
o inappropriate physical contact including “shanking”
o misrepresentation of parent or guardian
o absent from class without teacher/administrative approval
o violation of the technology code
o lying
o bringing/reading inappropriate material in school
o any misbehavior that severely disrupts the “normal” flow of the class or school.
o use of any social networking site in which the student defames another StMM student,
faculty, member, administration and/or the school.
Level II Consequences
o detention or ISS
o 1 week loss of extra-curricular privileges including participation in sports and school
sponsored clubs
o denied participation in a class field trips
o parent/student conference with teacher and Mr. Cadran
o loss of computer privileges
All referrals at this level are to be sent to Mr. Cadran for action. He will notify parents of the act
and punishment. A second violation of a Level II offense will result in an automatic in-school
(ISS) or out of school suspension (OSS). In addition, the student will lose of all privileges
(sports, clubs, and field trips) for a time to be determined by Mr. Cadran.
Level III (Administrators)
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Level III offenses are acts whose frequency or seriousness disrupt the learning climate of the
school and are directed against persons or properties. These misbehaviors could endanger the
health or safety of those in the school.
Level III Behaviors
o weapons, narcotics drugs, or alcohol
o prescription drugs
o defiance
o theft
o gambling
o sexual harassment
o threats
o physical fighting
o vulgar language
Level III Consequences
o In school suspension
o Out of school suspension
o Expulsion
o Loss of all privileges associated with school sponsored sports, clubs and field trips for
the remainder of the semester or a minimum of 30 calendar days.
All referral at this level are to be submitted it to Mr. Cadran. He will determine the severity of
the act and the punishment. Mr. Cadran will notify the parents of the violation and punishment.
A conference will be automatically scheduled with the parents and student before he/she can
return to school.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Additionally, behavior should be documented in RenWeb. When sending a behavior notice to
parents please fill out the form as if you are sending an email. The behavior notification comes
to the parent as an email, not a form.
NOTE: Because it is impossible to foresee all problems that can arise, the
administration can take disciplinary action for any behavior that violates the spirit and
philosophy of St. Mary Magdalene School, even if not specified in the Code of Student
Expectations/Discipline Code.
Demerit System Grades 5-8
The demerit system has been established to emphasize to students that our expectations for
them will be enforced at all times. Those who receive a demerit for any of the behaviors listed
above (Level 1, 2, or 3) will have an adverse effect on their participation in all middle school
activities including, sports teams, clubs, school productions, and field trips.
The demerit system is as follows:
0-1 demerits.......................Outstanding Behavior
2-4 demerits.......................Satisfactory
5-6 demerits.......................Needs Improvement
7 and above demerits........ Unsatisfactory
If any student that receives a "Needs improvement or Unsatisfactory" at the end of a grading
period, that student will be suspended from all extra-curricular activity for a period of two
weeks beginning the next school day after report cards go home .
Unauthorized Cell Phone usage 1
offense 1 Demerit
Unauthorized Cell Phone usage 2
offense 2 Demerits
Unauthorized Cell Phone usage 3
offense 3 Demerits
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Unauthorized Cell Phone usage 4
offense 4 Demerits
Cheating on homework 1 Demerits
Cheating on exams or quizzes or projects 4 Demerits
Chewing Gum 1 Demerit
Cutting Class 4 Demerits
Defying Authority 4 Demerits
Destruction of Property 4 Demerits
Disobedience 1 Demerit
Disrespect 1 Demerit
Disrespect to a teacher 3 Demerits
Class Disruption 1 Demerit
Dress Code Violation 1 Demerit
Drugs/Alcohol 6 Demerits
Endangering Others 4 Demerits
Excessive talking 1 Demerit
Excessive Tardy 1 Demerit
Failed to show up for detention 3 Demerits
Any Detention 2 Demerits
Hitting/Fighting 4 Demerits
Harassment/Bullying 4 Demerits
Off limits area of campus 3 Demerits
Inappropriate Language 3 Demerits
Inappropriate Behavior 2 Demerits
Kicking 1 Demerit
Leaving room without permission 2 Demerits
Lying 3 Demerit
Mischief 1 Demerit
Name Calling 1 Demerit
Work refusal 1 Demerit
Noisemaking 1 Demerit
Not Following Directions 1 Demerit
Not keeping hands to oneself 1 Demerit
Horseplay 1 Demerit
Not prepared for class 1 Demerit
Pushed a Teacher 7 Demerits
Plagiarism 4 Demerits
Poor Attention 1 Demerit
Weapons 8 Demerits
Profanity 3 Demerits
Unsatisfactory Conduct 1 Demerit
Sexual Harassment 7 Demerits
Shoving/Pinching 1 Demerit
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Stealing 5 Demerits
Threatening 5 Demerits
Violation of the Technology Agreement Varies
Misrepresentation of parent or guardian 4 Demerits
Bringing or reading inappropriate material in school 4 Demerits
Gambling 7 Demerits
For a student to be eligible for any extra-curricular activity he/she must maintain all C's or
better and less than 7 demerits per grading period. Eligibility will be determined at any time.
The athletic director, club sponsor (teacher), and administration has the authority to suspend
any student from an extra-curricular club or team at any time, if warranted.
School Safety, Harassment, Bullying
St. Mary Magdalene provides a safe environment for all students. Verbal or written threats
against the physical or emotional well-being of any student will be taken seriously. Students
who make threats face detention, suspension, and expulsion. Threats are evaluated from the
perspective of the person being threatened, whether that threat was made seriously or in jest,
or in person, on-line, over the phone, etc. Engagement in online blogs such as, but not limited
to, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Friendster, Instagram, SnapChat, etc, may result in
disciplinary action if the content of the student’s post includes defamatory comments about the
school, the faculty, the parish, or other students. Using the Internet at home or at school to
make derogatory comments about any member of the school community can result in
disciplinary action taken at school.
Electronic Devices
Please see the Technology Policy (page 76) for details regarding electronics such as cell
phones, lap tops, e-readers, etc.
School Uniform Policies
We have two suppliers for new uniforms:
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Lands' End (regular uniforms): 1.800.963.4816. School code # is: 900148248.
Educational Outfitters (regular and PE uniforms): 1331 Buck Jones Road, Raleigh, (919)
804-5437. School code NC054.
The PSO maintains a used uniform store in the school's main lobby. Parents may shop for
used uniforms anytime that the school is open.
Uniforms for grades 4 Year Old Preschool to 8
Girls (PK4-8)
Uniform drop waist plaid jumper
Uniform burgundy polo dress
Uniform khaki or plaid skort
Uniform pleated khaki or plaid skirt
Uniform khaki walking shorts, pants or Capris
Uniform burgundy or white short-sleeve or long-sleeve polo shirt
Uniform white oxford
Uniform stripped oxford
Uniform white Peter Pan blouse
Uniform burgundy polar fleece jacket or fleece vest
Uniform burgundy sweatshirt
Uniform burgundy or gray sweater
Uniform gray fleece quarter zip up
Uniform burgundy Monarch Athletic or Club hooded sweatshirt
Boys (PK4-8)
Uniform khaki shorts or pants
Uniform burgundy or white short-sleeve or long-sleeve polo shirt
Uniform white oxford
Uniform stripped oxford
Uniform burgundy polar fleece jacket or fleece vest
Uniform burgundy sweatshirt
Uniform burgundy or gray sweater
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Uniform gray fleece quarter zip up
Uniform burgundy Monarch Athletic or Club hooded sweatshirt
Uniforms for 3 Year Old Preschool
The children in the three year old preschool program do not have to wear a school
uniform, however, they need to wear closed toed shoes everyday.
Shoes and Socks Policy
Heels cannot be more than one inch in height. Materials for shoes must be leather or
suede. Acceptable shoes include flat loafers, buckle or tie oxfords, saddle shoes, and
girls’ flat strap shoe (straps must be worn over the foot). No open toe or open heel
shoes; no shoes with wheels, no hiking boots, sandals, clogs, or crocs allowed.
Students may wear sneakers every day if they wish. Sneakers must be tied securely.
Sneakers must be predominantly one color. No shoes that beep or blink; no high
tops, no shoes with wheels, no slip-on sneakers.
Socks must be predominantly white, burgundy, black or gray and must be visible above
the shoe. Girls may wear knee socks in the same colors.
In winter months girls may wear tights or leggings under their skirts/dresses. Tights
may be white, burgundy, black or gray. Black, gray, or white leggings may be worn as
long as there are no embellishments or accents on them. Leggings should be form
fitting to the leg, not loose, and tucked into socks so that no skin is showing at the
Physical Education Uniforms (Grades K-8)
Uniform mesh (boys) shorts
Uniform nylon (girls) shorts
Uniform cotton shorts
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Uniform PE T-Shirts/Dri FIT shirts
Uniform burgundy sweatshirts
Uniform burgundy sweatpants (cotton or nylon)
Additional Uniform Regulations
1. Only official school uniforms may be worn in the classroom
2. Three-year-old preschool students do not wear school uniforms
3. Make-up may not be worn or brought to school
4. French nails, nail tips or color polish may not be worn
5. Only one chain necklace may be worn with a religious medal or cross in which
the medal or cross is 1” or less
6. No rings, wrist or ankle bracelets may be worn, including Fitbits or similar
products. The only exception is that students may wear no more than one
bracelet supporting a Non-Profit or charitable organization or cause, ie
LiveStrong. No silly bandz, or any other bracelet of that type are allowed
7. Girls may wear only one pair of stud earrings, with one earring in each ear.
Dangling earrings may not be worn
8. Boys are not permitted to wear earrings
9. Shirts are to be tucked into the front and back of the student’s shirt, pants, or
10. Belts are to be worn with pants and shorts (grades 2-8)
11. Boys’ hair must be worn no longer than collar length and must not touch the ears
or eyebrows. Fad haircuts are not permitted
12. Dyed, bleached, highlighted, or colored hair is not permitted
13. Skirts and jumpers must be no shorter than two inches above the kneecap
14. Cologne and perfume are not permitted
15. Skirts, shorts, pants and capris must not be rolled at the waist
16. Only StMM outerwear may be worn in the classroom
17. Hats are not permitted
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Uniform Guidelines for Dress-Down Days
No makeup including colored fingernail polish
Shoulders, stomach, back, and under garments cannot show (no tank tops or
spaghetti straps)
No hats
Must have closed toed shoes
No jeans unless specified by Mr. Cadran
Girls: shorts, skirts, and dresses - no more than 2 inches above the knee
Boys: appropriate T-shirt logo
Uniform Guidelines for Dress-Up Days
Collared Shirt (polo or button down) tucked in
Dress pants or shorts with belt
Closed toed shoes
No Jeans
Dress shirt – no writing except a logo
Skirt, dress, pants or shorts – all appropriate length (approximately no shorter
than 2 inches above the knee)
Closed toed shoes
No jeans
On dress up or dress down days, students may wear a collared shirt or T-shirt with
appropriate-length shorts. No tank tops or tops with spaghetti straps may be worn.
Students must follow the standard shoe and sock guidelines.
Enforcement of Dress Code
Students not in proper uniform (ie PE uniform vs. regular uniform) will be given a
demerit. Additional dress code violations will be treated as a Level I offense.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
School Committees and Parent Volunteers
The Parent School Organization and the School Advisory Committee provide
opportunities for parents to be actively involved in setting the direction for the school.
Interested parents should contact the PSO organization, via the school website.
Parent School Organization
The Parent School Organization is comprised of three groups: The Executive Board,
Chairpersons of Standing Committees, and the general school membership. Every
family is a member of the PSO. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend monthly
meetings and join one of the standing committees. Monthly meetings are held on the
second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in the media center.
School Advisory Council
The School Advisory Council’s role is to advise the principal on matters of public
relations, marketing, finance and other areas that promote the smooth operation of the
school. The SAC members are to be selected from the parish and broader community.
The principal may appoint some members after consultation with the pastor.
Membership is not limited to Catholics since some of the students enrolled are of other
faiths. There shall be a maximum of 15 members of the SAC. Board membership shall
include persons with expertise in long-range planning, public relations, marketing and
finance. The term of membership is two or three years, depending on the position.
The SAC meets a minimum of four times per school year.
Volunteers/Safe Environment Requirements
All parents who volunteer in the classroom, chaperone field trips, or interact with students must
participate in the Safe Environment Program. In order to foster a safe environment, all
volunteers must be screened as required by the Diocese of Raleigh. This includes a
background check and attending Safe Environment (SE) Training. Background checks and SE
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Training are valid for 5 years. You will be notified by the Safe Environment Coordinator when
your SE training is due to be renewed.
All classroom and school volunteers who are 16 or older must have Level B or Level C
Description and requirements are as follows:
o Level B Volunteer (minimum clearance)
o No age requirement
o Is allowed supervised interaction with children and youth under the age of
18 only when a Level C adult is present.
o Requirements to become Level B: Completed Level B application (no
background check); 3 references; attend SE training. Note: Anyone
under 18 is not required to attend SE training.
o Upon approval, a Level B (yellow) nametag will be printed for the
o Level C Volunteer (maximum clearance)
o Must be at least 18 years old
o Is allowed unsupervised interaction with children and youth under the age
of 18.
o Requirements to become Level C: Completed Level C application with
approved background check; 3 references; attend SE training.
o Upon approval, a Level C (white) nametag will be printed for the volunteer
Volunteers must stop by the school office to sign in and pick up their volunteer nametag.
All adults attending or chaperoning a field trip are required to be Level C.
More information, including Safe Environment Applications may be found on the church
Parent Facebook Pages
Parent Facebook pages should be handled with care and consideration. Before posting
pictures of StMM School events on your Facebook pages, please consider whether you have
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
permission of other parents to do so. In this faith-based community, we ask parents to work
together on this issue and be respectful of each other and of the safety of our students.
Potty Training Policy
Children enrolled in PK3 and PK4 at StMM must be potty trained before attending
preschool. Children must be wearing underwear with very few accidents. A child
having accidents daily would not be considered potty trained. Please note that wearing
pull ups isn’t considered being potty trained.
Why do children have to be potty trained before they begin preschool?
There are strict standards for changing and disposing of wet or soiled diapers.
The classrooms are not equipped for diaper changing.
When an adult is busy changing a child’s diaper or soiled clothing, it is taking away from
learning time for all students and it removes one adult from the direct supervision of and
interaction with the rest of the class.
We do understand that even potty trained children will occasionally have toileting
accidents. By definition, "accidents" are unusual incidents and should happen
infrequently. In these instances, the teachers will help children to change their clothes,
encouraging independence as much as possible.
A potty trained child is a child who can do the following:
1. Communicate to the teachers that he/she needs to go to the restroom before they
need to go.
2. Alert him/herself to stop what he/she is doing, to go and use the bathroom.
3. Pull down his/her clothes and get them back up without assistance.
4. Wipe him/herself after using the toilet. (With minimal assistance for 3 year olds.)
5. Get on/off the toilet by him/herself.
6. Wash and dry hands.
7. Postpone going if they must wait for someone who is in the bathroom or if we are
away from the classroom.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
8. Awaken during nap time should they need to use the bathroom.
We certainly will ask your child many times throughout the day and always before nap
time if they need to use the bathroom. A teacher will assist children as needed, but
children should be able to complete toileting activities independently. This is an issue
which protects all concerned.
It is not uncommon for a child who is fully toilet trained to have a setback when he/she
is in a new environment. Preschool Staff are aware of this and will assist the children
when necessary. Please dress your child in clothing that can be undone and changed
easily. Please send a complete change of clothes appropriate for the season. These will
be left at school in case of accidents, and returned at the end of the school year.
Parents will be notified if a child has a toileting accident.
We understand that each child arrives at this milestone differently, therefore we will
allow 6 weeks from the first day of school for your child to demonstrate accomplishment
of this goal. However, if the situation is not manageable within the classroom
environment, we will discuss the issue with the parents and reserve the right to suspend
attendance of the child at such time.
If your child is not completely potty trained as described above when preschool starts,
the following options are available:
1. You may withdraw your child from preschool and place their name at the top of our
waiting list. Registration and supply fees are non-refundable; however, if your child is re-
enrolled in our program at a later date during the same school year, you will not need to
pay these fees again. If you choose this option, we cannot guarantee that a space will
be available.
2. You may pay 1⁄2 tuition to hold your child’s spot (for up to two months) until potty
training has been completed.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
A child will not be considered toilet trained for our preschool program if the child
continues to consistently have toileting accidents (excluding nap time accidents) after
the first 6 weeks of school.
After the first 6 weeks of school, the following policies will be in place for children who
have accidents outside of nap time.
1. If one or two accidents occur in one week, the parent will be notified with the
understanding that the issue needs to be addressed and corrected.
2. If three or more accidents occur in one week, the parent will be notified with the
understanding that if the issue isn’t corrected by the end of the second week, the child
will have to stay home at least one week or longer until he/she is completely potty-
trained. Tuition will not be pro-rated during this time. Parents should contact the director
to facilitate the child’s return to school.
3. If multiple accidents occur in one day, the parent will be notified on that day; and if
not corrected by day three, the child will have to stay home at least one week or longer
until he/she is completely potty-trained. Tuition will not be pro-rated during this time.
Parents should contact the director to facilitate the child’s return to school.
We will work with parents whose children have habitual nap time accidents on an
individual basis.
StMM Athletic Handbook
Athletic Guidelines and Procedures
It shall be the purpose of the St. Mary Magdalene School Athletic Program to promote
and develop good sportsmanship by example, to support team building, and the spirit of
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
competition that reflects the values of the Catholic Church and St. Mary Magdalene
Catholic School.
An athlete must have both a physical and a signed permission form on file in the
school office to participate in sports each school year.
Athletics fee is $85 per sport.
Students in grades 6, 7, or 8 are eligible to participate in sports. If a team can’t be
created due to the lack of players, fifth grade students may participate.
A student may participate in only one sport per season unless arrangements are
made between coaches.
An athlete is chosen to be a member of a team solely basis of his/her ability
demonstrated during tryouts.
Playing time is earned. There is no minimum playing time. The TCSAC is a
competitive league.
The principal has the discretion to remove or suspend any athlete from a team
due to academic/behavior problems. A conference will be held with the athlete’s
parents before any action is taken.
If a player is absent from school or attends school for less than 3.5 hours, he/she
is not allowed to participate in a scheduled practice or game on the day in which
he/she is absent.
An athletic candidate must support their Saint Mary Magdalene Team above all
other teams and non-school related activities. Any member of a StMM sports
team who misses a game or practice to attend another team’s game or practice
will be suspended for one game. If a second game is missed, the player will be
removed from the team. Coaches may override this policy only after consulting
with the principal.
Every athlete must be in good academic standing in order to practice or play in
An athlete must have a minimum of C’s or better in all academic classes
including electives or specials. Some electives and specials use letter grades
while others use "O, S, or U".
The principal will check the grades on a weekly basis. If a student has a "D" or
"F" or "U" in any class; that student will receive a warning and the parent will be
notified. If the grade does not improve, the student will be suspended for three
weeks (practice and games).
If a student receives one of the following during a sports season, the following
action will be taken by the administration.
2 detentions in a sports season……1 missed game
1 ISS (in school suspension)……….2 missed games
OSS (Suspension from school)…….dismissed from the team
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
If any athlete is unable to meet the requirements as outlined in this document or
is unable to continue, the coach may choose to add a player based on their try-
out. The Principal must approve any additions to the team after the team is
Playing Time
All players will be evaluated based on their ability along with participation,
attitude, and commitment during practice and games. All these factors are used
to determine playing time.
No player is guaranteed playing time, regardless of their grade. Players are
encouraged to ask their coach what they need to do to increase their playing
time. Parents are discouraged from asking the coaches about their child’s
playing time or playing position. As a middle school athlete, it is the responsibility
of the athlete to discuss any issues or concerns with the coach.
A player may leave a game early if injured, illness, or family emergency.
Excused absences will be granted by the Head Coach for injury, illness,
academic standing, or for unique circumstances after discussion with the player’s
Expectations of Coaches, Players, and Parents
Coaching Philosophy
Coaches will:
o Choose the team based on ability.
o Encourage and develop in players a love of the game.
o Demand model behavior during practices and games
Winning is secondary to teaching strong moral and life skills.
Expectations of Players
Set an example for other students and athletes at STMM in attendance, school
work ethic, and Catholic behavior and attitude on and off the field.
Arrive on time and ready to play on practice and game days.
Appropriate clothing and equipment must be worn at all practices. Coaches have
the right to prevent an athlete from practicing if he/she is inappropriately dressed
or without proper equipment.
Tolerance of your teammates, opposing team players, coaches and officials is
expected of all athletes. Anything less will result in being suspended or
dismissed from the team.
Captain(s) will lead both teams in prayer before home games.
Captains are expected to set the example for all players on and off the field.
Expectations of Parents
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
During practice and games, please refrain from instructing your child. Let the
coaches instruct. Parents are to encourage and support all members of the St.
Mary Magdalene team.
For games, please try to follow the NO INSTRUCTION VERBS rule for
supporting the players and team.
Negative or hostile comments towards the officials, coaches and members of the
opposing team before, during, and after games will not be tolerated. The coach,
athletic director, and/or an administrator reserves the right to ask a parent to
leave a venue.
Other Information
Parents Logistical Assistances
Each coach is to select a team parent to communicate with AD, administration,
coaches, and other parents regarding latest updates, changes to schedules,
weather, etc.
The Team Parent is to develop a carpool schedule for away games, as
requested by the coach.
Transportation to and from all practices (if off-site) and games is the
responsibility of the parents.
Non-League Tournaments
Transportation to and from a non-league tournaments is the responsibility of the
If a StMM teams enters a non-league tournament (league or non-league), all
school rules and policies are enforced.
StMM will pay the entry fee for non-league tournaments (1 per sport).
The school provides uniforms for all school sponsored sports.
Parents are required to pay for any uniform that is damaged, lost or not returned
after the end of each sport season. The cost of replacing a uniform is $100.
Practice Days
Practices won’t be held on weekends, but may be held on teacher workdays.
No more than four days a week can be used for athletic activities unless
approved by the principal or the AD.
StMM Technology Policy and Handbook
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Technology Policy Mission Statement
The St. Mary Magdalene technology policy provides a specific set of guidelines to help
our students learn to utilize technology as it applies to basic skills, problem-solving, and
critical thinking skills through the use of authentic applications in a faith-based
environment. The policy helps our teachers and staff provide an environment that
enables students to develop a high level of competence with technology-based learning
objectives while at the same time developing a sense of social conscience and
responsibility for themselves and others as a living testament to our faith.
It is the expectation of all students using technology at St. Mary Magdalene that they
apply their knowledge and understanding of technology to make good choices that do
not harm others or damage their reputation. This policy will be updated as needed to
reflect the landscape of learning in the digital age.
Online Program Policies and Guidelines
Google Apps for Education and other online programs (RenWeb, Moodle,
etc.) are currently provided to all staff, faculty members and students. Students
are not permitted to share outside of the domain, and should never log
into another G-mail or e-mail account from school property.
E-mail is not enabled for students within the Google
Documents that originate from or are received by a school-owned
computer or its contracted hosting company, in our case Google Apps For
Education, Moodle, or RenWeb are the property of StMM and can be used during
a legal proceeding.
All school-owned Google, RenWeb, and Moodle accounts are the property
of StMM. This includes Typing Tutor, Math XL, Symbaloo, or any other online
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
programs with accounts created for student use.
Student accounts will be deleted in August of a student’s graduation year
and the student is solely responsible for transferring any data in their account to
a personal, non-StMM account.
The sole purpose of the student-assigned Google account is for students
to create and collaborate with school staff and fellow students. The same is true
for Moodle as it relates to teacher-assigned work.
Use of the StMM Google, RenWeb, and Moodle accounts is a privilege.
This also includes any external website or program a teacher assigns to students
on a grade-level basis.
Use of StMM accounts by students will align with the code of conduct in
the Student Parent Handbook and the code will be used for discipline purposes.
Students who use StMM-assigned accounts will exhibit maturity and common
sense, specifically in these areas:
Students are responsible for messages sent from their
accounts when creating and sharing documents or using the comments or
chat features. Students should exercise extreme caution with their
passwords and never let a fellow student use their account.
No student shall use their StMM Google account for
personal reasons. The same is true for any StMM-assigned account or
website used for school purposes.
StMM reserves the right to terminate either temporarily or permanently a
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Google account or other school-owned accounts if used inappropriately.
Students will not identify their personal/home telephone
numbers, home addresses or any personal information in any
communications originating or within a Google Document or any related
program, unless specifically pre-arranged by StMM staff for specific
No assumption of privacy should be assumed with a StMM-
assigned accounts. StMM administrative and technology staff reserves the
right to go into a user’s account to find lost documents, help make edits,
find messages, to conduct lawful investigations, or to comply with
investigations of wrongful acts. StMM will cooperate fully with any law
enforcement investigation. Illegal activities on the system will be referred
to law enforcement authorities for appropriate legal action.
Since StMM-assigned accounts can be accessed outside the
boundaries of our schools (web-based accounts) students are required to
maintain the same behavior that is expected of them while in school.
Cell Phone and Personal Devices Policy
Cell Phone
Students are permitted to bring their cell phone to school. However, phones must be
turned off, this means “off”, not on mute or vibrate mode, prior to entering either
school building. The phone may not be turned back on until the end of the school day.
Any student who fails to turn off their cell phone and is caught with it in their possession
or turned on will have their phone confiscated. The phone will be brought to the main
office. The only exception are students who are working one on one with a teacher for a
specific educational purpose. They may use their cell phone as directed by the teacher.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
After school students may use their phones in the building for educational purposes.
Some of these purposes include, but are not limited to, recording due dates, taking
pictures of due dates posted on the board, and setting reminders about homework or
other assignments.
Students participating in after school athletic or academic events/practices may use
their cell phones with permission from their coach.
Students attending StMM After School Program will not be allowed the use of their cell
phone. During the after school program cell phones are to be stored in a backpack. Cell
phones must be turned “off” at all times. This means “off”, not on mute or vibrate
First Violation: The phone will be confiscated by school staff and brought to the main
office. The phone will be returned to the student at the end of the day, at which time the
student will call his/her parent and explain that this is his/her first cell phone violation.
Additionally, the student will be given a dermit. The student will be given another copy of
this policy (This policy appears on our website in the parent/student handbook).
Second Violation: The phone will be confiscated by school staff and brought to the
main office. A parent or guardian will be required to pick up the phone and will be given
another copy of this policy (This policy appears on our website in the parent/student
handbook). It will be the student’s responsibility to contact his/her parent after school
hours to notify him/her of the violation. Additionally, the student will be given two
Third Violation: The phone will be confiscated by school staff and brought to the main
office. The student’s parent or guardian will be notified by the administration that this is
the third offense and that the phone will remain in the school’s possession for five days.
After that time the parent or guardian will be required to pick up the phone and will be
given another copy of this policy (This policy appears on our website and in the
Parent/Student Handbook). Additionally, the student will be given three demerits.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Fourth and Final Violation: The phone will be confiscated by school staff and brought
to the main office. The student’s parent or guardian will be notified that this is the fourth
and final violation and that the student will no longer be allowed to bring the phone
in question or any other cell phone to school for 90 days. The phone in question
will remain in the school’s possession for twelve days. After that time, the parent or
guardian will be required to pick up the phone, will be given another copy of this policy
(This policy appears on our website and in the Parent/Student Handbook), and will be
asked to sign a form stating that s/he understands that his/her child cannot bring any
cell phone to school for the remainder of the year. Additionally, the student will receive
an in-school suspension for his/her continued disregard for these guidelines.
Personal Devices
In an effort to put students at the center and empower them to take control of their own
learning, StMM will allow students to use personal technology devices. The use of an
approved personal electronic device is a privilege, and students may be denied access
at any time. Students wishing to participate in the Technology Acceptable Use Policy
must comply with the following guidelines and procedures. Students who violate the
policy and/or rules will have their computer privileges revoked and may also be subject
to further disciplinary action.
Device Types:
For the purpose of this program, the ‘device’ means a privately owned wireless and/or
portable electronic piece of equipment that only includes e-Readers, iPads, laptops,
netbooks, chromebooks, and tablets.
All students and parents must sign a Device Use Agreement Permission
Form prior to the student bringing their device to school. (Attachment A)
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
The student takes full responsibility for his or her device and keeps it with
himself or herself at all times. The school is not responsible for the security of the
The student is responsible for the proper care of their personal device,
including any costs of repair, replacement or any modifications needed to use the
device at school.
The school reserves the right to inspect a student’s personal device for
any reason. Especially if there is reason to believe that the student has violated
the technology policy, school rules or has engaged in other misconduct while
using their personal device.
The student must ask permission of the teacher before turning on their
device in a particular classroom. The student must comply with a teacher’s
request to shutdown the computer or close the screen.
Personal devices shall be charged prior to bringing it to school and shall
be capable of running off its own battery while at school.
The student may not use the devices to record, transmit or post photos or
video of a person or persons on StMM’s campus.
The student should only use their device to access relevant files.
The student will log into the student wireless network using their Active
Directory credentials. Use of 3G & 4G, or other wireless connections is
Students will use the StMM network and resources in a manner that is
consist with the school. The use of StMM network for personal use or private
gain is prohibited.
Students will help maintain the integrity of the school information system.
They will not deliberately tamper or experiment with settings, network, firewalls,
programs, or software being used by StMM.
School-Owned Devices
Students are given the privilege to use school-owned devices to complete projects,
online tests and quizzes, or other assignments. In addition to all of the policies outlined
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
here, it is imperative for students to know that proper use of any StMM device is
essential. For that reason, the following additional guidelines apply:
Students who deliberately tamper or experiment with settings, network,
firewalls, programs, hardware or software may be charged for repairs not
covered under warranty.
Students who attempt to misuse school-owned devices in any way, or
repeatedly do not follow instructions on how to handle these devices will lose the
privilege to work with them going forward, and may be subject to consequences
as outlined in the discipline policy for technology below.
Discipline Policy for Technology
The StMM Technology Policy is modeled after our discipline code. Levels 1, 2, and 3
determine consequences and provide guidance for students, parents, and teachers.
StMM administrators, teachers, and staff reserve the right to make specific
judgements regarding student actions based on individual circumstances. The
following policies apply to student use of school devices and student actions from any
device while on school grounds and/or on the school’s Internet network.
All students will be given this information at the beginning of the year, and reminded at
appropriate times throughout the year. It will be posted outside the computer lab door,
and made visible on the mobile laptop cart. It is up to each student to ensure
understanding of these policies. Information and sharing of these policies constitutes a
first warning; student behavior going forward are subject to the policies below.
Student responsibilities:
Each student has a responsibility to know and stay up to date with the
information and files in their Google Drive account, and should check their
“Shared with Me” folder frequently.
It is each student’s responsibility to tell a teacher or administrator if there
is any knowledge of files, comments, or Google document messages that are not
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
school related, especially if the content or language being used is inappropriate.
These files should then be deleted.
Bystanders who have knowledge of inappropriate use of our programs,
like Google Drive, but do not speak up may face consequences. Students who
remain silent will be held at least partially responsible for allowing that document
or chat to continue to be utilized.
Each student has the responsibility to use school time and resources for
appropriate means.
Each student has the responsibility to understand the technology
agreement and responsible use of programs, hardware, and software.
Each student has the responsibility to make appropriate choices based on
the information that has been provided by school administrators and teachers.
StMM responsibilities:
StMM has a responsibility to thoroughly investigate any inappropriate use
of our Google Drive accounts and other school-related programs.
StMM has a responsibility to enforce appropriate consequences on an
individual basis based on those investigations.
StMM has a responsibility to keep all students safe and remove
inappropriate content as soon as it is found.
StMM has a responsibility to conduct spot checks on student accounts as
necessary as a safeguard to providing safe environments for our students.
StMM has a responsibility to provide up to date filtering software.
Level 1 Actions May Include:
Warning: A non-school related document was shared but not opened or
1 demerit, no suspension of privileges:
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Open and view a document that is not school or project-
related, but do not contribute to it. This could be a shared Google
document or something that has come from an outside source.
2 demerits, loss of technology privileges for 10 school days except for
online tests/quizzes:
Logging into personal (non-StMM) account (e-mail, social
media, etc.) from school grounds.
Opened/viewed/commented on a document (shared or
otherwise) that is not school or project related. This may include the
addition of pictures.
Shared a non school or project-related document with others
without permission from a school official or teacher.
Logging into another student’s personal or school account.
Intentionally visiting and Viewing unauthorized websites
using a school device without permission (Example:,
Changing Chromebook or other settings on a school device
without permission.
Utilizing YouTube or other video sites without specific
permission from a teacher.
Attempting to log into any social media site from a school
device or while on school grounds.
Wasting time and resources intended for working on school
projects or research.
Other actions as deemed Level 1 offenses by school
Level 2 Actions May Include:
3 demerits, loss of technology privileges for up to 30 school days except
for online tests/quizzes, and possible ISS:
Repeated Level 1 offenses
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Using inappropriate language in any school document or
Posting, displaying, showing, or sharing inappropriate
pictures (either in content or messaging) in any school document or
Viewing inappropriate websites from any school device or
with any program (Example: Websites with jokes)
Rendering school devices unusable through the changing of
settings or other misuse.
Level 3 Actions May Include:
ISS, OSS, Suspension of all school accounts (length of suspension TBD)
and other consequences TBD by StMM administration:
Repeated Level 2 offenses
Threats or harassment made to another student, teacher, or
individual from a school device or while on school grounds, whether or not
the intended target of that harassment viewed the material.
Posting photos or content that is sexual in nature, regardless
of whether or not it is intended toward another person.
Posting photos or content that is discriminatory or
inflammatory toward any group. This includes racial discrimination,
discrimination towards the disabled, or other minority groups.
Posting photos or content related to alcohol/drug use or
Posting photos or content related to guns, explosives, etc.
when not part of a school project and approved by a teacher.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Social Media Policies
As an organization with a commitment to quality education and the safety of our
students, as well as our esteemed reputation, StMM has high standards for appropriate
online communication. While we recognize the right of students to utilize the variety of
social media options available, we must insist that the following standards be met. Our
guidelines are designed to create an atmosphere of good will, honesty, and individual
accountability. StMM students should always keep in mind that information produced,
shared, and retrieved by them is a reflection on the school community and is subject to
the School’s policies. When accessing, creating, or contributing to any blogs, wikis,
podcasts, or other social media for classroom or, in most cases, for personal use, we
expect you to keep these guidelines in mind. Students who participate in online
interactions must remember that their posts reflect the StMM community and, as such,
are subject to the same behavioral standards as set forth in the Student Handbook.
Failure to meet or follow these guidelines may result in disciplinary action.
We expect StMM students to set and maintain high ethical standards in their use of
social networking. Since social media reaches audiences far beyond the community,
students must use social sites responsibly and be accountable for their actions. If a
student sees anything of concern on a fellow StMM student’s social networking page or
account, they should immediately contact the Technology Facilitator, the School
Counselor, or another adult within the StMM community.
Think before you post. StMM asks students to use discretion when posting
to the internet.
StMM reserves the right to request school related images or content
posted without permission to be removed from the internet.
Social media venues are public and information can be shared beyond
your control. Be conscious of what you post online as you will leave a long lasting
impression on many different audiences.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Do not post or link anything (photos, videos, web pages, audio files,
forums, groups, fan pages, etc.) to your social networking sites that you would
not want friends, peers, parents, teachers, college admissions officers, or future
employers to access. What you present on social networking forums represents
you forever.
When responding to others, remember to be respectful and avoid
comments that may be hurtful. Do not use profane, obscene, or threatening
Students who choose to post editorial content to websites or other forms
of online media must ensure that their submission does not reflect poorly upon
the school.
Students may not use social media sites to publish disparaging or
harassing remarks about StMM community members, athletic or academic
contest rivals, etc. They may not name a staff member, teacher, or student by
name unless specifically authorized for a school project.
To protect the privacy of StMM students and faculty, students may not,
under any circumstance, create digital video recordings of StMM community
members either on campus or at off campus StMM events for online publication
or distribution.
Online stalkers and identity thieves are a real threat. Never share personal
information, including but not limited to, phone numbers, addresses, exact
birthdates, and pictures with parties you do not know or on unsecure sites.
Cyberbullying is considered an act of harassment.
Use of StMM logos or images on your personal social networking sites is
prohibited. If you wish to promote a specific StMM activity or event, you may do
so only by means of a link to the official Facebook account, Twitter account, or
YouTube Channel.
In posting material on StMM sponsored sites, you agree not to:
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
Post material that StMM determines is threatening, harassing, illegal,
obscene, defamatory, slanderous, or hostile towards any individual or entity.
Post phone numbers, email addresses or other confidential information of
students, faculty, or any other person.
Post material that infringes on the rights of StMM or any individual or
entity, including privacy, intellectual property or publication rights.
Post material that promotes or advertises a commercial product or solicits
business or membership or financial or other support in any business, group or
organization except those which are officially sponsored by StMM.
Post chain letters, post the same comment multiple times, or otherwise
“spam” via the StMM sponsored site.
Allow any other individual or entity to use your identification for posting or
viewing comments.
Post comments under multiple names or using another person’s name.
This also includes the intentional use of fictitious names.
StMM reserves the right to do any or all of the following:
Ban future posts from people who repeatedly violate this Policy. We may
affect such bans by refusing posts from specific email addresses or IP
addresses, or through other means as necessary.
Remove or edit comments at any time, whether or not they violate this
St. Isidore Project Handbook for Promoting Responsible Technology Usage
Realizing the importance of creating a strong community dedicated toward the personal
safety of our students, St. Mary Magdalene would like to invite families to participate in
the St. Isidore Project. St. Isidore is the patron saint of computers and the Internet. Just
as he is known for promoting educational innovations of his time, we too hope that this
project is the first in a series of steps that we can all take to increase knowledge of and
understanding about the digital world our students have been born into.
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
The St. Isidore project an initiative that asks parents and students to pledge
responsibility for their part in promoting positive and healthy technology use. St. Mary
Magdalene in turn will continue to provide help, guidance, and information that is up to
date. Working together, we can all do our part to ensure that students feel empowered
to make good decisions, and understood when they need us. Geared mainly toward
families in grades 4-8, the St. Isidore project is for any family who would like to
participate in the shared goal of healthy technology use.
Background - StMM has held an annual Internet Awareness Week for middle school
students since 2011. In 2012, students were surveyed about cyberbullying. Their
answers about experiences online began a dialogue that has continued. In summary,
our students shared that growing up in a digital age is challenging and intimidating; they
often feel misunderstood when they need help with uncomfortable online situations.
Additionally, they wanted adults in their lives to know that growing up with such readily
available technology is not easy, and in many cases, they experience situations that are
damaging to their self-esteem. You can read more about the survey and its results
Context - It is estimated that 95% of all children ages 12-17 are using the Internet in
some way. The Internet has drastically changed the way that children interact with
others. They have access to in-depth knowledge, tools to express their creativity, and
the ability to interact with people from all over the world. Yet along with offering a
fascinating, new way to connect and learn, the Internet also offers new risks:
Exposure to inappropriate material
Online predators
Revealing too much personal information
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
StMM’s Role - Teaching digital citizenship is a part of our curriculum, and has always
been important to our mission of fostering our commitment to the needs of others.
StMM will continue to provide up-to-date lessons and instruction for our students
regarding the proper use of technology. The school will continue to provide in-person
opportunities for parents to talk with our school guidance counselor and experts through
parent workshops and other training sessions. Finally, StMM will promise to fairly and
justly implement its policies and ensure that staff and faculty are properly trained to
handle any issues or questions that come their way.
Implementation - It is easy to become a part of the St. Isidore project, and pledge your
dedication to promoting responsible and healthy technology usage. Families who
choose to participate will:
Sign pledges that promote positive, proactive actions related to technology
use and support of StMM policies.
Commit to helping our students learn to respect themselves and others,
speak out against unjust behavior, and protect themselves and their information.
Promote honesty, responsibility, and awareness of digital citizenship
issues throughout their family and their community.
Join Us! It Only Takes One Easy Step:
You can find links to pledges below:
Parent Pledge -
Student Pledge (one per student) -
What should I do? Procedures for Alerting StMM of Technology Violations
We all have a responsibility to keep ourselves, our classmates, and our school safe. If
you come across an inappropriate shared Google Document, or any other online
communication that could harm someone’s reputation, we ask that you take the time to
let us know, so that we can act accordingly. This is called digital citizenship. You can
take action in several ways:
Saint Mary Magdalene Catholic School Parent/Student
1. Speaking to your parents, a staff member or StMM teacher.
2. Leaving a note in the “We Care” box outside of Mrs. Curliss’s office.
3. Filling out this online form:
a. The basic rules of this form are:
It should be used to let us know about inappropriate uses of
Google Documents and Google Drive, or other inappropriate uses of
technology you have seen or heard about. This form is your way of
contacting us if you don’t feel comfortable speaking with a teacher or other
staff member at school.
This is a place to share information anonymously if that is
what you choose. You do not need to put your name, but if your safety is a
concern, please leave your name so that we can reach you.
We will take every post seriously and do whatever we can to
follow-up, but you will not receive a response to your post.
All posts will be checked within 24-48 hours.
Any students who are found to be misusing this system can
expect disciplinary consequences.