2 UNIT 1 Writing about the Present 3
Student biologists look for the endangered
smoky madtom, a species of catfish.
Writing about
the Present
DISCUSS Look at the photo and read the caption. Discuss the questions.
1. Do students in your school conduct research outside of class? If so,
what kind of research do students do?
2. How can conducting research help a student choose a major? en years?
FIND THE ERRORS This paragraph contains two errors with present or present
progressive verbs. Find the errors and correct them. Explain your corrections to a
Choosing a Major
Many students in their first year of university study has difficulty choosing majors.
Fortunately, there are some steps students can take to help them make the right
First, students can meet with an academic advisor.
Because academic advisors
are familiar with all the majors offered at the university, they are providing helpful
information to guide students toward a specific field of study.
Next, students can
visit the university career center and meet with a career advisor.
Career advisors are
knowledgeable about the type of major needed for a specific career.
Career advisors
also administer skills inventories and career interest tests to help students identify
possible careers.
Finally, students can ask their professors for advice.
Professors are
able to share their experiences and offer valuable insights into what studying a specific
major requires in terms of skills, abilities, and effort.
After taking these steps, students
are usually ready to select a major in their second year of academic study.
4 UNIT 1 Writing about the Present Grammar Forms 5
Grammar Forms
1.1 Simple Present
Subject Verb Example
I / you / we / they verb Environmental engineers work on the protection
of the environment and human health.
he / she / it verb + -s The government agency wants nuclear testing to
continue as planned.
1.5 Negative Present Forms
Form Examples
do / does not + base form of the verb This article reports on one business that does not
have any employees.
be + not Many workers are not comfortable in their jobs.
be + not + verb + -ing The main researcher for NASAs mission to Mars
is not planning to visit the planet.
have / has + not + past participle The Himalayan mountain climbers have not seen
their families since late last year.
Contractions with not are rare in academic writing.
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in parentheses: simple present, present progressive, or
present perfect. Use not when it is given.
1. The earth
(become, present progressive) warmer, so scientists
are worried about the future of the planet.
2. Aircraft mechanics
(wear, simple present) headphones at
work because the planes are so loud.
3. The documentary on pollution
(receive, present progressive)
a lot of attention from critics.
4. The volunteers
(not, travel, present perfect) since the war
5. I
(preview, simple present) upcoming chapters before the
instructors lecture, and it always makes me more prepared for class.
6. The latest legislation
(not, help, present progressive)
students with their huge college loans.
7. The indigenous tribes
(want, always, present perfect) a land of
their own.
8. The singer
(be, present) also a well-known environmental
1.2 Present Form of Be
Subject Verb Example
I am I am a citizen of both Spain and Colombia.
he / she / it is The company’s main office is in Rome.
you / we / they are Strong teachers are essential for preparing
students for higher education.
1.3 Present Progressive
Subject Verb Example
I am + verb + -ing With this research, I am attempting to prove the
effectiveness of the new medication.
he / she / it is + verb + -ing Panama is building a larger canal.
we / you / they are + verb + -ing Because of the weak economy, small businesses
are growing very slowly.
1.4 Present Perfect
Subject Verb Example
I / you / we / they have + past participle The Csango people have lived in Romania’s
Moldova region for over a thousand years.
he / she / it has + past participle Russian pianist Yevgeny Kissin has given
concerts since he was a child.
1. Contractions are almost never used in academic writing.
2. See Appendix 4, Irregular Verbs, on page 220 for examples of irregular past participles.
6 UNIT 1 Writing about the Present Common Uses 7
1.8 Using Present Perfect
The present perfect is used to write about past events that are still relevant now. It is used:
1. to write about an event that happened in the
past and continues until now
•  Use since with a specific date or time. Use for with
a period of time.
Alaska has been a U.S. state since 1959.
Alaska has been a U.S. state for more than
50 years.
2. to write about a very recent past event that is
important to the current discussion
The government has passed a new tax law that
will have an immediate impact on citizens.
Fill in the blank with the correct simple present, present progressive, or present perfect form of the verb
in parentheses. Use not when given. More than one answer may be possible.
1. In his poem “The Raven,” author Edgar Allen Poe
numerous symbols to express loneliness.
2. Global sea levels
(rise) rapidly since the beginning of the 21st
3. Historians
(begin) to study some alternative causes of World
War I.
4. Unfortunately, people from developing countries
(not, have)
the same opportunities as those in wealthier nations to start small businesses.
5. In that country, government regulations
(not, allow) politicians
to accept contributions from private companies.
6. As governments spend more money on cancer research, medical professionals
(conduct) more extensive studies on possible cures.
7. Because peoples desire to explore space is stronger than ever, astronomers
(work) on a new super telescope.
8. In his book The Art of Happiness, the Dalai Lama
(state) that
we can train in happiness much like we can train in any other skill.
1.6 Using Simple Present
The simple present is commonly used in academic writing. It is used:
1. to write about general truths and facts that are
not limited to a specific time
It takes about 12 hours for your body to digest a
2. to write about a repeated or habitual action Every fall, Canadian geese fly south for the
3. to cite a source Sleep researchers say that most people dream
four to six times per night.
4. to give details about information from a book,
poem, or film
•  We use simple present because an event in a book 
or film remains the same every time we read or see
it. This is called the literary present.
In “The Story of an Hour,” Mrs. Mallard learns of
her husband’s death, but she does not feel sad.
Stative (non-action) verbs describe a state, rather than an action. They usually take the simple present form of the verb.
Note the most common ones below.
be (exist) consist of dislike realize seem want
belong to depend on include recognize understand
1.7 Using Present Progressive
The present progressive is not as commonly used in writing as other verb forms. However, it is used:
1. to describe events in real time In some countries, people are paying more
taxes than ever before.
2. to write about the continuation of an event Temperatures are continuing to rise because of
global warming.
Common Uses
8 UNIT 1 Writing about the Present Common Errors 9
Common Error 1.2
Read each sentence. Underline the verb form that correctly completes each sentence.
1. Private airline companies (take / are taking) the place of national airlines.
2. Recent research (shows / is showing) that trees belong to a type of social network.
3. People who are not comfortable with technology sometimes (do not understand /
are not understanding) the instructions on software packages.
4. Tourists (visit / are visiting) Hong Kong in record numbers these days.
5. If an experiment sample size is too small, the size (ruins / is ruining) the results.
6. Environmental scientists are concerned because icebergs (melt / are melting) at a
very fast rate.
7. Teachers report that the new art education program (improves / is improving)
students’ critical thinking skills.
8. According to some sociologists, pure democracy (does not exist / is not existing)
in the world today.
Common Error 1.3 Do you need simple present or present perfect?
has increased
The number of biomedical engineers increases
significantly since 2005.
REMEMBER: With the adverbs of time for or since, use the present perfect. Do not use the simple present.
Common Error 1.3
Fill in the blanks with the correct simple present or present perfect form of the verb in
1. Economists
(study ) the possibility
of an upcoming depression for more than 10 years. In fact, many of them
(believe ) that things will become worse
before they become better.
2. Today, only 35,000 people in Canada
one of the Inuit languages. They have spoken these languages for centuries, but now
the languages
(be ) at risk.
Common Errors
Common Error 1.1 Does the verb agree with the subject?
The people of Northern Africa speaks
French, Arabic, and some Italian.
The family are
emigrating from the country because of the war.
Students in Canada has
studied a second language for many years.
REMEMBER: The verb must agree with the subject.
Common Error 1.1
Read each sentence. Underline the verb form that correctly completes each sentence.
1. Some nutritionists (define / defines) the United States as a “Fast Food Nation.
2. Research has shown that pollution and asthma (is / are) related.
3. Since 1990, environmentalists (has developed / have developed) amazing tools to improve recycling
4. In this year’s national report, the biggest increase in crime (does not involve / do not involve) violent
physical crime but computer crime.
5. Social media companies (has continued / have continued) to experience significant growth.
6. In many western countries, the treatment of children with disabilities (is not / are not) different from
the treatment of able-bodied children.
7. The new in-house exercise programs (has benefited / have benefited) both the employees of the
company and the company itself.
8. Experts in business (considers / consider) honesty one of the most important qualities of a leader.
Common Error 1.2 Do you need simple present or present progressive?
Naan, a common Indian bread, is tasting
delicious because it is cooked over a fire.
REMEMBER: Stative verbs are usually in the simple present.
Academic Vocabulary 11
3. Scientists say that tomatoes (qualify )
as fruits, not vegetables. Today, approximately 7,500 tomato varieties
(exist ) around the world.
4. This radio station is vital because it
(focus )
primarily on news reports. It
information with millions of listeners in the United States.
5. Scientists
(understand ) the
significance of the environmental problem because they
(study) its effects for the past three decades.
6. Recent studies
(show ) that
eating too much red meat is unhealthy. Many doctors and dietitians
(recommend) eating between five and six
ounces per day.
7. For over 30 years, the disaster of the space shuttle Challenger
(remain) in the consciousness of the
American public. Most people
(remember )
what they were doing at the time of the explosion in 1986.
8. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,
(adopt ) almost 3 million
shelter animals each year. While the number is high, many abandoned pets still
(need ) a good home.
Academic Vocabulary
Vocabulary in Academic Writing
Use the academic vocabulary in the simple present to complete each sentence. In some sentences,
more than one answer is possible.
Verbs Frequently Used in Simple Present in Academic Writing
Source: Corpus of Contemporary American English (Davies 2008–)
Subject Area Example from Academic Writing
Economics 1. Economists often
about the cause of a stock market
Paleontology 2. Recent findings
that giant alligators lived in North
Africa thousands of years ago.
3. The statistics
a decrease in violent crime over the
past few years.
Business 4. Many business experts
that low interest rates are
very important for continued economic growth.
Literature 5. Robert Frost’s language in “Directives”
Anthropology 6. Anthropologists
anthropology as the study of
Science /
7. Career opportunities in biomedical engineering
Science 8. The word “science
from the Latin scientia, meaning
Physics 9. Physics
a very strong understanding of mathematics,
especially calculus.
10. Cloud computing, or online data storage,
the way
10 UNIT 1 Writing about the Present
12 UNIT 1 Writing about the Present Put It Together 13
Building Greater Sentences
Combine these short sentences into one sentence. You can add new words and move words around, but
you should not add or omit any ideas. More than one answer is possible, but these sentences require the
simple present. (See Appendix 1, Building Greater Sentences, page 216, for tips on how to do this activity.)
1. a. Florence is a city.
b. Florence is an Italian city.
c. Florence is famous.
d. It is the birthplace of the Renaissance.
2. a. The U.S. Constitution is a document.
b. It is fairly long.
c. It is easy to understand.
3. a. Music therapy is helpful.
b. Music therapy helps people.
c. These people have depression.
d. Research has shown this.
The sun rises over the Arno River
in Florence, Italy.
Put It Together
Review Quiz
Multiple Choice Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Tataouine
a region of Tunisia where the original Star Wars was filmed.
a. is b. are c. has been d. are being
2. Because the number of people who die from cancer is increasing, doctors
a. race b. races c. is racing d. are racing
3. Internships give students valuable work experience, but university students who have internships
while they are studying
a lot of free time.
a. does not have b. do not have c. is not having d. are not having
4. Anthropologists who want to learn more about ancient man typically
to the frozen area of the
Alps for their research.
a. travels b. travel c. is traveling d. are traveling
5. Psychologists these days
the connection between income level and happiness.
a. research b. researches c. have researched d. are researching
Error Correction One of the five underlined words or phrases is not correct. Find the
error and correct it. Be prepared to explain your answer.
6. According to film critics, there are several reasons why fans love the Star Wars films.
One reason is the portrayal of the main characters. The other has been the conflict
between the characters. Finally, fans are very happy with the actors.
7. The idea of the power of positive thinking is around for decades. Basically,
positive thinking involves thinking good thoughts. Using positive thinking leads to
pleasant feelings. These thoughts help both the psychological and physical self.
8. The Druze people is a religious group in the Middle East. Even though
their numbers are small, their community has banded together for centuries.
Although there are communities in other countries, most are in Lebanon.
14 UNIT 1 Writing about the Present Put It Together 15
Steps to Composing
Read the paragraph. Then follow the directions in the 10 steps to edit the information and
composition of this paragraph. Write your revised paragraph on a separate sheet of paper.
Be careful with capitalization and punctuation. Check your answers with the class.
9. Sentence 11 ends with the phrase in order to have a better understanding of
both the heart and the blood that pumps through our veins. Move this phrase
to the beginning of the sentence to improve sentence variety. Pay attention to
10. In sentence 12, change the phrase the functions of the heart to the way the heart
Original Writing
On a separate sheet of paper, write a descriptive paragraph (at least six sentences)
about the characteristics of a particular person or thing. Use at least two examples of
the simple present and one example of present perfect, and underline them.
Here are some examples of how to begin.
•  A good leader possesses three main characteristics.
In order to be a successful student, one should do three things.
A smart phone has several important functions.
The Human Heart
The human heart is an amazing organ.
It is responsible for pushing blood inside
the circulatory system.
The left side of the heart pumps blood to the entire body.
The right side pumps blood to the lungs to receive oxygen.
Our lungs do two things:
they receive oxygen when we inhale and remove carbon dioxide when we exhale.
Inside the lungs, the respiratory system interacts with the circulatory system.
the blood moves to the right side of the heart into a filling chamber, which is called the
right atrium.
With each individual heartbeat, blood moves from the right atrium into
a pumping chamber.
After that, the blood picks up oxygen.
Once the blood picks
up oxygen, it pushes back to the heart, filling another chamber, which is called the left
Doctors want to expand their research into the blood circulation of the heart
in order to have a better understanding of both the heart and the blood that pumps
through our veins.
The functions of the heart are truly amazing.
1. In sentence 1, change an to probably the most.
2. In sentence 2, change it to this organ.
3. In sentence 2, change the word inside to throughout.
4. Combine sentences 3 and 4 using while. Make any other necessary changes.
5. In sentence 5, change our lungs to each lung.
6. In sentence 6, change the respiratory system to individuals’ respiratory
7. In sentence 7, change moves to flows. We usually use this verb when referring to
8. In sentence 10, the phrasal verb picks up is repetitive. Change picks up to collects.