(COMPILED UPTO 31.12.2011)
Compiled by :
General Secretary
TNEB Adm. Staff and Officers Association
2/1, Bootha Perumal Street
Annasalai, Chennai-600 002.
Cell : 9445102719 / 9791193659
The TNEB was formed from 01.07.1957 in order to achieve the Consumers satisfaction by
extending service connection to all the Industries, Cities, Villages, shops, Farms etc. in Tamilnadu.
In such vast organisation the Administration is very vital for efficient working of the Board. For
the successful running of the Board, the staff and officers are required to have best performances
by updating their knowledge and skills. For this purpose particularly the personnel in the
Administration are expected to make themselves thoroughly conversant with the Rules, Regulations,
Board proceedings, Instructions, Amendments, Clarifications etc. issued by the Board from time to
time. The monthly Gazette published by the TNEB contains the above said items. This is very
useful to the Adm. Personnel, for dealing with the administrative matters. But Mostly they are not
able to identify the required rule in time and dispose of the matters quickly. To remove this hardship,
Rules, Regulations, Board proceedings, Instructions, Amendments, Clarifications issued and
published in the Gazette upto 31.12.2003 were compiled through a book “A GUIDE ON
ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS” which was released on August 2005.
According to the new Electricity Act, 2003 the TNEB has been restructured as three entities
with effect from 01.11.2010 in G.O.No.100 dt.19.10.2010.
The entities are named TNEB Ltd., TANTRANSCO and TANGEDCO and functioning on the
changed names as C.M.D. and Directors. Eventhough the corporations are functioning separately,
they are followed the same Rules, Regulations, Board proceedings, Instructions, Amendments,
clarifications etc. issued by the Board till date.
It is expected that this is followed till the corporations will regulate its own Instructions and
Rules to be complied by the Company Secretaries. It is presumed that it will take years together.
Hence it is decided to revise the Book upto the period of 31.12.2011. The revised book is named
as “Guidelines on Administrative Matters and Entitlements.
These are grouped under various headings comprising the subjects and short hints on it.
An Index in the alphabetical order indicating reference number, date, page and year is provided
that we require day to - day official functioning. Some of the Executive orders which are not
available in the monthly Gazette are also displayed in it. Blank sheets are also provided at the
end of each heading for making additions.
Collection and compilation of this book is a difficult job. This has been done effectively within
short period by Thiru S. Ezhilarasan, Head Quarters Secretary with the assistance of Thiruvalargal
S. Muniyandi, Joint Secy. V. Kalyanasundaram, Vice President, K. Srinivasan, Ex. Treasurer and
R. Govindaraj (Rtd. Adm. Officer) member of the Association. Our thanks to Sugan Computer
Graphix, Chintadripet, Chennai-2 for Typesetting and Printing this book.
We are happy to release this book by the Chief Engineer Coimbatore Region Thiru A.
Thangavelu and receive the same by the Supt. Engineer Coimbatore North Circle, Thiru N.
Ananthakrishnan on the occasion of our Association’s General Council Meeting held at Coimbatore
on 09.12.2012. Thus we are honoured for our hard work in preparing and releasing this Book.
We are thankful to them.
It gives us immense pleasure to see this book, which We are sure will prove to be a source of
inspiration for one and all in TNEB LTD., TANGEDCO AND TANTRANSCO.
December 2012
General Secretary
The hand guide “Guide lines on Administrative matters and Entitlement” released
by me on 09.12.2012 on the occasion of the General Body Meeting at Coimbatore is
an easy reference on all aspects of administration and will prove to be beneficial for
all officers and staff of TANGEDCO.
Chief Engineer / Distribution
Coimbatore Region
The hand guide on “Guide lines on Administrative matters and Entitlement” is a
ready reference on Administrative subjects and very useful for all officers and staff.
The logo “Be Positive and Help Others” is exemplary.
Superintending Engineer
Coimbatore / North
1. SALIENT FEATURES OF ELECTRICITY ACT.......................................... 11
2. DETAILS OF THE RESTRUCTURE OF THE TNEB................................ 14
3. ELECTRICITY BOARDS IN INDIA ............................................................ 20
4. ADDITIONAL CHARGE ARRANGEMENT ................................................ 21
5. AMENITY TO STAFF ................................................................................ 28
6. ACCIDENT COMPENSATION .................................................................. 39
7. APPOINTMENT - QUALIFICATION ........................................................... 46
8. ADMINISTRATION CADRE ....................................................................... 75
9. APPRENTICE ........................................................................................... 76
10. CONDUCT REGULATION......................................................................... 78
11. CONVEYANCE ADVANCE....................................................................... 91
12. CONVEYANCE ALLOWANCE.................................................................. 98
13. COURT CASES........................................................................................ 99
14. CYCLE ALLOWANCE ............................................................................ 106
15. DA RATES .............................................................................................. 107
16. D.C.R.G................................................................................................... 124
17. DECENTRALISATION ............................................................................. 131
18. DELEGATION OF POWERS .................................................................. 133
19. DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS ............................................................ 136
21. DOUBLE WAGES .................................................................................. 174
22. EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE ................................................................ 175
23. ENGAGING OF SECURITY GUARDS .................................................... 185
24. EX-GRATIA ............................................................................................. 186
25. FAMILY BENEFIT FUND (W.E.F. 28.6.74) ............................................. 199
26. FBF SUBSIDIARY SCHEME .................................................................. 203
27. FESTIVAL ADVANCE ............................................................................. 204
28. GENERAL CONDITION OF SERVICE ................................................... 205
29. GENERAL PROVIDENT FUND / PF ...................................................... 206
30. HOT LINE SPECIAL PAY / INCENTIVE ................................................ 217
31. HOUSE BUILDING ADVANCE ............................................................... 218
32. HOUSE RENT ALLOWANCE ................................................................. 258
33. HYDRO ALLOWANCE ............................................................................ 262
34. INCOME TAX / P.T. ................................................................................. 265
35. INCREMENTS ......................................................................................... 266
36. INTEREST ON ADVANCES ................................................................... 282
37. INTERNAL SELECTION .......................................................................... 285
38. JOINING TIME ......................................................................................... 287
39. LEAVE .................................................................................................... 289
40. LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION ............................................................ 310
41. MARRIAGE ADVANCE........................................................................... 314
42. MEDICAL FACILITIES ............................................................................. 317
43. MISCELLANEOUS.................................................................................. 331
44. NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE ............................................................. 340
45. OFFICE PROCEDURE........................................................................... 342
46. PANEL / PROMOTION ............................................................................ 371
47. PART-TIME / CORRESPONDENCE COURSE ...................................... 387
48. PAY AND ALLOWANCES....................................................................... 391
49. PAY FIXATION ........................................................................................ 405
50. PAY ANOMALY ....................................................................................... 411
51. PENSION /FAMILY PENSION/COMMUTATION....................................... 414
52. PERFORMANCES ASSESSMENT ........................................................ 459
53. PERSONAL COMPUTER ....................................................................... 464
54. POSTING AND TRANSFER ................................................................... 467
55. RESIGNATION / VOLUNTARY RETIREMENT ........................................ 483
57. SELECTION GRADE/SPECIAL GRADE ................................................ 490
58. SHIFT OPERATION SPECIAL PAY ........................................................ 502
59. SPECIAL PF-CUM-GRATUITY SCHEME ............................................... 503
60. SURRENDER OF RESIDENCE OFFICE HELPER ............................... 507
61. SUSPENSION / DISMISSAL .................................................................. 510
62. T.A. REGULATION .................................................................................. 514
63. TECHNICAL EDUCATION ADVANCE .................................................... 534
64. TRAINING ................................................................................................ 559
65. UNION ..................................................................................................... 560
66. WARM CLOTH ADVANCE ..................................................................... 564
67. WASHING ALLOWANCE ........................................................................ 565
68. WELDING SPECIAL PAY ....................................................................... 566
69. WORK LOAD AND STAFF PATTERN ................................................... 567
70. WAGE REVISION AND ALLIED ORDERS............................................. 571
Clarification / Doubts - Contact S. EZHILARASAN
Mobile : 97907 11635
(Per) CMD TANGEDCO Pro No.9(SB) dt.15.11.10(P12/11/10)
Re-organisation of Tamilnadu Electricity Act 2003 - Procedure for issuing Proceedings -
Modification - orders issued.
1. Generation
2. Transmission
3. Distribution
4. Trading
1. Promoting competition
2. Rationalisation of Tariff
The Act has come into effect from 10-6-2003 in some states.
Time granted upto 9.12.2005 for the remaining states.
1. Generation delicensed except hydroelectric projects
2. Captive generation freed of restrictions and clearances
3. Concept of open access introduced
4. Multiple Distribution licensees and parallel distribution networks made
5. Trading in power as a distinct activity - license required
6. Appellate Tribunal for appeal against the orders of State and Central
Regulatory Commissions.
7. State Transmission Utility
- a neutral entity
- barred from trading
8. Restructuring of State Electricity Boards through a transfer scheme
9. Phased elimination of cross subsidies
‘Captive generating plant’ means a power plant set up by any person to generate electricity
primarily for his own use and includes a power plant set up by any co-operative society or
association of persons for generating electricity primarily for use of members of such co-operative
society or association.
--- Definition made very liberal.
--- Captive generation shall have the right to
open access for the purpose of carrying
electricity from captive generating plant to the destination of use.
Implications :
More captive units may come up in future
--- Possibility of group captive power units
--- Tamil Nadu has already 23000 captive generation units with 3820
MVA capacity.
‘Open access’ means
non-discriminatory provision for the use of the transmission lines
or distribution system or associated facilities with such lines or system by any licensee or
consumer or a person engaged in generation in accordance with the regulations specified by
the Appropriate Commission.
According to Section 14 of the Electricity Act 2003 the Commission may grant licence to
two or more persons for distribution of electricity through their own distribution system within
the same area. However distribution in rural areas to be notified by the State Government, does
not require any licence.
1. National Electricity Policy.
2. Tariff Policy.
3. National Policy on stand alone systems for rural areas and non-conventional
energy systems.
4. National Policy on electrification and local distribution in rural areas. Tariff policy is
very important since regulatory commissions shall be guided by it for determination
of tariffs.
As per Section 172 of the Act, TNEB is deemed to be a State Transmission utility (STU)
and a licensee for one year upto 9-6-2004. Extended up to 9-12-2005
As per Section 131 of the Act a transfer scheme has to be prepared by the State
Government and published.
- All Assets and liabilities of the Board to vest with the State Government
- Transfer scheme to provide for restructuring of the Board.
(1) The State Government may, by a transfer scheme, provide for the transfer of the
officers and employees to the transferee on the vesting of properties, rights and
liabilities in such transferee as provided under section 131.
(2) Upon such transfer under the transfer scheme, the personnel shall hold office or
service under the transferee on such terms and conditions as may be determined in
accordance with the transfer scheme.
Provided that such terms and conditions on the transfer shall not in anyway be less
favourable than those which would have been applicable to them if there had been no
such transfer under the transfer scheme.
2. thÇa Óuik¥ò¥ g‰¿a F¿¥ò
Ä‹rhu thÇa Óuik¥ã‹ ÛJ bjhʉr§fSl‹ thÇa« ng¢R th®¤ij el¤âaJ. eh«
rh®ªJŸs r«nksd¤Jl‹ el¤âa ng¢R th®¤ij _y« bg‰w És¡fK« brŒâ¤ jhŸfËš
tªJŸs Étu§fisí« nr®¤J thÇa kW f£lik¥ã‹ Ãiyiaí« thÇa bghUshjhu
Ãiyiaí« m¿a F¿¥òfŸ ÑnH ju¥gL»‹wd.
jÄHf muR jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa¤ij kW Óuik¥ò brŒtj‰F bfhŸif ßâÆyhd
x¥òjiy muR Miz v©. 114 ehŸ 08.10.2008š tH§»íŸsJ. mj‹go jÄœehL Ä‹rhu
thÇakhdJ Ñœf©l _‹W muR ÃWtd§fshf ãÇ¡f¥g£LŸsJ.
1. j.eh.Ä.th.ÃWtd« (TNEB Ltd.)
2. jÄœehL Ä‹ bjhluik¥ò fHf« (Tamilnadu Transmission Corporation Ltd.)
3. jÄœehL Ä‹ c‰g¤â k‰W« g»®khd fHf« (Tamilnadu Generation and
Distribution Corporation Ltd) jÄHf muR nkY« brayh¡f FG (Steering
Committee) x‹iw khWjš â£l« (Transfer Scheme) Ä‹rhu r£l« 2003‹ go
ïWâ brŒtj‰fhf mik¤JŸsJ.
2. jÄœehL Ä‹bjhluik¥ò fHf« 15.06.2009 m‹W gâî brŒa¥g£LŸsJ. nkY«
jÄœehL Ä‹ c‰g¤â k‰W« g»®khd fHf«, j.eh.Ä.th.ÃWtd« M»a ïu©L
ÃWtd§fS« 01.12.2009 m‹W gâî brŒa¥g£LŸsJ.
3. jÄœehL Ä‹ bjhluik¥ò fHf¤â‹ (Tamilnadu Transmission Corporation Ltd.,)
g¤Jt¡f rh‹¿jœ 11.12.2009 m‹W bgw¥g£L kh©òÄF jÄHf Kjštuhš
14.12.2009 m‹W Jt¡» it¡f¥g£L 14.01.2010 Kjš ó{a« Iªbjhif (Zero
Balance Sheet) mo¥gilÆš ïa§» tU»wJ.
4. jÄœehL Ä‹ c‰g¤â k‰W« Ä‹g»®khd fHf« k‰W« j.eh.Ä.th. ÃWtd« gÂ
Jt¡f rh‹¿jœfŸ 16.03.2010 k‰W« 12.03.2010 m‹W bgw¥g£lJ.
5. j.eh.Ä.th.tr« cŸs brh¤J¡fŸ k‰W« CÊa®fŸ khWjš â£l¤â‰fhd tiuî jah®
brŒa¥g£L 27.05.2010 m‹W eilbg‰w thÇa FGk¤jhš mDkâ bgw¥g£lJ. nkY«,
brayh¡f FGÉl« mDkâ bgw¥g£LŸsJ. tiuî khWjš â£l« jah® brŒa¥g£L
jÄHf muá‹ x¥òjY¡F 29.05.2010 m‹W mD¥ã it¡f¥g£LŸsJ.
6. j.eh.Ä.th. CÊa®fË‹ XŒñâa« ïju nrk ey‹fŸ k‰W« brašKiwÆš cŸs gÂ
NœÃiy ngh‹w ey‹fŸ ghJfh¡f nt©o 27.05.2010 m‹W eilbg‰w 933 tJ thÇa
FGk« T£l¤âš j.eh.Äth.jÄœehL muR k‰W« Ä‹ thÇa CÊa®fS¡fhd r§f«
ïilna K¤ju¥ò x¥gªj« V‰gL¤j gǪJiu brŒa¥g£LŸsJ.
7. 83000 XŒñâajhu®fS¡F tH§F« XŒñâa« M©L¡F 1200 nfho vd
8. fHf§fŸ rh®ãš mË¡f¥g£l efš K¤ju¥ò x¥gªj¤âš XŒîâa« jÄœehL Ä‹ c‰g¤â
k‰W« Ä‹ gf®khd fHf¤jhš tH§f¥gL« v‹W F¿¥ãl¥g£LŸsJ. Mdhš mid¤J
bjhʉr§f§fS« jÄœehL Ä‹ c‰g¤â k‰W« g»®khd fHf« XŒñâa« tH§f jtW«
g£r¤âš muR jiyÆ£L munr tH§fnt©L« v‹»‹w âU¤j« tÈíW¤j¥g£LŸsJ.
9. gǪJiu brŒa¥g£LŸs K¤ju¥ò x¥gªj« muR, thÇa«, bjhʉr§f§fŸ ifbaG¤â£L
Ãiwî brŒí« nghJjh‹ gÂahs®, mYty®fŸ bgh¿ahs®fS¡F ghJfh¥ãš e«ã¡if
V‰gL«. mj‰fhd Ka‰áfis bjhʉr§f§fŸ vL¤J tU»‹wd.
10. v©.1š F¿¥ã£l _‹W fHf§fS« 1.11.2010 Kjš eilKiw¥gL¤j jÄHf muR Miz
v©. 100 ehŸ 19.10.2010 btËÆl¥g£LŸsJ.
11. fHf§f§fŸ jŤ jÅahf brašgl trâahf mâfhÇfSila bghW¥òfË‹ bga®fŸ
kh‰w¥g£LŸsij midtU« m¿å®fŸ.
12. fHf§f§fŸ ãÇ¡f¥g£lhY«, bga®fŸ kh‰w¥g£lhY« thÇa gÂfŸ K‹ònghy
bjhl®ªJ eilbgW»wJ. gÂahs® mYt®fS¡F mˤJ tªj XŒñâa« ïju
nrkey‹fŸ rYiffŸ bjhl®»‹wd.
13. 01.12.2011 Kjš tH§f nt©oa Câa ca®î¡fhd Kjš T£l« bjhʉr§f§fSl‹
01.09.2012 m‹W eilbg‰wJ. mâš fHf§fŸ rh®ãš m¿¡if vJî« juhkš,
bjhʉr§f§fË‹ MnyhridfŸ nf£f¥g£lJ. eh« rh®ªJŸs r«nksd¥
bghW¥ghs®fSl‹ ekJ r§f¥ bghJ¢ brayhs® fyªJ bfh©lh®fŸ. mij¤ bjhl®ªJ
ekJ r§f« rh®ãš m¿¡if x‹iw mˤJŸnsh«. mj‹ Égu« R‰w¿¡ifÆš K‹ng
bjËî¥gL¤âÆUªjhY« Û©L« go¤J m¿tj‰fhf ï§nf ju¥gL« (1 Kjš 10 tiu)
As our Association is functioning from 1989 for exclusivly Adm. Cadre personnel we fur-
nish below our Assocation’s. Proposal on the Wage Revision due on 1-12-2011 for
1. 30% raise on the wages and 20% raise on other Allowances.
2. The Minimum benefit of Rs.3000/- shall be ensured on Wage Revision to be
3. Service weitage of one increment on the new wage arrived at as on 1-12-2011
4. Upgradation of 4 post of senior Adm. Officer available in 4 Thermal Stations as
Chief Admn. Officers in Class I Status as there is no class I post equal to SPO in
Adm. Br and Deputy Secy in Scretariat.
5. Upgradation of Adm. Officer posts available in 9 Distribution Regional Offices as se-
nior Adm. Officer in class I Status.
6. Upgradation of Asst. Adm. Officer Posts now available in all Distribution circle of-
fices as Adm. Officer which is pending for the long years.
7. The Post of Asst. Adm. Officer for the remaining 21 Distribution Division to be
sanctioned on the accepted principle of one Asst. Adm. Officer to each Distn. Divi-
sion in 1993
8. The Pay raised to the supt. in Adm. Branch on par with section officer in the Secre-
tariat Branch be extended to the Adm. Supr. in the Admn. Cadre as the Works
handled by both the Branches are same and similar and even more volume of
works by the Adm. Cadre personnel.
9. Worknorms are to be fixed as done inrespect of 4 Branch personnel in Rev. Branch,
stores, RWE and Card Billing
10. Recruitment of initial cadre of Adm. Jr. Asst/ Typist / Steno may be made as almost
all the offices are in dearth of initial cadre staff.
14. Ä‹ bt£o‹ fhuzkhf Câa ca®î r«kªjkhd mL¤J T£l« mL¤j M©L
Mu«g¤âš ïU¡fyh« vd vâ®gh®¡f¥gL»wJ.
15. (1) Ä‹thÇa¤ij Óuik¡f %.1000 nfho K‹gz«
(2) jÄHf¤âš ï‹D« 7 M©LfS¡F ïnj Ãiyjhdh? Ä‹ g‰wh¡Fiw¡F
Ä‹thÇa« òâa És¡f«.
(3) Ä‹Jiw Óuik¥ò¡F %.2 y£r« nfho k¤âa muR x¥òjš.
ïªj jiy¥òfËš tªj g¤âÇ¡if brŒâfis ÑnH jU¡»‹nwh«. bghWikahf¥
go¤J òǪJ bfhŸs nt©L»nwh«.
Ä‹thÇa¤ij¢ Óuik¡f %. 1,000 nfho K‹gz« :Ä‹thÇa¤ij¢ Óuik¡f %. 1,000 nfho K‹gz« :
Ä‹thÇa¤ij¢ Óuik¡f %. 1,000 nfho K‹gz« :Ä‹thÇa¤ij¢ Óuik¡f %. 1,000 nfho K‹gz« :
Ä‹thÇa¤ij¢ Óuik¡f %. 1,000 nfho K‹gz« :
jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa¤â‹ Ãâ Ãiyikia Óuik¡f K‹ gzkhf %. 1000 nfhoí«
el¥ò Ãâah©oš V‰gL« tUthŒ ïH¥ig <Lf£l %.1,294 nfhoí« tH§f Kjšt®
b#ayÈjh c¤juÉ£LŸsh®. ïJ F¿¤J mt® btËÆ£l m¿¡if :
bghJ¤ Jiw ÃWtd§fŸ áw¥ghf¢ brašgl jÄHf muR mid¤J elto¡iffisí«
vL¤J tU»wJ. ïªj tifÆš, jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa¤â‹ òâa Ä‹ â£l§fis Ko¤J
Ä‹ c‰g¤âia ÉiuÉš bjhl§f njitahd elto¡iffis vL¤J tU»nwh«.
flªj â.K.f. M£áÆš ruhrÇahf M©L¡F %. 8 MÆu« nfho¡F nkš tuî k‰W«
bryÉd§fS¡»ilna Ãfu ïilbtË V‰g£lJ. ïjdhš, ïªj Ãâah©o‹ bjhl¡f¤âš
jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa¤â‹ bjhl®ò ïH¥ò %. 54,500 nfhoahfî«, t§» k‰W« ïju Ãâ
ÃWtd§fËlÄUªJ bg‰w fl‹ %. 46,500 nfhoahfî« ïUªjJ.
ïJ jÉu, Ä‹ c‰g¤âahs® k‰W« ïju x¥gªjjhu®fS¡fhd ÃYit¤ bjhif %.11
MÆu« nfhoahf ïUªjJ. m.â.K.f. muR bghW¥ng‰wnghJ, msî¡F Û¿a fl‹ Rik¡F
Msh», th§»a flidí« t£oiaí« âU«g¢ brY¤Jtj‰nf fl‹ th§f nt©oa
ï¡f£lhd NœÃiyÆš (bl¥£ouh¥) Ä‹rhu thÇa« ïUªjJ. ïªj ï¡f£lhd ÃiyÆÈUªJ
Ä‹rhu thÇa¤ij Û£F« tifÆš 2011-12« Ãâah©oš ïJtiu tH§f¥glhj ca® msthf
%.7913.45 nfho khÅa« tH§f¥g£lJ. 2012-13« M©oš khÅakhf %.3.020 nfhoí«, òâa
Ä‹ â£l§fS¡fhd g§F _yjd cjÉahf %.1,500 nfhoí« tH§»ndh«. jÄœehL Ä‹rhu
thÇa¤â‹ ÃâÃiy F¿¤J br¥l«g® 14, btŸË¡»Hik vdJ jiyikÆš mi¢r®fŸ,
mâfhÇfŸ g§nf‰w MŒî¡ T£l« eilbg‰wJ. thÇa¤â‹ ÃâÃiyia Ó®brŒa áy
KoîfŸ vL¡f¥g£ld.
%. 5000 nfho fl‹ c¤juthj« : cldo¤ njit¡fhf jÄœehL Ä‹thÇa¤J¡F
%.1000 nfho K‹gz« tH§f¥gL«. k¤âa muá‹ ÃWtd§fshf Ä‹ M‰wš Ãâ ÃWtd«,
Cuf Ä‹kakh¡fš ÃWtd« M»a ÃWtd§fËlÄUªJ jyh %. 5000 nfho cjɤ bjhifia
fldhf¥ bgW« tifÆš jÄHf muR fl‹ c¤juthj« mË¡F«.
Ä‹rhu thÇa§fË‹ Ãâ Óuik¥ò¤ â£l« bjhl®ghf rJ®ntâ FGÉ‹ m¿¡ifÆ‹
ÛJ k¤âa Ä‹Jiw, Ãâ¤Jiw mâfhÇfŸ Ãâ ÃWtd§fSl‹ el¤âa
ng¢Rth®¤ijÆ‹go jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa¤â‹ FW»a k‰W« eL¤ju fhy flÅš 50
rjåj¤ij, mjhtJ %.9,529 nfhoia jÄHf munr V‰W¡bfhŸS«.
el¥ò Ãâah©oš Ä‹rhu thÇa¤âš V‰gl¡Toa tUthŒ ïH¥ò¤ bjhifÆš 30
rjåj¤ij mjhtJ %.1,294 nfhoia jÄHf muR tH§f c¤juÉ£LŸns‹. ïj‹ _y«
jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa¤âš ÃâÃiy Óuilí« v‹W b#ayÈjh bjÇɤJŸsh®.
jÄHf¤âš ï‹D« 7 M©LfS¡F ïnj Ãiyjhdh? Ä‹ g‰wh¡Fiw¡FjÄHf¤âš ï‹D« 7 M©LfS¡F ïnj Ãiyjhdh? Ä‹ g‰wh¡Fiw¡F
jÄHf¤âš ï‹D« 7 M©LfS¡F ïnj Ãiyjhdh? Ä‹ g‰wh¡Fiw¡FjÄHf¤âš ï‹D« 7 M©LfS¡F ïnj Ãiyjhdh? Ä‹ g‰wh¡Fiw¡F
jÄHf¤âš ï‹D« 7 M©LfS¡F ïnj Ãiyjhdh? Ä‹ g‰wh¡Fiw¡F
Ä‹thÇa« òâa És¡f«.Ä‹thÇa« òâa És¡f«.
Ä‹thÇa« òâa És¡f«.Ä‹thÇa« òâa És¡f«.
Ä‹thÇa« òâa És¡f«.
jÄHf¤âš g‰wh¡Fiw¡F Ä‹rhu thÇa« òâa És¡f« x‹iw mˤJŸsJ. Ä‹
â£l§fis brašgL¤j 7 M©LfŸ tiu MF« v‹gjhš ï‹D« gy M©LfS¡F Ä‹
j£L¥ghL Ãiy bjhlU« v‹w És¡f¤jhš bghJ k¡fŸ ftiyailªJŸsd®. jÄHf¤âš
áy M©Lfshf Ä‹bt£L ïUªJ tU»wJ. rÛg fhykhf ïJ mâfǤJ âdrÇ 14 kÂ
neu« Kjš 16 k neu« tiu Ä‹rhu« jilgL»wJ. âdrÇ Ä‹rhu« ïU¡»‹w neu¤ijÉl
Ä‹rhu« ïšyhj neunk mâf« ïU¥gjhš bghJ k¡fŸ, ÉahghÇfŸ, tÂf®fŸ gy
tifÆYH« ghâ¡f¥gL»‹wd®. ïjdhš Éiytháí« kiwKfkhf ca®ªJ tU»wJ. Ä‹
c‰g¤â Fiwî, k¤âa bjhF¥ãš ïUªJ Ä‹rhu¤ij vL¤J tUtâš á¡fšfŸ v‹W
gšntW fhuz§fis Ä‹thÇa« T¿ tU»wJ. ïU¥ãD« bghJk¡fŸ Ä‹bt£il
f©o¤J nghuh£l« el¤jhj eh£fns ïšiy. ïªj ÃiyÆš jÄœehL Ä‹ c‰g¤â k‰W«
g»®khd fHf«, jÄœehL Ä‹ bjhluik¥ò fHf« rh®ãš Ä‹ j£L¥gh£L¡F fhuz« v‹d
v‹gij bghJk¡fS¡F És¡F« tifÆš Ä‹ c‰g¤âÆš rªâ¡F« rthšfŸ v‹w bgaÇš
J©L ãuRu§fŸ.
mâš Ãy« ifaf¥gL¤Jtâš bghJk¡fË‹ vâ®ghš V‰gL« áuk§fŸ, R‰W¢NHš
M®ty®fË‹ v⮥ghš jil¥g£L tU« Ä‹ â£l§fŸ c£gl Ä‹ c‰g¤â¡ jilahf
ïU¥gjhf gšntW fhuz§fis g£oaÈ£LŸsd®. mj‹ Égu« tUkhW :
* Ú®, vÇbghUŸ, ngh¡Ftu¤J k‰W« rhiy uÆš tʤjl ïiz¥ò ngh‹w cŸf£lik¥ò
trâfis xU§»iz¥gâš V‰gL« áuk§fŸ.
* Ä‹ c‰g¤â â£l§fS¡F R‰W¢NHš M®ty®fË‹ v⮥ò.
* xorh khÃy¤âš nk‰F t§fhs¤âš ïUªJ Ãy¡fÇia vL¤J tUtâš V‰gL«
* Ä‹rhu k‰W« ïaªâu cgfuz§fis cÇa neu¤âš bfh©L tªJ nr®¥gâš V‰gL« jhkj«.
* f£Lkhd gÂfËš V‰gL« jhkj«. Ä‹ c‰g¤â Ãiya§fËš ïUªJ Ä‹rhu¤ij
bfh©L tUtâY«, ÉÃnah»¥gâY« V‰gL« á¡fšfŸ.
* bkh¤j¤âš â£l§fis brašgL¤j trâ brŒtj‰F 2 M©LfS«, â£l§fis
cUth¡f 5 M©LfS« v‹W bkh¤j« 7 M©LfŸ njit¥gL»wJ.
* bghJk¡fŸ òǪJ bfh©L x¤JiH¡f nt©L«.
* kÈthd ÉiyÆš jukhd, jilÆšyh Ä‹rhu« tH§Ftnj v§fŸ y£áa« v‹W
Ä‹Jiw Óuik¥ò¡F %.2, y£r« nfho k¤âa mik¢ruit x¥òjš :Ä‹Jiw Óuik¥ò¡F %.2, y£r« nfho k¤âa mik¢ruit x¥òjš :
Ä‹Jiw Óuik¥ò¡F %.2, y£r« nfho k¤âa mik¢ruit x¥òjš :Ä‹Jiw Óuik¥ò¡F %.2, y£r« nfho k¤âa mik¢ruit x¥òjš :
Ä‹Jiw Óuik¥ò¡F %.2, y£r« nfho k¤âa mik¢ruit x¥òjš :
ÃâbeU¡foÆš á¡»íŸs khÃy Ä‹thÇa§fis Ã⢠RikÆÈUªJ Û£gj‰F k¤âa
muR %. 2 y£r« nfho xJ¡ÑLbrŒJŸsJ.
Ä‹rhu¤ij ÉÃnah»¡F« gÂÆš <Lg£LŸs khÃy Ä‹ g»®î ÃWtd§fŸ ÄFªj
Ãâ beU¡foÆš á¡»íŸsd. ït‰wi¢ Óuik¥gj‰fhf ï¤bjhif xJ¡f¥g£LŸsJ. Ãâ
beU¡fo fhuzkhf gy khÃy Ä‹ g»®î ÃWtd§fŸ âthyhF« Ãiy¡F¤ jŸs¥g£LŸsd.
ït‰iw¡ fh¥gj‰fhfî«, Û©L« brašgL¤Jtj‰fhfî« ïªj Ãâ xJ¡f¥g£LŸsJ.
k¤âa bghUshjhu Étfhu§fS¡fhd mik¢r®fŸ FG (ááïV) ïj‰F x¥òjš
mˤjJ. khÃy Ä‹thÇa§fis Ãâ beU¡foÆÈUªJ Û£gj‰F nk‰bfhŸs nt©oa
gšntW elto¡iffŸ F¿¤J MŒî brŒjJ. ïâš Kjš f£lkhf Ä‹g»®khd
ÃWtd§fis fl‹ RikÆÈUªJ Û£f Koî brŒa¥g£lJ.
ïªj elto¡ifÆ‹go khÃy Ä‹g»®î ÃWtd§fË‹ bkh¤j fl‹ RikÆš 50
rjåj¤bjhif FW»a fhy¡fldhf mË¡f¥gL«. 2012 -M« M©L kh®¢ tiuÆyhd
fhyf£l¤âš cŸs Ãâ¢Rik fz¡»š bfhŸs¥g£L mt‰iw khÃy muRfns V‰f tÊtif
brŒa¥g£LŸsJ. ïij <Lf£l fl‹ g¤âu§fŸ btËÆl¥gL«. ïj‰F khÃy muR
c¤juthj« mË¡F«. vŠáa 50 rjåj fl‹ bjhif FW»a fhy¡ fldhf kW Óuik¥ò
brŒa¥g£L mË¡f¥gL«. ï¤bjhifia âU«g brY¤Jtj‰F Ú©l fhy¡bfL
mË¡f¥gL«. ï¤bjhifia 2 M©L Kjš 5 M©LfËš âU«g¢ brY¤J« tifÆš áw¥ò
fl‹ g¤âu§fshf btËÆl¥gL«.
Ä‹ g»®khd ÃWtd§fS¡F t§»fŸ %. 56 MÆu« nfho tiu fl‹ tH§»íŸsd.
ï¤bjhifia¤ âU«g brY¤j Koahj Ãiy ïU¥gjhš t§»fŸ fL« beU¡fo¡F
Msh»íŸsd. ï¤bjhif tuh¡ fldhf khW« mgha« cUth»íŸsJ. Ä‹ ÉÃnahf
ÃWtd§fŸ áw¥ghf¢ brašgl Koí« v‹w Ãiy cUthF«nghJ jh‹, ït‰W¡F fl‹
mË¥gj‰F t§»fŸ K‹tU«, vdnt Ä‹ g»®î¥ gÂÆš jÅah® ÃWtd§fis mâf
msÉš g§nf‰f¢ brŒtnj Ú©l fhy mo¥gilÆš ï¥ãu¢rid¡F¤ Ô®thf mikí« v‹W
»Çáš ju¢rh‹W ÃWtd« bjÇɤJŸsJ. fl‹ kW Óuik¥ò¤ â£l¤ij ï¤Jiwia¢
nr®ªj Ãòz®fŸ tunt‰WŸsd®. Mdhš áynuh ïJ FW»a fhy¤ Ô®î v‹W«, ï¤JiwÆš
ï‹dK« Ô®¡f¥glhj ãu¢ridfŸ gy cŸsjhš, ï¥ãu¢rid¡F Ãuªju Ô®thf ïJ
mikahJ v‹W« xU ju¥ãd® fU¤J bjÇɤJŸsd®.
jÄHf Ä‹thÇa« KjšÃiy Ä‹thÇa« vd¥ bga® bg‰wJ. bgh‹ ÉHh¡ f©L
bjhÊyhs®fŸ X® M©L CÊa ca®î bg‰nwh«.
muR CÊa®fis Él mâf CâaK« »il¤jJ. bjhÊyhs®fS¡F tskhd thœî
»il¤jJ vd¢ brhšyyh«. Ä‹bt£L, Ãâ¥g‰wh¡Fiw v‹gjhš Ä‹ thÇa¤â‹ Ãiy
ftiy¡»lkhf cŸsJ. ek¡F thœtË¡F« Ä‹rhu thÇa¤âš v‹W« eh« tH¡f«nghš
m®¥gÂ¥nghL e« g bjhlu cWâ vL¤J¡bfhŸnth«.
Establishment - Tamilnadu Electricity Board - S.R. 49 - Regulation of additional charge
allowance -orders issued.
Board’s Proceedings, Ms. No.605 Dated : 21st May 77
Read :
i) B.P.Ms. No.1114, dt. 31.5.72
ii) B.P.Ms.No.1003, dt. 24.5.73.
iii) From the C.E. / Gel. Lr.No.662/A.3/77-1 dated 28.3.77
Under Service Regulation 49, the Board may appoint an employee of the Board whether
permanent or officiating to hold full additional charge or to discharge current duties of one or
more independent posts at one time as a temporary measure and grant additional pay subject
to certain limits. The additional pay is allowed pay subject to certain limits. The additional pay
is allowed only where the period of additional charge exceeded 14 working days in the case of
full additional charge and one month in the case of current duties.
2. The Tamilnadu Electricity Board issues the following orders in modification of the existing
Orders :-
i. Additional pay shall be allowed only in cases where an employee of the Board
holds fully additional charge of one or more posts for a period of more than 39
days. In computing the period of additional charge, holidays and casual leave
will not excluded.
ii. No. additional pay shall be granted for holding additional charge of current duties
of one or more posts.
iii. Additional pay for holding full additional charge shall be granted at the rate
prescribed under Service Regulation 49 namely, at a rate not exceeding 1/5 the
of the pay of regular post or 1/2 the minimum pay of the additional post, whichever
is less, for the first three months and at 1/10th of the pay of the regular post or
1/4 of the minimum pay of the additional post which ever is less for the remaining
2 months.
iv. Additional pay shall not be paid for a period exceeding five months. However
the period may be extended by the Board at its discretion on appropriate term, if
the circumstances so warrant.
v. An Officer whose grade pay is Rs.2,250/- or above shall not be eligible for
additional pay for holding additional charge of one or more posts. In cases
where the pay of the officer holding more than one post is less than Rs.2,250/-
p.m. the pay plus additional pay should not exceed Rs.2,250/-
vi. Additional pay shall be allowed to an officer holding as under the Board when he
is appointed to hold full additional charge of one or more posts in State public
Sector under taking and to an officer of a State Public undertaking holding full
additional charge of one or more additional posts in another public sector
vii. The other conditions laid down under Service Regulation 49, shall be observed
for the grant of additional pay.
3. Necessary amendments to Service Regulation will be issued separately.
// By Order of the Board//
A.P. Bhatikar
Copy to the Chief Engineer / General / Madras.
Administrative Branch
791, Electricity Avenue
Annasalai, Madras-2.
Memorandum No.07101/CED/A1/79-2 dated 18-1-1980
Sub :- Establishment - Class I and II Officers-additional charge arrangement -
instruction issued.
An instance has come to notice wherein a Superintending Engineer of the Distribution
System has proposed to place the Accounts Officer / Expenditure and Accounts to hold full
additional charge of the post of Accounts Officer Bills. The attention of the Superintending
Engineers of the Distribution Systems is invited to Ruling 5(4)(ii) under Regulation 49 of the
Tamilnadu Electricity Board Service Regulations wherein it has been laid down that when the
posts hold are in the same office and of the same rank, additional pay shall not be admissible of
the duties of the said additional posts are of exactly identification nature. As three posts of
Accounts Officers are attached now to the Central Office of the Distribution System and their
work are similar in nature, the work in such cases should be distributed among the other two
Accounts Officers available in the System Offices as provided in the Service Regulations. These
Instructions may be followed in the case of Class I and II Officers working in the same rank in the
Central Office of the Distribution Systems.
The receipt of this memo, may be acknowledged.
C.D. Ramasamy Iyengar
Chief Engineer / Distribution
All the Superintending Engineer of Distribution System.
Copy to other Chief Engineers.
/ True Copy /
Copy of Memo, No.CED/15274/A1/80-1 dated 17-11-80 from the Deputy Secretary, T.N.E.B.,
Madras -2 to the Chief Engineer Distribution, Operation Metro, General Transmission
T.T.P.P. Materials Management and Hydro Project.
Sub: Establishment-Payment of additional charge allowance Time limit - revised
orders issued.
Ref: 1. Board’s memo No.3551-D3/73-2 dt.14-77.
2. Board’s Sectt. Branch Memo.No.246544-02/79-2 date 4-12-79
In Board’s memo Second cited, instructions have been issued that the proposal for sanction
of additional of additional charge allowance should be submitted without any delay in any case
within two month’s time from the date of termination of additional charge arrangement as
admissible under Regulation 49 of the Tamilnadu Electricity Board Service Regulations either
by head of office or by the Controlling Officer, as the case may be.
It has been represented that the 2 months’ time-limit prescribed for submitting the proposal
for sanction of addl. Charge allowance by the Head of Office or / Controlling officer, is not practically
workable in most of the case since the Head Of Office has to necessarily wait for the proposal
from the official concerned as they have to furnish the details of works attended to by them
during the period they held addl. charge of the post etc.
The above aspects have been carefully examined. In modification of the existing orders,
the Tamilnadu Electricity Board directs that the time-limit for the submission of the additional
charge proposals be revised as follows :-
a. The officials who held the full additional charge of the post, shall submit their proposals
for sanction of additional charge allowance to the controlling officer within one month
from the date of termination of addl. charge arrangement irrespective of the fact
whether the approval from Head Quarter office is received by him or not.
b. The controlling officer should forward the proposals duly countersigned by him with
his dated signature in the form prescribed for the purpose to the Superintending
Engineer within 10 days from the date of receipt of the proposals.
c. The Superintending Engineer concerned shall forward the proposals to the
sanctioning authority within three months from the date of termination of additional
charge appointment as admissible under Regulation 49 of Tamilnadu Electricity Board
Service Regulation in a complete shape.
The Superintending Engineers are requested to adhere to the above instructions
scrupulously. They are requested to fix the responsibility on the Divisional Engineer / General
for sending the proposal within the time limit prescribed. It may be brought to the notice of all the
officials under the control of respective Superintending Engineers that the claims preferred after
the time limit prescribed above will not be entertained.
The receipt of this memo, should be acknowledged.
(By Order of the Chairman)
S.M. Bhurhanuddin
Deputy Secretary
S.MCopy to all other Superintending Engineers.
1. BPMS (Ch)No.17(SB) dt. 27.1.83(P209/83/I)
TNEB Service Regulation 49 Additional charge Allowance - Restriction on pay-removal
- orders issued.
2. Page No. 505/84
Addl. Charge allowance for the AAO/Madurai in the claim petition on 174/1982 before the
Labour court Madurai, AAO’s not workman under Industrial Dispute Act Judgement.
3. Memo No. : 55562/N2/84-1(SB) dt.2.9.84 (P849/84)
Fundamental Rules - Calculation of period of Additional Charge Instruction of the Govt. of
Tamilnadu Communicated for adoption.
4. BPMS(CH) No.9 (SB) 7.1.85 (P9/85)
TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 49 additional pay Amendment issued.
5. CR Memo No. 70166-P.1 84-1 (SB) dt.281 85(P46/85)
TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 49- Additional pay charge-proposal for additional
pay beyond 5 months - not be evolved instruction issued.
6. BPMS (FB) No.28 (Adm.Br) dt.13.3.87(P187/87)
Estt. Class II Service Delegation of More Powers to Superitending Engineers of Distribution
System to Sanction additional charge Allowance - Orders Issued.
7. BPMS (FB) No. 40(SB) dt.12.5.87(P369/87
Estt. TNEB Service Regulation 49(i) (iii) Sanction of Additional Pay-Uniform rates orders issued.
8. BPMS (FB) No 56(SB) dt.4.7.87 (P544/87)
Regulations TNEB Service Regulations - Sanction of additional Pay-Regulation
49-Uniform rate of 20% Amendment Issued.
9. Memo No. 11506/P1/87-1 (SB) dt 10.7.87(P551/87)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulation-Regulation 49-Additional Charge Allowance
Instruction - issued.
10. Memo No. 75340/ O&M cell / 87-1 (SB) dt.15.2.88 CP 99/88)
Delegation - Delegation of Powers to officers to Sanction additional charge Arrangement
to Divisional Engineers - Instructions)
11. BPMS(FB) No16(SB) dt.11.2.88C (P97/88)
Regulations TNEB Service Regulations Additional Charge, Arrangement and Sanction of
Addl. pay -Delegation of Power to. SE’s Regulation 49 Amendment issued.
12. Memo No.12322 / P1/89-1(SB) dt.22.3.89(P 226/88)
Regulations TNEB service Regulation - Regulation 49 calculation of additional charge
Allowance - Inclusion of Personal Pay orders issued.
13. Per BP (Ch) No.230 (SB) dt.22.8.89 (P705/89)
Regulations-TNEB service Regulation -Additional charge appointment and Sanction of
Additional Pay Powers to SE’s Regulation 49 Amendment - issued.
14. Lr.No. 35410/P1/91-12(SB)dt. 12.5.94 (P239/94)
TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 49 - combination of Appointment - Addl Charge
Allowance payment of Dearness Allowance for the Additional Pay - eligible clarification issued.
15. Lr.No.48084/P1/84-1(SB) dt.22.10.94 (P480/94)
TNEB Service Regulations 49 - Combination of Appointment - Additional pay-payment of
Dearness Allowance for Additional pay w.e.f. 12.5.94 only. Past cases need not be
opened clarification issued.
16. Memo No. 13987/A18/A181/2001-2 (SB) dt.21.3.01 (P12/3/01)
Estt-TNEB - Making Additional Charge appointments under Regulation 49 of TNEB
service Regulations Instruction issued.
17. Memo No.433387/A18/A181/ 2001 - 2 (SB) dt 21.03.2001 (P 16 5/2001)
TNEB Making of Additional charges appointment under Regulation 49 of TNEB service
Regulations - Instruction issued-Further clarification issued.
18. (Per) BP(FB) No.18(SB) dt.5.7.03 (P12/7/03)
Estt. TNEB - Service Regulations - Delegation of Power to Chief Engineers for Sanction
of Additional charge Allowance for period of five months upto inclusive rank of SE’s
Amendment to Regulation 49 of TNEB Service Regulations issued.
19. Memo (P)No.83018/A18/A181/2003-3(SB) dt.5.11.03(P11 11/03)
Estt. Addl. Charge Allowance under Regulations 49 of TNEB Service Regulations-
Further Instruction issued.
20. Estt. Memo (P)No.74194/A18/A181/2005-3(SB) dt.3.1.06 (P3 1/06)
Estt. Addl. Charge arrangements - under Regulation 49 of TNEB service Regulations -
holding the post of AAAMO, AAO, Assessment officer and stores officer by the Asst.
Executive Engineer are not eligible for additional charge allowance - Addl. charge
arrangement should be orded only in the line of promotion - Further instruction issued.
21. Memo (P)No.84726)/A3/A32/2006-8(SB) dt.5.1.08(P8 1/08)
Pay and Allowance Holding of Additional charge Merger of 50% Dearness Allowance with
basis pay as Dearness pay with effect from 1.8.06 Taking into account as Dearness pay
for claiming Additional charge Allowance clarification issued.
22. Memo No.20141/A3/A31/2010-1(SB) dt.30.3.10 (14 3/10)
TNEB - Revision of wages with effect from 1.12.07 payment of difference amount for
additional charge allowance clarification issued.
1. Memo No. : 76663-01/82-2(SB) Dt. 21.3.83( P224/83-I)
Go Home concession to Dependent of the employees - Clarification issued.
2. Memo No. : 31566-02/82-2(SB) dt.7.7.82(P177/83/I)
Uniforms - Supply of full pant to the RWE employees in Special Maintenance, Auto,
Mechanical and other workshops-orders issued.
3. BPMS No. 457(Sectt) dt.30.8.82(P184/83-I)
Uniform - free supply of uniforms to the women office Helpers of TNEB orders issued.
4. Amenities - Project areas in Madurai, Thirunelveli Free Shandy Trips for employees in
Isolated camp -Approved.
5. BPMS(FB) No.94(TB) dt.26.9.83(P328/83 II )
Mettur Thermal Power Project - Provision of conveyance for personnel of MTPP from
Mettur Dam to Project site approval accorded.
6. BPRT (Ch) No.144(Sectt) dt.7.10.83 (P347/83/II)
Handloom Cloth - purchase of Handloom cloth by the employees of TNEB on credit basis
for Deepavali 83, Pongal 84 orders issued.
7. BPRT(Ch) No.145(Sectt) dt.7.10.83(348/83/II)
Khadi Cloth - Purchase of Khadi Cloth by the employees of Board on credit basis for
Festivals in 1983 and 1984 orders issued.
8. Lr No. : 38132/02/83-1(SB) dt.27.5.83(P50/83/II)
Uniform - Free supply of uniform to the women office Helper in Blue Colour -Modification
9. BPMS(Ch)No.241(Sectt) dt.27.6.83(P58/83/II)
Amenities - Madras Development circle - Sanction of Uniform to 110Kv Cable Jointer and
Jointer mates orders issued.
10. BPMS (Ch)No.219P(SB) dt.11.6.84(P427/84)
Concession - Go Home concession extension to all employees of Board in Project &
Construction circle admission of bills to class I & II Service orders issued.
11. Memo (P) 6346/S2/82-9(SB) dt.24.9.84(P595/84)
Concession - Go home concession to Class I & II Officers and RWE employees of
Investigation circle - Negatived
12. Memo (P)No.51945-S2/84-1(SB) dt. 24.9.84(P681/84)
Concession - Kadamparai pumred storage Hydro Electric Project Go Home concession
to the Staff Stationed at Karamadai, Pollachi and Anamalai - clarification issued.
13. Memo No. : 56308-S2/83-10(SB) dt.29.8.84(P173/84)
Amenities - Supply of Leather chappals to RWE employees in mettur workshop - orders
14. Memo No. : 25391-S2/84-1(SB) dt.13.9.84(P651/84)
Amenities - Supply of Leather chappals to RWE employees in Spl. Maintenance, Auto
Mechanical workshop - orders issued.
15. BPMS No. : 8(SB) dt.6.1.84(P5/84)
Regualtions - TNEB Special pay and allowances Regulations - Regulations 19-Rent free
Quarters and free elecy. Supply Amendment issued.
16. BPMS(Ch)No. 58(SB) dt.18.2.84(P77/84)
Amenities - Concession - Death of Board employees while in service - Transportation of
body to places out side Tamilnadu at Boards Cost-Instruction issued.
17. Memo No. : 69626-S2/82-12(SB) dt.3.8.84(P 571/84)
Amenities Death of Board employees - while in service - Transportation of Dead Body to
native place at Boards cost-clarification issued.
18. BPMS(Ch) No.84(SB) dt.5.3.84 (P151/84)
Uniforms - Supply of uniforms to Drivers employed in Boards offices - pattern of Supply
modified - orders issued.
19. BPMS(Ch)No.305(SB) dt.7.8.84(P600/84)
Uniforms Supply of Polyester to the Drivers and Cleaners of the Board - Rate of Stitching
charges - orders issued.
thÇa Miz v©. (jiyt®) 407(brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 16.10.84(779/84)thÇa Miz v©. (jiyt®) 407(brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 16.10.84(779/84)
thÇa Miz v©. (jiyt®) 407(brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 16.10.84(779/84)thÇa Miz v©. (jiyt®) 407(brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 16.10.84(779/84)
thÇa Miz v©. (jiyt®) 407(brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 16.10.84(779/84)
ÓUilfŸ - thÇa C®â X£Le®fS¡F ghÈaÞl® JÂÆš ÓUil tH§Ftjš áy
KiwfS¡fhd m¿îiufŸ Miz tH§Fjš
f.v©. 76355/vÞ. 2/ 84-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 11.12.84(973/84)f.v©. 76355/vÞ. 2/ 84-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 11.12.84(973/84)
f.v©. 76355/vÞ. 2/ 84-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 11.12.84(973/84)f.v©. 76355/vÞ. 2/ 84-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 11.12.84(973/84)
f.v©. 76355/vÞ. 2/ 84-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 11.12.84(973/84)
ÓUil - thÇa C®â X£Le®fS¡F bra‰if ïiH JÂÆš ÓUil tH§Fjš
22. Memo No. 60387/S2/83-2(SB) dt.21.12.84(P986/84)
Uniforms - Supply of Uniforms to the employees safety arrangements - Instruction
23. BPMS (Ch) No. 8(SB) Dt.5.1.85 (P7/85)
Amenities - Supply of Hunters shoe and Rain Coats to RWE employees working in
Investigation circle - orders issued
24. Memo No. : 974/S2/84-1(SB) dt.7.1.85 (P8/85)
Uniforms - Supply of uniforms to women Helpers - instruction issued.
25. Memo (P) No. 76352-S2/84-5(SB) dt.24.5.85(P526/85)
Amenities - Supply of shoes to the Hot Line Crew - orders issued.
26. Memo (P) No.83142-S2/84-3 (SB) dt.24585 (P527/85)
Amenities - Supply of foot wear to the RWE Employees working in SPl Maintenance, Auto,
Mechanical and other workshops-Increase of ceiling limit of the cost of foot wear -orders
27. BPMS(ch) No.196(SB) dt. 1.6.85 (P642/85)
Uniforms - Free supply of uniforms, Shoes and Socks- to the RWE employee of TTPS
- orders issued.
28. BPMS(Ch) No.310(SB) dt.13.9.85(P971/85)
Uniforms - supply of uniforms to certain women employees - change in colour inrespect
of widowed employees -orders issued.
29. Memo No. 34776/Q1/85-1(SB) dt.13.9.85(P971/85)
Amenities - Supply of Shoes to the Hot line crew -cost ceiling limit fixed -orders issued.
30. BPMS(Ch) No.342 (Adm.Br.) of 17.6.86(P549/86)
Uniforms - Supply of Hunters shoes to line patrolling Staff working in forest and hilly areas
sanction accorded.
31. Memo No. 017724/310/1R1(4) / Adm Br. / 86-1 dt.27.9.86 (P839/86)
Allotment of Quarters - Instruction issued.
32. BPMS(Ch) No. 758 (Adm Br.) Dt.15.12.86( P11.04.86)
Supply of warm clothing to Drivers including staff car Drivers and cleaners employed in Hill
station - generation circle Kundah - Escalation of Price of the uniform - Sanction accorded.
33. Cr Memo No.103899/IR3(2) / 86-1 dt.8.1.87 (P10/86)
Amenities - Loans dues by the employees of TNEB -Co-Op Thrift Society registered under
the Tamilnadu State Co-Op Society Act. Recovery-of dues from the salaries of the
employees -Instructions issued.
34. BPMS(Ch)No.14(Adm.Br) dt. 12.1.87 (P11/87)
Amenities - Concession - Death of Board employees- Transportation of dead body by Air
- orders issued.
35. BPMS(Ch) No.45(Adm. Br.) dt.30.1.87 (P26/87)
Amenities - Madras Development Circle - Sanctioning of Uniforms to 110Kv Cable Jointers
and Jointer Mate -orders issued.
36. Lr. No. 105-G1/87-1 (SB) dt.3.2.87 (P109/87)
TNEB Uniforms - Supply of Uniforms to the Office Assistant attending in the officers rooms
- request for supply of polyester uniform instead of Cotton- Negative.
37. Memo No. 40: Adm Br / IR 2(1) / 87-9 dt.23.4.87 (P297/87)
Modified System of Card billing of energy charges and collection - provision of ID Cards to
the Assessors and Inspector of Assessment in the Section - Reg.
38. Memo No. 041706 (204) / Adm Br. / IR4(3)/87-1 dt,12,6,87 (P472/87)
Uniforms - Supply of Uniforms to workmen in TNEB - Instruction issued - reg.
39. Memo No. 17682/283/IR 3(2) /Adm Br / 87-3 dt.17.10.87 (P789/87)
TNEB - Estt.-Control of Sub Station and allotment of Quarters to the staff in Sub Stations-
Instruction issued.
40. Memo No.041706 (204) / Adm Br / IR4(3)/87-2 dt.30.10.87 (P835/87)
Uniform - Supply of Uniforms to workmen in TNEB - Instruction issued.
41. Memo No.7361-P1/87-1 (SB) dt. 23.11.87 (P871/87)
Deputation - Deputation of Board employee - Standardised terms and conditions -
concession - Transport of body of Govt. Servant who die in Service - Transportation of the
dead body by Air - Orders of Govt. - Adopted to Board Instruction issued.
42. BPMS(FB) No.9 (T.B.) dt.4.1.88 (P4/88)
Warm clothing - Supply of full sleeves wollen sweater) for RWE employees working in hill
areas enhancement of ceiling limit - sanctioned.
43. BPMS(Ch) No.44 (Adm Br) dt.14.1.88 (P13/88)
TNEB Supply of service rolls to the employees of the TENB - Free of cost -orders issued.
44. Memo No. : 088694/G3/A2/381/88-1 (Adm. Br) 81-20688(363/88)
Supply of periodicals to the residences of The CE’s and SE’s of Distn. Circle -orders
45. BPMS(Ch) No.440 (Adm Br.) Dt.6.8.88 (P553/88)
Uniforms - supply of uniforms to the workmen of TNEB -Revised rate of stitching charges
-orders issued.
46. BPMSC (ch) No 471 (Adm/ Br.) dt.23.8.88(P574/88)
Uniforms - supply of warm clothing uniforms, shoes and socks to RWE workmen sanction
47. Memo No. 80208/IR4(3)/86-4 (Adm Br.) dt.17.11.88 (P785)
Uniform - Supply of uniforms to workmen in TNEB - Instructions - Amendment Issued.
48. Memo No. 088694/G3/A2/381/88-3 (Adm.Br) dt.17.11.88(785-88)
Supply of periodicals to the residence of the chief Engineers and Superintending Engineers
- orders issued.
49. (per) BP(Ch) No.76 (Adm.Br) dt.2.2.89 (P135/89)
Uniforms - Supply of socks to Women employees in RWE category - sanctioned.
50. (Per) BP(Ch) No.91(Adm.Br.) Dt.10.2.89 (P142/89)
Uniforms - Free Supply of uniforms shoes, and socks tot he RWE Employees of Mettur
Thermal Power Station - orders issued.
51. (Per) BP(FB) No.31(Adm Br.) dt.26.5.89 (P386/89)
Amenities - Concession - Death of Board Employees while in Service -Transportation of
body to places outside Tamilnadu at Boards Cost-Orders issued Amendment.
52. Cr Memo No. 112250/IR4(3) 89-1(Adm.Br.)Dt. 7.10.89 (844/89)
Employees met with accident -movement of person in critical condition by car or tax at
Boards cost Instruction issued.
53. Per BP (Ch) No.543 (Adm.Br.)dt.17.11.89(P908/89)
Uniforms supply of Terrycotton uniforms to the workmen of TNEB - Orders issued.
54. Memo No.113116/IR4(3) /89-4 (Adm.Br.dt.29.4.90(P232/90)
Uniforms - Supply of Terry Cotton Uniforms to the Workmen of TNEB - Rates of Stitching
charges - partial Modification - orders issued.
55. (Per) BP(FB) No.28(SB) dt.22.6.90 (P375/90)
House Rent - Refixation of Rent for the Boards Rental quarters with effect from 1.12.88
- orders issued
56. (Per) BP(Ch) No.91(Adm.Br.) dt.13.3.91 (P90/91)
Uniforms - Free supply of uniforms shoes and socks to certain category of RWE workman
working in TTPS - Stage III construction area - orders issued.
F.M.v©. 003143/bjh.c4(3)/91-10(Ã.».) ehŸ 24.3.92 (g105/92)F.M.v©. 003143/bjh.c4(3)/91-10(Ã.».) ehŸ 24.3.92 (g105/92)
F.M.v©. 003143/bjh.c4(3)/91-10(Ã.».) ehŸ 24.3.92 (g105/92)F.M.v©. 003143/bjh.c4(3)/91-10(Ã.».) ehŸ 24.3.92 (g105/92)
F.M.v©. 003143/bjh.c4(3)/91-10(Ã.».) ehŸ 24.3.92 (g105/92)
ÓUil - Ä‹thÇa CÊa®fS¡F ÓUil tH§FtJ m¿îiu f£lis Miz
58. (
th.M./ Ã) (jiyt®) v©.94(û) ehŸ 26.3.92(g106/92)th.M./ Ã) (jiyt®) v©.94(û) ehŸ 26.3.92(g106/92)
th.M./ Ã) (jiyt®) v©.94(û) ehŸ 26.3.92(g106/92)th.M./ Ã) (jiyt®) v©.94(û) ehŸ 26.3.92(g106/92)
th.M./ Ã) (jiyt®) v©.94(û) ehŸ 26.3.92(g106/92)
ÓUil -Ä‹ thÇa gykho¡ f£ol« Ä‹ ö¡» ïa¡Fgt®fS¡F 1992-93 M«
M©L¡fhd ÓUil tH§f - Miz ãw¥ã¡f¥gL»wJ.
59. (Per) B.P.(CB) No.26(SB) dt.29.5.92(P301/92)
Delegation - Delegation of Powers for retention of Board’s Quarters by the employee
retired / removed from service/Transferred and the dependent of the deceased
employees in all categories beyond the period of retirement / Death etc. - orders issued.
60. Memo No. 46987/O&M (4) / 92-1(SB) dt.25.9.92(P491/92)
TNEB - Retention of Board Quarters by the Staff on Transfer beyond eligible period -
Fixation of Market Rent and authority competent to fix Rent - Instruction issued.
61. (Per) BP(FB) No.71(SB) dt.26.10.92(P570/92)
Delegation - Delegation of powers to officers for retention of Board Quarters by the
employees retired / Transferred and the dependent of the deceased employees in all
categories Beyond the period of retirement / Transfer / Death etc. - orders issued.
62. Memo No. 75638/ O&M1(4) /92-1(SB) dt.23.12.92(P736)
Uniform - Supply of Uniforms to workmen in TNEB - Instruction to avoid delay - issued.
63 Memo No. 74824/O&M-1(3)/92-1(SB) dt.18.2.93(P50/93)
Delegation of powers to officers of TNEB to authorise retention of Quarters by all categories
of employees retired / Removed from service Transferred and dependent of deceased
clarification issued.
64. Memo No.:015060/102/Adm. Br./IR4(2) /93-1 dt.15.3.93(90/93)
Uniform - Supply of uniforms cloth at the enhanced scale to the employees of TNEB
- orders issued.
65. Memo No.:100185/651/Adm. Br./IR4(2)/92-4 dt.12.4.93(P135/93)
Amenities - Supply of Hunters shoes to line patrolling staff working in Forest and Hill Areas
increase of ceiling limit of cost of Hunters shoes - orders issued.
66. Memo (P) No. 141884/754/Adm.Br / IR4(2) / 91-2 dt. 5.5.93 (P188/93)
Uniforms - Mettur Thermal Power Station - Free Supply of uniforms and shoes, socks to
RWE employees - orders issued.
67. Memo No. :015060/102/Adm.Br./IR4(2)/93-2dt.15.6.93 (P193/93)
Uniform - Supply of uniform cloths at the enhanced scale to the employees of the TNEB
Amendment issued
68. (Per) BP (Ch) No. 277 (Adm.Br.) dt 15.09.93 (P487/93)
Uniform - Supply of Uniform to the office Helper (Trainee) and Helper (Trainee) -orders issued.
69. (Per) BP(Ch) No.292(Adm.Br.) dt.27.9.93(P503/93)
Contingences - supply of water filter to the TNEB offices - orders issued - Amendment.
70. Per BP(Ch) No.55(Adm.Br.)dt.11.2.94(P78/94)
Uniforms - Provision of Raincoat to Assessors Working in Tamilnadu Electricity Board
- orders issued.
71. thÇa Ãiy Miz Ã(jiyt®) v©.60 (Ã.».) ehŸ 17.2.94(g.85/94)
ÓUil- ÓUil btW« thÇa CÊa®fS¡F ÓUil ij¥gj‰fhd ija‰TÈ ca®¤â
tH§f Miz ãw¥ã¤jš.
72. Memo No.69045/ O&M cell I (4) /93-1(SB) dt.13.4.94 (P171/94)
Delegation of powers to officers for retention of Board Quarters - Retention of Board
Quarters by employees of Board and allotment of Quarter, to contractors - certain
clarifications - issued.
73. (Per) BP(FB) No.26(Adm.Br.) dt.9.5.94(P238/94)
Uniform- Supply of uniform to the RWE workmen-full pant in place of Half pant - orders
74. Per BP(Ch)No.76(Adm.Br.) Dt.15.3.95(P91/95)
Amenities - RWE - Generation Tirunelvely Supply of Hunter shoes to the Trolly Guards in
Winch trackers -orders issued.
75. Memo No. 68302/O&M I (3) /93-1(SB) dt.25.3.95(P124/95)
Delegation of powers to officers for retention to of quarters - Further clarification issued.
76. Memo No.42007/O&M-1(3) /94-1(SB) dt.25.4.95(P168/95)
TNEB - Quarters Retention of Boards Quarters by the employees retired / removed from
service transferred and dependent of the deceased employees in all categories - clarification
77. Memo No.070140/291/Adm.Br./IR4(2) / 94-7(Adm.Br.) dt.29.5.95(P215/95)
Amenities - Supply of shoes and socks to the Hot line crew increase of ceiling limit of cost
of shoes and socks - orders issued.
78. (Per) BP(FB) No.76(SB) dt.6.11.96(P6-11-96)
Estt - TNEB Provision of quarters to employees Retention beyond the period of Transfer,
Retirement death etc. collection of Rent further orders issued.
79. Memo No.69209/319/IR4(2)/96-1 Adm. Br.dt.31.12.96 (P29/12/96)
Supply of Rain Coat to the eligible employees of TNEB - Periodicity fixed as Five years
orders issued.
80. Memo (P)No.:9867/O&M I (97-1(SB) dt.12.2.97(P14/2/97)
Quarters - Quarters belonging to the Tamilnadu Electricity Board - Illegal occupation -
curbing of - instruction issued.
81. (Per) BP(Ch)No.209(Amd. Br.) dt.8.5.97(P20/5/97)
Uniform - Supply of Uniform to the eligible employees of TNEB - Revision of Stitching
charges -orders issued.
82. Memo No. 20750/35/IR4(2)/97-1 dt.12.11.97 (p4/11/97)
Amenities - Uniforms - Free supply of uniforms to the upgraded posts of line Inspector
- Request negatived.
83. (Per) BP(Ch)No.150(Adm.Br.) dt.8.7.98(P13/7/98)
TNEB - Amenities - Free supply of warm clothing to the RWE working in Hill Station at an
altitude of above 5000 feet MSL proposal - cost of warm clothing Enhancement of Monetary
limit -orders issued.
84. Memo No. 91205/ O&M cell - II (3)/98-1 (SB) dt.6.7.99(P5/7/99)
Amenities - Supply of Turkey Towels Pen stand with pen etc. to class II officers - clarified.
85. Lr.No. 81567/A3/A32/99-1 (SB) dt.20.12.99(P8/12/99)
Housing - Tamilnadu Govt. Servants Rental Housing scheme - Allotment of quarters to
Govt. employees - certain instruction issued.
86. (Per) BP (Ch) No.40(SB) dt.2.3.2000 (P1/3/2000)
Amenities - Supply of Table Articles to all class I and II Officers of the Board - Revised
-orders issued.
F¿¥ghiz v©. 092379/397/Í45/Í451/99-18 ehŸ 26.2.2001(ã28/2/01)F¿¥ghiz v©. 092379/397/Í45/Í451/99-18 ehŸ 26.2.2001(ã28/2/01)
F¿¥ghiz v©. 092379/397/Í45/Í451/99-18 ehŸ 26.2.2001(ã28/2/01)F¿¥ghiz v©. 092379/397/Í45/Í451/99-18 ehŸ 26.2.2001(ã28/2/01)
F¿¥ghiz v©. 092379/397/Í45/Í451/99-18 ehŸ 26.2.2001(ã28/2/01)
trâfŸ - thÇa¤âš gÂòÇí« X£Le® k‰W« thfd cjÉahs®fS¡F fhy (Shoes)
k‰W« (Socks) ghj ciw tH§FtJ Éiy îza« c¤juî ãw¥ã¤jš.
88. Lr. No. 80695/A3/A32/2000-1 (SB) dt.16.2.2001 (P23/2/01)
Housing - Tamilnadu Govt. Servant Rental Housing scheme vacation of quarters by Govt.-
Employees after retirement Rent Recovery - certain Instruction copy communicated.
89. Lr.No. 10690/A9/A92/2001-1(SB) dt.6.2.01(P20/2/01)
TNEB - Boards Guest House at New Delhi-Stay of Board employees in TNEB - Guest
House-New Delhi for private purpose Rent fixed - orders issued. copy communicated.
90. (Per) BP(Ch)No.110(SB) dt.19.4.2001(P13/4/2001)
Estt - Providing of Helmets to staff of Thermal stations -orders issued.
91. (Per) BP(Ch)No.166(TB) dt.4.6.2001(P1/6/01)
Training & Generation AE’s (Trainee) wearing of suitable Dress for women employees in
power Houses - Churidhar with over coat or pant and shirt with over coat -Instruction
92. (Per) BP(FB) No.48(SB) dt.9.7.2001(P9/7/01)
House Rent - Refixation of rent for the Boards Rental Quarters with effect from 1.4.98
- orders issued.
93. (Per) BP (CH)No.194 (Adm.Br) dt.12.9.2001(P5/9/01)
Amenities - Uniform-Free supply of uniform cloth to the eligible workmen of TNEB
Procurement of polyester instead of Terry cotton cloths - orders issued.
94. (Per) BP (Ch)No.52(Adm.Br.) dt.26.2.02(P11/2/02)
Amenities - Uniforms - File supply of uniforms shoes and socks to the RWE employees of
Basin Bridge Gas Turbine Power Station Chennai 12 - orders issued.
95. (Per) BP (Ch)No.91(Adm. Br.) dt.30.3.2002(P34/3/02)
Amenities - Uniform to RWE employees working in North Chennai Thermal Power Station
- Free Supply of Uniform - orders issued.
thÇa Ãiy Miz (Ãu) (jiyt®) v©.33(Ã.».) ehŸ 22.2.2003(ã 7/2/03)thÇa Ãiy Miz (Ãu) (jiyt®) v©.33(Ã.».) ehŸ 22.2.2003(ã 7/2/03)
thÇa Ãiy Miz (Ãu) (jiyt®) v©.33(Ã.».) ehŸ 22.2.2003(ã 7/2/03)thÇa Ãiy Miz (Ãu) (jiyt®) v©.33(Ã.».) ehŸ 22.2.2003(ã 7/2/03)
thÇa Ãiy Miz (Ãu) (jiyt®) v©.33(Ã.».) ehŸ 22.2.2003(ã 7/2/03)
trâfŸ- ÓUil- nk£^® mdš Ä‹ Ãiya fs¥ gÂahs®fS¡F ïytr ÓUil tH§f
Miz ãw¥ã¤jš.
F¿¥ghiz v©.146726/1891/Í45/Í452/2002-5 ehŸ 27.9.03(ã 22/9/03)F¿¥ghiz v©.146726/1891/Í45/Í452/2002-5 ehŸ 27.9.03(ã 22/9/03)
F¿¥ghiz v©.146726/1891/Í45/Í452/2002-5 ehŸ 27.9.03(ã 22/9/03)F¿¥ghiz v©.146726/1891/Í45/Í452/2002-5 ehŸ 27.9.03(ã 22/9/03)
F¿¥ghiz v©.146726/1891/Í45/Í452/2002-5 ehŸ 27.9.03(ã 22/9/03)
îthf« - fs¥gÂahs®fŸ X£Le®fŸ -thÇa FoÆU¥òfŸ - å£L thlif¥go k‰W«
Ä‹rhu f£lz« Ú§fyhf mâf« ão¡f¥g£l bjhif âU«g tH§Fjš - Miz
98. (Per) BP(Ch)No.228/(Adm.Br.) dt.22.10.03(P6/10/03)
Amenities - Uniforms - Free Supply of uniforms, shoes and socks to RWE employees of
Basin Bridge Gas Turbine Power station - orders issued.
F.M.v©.090701/35/Í45/Í451/2002-14 ehŸ 28.5.04 (ã 14/9/04)F.M.v©.090701/35/Í45/Í451/2002-14 ehŸ 28.5.04 (ã 14/9/04)
F.M.v©.090701/35/Í45/Í451/2002-14 ehŸ 28.5.04 (ã 14/9/04)F.M.v©.090701/35/Í45/Í451/2002-14 ehŸ 28.5.04 (ã 14/9/04)
F.M.v©.090701/35/Í45/Í451/2002-14 ehŸ 28.5.04 (ã 14/9/04)
trâfŸ - mdš Ä‹ Ãiya k‰W« vÇthí NHÈ Ä‹ Ãiya MŒî Tl§fËš
gÂòÇí« gÂahs®fS¡F ïytr nkš (Over Coat) m§» tH§f Miz ãw¥ã¤jš.
F.M. v©.131019/54/Í45/Í451/2002-27 ehŸ 5.10.04(ã.2/10,04)F.M. v©.131019/54/Í45/Í451/2002-27 ehŸ 5.10.04(ã.2/10,04)
F.M. v©.131019/54/Í45/Í451/2002-27 ehŸ 5.10.04(ã.2/10,04)F.M. v©.131019/54/Í45/Í451/2002-27 ehŸ 5.10.04(ã.2/10,04)
F.M. v©.131019/54/Í45/Í451/2002-27 ehŸ 5.10.04(ã.2/10,04)
trâfŸ - ÓUil-jÄHehL Ä‹rhu thÇa¤âš Ä‹ ghij k‰W« Jiz Ä‹ Ãiya
ãÇîfËš gÂòÇa« fs¥ gÂahs®fS¡F ïytr ÓUil tH§FtJ F¿¤J.
101. Memo No.100637/A23/A232/2004-2(SB) dt.19.1.05(P7/1/05)
TNEB - Quarters Allotment of Board Quarters - Certain instruction issued.
102. (Per) BP (Ch)No.64(Adm. Br.) dt.31.3.05 (P15/3/05)
Uniform - Supply of uniform to eligible employees of TNEB - Revision of stitching charges
-orders issued.
103. Per BP(Ch) No.72(TB) dt.13.2.06 (P43 2/06)
Hydro Generation orders - Allotment of vacant - Quarters to Apprentice Trainee and Maternity
Assistant in various Power Houses - Rent fixation - Approval accorded.
104. Memo (P) No.45332/A23/A232/2006-1(SB) Dt.22.7.06 (P19/7/06)
Estt - TNEB - Accommodation - Allotment of Inspection Bungalow to Board Officials /
Outsiders for Personal Stay Instruction issued.
105. (Per) BP (Ch) No.165(Adm.Br.) dt.8.8.06 (P6/8/06)
Estt -RWE - Class III Service- Drivers supply of Brown pant and white shirt instead of
while and white inrespect of Drivers at Head Quarters office at Chennai-orders issued.
106. Memo (P) 1242/75/G42/9421/2006-3(Adm.Br.) dt.8.11.06(P3/11/06)
Amenities - Supply of Hunters shoes to line patrolling staff working in Forest and Hilly area
- Increase of Ceiling limit of Cost of Hunters shoes - orders
107. Memo No.105445/G42/G421/2006-1 (Adm.Br.) dt.28.11.06 (P11/11/06)
Amenities - Free supply of uniforms - Requesting to revise the scale of Blouse supplied to
women employee - Regd.
108. Memo No. 59628/A23/A232/2006-1(SB) dt.18.12.2006(P10/12/06)
TNEB - Guest House of New Delhi - Collection of rent for accommodation - Revised
orders issued.
109. (Per) BP (Ch) No.236(Adm.Br.) dt.2.8.07(P2/8/07)
Estt - RWE - Class III Service - Drivers - Supply of Uniforms Dark Navy Blue Pant and
white shirt uniforms instead of Brown pant and white shirts inrespect of Head Quarters
offices at Chennai - orders issued.
110. (Per) BP(Ch)No.273(Adm.Br.) dt.10.9.07(P20/9/07)
Estt - RWE - Class III Service Drivers - Supply of Dark Navy Blue Pant and White shirt,
inresepct of Driver who are working in field offices of TNEB - orders issued.
111. (Per) BP (Ch) No.71(Adm.Br.) dt.13.3.2008(P10/3/08)
Estt - RWE - NCTPS - Free supply of Uniform - colour changed as Dark Blue Pant and
Light Blue shirt, in respect of male employees and Brown colour sarees and blouses
inrespect of women employees - orders issued.
112. (Per) BP (Ch)No.167(Adm.Br.) dt.19.8.08(P49/8/08)
Aminities - RWE - employees - free supply of shoes and socks for the eligible employees
of NCTPS -orders issued.
113. Memo No.33345/A3/A32/2006-2(BoSB) dt.12.6.09(P10/6/09)
TNEB -Quarters Rent -Allotment of Board Quarters to the newly Joined Assistant
Engineer / Trainees Levying of HRA by Taking into Account of Rs.7225/- as pay clarification
114. Memo (P) No.37314/A23/A232/2010-1(SB) dt.14.7.10(P18/7/10)
Estt - TNEB - Inspection Bungalows - Certain Instruction issued (One A/c suit may be
reserved for VVIPS)
115. Memo (P) No.37314/A23/A232/2010-2(SB dt.14.7.10) (P19/7/10)
Estt - TNEB - Inspection Bungalows - Maintenance of Inspection Bungalows - Instruction
116. (Per) BP(Ch)No.114(Adm.Br.)Dt.26.10.10(P39/10/20)
Estt - RWE - Free supply of Uniforms - Colour changed as Dark Blue Pant and Light Blue
Shirts irrespect of Male employees and Brown colour sarees and Blouse inrespect of
female employees of Ennore Thermal Power Station and also changing colour as Brown
Colour sarees and Blouse inrespect of eligible female employees of TTPS - orders issued.
117. (Per) CMDTANGEDCO / Pro No.93(Adm.Br.)dt.29.8.11(P33/8/11)
Uniform Supply of uniform to the eligible employees of TNAGEDCO/TANTRANSCO and
TNEB Ltd. Revision of Stitching charges - orders issued.
Accident - Workman’s Compensation Act 1923 - Sanction of Compensation under the Act to
Board’s Workmen - Delegation of Powers to Superintending Engineers - Orders - Issued.
Board’s Proceedings Ms.No.1473 dated : 28.07.1973
1) B.P.Ms.No.1215, dated : 23.06.1970
2) From the CE Lr No.838/C3/69-14, dated 12.08.1970
Proceedings :
The Tamilnadu Electricity Board directs that the Superintending Engineers of the System / Circles
be delegated with the powers to sanction the amounts of compensation payable under the
workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 in respect of fatal and non-fatal electrical and mechanical
accidents even in cases which have not been taken to the courts.
(By Order of the Board)
The Chief Engineer / General / Madras -2.
(Administrative Branch)
Copy of Memo No.063568-85/85-2, (Administrative Branch) dated : 9.12.1985
Sub : Accidents - Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923-Sanction of
Compensation under the Act in respect of fatal / non-fatal accidents to
Board’s Workmen-Instruction issued.
Ref : B.P.Ms.No.1473, dated 28.7.1973.
1) The attention of the Superintending Engineers is invited to the reference cited, wherein
they have been delegated with the powers to sanction the amounts of compensation payable
under the Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923.
2) It has come to the notice of the Board that in certain system. Claims for compensation,
due to accidents to Board’s Workmen, under the above act preferred with the Deputy
Commissioner of Labour (Workmen’s Compensation) are contested as a matter of routine
without examining the admissibility of the claim under the Act. In some cases, the claims are
contested on the ground that the amount of compensation claimed is on the high side even
though the amount claimed is in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Such unnecessary
litigation results in harassment of the disabled and the families of the deceased and avoidable
expenditure to the Board.
3) According to Sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Workmen Compensation Act 1923, if
personal injury is caused to a workmen by accident arising out of and in the course of his
employment, his employer shall be liable to pay compensation in accordance with the provisions
of Chapter II of the said Act. The provision to the above section states the employer shall not be
so liable in respect of any injury, not resulting in death, caused by an accident which is attributable
to (i) workman having been under the influence of drink or drugs or (ii) the wilful disobedience of
the worker to an order expressly given etc. for the purpose of securing the safety of the Workman,
or (iii) the wilful removal or disregard by the workman of any safety guard or device which is
provided for securing safety of workmen. Decisions of courts go above that the burden of
proving that the workman had disobeyed the express orders given by the authorities or remove
or disregarded the safety guard or device which is provided for him, sequently lies on his employer
in case of an injury not resulting in death, to disown the liability to pay compensation In case of
death the employer is liable to pay compensation inspite of the negligence of the kind mentioned
above on the part of the workman.
4) The superintending Engineers, are informed that were an accident affecting a Board’s
workman arose out of and in the course of employment, the Superintending Engineer should
apply his mind to the facts of the case and to provisions of the Act, and if the claim is clearly
admissible compensation in accordance with the provisions of the Act as in force on the date of
accident shall be sanctioned in exercise of the powers delegated to them in the B.P. Cited and
the amount deposited with the Deputy Commissioner of Labour (Workmen’s Compensation)
for disbursement to the dependents, provided the claim is preferred within two years from the
date of accident/ death.
5) Where a claim for compensation is preferred direct with the Deputy Commissioner of
Labour than apart from depositing the sanctioned amount a counter statement may also be filed
disclosing the facts and the quantum of compensation permissible under the Workmen’s
compensation Act 1923.
6) Only in cases, where the Superintending Engineers are satisfied that the claim is not
admissible or is excess as per provisions of the Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923, the claims
should be contested. In such cases all efforts should be made to contest the claims successfully.
7) The superintending Engineers are also informed that in respect of the claims which are
already pending before the court of Deputy Commissioner of Labour (Workmen’s Compensation
Act 1923, further action shall be taken in accordance with the above instructions.
B. Viayaragavan
//True Copy//
1. BPMS No. 501(SB) dt.23.9.82(P188/1983I)
Employees of TNEB not covered by workmen compensation Act 1923 dying due to accident
while on duty -compensation in addition to FBF Scheme - payment Guidelines.
2. Memo No. : 068471-M1/82-1(SB) dt.9.12.82(P203/1983)
-Do- clarification
3. BPMS(FB) No.100(TB) dt.26.4.85(P41/83I)
Accident - Payment of Compensation or Adhoc Payment on compassionate grounds to
the dependents of Non departmental persons involved in fatal accidents of electrocution
caused by the installation of TNEB due to fallen of post, snapping of conductor procedure
- ordered.
4. Lr No. 18111/VC-8/83-3(SB) dt.25.8.83(P253/83II)
Explosive - Frequent accident in Hydro Electric project preventive Measure suggested.
5. Memo No. 63020-ST/84-1(Sectt Br.) Dt.25.10.84(P785/84)
Acts and Rules - Workmen compensation act 1923-Amendment to Act communicated for
guidance and compliance.
6. Memo No. : 119147-S5(1)/83-2(Adm.Br.)dt.2.4.84(P261/84)
Accidents - Reports on accident - compensation proposal for accident to non-departmental
persons and animals - Revised instruction issued.
7. Memo No. : 028192-S5/84-8(Adm. Br.)dt.23.7.84(P558/84)
Accident - Steps to be taken to avoid accidents Instruction issued.
8. Memo No. 094485-S5/84-5(Adm.Br.) dt.23.5.85(P525/85)
Court cases - payment of compensation amount due to degree holders - Avoidance of
delay instruction issued-reg.
9. Memo No. : S5/RE(D)/ DE(SS)/A1/C3741/85(TB) dt.25.5.85(P611/85)
Occurrence of accident prevention - instruction issued.
10. Memo No. SE/REI(D)/DE(SS) A1/C 3741-2/85(TB)of 27.5.85(P611/85)
Reporting and review of occurrence of accident - instruction issued.
11. Memo No. 068138 - S5/85-1 (Adm. Br.) dt. 4.10.85 & (P1027/85)
Accident - Accident to Departmental / Non departmental persons obtaining of police report
and certificate of Post Mortam - reg.
12. Memo No. : 063568-S5/85-2(Adm.Br.) dt.9.12.85(P1312/85)
Accident -workmen’s compensation Act 1923-sanction of compensation under the Act
Inrespect of fatal/Non fatal accident to Board employees -instruction issued.
13. Memo No.:096695 - S5/84-3 (Adm.Br.) dt.15.9.87 (P710/87)
Accident - Accident to non-departmental persons / Animals - Time limit for receipt of claim
for compensation - reg.
14. Memo No. 107395-S5/85-6 (Adm.Br.) dt.22.10.87 (P791/87)
Accident - Proper up keeping of records and prevention of accidents -instruction issued.
15. Memo No. SE/RE(d)/Ref I/FAcct / D2/87 dt.26.12.87 (F1005/87)
Elecy - Electrical Accident - Accident - occurred due to live wire fencing should be reported
to the police for taking criminal Action.
16. Memo No. : 099264-S5/85-5 (Adm.Br.) dt.24.2.85 (P105/88)
Accident Fatal / Non fatal accident to non departmental persons - suits for compensation
filed in courts contesting of - instruction issued.
17. Memo No. : 107395-S5/85-12 (Adm. Br.) Dt. 28.9.88 (P742/85)
Accident - Fatal Accident to Departmental / Non Departmental persons obtaining of
postmortem report - instruction issued.
18. Memo No.: 143383-S5/88-3 (Adm. Br.) dt.5.12.88(P856/88)
Accident - Payment of compensation irrespect of Fatal /Non fatal accident to non
departmental persons - Intimation to District collector about the payment of compensation
- instruction issued.
19. Memo No. 021014-S5/88-5 (Adm.Br.) dt. 14.12.88(P892/88)
Accident - Accident to contract Labours - Payment of Compensation under workmen’s
compensation Act-Engaging of contract Labourers only through registered contractor only
- instruction issued.
20. 028697-OS/89-1(Adm.Br.) dt.21.3.89 (P225/89)
Accident-Fatal /Non -fatal accident to departmental / non departmental persons - Report
on the action taken against the staff responsible if any should be accompanied with the
proposal for sanction - instruction issued.
21. (Per) BP(FB) No.29 (Adm.Br.) dt.23.5.89 (P384/89)
Delegation - Delegation of powers to Chief Engineers Personnel to sanction adhoc payment
on compassionate grounds irrespect of fatal accident to non dept. persons and Animals
and to sanction compensation under workmen compensation Act 1923 inrespect of Accident
to contract Labours - orders issued.
22. (Per) BP(FB) No.35 (Adm.Br.)14.6.89(P482/89)
Accident - Fatal /Non Fatal accident to non Departmental Person - Enhancement of Exgratia
inrespect of Fatal accident and Fixing of specific rate of compensation inrespect of
non-fatal Accident.
23. Memo No. SE/RESI/ D/ D13/A4/Accident / CNo.331/89(TB) dt.8.8.89(P728/89)
Electricity - Accident due to non-observance of safety measures - Prevention - instruction
24. Cir Memo No. SE/RefI(D) / D13/A4/F Accident/C No.4/ 90 (TB) dt.31.2.80 (P79/90)
Elecy. - Accident - Fatal and non Fatal Accident to Departmental persons - Avoidance
- instruction issued.
25. Memo No : SE/Ref.I(D)/D4/A4/Accident/ CNo.3/90(TB)dt.2.2.90(P115/90)
Elecy - Accident -Accident due to construction of building near TNEB’s overhead lines
- prevention - instruction issued.
26. Cr.No.:SE/RE & I(D)/DB / A4 / F. Accident / DNo.45/90 dt. 10.8.90 (P521/90)
Accident - Fatal Electrical Accident to a wireman on 13.11.88 - precaution measure to be
taken -instruction issued.
27. Memo No. 68436/N2/ 87-5 (S13) dt.10.10.90 (P604/90)
Accident - Engaging of private vehicle for medical treatment of Board employees involved
in accident while on duty-instruction issued.
28. Cir. Memo No.063029/417 / Adm.Br./91-2dt.23.1.91 (P10/91)
Estt. Physically handicapped due to accident - Permission to Join in Board Service - in the
Same post Instruction issued.
29. Memo No.: 00790051/91-5 (Adm.Br.) dt. 6.9.91 (P477/91)
Accident -Fatal accident to departmental workmen-sanction of compensation under
W.C.ACt 1923 dtraft sanction order - communicated.
30. Memo No.079384/OS/84-12(Adm.Br.) dt.19.12.91(P695/91
Accident - Fatal accident to non departmental persons compensation awarded by Trial
court Filing of appeal - guidelines issued.
31. Cir. Memo No. : SE/RE & I (D) / DB / A4 / F Acct. / D.No. 630 / 92 (Tech. Br.) dt.1.2.93
Accident -Fatal accident to departmental staff due to unauthorised works -Instruction issued.
32. Cir Memo No. : 035710 / 326 / OS / A1/97-1 (Adm.Br.) dt. 6.4.97(P64/4/97)
Accident Compensation - Submission of proposal for sanction - certain instruction to
Chief Engineers/Superintending Engineers - reg.
33. Per BP(FB) No.4(Adm.Br.) dt.29.1.98(P23/1/98)
Accident compensation - payable by TNEB in cases of fatal / Non Fatal Electrical /
Mechanical accident to non-Departmental persons / Animals enhancement - orders issued.
34. Lr No.24809 / 259/OS/A1/98-1 dt.19.3.98(P16/3/98)
Accident compensation cases non furnishing of records to the trial courts - instruction
35. Cir Memo No. 22752/231/OS/A1/98-1 (SB) dt.7.4.98(P4/4/98)
Accident - Non departmental Fatal / Non Fatal electrical/Mechanical Accident to contract
Labour - Insurance policy covering the Accident etc.- instruction issued.
36. Circular No. 52746/A9/A92/2009-1(SB) dt.30.7.09(P46/7/09)
TNEB Electricity Act 2003 - Section 16(1) and Section 180 (2)(M) - Notice to Electrical
Accident - Form in which and the time at which notice to the Electrical Inspector reported
- orders issued by the Govt. - copy communicated.
Ä.th. (Ãiy) Miz v©. 240(brayf«) ehŸ 18.5.82 (ã 20/1983Ä.th. (Ãiy) Miz v©. 240(brayf«) ehŸ 18.5.82 (ã 20/1983
Ä.th. (Ãiy) Miz v©. 240(brayf«) ehŸ 18.5.82 (ã 20/1983Ä.th. (Ãiy) Miz v©. 240(brayf«) ehŸ 18.5.82 (ã 20/1983
Ä.th. (Ãiy) Miz v©. 240(brayf«) ehŸ 18.5.82 (ã 20/1983/I
nj®îfŸ - vÞ.vÞ.vš.á. nj®î -gFâKiw nj®î â£l«-jÄœehL muR btËÆ£LŸs
És¡f§fis thÇa¤â‰F« mKyh¡F« Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
2. BPMS No. 568(SB) Dt.25.10.1982 (P47/83/I)
TNEB Concession to Defence Forces Amendment to SR 91(2) (F) issued.
3. BPMS No. 553(Sectt) dt.19.10.82(P37/83/I)
TNEB Service-Reservation of vacancies for Ex-Servicemen in the post of OH Extension
or period - orders issued.
4. BPMS (Ch)No.15(Sectt) dt.19.1.82(P82/83/I)
Ex Service men welfare - Sponsoring powers to Director of Ex-Servicemen welfare in
Districts for post reserved for Ex-Servicemen - orders of Govt. - Applicability in Board.
5. Memo No. : 009001-RII (2) / 83-7(Adm. Br.) dt.5.4.82(P126/83/I)
Estt - RWE -Ex Servicemen appointed as watchman in Board - Date of Birth entering in
S.R. - instruction issued.
6. BPMS No.:14(ch)(SB) dt.19.1.83(P80/83/I)
Employment Exchange - Recruitment through - employment exchange ousted for want of
vacancy reappointment to the same post without consulting employment exchange orders
issued- extended to autonomous bodies etc. of Govt. applicability - orders issued.
8. BPMS (ch)NO.19(Sectt) dt.22.1.83(P86/83/I)
Recruitment - Census 1981-Retrenched employees - Absorption in the Board orders of
Govt. applicability -orders issued.
9. BPMS No.:206(Sectt.) dt.29.4.82(P13/83/I)
TNEB Services - Recruitment - Satisfaction of Physical Fitness - orders of Govt. -
Applicability - orders issued.
10. BPMS No. (216(SB) dt.3.5.82(P16/83/I)
Estt -TNEB Service Regulations - Rules for appointment as Asst. Press Superintendent
Amendment to service regulation issued.
11. Memo No. : 225187/2235/Amd. Br./C1/81-15 dt.3.5.82(P19/83/I)
Estt - RWE - Commercial Inspector - Filling of post - Maintenance of 1:1 ratio between
Non-Diploma Holders and Diploma Holders - clarification issued.
12. BPMS No. : 518(SB) Dt.4.10.82(P36/83/I)
TNEB Service Regulations-Promotion of Tester chemical I-Gr. as Junior Chemist -
Amendment to Regulation 92(orders) issued.
13. BPMS No. : 567(SB) dt.25.10.82(P46/83/I)
Estt - Promotion of ADE and DE Prescribing minimum period of experience in Power
House/Station -Amendment to service Regulation issued.
14. BPMS No.635(Adm) Dt.22.11.82(P56/83/I)
Estt - Class II Service - Asst. Engineer/Elect/Mech/ Civil) Internal Selection and direct
Recruitment - Fixation of ratio for recruitment ordered.
15. BPMS (Ch)No.8(SB) Dt.18.1.83(P72/83/I)
TNEB - Services - Recruitment - Age concession Physically Handicapped persons - Further
orders of Govt - applicability - orders issued.
16. BPMS (Ch)No.9(SB) dt.18.1.83(P74/83/I)
Employment - Maintenance of Record in Employment Exchange - Deletion of names of
persons who got employment from live Register of employment exchange - orders of
Govt - Applicability - orders issued.
17. BPMS Ch No.23(SB) dt.24.1.83(P89/83/I )
Recruitment - Temporary Appointment - Application of Rule of Reservation - Terms -
Reserved for SC / ST - Not to Lapse - orders of Govt - Applicability - orders issued.
18. Endt. No. : -1679-R1/81-2(Adm.Br.) dt.8.3.83(P105/83/I)
Recruitment - Direct Recruitment to the post in TNEB - Determining of Seniority inrespect
of SC / ST selected against carried over turns - clarification issued.
19. BPMS (Ch)No.54(SB) dt.26.2.83( 110/83/I)
Estt - TNEB Service Regulations - Prescribing Minimum period of Thermal Experience to
the Post of General Superintendent - orders issued.
20. BPMS (Ch) No. 20(Sectt) dt.22.1.83(P87/83-I)
Estt - TNEB - Age limit increased to 30 years for SC/ST at the point of direct recruitment to
the post of Asst. D Man - orders of Govt- Applicability - orders issued.
21. BPMS (FB) No.23(Adm. Br.)dt.13.7.83(P134/83-I)
Estt - TNEB - Common designation for Asst. Engineers and Junior Engineer I Gr - as Asst.
Engineers - Negatived.
22. BPMS (FB) No.29(Adm. Br.) dt.8.8.83(P208/83-II)
Recruitment - Direct recruitment - Class III Service Recruitment of qualified candidates
possessing Diploma in Elecl Engineering for appointment to various posts in RWE cadre
- orders issued.
23. BPMS (FB) No.31(Adm. Br.) Dt.9.8.83(P210/83-II)
Recruitment - TNEB - Class II / III / IV Service fixing a period of validity of one year for
operation of the list of Candidates selected for appointment -orders issued.
24. BPMS (ch) No.373(SB) dt.24.9.83(P292/83-II)
TNEB Service Regulations-RWE - Sergeant - Deletion of Qualification relating to Hindi -
Amendment to TNEB Service Regulation Annexure III Regulation 94 issued.
25. BPMS (Ch)No.395(SB) dt.18.10.83(P355/83-II)
Recruitment - TNEB - Recruitment through employment exchange - age concession and
priority for gold smith and their son and unmarried daughters - orders issued.
26. BPMS (Ch)No.580(Adm. Br.) dt.31.10.83(P365/83-II)
Estt - RWE - High-rise Building - Creation of Lift operator Posts - Filling up posts method
of appointment and Qualification Prescribed.
27. BPMS(FB) No.65(Adm. Br.) Dt.31.10.83 (P367/83-II)
Estt - TNEB - Class IV Service - Exemption of the Dependents from possessing practical
experience prescribed for the posts proposal approved.
28. BPMS (Ch)No.637(Adm. Br.) dt.1.12.83(P461/83-II)
Estt - Inclusion of the category of Assessor as a Temporary addition to the existing categories
in TNEB Service - Appointment to the candidates recruited as Assessors on contract
basis - orders issued.
thÇa Miz v©.(Ãiy) (jiyt®)466(brayf«) ehŸ 12.12.83(t470/ 830thÇa Miz v©.(Ãiy) (jiyt®)466(brayf«) ehŸ 12.12.83(t470/ 830
thÇa Miz v©.(Ãiy) (jiyt®)466(brayf«) ehŸ 12.12.83(t470/ 830thÇa Miz v©.(Ãiy) (jiyt®)466(brayf«) ehŸ 12.12.83(t470/ 830
thÇa Miz v©.(Ãiy) (jiyt®)466(brayf«) ehŸ 12.12.83(t470/ 830-II
gÂfŸ - gÂahs® k‰W« îthf Ó®âU¤j¤Jiw - ntiy thŒ¥ò ÃWtd§fËš
mo¥gil CÊa® gÂÆYŸs gjÉfS¡F gâî brŒjt®fS¡F mo¥gilÆš
K‹DÇik tH§Fjš muR Miz mKšgL¤â Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
30. Memo No. 01764-RII - 1/84-1 (Adm. Br.) dt.31.2.84(P80/84)
Estt - Filling up of the post of Assessors option received - Selection and posting - instruction
31. Memo No.. 76461-RII (1),84-1(Adm. Br.) Dt.16.7.84(491/84)
Estt - Inviting of Application from certain categories of employees for appointment as
Assessor and Inspector of Assessment under card billing system - instruction issued.
32. Memo No. : 76461-RII (1) / 84-2(Adm. Br.) Dt.21.7.84(P497/84)
- Do - Further instructions.
33. Memo No. : 130152-RII (1) / 84-2(Adm. Br.) dt.12.12.84(P974/84)
Estt - Modified System of card billing of energy charges and collection permanent absorption
of deputationist as Assessor IA in Assessment - Cum - Collection cadre - obtaining of
option - instruction issued.
34. Memo No. :017183-RII (1) / 84-1(Adm. Br.) dt.21.2.84(P81/84)
Estt - Reversion of Assessors to original post Assessment below norms - Further
instruction issued.
35. Memo No. : 017064-RII - 1/84-9(Adm.Br.) Dt.2.6.84(P381/84)
Estt - Filling up of the post of Assessor option received after 20.3.84 can be considered
- instruction issued.
36. BPMS (ch)No.367(Adm. Br.) dt.1.6.84(P379/84)
Census 1981-Retrenched employees - Absorption in state Govt. Offices - orders of Govt.
applicability - orders issued.
37. BPMS (Ch)No.17(Sectt) dt.19.1.84(P17/84)
TNEB - Service Regulations-Promotion of CHD as AEE / El and AEE / Civil Qualification
Amendment to Annexure III issued.
38. Memo No. 383/IR1(1) / 84-2(Adm. Br.)dt.27.9.84
Estt-Regular work establishment categories - Filling up of posts - fixing up of ratio among
diploma Holders and Non diploma Holders - orders issued.
39. Memo No. : 383/IR1(1)84-3 (Adm. Br.) dt.8.10.84(P765/84)
Estt - Work establishment - categories - Filling up of Posts - Fixing up of ratio among
diploma holders, and non diploma Holders - orders issued - Amendment
40. Memo No. : 43982/605/Amd. Br. / C1-3/84-10(Adm. Br.) dt.19.9.84(655/84)
Estt - Class III Service Posting of Record Clerks / Office Helper on appointments Jr. Asst.
- instruction issued.
41. BPMS (FB) No.6(Adm. Br.) Dt.31.1.84(P26/84)
Recruitment - Class III Service - Method of Appointment to the post of JE II Gr. Elect. and
Mechanical Direct recruitment method dispensed with - orders issued.
42. BPMS (FB) No.94(Adm. Br.) dt.3.9.84 (P646/84)
Recruitment - Direct recruitment - Class II Service recruitment of qualified candidates
- Qualification BE / El. for appointment to the post of AE / El Proposal approved.
43. BPMS (ch) No.625(Adm. Br.) dt.12.11.84(P858/84)
Recruitment - Concession to destitute widows - orders of Govt - applicability to the Board,
service - orders issued.
44. BPMS(Ch)No.242(SB) dt.26.6.84(P407/84)
Apprentices-Apprenticeship - Training Programme- Preference in employment to Trained
- Apprentices - orders issued.
45. Memo No. 47607/P-1 / 84-1(SB) dt.13.7.84(P490/84)
Apprentice in employment to trained apprentices orders - correction issued.
46. BPMS(FB) No.57(Adm. Br.) dt.20.6.84(P403/84)
Recruitment - Class II Service - Direct recruitment to the post of A.A.O. Constitution of
Selection committed - orders issued.
47. Endt. No. : 2370-R1/84-1(Adm. Br.) dt.14.9.84(P652/84)
Selection of Physically Handicapped person for appointment - production of Physical fitness
clarification Govt. order - communicated.
48. BPMS (CH)No.7(Sectt) dt.19.1.84(P17/84)
TNEB Service Regulations - Promotion of CHD as AEE / electl and Civil - Qualification
Amendment to Annexure III Issued.
49. BPMS (Ch)No.24(SB) dt.21.1.84(P20/84)
TNEB Service Regulations- Deputation of Board employees - Application next below Rule
- Amendment issued.
50. BPMS(Ch)No.139(SB) dt.11.4.84(P231/84)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regualtions-Appointment of Asst. Press, Superintendent
- Amendment to service Regulation - issued.
51. BPMS (ch)NO.153(SB)dt.24.4.84(P238/84)
Estt - TNEB Service Regulations - Amendment to Regulation 88 of Service Regulation
- issued.
52. BPMS (Ch)No.197(SB) dt.26.5.84(P331/84)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Framing of Regulation for the post of Chief
Medical officer and Medical Officer - Amendment to Service Regulations - issued.
53. BPMS (Ch)No.246(SB) Dt.29.6.84(P412/84)
Recruitment - Mode of Recruitment - Amendment to Regulation 89(d) of service regulation
- issued.
54. BPMS (Ch)No.310(SB) dt.13.8.84(P574/84)
Conditions prescribed for a appointment into Boards Service-Regulation 91(2)of TNEB
Service Regulations - Amendment issued.
55. BPMS(Ch)No.332(SB) dt.1.9.84(P645/84)
Prescription of Minimum General education as VIII the Std and above Regulation 91 of
Service Regulation - amendment issued.
56. BPMS (Ch)No.403(SB) dt.13.10.84(P774/84)
Relaxation of upper age limit as 30 years in SC/ST and Backward class - Amendment to
Annexure III Issued.
57. BPMS (Ch)No. 412(SB) dt. 24.10.84P782 84)
TNEB Service Regualtions - Qualification for the post of Asst. Accounts Officer - Revision
Amendment to Annexure - III issued.
58. Memo No. 055915(SS-1/84-1(SB) dt.27.11.84(867/84)
TNEB Service Regulations - Prescription of Qualification to the post of Deputy Financial
Controller - Amendment to Annexure III Issued.
59. BPMS(Ch) No.113(Adm.Br.) dt.13.2.85(P173/85)
Recruitment - Extension of concession to released Bonded Labourers - orders of Govt.
Applicability to the Boards service - orders issued.
60. BPMS(ch) No.121(Adm.Br.) dt.16.2.85 (P200/85)
Public Services -Recruitment through Employment exchange -orders of Priority - Inclusion
of Probationer and Ex-Probationers-orders of Govt. - applicability - orders issued.
61. BPMS(FB) No.15(Adm.Br.) dt.27.2.85(P205/85)
Estt. - Direct recruitment of candidate from out side to the post of Asst. Engineers Elecl/
Civil/Mechanical - Revision of qualification - orders issued.
62. BPMS(FB) No.5(Adm.Br.) dt.1.2.85(P102/85)
Recruitment -Class II Service Asst. Engineers (Elect./ Mechanical / Civil) Internal Selection
and Direct Recruitment - Ratio - Modified - orders Issued.
63. BP MS(Ch) No.32(SB)dt.4.2.85(P142/85)
Rules and regulations - Assessment -cum-collection cadre under modified card billing of
energy charges and collection - Inclusion TNEB service Regulation - Regulation 88,93,94,95
A and 105 Amendment issued.
64. BPMS(ch)No.73(SB) dt.11.3.85(P263/85)
TNEB service Regulation -Regulation 94(a)-Amendment issued (Regarding Qualification)
65. BPMS(Ch) No.88(SB) dt. 25.3.85 (P281/85)
TNEB Service Regulations-Appointment of Divisional Engineer (Elect) Amendment issued.
66. BPMS(Ch) No.128(SB) dt.25.4.85(P377/85)
Estt. Board office sectt. Br.-Appointment of Driver from the Category of office Helper
Duffadars and Record clerks - orders issued.
67. BPMS(ch) No.276 (Adm.Br.) Dt.7.5.85(P478/85)
Recruitment -Appointment through employment -orders of priority - orders of Govt. -
Applicability to Board - orders issued.
68. BPMS(FB)No.39C (SB) dt.18.5.85(P503/85)
Regulations -TNEB service Regulations-conferring Class II Status to Asst. Engineers
and Junior.
69. BPMS (FB) No.40(S13)dt.18.5.85(P506/85)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations-Appointing Authorities for post in various categories
in Class I and II Service-Annexure II referred in 95 of TNEB Service Regulation
Amendment - issued.
70. Memo No.012839-RII/85-9 (Adm.Br.) dt.21.6.85(P670/85)
Recruitment -Direct Recruitment to the post of Assessor publication of selection result in
the notice Board.
71. Memo No.083277-R1/84-19(Adm.Br.) A1-29.6.85 (P670/85)
Recruitment -Direct Recruitment to the post of Asst. Engineers (Elect) Publication of
Selection result in notice Board.
72. BPMS(ch)No.202(SB)dt.3.6.85 (P647/85)
TNEB Service Regulations - probation for persons appointed to the category of Asst.
Press Superintendent -Amendment to regulation 95A - issued.
73. Memo No.12624-P1/ 85-1 (SB) dt.3685(P647/85)
Regulation -TNEB service Regulations-Appointment of Press Superintendent -
Regulation 88 - Erratum issued.
74. BPMS(ch)No.218(SB) dt.17.6.85(P666/85)
Estt-TNEB Service Regulations-Assistant Libration and Libration - Qualification and method
of appointment - Amendment issued.
75. BPMS(Ch)No.221(SB) dt.21.6.85 (P671/85)
Regulations TNEB Service Regulations Amendment to Regulation 96 - issued.
76. Lr.No.014876/124/IRI(4) / 84-2(Adm.Br.)dt.19.7.85(P759)
Estt-ETPS Operation - The Category of Supervisor (Thermal) I Gr. and II Gr. Merge with
category of JE I Gr. and JE II Gr. (Elec./Mechanical/Notice under section 9-A of Industrial
Dispute act - copy forwarded.
77. BPMS(FB)No.58(Adm.Br.) dt.16.7.85(P754/85)
Estt. -Class III Service-RWE-Appointment of Diploma Holders by Direct recruitment to
certain posts (Provision of requiring practical experience deletion -orders issued.
78. Lr.No.18936-P1/85-1(SB)dt.26.7.85(P766/85)
Tamilnadu State and Subordinate Service - Rules relating to Linguistic Qualification
Amendment to General Rule 12-A-issued communicated.
79. BPMS (Ch)No.251(SB)dt.31.7.85 (P769/85)
Regulations - TNEB service Regulations - category of Senior Special Gr. Foreman in
RWE - Abolition-Regulation 88,93 and 94 Amendment issued.
80. Memo (P)No.45126-P1/85-1 (SB) dt.17.8.85(P845/85)
Backward classes - Report of Tamilnadu Second Backward Classes Commission-
Reservation of appointments in public service, and reservation of section in educational
Institutions-Fixation of Percentage orders -issued.
81. Memo (P) No.45127-P1/85-1(SB) dt.17.8.85(P846/85)
Report of the Tamilnadu Second Backward classes Commission Revised list of Backward
classes. Prepared by the commission- orders issued.
82. Ch’s Communication No.CH/TA/6370/85-1dt.31.8.85(P873/85)
Estt. - employment of retired Govt. Servant in Public sector under taking -reg.
83. BPMS(Ch)No.284(SB) dt.23.8.85 (P858/85)
Regulations - TNEB service Regulations-Regulation sanitary Workers, Gardeners,
Watchman and Sweepers - Prescribing of Qualification - Amendment issued.
84. BPMS(ch)No.289 (SB) dt.28.8.85(P869/85)
Regulations - TNEB service Regulations - Amendment to Regulations 87, 91 and 98
- issued.
85. BPMS(FB) No.74(Adm.Br.) dt.20.9.85 (P948/85)
Estt. - TNEB Service-class II Service Fixation of Seniority and regularisation of Service of
AEE/Civil - orders issued.
86. Memo No.49488-Q1/85-1 (SB) Dt.6.9.85(P9361/85)
Regualtions-TNEB service Regulations Note 3 occurring under category 1 Auditor in Division
VIb of Annexure I - erratum issued.
87. BPMS(ch)No.305 (SB) dt.9.9.85(CP937/85)
Regulations -TNEB Service Regulations - Framing of Regulation for the post of Telephone
Supervisor -Amendment to Service Regulation issued.
88. Endt.No.:060627-R1/2/85-1 (Adm.Br.) dt.19.9.85(P1023)85
Recruitment of SC/ST and Backward Classes candidate - community certificate issued
by Independent dy.Thasildhar-withdrawal orders issued by Govt.Communicated.
89. BPMS(F13) No.87(Adm.Br.) Dt.11.10.85(P1034/85)
Estt. Class II Service - Method of appointment and Qualification for the post of Asst. Press
superintendent - orders issued.
90. Memo No.101844-RII/2/85-5 (Adm.Br.) 80-24.10.85 (P1102/85)
Recruitment - Direct recruitment to the post of Assessor -Publication of Selection result
(Batch II) in the Notice Board - reg.
91. Memo No.14414-SPS/85-7(SB) dt.25.10.85(P1106/85)
Sports - Recruitment of Sportsmen - Deed of Agreement indemnity Bond
- orders issued.
92. Memo No.120938/2153/S6(1)/84-1(Adm.Br.)dt.14.10.85(P1035/85)
Estt.Field workmen in operation and maintenance Distn. System - Fillings up of Addl. Post
Sanctioned due to revision of work norms and staff pattern agreement or otherwise
Qualification for promotion - orders issued.
93. Memo (P)No. 45124-P1/85-1 (SB) dt.12.9.85(P1178/85)
Backward classes list of Denotified communities - orders issued.
94. Ch’s Circular No.3344/E1(2)/85-50 (SB) dt.1.11.85(P1149/85)
Estt. Direct - Recruitment - Request for extension of joining time - instruction issued.
95. Memo No.079807-R1/85-6(Adm.Br.)dt.20.11.85(P1167/85)
Recruitment - Direct Recruitment to the post of Asst. Engineers (Mech) Publication of
Selection result in the notice Board - reg.
96. End.No.063368-R1(2) /85-1 (Adm.Br.) dt.19.12.85 (P1322/85)
Adi Dravida and Tribunal welfare - Community Certificate to Konda Reddy issue powers
to Thasildar and RDO Govt. order.
97. BPMS(ch) No.634 (ADM. Br. ) Dt.31.12.84 (P1339/85)
Estt. ETPS - Merger of the Cadre of Supervisor Thermal with Junior Engineer I Gr./Elecl/
Mech. Order) issued.
98. Memo No.:134730- RII(1) / 85-1 (Adm.Br.) dt.20.12.85(P1324/85)
Recruitment - Class III Service - Directly recruited persons appointed as Assessor during
the year 1983 and 1985 on Temporary basis-Regulations of their services - instruction issued.
99. BPMS(Ch)No.400(Adm.Br.) dt.12.12.85(P1315/85)
TNEB - Recognition of Qualification - Pre foundation and Foundation course of Madurai
Kamaraj University - Equivalent - Applicability of Govt. - orders issued.
100. BPMS(Ch)No.609(Adm.Br.) 18.12.85(CP1319/85)
Technical Education Recognition of Diploma in Civil, Mech, and Electrical Engineering
awarded by the State Board of Technical Education Kerala are corresponding to Diploma
awarded by Tamilnadu Technical Education Board on reciprocal basis-order of Govt.
Applicability - orders issued.
101. BPMS(Ch)No.430(SB)dt.2.12.85(CP1308/85)
Estt. Sectt. Br. Inclusion of the Category of Driver in Division VI A as category 6 under
Class III of Regulation 88-Framing of - orders issued.
102. BPMS(Ch)No.432(SB) dt.3.12.85(P1310/85)
Regulations-TNEB service Regulations merger of AE/Telecommunication and AE/
Instrumentation with AE/Elecl Amendment issued.
103. BPMS(Ch)No.477(SB)dt.30.12.85 (P1335/85)
Regulations TNEB service Regualtions -promotion of Inspector of Assessment as Revenue
Supervisor- Amendment issued.
104. BPMS(Ch)No.481(SB) dt.31.12.85(P1338/85)
Regulations -TNEB Service Regulations - Categories of under secretary to the Board and
personal officer under Class II-Inclusion in Class I- Amendment issued.
105. Endt.No.:133835-R1/(2)/84-2(Adm.Br.)dt.17.1.86(P24/86)
Verification of Claim of Candidates to SC/ST-Form of Certificate-Amendment.
106. BPMS(FB)No.3(Admn.Br.) dt.18.1.86(P29/36)
Recruitment - Appointment to the post of Asst. Engineers (Elecl/Mech/Civil) Inter - SE-
Seniority of Candidates Selected in the ratio of 1:1(Internal: External) in equalised order-
107. Memo No.:134730-RII(1)/85-2(Adm.Br.)dt.24.2.86(P103/86)
Recruitment Class III and IV Service - persons appointed temporarily to the Post -
Regularisation of their services in the post concerned - instruction issued.
108. BPMS(Ch)No.66(Adm.Br.)dt.1.2.86(P90/86)
Estt. RWE Filling up the Vacancies of Foreman I Gt.-Diploma and Non Diploma Holder,
Practical Experience Prescribed in the TNEB service Regulations - Further clarification
and instruction issued.
109. BPMS(Ch)No.58(SB) dt.19.2.86(P100/86)
Estt-Board office Secretariat Branch - Appointment of Gurkha Watchman in Secretariat
Branch-Framing up of Rules - orders issued.
110. BPMS(ch)No.59(SB) dt.19.2.86(P101/86)
Estt. Board Office Sectt.Br-Inclusion of the category of sergeant in Division as category 7
under Class III of Regulation 88 of TNEB service Regulations-Framing of Rules - orders
111. Memo (P) No.:12350-P1/86-1(SB) dt.18.3.86(P212/86)
Backward Classes - Christian converts from any Hindu Backward classes Inclusion in
the list of Backward classes - orders issued.
112. BPMS(FB) No.24(Amd.Br.)dt.25.3.86(P220/86)
Recruitment Direct recruitment of Qualified Candidate) Possessing Diploma in Electrical
Engineering for various initial level post in RWE cadre - orders issued.
113. BPMS(Ch)No.80(SB) dt.5.3.86(P202/86)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regualtions - Regulation 99 A -Amendment issued.
114. Memo No.59070-P1/85-1 dt.21.4.86(P315/86)
Estt. Persons belonging to Linguistic Minorities - Appointment in various post - certain
instruction issued by Govt. Applicability to Board.
115. BPMS(FB) No.38(Adm.Br.) dt.23.5.86(P411/86)
Estt. Direct Recruitment to the post of Helper in RWE - Prescribing NTC/NAC in various
Engineering Trades for the post of Helper - orders issued.
116. BPMS(FB) No.40(Adm.Br.) Dt.27.5.86(P417/86)
Recruitment - Direct Recruitment - Class II Service-Recruitment of BE(Elecl.) Engineering
Graduates with Ist Class for appointment of the post of AE/El. proposal approved.
117. BPMS(FB) No.48(SB) dt.30.5.86(P425/86)
Reguations -TNEB service Regulations Annexure I and III Amendment issued.
118. Memo No.090609 / 67/R1/85-3 (Adm.Br.)dt.9.6.86 (P504/86)
Recruitment -Class III Service - Appointment to the Post of Junior Engineer/
Elec l/ Mech II Gr. by Internal Selection Mode of Selection - revised orders issued.
119. Memo No.081682-R1/2/85-22(Adm.Br.) dt.23.6.86(P519/86)
Recruitment - Direct Recruitment of candidates for appointment to the post of Tester II Gr./
Switch Board Operator / Electrician etc. in RWE Cadre - Publication of Selection result
on the notice Board.
120. BPMS(Ch)No.258(SB) dt.11.6.86(P618/86)
Regualtions -TNEB Service Regualtions Driver in BOSB - Classificaiton of method of a
appointment - appointing authority and Qualification - Amendment issued.
121. BPMS (Ch) No.306(SB) dt.8.7.86(P620/86)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - category of Press Supt.. Inclusion in TNEB
Service Regulation.
122. BPMS (FB) No.71(Adm.Br.)dt.12.8.86(P729/86)
Recruitment Class III Service-Direct Recruitment to the Post of Asst. D.Man
- Proposal approved.
123. BPMS(FB) No.72(Adm.Br.)dt.12.8.86(P730/86)
Recruitment - Direct Recruitment to the post of Tester (Chemical) in RWE Proposal -
124. BPMS(Ch)No.392(SB) dt.16.8.86(P733/86)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regualtions category of Asst. Chemist abolition
Amendment issued.
125. BPMS(FB) No.94 ( Adm.Br.) Dt.3.10.86 (P 906/86)
Estt. Qualifications prescribed for promotion in RWE categories upto FM I Gr. and equivalent
- orders issued.
126. Endt. No.113408-R1/2/86-1 (Adm.Br.) Dt.14.10.86 (P919/86)
Personal - Tokshasila Kendriya Vishwa Vidyalaya University - Not recognised for
employment purpose.
127. BPMS(FB) No.104(Adm.Br) dt.16.10.86 (P920/86)
Recruitment - Direct Recruitment of candidates with Diploma in Mechanical Engineers for
appointment to certain post in RWE cadre - Proposal Approved.
128. Memo No. : 63281-P1/85-3(SB) dt.20.10.86 (P920/86)
Regulations - TNEB services Regulations - Annexure III-Qualification for the post of Section
officer in BOSB -Erratum issued.
129. BPMS (FB) No.99(SB) dt.20.10.86(P921/86)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Merger of categories of Senior Supt.. and Junior
Supt-Appointment of Superintendent and Section Officer to the post of Personal Asst. in
the ration 2:1-Qualification for the post of under secretary and personal Assistant -
Amendment issued.
130. BPMS(Ch) No.512 (SB) dt.21.10.86(P924/86)
Regulations TNEB service Regulations - Deputation of Board employees on Foreign
services to State Govt. and State owned or controlled corporations / Boards - Undertakings
- Regulation 70 and 71 - Amendment issued.
131. BPMS (Ch) No.510 & (SB) Dt.21.10.86(P925/86)
TNEB Service Regulations - Advance Increment Sanctioned for Special Qualifications
- Sanction of advance Increments after reversion to lower Post also-Amendment to
Regulations 37 issued.
132. Memo No. 153089/732/IRI(4) / Admn.Br/86-1dt.14.11.86(P1026/86)
Estt. Qualification-prescribed for promotion in RWE Category upto the level of foreman I
Gr. and equal - clarification issued.
133. Memo No. 143466 (6) R1(3) / 86-1 (Adm. Br.) dt.3.12.86 (P1087/86)
Recruitment - class III Service-Appointment to the post of Je II Gr. (Elect./Mech) by Internal
selection - mode of selection -revised order cancelled.
134. BPMS(FB) 24 (Adm. Br) Dt.19.2.87 (P126/87)
Estt.-Class III Service Eligibility for appointment of Assessor as Typist Steno Typist -orders
issued (Conversion of Post)
135. BPMS(FB) No.14(SB) dt.11.2.87 (P118/87)
Regulations - TNEB’s Service Regulations - Annexure III of Regulation 94-Qualification for
the post of Watchman, Gardener, Sweeper and seniority workers - Amendment issued.
136. BPMS (Ch)No.63 (SB) dt.11.2.87 (P122/87)
Regulations - TNEB Services Regualtions - Annexure III of Regulation 84 Amendment
issued (ADMAN)
137. BPMS31(Adm Br) dt. 27.3.87 (P196/87)
Estt. TNEB - Class II Service - Promotion to the post of ADE/El and AEE/Civil from CHD
- Mode of promotion - orders issued.
138. BPMS(FB) No.30 (Adm.Br.) dt.26.3.87(P193/87)
Estt. Qualification prescribed for promotion in RWE Categories upto the level of Foreman
IGr - Amendment issued.
139. BPMS(FB) No.33(Adm.Br) dt.4.487 (P269/87)
Estt. Method of appointment of Diploma Holders to the Post of JE II Gr. Rationalisation in
the method of appointment - orders issued.
140. Memo No.:112103/594/IR(2) / Adm. Br/86-2 dt.2.4.87 (P255/87)
Estt. RWE - Practical experience Prescribed in TNEB Service Regulations - Modifications
to the clarificatory Instruction issued for promotion to the post of foreman I Gr. - reg.
141. BPMS(Ch) No.192(SB) dt.3.6.87(P451/87)
Regulation TNEB Service Regulations-Minimum General Educational Qualification -
Regulation 91-Amendment issued.
142. BPMS(FB) No.47(SB) dt.12.6.87 (P477/87)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Method of Appointment - Regulation 87 annexure
- I referred to in Regulation 92-Annexure III referred in regulation 94-Amendment issued.
143. Memo No.090647(R1/03 / 87-1 (Adm.Br) dt.18.7.87 (P558/87)
Estt. Method of Appointment of Diploma Holders to the Posts -Rationalisation in the
Method of Appointment principles for arriving state Seniority of Tester I Gr. and II Gr.
- orders issued.
144. Memo No.34373-P1/87-1 (SB) dt.18.7.87 (559/87)
Report of TNEB Backward class commission Revised list of Backward classes - Prepared
by Commission - orders issued - Certain Amendment with reference to Karsukkara Chettiar,
Kannada Sainegar and Kammalar Communities - issued.
145. BPMS(FB) No.75(SB) dt.25.8.87 (P641/87)
Estt. - Creation of Assessment - officer in class II service in O&M Systems sanction
146. BPMS(FB)No.66 (SB) dt.3.8.87(P617/87)
Regulations - TNEB serviced Regulations-Method of AE/appointment and Qualification for
the post of AE Elec/Civil/Mechanical - Amendment -issued.
147. BPMS(FB) No.73(SB) dt.24.8.87 (P638/87)
Regulations -TNEB Service Regulations-class III Service Appointment of Assessor as
Typist or Steno Typist Amendment issued.
148. Memo No.125933/S4/344/A2/87-1(Adm.Br.) dt. 25.9.87(721/87)
Estt. Administrative control of Civil Sub division and central store under the Control of
Divisional Engineer / General - orders issued.
149. Memo No.47/IR3/2 (Adm.Br) 87-1 dt.18.9.87 (714)87)
Estt. RWE Qualification Prescribed for the post of Wireman equivalent and Line Man/
Equivalent by Amendment- over looked cases - Further order issued.
150. BPMS(FB) No.93(SB) dt.26.10.87 (P7921/87)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Inclusion of category of Assessment officer in
Boards Service - Amendment - issued.
151. Memo No.0640 SB/IR4(3) / Adm.Br./dt. 4.2.88(P89/88)
Estt. Class III Service - Refund of examination fees - clarification issued.
152. Estt. RWE =Promotions for the post of commercial Assistant from the post of Helper
Qualified) - Relaxation of Experience - orders issued.
153. BPMS(Ch) No.238(Adm Br.) dt.22.4.88 (P250/88)
TNEB - Recognition of Qualification-Pass Certificate to the issued by the Board of Open
School Education - equivalent to the certificate issued by the Director of Govt. examinations
at the end of X Std. examination - Recognition- Applicability of orders of Govt. -orders
154. BPMS (FB) No.38(Adm.Br.) dt. 11.8.88 (P559/88)
Recruitment - method of Appointment of JE II Gr. - Partial modification - orders issued.
155. BPMS (FB) 69(Sectt. Br.) dt.13.9.88 (P629) 88)
Recruitment of Engineering Graduates, Diploma Holders who have completed Apprentice
Ship Training under Apprentice Act - Giving Preference - orders cancelled.
156. BPMS(FB)No.70 (SB) dt. 13.9.87 (P629/88)
Regulations -TNEB Services Regulations - qualification for appointment to the post of
Helper - Annexure-III Amendment issued.
157. BPMS(FB)No.72 (SB) dt.19.9.88 (P630/88)
Regulations TNEB service Regulation - Qualification to the post of Helper-Annexure III
Amendment issued.
158. Lr.No.072558/271/66-4/87-7(Adm.Br.) Dt.12.12.88(P882/88)
Estt. RWE - Telephone Operator - Promotion to the higher post - instruction issued.
159. Lr. No. 372 94-P1/88-1(SB) dt.7.12.88(P857/88)
Regulations-TNEB service Regulations-Appointing authorities for Categories in Class III
and IV Service - Certain changes - Notice under section 9A of ID Act copy forwarded.
160. BPMS(Ch)No.376(SB) dt. 27.12.88(P912/88)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations - Annexure III special Provision regard to
Qualification inrespect of SC/ST for appointment as Typist/Steno Typist Amendment issued.
161. (Per) BP (Ch)No.50(SB) dt.27.02.89 (Annexure 2/89)
Regulations -TNEB Service regulations special consideration to destitute widows in
Appointment and age in recruitment-Regulation 91- Amendment issued
162. (Per) BP (Ch)No.:58(SB) dt.3.3.89 (P 275/89)
Regulations 91 of TNEB Service Regulation - Schedule to Regulation 91 - Amendment
163. Memo No.285/IR3(2)/Adm.Br./88-3 Dt.13.4.89(P 291/89)
Estt. Qualification prescribed for promotion in respect of RWE categories upto the level of
Foreman I Gr. and equivalent - orders issued. in BPMS (FB) No.94(Adm. Br) dt. 3.10.86
extended upto 30.11.89 - orders issued.
164. Per BP (Ch)No.169 (Adm.Br) dt.17.4.89(P294/89)
Public Service - Equivalent of qualification - BBM and B Litt of Bharathiyar University -
Inclusion of General Rules 13-Applicability of Govt. Orders in the services of Board
- orders issued.
165. Per BP(Ch) No.165(Adm. Br) dt.12.4.89 (P291/89)
TNEB - Recognition of Qualification -Post Graduate in Rural Service conducted by the
Gandhi Gram Rural Institute as equivalent tot he MA Course in other universities - orders
of Govt. - Adoption by Board - orders issued.
166. Per BP(Ch) No.99(SB) dt.19.4.89(P297/89)
Regulations - TNEB service Regulations - Regulation 91(3) and (4) adequate knowledge
of official language of State, Tamil Amendment issued.
167. (Per ) BP (FB) No.40(SB) dt.27.4.89(P346/89)
Estt. - TNEB service regulations - Annexure II to Regulation - Reduction of pre-requisite
qualification for promotion to the post of D.F.C. from three years to Two Years - orders
168. Memo No.86849/459/Adm. Br/IR2(A1/87-67 dt.17.5.89 (377/89)
Estt. RWE - Ban on filling up of post of Driver -orders lifting the ban issued.
169. (Per) BP(FB) No.54(SB) dt.30.6.89(P512/89)
Regulations -TNEB Service Regulations - Promotion of Accounts officer to DFC experience
3 years reduced to 2 years - Amendment issued.
170. Memo No.065289/341/Adm. Br. / IR2(A1) 87-1 dt.5.2.89(P688/89)
Estt. RWE - Revision of Educational Qualification for certain categories - orders issued.
171. Per BP(FB) No.51(Adm.Br.) dt.29.8.89(P711/89)
Recruitment - Direct Recruitment to the post of Asst. Engineer / Elect. Mech and Civil -
Revision of Qualification - orders issued.
172. Memo No.285/IR 3(2) / Adm.Br/88-4 (Adm.Br.) dt.30.1.89(898/89)
Estt. - Qualification Prescribed for Promotion in respect of RWE categories upto the level
of foreman I Gr. Further orders - issued.
173. (Per) BP(Ch) No.318(SB) dt.25.11.89(P915/89)
Regulations - TNEB service Regulations -Service Regulation 91(3)-Linguistic Qualification
- Amendment - issued.
174. Memo No.285/IR3(2)/Adm.Br) 88-6dt.22.5.90 (P294/90)
Estt. Qualification prescribed for Promotion in respect of Categories upto the level of
foreman I Gr. and equivalent - further orders issued (1.6.90 to 30.11.90)
175. Per BP(FB) No.24 (Adm Br.) dt. 15.5.90 (P292) 90)
Recruitment- Appointment of Helper/Office Helper as Trainees - Period of Training
- order issued.
176. (Per) BP(ch) No.110(SB) dt.29.5.90 (P 296) 90)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations-Preference to destitute widows in employment -
Regulation 92-A - Amendment issued.
177. (Per) Bp(Ch)No.129(SB) dt.23.6.90(P376/90)
Regulations TNEB Service Regulations-Regulation 92-Annexure I Method of Appointment
to the Post of Jr. Asst. in Board office and Jr. Auditor in Audit Br. Amendment issued.
178. Endt. No. 154712-R11(2)/88-2(Adm.Br)Dt.16.7.90(P445/90)
Qualification -Courses offered by the Gandhi Gram Rural Institute - Anna Dt. - Recognition
- orders issued.
179. Endt. No.024650-R11(3)/88-2 (Adm.Br.) dt.17.7.90(P446/90)
Qualification -M.A. Degree awarded by Mysore University through open university -
Recognition - orders issued.
180. Endt. No. 004481/R11(3) / 89-2(Adm.Br.)Dt.17.7.90(P447/90)
Qualification -M.Sc. Industrial Chemistry (Oil Soap and Detergent) and M.Sc. Chemistry
(Instrumental Analysis) Offered by Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar Recognition
- orders issued.
181. Endt.No. 154713/R11(2)/88-2 (Adm.Br.) dt.14.8.90(P493/90)
Public Service-Equivalent of Qualification - Secondary School leaving Certificate of Kerala,
Karnataka. and Andra Pradesh Equivalent to SSLC of Tamilnadu from 1978-orders issued.
182. Endt.No.045200/R11(2)/88-2 (Adm.Br.) dt.14.8.90(P 492) 90)
Qualification - Under graduate degree under Triple Major Scheme - Equivalent to Bachelor
Degree - orders issued (Avinasilingam Home Science College)
183. Per BP(FB) No.54 (Adm.Br.) dt.12.10.90(P778/90)
Public Services-TNEB - Enhancement of age limit from 28 years to 30 years orders
184. Memo No.285/IR3(2)/Adm.Br./88-8 dt.16.5.91(P2) 8/91)
Estt.- Qualifications prescribed for promotion in respect of RWE categories upto the level
of From I Gr. equivalent - Further orders upto 31.7.91 issued.
185. (per) BP (FB) No.(SB) dt.18.7.91 (P 361/91)
Regulations - TNEB service Regualtions - Alternate Qualification for appoint to the post of
BE/Civil-Annexure-III Referred in Regulation 94-Amendment- issued - Engineering Degree
Awarded by Annamalai University with a minimum experience of one year.
186. (Per) BP (Ch) No.212(SB) dt.6.8.91(P412/91)
TNEB -Services-Relaxation of Regulation relating to minimum General Education
Qualification / Tests -Granted at lower post not to resorted to of each and every stage of
promotion - orders issued.
187. Memo No. :285/IR3(2)/Adm.Br/88-9 dt.13.8.91(P417/91)
Estt. Qualifications Prescribed for promotion in respect of RWE Categories upto the level
of from I Gr. and equivalent - Further orders upto 31.10.91-issued
188. (Per) BP (Ch) No.275(SB) dt.28.10.91(569/91)
Estt.-Class III Service Assessors and Inspector of Assessment not possessing Qualification
prescribed for Assessors-Rebacking to parent cadre - orders issued.
189. Memo No.285/IR3(2)/Adm.Br./88-10 dt.30.10.91(P570/91)
Estt. -Qualifications prescribed for promotion in respect of RWE Categories upto the level
of From I Gr. and equivalent-Further period upto 31.3.92 - orders issued.
190. (Per) BP (Ch) No.288(SB) dt.22.11.91(P 628/91)
Regulations - TNEB service Regulations - Appointment of Assessors or Jr. Asst. in
Secretariat Branch and Jr. Auditor in Audit Branch - Annexure III Referred in Regulation 94
- Amendment - issued.
191. (Per) BP (FB)No. 53 (Adm.Br.) dt. 20.12.91/695/91)
Recruitment -Direct Recruitment to the Post of TA IIGr. (Elecl) Inclusion of Electronics and
Communication and Instrumentation - orders issued.
192. Memo No. 286/IR3(2) / Adm. Br./88-11 dt.26.3.92(P106/92)
Estt- Qualification Prescribed for promotion in respect of categories upto level of Foreman
I Gr. and equivalent orders issued extended from 1.4.92 to 31.8.92.
193. Memo No.17757/P1/92-1(SB) dt.5.8.92(P449/92)
Regulations - TNEB service Regulations - Clause (b) under Regulation 91(2)
- correction issued.
194. (Per) BP(Ch) No.151(SB) dt.4.9.92(P480/92)
TNEB Service-Repatriates from certain Countries - Age, Educational Qualification and
other concessions for appointment to Board’s Service - Discontinuance orders of Govt.
Adopted to Board - orders issued.
195. Endt. No. : 098223 - RIII(1) /92-1(Adm.Br.)dt.5.9.92(P483/92)
Public service Reservation of appointment in Public Service - Provision of Separate
Reservation of SC and ST- Fixation of 1% turn for ST in Communal Roster - orders issued.
196. Memo No.285/IR3(2)Adm.Br./88-12 dt.26.10.92(P569/92)
Estt - Qualification Prescribed for promotion in respect of RWE categories upto the level
of FMI and equivalent - further orders upto the date of settlement - orders issued.
197. (Per) BP(Ch)No.168(SB) dt.13.10.92(P563/927)
Regulation lower and Higher Grade Suffixing the Qualification of Accountancy or Typewriting
or Shorthand - Change as Junior and Senior Grade Amendment to Service Regulations
- issued.
198. (Per) BP (Ch)No.231(SB) dt.21.12.92(P734/92)
Estt - Class III Service Method of Appointment of Steno Typist from Typist from TNEB
- orders issued.
199. Per BP(Ch)No.394(Adm.Br.)dt. 30.11.92(P745/92)
Estt-RWE - Change of Method of appointment irrespect of certain RWE categories -
creation of a new category of Tech Asst. II Gr.Mech. - orders issued.
200. (Per) BP(FB) No.116 (SB) dt.21.12.92(P733/92)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations - Direct Recruitment to Post of AE / El in Class II
- Prescribing BE Computer Engineering as addl. qualification and reserving a quota
Annexure I and III Amendment issued.
201. (Per) BP (Ch) No.6 (Adm.Br.) dt.6.1.93(P1/93)
Recruitment - Class II / III Service-Welfare Physically Handicapped - Reservation of
Vacancies for Physically handicapped persons - Certain clarification issued by Govt.-
Adoption to Board - orders issued.
201. Endt. No.: 000851/R11(1)/92-1(Adm.Br.) dt.8.6.93(P245)
Backward classes and most Backward classes welfare - Convert to Christianity from
Vannia Kulakshatriya-Reclassification - orders issued.
202. Memo No. 2114/Adm 5(2)/93-2(Adm.Br.) dt.25.6.93(P259/93)
Estt-RWE -Helpers whose educational qualification is below IV std.. and joined after 1.1.73
promotion as wireman requested - clarification issued.
203. Per BP(FB) No.33 (Adm.Br.)dt.17.6.93(P250/93)
Recruitment - Class II Service - Asst. Account officer - Method of Appointment to the post
of Asst. Accounts officer-with ICWA / CA Qualification proposal approved - orders issued.
204. (Per) BP (Ch)No.137(SB) dt.21.6.93(P251/93)
Regulations - TNEB Service regulations - Annexure III referred to in Regulation 94 - Direct
recruitment to posts in certain categories - enhancement of age limit from 28 years 30
years - Amendment issued.
205. Memo No.15442-A1/93-7(SB) dt.7.7.93(P325/93)
Estt - Class I Service-Regulation Provision regarding field experience for the post of
EE / El - Strict implementation.
205. Memo No.039373/482/Adm.5(1) / Adm.Br.)93-3 dt.9.9.93 (482/93)
Estt-RWE - Telephone operators promotion as lineman requested - considered - orders
206. Memo No.017634/171/Adms (2)/92-4 (Adm.Br.) dt.28.10.93(P539/93)
Estt-RWE - Completed SSLC - clarification issued.
207. Memo No. 080178 / 1371/Adm5(2)/93-1 dt.7.12.93(P650)
Estt-RWE - Revision of qualification to certain categories - orders issued.
208. Memo No.080552-R11(1)/93-1(Adm.Br.)dt.14.12.93(P655)
Welfare of Backward-classes, Most Backward Classes and Denotified Community -Status
of Convert to Christianity from SC, BC, MBC and DC with regard to educational concession
and reservation into Govt. Services - existing position under orders in force - intimated.
209. (Per) BP (ch)No.259(SB) dt.3.12.93(P646/93)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 89 - Amendment issued.
210. Memo No.7274A/B1-4/94-1(Adm.Br.)dt.27.1.94(P15/94)
Estt-RWE - Revision of educational qualification for certain categories - orders issued.
211. Per BP(FB) No.23(Adm.Br.)dt.7.4.94 (P164/94)
Recruitment - class III Service - Direct Recruitment to the post of Typist - The persons of
deaf exemption from passing both Higher Typewriting and enough passing Higher grade
in any one of language - Govt. orders adoption - orders issued.
212. Memo No.285/IR3(2)/Adm.Br.)88-13 dt.28.6.94(P307/94)
Estt-Qualification prescribed for promotion in respect of RWE categories upto the level of
from I Gr. and equivalent - Further orders upto the date of issue of final orders on revision
qualification - issued.
213. Per BP (FB) No.56(Adm.Br.) dt.30.8.94(P394/94)
Recruitment-Appointment of legal heirs of Deceased employees of Board and Dependant
of the person Invalidated on medical grounds-Reduction of training period and enhancement
of wages - orders issued.
214. (Per) BP (Ch)No.328 (SB) dt.30.11.94(P556/94)
Regulations - TNEB service Regulations - Regulation 17(g) Amendment issued. The
employee compulsorily retired reinstated on review or as per court orders supernumery
post may be created.
215. Memo No.59206/P1/94-1(SB)dt.18.2.95(P35/95)
Minimum General Qualification Rule 12(a)(VI) of General Rules for Tamilnadu State and
Sub-ordinate service - invocation communicated.
216. Per BP( FB) No.77 (Adm.Br.)dt.31.12.94(p133/95)
Recruitment - Class II and III Service Direct recruitment to various categories of posts -
reservation of vacancies for woman schedule caste and physically Handicapped candidates
- Adoption of Govt. orders.
217. (Per) BP (FB) No.16 (Adm.Br.)dt.12.5.95(P) 97/95)
Promotion of Asst. Executive Engineer / Elect to the Cadre of Executive Engineer/Elecl
Prescribing of Minimum experience in certain fields - Extension of condition of field
experience - orders issued.
218. Memo No.91808/R1-1/95-1(Adm.B.r)d t.6.12.95(609/85)
Recruitment - Training for Assistant Engineers appointed through Direct Recruitment 1994
- Service Conditions - clarification issued.
219. Memo No.91808/R1-1(95-5 Adm.Br.dt.4.1.96(P4/96)
Recruitment - Training for Asst. Engineer (Trainee) appointed through Direct Recruitment
1994-Service condition - clarification issued.
220. Memo No.63770/P1/96-1(SB) dt.29.2.96(P15/2/96)
Welfare of Backward classes - Kallar, Maravar and Agamudayar Known as Mukkulathor
calling the three communities as Thevar - orders issued by Govt. - Communicated.
221. Memo (P) No.71211/P2/96-2(SB) dt.12.3.96(P8/3/96)
Deputation - Deputation of Boards Engineers for higher Studies Revised procedure -
Instruction issued.
222. Memo (P) No.65737/P1/95-1(SB) dt.3.4.96(P5/4/96)
Community certificate - Schedule Tribe community certificate verification of Genuineness
of community certificate by District collector - Avoiding misuse of Concession by
Non-Schedule Tribe - instruction communicated.
223. Memo No.30108/P1/95-2(SB) dt.27.4.96(P28/4/96)
Welfare of Backward classes - issue of Community certificate to person belonging to
Thottianaicker authorising the Thasildar to issue certificate - orders issued.
224. (Per) (Ch)No.146(Adm. Br) dt.23.4.96(P 18/4)96
Recruitment - Recognition of qualification awarded by different universities / Institutions
for purpose of employment in public service - Adoption of orders of Govt. in - orders issued.
225. (Per) BP(FB) No.24(Adm.Br.)dt.23.5.96(P4/5/96)
Recruitment - class II / III Service - Direct Recruitment to various categories of posts -
possession of prescribed qualification on the date of notification adoption of orders of
Govt. - orders issued.
226. (Per) Bp.(FB)No.59(SB) dt.23.8.96(P17 8/96)
Regulations - TNEB service Regulations-Regulation 91(3) Amendment issued-Should pass
second class language in Tamil with in a period of Two years failure to pass - he shall be
discharged from services.
227. (Per) BP(FB)No.2(SB) dt.27.1.97(P11/1/97)
Regulations-TNEB service Regulations-Regulation 89-Amendment issued - chairman is
the competent authority to extend the validity of the selected lists.
228. (Per) BP(FB) No.8(Adm.Br.) dt.20.3.97(P5/3/97)
Recruitment -RWE -Creation of new category as part-time - conservancy worker -
absorption of part-time sweeper / scavenger - providing regular appointment in the time
scale of pay of Rs.120-5-170-10-320 - orders issued.
229. Memo No.17388-SS1/97-1(SB) dt.9.4.97(P4/4/97)
Estt. TNEB - Entry of candidate with Bogus education qualification certificate - To avoid
such things the appointment orders should be issued only after confirming the veracity of
the certificate producer for appointment - instruction issued.
230. Lr.No.051234/R3/2/907/97(Adm.Br.)dt.14.5.97(P9/5/97)
Recruitment - Employment assistant to the dependant of Board employees who died in
harness Entry of candidates with Bogus education Qualification Certificate - Avoidance -
The proposal will be forwarded only after getting veracity of the Certificate produced by the
appointment - Instruction - issued.
231. (Per) BP (FB) No.47(SB) dt.24.6.97(P10/6/97)
Estt-Board office secretariat - Branch - Class I and II Service - Inclusion of Legal officer
and Assistant Legal Advisor in the TNEB Service Regualtions-Prescription of qualification,
Method of appointment etc - orders issued.
232. (Per) BP(FB)No.52(SB) dt.1.7.97(P23)7/97)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Inclusion of the category of Senior Driver, Driver
(Heavy vehicle, Special Grade foreman Driver in Board Service - Amendment issued.
233. (Per) BP(FB) No.17(SB) dt.27.2.98(P29-2/98)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations class III Service Qualification for appointment
to The Post of Machine man I Gr. and Foreman III Gr. Amendment to Regulation 94
- orders issued.
234. (Per)BP(FB) No.95(SB) dt.14.10.98(P7/10/98)
TNEB - RWE - Revision of Scales of Pay to part time conservancy workers absorbed as
part time sweeper/ Scavengers a effective from 20.3.97 - orders issued.
m.rh.F.v©. 82710/765/áá3/c-2/90-13(Ã.».) ehŸ3.10.98(ã 2/10/98)m.rh.F.v©. 82710/765/áá3/c-2/90-13(Ã.».) ehŸ3.10.98(ã 2/10/98)
m.rh.F.v©. 82710/765/áá3/c-2/90-13(Ã.».) ehŸ3.10.98(ã 2/10/98)m.rh.F.v©. 82710/765/áá3/c-2/90-13(Ã.».) ehŸ3.10.98(ã 2/10/98)
m.rh.F.v©. 82710/765/áá3/c-2/90-13(Ã.».) ehŸ3.10.98(ã 2/10/98)
âU. nf. thRnjt‹ k‰W« ehšt® Kjš V‰ò tH¡F v©. 774/90 jÄœ bkhÊ nj®Éš
nj®¢á bgwhkš 5tJ Câa ca®î ÉLÉ¥gJ r«kªjkhf - tH¡»‹ Ô®¥ò m¿É¥ò
236. (Per) BP (FB) No.44(Adm.Br.) dt.11.12.98(P10/12/98)
Estt-Class III Service - Surveyor Internal selection to the post of Surveyor among the
employees only with civil diploma - order issued.
237. Per BP (FB) No.45(Adm.Br.)dt.15.12.98(P12/1.2.98)
Recruitment - Class III Service - Tech Asst. (Elect. & Mech.) method of Appointment and
Qualification - orders issued.
238. (Per) BP (FB) No.14(Adm.Br.)dt.26.3.99(P4/3/89)
Recruitment - Provincial -Typist /Steno Typist-Absorption of 4 Retrenched employees of
Tamilnadu Steels Ltd., Arakkonam - orders issued.
239. (Per) BP(FB)No.20(Adm.Br.) dt.6.7.99(P4/7/99)
Recruitment of Apprentice who have completed - Apprenticeship Training - Certain
Percentage of employment requested by Trade union - Decision - Reg - Preference only
be given if other things are even on other candidates.
240. Per BP No.37(Adm.Br.)dt.30.10.99(P18/10/99)
Recruitment - Educational qualification - Diploma in Tool Engineering issued by State
Board of Technical Education and Recognition for appointment in public service - Adoption
of Govt. orders -ordered.
241. (Per) BP(FB) No.69(SB) dt.29.10.99(P16/10/99)
Regulations TNEB Service Regulations - Regulations 89(C) Recruitment to various
categories of posts method of selection -Amendment issued.
242. (Per) BP(FB) No.1(Adm.Br.)Dt.18.1.2000(P9/1/2000)
Recruitment - Direct Recruitment to the post of Assessors Non Application of Relaxation
of upper age limit - orders issued.
243. Per BP (Ch) No.62(Adm.Br.)dt.13.3.2000(P4/3/2000)
Estt-Class III Service Thiru M.Jayaprakash Jr. Asst. (Accts.) Generation circle Kadamparai-
Non passing Of-II class language Test with in the period of Probation - Reverted as Helper
- Approved and retired orders issued.
244. (Per) BP (FB) No.7(Adm.Br.) dt.5.5.2000(P2/5/2000)
Recruitment - Direct Recruitment to initial level categories - Method of Selection -
weightage of Employment exchange Registration seniority orders.
245. Cir Memo No.048336/G58/G581/JA3/2000-1 dt.8.6.2000 (P 9/6/2000)
Genuineness of Educational Qualification - Certificate of Helper appointed prior to 1.7.97
verification - orders issued.
246. Per BP (FB)No.29 (Adm.Br.) dt.27.11.2000)
Estt- Class II Service-Direct Recruitment to the Post of Assistant Engineer/Elecl. through
Employment exchange - orders issued.
247. (Per) BP(FB) No.1(Adm.Br.) dt.3.1.2001(P1/1/2001)
Estt. TNEB - Creation of new category as part time conservancy workers Absorption of
existing contingent part-time sweeper / Scavenger - orders issued in BP(FB) No. 8 dt.20.3.97
cancelled and - modified - orders issued.
248. (Per) BP(FB) No.23(SB) dt.12.4.2001(P11/4/01)
Estt - TNEB - Recruitment (Internal) Class II Service selection to the post of Asst. Engineer
(Elecl/Mech/Civil) method of selection - Amendment to Regulation 92 of TNEB service
- regulations issued.
249. (Per) BP(F13) No.19(SB) dt.2.4.2001(P5/4/2001)
Tamilnadu state and sub ordinate service rules Amendment to General Rules 12(d)
Reclassification of Backward Classes and enhancement of age limit for most Backward
classes-for appointment in the case of Direct Recruitment Adoption of Govt. orders -
Amendment to Regulation 91(2) of TNEW Service - regulations issued.
250. (Per) BP (FB) No.45(SB) dt.7.7.2001(P8/7/01)
Estt - TNEB - Direct Recruitment to the Post of Assessor - Non Application of upper age
limit - Amendment to Regulation 94 of Service Regulations issued (The Maximum age for
recruitment to the post of Assessors 35 years be irrespective of the priority categories.
251. Per BP (FB) No.26(Adm.Br.) dt. 9.10.01(P4/10/01)
Recruitment -Rule of Reservation of Appointment in TNEB - Revised communal Roaster
- Adoption of orders of Govt. - reg.
252. (Per) Bp(FB) No.30(Adm.Br.)dt.26.11.2001(P1/2/02)
Recruitment - RWE - Driver Qualification and method of Appointment - Provision of Internal
Selection of the category of Driver - orders issued.
253. (Per) BP (FB ) No.15(SB) dt.5.3.2002(P11/3/02)
Regulation - TNEB Service Regulations - Inclusion of category of Tech Asst. Elecl and
Mech. Amendment to Service Regulation - issued.
254. (Per) BP(FB) No.17(SB) dt.6.3.02(P13/3/02)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations Internal Selection to the post of Asst. Engineer
(Elecl/Mech and Civil) Method of selection Amendment to Regulation 92 of Service
Regulations issued.
255. (Per) BP (FB) No.9(Adm.Br.) Dt.23.4.2002(P7/4/02)
Estt - Class II Service - Assistant Engineers / Elec Trainee) - Recruited during the year
December 2000 and March 2001-Reduction of Training Period from 6 months to 3 month
- orders issued.
256. (Per) BP(FB) No.10(Adm.Br.)dt.27.4.02(P8/4/02)
Recruitment-Class III Service Tech Asst/Electrical inclusion of Computer Science
Engineering on par with Elecl and Fixing of Percentage of discipline - orders issued.
257. (Per) BP (FB) No.26(SB) dt.22.4.02(P5/4/02)
Regulation -TNEB Service Regulations - Recruitment Possession of qualification for
appointment to various posts Amendment Regulation 94 - issued.
258. (Per) BP (FB) No.43(SB) dt.25.7.02(P15/7/02)
Tamilnadu Electricity Board Service Regulations - Rule of Reservations - Revised
Communal rotation Amendment to Regulation 89 - Amendment issued.
259. (Per) BP(FB) No.51(SB) dt.7.9.02(P2/9/02)
Estt - TNEB - Creation of Separate cadre of stenographer in Board office secretariat
Branch - Prescribing qualifications and method of appointment to the post of Personal
clerk personal Assistant and Private secretary orders - issued.
260. (Per) BP(FB) No.55(SB) dt.17.10.02(P4/10/02)
Regulation - class III Service - Regular work Estt. Promotion to the post of Instrument
Mechanic Gr.I Prescribing Addl. Qualification Amendment issued.
261. (Per) BP(FB) No.1(Adm.Br.) dt.28.1.2003(P1/2/03)
Recruitment - Class I service - Personal officer- revised method of appointment and
qualification Rules prescribed -Acquire the qualification - orders issued.
262. (Per) BP (FB) No.17(SB) dt.5.7.03(P11/7/03)
Regulation - TNEB Service Regulations - method of appointment and qualification to the
post of JEII Gr. Elecl. Amendment to Regulation 92 & 94 issued.
263. (Per) BP(FB) No.14(Adm.Br.) dt.16.9.03 (P8/9/03)
Estt - RWE - Promotion to the employees in Mettur Work shop circle-Reduction of
Categories and relaxation of Educational qualification - ordered by SE/Mettur workshop
circle - Approved and ratified - orders issued.
264. (Per) BP (FB) No.37(SB) dt.25.11.03(P11/11/03)
Estt-Class II Service- Assistant Accounts officer-Method of Appointment through Internal
selection orders issued-Amendment to service Regulation - issued.
265. (Per) BP (FB) No.2(Adm.Br.) dt.24.1.05(P12/1/05)
Estt-Class II Service-Asst. Engineers/Elecl, Mech, and Civil Appointed during the year
1995 - Reduction of Training period from 6 months to 3 Months - orders issued.
266. (Per) BP(FB) dt.13 (Adm.Br.)dt.3.6.05(P5/6/05)
Recruitment - Class II Service - Filling up of vacancies of Asst. Engineers/Elecl by Internal
Selection Direct recruitment Ratio 1:1 Qualification of BE, B.Tech. (Information Technology)
Allocation of vacancies for appointment to the post of AE/El. - orders issued.
267. (Per) BP(FB) No.24(Adm.Br.) 2.8.05(P9/8/05)
Recruitment - Class III Service - Technical Assistant / Elecl inclusion of Diploma in Information
Technology and computer Technology on par with Diploma in Elecl. Fixing of percentage
- orders issued.
268. BPMS(FB) No.25 (Adm.Br.) dt.12.8.05(P10/8/05)
Recruitment Class II Service - Assistant Engineer / Civil Trainees Recruited during the
year July 2000 Reduction of Training Period from 6 months to 3 months - orders issued.
269. Per BP (FB) No.30 (Adm.Br.0dt.19.9.05(P8/9/05)
Estt - Class II Service- Asst. Engineer / Elecl, Mechanical and Civil (Trainees Appointed on
compassionate grounds - Selected from the year 1995 onwards - Reduction of Training
period for 3 months - orders issued.
270. (Per) BP (FB) No.46(SB) dt.20.9.05(P9/9/05)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Abolition of Category of Sr. Revenue Supervisor
- Amendment to Regulation 88,92 and 93 of service Regulation issued.
271. (Per) BP(FB) No.36(Adm.Br.) dt.28.10.05(P55/10/05)
Estt- RWE - Revival of category of Mazdoor Grade II - Fixation of Scale of pay for Mazdoor
II Gr - orders issued.
272. (Per) BP (FB) NO.37(Adm.Br.)dt.29.10.05(P56/10/05)
Contract Labourers identified as on 8.8.98 and Paid exgratia payment for the year 2004-
05 claim for permanent absorption in to Boards service considered - orders issued.
273. (Per) BP (FB) NO.7(SB) dt.8.2.06(P10/2/06)
TNEB Service Regulations - Recruitment class II Service - Assistant Engineer, Electrical
- Inclusion of Information Technology Engineering as one of discipline for appointment to
the post of Assistant Engineer/Elect by Internal Selection / Direct Recruitment fixing up of
percentage of reservation -Amendment to Regulation 92 and 94 issued.
274. (Per) BP(FB) No.6(Adm.Br.) dt.16.2.06(P51/2/06)
Recruitment - Class II Service - Assistant Engineer Mechanical (Trainees Recruited during
the year February 1999-Reduction of Training Period from 6 months to 3 months - orders
275. (Per) BP(FB) No.14(Adm.Br.)Dt.5.6.06(P19/06/06)
Recruitment - Class I Service-Personnel officer revised Qualification prescribing rules
- orders cancelled.
276. (Per) Bp(FB) No.25(Adm.Br.)dt.28.10.06(P7/10/06)
Recruitment-Direct Recruitment - TNEB - Relaxation of upper age limit by five years to
unemployed youth - Adoption of Govt. orders - orders issued.
277. (Per) BP(FB) No.37(Adm.Br.)19.7.2007(P27/7/07)
Estt- TNEB Driver Category - prescribing of Educational qualification, experience and
method of appointment consolidated - orders issued.
278. (Per) BP (FB) No.33(Adm.Br.) Dt.9.7.07(P14/7.07)
Public Service-Tamilnadu State and Subordinate Service Rule of Reservation - Reservation
of 5% of Vacancies for Ex-servicemen in Group ‘E’ Post in state Govt. Service-orders
Adoption of Govt. orders in TNEB - issued.
279. (Per) BP(FB) No.39(Adm.Br.)dt.28.08.07(P25/08/07)
Recruitment - Class III Service-Technical Assistant Electrical - Inclusion of Diploma in
Computer Net working on par with diploma in electrical and fixing of percentage of discipline
- orders issued.
280. (Per) BP(FB) No.43(Adm.Br.) dt.6.9.07(P12/9/07)
Estt-RWE - Mazdoor Gr.II (Trainee) Appointed as Mazdoor Helper cum Meter Reader and
Assessor Gr.II in the time scale of pay - orders issued.
281. (Per) BP(FB) NO.44(Adm.Br.) dt.3.9.07(P13/09/07)
TNEB - Contract Labourers-Contract Labourers Identified on 8.8.98 and received exgratia
payment -Absorption to Boards Service in a Phased Manner - orders issued.
282. (per) BP(FB)No.41(Adm.Br.) dt.6.9.07(P10/9/07)
TNEB - Class (IV) Service - Creation of New category of Helper - Cum Meter Reader in the
time Scale of Pay of Rs.3050-75-3950-80-5070 orders issued.
283. (Per) BP(FB) No.42(Adm.Br.)dt.6.9.07(P11/09/07)
TNEB -Class IV Service-Assessment of Meter Reading and Consumption charges creation
of new category of Assessor Gr.II in the Time Scale of Pay Rs.3050-75-3950-8-5070
- orders issued.
284. (Per) BP(FB)No.42(SB)dt.16.10.07(P12/10/07)
Estt.Regulations Reservation of 5% of vacancies for Ex-Servicemen in class III Post, in
TNEB Service - Amendment to Regulation 89 of SR issued.
284. (Per) BP(FB)No.53(Adm.Br.)dt.5.11.07(P10/11/05)
Public Service-Tamilnadu State and subordinate service General Rule 56-Employment
concession of destitute windows-prescription of certain percentage of vacancies to destitute
windows instead of existing preferences - Adoption of Govt. Orders to TNEB -orders issued.
285. (Per) BP(FB) No.5(SB) dt.4.2.08(P12/2/02)
Estt-TNEB Class III Service Technical Asst.(Electrical) Inclusion of Diploma in computer
Networking on per with Diploma in Electrical Engineering and fixing percentage of
reservation for various discipline - Amendment to regulation 94 of TNEB Service Regulation
286. (Per) BP(FB) No.3(Adm.Br.) dt.28.2.08(P32/2/08)
Estt-RWE Mazdoor II Gr. (Trainee) Appointment as Mazdoor and Assessor Grade II in the
Time Scale of Pay - orders issued.
287. (Per) BP(FB) No.20(SB) dt.15.4.08(P17/4/08)
Regulations - TNEB service Regulations - Appointment of destitute widows - Amendment
to regulation 89 and 92 of TNEB Service Regulatory issued.
288. (Per) BP(FB) No.31(SB) dt.11.8.08 (P15/8/08)
TNEB - Driver Category - prescribing of Educational experience and method of appointment
to TNEB Service Regulation issued.
289. (per) BP(FB) No.25(Adm.Br.) dt.27.09.08(P27/9/08)
Estt-TNEB Ex-service Personnel appointed for watch and work duties on contract
basis Absorption of Ex-servicemen personnel as watchman in time scale of pay - orders
290. (Per) BP(FB) No.42(Adm.Br.) dt.25.11.08(P 20/11/08)
Recruitment class II Service -Internal Selection of Engineering graduate from various
university-correspondence course-consideration for selection of Asst. Engineer - rejected
- orders issued.
291. (Per) BP(FB) NO.21(Adm.Br.)dt.29.12.09(P27/12/09)
Public Service-Prescription of computer qualification for the post of Typist / Steno Typist -
Copies of the Govt. orders - Adoption of Govt. orders in TNEB - orders issued.
292. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro No.5(Adm.Br.) dt.8411(P) 4/11
Estt-Appointment / Promotion in TANGEDCO-Diploma/Degree/Post Graduate Degree
obtained through open university after passing of SSLC, HSC and Degree - Govt. orders
issued-Adopted in TANGEDCO - orders issued.
293. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro No.11(Adm.Br.) dt.2.8.11 P9-9/11
Estt - RWE Creation of posts of part time conservancy worker and absorption of part time
employees (Sweeper and Sanitary Workers) as part time conservancy workers in a time
scale of pay with DA - orders issued.
1. BPMS (FB) No.62(SB) dt.23.7.87 (P564/87)
Estt. - TNEB - Existing clerical Cadre in field & officers of Board - Formation of
Administration cadre - orders issued.
2. Memo No. 43528/C1/87-2(SB) dt. 29.7.87(P569/87)
Estt. - TNEB - Formation of Administrative cadre -obtaining of option - Format Prescribed
3. Memo No. 110036/185/S2/A2/88-1 (Adm. Br. dt.695/88)
Estt. Administration cadre - Issue of Posting orders clarification issued.
4. Memo No. 124742/818/C3(1) 88-1 (Admn.Br.) Dt. 21.10.88(696/88)
Estt. - Class III Service - Counting of Surplus Assistant in Circle office against Jr. Asst.
Post service to Posting of Adm.Asst. - instruction issued.
5. Memo No.167292/1385/IR2(1)/Adm.Br/88-1 dt.9.12.88(P876/88)
Estt. - Class II and III Service - Administrative Cadre-Rotation of employees Group wise
- reg.
6. Memo No.167292/1385/IR2(1)/Adm.Br/85-2) 9.12.88(879/88)
Estt. - Class II and III Service - Accounts Cadre-Rotation of employees Group wise-Reg.
7. Memo No.167292/1385/IR2(1) Adm.Br. (88-3- Dt.9.12.88 P879/88)
Do-Assessment cum collection cadre 9.12.88
8. Memo No.167292/1385/IR2(1)/Adm.Br./88-4 dt.9.2.88 P881/88
Do-Stores Cadre.
9. Memo No.011175/18/C3(4) / 88-58 (Adm.Br.) dt.3.4.89 (p278/88)
Estt. - Class III Service-Formation of Administrative Cadre Assistants - Not Selected for
Adm. Cadre Intimation - reg.
10. Lr.No. 094320/RII(1) / 91-65(Adm.Br.) Dt.6.8.92(P450/92)
Recruitment - Class III Service-Direct Recruitment to the post of Typist through employment
exchange of selected candidates - calling for option to come over in Admn. Cadre-reg.
1. BPMS NO.266(SB) Dt.2.6.82(P172/1983 I)
Training - Apprentice Training under Apprentice Act 1961-Increased Rate of Stipends
- orders issued.
2. Memo No. 772/DTS/A6/85-4(Adm.Br.) Dt.30.5.85(P639/85)
Training - Stipendiary Apprenticeship Training Scheme - Engagement of Graduate / Diploma
Apprentice under Apprentice (Amendment) Act.1973 Central Selection Procedure for
appointment of Apprentice - Accepted.
3. Memo No.5462/DTS/A6/85-9 (Adm.Br.) Dt. 7.10.85 (1030/85)
Apprentice Ship Training Scheme -Engagement of Diploma Apprentices in the Board -
50% of the Stipend should be get reimbursed under Apprenticeship Act. 1973 - reg.
4. Memo No.11311/DTS/A6 / 85-2 (Adm.Br.)dt.10.12.85 (1314/85)
Engagement of Engineering Degree (BE) Diploma holders as Apprentice in TNEB - Certain
clarification issued.
5. Memo No. 12283-DTS/A6/87-1(Adm.Br.) dt.23.1.88(P63/88)
Enhancement of rates of stipend payable to Graduate / Technical Apprentices engaged
under the Apprentices Act 1961 effect from 19.10.87 - reg.
6. Memo No.12283-DTS/A6/87-2 (Adm.Br.) dt.2.4.88 (P267/88)
Apprentices Act 1961 - Enhancement of rate of Stipend payable to ITI Trade Apprentices
from 19.10.87 - reg.
7. Lr.No. 2643/DTS/A6/89-1 (Adm.Br.) dt.22.5.89(P383) 89
Apprenticeship Training - Details of eligible leave - reg.
8. Memo No.10714-DTS/A6/88-5 (Adm.Br.) dt.19.1.90(P14/90)
Apprenticeship Training - Scheme - mode of Selection of ITI Apprentices - under Apprentice
Act 1961 -reg.
9. Memo No.5158/DTS/A6/93-1(TB) dt.29.6.93(P319/93)
Enhancement of rates of Stipend payable to Graduate / Technician Apprentices engaged
effective from 20.4.93 - reg.
10. Memo No.5158/DTS/A6/93-2(TB) dt.16.7.93(P351/93)
Enhancement of rate of stipend payable to Trace apprentice-effective from 27.2.93
- orders issued.
11. Memo No.921/DTS/AEE1/A6/97(TB) dt.13.5.97(P22/5/97)
Apprentice Act 1961 - Enhancement of rates of stipend payable to ITI trade Apprentices-
effective from 26.12.95 Reg.
12. Memo No.921/DTS/AEE1/A6/97(TB) Dt.6.4.98(P3/4/98)
Apprentice Act 1961 - Enhancement rate of Stipend payable to ITI Trade Apprentice from
26.12.95 clarification issued.
1. Lr.No. : 56715/02/82-1(SB) dt.8.12.83(P62/83-I)
TNEB conduct Regulations - Regulation 21(a)-prohibition of Liquor or Intoxicating Drugs
in Public place - clarification issued.
2. BPMS (Ch)No.16(SB) dt.20.1.83(P84/83-I)
TNEB - Employees conduct Regulations-Regulations - Regulation 13-Term of Regular or
Reputed dealer explanation issued.
3. Memo No.:46594/02/824(SB) dt.18.3.83(P118/83-I)
TNEB - Employees conduct Regulations orders granting permission to acquire or dispose
of Movable / Immovable Properties - Maintenance of register instruction.
4. BPMS No. 246(SB) dt.19.5.82(P23/83-1)
TNEB - Employees conduct Regulations - Regulation 17-Authority competent to issue
press release - orders issued.
5. BPMS (Ch)No.5(SB) dt.17.1.83(P70/83-I)
Furnishing of Information press / Radio or T.V. Guidelines issued by Govt. Applicability to
Board - orders issued.
thÇa Miz (Ãiy) v©.416 ehŸ 9.8.82(ãthÇa Miz (Ãiy) v©.416 ehŸ 9.8.82(ã
thÇa Miz (Ãiy) v©.416 ehŸ 9.8.82(ãthÇa Miz (Ãiy) v©.416 ehŸ 9.8.82(ã
thÇa Miz (Ãiy) v©.416 ehŸ 9.8.82(ã30/83-I )
thÇa¥ gÂahs®fŸ / mâfhÇfŸ bjhiy¡ fh£á Ãfœ¢áfËš g§F bfhŸSjš
- ÉâKiwfŸ muR Miz mKšgL¤Jjš - Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
7. Cir Memo No. 12763/VC1/8-3-2(SB) dt.18.6.83(P35/83-II)
TNEB - Drunken behaviour by employees with in office premises - Action - instruction
8. Ch Cir No. : 10262/VC1/83-4Dt.12.7.83(P132/83-II)
Collection of Donation by TNEB staff from the consumer of the Board - Instruction issued.
9. Memo No.. 26719-A2/83-1(SB) dt.12.5.83(P7/83-II)
Estt - Grant of Permission for purchase of Movable or Immovable properties under TNEB
Employees conduct Regulations - instruction issued.
10. Cir Memo No. : 9341-VC2/83-3(SB) dt.7.6.83(P38/83-II)
Conducting of Chit funds by employees of Board Avoidance - instruction issued.
11. BPMS(Ch)No.(Sectt Br.) Dt. 23.8.83(P234/83-II)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulation - Regulation 13 powers for exercising the provision
of the Regulation - Amendment issued.
12. Memo No. :Adm. Br. /S7/1 / MISC / 83-2Dt.17.8.83(283/83-II)
TNEB - Employees conduct Regulations-Permission to purchase plot / Flat, construction
of house-Details of Particulars - required.
thÇa Miz v©. (K.th.) 157(br.».) ehŸ 17.11.83 (g420/83thÇa Miz v©. (K.th.) 157(br.».) ehŸ 17.11.83 (g420/83
thÇa Miz v©. (K.th.) 157(br.».) ehŸ 17.11.83 (g420/83thÇa Miz v©. (K.th.) 157(br.».) ehŸ 17.11.83 (g420/83
thÇa Miz v©. (K.th.) 157(br.».) ehŸ 17.11.83 (g420/83-II)
jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa gÂahs® el¤ij ÉâfŸ - jÄœehL Ä‹thÇa CÊa®fŸ gFâ
neu ntiy gh®¥gj‰F jilÉâ¤J Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
14. BPMS (Ch) No.2(SB) dt.2.1.84(P3/84)
TNEB - Conduct Regulations-Anti Secular or Social disharmony activity and demonstrations
- Regulation 27 Amendment issued.
15. Memo No. : 73739-A2/83-3(SB) dt.18.2.84(P79/84)
Estt - TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - permission to obtain private loan for
construction of house furnishing of details reg.
thÇa Ãiy Miz (jiyt®) v©.69(brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 27.2.84(ã84/84)thÇa Ãiy Miz (jiyt®) v©.69(brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 27.2.84(ã84/84)
thÇa Ãiy Miz (jiyt®) v©.69(brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 27.2.84(ã84/84)thÇa Ãiy Miz (jiyt®) v©.69(brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 27.2.84(ã84/84)
thÇa Ãiy Miz (jiyt®) v©.69(brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 27.2.84(ã84/84)
jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa gÂahs® el¤ij ÉâfŸ-jÄœehL Ä‹thÇa gÂahs®fŸ
ïªJ rka ÃWtd§fËš j¡fh® gu«giu mšyhj mw§fhty® gjÉ V‰f jil Éâ¤J
- Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
17. BPMS (Ch)No.82(SB) Dt.3.3.84(P132/84)
TNEB - Employees conduct Regulations-Engaging in Trade or business by Member of
the Board employees instruction issued.
18. BPMS(Ch)No.194(SB) dt.26.3.84(P330/84)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Regulation 13 fixing of Time limit to accord
permission for construction of house Amendment issued.
19. BPMS (Ch)No.195(SB) dt.26.5.84(P330/84)
TNEB - Employees conduct Regulations-Regulation12(6) Amendment issued.
20. BPMS (Ch)No.200(SB) Dt.29.5.84(P333/84)
Estt. Violation of TNEB employees conduct Regulations relating to conduct of Bigamous
marriage-Penalty under Regulation 5 of TNEB D&A Regulations Amendment issued
(Major penalty may be imposed)
21. Lr. No. : 33744-91/84-Q1(SB) dt.6.6.84(P385/84)
Gift - Acceptance of Gift offered by Foreign Govt. Instruction issued by Govt. communicated.
22. BPMS(Ch) No.279(SB) dt.23.7.84(P498/84)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Form VII in Schedule I Amendment issued.
23. Memo No. : 50959 - A2/84-1(SB) dt.19.12.84(P984/84)
Estt - TNEB - Grant of Permission for Construction of house or purchase of house -site or
movable properties under TNEB conduct Regulations revised instruction issued.
thÇa Ãiy Miz v©. (jiyt®) 72(Ã.».) ehŸ 9.2.84(ã 73/84)thÇa Ãiy Miz v©. (jiyt®) 72(Ã.».) ehŸ 9.2.84(ã 73/84)
thÇa Ãiy Miz v©. (jiyt®) 72(Ã.».) ehŸ 9.2.84(ã 73/84)thÇa Ãiy Miz v©. (jiyt®) 72(Ã.».) ehŸ 9.2.84(ã 73/84)
thÇa Ãiy Miz v©. (jiyt®) 72(Ã.».) ehŸ 9.2.84(ã 73/84)
jŠir jÄœ gšfiy¡ fHf¤â‹ m¿Éaš fsŠáa« bjhF¡F« g - thÇa
gÂahs®fS¡F f£Liu vGj mDkâ tH§Fjš.
25. BPMS (Ch)No.9(SB)dt.10.1.84(P9/84)
Estt - TNEB - Issue of No. objection certificate to Board employees to visit Foreign countries
- orders issued.
26. BPMS (Ch)No.411(SB) dt.24.10.84(P781/84)
Haj Pilgrimage - Leave out of India - Execution of Bond clarification issued.
F.M.v©. 67982/¥ã-1/84-1 (jiyik brayf«) ehŸ 23.11.84(ã864/84)F.M.v©. 67982/¥ã-1/84-1 (jiyik brayf«) ehŸ 23.11.84(ã864/84)
F.M.v©. 67982/¥ã-1/84-1 (jiyik brayf«) ehŸ 23.11.84(ã864/84)F.M.v©. 67982/¥ã-1/84-1 (jiyik brayf«) ehŸ 23.11.84(ã864/84)
F.M.v©. 67982/¥ã-1/84-1 (jiyik brayf«) ehŸ 23.11.84(ã864/84)
mYtyf eilKiw - jÄœehL Ä‹thÇa mYty®fŸ btËehL bršy mDkâ mË¥gJ
F¿¤J bra‰F¿¥òfŸ r«kªjkhf - muR m¿îiufŸ jftY¡fhf mD¥g¥gLjš.
28. Ch’s Communication No. Ch/TA/3345/85-1 dt.30.4.85(P389/85)
Collection of Funds by Unions/Associations from members of the Public -observations of
the supreme court of India - communicated.
29. BPMS (Ch)No.147(SB) dt.4.5.85(P470/85)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations -Transaction with Chit Fund Companies - Further
instruction issued.
30. Lr. No.23439/Q1/85-1(SB) dt.15.5.85(P494./85)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations 1982-Consumption of Intoxicating drink and Drugs
- instruction issued.
31. Ch’s Cir Memo No.37990-A2/85-1(SB) dt.30.6.85(P681/85)
Estt. - Request from employees for permission to accept gift - instruction issued.
32. Lr.No. 1940-A2/85-1(SB)dt.18.7.85 (P749/85)
Estt. TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Permission for Transaction in movable and
immovable. Properties under Regulation 13 of TNEB conduct regulations Forms
33. Memo (P) No.54095 -P2/84-1(SB) dt.3.9.85(P931/85)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Participation in programme arranged by All India
Radio /Television Instruction from Govt. Communicated for followup.
34. Ch’s Cir Memo No. ADM Br/86(2)/734/85-1 dt. 18.9.85(946/85)
Estt. - Request from employees for permission to accept loan from friends and relatives
of Rs.10000/- and above referred to vigilance cell
35. BPMS (Ch)No.343(SB) dt.10.10.85(P1032/85)
Regulations-TNEB employees conduct - Regulations
Regelations 14 Amendment issued (Trade or Business)
36. Cir Memo No.29229/P2) 85-2 (SB)dt.6.11.85’C P1157/85)
Regulations-TNEB employees conduct Regulations - Regulation 13(1)(a)-Grant of
Permission by prescribed authority for purchase of immovable property - verification. Sale
deed after granting permission - instruction issued.
37. Ch. Endt.No.8475/TA/CH/85 dt.27.11.85(P1188/85)
Estt. Applicability of conduct Regulations to employees governed by Standing orders court
38. BPMS (Ch) No.454(SB) dt.17.12.85(P1321/85)
Regulations TNEB conduct Regulations - Amendment to Regulation 22 issued (Acceptance
of Private employment)
39. BPMS(Ch)No.460 (SB) dt.21.12.85(P 1328/85)
Regulations TNEB employees conduct Regulations permission to give lectures - instruction
40. Memo (P) No.55382-P2/85-1 (SB) dt.8.1.86(17/86)
Regulations - Tamilnadu Electricity Board employees conduct Regulations certain correction
- Errata issued.)
41. BPMS(Ch)No.79(SB) dt.4.3.86(P201/86)
Regulations - TNEB Employees conduct Regulations-Regulations 13(2) Amendment -
42. Memo (P) No.26227-P2/86-1(SB) dt.26.5.86(P416/86)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Regulations 13- Acquisition of movable property-
Instruction of Govt. - Copy Communicated for followup.
43. Memo No. Adm.Br. /56(2)/734/.85-2dt.17.6.86(P512/84)
Estt. - Request from employees for permission to accept loan from Friends and relatives
- clarification.
44. Regulations - TNEB Employees conduct Regulations-Regulations 18 - Amendment
issued (Delegation of powers)
45. Memo No. 37229/SS-1/85-4 (SB) Dt.2.7.86 (P619/86)
Estt. - TNEB Employees - Purchase of movable property - clarification issued.
46. BPMS(Ch) No.329(SB) dt.16.7.86(P634/86)
Regulations-TNEB employees conduct Regulations- Prohibition of Membership of any
communal organisation etc. Regulation 20A - incorporated.
47. Memo No.15516-P2/86-2(SB) dt.9.7.86(P622/86)
TNEB employees conduct Regulations consumption of intoxicating drinks and Drugs
- instruction issued.
48. BPMS(Ch)No.391SB) dt.16.8.86(P732/86)
Regulations-TNEB Employees conduct Regulations-Regulation 25 (Bigamous marriage)
- Amendment issued.
49. BPMS(Ch)No.411(SB) dt.22.8.86 (P739/86)
Regulations-TNEB Conduct Regulations-Regulations 13 - Amendment issued.
50. Memo No.38367-P2/86-1(SB) dt.26.8.86(P739/86)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Furnishing of returns of - Assets Liabilities -
51. BPMS(Ch)No.447(SB) Dt.11.9.86(P812/86)
Regulations -TNEB Employees Conduct Regulations -Regulations 13-Amendment issued
(The approval or other wise should be with in 6 months)
52. Memo No.14659-P2/86-1(SB) dt.17.9.86(P821/86)
Regulations - TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Schedule I form I and II Errata-
53. BPMS(Ch)No.457(SB) dt.20.9.86(P824/86)
Regulations-TNEB Employees conduct Regulations-Regulation 23-Amendment issued.
54. BPMSC(Ch)No.458(SB) Dt.20.9.86(P824/86)
Estt. - Use of Political and other influence by Board employees to further their interests -
Avoidance of - instruction issued.
55. BPMS(Ch)No.466(SB) dt.26.9.86(P833/86)
Regulations-TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Regulations 14 Amendment
56. Memo No.46384-P2/86-1(SB) Dt.29.9.86(P840/86)
Acceptance of Presents by Govt. Servants-Discouraged - instruction issued.
57. Ch-Circular No. CH/TA/4039/86 dt.30.9.86 (P843/86)
Collection of donations by the Electricity Board Staff from the consumers of the Board - is
a misconduct- instruction issued.
58. Memo No.62097-B3/86-1(SB)dt.2.12.86(P7HON1084/86)
Estt. - Request from employees for permission to accept loan - clarification
59. BPMS(Ch)No.599(SB)dt.12.12.86(P1101/86)
Regulations-TNEB Employees conduct Regulations-Regulation 13 - Amendment issued
(Acquiring House or House site with in the local limit)
60. Memo(P) No. 75646-P2/ 86-7(SB) dt.15.7.87(P555/87)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulation-Permission
Sought for construction of house by availing loan from a co-op. Society by an employee
who has availed Boards HBA-Not to be permitted - clarification
61. Memo No. Adm. Br. (C5(2) / 205(86-2 dt.29.7.87 (P615/87)
Estt. - Class II Service Joining in Chit Fund- Permission - instruction issued.
62. Memo (P) 29236-P2/87-1 (SB) dt.7.8.87(P621)877
TNEB Employees conduct -Regulations - Raising of loan by Board employees-Definition
of Quantum of small Amount - clarification issued.
63. Ch’s Circular No.CH/TA/4453/87-1 dt.11.9.87(P704/87)
Employees of TNEB - Ban on Collection of Donation from the Public - orders of High Court
of Madras communicated.
64. BPMs(Ch)No.54(SB) dt.2.3.88(P168/88)
Regulations - TNEB employees conduct -Regulations Property return form I to V
- Amendment issued.
65. BPMS(Ch)No.65(SB) Dt.15.3.88(P) 178/88
Regulations - TNEB Employees conduct Regulations-Regulation 12(9) and (10)
- Amendment issued.
66. Memo No. 16215-B3) 88-1(SB) dt. 12.5.88(P237/88)
Purchase of National Savings Certificate -Non Intimation - instruction issued.
67. Memo No.(P) No.25389/P2/88-1(SB) dt. 18.6.88(P358/88)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Form for seeking previous sanction / sending
notice/report concerning transaction in immovable and movable properties - Revised.
68. Memo No.38753-P2/88-1(SB) dt.306 88(P374) 88
Regulations - TNEB employees conduct - Regulations 1982 - Edition - Regulations
- correction issued.
69. Memo (P) No. 52942/ O&M Cell/87-1(SB) dt.11.7.88(P449/88)
Office procedure - Grant of Permission for Purchase of Land. House Site, Ready Built
house etc. - Check slip - prescribed.
70. BPMS(FB) No.55(SB) dt.6.7.88(P444/88)
Regulations -TNEB Employee’s Conduct Regulations- Acceptance of Gift - Regulation 9
- Amendment issued.
71. BPMS (ch)No.216(SB) Dt.13.7.88 (P456/88)
Regulations -TNEB Employees Conduct Regulations- Seeking Permission for acquisition
of house Regulations 13(1) (b) - Amendment issued - (Format prescribing)
72. Memo No.41518/P2/88-1 (SB) dt. 26.7.88 P474 /88
Regulations - TNEB Employees Conduct Regulations Regulation 9(1) - Gift - certain
clarification issued.
73. BPMS(FB)No.79(SB) dt.19.11.88(P788/88)
Regulations-TNEB Employees Conduct Regulations - Regulation 13(5) (a) Amendment
74. BPMS (Ch)No.363(SB) dt.21.12.88 (P897/88)
Regulations-TNEB Employees Conduct Regulations-Regulations 3,13 and 14 Amendment
75. Memo No.45542-P2/88-1 (SB) dt.23.12.88(P905/88)
Estt. - Grant of Permission to employees of the Board for transaction in immovable and
movable properties obtaining vigilance clearance - consolidated - instruction issued.
76. (Per) BP(Ch)No.98(SB) dt.19.4.89(P295/89)
Regulations-TNEB Employees conduct Regulations-Regulation 3(b) Amendment
issued.(No Employees should act on oral Instruction of the higher official and ask it in
77. Memo No.51164-C2/80-32(SB) Dt.5.4.89(P281/89)
Disciplinary Proceedings for violation and circulars of Board - Applicability to workman
covered by standing orders - instruction issued.
78. Memo No.35662/C2/89-3(SB) dt.28.7.89(P613/89)
Disciplinary Proceedings for violation of conduct Regulations and Circulars of Board -
Applicability to workman covered by standing orders-Instruction already issued-keeping in
abeyance - orders issued.
79. Lr.No. 63590-P2/89-1(SB) dt.13.9.89(P772/89)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Granting Permission for purchase of House /
Flat through LIC loan by an employee who has already availed the Board. HBA
- clarification issued.
80. Cir Memo No.71887/O&M Cell/4/89-1(SB) dt.27.9.89(P792/89)
Collection of funds by employees of TNEB - Restriction - instruction issued.
81. Memo No.74713-P2/89-2(SB) dt.5.12.89 (P985/89)
TNEB employees conduct -Regulations-Regulation 13 - Enrolment in Life Insurance
Corporation by Board Employees - instruction issued.
82. Memo No.92448/B3/89-1(SB) dt.23.12.89 (P1000/89)
Estt. Class I officers - Intimation regarding Transaction in movable Properties-Forwarding
application of Class I officers - instruction issued.
83. Delegation- Delegation of powers to secretary TNEB to permit -Transactions relating to
purchase and sale of properties by the officers in the rank of SE’s - orders issued.
84. Memo No.35662-C2/89-4(SB) Dt.5.12.89(P984)89)
Disciplinary proceedings for violation of conduct Regulations and circulars of Board
Applicability to workmen covered by Standing Orders-Instruction Kept in abeyance -
Individual should be informed about the violation committed by him and DP will be taken
on receipt of court orders, and the pendency of DP for the violation of conduct Regulations
is not a bar sanction of HBA etc. - instruction issued.
85. (Per) BP (Ch) No.20(SB) dt.12.2.90(P92/90)
Regulations-TNEB Employees conduct Regulations Regulation 14 - Amendment
86. (Per) BP (Ch) No.46(SB) dt.20.3.90(P151/90)
Regulations - TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Regulation 13(5) - Authority
competent to accord permission- Amendment - issued.
87. (Per) BP(FB) No.11(SB)Dt.28.2.90(P137/90)
Delegation of powers to the secretary to permit transaction in movable property by the
officer upto the rank of SE’s - orders issued.
88. (Per) BP(FB) No.16(SB) Dt.30.3.90(P157/90)
Delegation of powers to accord permission to accept Gift and for obtaining Private loan
- orders issued.
89. Memo No.78642-P2/89-4(SB) dt.19.4.90(P226/90)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulation - Permission sought for construction of a house by
availing loan from LIC by an employees who has already constructed a house by availing
loan from co-op. House Building society Not to be granted - clarification issued.
90. Memo No.5273-P2/90-3(SB) Dt.4.5.90(287/90)
Regulations - TNEB Employees Conduct Regulations- Regulation 13 obtaining of permission
acquisition of movable properties - purchase of movable properties like TV, Fridge etc. out
of Bank loan-permission under Regulation 12(6) is not necessary - But Intimation should
be given - instruction issued.
91. (Per) Bp(Ch) No.93(SB) Dt.7.5.90(P288/90)
Regulations-TNEB employees conduct Regulations - Regulation 9 and 12 Amendment
issued. Competent authority to accord Permission.
92. Memo No. 44617-P2/90-1(SB) dt.9.7.90(P442/90)
Conduct - Conduct Rules-Instruction for maintaining Integrity and Maintenance of the Image
of the Board employees - Govt. of Tamilnadu Instruction communicated.
93. Memo No.38516-P2/90-1(SB) Dt.11.7.90(P443/90)
Regulations - TNEB conduct Regulations - Regulation 13 obtaining permission for
acquisition of Movable properties - pay certificate may be issued. But no under taking for
the recovery from the pay of the individual should be given - instruction issued.
94. (Per) BP(Ch) No.149(SB) dt.13.7.90(444/90)
TNEB - Employees conduct Regulation) Regulation 13(1) (b) - Report in the undivided
property should be intimated - Amendment issued.
95. Memo No.4670/P2/91-1(SB)811-15.2.91(P48/91)
Provision regarding receipts / acceptance of gifts from foreign dignitaries / sources
- clarification of Govt. of India - communicated.
96. UO Note No.63510/760/Adm.Br./IR2(1)/87-6dt.22.3.91(P95/91)
Writ Appeal No.604 of 1987-Filed by TNEB AESU-Copy of Judgement Furnished for
97. Memo No.78405-P1/90-1(SB) Dt.1.6.91(P303/91)
Regulations-TNEB Employees Conduct Regulations- Regulation 13 obtaining prior
permission for acquisition movable properties issue of Pay Certificate - instruction issued.
98. Per BP (Ch)No.140 (SB) dt. 7.6.91(P305/91)
Regulation - TNEB Employees conduct Regulations Lending and borrowing money from
private individuals previous sanction of Board is necessary-Regulation 12 and 13
Amendment issued.
99. Memo No.23560-C2/90-1(SB) dt.7.10.91(P554/91)
Estt. Disciplinary Proceedings for violation of Conduct Regulations and circulars -
Applicability to workmen covered by standing orders - Certain earlier instructions kept in
abeyance - clarification issued.
100. Lr No.43649/P1/91-1(S13) dt.5.10.91(P553/91)
Furnishing of returns on movable and immovable properties in their and their family
members possession - instruction issued.
101. Memo No.096907/G1-2/528/91-1 dt.7.12.91 (p704/91)
Loans and Advances - Housing Loan Facilities - Requirement of employment details - reg.
102. (Per) BP (Ch)No.312(S13) dt.16.12.91, (P692/91)
Regulations - TNEB Employees conduct Regulations-Regulation 12 relating to Lending
and Borrowing Money -obtaining previous sanction- Amendment issued.
103. Cir Memo No. : 62372 - B3 / 92-1 (SB) dt.12.10.92(P600/92)
Estt-Class I Service-Transaction involving immovable properties - Approval of the
prescribed authority - provision in Regulation - Non compliance - instruction issued.
104. Memo (P)No.76883/P1/92-1(SB) dt.25.2.93(P61/93)
Estt-TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - winning of prize including Jackpot in race or
Lottery by Board employees - Report - instruction issued.
105. Memo (P) No.:40321/P1/93-1(SB) dt. 30.11.93(P576/93)
TNEB employees conduct Regulations Transaction in sale and purchase of Debentures
etc. Instruction from Govt.-copy communicated.
106. Memo No.:46868/P1/93-1(SB) dt.11.1.94(P5/94)
Senior officer posted newly as Head of department Receiving gift from employees and
union members of Association -Discouraging of lavish and unwanted practice - instruction
107. Memo (P) No.37897/P1/93-1(SB)dt.12.1.94 (P6/94)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Regulation 9 - verification by the prescribed
authority before according permission - Instruction from Govt. copy communicated.
108. Memo No.761/P1/94-1(SB) dt.31.1.94(P15/94)
Regulations - TNEB employees participating strike violation of conduct Regulations and
standing orders - Instruction issued by the Govt. Applicability - orders issued.
109. Cir Memo No.8888/P1/94-1(SB) dt.8.2.94(P77/94)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - consumption of intoxicating Drinks and Drugs -
Instruction Reitrated.
110. (Per) BP(Ch)No.53(SB) dt.4.3.94(P109/94)
Regulations -TNEB employees conduct Regulations-Regulations 13 - Acquiring movable
or immovable properties by family members out of their own source need not be included
in the return - Amendment issued.
111. (per) BP(Ch) No.95(SB) dt.13.4.94(P169/94)
Regulations - TNEB Employees conduct Regulations-Regulations 9 - Amendment issued.
112. Memo (P) No.5426/P1/94-1(SB) dt.11.5.94(P238/94)
Regulations - TNEB employees conduct Regulations Regulation 13-Availing of Consumer/
Personal loan from Private agencies through office-clarification.
113. (Per) BP(Ch)No.41(SB) dt.24.2.95(P38/95)
Regulations-TNEB employees conduct Regulations -Regualtion 9 - Amendment issued.
114. (Per) BP(Ch)No.143(SB) dt.6.6.95(P246/95)
Regulations - TNEB Employees conduct Regualtions-Regulation 27A - Amendment issued.
115. Memo No.43006/R1/92-13(SB) dt.22.5.95(P243/95)
Estt-Class I Service-Deposit with Private Companies by the officials of the TNEB
-clarification issued.
116. Memo No.46361/P1/93-1(SB) dt.18.7.95(P336/95)
TNEB -Tamilnadu Electricity Board employees conduct Regulations - Valuation Authority -
Defining of - instruction issued.
117. Memo No.86278/O&M cell -II(3)/96-1(SB) dt.23.12.96(P26-12/96)
TNEB employees conduct Regulations - Representation to the chairman directly - violation
under provision of TNEB conduct Regulations.
118. (Per) BP(FB) No.13(SB) dt.18.2.97(P16/2/97)
Regulations - TNEB Employees conduct Regulations Amendment to Regulation 13
issued.(Filling of Property Return)
119. Memo (P) No.34911-P3/95-2(SB) dt.22.2.97(P19/2/97)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Procedure for dealing with the employees for
bringing and other out side political Influence - instruction issued.
120. (Per) BP(FB) No.65(SB) dt.16.8.97(P31/8/97)
Regulations-TNEB - Employees Conduct Regulations - Regulations 14 Amendment issued.
121. (Per) BP(FB) No.71(SB) dt.27.8.97(P118/8/97
Regulations TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Prohibition of Children employment
- Regulation 3A - incorporated.
122. Memo (P) No.45200-P3/97-2 (SB) dt.10.12.97(P7/12/97)
TNEB - Employees conduct Regulations - Regulation 13 Deposit Made in NSC, NSS, UTI,
Fixed Deposit into Bank etc. clarification- issued by Govt. instruction issued.
123. Ch Cir No.:37866/VC24/98-1 dt.3.10.98 (P6/10/98)
Collection of Donations by the Electricity Board Staff from the consumers of the Board
during the Festival occasions. instruction to dispensed with issues - reitrated.
124. (Per) BP(FB) No.28(SB) dt.22.6.99(P11/6/99)
TNEB - Prohibition of Sexual Harassment of working woman - Instruction of new rule in
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Amendment issued.
125. Memo (P) No. 52968(A18/A183/99-1(CS13) dt.27.10.99(P16/10/99)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Procedure for dealing with employees for brining
political and other out side - Influences - instruction - reitrated.
126. (Per) BP (FB) No. 38(SB) dt. 27.04.2000 (P 9/4/2000)
Regulations - TNEB employees conduct - Regulations - Regulation 9, 12 and 13 Amendment
127. (Per) BP(FB) No.11(SB) dt.19.2.2001(P14/2/2010)
Regulations - TNEB employees conduct -Regulations -Regulation 27A Amendment issued
(Employees Proceeding on Pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia through Tamilnadu Maj Pilgrimage
Committee are exempted from obtaining NOC - orders issued.
128. (Per) BP(Ch)No.238 (SB) dt.10.9.2001 (P3/9/01)
Estt - TNEB - Prohibition of Sexual Harassment of working woman - Constitution of complaint
- committee - orders issued.
F.M.v©.43431/m23/m232/2002-1/ehŸ 31.5.02(ã1/6/02)F.M.v©.43431/m23/m232/2002-1/ehŸ 31.5.02(ã1/6/02)
F.M.v©.43431/m23/m232/2002-1/ehŸ 31.5.02(ã1/6/02)F.M.v©.43431/m23/m232/2002-1/ehŸ 31.5.02(ã1/6/02)
F.M.v©.43431/m23/m232/2002-1/ehŸ 31.5.02(ã1/6/02)
muR¥ gÂahs®fŸ - ehlhSk‹w r£lk‹w cW¥ãd®fS£d bjhl®ò el¤ij ÉâfŸ
130. (Per) BP(Ch)No.157(SB) dt.7.8.02(P2/8/02)
TNEB - Prohibition of Sexual Harassment of working women - constitution of complaint -
committee - orders issued for all the Region.
131. Memo(P) 120715/A23/A232/2003-1(SB) dt.20.1.04(P13/1/04)
Tamilnadu Govt.Servant conduct Rules 1973-Prohibition of Govt Servants from convening
and participating Katta Panchayat - instruction issued.
132. Memo No.3782/A18/A182/04-02(SB) dt.19.5.04(P12/5/04)
Conduct Regulations-Permission under Regulation 9(5) of TNEB employees conduct-
Regulations for Purchase of Second Hand motor car - Certain clarification issued (Can
Purchase from close relatives and intimation sent under Regulation 13(2)
133. (Per) BP (Ch) No.211(SB) dt.14.11.06(P6/11/06)
Estt-TNEB - Prohibition of Sexual harassment of working women - constitution of complaint
committee - certain Amendment to guidelines and norms already issued - orders
134. Lr No.07 3306/869/G43/G432 / 2009-2(Adm. Br.)dt.30/9/09 (P18/9/09)
Elecy - Industrial Relation - Interview given by office Bearers of union in the news magazine
criticism of board - reg.
1. BPMS(FB) No.70(SB) Dt.18.6.83(P56/83-II)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Enhancement of Monetary limit -orders -
2. BPMS (FB)No.6 (TB) dt.9.1.84 (P29/84)
Vehicle - Sanction of Conveyance Advance - Purchase and Supply of Enfield India-Mini-
Bullet (AC Model) Motor Cycle, to field ADE’s (ofm) System - orders issued.
3. Memo No. : 121/84/N1/83-4 (Sectt Br.) Dt.6.3.84(P153/84)
Loans and Advances Motor Vehicle Advance -Sanction to the employees of the Board -
Scrutiny of Cash receipts - orders issued.
4. Memo (P) No.: 37155-N1/83-7 (SB) dt.27.3.84(P172/84)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance advance for purchase of new bicycle - Procedure for
processing of application - instruction issued.
5. Memo No. : 11412-N1/83-5(SB) dt.3.4.84(P262/84)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance (Motor Car/Motor Cycle / Scooter etc.) to
non self drawing officer of the Board - Release of Hypothecation deed instruction issued.
6. BPMS(Ch)No.185(SB) dt.21.5.84(P343/84)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance. Purchase of Motor Conveyance Some
Clarifications orders issued.
7. Memo No. : 30192-N1/84-1(SB) dt.6.6.84 (P417/84)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance for Purchase of New Bicycle Procedure for
Processing of application - Further instruction issued.
8. Memo (P) No. : 95689-N1/83-2(SB) dt.11.6.84(P427/84)
Loans and Advances conveyance Advance - watching the sanction of Advance - instruction
9. Memo (P) No.:9600-N1/84-2(SB) dt.4.7.84(P508/84)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Sanction of Bicycle Advance - Certain
clarification issued.
10. Memo No. : 83283-N1/83-5 (SB) dt.16.8.84(604/84)
Loans and Advance - Conveyance Advance - Purchase of Mayura Moped (New)
Manufactured by Tamilnadu Moped Ltd. - orders issued.
11. Memo No. 83283-N1/83-6 (SB) dt.20.10.84(P812/84)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Certain Clarification issued.
12. Memo No.(P) No.4420/N1/85-2(SB) dt.4.9.85(P965/85)
Loans and Advances Conveyance Advance for the purchase of Motor Car, Scooter/Motor
Cycle etc. Delay in insuring on comprehensive basis and renewal of Insurance Policies -
Further instruction issued.
13. Memo (P)NO.30233-C2/86-1(SB) dt.6.8.86(P722/86)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Misuse of Cycle Advance by the Employees
of the Board - instruction issued.
14. BPMS (Ch)No.487(SB) dt.8.10.86(P975/86)
Loans and Advances - Advance for purchase of New Bicycle - Enhancement of Monitory
limit from Rs. 600/- to Rs.800/- orders issued.
15. Memo No.62869-E2/86-3(SB) dt.29.6.86 P1038/86)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Advance to Purchase a Bicycle - Recokoning
of 6 years period for sanction of Advance for Second time - instruction issued.
16. BPMS(Ch)No.213(SB) dt.12.6.87(P474/87)
Loans and Advances-Conveyance Advance-Enhancement of quantum of Advance and
enhancement of pay limit for deciding the eligibility - Second and Subsequent time for
purchase of Motor Car on certain condition - orders issued.
17. Memo No.46152-E2/86-2(SB) dt.18.6.87 (P481/87)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Advance for Purchase of Motor Cycle/
Scooter/Moped et. clariification - orders issued.
18. Memo No. 45189/E2/87-2(SB) dt.20.1.88(P25/88)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Enhancement of Quantum of Advance and
Pay limit for eligibility of Advance - orders issued clarification
19. Memo No.28476/E2/88-1(SB) dt.1.6.88 (P343/88)
Loans and Advances - conveyance Advance - Advance for Purchase of Motor Cycle/Scooter/
Moped etc.- Classification of vehicles-Communicated.
20. Memo No.33836 / E2/88-1 (SB) dt.9.6.88(P348/88)
Loans and Advances Conveyance Advance - Pay limit for eligibility of Advance Clarification
issued - Errata issued.
21. Memo (P) No.40820/E2/88-1(SB) dt.8.8.88(P557/88)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance to Board employees - Misuse of Advance -
prevention of certain instruction issued.
22. Memo (P) No. : 44060/E2/88-4(SB) dt. 8.3.89(P213/89)
Loans and Advances-Conveyance Advance - Sanction of Advance for purchase of second
hand vehicle provisions in the Tamilnadu Financial code Volume I - Second hand vehicle
not permitted - Instruction issued.
23. Memo (P)No.: 57033/E2/88-3(SB) dt. 28.8.89(P710/89)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Purchase of vehicle and securities of
Documents - certain instruction issued.
24. Memo No.28920/E2/90-2(SB) dt.9.5.90(P304/90)
Loans and Advances - Grant of conveyance Advance-pay limit for eligibility is Including
special pay and personal pay - clarification issued.
25. (Per) BP(FB) No.19(SB) dt.25.3.91(P103/91)
Delegation of Powers to Chief Engineers / SE’s to sanction conveyance Advance - orders
26. Memo (P) No.:28920-E2/90-15(SB) dt.7.10.91(P576/91)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance-Advance for purchase of Motor Cycle/Scooter/
Moped etc. Classification.
27. Memo No. : 28920-E2/90-21(SB) dt.22.9.82(P502/92)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance-Advance for purchase of Motor Conveyance-
Inclusion of Certain new brand in the approved list of Two wheeler -orders issued(Sunny)
28. (Per) BP(Ch) No.25(SB)dt.15.2.93(P65/93)
Loans and Advances - TNEB - Advance for Purchase of new bi-cycle-enhancement of
Monetary limit from Rs.800 to Rs.1000/- orders issued.
29. Lr.No.:64927-E2/92-3(SB) dt.20.2.93(P69/93)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Sanction of Advance - Rate of interest for
92-93 Indication in sanction orders - instruction issued.
30. Memo No. : 73473/E2/93-1(SB) dt.9.12.93(P673/93)
Loans and Advances Conveyance Advance - Advance for Purchase of Motor Cycle / Scooter
/Moped etc. inclusion of new brand Moped TVS Astra - in the Approved list - orders issued.
31. Memo No. 75341-E2/93-2(SB) dt.27.4.94(P187/94)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance form of Application - Revised form -
32. (PT) BP(Ch)No.177(SB) dt.1.7.94(P327/94)
Loans and Advances - Advance for purchase of Motor Car/Scooter / Motor Cycle etc.
Insurance on Comprehensive basis - Dispensed with by Govt. Orders made applicable to
33. (Per) BP(FB) No.47(SB) dt.20.7.94(P350/94)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Enhancement of Monetary limit for Motor
car etc. Advance - orders issued.
34. Memo No.:56020/E2/94-1(SB) dt.5.9.94(P422/94)
Loans and Advances - conveyance Advance - Enhancement of Monitory limit - Certain
clarification - issued.
35. Memo No. 61625-E2/94-1(SB) dt.28.9.94(P438/94)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance-Enhancement Monitory limit - Further
clarification issued.
36. Memo No.:69485-E2/94-1(SB) dt. 11.10.94(479,94)
Loans and Advance - Conveyance Advance - Receipt of Application and Assigning of Priority
- instruction issued.
37. (Per) BP (Ch)No.55(SB) dt.29.4.95(172/P5)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance for the purchase of Moped - revised orders -
38. (Per) BP (Ch)No.131(SB) dt.30.5.95(P216/95)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Delay purchasing / Hypothecation / Insuring
the vehicle Delegation of powers to condone the delay - orders issued.
39. Memo No. 33901/E2/95-1(SB) dt.11.8.95(P387/95)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Sanction of advance for purchase of Second
hand Motor Car / Motor Cycle / Scooter etc. - certain clarification.
40. Memo No.54246/E2/94-4(SB) dt.1.12.95(P605/95)
Loans and Advances - conveyance Advance - Sanction of Advance for the purchase of
Motor car / Motor Cycle etc. - certain clarification issued.
41. Memo No. : 1436-E2/96-2(SB) dt.26.3.96(P28/3/96)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Advance for the purchase of Maruti Omni-
Not eligible - sanction accorded prior to clarification stands as ratified - orders issued.
42. (Per) Memo No.45769/E2/96-1(SB) dt.27.7.96(P8/7/96)
Loans and Advances - Advance for the purchase of Motor Conveyance - Approved list of
Two wheelers Modified orders issued by the Govt. - Applicability to Board - orders issued.
43. (Per) BP(FB) No.96(SB) dt.28.12.96(P38/12/96)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Enhancement of Monitory limit for Bicycle,
Motor Cycle and Motor Car etc. - orders issued.
44. Memo No. 18314/E2/97-1(SB) dt.2.4.97(P1/4/97)
Loans and Advances Conveyance Advance - Enhancement of Monetary limit for motor
Car Advance - certain clarification issued.
45. Memo No.26037/E2/97-1(SB) dt.26.4.97(P10/4/97)
Loans and Advances Conveyance Advance - Purchase of Two Wheeler and Four Wheeler
- certain clarification.
46. BP(Ch)No.212(SB) dt.30.9.97 (P1/10/97)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance for the purchase of Motor Car / Motor Cycle
/ Scooter / Moped - Mode of Payment - by means of Crossed Cheque in favour of dealer -
orders issued.
47. Memo No.53534/E2/97-2(SB) dt.9.10.97(P4/10/97)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Approved list of two wheelers - clarification
- issued.
48. Memo No.69503/E2/97-1(SB) dt.27.10.97(P19/10/97)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Approved list of Two Wheelers Classification
of Hero Winner as Scooter, Hero Honda Street as Motor Cycle - intimated.
49. (Per) BP(Ch)No.71(SB) dt.9.3.98(P13/3/98)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance Purchase of Motor Car / Scooter / Motor
Cycle, Moped etc. failure to purchase vehicle with in one Month - Extension of time upto
three months, instruction issued.
50. (Per) BP(Ch)No.291(SB) dt.19.11.98(P19/11/98)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Revision of Pay eligibility criteria by Govt. -
Adoption to Board - orders issued.
51. Memo No.16316/E2/99-1(SB) dt.22.3.99(P28/3/99)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Inclusion of Bajaj Caliber in the
approved list of Two Wheeler- orders issued by the Govt. Applicability to Board - orders
52. Lr.No.8250/E2/99-4(SB) dt.31.5.99(P26/5/99)
Loans and Advances - conveyance Advance - Sanction of Advance for purchase of Motor
Car who already own a Two wheeler - clarification issued.
53. (Per) BP(FB) No.37(SB) No.30.7.99(P51/7/99)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advances - enhancement of Monitory limit for moped
- orders issued.
nk.F.v©.72786/v7/v72/99-1(br.».) ehŸ 15.10.89 (6/10/99)nk.F.v©.72786/v7/v72/99-1(br.».) ehŸ 15.10.89 (6/10/99)
nk.F.v©.72786/v7/v72/99-1(br.».) ehŸ 15.10.89 (6/10/99)nk.F.v©.72786/v7/v72/99-1(br.».) ehŸ 15.10.89 (6/10/99)
nk.F.v©.72786/v7/v72/99-1(br.».) ehŸ 15.10.89 (6/10/99)
flD« K‹gzK« - muR CÊa®fs¡fhd nkh£lh® fh®/nkh£lh® ir¡»Ÿ th§f K‹
gz« tH§Fjš bjËîiu tH§f¥gL»wJ.
55. (Per) BP(Ch)No.47(SB) dt. 8.3.2000(P3/3/200)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance for the purchase of Second hand Motor Car
/ Motor Cycle / Scooter / Moped -Mode of payment - orders issued.
56. Memo No.20032/A7/A72/2001-3(SB) dt.7.3.01 (P18/3/01)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Sanction of Advance for the Purchase of
Motor Car When a Two wheeler advance is outstanding - instruction issued.
57. (Per) Memo No.91614/A7/A72/2001-1(SB) dt.11.10.2001(P38/10/01)
Loans and Advances -Conveyance Advance - Inclusion of Hero Honda Passion in the
approved list - orders issued by the Govt. - Applicability to Board - orders.
58. Lr.No.:64331/A7/A72/2002-1(SB) dt.6.7.02(P44/6/02)
Loans and Advances - Sanction of conveyances Advance - Submission of Insurance
Policy - instruction issued.
59. (Per) BP(FB) No.3(SB) dt.4.2.03(P2/2/03)
Loans and Advances- conveyance Advance - Sanction of Conveyance Advance to the
employees of the Board for the Purchase of the vehicle of their own choice with in the loan
amount - orders issued.
60. (Per) BP(Ch)No.144(SB) dt.30.6.03(P12/6/03)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Condonation of delay in renewing Insurance
Policy for the vehicle purchased out of Board Loan - for a Period of Two months powers
delegated to SEs - orders issued.
61. (Per) BP (Ch)No.70(SB) dt.12.4.65(P75/4/05)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Sanction of conveyance Advance for the
purchase of Motorised two wheelers - Classification of vehicle -Adoption of Orders of
Govt. to Board - orders issued.
62. Lr.No.94731/A7/A72/2006-1 (SB) dt.10.11.06(P13/11/06)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Taking into Account of Dearness pay for
eligibility criteria-Clarification issued by Govt. - Copy communicated for followup.
63. Memo (P) No.:19614/A18/A182/09-1(SB) dt.21.3.09(15/3/09)
Regulation - TNEB employees Conduct Regulations - Deletion of Sub Regulation 3 of
Regulation 17 - orders issued.
64. (Per) BP(FB) No.8(SB) dt.8.4.10(P) 10/4.10
Loans and Advances - Advance for the purchase of Conveyance - Revision of eligibility
Criteria by Govt.- Adoption to Board employees orders issued.
1. BPMS(Ch)No.267(SB) dt.13.7.84 (P512/84)
Regulations - TNEB - Special Pay and Allowances Regulations - Regulation I conveyance
Allowance to RWE employees - Amendment issued.
2. Memo No. : 20954-N2/84-4(SB) dt.29.9.84(P799/84)
Allowances - Grant of conveyance allowances - to the employees of Govt on deputation -
3. Memo No.28633/SS2/85-3(SB) dt.22.11.85(P1226/85)
Allowance - grant of conveyance allowances to police personals serving under the Board
on deputation enhanced rates -orders
4. (Per)BP (FB) No.13(SB) dt.20.3.90(P174/90)
Loans and Advances - Grant of Conveyance Advance -pay limit for eligibility - orders issued.
5. Lr.No.:27826/N2/90-4(SB) dt.22.10.90 (P623/90
TNEB - Grant of Conveyance Allowance not eligible where conveyance is provided by
Board of free of cost from work spot from their residence -clarification issued.
6. Lr. No.33031-N2/92-1 (SB) Dt.10.8.92(P463)92)
Allowances - Conveyance Allowance granted to blind and orthopedically handicapped state
Govt. Employees - Instruction to be followed while sanctioning conveyance allowance.
7. Memo (P) No.932/N2/96-1(SB) dt.7.1.97(P18/1/97)
Allowance - Grant of Conveyance Allowance in addition to cycle Allowance - clarification
issued. (Any one can be paid at the option of employee)
8. (Per) BP(Ch)No.326(SB) dt.18.12.98(P27/12/98)
Estt-TNEB - Conveyance Allowance Payable to blind and ortho orthopedically handicapped
employee - Revised rates from 1.9.98 Rs.75/- to Rs.150/- orders issued.
9. (Per) Memo No.82284/A7/A72/99-1(SB) dt.18.11.99(P5/11/99)
Loans and Advances - Conveyance Advance - Advance for the purchase of Motorised
Two wheelers - Modification in the Approved list of Two Wheeler orders issued by Govt -
Adoption - orders issued.
10. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro No.11(SB) dt.14.12.10(P17/12/10)
TANGEDCO - Conveyance Allowance payable to Physically challenged employees -
Revised rate from Rs.300/- to Rs.1000/- from 1.10.2010 - orders issued.
1. BP MS No.279 (SB) Dt.7.6.82 (P 26/83-I)
Suits – follow up action – Guideline – prescribed.
2. D.OL No. 15754/LC2/83 – Dt.11.3.83 (P 115 / 83-I)
Proceedings in court – stay order.
3. U.O Note No.32018 – LC2 / 83-I (SB) Dt. 23.4.83 (P142 / 83-II)
Preparation of Parawar remarks against affidavit – and plaint instruction issued.
4. Ch DOLr. No.20980/LC4 / 83-4 Dt.2.7.83 (P 129/83-II)
Proceedings in court – Stay orders – Addl Particulars on monetary valve and disconnection
of supply.
5. Memo No. 48458 – LC 2 / 84 -1 (SB) dt.13.7.84 (P 490/84)
Estt – TNEB – Board standing council fee payable in advance – orders issued.
6. Chs Cir No. 006042 / IR (2) (1) Adm Br/83-1 Dt.16.1.84 (P 15 / 84)
Labour – TNEB – Unions of employees – Filing of WP’s Civil Suit, claim petitions –
Initiating Conciliation Proceedings – Instruction issued.
7. Memo No.595 / Adm Br/IR2 (2) 84-1 (Adm Br) Dt.18.8.84 (P580/84)
Labour Dispute – Issue of certificate under section 33C(1) of Industrial Dispute Act 1947
for recovery of money ordered by court – Instruction issued.
8. Order of High Court Dt.9.8.84 in WANo851/84 (P643/84)
Transfer of employees – orders of High Court communicated.
9. Ch Do Lr No.17771 – LC4 / 84 – 1 Dt. 22.3.84 (P 145/84)
Proceedings of court – stay orders / Instruction by various court against the Board monthly
return issued instead of quarterly by return – Called for – reg.
10. Cir Memo No.30526 – LC1/84-1(SB) Dt.23.4.84 (P237/84)
TNEB – Reference to Legal cell – Preparation of Parwar – remarks for filing counter etc
– instruction issued.
11. Memo No.073010/S(5)/84-3 (Adm Br) DT.28.9.84 (P665/84)
Court cases iInstitution / depending of appeals suits etc. - instruction issued.
12. Ch’s cir Memo No.66111/LC2/84-1Dt.7.10.84 (P 765/84)
TNEB – Reference to Legal cell – Revised Instructions issued.
13. Memo No.073010 – S5/84-7(Adm Br) Dt.20.12.84 (P985/84)
Court cases – Institution / defending of appeals suits etc. - instruction issued.
14. BWU 50/84 #dtÇ 7, 1985, m‹W âU. v«. R¥guh{ cjÉahs® kJiu mt®fŸ K‹
mDkâÆ‹¿ g¡F tuhj eh£fS¡fhd r«gs« ão¤j« brŒjij v⮤J bjhl®ªj
tH¡»‹ Ô®¥ò
15. Ch’s Communication No. CH/TA/5373/85-1 dt. 22.7.85 (P764) 85
Transfer of employees on adminstrative grounds - Decision of the High Court of Madras
16. Ch Endt.No. : Ch/TA/7883/85-1 dt.31.10.85(P1116/85)
Trade Unions-Tamilnadu Accounts and Executive staff union - Unbecoming conduct -
Apology Tendered - reg-copy of Judgement communicated.
17. Ch’s Endt. No.CH/TA/8521/85-1 dt.27.11.85(P1191/85)
Revision of wages and revision of work norms-writ petition filled by AE SU-Dismissed
copy communicated.
18. BPMS(Ch)No.5(SB) dt.4.1.86(P4/86)
Court cases - Followup action Guidelines - prescribed.
19. Cir No. 134378/Adm. Br/IR2(1)/85-1dt.3.2.85(P91/86)
Estt.-TNEB - Unauthorised absence of employees - wage cut on 26.5.84-copy of orders
of the Deputy Commissioner of Labour - Coimbatore - communicated.
20. Cir Memo No.47472/O&M Cell/86-1(S13) Dt.21.7.86(P639)86
Court Cases - Follow up action - Strict adhering of guide lines prescribed - instruction
21. UONO : 131523 (855) (Adm.Br.) IR II (2) / 85-7dt. 8.10.86(P912/86)
Labour TMTM Sangam-Case filed against the orders of Dy.Commissioner of Labour
Coimbatore - Case No. PW110/82 and 54 others case - Judgement published.
22. Ch’s Endt. No.:CH/TA/4526/86 dt.29.10.86(P945/86)
Judgement in WA 510/86 filled by TNEB in the Case of K.S.Srinivasan - Judgement
23. Ch’s Endt. No. : Ch/TA/4422/86-1 dt.23.10.86(P934/86)
Allocation and Staff Pattern for field staff Revenue and Stores Staff petition filed -orders
delivered - copy communicated.
24. Cir Memo No.155714/B-1-1/(Adm.Br.) dt 86-1 dt.17.11.86 (P1627 / 86)
Court Case - Fellowup action adherence of guidelines prescribed - Instruction issued.
25. UONO. 895/CFC/Estt. /A2/F Pension/86-1 (Acets Br) dt.5.1.87 (P1/87)
P.G. Appeal No. DCLO (A) 68103/85 Tmy. Sheela Salomi Shanth Revathi NS TNEB-
Judgement copy communicated.
26. UoNo.:00167/7/Estt/A2/86-1(Accts.Br) Dt.8.1.87(P6/87)
Payment of Gratuity - Appeal No 6820/86- Thiru P. Kuppan AAO Retired VS TNEB -
Judgement copy forwarded.
27. Endt. No.:1675 Adm. TNEB Gaz./87-F dt.21.4.87 (294/87)
Court Orders in WP No.1476/87 is published in Gazettee.
28. Cir Memo No. CE/Adm.Br/C5-3/645/87-4 dt.22.10.87 (P790/87)
Estt. Case filed before Labour court - Depositing amount of award in the High Court - in
appeal by the Board - reg.
29. Ch’s Cir No.62743/O&M Cell/87-1 dt.25.10.87(791/87)
Courts - Writ Petitions-Processing of Cases - reg.
30. Ch’s Cir No. Ch/Ta/4453/87-2 dt. 11.10.87 (Annexure to 10/877)
Employees of TNEB - Ban on Collection of Donation from public Judgement of High Court
31. Cir Memo No. 48897/LC2/88-1 (SB) dt. 10.8.88(P591/88)
Elecy-Payment of Legal fees and Incidental charges by CE’s and SE’s have got sufficient
powers - instruction issued.
32. Memo No. 150821-S5/87-7 (Adm.Br.)Dt.2.12.88(P854/88)
Suits-Contesting of Cases through Boards Counsel - Attendance of Counsel on the dates
of hearing - instruction issued.
33. Lr.No.00203/7/CC1/F77/89 (Audit Br) Dt.13.1.89(P55/89)
TNEB - Audit Branch - Attending of Police inquiry and court cases buy the IAD officials for
the defalcation of Boards money based on Audit report - Exempted - orders issued.
34. Cir.No.:-18587/Legal Cell/89-1 (SB) dt.18.3.89(P222/89)
Elecy-Scrutinty of draft counter affiliate etc. and filling of appeals against Judgement and
Decrees - Submission of bills to legal cell - clarification issued.
35. Memo No.23169/O&M Cell/89-1(SB) dt.23.6.89(P490/89)
Courts - Processing of Cases - Approval of affidavit counter affidavits, written statements
etc. Revised - orders issued.
36. Memo No.69334/O&M Cell/4/89-4-(SB) dt.15.2.90(P98/90)
Court -Processing of cases-Approval of affidavit counter Affidavits, written statement etc.
- revised orders issued.
37. Memo No. 25097/O&M cell/(4) / 90-1 dt. 7.4.90(P215/90)
Court Cases - Follow - up action - Furnishing of Returns - Further clarification issued.
38. (Per) BP (FB) No.112(SB) dt.18.12.92 (P732/92)
Delegation - TNEB - Delegation of Powers to Chief Engineer to sanction Legal fees to
Boards counsel - Enhancement of Powers - orders issued.
39. Memo (P) No.80919/O&M cell II(3) 93-1 dt.29.12.93(P66/93)
Court Cases - TNEB - Signing of Vakalath, Affidavit counter affidavit etc. by Secretary -
Instruction issued.
40. Cir No.12316-LC2/95-1(SB) dt.13.7.95(P329/95)
Consumer Protection Act - Award Passed by Consumer court against the Govt. - Dept.
and undertakings- Recovery from Govt. - Servants - observation of Supreme Court
- copy furnishing for strict compliance by the authorities.
41. Cir No.26698/LA/LC/96(SB) dt.3.5.96(P1/5/96)
Legal Cell - Defending of Boards Cases - Finality of Judgement, execution petition filed
payment to be made - Instruction - reg.
42. Uo Note No.54840/LC2/96(SB) dt 25.10.96 (P 12/10/96)
Legal Cell - Filing and Defending of case -Instruction and Guidelines - Complied forwarded
43. (Per) BP(FB) No.86(SB) dt.7.12.96(P11/12/96)
Delegation - Delegation of powers to SE’s for sanction of Law Charges of Rs.500/- and
Incidental charges - Enhancement of Powers - orders issued.
44. Cir Memo No.15187/LC4/97-1(SB) dt.25.2.97(P23/2/97)
Estt -Class III and IV Service - Covered under standing. orders has no right to file suit in
civil court- Judgement Copy - communicated.
45. Cir Memo No.:36199/ChSpl. Cell/97-6 dt.26.6.97(p12/6/97)
Contempt of Court Application - Avoidance of - Instruction issued.
46. Cir Memo No.89809 / Legal Cell 2 / 97-1dt.4.2.98(P7/2/98)
Appeal- Filing of Appeal against the order or Judgement of Lower Court with stay petition
orders of stay to avoid execution of arrest - instruction issued.
47. Lr No.066638/RII-I/93-6(dt.9.2.98(P12/2/98)
Recruitment - Filling of Vacancies of Junior Asst. by Internal Selection claim for pay under
Service Regulation 33(b) WP/WA filed by the TNEB - AESU - dismissed - copy
48. Cir Memo No. 63709/DD1/97-1(SB) dt.27.2.98(P30/2/98)
Estt. Judgement -Rendered in the writ - Appeal No.167/1997-Copy communicated (Charges
of Corruption has been proved the punishment will be dismissal)
49. Cir Memo No. : 35618/IR1(1) / 98-1(Adm.Br.) dt.21.4.98(P12/4/98)
Court Cases - Instruction issued (No Assurance will be given to court without consulting
the appropriate Authority.
50. Cir Memo No.70280/ Special Cell -2/98-1dt.19.9.98(P9/9/98)
Contempt of Court Application - Avoidance of - follow up action - Reg.
51. (Per) BP (FB) No.78(SB) dt. 7.12.99(P12/12/99)
Estt - TNEB - Fees Payable to Boards Standing Counsels Revision order issued.
52. Order dt.16.6.2000 of High Court in WP 11876/1988(P15/8/2000)
Thiru P.V.Gopal Krishnan CI writ petition filed against rejection of request for alteration
date of birth - petition Dismissed - Copy Communicated.
53. Memo No. 55914/A23/A232/2001-1(SB) dt.6.7.2001(P5/7/01)
Court cases - Filing of Vakalat, Affidavit and Counter Affidavit - Instruction - Reitrated
54. Memo No.86026/A23/A232/2002-1(SB) dt.23.8.02(P12/8/02)
Court cases - Judgement on policy Matters and against the Board - follow up action strict
adherence of guidelines prescribed - Instructed - Reitrated. (Brought to the knowledge of
the Chairman)
55. Lr. No.035992/G61/G612/2005-1(Adm.Br.) dt.3.5.05(P20/5/05)
Court Cases - Filing of Affidavits - Guidelines issued by Division, Bench of Honble High
Court Madras-No false information has been given - Instruction.
56. Lr.No.144820/74/G58/G582/2005-1(Adm.Br.) dt.22.4.06(P79/4/06)
Contract Labourers - Filing of written Statement against the claim petition filed before the
Inspector of Labour - Copy of award of Inspector of Labour / Thiruvannamalai - Forwarded.
57. Memo No.95320/C12/2006-1(SB) dt.6.11.06(P3/11/06)
Court Cases - Signing of Vakalat in other than green Ink - Instruction issued.
58. (Per) BP(Ch)No.157(SB) dt.14.8.08(P19/8/08)
Court Cases - Followup action -Maintenance of Register suits and furnishing of Monthly
returns - Instruction issued.
59. Memo No.39069/C12/2009-1(BOSB) dt.9.6.09(P9/6/09)
Sanction of Legal fees to Board Standing council Advocate on record, Supreme Court,
New Delhi AG/AAG/ Senior Advocates / other Advocates engaged by the board in various
court - Instruction issued.
60. Lr.No. 13412/C4/C42/2009-4(SB) dt.5.11.09(P10/11/09)
TNEB - Statement showing the work done by Board’s Standing counsels inrespect of
court cases High Court Madras, and Madurai, City Civil Court, Consumer Court, Labour
Court and Tamilnadu Regulatory Commission ombudsmen at Chennai. Report Called for.
61. Memo No.13508/A23/A232/2010-1(Adm.Br.)dt.27.3.10(P12/3/10)
Court Cases - TNEB - writ petitions filed by employees of State public Sector undertakings
/ Board impleading the principal Secretary to Govt - Finance department as the Ist
respondent / one of respondents filing of Deletion petition / Counter affidavits - Prompt
action - instruction issued.
62. Cir Memo No.40129/ALA/C4/C42/2010-1(LC) dt.27.8.10) (P2518/10)
Court Cases - Filing of contempt Application - Avoidance of - follow up action - Instruction
63. Cir Memo No.39336/C4/C42/2009-1(LC) dt.4.9.10(P11/9/10)
TNEB - Legal Cell-Computerization of cases pending before various courts / For a
Development of Software legal cases monitoring system - Entering case details and
creating data base - instruction issued.
64. Lr.No.71907/C31/2010(SB) dt.14.9.10(16/9/10)
Legal Cell - Seeking opinion of Legal Cell method of Earlier Instruction issued - reitrated.
65. Cir Memo 74280/C4/C42/2010-1(SB) dt.29.9.10(P19/8/10)
Court Cases - Appeal - Delay in Seeking opinion for preferring Appeal and Filing Appeal
before the court belatedly - Avoidance of - instruction issued.
66. Cir Memo No.5773/C4/C42/2010-1(SB) dt.2.12.10(P11.12.10)
Court Cases Appeal - Delay in Seeking opinion for preferring Appeal and filing Appeals
before the court belatedly Avoidance Instruction issued observation of Hon’ble Supreme
Court- communicated.
67. Cir Memo No.9869/A10/A101/2011-1(SB) dt.18.2.11(P24/2/11)
Court Cases - Filing of Contempt Application Instruction - already communicated - Not
Implemented Property - reitrated the Instruction.
68. Memo (P) No.5543/A10/A101/2011-1dt.25.2.11(P27/2/11)
Estt-TANGEDCO _ payment of Special Fees to Standing councils for corporation and
other Advocates - instructions reitrated.
69. Cir Memo No.23266/A9/A92/2011-1(SB) dt.23.3.11(P20/3/11)
TANGEDCO - Secretariat Branch- Contempt Petitions No.1726 of 2010 filed by Thiru
R.Kannappan, President Illupanatham Grame Nugervor Padukappu Mayam copy of
Judgement order communicated.
70. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro No.16 dt.25.6.11(P26/6/11)
TANGEDCO - Delegation of powers to Chairman - cum Managing director/TANGEDCO
to fix legal fees to Advocate General / Addl. Advocate General/Senior Advocates for their
appearance in any Court Including Statutory Commission and Tribunal on Behalf of
TANGEDCO / TANTRANSCO and TNEB Ltd. orders issued.
71. Cir Memo No. : 17366/A10/A103/2011-1(SB) dt. 27.8.11(P32/8/11)
Estt - TANGEDCO - Engagement of Private Counsel for enter apprerence on behalf of
TANGEDCO/TANTRANS co in all civil cases where the issues are of complicated in nature
- reg.
1. Memo No.32174/N2/86-2(SB) dt.11.8.86(P728/86)
Allowance - Grant of Cycle Allowance to Drivers not working under section officers -
Request from unions - Negative.
2. Memo No.7207-N2/85-3(SB) dt.8.11.86(P1023/86)
Allowances-Grant of cycle Allowance to the RWE Category - clarification - issued.
1/84 to 308.40 332.40 356.40 374.40 392.40
4/84 to 322.70 346.70 370.70 388.70 406.70
7/84 to 325.30 349.30 373.30 391.30 409.30
10/84 to 330.50 354.50 378.50 396.50 414.50
1/85 to 359.10 383.10 407.10 425.10 443.10
4/85 to 365.60 389.60 413.60 431.60 449.60
7/85 to 357.80 381.80 405.80 423.80 441.80
10/85 to 376.00 400.00 424.00 442.00 460.00
Rs. 350 to
Rs. 410 to
Rs.500 to
Rs.700 and
1/86 to 231.85 255.85 279.85 297.85 315.85
4/86 to 250.00 274.00 298.00 316.00 334.00
7/86 to 258.25 282.25 306.25 324.25 342.25
10/86 to 287.95 311.95 335.95 353.95 371.95
1/87 to 322.60 346.60 370.60 388.60 406.60
4/87 to 349.00 373.00 397.00 415.00 433.00
7/87 to 347.35 371.35 395.35 413.35 431.35
10/87 to 373.75 397.75 421.75 439.75 457.75
1/88 to 426.55 450.55 474.55 492.55 510.53
4/88 to 454.60 478.60 502.60 520.60 538.60
10/88 to 487.60 511.60 535.60 553.60 571.60
Rs. 620 to
Rs. 710 to
Rs. 910 and
Rs.560 to
1. BP MS(Ch)No. 394(SB) dt. 18.7.93 (P363/83II)
Allowance - Dearness Allowance to officers from 1.7.83, 1.9.83, and 1.11.83 - orders
2. BP MS (ch)No.221 (SB) dt.11.6.84 (P423) 84
Allowances - Dearness Allowances to officers from 1.12.83, 1.2.84 and 1.3.84 - orders
3. BPMS (ch)No.398(SB) dt.11.10.84(P801/84)
Allowances Dearness Allowances to Officers from 1.5.84, 1.6.84, 1.8.84 and 1.10.84 -
orders issued.
4. BPMS FB No.28(SB) dt.17.4.85(P406/85)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance to officers from 1.12.84 and 1.3.85 - orders issued.
5. BPMS (Ch)No. 172(SB) dt.21.5.85 (P552/85)
Allowances - Dearness Allowances to officers from 1.5.85 - orders issued.
6. BPMS (ch)No.345 (SB) dt.14.10.85(P1126/85)
Allowances Dearness Allowance to Officers with effect from 1.9.85 - orders issued.
7. BPMS(ch)No.55(SB) dt.13.2.86(P143) 86
Allowances - Dearness Allowance to officers from 1.12.84 and 1.3.85 - orders issued.
8. BPMS(ch)No.55(SB) dt13.2.86(P143/86)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance to officers from 1.12.85 and 1.3.86 - orders issued.
9. BPMS(Ch)No.432(SB) dt.4.9.86(P853/86)
Allowances - Dearness, Allowances to officers from 1.8.86 - orders issued.
10. BPMS (ch)No. 432 (SB) dt.4.9.86(P853/86)
Allowance - Dearness Allowances to officers from 1.5.86 and 1.7.86 - orders issued.
11. BPMS(Ch)No.127(SB) dt.28.3.87(P22/87)
Allowances -Dearness Allowances to officers from 1.5.86 and 1.7.86.
12. BPMS(Ch)No.161 (SB) dt.25.4.87(P322/87)
Allowances -Dearness Allowances to Officers from 1.5.86 and 1.1.87 - orders issued.
13. BPMS(Ch)No.4(SB) dt.7.1.88(P48/88)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance to Officers from 1.5.86 and 1.1.87 - orders issued.
14. BPMS (Ch)No.157(SB) dt.8.6.88(P392/88)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance- to officers from 1.1.88 -orders issued.
Upto Rs.3500/- 18%
Above Rs.3500/- 13% (Rs.630/-p.m.)
15. BPMS (Ch)No.328 (SB) dt.31.10.88(P727/88)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance to officers from 1.7.88 orders issued.
Upto Rs.3500/- 23%
Above Rs.3500/- 17% p.m. Rs.805/-p.m.
12/88 23%
1/89 to 6/89 29%
7/89 to 12/89 Upto Rs.3500/- 34%
Above 3500/- 25%
1.90 to 6.190
7/90 to 12/90 Upto 3500/- 43%
above 3500/- 32%
1/91 to 6/91 Upto Rs.3500/- 51%
above Rs.3500/- 38%
7/91 to 12/91 Pay upto Rs.3500/- 60%
1/92 to 6/92 Pay upto Rs.3500/- 71%
7/92 to 11/92, 12/92 Upto Rs. 3500/- 83% above Rs. 3500/- 62%
subject to minimum of Rs. 2905/-
1/93 to 6/93 Upto Rs. 3500/- 92%
Rs. 3500/- & above 69%
Subject to Minimum of Rs.3220/-
7/93 to 12/93 Upto Rs.3500/- 97%
Rs.3500/- & above 73%
Subject to minimum Rs.3395/-
1/94 to 6/94 Upto 3500/- 104%
above 3500/- 78%
Subject to mm Rs.3640/-
7/94 to 12/94 Upto Rs.3500/- 114%
Rs.3500/- & above 85%
Subject to Minimum Rs.3990/-
1/95 to 6/95 Upto Rs.3500/- 125%
Rs. 3500/- & above 94%
Subject to minimum Of Rs.4375/-
7 / 95 to 12/95 Upto Rs.3500/- 136%
Rs.3500/- & above 102%
Subject to minimum Rs.4760
1/96 to 6/96 Upto Rs.3500/- 148%
Rs.3500/- above 111%
Subject to minimum Rs. 5180/-
7/96 to 11/96 Upto Rs.3500/- 159%
Rs.3500/- & above 110%
subject to minimum Rs.5565/-
12/96 4%
1/97 to 6/97 8%
7/97 to 12/97 13%
1/98 to 6/98 16%
7/98 to 12/98 22%
1/99 to 6/99 32%
7/93 to 12/99 37%
1. 2000 to 6/2000 38%
2. 2000 to 12/2000 41%
3. 2001 to 30.6.2001 43%
7. 01 to 9/2002 45%
10/02 to 6/2003 49%
1.7.03 to 1/2004 52%
1.2.2004 to 30.6.04 55%
1.7.04 to 31.12.04 59%
1.1.05 to 31.3.05 61%
1.4.05 to 30.6.05 64%
1.7.05 to 30.6.05 64%
1.7.05 to 31.12.05 67%
1.1.06 to 30.6.06 74%
1.7.06 to 31.7.06 79%
1.8.06 50% DA Merger as Dearness Pay 29%
1.8.06 to 31.12.06 29%
1.1.07 35%
1.7.07 41%
1.12.07 9%
1.1.08 12%
1.7.08 16%
1.1.09 22%
1.7.09 27%
1.1.2010 35%
1.7.2010 45%
1.1.2011 51%
1.7.2011 58%
1.1.2012 65%
1.7.2012 72%
16. BPMSNo.(FB) 4 (SB) Dt.9.12.82 (P 204/83-I)
Dearness Allowances to Pensioners and Family Pensioners – Enhanced rates- orders
17. BP MS (FB) No.155 (SB) Dt.14.11.83 (P430/83-II)
D.A to the Pensioner, and Family Pensioners, Enhanced rate – order issued.
18. BPMS (Ch) No.394 (SB) Dt.18.10.83 (P369/83-II)
D.A to officer, of TNEB covered by the officers wage revision - orders issued.
19. BP MS (Ch) No.451 (SB) Dt.2.12.83 (P482/83-II)
DA - Revised Date of DA to the employees for the quarter from 1.1.84 to 31.3.84
- order issued.
20. BPMS (FB) No.65 (Sectt) Dt.31.5.83 (P52/83-II)
D.A – Dearness allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners – Enhanced rate - orders
21. BPMS (Ch) No.105 (SB) Dt.23.3.84 (P164/84)
Dearness Allowance – Revised DA for the employees for the quarter 1.4.84 to 30.6.84
- orders issued.
22. LrNo. 40652 – N2/84-1 (SB) Dt.11.6.84 (P418/84)
Allowances – Dearness Allowance for the Govt employees – increase in rates – orders of
Govt. Communicated.
23. BPMS (Ch) No.221 (SB) Dt.11.6.84 (P423/84)
Allowance – Dearness – Allowance to officers of TNEB revised rate from 1.12.83, 1.2.84
and 1.3.84 - orders issued.
24. BPMS (Ch) No.232 (SB) Dt.16.6.84 (P 436/84)
DA Revised rate of DA for employee – for the quarter 1.7.84 to 30.9.84 - orders issued.
25. BPMS (FB) No.59 (SB) Dt.7.7.84 (P510/84)
D.A – Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners enhanced rate - orders
26. BPMS (Ch) No.398 (SB) Dt.11.10.84 (P801/84)
D.A – Dearness Allowances to Officers revised rate w.e.f 1.5.84, 1.6.84, 1.8.84 and
1.10.84 - orders issued.
27. BPMS (Ch) No.400 (SB) Dt.12.10.84 (P810/84)
D.A – Dearness Allowances to employees for the quarter 1.10.84‘ to 31.12.84
- orders issued.
28. BPMS (Ch) No.419 (SB) Dt.31.10.84 (P813/84)
D.A – Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners w.e.f 1.5.84, 1.6.84,.
1.8.84 and 1.10.84 - orders issued.
29. BPMS (Ch) No.458 (SB) Dt.13.12.84 (P1004/84)
D.A – Dearness Allowance to employees for the quarter 1.1.85 to 31.3.85 - orders issued.
30. BPMS (Ch)No.119(SB) dt. 8.4.85(P402/85)
Dearness Allowances - Revised rate of Dearness Allowance for Employees of TNEB
covered by BPMS No.252 dt.14.11.79 for the period from 1.4.85 to 30.6.85
31. BPMS(FB)No.28(SB)dt.17.4.85(P405/85)
Allowances- Dearness Allowance to the officers of TNEB officers covered by BPMS No.255
dt.19.11.79 for the period from 1.12.84 and till 1.3.85
32. BPMS (Ch)NO.129(SB) dt.25.4.85(P412/85)
Pension -D.A. to the pensioners and Family Pensioners enhanced rate of DA for the month
of Dec.84 and March 85 - orders issued.
33. BPMS(Ch)No.172(SB)dt.21.5.85(P552/85)
Allowances - D.A. to the officers of TNEB covered by officers wage revision - orders
34. BPMS(Ch)No.186(SB) dt.27.5.85(P555/85)
Pension -Dearness Allowance to Pensioner and family pensioners - enhanced rates for
the month of May 85 - orders issued.
35. BPMS (Ch) No.209(SB) dt.6.6.85(P688/85)
Dearness Allowance - Revised Rate of Dearness Allowance to the employees for the
quarter ending 1.7.85 to 30.9.85
36. Lr.No.56394/N2/85-1(SB) dt.21.9.85 (P980/85)
Allowances - Dearness Allowances for Govt. Employees Increased in rates w.e.f. 1.9.85
-orders of Govt., Communicated.
37. BPMS(Ch)No.319(SB) dt.23.9.85(P984/85)
Dearness Allowances - Revised rates of DA for employees for the Quarter ending 1.10.85
to 31.12.85 - orders issued.
38. BPMS(Ch)No.345(SB) dt.14.10.95(P1126/85)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance to the officers of TNEB wef.1.9.85 ordered.
39. BPMS(Ch)No.361(SB) dt.31.10.85(1118/85)
Allowances officers Dearness Allowance - Rate of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 1.12.84,
1.3.85, 1.5.85 and 1.9.85 in the revised formula - orders issued.
40. BPMS(Ch)No.467(SB) dt.24.12.85(P1353/85)
Dearness Allowance - Revised rate of DA to employees for the Quarter from 1.1.86 to
31.3.86 ordered
41. BPMS(Ch)No.480(SB) dt.30.12.85(P1359/85)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and family Pensioners-Increase in rate for
the month of Sep.1985 - orders issued.
42. BPMS(ch) No.55(SB) Dt.13.2.86(P143/86)
Allowances-Officers Dearness Allowance - Sanction of additional Installments of Dearness
for the period from 1.12.85 and 1.3.86 - orders issued.
43. Lr.No. 7712/N2/86-1 (SB) dt.13.2.86(P146/86)
Allowances - DA for Govt. Employees increase of rate orders of Govt. - Adoption to Board.
44. BPMS (Ch)No.96(SB) dt.12.3.86(P258/86)
Dearness-Allowance - Revised rate of Dearness Allowance to the employees of TNEB
from 1.4.86 to 30.6.86 - orders issued.
45. BPMS(Ch)No.132(SB) dt.1.4.86(P328/86)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners of the Board -
Increase in rates from the month of 12/85 and 3/86 orders issued.
46. Memo No. 24342/N2/86-1(SB) dt.7.5.86(P435/86)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance for Govt. Employees-Increase in rates w.e.f. from 1.5.86
adoption to Board
47. BPMS (Ch) No.189(SB) dt.7.5.86(P439/86)
Allowances Officers, Dearness, Allowance-sanction of additional instillments of Dearness
Allowance for the period from 1.5.86 - orders issued.
48. BPMS(Ch)No.239(SB) dt.5.6.86(P539/86)
Labour - TNEB - Demand for payment of arrears of Dearness, Allowance consequent on
revision of rate of Dearness Allowance-Payment of Exgratia - orders issued.
49. BPMS(ch)No.224 (SB) dt.27.5.86(P528/86)
Pension - Dearness, Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioner of the Board - Increase
in rate from 1.5.86 - orders issued
50. BPMS(Ch)No.315(SB) dt.9.7.86(P657/86)
Dearness Allowance revised rate of Dearness allowance to employees w.e.f.1.7.86 to
30.9.86 - orders issued.
51. BPMS(Ch) No.432(SB) dt.4.9.86(P857/86)
DA-officers DA Sanction of Revised rate from 1.8.86 orders.
52. Lr.No.55974-N2/86-1 (SB) dt.4.9.86(P856/86)
Allowances -Dearness Allowance for Govt. Employees-Increase in rates orders of Govt. -
adoption of Board.
53. BPMS(Ch)No.455(SB) dt.16.9.86(P864/86)
Dearness Allowance - Revised rate of DA to employees for the Quarter from1.10.86 to
31.12.86 (P874/86)
54. BPMS(Ch)No.461(SB)dt.22.9.86(P874/86)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners of TNEB -Increase
in rates from the Month of 1.8.86 - orders issued.
55. Memo No.39429-C1/86-1(SB) dt.31.10.86 (P960/86)
Estt. Exgratia Payment in lieu of arrears of Dearness Allowances from Rs.1.30 per Point
to 1.65 per Point - orders issued.
56. BMMS(Ch)No.615(SB)dt.30.12.86(P1126/86)
Dearness Allowance - Revised rate of D.A. to employees of TNEB for the Quarter from
1.1.87 to 31.3.87 - orders.
57. Lr.No.3310/N2/87-1(SB) dt.20.1.87 (P40/87)
Allowances-Dearness Allowance for Govt. Employees Revised rates orders of Govt.
Applicability to deputationist.
58. BPMS(Ch)No.35(SB) dt.24.1.87(P61/87)
Allowances-officers Dearness, Allowance - Revised rates from 1.7.86 - orders issued.
59. BPMS(Ch)No.70(SB) dt.18.2.87(P138/87)
Pension Dearness Allowances to Pensioners and Family Pensioners of the Board. Increase
in rates from 1.7.86 - orders issued.
60. BPMS(Ch)No.127(SB) dt.28.3.87(P222/87)
Allowances-Dearness Allowance to Officers of Board -Revised rates orders - Amendment
61. BPMS(Ch)No.137(SB) dt.1.4.87 (P303/87)
Dearness Allowance - Revised rate of DA to employees of Board for the Quarter from
1.4.87 to 30.6.87 orders
62. Lr.No.9705/N2/87-1(SB) dt.25.4.87(P314/87)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance for Govt. Employees Increase in rate from Jan 87 for
Govt. Employees applicability to Board
63. BPMS(Ch)No.161(SB) dt.25.4.87 (P322/87)
Allowances - officers D.A. Revised Rate orders issued w.e.f. 1.1.87
64. BPMS(Ch) No.188(SB) dt.1.6.87(P487/87)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners of the Board -
Increased in rates from 1.1.87 - orders issued.
65. BPMS(Ch)No.359 (SB) dt.17.9.87(P742/87)
Dearness Allowance Revised rate of Dearness Allowance to the Employees for the Quarter
from 1.10.87 to 31.12.87 - orders issued.
66. BPMS(Ch)No.249(SB) dt.9.7.87(P983/87)
Dearness Allowance Revised rate of Dearness Allowance to the employees of TNEB for
the quarter from 1.7.87 to 30.9.87 - orders issued.
67. BPMS(Ch)No.421(SB) dt.18.12.87 (P988/87)
Dearness Allowance -Revised rate of Dearness Allowance to the employees of Board for
the Quarter 1.1.88 to 31.3.88 - orders issued.
68. BPMS(Ch)No.4(SB) dt.7.1.88(P48/88)
Allowances -Dearness Allowance - Revised rates for officers - orders issued.
69. Lr. No.247/N2/88-1(SB) Dt.7.1.88(P50/88)
Allowances Dearness Allowance for Govt. Employees Revised rates -orders of Govt. -
Adoption to Board.
70. BPMS(Ch)No.29(SB) dt.8.2.88(Spl. Annexure to 2/88)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners-Revised rates from
1.7.86, 1.1.87 and 1.7.87 - orders issued.
71. Lr.No.12375/N1/88-1(SB) dt.3.3.88(P169/88)
Pension -Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners- Revised rates
sanctioned in BPMS No.29dt. 8.2.88 - clarification issued.
72. BPMS (Ch)No.77(SB)dt.26.3.88(P206/88)
Dearness Allowance-Revised rate of Dearness Allowance to employees of Board for the
Quarter from 1.4.88 to 30.6.88 - orders issued.
73. Lr.No.33289/N2/88-1(SB) dt.7.6.88 (P375/88)
Allowances Dearness Allowance for Govt. Employees - Revised rates -orders of Govt.
Adoption to Board.
74. BPMS(Ch)No.157(SB) dt.8.6.88(P392/88)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance - Revised rates for officers of TNEB from 1.1.88 -
orders issued.
75. Lr No.29128-N1/88-1(SB) dt. 8.6.88(P395/88)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners- Amendment
76. BPMS(Ch) No.193(SB) dt.28.6.88(P400/88)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioner and Family Pensioners - Revised rate from
1.1.88 - orders issued.
77. BPMS(Ch)No.283(SB) Dt.20.8.88 (P648/88)
Dearness Allowance - Revised rate of Dearness - Allowance to the employees for the
Quarter from 1.10.88 to 31.12.88 - orders issued.
78. BPMS(Ch)No.328(SB) Dt.31.10.88(P727/88)
Allowances-Dearness Allowance - Revised rates fro officers of TNEB from 1.7.88 - orders
79. Lr.No.67324-N2/88-1(SB) dt.31.10.88(730/88)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance for Govt. Employees -Revised rates -orders of Govt.-
Adoption Board.
80. BPMS(Ch)No.351(SB) dt.30.11.88(P825/88)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rate from
1.7.88 - orders
81. BPMS(Ch)No.367 (SB) dt.22.12.88(P922/88)
Dearness Allowance - Revised rates of Dearness Allowance to the employees of TNEB
for the quarter from 1.1.89 to 31.3.89 - orders issued.
82. (Per) BP(Ch)No.83(SB) dt.29.3.89(P240/89)
Dearness Allowance - Revised rates of Dearness Allowance to employees of Board for
the Quarters 7.4.89 to 30.6.89 - orders issued.
83. (Per) BP(Ch)No.151(SB)dt.1.6.89(P465/89)
Pension - Pensioners of the Board Drawing both Board and Central Pension - Allowing
Dearness Allowance/allowing Dearness Allowance on Board Pension orders issued.
84. Lr.No.31553-N1/89-1(SB) dt. 13.6.89(P 480/89)
Pension Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners who have retired /
died on or after 1.10.87 - clarification issued.
86. (Per) BP (Ch)No.198(SB) dt.12.7.89(P620/89)
Dearness Allowance - Revised rate of DA to employees of Board for the Quarter from
1.7.89 to 30.9.89
87. (Per) BP(Ch)No.262(SB) dt.25.9.89(P802/89)
Allowance - Revision of Dearness Allowances to officers and employees of TNEB from
1.7.89 - orders issued.
88. (Per) BP (Ch)No.285(SB) dt.31.10.89(P855/89)
Allowances-DA to the officers who have not opted for wage revision w.e.f.1.12.88 - from
1.1.89 and 1.7.89 - orders issued.
89. (Per) BP(Ch)No.56(SB) dt.3.4.90(P240/90)
Allowances -Revision of Dearness Allowance to the employees of TNEB from 1.1.90
- orders issued.
90. (Per) BP (Ch)No.222(SB) dt.18.10.90(P620/90)
Allowances - Revision of Dearness Allowances to the TNEB Employee’s from 1.7.90
- orders issued.
91. Lr.No.81146/N2/90-3(SB) dt.15.3.91(P109/91)
Dearness Allowance - Addl. Dearness Allowance with effect from 1.7.90 Extension of
orders of Public sector undertakings / Board-Impounding of Payment of Addl. Dearness
Allowance - instruction issued
92. Lr.No. 14205/CAC/91-123(Accts.Br) Dt.23.3.91(P113/91)
Dearness Allowance - Addl. Dearness Allowance with effect from 1.7.90 Impounding of
Payment - Accounting procedure to be adopted.
93. (Per) BP(Ch)No.73(SB) dt.15.4.91(P167/91)
Allowances - Dearness, Allowances to the employees of TNEB from 1.1.91 - orders issued.
94. (Per) BP (Ch)No.277(SB) dt.30.10.91(Annexure to 10/91)
Allowances Dearness Allowance to employees of TNEB from 1.7.91-orders issued
95. Memo No.(P) No.81146/N2/91-11 (SB) dt.7.11.91()P631/91)
Allowance - Dearness Allowance - crediting the amount of Addl. DA in Provident Fund
Account in the case of employees drawing pay of Rs.3500/- orders issued.
96. (Per) BP(Ch)No. 83(SB) dt.4.6.92(P355/92)
Allowances Revision of Dearness, Allowance to the employees of the Board from 1.7.91
inrespect of employees who have drawing above Rs.3500/- and 1.1.92 to all employees
- orders issued.
97. (Per) BP(FB)No.91(SB) dt.21.11.92(P668/92)
Allowances - Revision of Dearness Allowance to employees of TNEB from 1.7.92
- orders issued.
98 Memo Nos. 67923 / N2/92-1(SB) dt.27.11.92(P671/92)
Allowances - Revision of Dearness Allowance to employees of TNEB from 1.7.92
- Amendment issued.
99. Lr.No. : 32112-N2/93-1(SB) dt.27.5.93(P213/93)
Allowance-Dearness Allowance for Govt. Employees at revised rates - orders of Govt.-
Applicability to deputationist in Board.
100. (Per) BP(FB) No.71(SB) dt.15.6.93(P265/93)
Allowance - Revision of Dearness Allowance to employees of TNEB from 1.1.93 - orders
101. Memo (P) No.31835-N2/93-3(SB) dt.16.6.93(P270/93)
Allowances - Revision of Dearness Allowance to employees of TNEB from 1.1.93 - orders
issued - Amendment issued.
102. (Per) BP (Ch)No. 216(SB) dt.27.10.93(P545/93)
Allowances - Revision of Dearness Allowance to the employees of TNEB from 1.7.93
-orders issued.
103. (Per) BP(Ch)No.126(SB) dt.11.5.94(P250/94)
Allowance - Revision of Dearness Allowance in the employees of the TNEB from 1.1.94
- orders issued.
104. (per) BP(Ch)No.273 (SB) dt.19.10.94(SP497/94)
Allownaces-Dearness Allowance to the employees of TNEB - enhanced rate with effect
from 1.7.94 - orders issued.
105. (Per) BP (Ch) No.117(SB) dt.15.5.95(P218/95)
Allownaces - Dearness Allowance to the employees of TNEB - enhancement of rates
effective from 1.1.95 - orders issued.
106. Memo No.48419-N1/95-1(SB) dt.18.8.95(P394/95)
Dearness Allowances on Provisional pension to employees who are allowed to retire from
service on attaining the age of superannuation or other wise clarification. (DA)
107. (Per) BP(Ch) No.242 (SB) dt.6.10.95(P518/95)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance to the employees of TNEB-Enhanced rates effective
from 1.7.95 - orders issued.
108. (Per) BP(Ch) No.126(SB) dt.30.4.96(P52/4/96)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance to employees of the TNEB enhanced rate from 1.1.96
- orders issued.
109. (Per) BP(ch) No.261(SB) dt.28.9.96(P24-9/96)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance to the employees of the Board - Enhanced rates effective
from 1.7.96 - orders issued.
110. (Per) BP(Ch)No.93(SB) Dt.21.4.97 (P24/4/97)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance to the employees of the TNEB - enhancement rate
effective from 1.1.97 - orders issued.
111. (Per) BP(Ch) No.231(SB) dt.16.10.97(P24-10-97)
Allowance - Dearness Allowance to the employees of the TNEB - enhanced rate effective
from 1.7.97-orders issued.
112. (Per) BP(Ch)No.124(SB) dt.2.5.98(P5/5/98)
Allowance - Dearness Allowance to the employees of the Tamilnadu electricity Board -
enhanced rates effective from 1.1.98 - orders issued.
113. (Per) BP(Ch)No.253(SB) dt.12.10.98(P26/10/98)
Allownaces -Dearness Allowance to the employees of the TNEB - Enhanced to the effective
from 1.7.98 - order issued.
114. (per) BP(Ch) No.308(SB) dt.8.12.98(p20/12/98)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance to the part time conservancy workers of TNEB -
Enhanced rates
115. (Per) BP(Ch)No.146(SB) dt.29.5.99(P24/5/99)
Allownaces - Dearness Allowance to the employees of TNEB - enhanced rates effective
from 1.1.99 orders issued.
116. (Per) BP( FB) No.26(SB) dt.18.6.99(P18/6/99)
Allowances-Dearness Allowance to employees with effect from 1.1.99 Payment of cash
w.e.f. 1.5.99 and 1.1.99 to 30.4.99 arrear, credited into GPF Account orders issued.
117. (Per) BP (FB) No.53 (SB) dt.18.9.99(P16/9.99)
Allownaces - Dearness Allowance to employees of the TNEB with effect from 1.1.99-
payment of arrears as per court orders -orders issued.
118. Memo (P)NO.37098-A17/A172/99-1(SB) dt.30.9.98(P18/9/99)
Allowances -Dearness Allowance Payable from 1.7.98 to employees of the Board who
have opted to remain in pre revised scale of pay even after 1.7.98 - orders issued.
119. (Per) BP(FB)No.62(SB) dt.15.10.99(P31/10/99)
Allowances-Dearness Allowance to the employees of the TNEB - Enhanced rate effective
from 1.7.99 - orders issued.
120. (Per) BP(FB) No.57(SB) dt.20.7.2000(P11/7/2000)
Allowances - Dearness Allowance - Enhanced rate effective from 1.1.2000
- orders issued.
(Ãuªju«) thÇa Miz (KG) v©.93(br.») ehŸ 30.11.2000(ã 47/11/2000)(Ãuªju«) thÇa Miz (KG) v©.93(br.») ehŸ 30.11.2000(ã 47/11/2000)
(Ãuªju«) thÇa Miz (KG) v©.93(br.») ehŸ 30.11.2000(ã 47/11/2000)(Ãuªju«) thÇa Miz (KG) v©.93(br.») ehŸ 30.11.2000(ã 47/11/2000)
(Ãuªju«) thÇa Miz (KG) v©.93(br.») ehŸ 30.11.2000(ã 47/11/2000)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.7.2000 Kj‰ bfh©L ca®¤ju¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj«
- MizfŸ btsÆl¥gL»‹wd.)
Miz(Ãiy) v©.24(K.th.)br.») ehŸ 12.5.2001(ã24/5/01)Miz(Ãiy) v©.24(K.th.)br.») ehŸ 12.5.2001(ã24/5/01)
Miz(Ãiy) v©.24(K.th.)br.») ehŸ 12.5.2001(ã24/5/01)Miz(Ãiy) v©.24(K.th.)br.») ehŸ 12.5.2001(ã24/5/01)
Miz(Ãiy) v©.24(K.th.)br.») ehŸ 12.5.2001(ã24/5/01)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.1.2001 Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤ju¥g£l MfÉiy¥go åj«
- MizfŸ btËÆl¥gL»‹wd.
Miz v©. Ãiy 3(K.th.) (br.».) ehŸ.17.1.02(ã20/1/02)Miz v©. Ãiy 3(K.th.) (br.».) ehŸ.17.1.02(ã20/1/02)
Miz v©. Ãiy 3(K.th.) (br.».) ehŸ.17.1.02(ã20/1/02)Miz v©. Ãiy 3(K.th.) (br.».) ehŸ.17.1.02(ã20/1/02)
Miz v©. Ãiy 3(K.th.) (br.».) ehŸ.17.1.02(ã20/1/02)
gofŸ mfÉiy¥go 1.7.2001 Kjš ca®¤j¥g£l MfÉiy go åj« - MizfŸ
- btËÆl¥gL»‹wd.
Miz (Ãiy) v©.58(K.th.)(br.».) ehŸ 29.10.02(ã20/02/02)Miz (Ãiy) v©.58(K.th.)(br.».) ehŸ 29.10.02(ã20/02/02)
Miz (Ãiy) v©.58(K.th.)(br.».) ehŸ 29.10.02(ã20/02/02)Miz (Ãiy) v©.58(K.th.)(br.».) ehŸ 29.10.02(ã20/02/02)
Miz (Ãiy) v©.58(K.th.)(br.».) ehŸ 29.10.02(ã20/02/02)
gofŸ-mfÉiy¥go 1.10.2002 Kj‰ bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj« Miz
Miz v©.23(Ãiy)(K.th.)(br.».) ehŸ 9.7.03(ã34/7/03)Miz v©.23(Ãiy)(K.th.)(br.».) ehŸ 9.7.03(ã34/7/03)
Miz v©.23(Ãiy)(K.th.)(br.».) ehŸ 9.7.03(ã34/7/03)Miz v©.23(Ãiy)(K.th.)(br.».) ehŸ 9.7.03(ã34/7/03)
Miz v©.23(Ãiy)(K.th.)(br.».) ehŸ 9.7.03(ã34/7/03)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.7.2003 Kj‰ bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj« Miz
Ãiy Miz v©.(K.th.)2 (br.».) ehŸ 19.2.04(ã 21/2/04)Ãiy Miz v©.(K.th.)2 (br.».) ehŸ 19.2.04(ã 21/2/04)
Ãiy Miz v©.(K.th.)2 (br.».) ehŸ 19.2.04(ã 21/2/04)Ãiy Miz v©.(K.th.)2 (br.».) ehŸ 19.2.04(ã 21/2/04)
Ãiy Miz v©.(K.th.)2 (br.».) ehŸ 19.2.04(ã 21/2/04)
gofŸ mfÉiy¥go 1.2.2004 Kj‰ bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj« -Miz
Ãiy Miz v©.27(K.th)(br.».) ehŸ 27.10.04(ã29/10/04)Ãiy Miz v©.27(K.th)(br.».) ehŸ 27.10.04(ã29/10/04)
Ãiy Miz v©.27(K.th)(br.».) ehŸ 27.10.04(ã29/10/04)Ãiy Miz v©.27(K.th)(br.».) ehŸ 27.10.04(ã29/10/04)
Ãiy Miz v©.27(K.th)(br.».) ehŸ 27.10.04(ã29/10/04)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.7.2004 Kj‰ bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj« Miz
Miz (Ãiy) v©.5(_.th.) (br.».) ehŸ 27.1.05(ã. 83/1/05)Miz (Ãiy) v©.5(_.th.) (br.».) ehŸ 27.1.05(ã. 83/1/05)
Miz (Ãiy) v©.5(_.th.) (br.».) ehŸ 27.1.05(ã. 83/1/05)Miz (Ãiy) v©.5(_.th.) (br.».) ehŸ 27.1.05(ã. 83/1/05)
Miz (Ãiy) v©.5(_.th.) (br.».) ehŸ 27.1.05(ã. 83/1/05)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.1.05Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj« Miz
Miz (Ãiy) v©.11(br.».)(Kth.) ehŸ 18.4.05(ã78/4/05)Miz (Ãiy) v©.11(br.».)(Kth.) ehŸ 18.4.05(ã78/4/05)
Miz (Ãiy) v©.11(br.».)(Kth.) ehŸ 18.4.05(ã78/4/05)Miz (Ãiy) v©.11(br.».)(Kth.) ehŸ 18.4.05(ã78/4/05)
Miz (Ãiy) v©.11(br.».)(Kth.) ehŸ 18.4.05(ã78/4/05)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.4.2005 Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj«
- Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
thÇa Miz 35(Kth)(br») 21.7.05(ã75/7/05)thÇa Miz 35(Kth)(br») 21.7.05(ã75/7/05)
thÇa Miz 35(Kth)(br») 21.7.05(ã75/7/05)thÇa Miz 35(Kth)(br») 21.7.05(ã75/7/05)
thÇa Miz 35(Kth)(br») 21.7.05(ã75/7/05)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.7.2005 Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj«
- Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
thÇa Miz v©.4(br.».)(Kth) ehŸ 3.2.2006thÇa Miz v©.4(br.».)(Kth) ehŸ 3.2.2006
thÇa Miz v©.4(br.».)(Kth) ehŸ 3.2.2006thÇa Miz v©.4(br.».)(Kth) ehŸ 3.2.2006
thÇa Miz v©.4(br.».)(Kth) ehŸ 3.2.2006
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.1.2006 Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go1.1.2006
Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj« - Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
thÇa Miz v©.22(br.».) (Kth) ehŸ28.4.06 (ã 99/4/06)thÇa Miz v©.22(br.».) (Kth) ehŸ28.4.06 (ã 99/4/06)
thÇa Miz v©.22(br.».) (Kth) ehŸ28.4.06 (ã 99/4/06)thÇa Miz v©.22(br.».) (Kth) ehŸ28.4.06 (ã 99/4/06)
thÇa Miz v©.22(br.».) (Kth) ehŸ28.4.06 (ã 99/4/06)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.1.2006 Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj« - Miz
133. (Per) (FB) No.41(SB) dt.31.8.2006 (P10/8/06)
TNEB - Pay and allowances - merger of Dearness Allowance with basic pay / pension to
employees / Pensioners of the Board with effect from 1.8.06 - orders issued.
134. (Per) BP(FB) No.42(SB) dt.31.8.06(P12/8/06)
TNEB - Dearness Allowance- Regulation of Dearness Allowance after conversion of 50%
Dearness Allowance as Dearness pay - orders issued.
thÇa Miz v©. 47(Kth) (br.») ehŸ 20.9.06(ã 53/8/86)thÇa Miz v©. 47(Kth) (br.») ehŸ 20.9.06(ã 53/8/86)
thÇa Miz v©. 47(Kth) (br.») ehŸ 20.9.06(ã 53/8/86)thÇa Miz v©. 47(Kth) (br.») ehŸ 20.9.06(ã 53/8/86)
thÇa Miz v©. 47(Kth) (br.») ehŸ 20.9.06(ã 53/8/86)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.7.2006 Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj« - Miz
136. Lr.No.: 9159/A3/A32 / 2007-1(SB) dt.19.2.07 (P 7/2/07)
Merger of 50% Dearness Allowance as Dearness Pay Clarification -Govt. Letter Copy
- communicated.
thÇa Ãiy Miz v©.82(br.».)ehŸ 4.4.07(ã 1/4/07)thÇa Ãiy Miz v©.82(br.».)ehŸ 4.4.07(ã 1/4/07)
thÇa Ãiy Miz v©.82(br.».)ehŸ 4.4.07(ã 1/4/07)thÇa Ãiy Miz v©.82(br.».)ehŸ 4.4.07(ã 1/4/07)
thÇa Ãiy Miz v©.82(br.».)ehŸ 4.4.07(ã 1/4/07)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.1.2007 Kj‰ bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj«
- Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
138. Memo No.:97608/A3/A32 /2006-4(SB) dt.16.6.07) (P10/6/07)
Merger of 50% Dearness Allowance with basic pay as Dearness pay with effect from
1.8.06-clarification on regulation of Dearness Allowance in respect of employees on re
employment and employees drawing subsistence Allowance Reg.
139. Memo No.51551/A3/A32/2007-1 (SB) dt.20.8.07(P8/8/07)
TNEB - Merger of 50% Dearness Allowance as Dearness pay - clarification issued.
(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz(Kth) v©.43 (br.».) ehŸ 22.10.07(ã16/10/07)(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz(Kth) v©.43 (br.».) ehŸ 22.10.07(ã16/10/07)
(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz(Kth) v©.43 (br.».) ehŸ 22.10.07(ã16/10/07)(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz(Kth) v©.43 (br.».) ehŸ 22.10.07(ã16/10/07)
(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz(Kth) v©.43 (br.».) ehŸ 22.10.07(ã16/10/07)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.7.2007 Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj« -Miz
(Ãiyahd) thÇa brašKiw Miz v©. 14(br.».) ehŸ 2.4.08(ã 9/4/08)(Ãiyahd) thÇa brašKiw Miz v©. 14(br.».) ehŸ 2.4.08(ã 9/4/08)
(Ãiyahd) thÇa brašKiw Miz v©. 14(br.».) ehŸ 2.4.08(ã 9/4/08)(Ãiyahd) thÇa brašKiw Miz v©. 14(br.».) ehŸ 2.4.08(ã 9/4/08)
(Ãiyahd) thÇa brašKiw Miz v©. 14(br.».) ehŸ 2.4.08(ã 9/4/08)
gofŸ-mfÉiy¥go 1.1.2008 Kjš ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj« - Miz
(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz (K.th) v©.9 (br.».) ehŸ 9.4.10 (ã 11/4/10)(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz (K.th) v©.9 (br.».) ehŸ 9.4.10 (ã 11/4/10)
(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz (K.th) v©.9 (br.».) ehŸ 9.4.10 (ã 11/4/10)(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz (K.th) v©.9 (br.».) ehŸ 9.4.10 (ã 11/4/10)
(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz (K.th) v©.9 (br.».) ehŸ 9.4.10 (ã 11/4/10)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.1.2010 Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj« - Miz
(Ãiy) th.br.M.(K.th.)v©.14(br.») ehŸ 15.6.10(100/6/10)(Ãiy) th.br.M.(K.th.)v©.14(br.») ehŸ 15.6.10(100/6/10)
(Ãiy) th.br.M.(K.th.)v©.14(br.») ehŸ 15.6.10(100/6/10)(Ãiy) th.br.M.(K.th.)v©.14(br.») ehŸ 15.6.10(100/6/10)
(Ãiy) th.br.M.(K.th.)v©.14(br.») ehŸ 15.6.10(100/6/10)
gofŸ - giHa Câa É»j¤âš mfÉiy¥go - Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
(Ãiy) thÇa Ãiy Miz(br.».) ehŸ 4.10.10(ã 14/10/10)(Ãiy) thÇa Ãiy Miz(br.».) ehŸ 4.10.10(ã 14/10/10)
(Ãiy) thÇa Ãiy Miz(br.».) ehŸ 4.10.10(ã 14/10/10)(Ãiy) thÇa Ãiy Miz(br.».) ehŸ 4.10.10(ã 14/10/10)
(Ãiy) thÇa Ãiy Miz(br.».) ehŸ 4.10.10(ã 14/10/10)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.7.2010 Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj« - Miz
(Ãiy) brašKiw Miz (K.th.)1 (br.».) ehŸ. 1.11.10(ã 8/11/10)(Ãiy) brašKiw Miz (K.th.)1 (br.».) ehŸ. 1.11.10(ã 8/11/10)
(Ãiy) brašKiw Miz (K.th.)1 (br.».) ehŸ. 1.11.10(ã 8/11/10)(Ãiy) brašKiw Miz (K.th.)1 (br.».) ehŸ. 1.11.10(ã 8/11/10)
(Ãiy) brašKiw Miz (K.th.)1 (br.».) ehŸ. 1.11.10(ã 8/11/10)
gofŸ - giHa Câa É»j¤âš mfÉiy¥go 1.7.2010 Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l
mfÉiy¥go åj« - MizfŸ btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
(Ãiy) K.th.j.eh.Ä.c.g.f. br.K.M. v©. 12(br.».) ehŸ 18.4.11 (ã 19/4/11)(Ãiy) K.th.j.eh.Ä.c.g.f. br.K.M. v©. 12(br.».) ehŸ 18.4.11 (ã 19/4/11)
(Ãiy) K.th.j.eh.Ä.c.g.f. br.K.M. v©. 12(br.».) ehŸ 18.4.11 (ã 19/4/11)(Ãiy) K.th.j.eh.Ä.c.g.f. br.K.M. v©. 12(br.».) ehŸ 18.4.11 (ã 19/4/11)
(Ãiy) K.th.j.eh.Ä.c.g.f. br.K.M. v©. 12(br.».) ehŸ 18.4.11 (ã 19/4/11)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.1.2011 Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj« Miz
- btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
(Ãiy) thÇa br.K.M.v©.(K.t.)17(br.») ehŸ 28.6.11(ã 28/6/11)(Ãiy) thÇa br.K.M.v©.(K.t.)17(br.») ehŸ 28.6.11(ã 28/6/11)
(Ãiy) thÇa br.K.M.v©.(K.t.)17(br.») ehŸ 28.6.11(ã 28/6/11)(Ãiy) thÇa br.K.M.v©.(K.t.)17(br.») ehŸ 28.6.11(ã 28/6/11)
(Ãiy) thÇa br.K.M.v©.(K.t.)17(br.») ehŸ 28.6.11(ã 28/6/11)
gofŸ-giHa Câa É»j¤âš mfÉiy¥go 1.1.2011 Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l
mfÉiy¥go åj« - Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
Ãiy KG thÇa« j.eh.Ä.t.k.gf. brašKiw Miz v©. 42(br.».) ehŸ 15.10.11Ãiy KG thÇa« j.eh.Ä.t.k.gf. brašKiw Miz v©. 42(br.».) ehŸ 15.10.11
Ãiy KG thÇa« j.eh.Ä.t.k.gf. brašKiw Miz v©. 42(br.».) ehŸ 15.10.11Ãiy KG thÇa« j.eh.Ä.t.k.gf. brašKiw Miz v©. 42(br.».) ehŸ 15.10.11
Ãiy KG thÇa« j.eh.Ä.t.k.gf. brašKiw Miz v©. 42(br.».) ehŸ 15.10.11
(ã 15/10/11)(ã 15/10/11)
(ã 15/10/11)(ã 15/10/11)
(ã 15/10/11)
gofŸ - mfÉiy¥go 1.7.2011 Kj‰bfh©L ca®¤j¥g£l mfÉiy¥go åj« Miz
16. D.C.R.G16. D.C.R.G
16. D.C.R.G16. D.C.R.G
16. D.C.R.G
Memorandum No.19011-N1/92-1 (Secretariat Branch ) dated the 21
November 1992
Sub: PENSION Government Servants permitted to retire without
pre-judice to the disciplinary cases pending against them –
Release of Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity in cases where there
is financial loss – Orders issued – Regarding.
Ref: 1. (Per.) B.P.(Ch) No.194 (S.B.) dt.30-10-92
2. From Govt.Lr.No.13755-A/Pension/92-2, dt.20-2-92
In the B.P.cited, orders were issued to release partial Death –Cum-Retirement Gratuity of the
employees of the Board who are permitted to retire without prejudice to the disciplinary action
pending against them, after withholding the maximum computed financial loss to the Board.
The Authority competent to forward pension proposals are therefore requested to specifically
intimate the quantum loss to be withheld from Death-Cum Retirement Gratuity to the pension
sanctioning authority and Chief Internal Audit Officer so as to enable them to authorize and
release of partial Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity. The unrecovered Board dues with interest,
if any, shall be adjusted by the concerned officer before disbursing Death-cum-Retirement
Pension – Death –cum – Retirement Gratuity – Employes permitted to retire without pre-judice
to disciplinary cases pending against them – Release of Death – cum- Retirement Gratuity in
cases where there is financial loss – Orders issued.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(Per.)B.P.(Ch)No.194 Dated the 30
October 1992.
Ippasi, Aangeerasa.
Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2023.
1.B.P.Ms.(Ch)No.308 (SB) dt.6.10.88.
2. From Govt. G.O.Ms.No.784, Fin.(Pen.)Dept.dt.16.10.91.
In the B.P.Cited, orders were issued for the release of Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity
in full to the Board employees who are permitted to retire without pre-judice to the disciplinary
action pending against them only for the administrative lapses, not involving any pecuniary loss
to the Board, committed during their service period.
2. Following the orders issued by the Government in their G.O.Cited, the Tamilnadu
Electricity Board directs that partial Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity be released to the employees
of the Board who are permitted to retire without pre-judice to the maximum computed financial
loss to the Board, for which the employee could be held liable along with unrecovered Board’s
dues with interest, if any.
3. The orders shall be applicable in respect of the Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity to be
released on or after the date of issue of this order irrespective of the date of retirement.
4. Receipt of this order should be acknowledged in the slip enclosed.
All Chief Engineers.
All Branches
All Superintending Engineers.
Copy to:
The Chief Financial Controller / Board Office Accounts Branch
The Chief Internal Audit Officer / Board Office Audit Branch
Executive Assistant to Chairman
Personal Assistant to Chairman
Personal Clerk to Accounts Member.
Personal Assistant to Secretary
Personal Assistant to Tamil Development for publication in the Gazette. (2 copies)
‘B’, ‘I’ , ‘F’, & ‘M’ Sections / Board Office Sectt. Branch.
Stock File
1. D.O Lr.No.MC/E6/M20/23/83 Dt.26.1.83 (P90/83-1)
Settlement of DCRC claim – reg
2. BPMSNO.376 (SecH Br) Dt.26.7.82 (P17Q/83-I)
DCRG – Increase in the maximum amount orders issued – clarification issued.
3. Memo No.31919-M1/82-3(SB)dt.12.11.82 (P193/83I)
Gratuity – Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 – Wages Last drawn – Method of calculation
orders issued clarification issued.
4. BPMS (FB)No.1 (Audit) Dt..17.5.83 (P43/83II)
Retirement Benefits – Pension including DCRG - CPF and GPF – expeditious settlement
orders issued.
5. MemoNo.59273/M1/82-10 (SB) dt.25.7.83 (P143/83-II)
EStt-RWE staff – counting of military service for purpose of DCRG under payment of
Gratuity Act 72 - clarification issued.
6. Memo No.12829-M1/83-1 (SB) dt.15.7.83 (P154/83-II)
Gratuity – Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 – Wages last drawn method of calculation orders
– clarification issued.
7. BPMS (FB) No.92 ((SB) at 24.9.84(P662/84)
Gratuity – counting of Pensionable Service, rendered prior to the transfer to RWE service
for the purpose of calculating Gratuity - orders issued.
8. Memo No.17862-Q2/84-3(SB) dt.22.9.84 (P990/84)
Gratuity – Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 – Method of calculation orders issued – clarification.
9. Memo No.77786/S1/84-1 (SB) dt.26.12.84 (P992/84)
Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 – Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Act 1984 copy
10. Memo (P) No.20073/Q2/85-1(SB) dt.6.4.85(P402/85)
DCRG - Releasing of with held amount of DCRG-Further instruction issued.
11. Memo (P) NO.70292-Q2/83-13(SB) dt.19.4.85(P410/85)
Gratuity -Payment of Gratuity Act 1972- wages Last drawn - method of calculation
- clarification issued.
12. Memo (P) No.24483-E2/85-4(SB)dt.3.10.85 (P1026/85)
Gratuity - Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 wages last drawn maximum amount payable.
- Further clarification issued.
13. Memo (P) No.71387-E2/84-11(SB) dt.18.11.85(P1204/85)
Gratuity - Counting of Pension able service rendered prior to the transfer to RWE - Service
for purpose of calculation of gratuity - clarification issued.
14. Lr.No.46123-N1/86-2(SB) dt.3.12.86(P1088/86)
DCRG-Retirement Gratuity - Verification of entry of Nomination for DCRG in S13/SR at
the time of Annual Verification - instruction issued.
15. Lr.No.69673/N1/86-1(SB)dt.28.1.87(P22/87)
Release of DCRG along with pension instruction of Govt. Communicated for follow-up
16. Lr.No.26786-N1/88-1(SB) dt.16.5.88(P299/88)
Estt. Audit objection Pending against employees-release of DCRG and other retirement
benefits to deceased employees - clarification of Govt. communicated
17. BPMS(Ch)No.158(SB) dt.8.6.88(P348/88)
Pension - Enhancement of the ceiling on payment of DCRG raised from 60000/- to
Rs.100000/- orders issued
18. BPMS(Ch) No.308(SB) dt.6.10.88(P 688/88)
DCRG - Employees Permitted to retire from service without prejudice to the DP Cases
Pending against them - Release of DCRG in cases not involving financial losses - orders
19. Cir Memo No.:02503/F Sec/Unit VI/89-1(BoAB) dt.13.3.89 (P215/89)
Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 - Exemption under Section 5 of the Act already granted to
the employees of TNEB - Giving respective effect - orders issued
20. (Per) BP(Ch)No.11(SB)dt.22.1.90(P35/90)
DCRG-Rates of Interest on delayed payment of DCRG - orders issued.
21. Lr.No.13721/N1/90-1(SB) dt. 2.4.90(P239/90)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 Rule 47-Amendment issued. Succession
Certificate to be obtained for the payment of DCRG.
22. (Per) BP (Ch)No.57(SB) dt.5.4.90 (P243/90)
Pension - Reemployment - Fixation of pay on re employment Reduction of Pension
equivalent of DCRG-Discounted - orders issued.
23. (Per)BP(Ch)No.170(SB) dt.3.8.90(P503/90)
DCRG-Retirement Gratuity - Enhancement of the ceiling limit on payment of minors Share
of DCRG without obtaining guardianship certificate from Rs.5000 to Rs.10000/- orders
24. (Per) BP(Ch)No.18(SB)dt.4.2.91(P59/91)
Pension - DCRG - Delinking of Long term Advances from DCRG-Orders issued by Govt.
adoption by the Board - orders issued.
25. Memo No.9359/N1/91-1(SB) dt.26.4.91 (P173/91)
-Do- The orders in (Per)1BP(Ch)No.18 (SB) dt.4.2.91 Cancelled.
26. Memo No.28833-N1/91-2(SB) dt.24.5.92(P265/92)
DCRG Release and Sanction of DCRG at the time of Sanction of Pensionary Benefits
- instruction issued.
27. Memo No.28833/N1/91-4(SB) dt.25.9.92(P503/92)
DCRG - Release and Sanction of DCRG at the time of Sanction of Pensionary benefits
- instruction issued-Correction issued.
28. Memo No.19011-N1/92-1(SB) dt.21.11.92(P646/92)
Pension - Govt Servant - permitted to retire without Pre-Judice to the DP Pending against
them - Release of DCRG in case where there is financial loss-orders issued - reg.
29 Lr.No.79956-N1/94-1(SB) dt.30.11.94(P555/94)
DCRG - No DCRG should be attached by Civil Court Amendment to Rule 70 of Tamilnadu
Pension Rules orders of Govt-Communicated.
30. (Per) BP(FB) No.16(SB) dt.6.4.95(P) 154/95)
State Public sector undertaking Settlement of DCRG irrespect of Govt. Servant on
deputation with public sector undertaking - orders issued.
31 (Per) BP(Ch) No.81(SB) dt.4.4.95(P150/95)
D.C.R.G. - Revised Rates of Interest on delayed Payment of DCRG - orders issued.
32. (Per) BP(FB) No.89(SB) Dt.7.12.95(P610/95)
Pension - Classification of the Dearness Allowances as Dearness pay for purpose of
DCRG and raising the maximum from Rs.1,00,000/- to Rs.2,50,000/- orders issued.
33. Memo (P) NO.48453-N1/93-14 (SB) dt.30.3.96(34/3/96)
Pension-Calculation of length of qualifying service for purpose of death gratuity - clarification
34. (Per) BP(FB) No.70(SB) dt.1.11.96(P1-1/96)
Pension - Classification of D.A. as Dearness pay for purpose of DCRG - orders issued.
35. (Per) BP(FB) No.98(SB) dt.30.12.96(P40-12/96)
Pension-Classification of Dearness Allowance as Dearness pay for purpose of DCRG
and raising the maximum limit of DCRG from Rs.1 Lakh to 2.50 Lakhs - revised orders
36. Memo No.3123/02/97-1(SB) dt.27.3.97(P24/3/97)
Pension - Classification of Dearness Allowance as Dearness pay for computation of
DCRG - orders issued.
37. Memo (P) No.56094/A192/A/92/2003-1(SB) dt.8.7.03(P14/7/03)
Pension - Revision of Pension and Pensionary benefit Refund of Impounded pensionary
benefits - DCRG - repayment orders issued.
38. (Per) BP(Ch) No.169(SB) dt.29.7.03(p26/07/03)
Pension - Retirement benefits - DCRG Payment by cash in full - amendment to pension
Rule 1978 orders Govt. Adoption to Board - orders issued.
39. (Per) BP (CH) No.105(SB) dt.8.6.04(P8/6/04)
DCRG - Rate of Interest on delayed Payment of DCRG-Rate of interest - orders issued.
1. BPMS(Ch)No.170(Adm.Br.)dt.22.3.86(P218/86)
Estt. TNEB-Decentralisation of Works from Central office to Distn. Division offices in
O&M System inrespect of RWE - ordered.
2. BPMS(FB)No.27(Adm.Br)Dt.3.4.86(P302/86)
Decentralisation of Powers on administrative matters to Regional chief Engineers and
Superintending Engineers - Powers delegated - orders issued.
3. BPMS(Ch)No.195(Adm.Br)dt.7.4.86(P307/86)
Estt. TNEB - Decentralisation of work from Head Quarters -Instruction and Procedure
Consequent on delegation of Powers to RCE’s and SE’s -instruction issued.
4. Memo No.DFC/Accts/Decentralisation/86-1 dt.15.4.86(P345/86)
Decentralisation of works from Central office to Distribution Division offices in O&M Systems
in respect of RWE estt. Accounting instruction.
5. BPMS(Ch)No.231(Admr.Br.)Dt.2.5.86 (P402/86)
Estt. -TNEB - Decentralisation of works from Central office to Distn. Division office of
O&M Circle inrespect of RWE - Delegation of Financial Powers to Divisional Engineers of
Distn. Division - ordered
6. BPMS(Ch)No.240(Adm.Br.)dt.7.5.86(P455/86)
Estt. TNEB - Decentralisation of Works from Central Office to Distn. Division offices in
O&M System inrespect of RWE-Distn. Divisional Engineers - Powers delegated for
Maintenance of Service Roll and Sanction of Leave - ordered.
7. Lr.No.002552/7/S4(A2) 86-3(Adm.Br.)dt.21.5.86(409/86)
Estt. -TNEB-Decentralisation of Works from Central office to Distn. Division Office in
O&M System inresepct of RWE given effect from 1.5.86.
8. Cir Memo No. : 049561/365/Adm Br.S6(4)/86-1 dt.2.6.86 (P497/86)
Decentralisation of Powers / Works from Central office to Distn. Division office in O&M
System inrespect of RWE
9. Memo No.071992/579/56(4) /86-1(Adm.Br.)dt.31.1.87(P28/87)
Estt. TNEB-Decentralisation of Works from Central Office to Division office inrespect of
RWE - Orders for movement to seleciton grade and Transfer out of Division at request or
Adm. Grounds will be issued by the SE’s concerned.
10. BPMS(Ch)No.311(Adm.Br.)dt.16.6.87(P480/87)
Estt.TNEB-Decentralisation of works from Central Office to Distribution Divisional Offices
in O&M System - Payment of Salaries to Provincial staff in Class III and IV Services at the
Divisional level from 1.7.87 - orders issued.
11. Memo No.068054/190/S4/A2/87-1(Adm) Br) dt.17.9.87(P712/87)
Estt. TNEB - Decentralisation of Works from Central office to Division office O&M System-
payment of pay and Allowances Due for Provincial Staff in class III and IV Service of
Divisional level -instruction issued.
12. BPMS(FB) No.41(Accts.Br)dt.31.12.88(P919/88)
Delegation -Decentralisation of Certain works - relating to personal claims of employees
in Class III and IV from central Office of Distn. Circle to Distn. Divisional Officers - Passing
of bills by Adm.Supervisor and drawing cheques Jointly by Administrative Supervisor and
Accounts Supervisor- ordered.
1. BP MS (FB) No.47 (SB) 12.4.83 (P128/83-I)
Delegation of powers to according approval under conduct Regulations to Class I officers.
2. BPMS (Ch)No.133 (SB) Dt.19.4.83 (P135/83-I)
TNEB – Decision by authorities in excess of their powers – obtaining of ratification instruction
3. BPMS (Ch) No.151 (SB) dt. 26.4.83
. Estt – TNEB – Regional Chief Engineers (Distn) Powers and Functions – orders issued.
4. BP MS (FB) No.130 (SB) Dt.8.9.83(P 286/83-II)
Powers Delegated to the Secretary to sanction Leave up to 30 days and addl.charge
arrangements to category of EE and equal – orders issued.
5. BP MS (FB) No.151 (SB) Dt.31.10.83 (P378/83-II)
Delegation of Powers to chairman for sanction of Family Benefit Fund in the cases of
suicide by Board employees - orders issued.
6. Memo No.41243 – M1 /Sectt./83-1 (SB) Dt.8.7.83 (P149/83-II)
To Sanction Pension and DCRG in respect of the categories of EE and DFC Powers
Delegated to the CE / D and CFC. - orders issued.
7. Memo No.220 G3/A5/84-1 (AdmBr)dt.10.4.84 (P265/84)
Stationery – Delegation of Powers to DE’s to purchase stationery article – for the use of
Division Office – issued.
8. BP MS (FB) No.63 (Adm Br) Dt.28.6.84 (P 444/84)
Delegation of Powers – Law charges payment of fees and incidental expenses by SE’s
enhanced orders issued.
9. BP MS (FB) No.91 (SB) Dt.24.9.84 (P660/84)
Local Holidays – Declaration Delegation of Powers to SE’s withdrawal of Powers – orders
10. BP MS (FB) No.106 (SB) dt. 31.10.84 (P850/84)
Delegation of Powers – Sanction of Addl charge Allowance to CE’s and SE’s – Delegation
of powers to chairman - orders issued.
11. BP MS (FB) No.91 (SB) dt.24.9.84 (P 660/84)
Local Holidays – Declaration of Delegation on Powers withdrawal – Powers orders issued.
12. BPMS(FB) No.32(Adm.Br.) Dt.9.4.85 (P363) 85
Delegation of Powers - Quarters - Allotment of Board’s Quarters Delegation of Powers to
CE/Operation and chairman - orders issued.
13. BPMS(FB) No.57(SB) dt.24.6.85(P674/85)
Holidays - Declaration of Local Holidays by the Superintending Engineers of the Board
Based on the Govt. Orders - Authorisation - orders issued
14. BPMS(FB) No.44(SB)dt.10.6.87(P463/87)
Delegation Delegation of Powers to Officers to Sanction expenditure on Vehicle Tax and
Profession Tax - orders issued.
15. BPMS(FB) No.86(SB) dt.28.9.87(P722/87)
Delegation of Powers - Delegation of Powers to Certain officers of TNEB - orders issued.
16. BPMS(FB) No.13(SB) Dt.3.2.88(141/88)
Delegation of Powers of Divisional Engineers / Executive Engineers for payment of Charges
for fitness certificate for motor Vehicles - orders issued.
17. BPMS(FB) No.205(T13) dt.23.6.88 (P429) 88
Acquisition of land for the Establishment of Substation under Transmission and Distn.
Scheme payment of Land compensation Revised Delegation of Power -orders issued.
18. Memo No.066958/749/E7/(2)/89-1(Adm.Br.)Dt.4.7.89 (P594/89)
Estt. Class II and III Service Powers of Chief Engineers / Superintending Engineers for
Orders movement to selection grade and Sanction of Addl. Charge Allowance - orders
19. (Per) BP(FB) No.38(SB) Dt.21.9.90(P55-8/90)
Delegation - Occupation of Departmental Quarters by RWE Staff Transferred to other
section - Delegation of Powers - orders issued.
20. (Per) BPC(FB) No.21(SB)dt.24.4.91(P148/91)
Delegation of Powers for retention of Board Quarter by Employees beyond Period of
Retirement Death etc. - orders issued.
21. Per BP(Ch) No.6(Adm.Br.) dt.9.1.92(P24/92)
Delegation of Powers - Delegation of Powers to the EE/ofm to Pass Hard Receipts and
issue of Cheque for rent etc. accorded.
22. (Per) BP(FB)No.20(SB) dt.13.5.99(P4/5/99)
TNEB -Delegation of Powers of Chairman to others officers in various subject decision of
the Board - orders issued.
23. (Per) BP(Ch)No.239(SB) dt.14.9.2001(P13/9/01)
Estt-Delegation of Powers - Repairs to Type Writers / Duplicator-Enhancement of Monitory
limit to SE’s from Rs.100/- to 500/- orders issued.
24. (Per) BP(FB) No.58(SB)dt.12.10.2001(P38/10/2001)
Delegation of Powers - Sanction of Pensionary benefits and leave to Chief Engineers and
equal cadre of Post and Sanction of Additional Charge to CE, & equal cadre of post
Delegation of powers to secretary -orders issued.
25. (Per) BP(FB)No.7(SB) Dt.18.2.09(P15/2/09)
Delegation of powers - orders of appointment / Promotion and Transfer of Chief Engineers
and Equal Cadre -Delegation to Chairman - orders issued.
Office of the C.E./G1/Madras 2
Memo.No.586 – MC/74 dt.22.7.74
Sub: DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS – Enquiries Conducting of procedures – re-issued.
Ref: This Office Memo.No.4365/A1/6.11/14-7-67
It is brought to the notice of undersigned that some of the field offices are not following
all the procedures laid down for instituting disciplinary proceedings wherever necessary. Hence
a copy of note prepared by the Labour Relations Officer with regard to the procedure to be
adopted in the case of Disciplinary proceedings and forwarded in this office reference cited is
again re-issued to all the Superintending Engineers of Board for information and guidance
They are requested to ensure that the instructions contained therein are strictly adhered
All SE’s with enclosures.
/ True Copy/
It is very essential that officers should have a guide that will explain the correct procedure
to be adopted in dealing with disciplinary cases. With various court rulings, it is necessary that
proper opportunity should be given to every delinquent worker to defend himself and indicate
his stand. An attempt has been made here to outline the procedure to be adopted in all disciplinary
LABOUR PROBLEMS:- Labour problems are problems of human beings and has
therefore to be dealt with as such If management and Labour are to live happily, a fair deal
should be assured to workers. The individual’s desire for self expression, self betterment and
security of service has been noticed in increased proportion in recent years. With the
advancement of industries and more in employment opportunities, the problem of labour have
also assume larger proportions. I would venture to say, it is no problem at all to deal with labour,
if certain amount of sympathy, tact and understanding is shown in dealing with Labour which is
essentially human in character. It is the luck of benefits on the part of an employer or the
suspicion on the part of the worker that be gets trouble which finally assumes a large proportion
and ends in conflict leaving bitter taste all-around. Certain amount of anticipation and willingness
to discuss the problems with Labour will relieve the strain to great extent. In the day to day
administration, one finds that workers commit mistakes which are trivial and serious in nature.
One should have the goodness to ignore trivial mistake. In cases where mistakes are of serious
nature, naturally disciplinary action has to be taken. Such action becomes necessary in the
interests of the industry, as if workers are allowed their own way, nothing but chaos will prevail.
In taking disciplinary action, one should ensure that a delinquent worker is given all opportunity
to defend himself. The procedure to be adopted is outlined in the following chapters.
NEED FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION :- Before proceeding to take disciplinary action against
a worker, an employer should satisfy himself as to whether there is prima-facie case. The
nature of irregularity or misconduct should assessed first. The circumstances under which the
offence was committed, should be taken into consideration before assessing the seriousness
of the guilt. One may often find that the some offence committed at two different circumstances
will very largely in its magnitude and will deserve two different kinds of punishment. Hence the
quantum of punishment can never be prescribed for a given offence. It is for the employer to
decide the quantum after taking into consideration, the nature, seriousness and the
circumstances of an offence committed. To gain the objective stated above, it may not be
possible to arrive at a fair conclusion unless a full enquiry is conducted in the matter. How to
conduct an enquiry is the next question.
SUSPENSION PENDING ENQUIRY:- Only in very serious cases where, a prima facie
offence is apparent, and continuance of the delinquent worker is detrimental to the interest of a
management suspension pending enquiry should be resorted to. For example in a case where
a worker had assaulted a Supervisor and a tense situation is prevailing suspension of the
workers will be called for. But normally, such suspension should be resorted to or reserved for
absolutely serious occasions and should not be adopted as a normal or routine course of
action, while a worker is under suspension the guilt is still to be established against him and as
such as he should not be treated as a person against whom the guilt is established. Until it is
established at the enquiry, the worker is supposed to be innocent of any guilt worker should not
be kept under suspension for unduly long periods. Certain standing orders provide for a maximum
period of four months Expeditious action would be taken to finalise the disciplinary action
especially a worker is under suspension pending enquiry. It may also be added in this connection
that suspension pending enquiry is no punishment. This should be clearly differentiated from
suspension as a punishment. Suspension not exceeding four days (or as provided for in the
certified standing orders) when awarded as punishment of a proved offence is without pay.
WHAT CONSTITUTED MISCONDUCT:- We are now faced with the problem of what are
all the acts of commission or omission that will constitute misconduct on the part of worker. In
the certified standing orders, the acts that would constitute misconduct are listed. It may be
added in this connection that the list contained in the standing orders are by no means exhaustive
Misconduct is a transgression of some established and definite rule of action. It is for bidden
act and violation of law. As explained before, what exactly constitutes misconduct will depend
on the circumstances and nature of each cases. It is therefore conclusive that it would be open
to an employer to consider reasonably what conduct on the part of a worker could be treated as
misconduct having known what is a misconduct the next step is how to conduct an enquiry.
PRELIMINARY ENQUIRY:- Whenever there is a prima facie case of an irregularity or
misconduct is noticed on the part of a worker, preliminary enquiry. Enquiry should be conducted.
Any Officer can conduct the preliminary enquiry. While conducting such enquiries as far as
possible written statements should obtained from the complaints if any, delinquent and others.
For example, if a worker is complained against by another co-worker or Maistry or Foreman or
Supervisor a written statement should be obtained from them.
CHARGE SHEET:- The first step of a regular enquiry is the issue of a charge sheet. As
soon as the management comes across or becomes aware of an alleged misconduct on the
part of a worker, a charge sheet should be issued to the worker, setting forth particulars of the
misconduct on the part of the worker. It is essential that the charge sheet should be specified
and not vague. The date and time of the offence supposed to have been committed should be
clearly indicated.
NATURE OF CHARGE SHEETS:- In cases where there are certified standing orders.
The relevant clause of the same should also be quoted. In cases, where the charge sheet is
based on written complaints, a copy of the written complaint should invariably be furnished to
the delinquent worker. Hence it is now clear that great care, should be taken.
WHO SHOULD CONDUCT AN ENQUIRY:- If the officer issuing the charge sheet is likely
to be witness in the case, it would be better for another officer to sign and issue the charge
sheet. In any event if an officer is a witness he should never conduct the enquiry.
contain only the charges and no punishment should be indicated in the charge about. For
example a sentence like ‘Show cause why you should not be dismissed from service should
not find a place in the charge sheet. The preliminary step therefore is to issue the charge sheet
and an explanation from the worker should be called for i.e. the worker should be given an
opportunity to explain his position against the nature of charge leveled against him. There is no
time limit presented for obtaining the explanation. Normally two or three days time is given to a
worker to offer his explanation. In cases where a worker makes a written request for extension
of time for offering his explanation for the charge sheet such requests should be considered
favourably to reasonable extent. If the delinquent worker refuses for receive the charge sheet
given to him, the same may be sent by Regd. Post to the address to furnish their correct
residential address and changes if any should be intimated to the Management within a week of
such changes.
EXPLANATION OF WORKER:- When the worker submits his explanation and if an
employer accepted the explanation further proceeding should be dropped and the worker
completely exonerated of all charges. In cases where the worker admits his guilt and when the
admission is unqualified, unconditional and unambiguous, there is no need for any elaborate
enquiry. The worker may be merely called by a specific notice and asked to testify whether he
had given his explanation admitting the guilt and necessary punishment may be awarded.
In case where the explanation not satisfactory, a further letter should be sent by the
Management to the worker informing him that his explanation was not satisfactory and that an
enquiry would be conducted in matter on a particular date. When it is proposed to conduct an
enquiry into the charges, a reasonable time should be given to the delinquent worker to appear
for an enquiry. He should also be permitted to bring his witnesses if any. If the worker seeks an
adjournment of the enquiry for a reasonable cause, he could be granted. If a worker without
intimation absentees himself for an enquiry, one more opportunity may be given to him and if he
is absent even at the adjourned date an exparte enquiry may he held and the case disposed of
on its merits. At the exparte enquiry all procedures should be followed.
THE ENQUIRY:- The Enquiry Officer should be a responsible officer of the establishment.
He should begin with recording in his own hand the date of enquiry, the persons present at the
enquiry. An enquiry officer should conduct the enquiry in a fair manner and should not leave any
room for being accused as having been partial to any one side. He should assume that the
delinquent worker is innocent and Officer should then read out the charges and ask the delinquent
worker whether he had understood the charges. He should than ask him whether he pleads
guilty to the charges. The fact whether the accused employee pleads guilty or not should be
recorded. If the worker pleads guilty then there is nothing more to be done as far as the enquiry
is concerned. The enquiry Officer has simply to report to the management that at the enquiry
held on the particular date, the worker pleads guilty to the charges which were read out to him
and hence the charges stand proved. The punishment should be awarded by the Chief Executive
or any other authority to whom powers have been delegated. If the worker plead not guilty then
evidence should be let in, to prove the charges. The first to be examined should be the main
complainant or the main departmental witness. This is called examination in Chief. In this the
witness should be asked to state what he knows about in facts of the case and the charges that
have been framed against the worker. In short he should be allowed speak about all he knows
in the matter and produce such documents which he proposes to let in as any evidence. All this
should be done in the examination in Chief. One this is over, the delinquent worker should be
allowed to cross examine the witness. The questions put by the worker and the answers by the
witness should be recorded below the evidence itself under the heads, ‘Cross examination by
the delinquent worker’. If the worker does not wish to cross examine, the witness and he did
not do so. The opportunity to cross examine, should not be denied. After the examination
cross is over, the Management or Enquiry Officer may put further question with a view to clarify
or elucidate any statement made by the witness. This is called reexamination. The witness
should be asked to sign at the conclusion of the evidence and deposition. If the witness is not
familiar with the language in which the evidence has been recorded, then an interpreter should
read out what has been written and after explaining what was written, obtain the signature of the
witness and the accused and it should also the recorded that in interpreter read out the recorded
evidence. The above prescribed process should be repeated in respect of all witnesses in
support of the charges against the worker. Also the examination and cross examination of all
management witnesses, the delinquent worker should be examined and asked make his
statements. The enquiry officer may put question and elucidate answers and the worker may
add what he wants to say besides the questions put to him at the end of his own examination.
The enquiry officer should faithfully record what all he says and he should be asked to sign at
the end and in each page or record of evidence. At the cross examination by the delinquent
worker of any departmental witness, the enquiry Officer may disallow any questions, which in
his opinion was irrelevant to the case. A record should be made as to this effect.
The accused worker should then be allowed to let in his own evidence or the defence
witnesses. The statements of the witness should be recorded and the delinquent worker may
be allowed to cross examine his own witnesses if he desires to do so. If the witnesses cited by
the worker are co-workers, the management should given them permission to attend the enquiry
if the witnesses are outsiders on whom the Management has no control, his own right to cross
examine the witnesses as produced by the worker. All these should be recorded. All the
witnesses should be examined in the presence of the accused workers.
ADJOURNMENT OF ENQUIRY:- If the enquiry is not finished within the stipulated time,
the same may be adjourned to next day or any others day convenient to all the parties and a
record should be made to that effect.
UNION REPRESENTATION ON THE ENQUIRY:- Some time accused worker requests
for permission to be represented by a trade union official. If there are certified standing orders
and if the standing orders contain a provision for such representation the same may be permitted.
At times the Magistrate and workers might have an agreement to that effect, in which case also
the worker can be permitted to bring an union official to represent his case. In the absence of
any such provision, the management are presented by a co-worker. The same may be permitted
at the discretion of the Management. In many case such requests are not bound to be accepted
automatically unless there is specific agreement to that effect.
MARKING OF EXHIBITS:- All exhibits that are marked at the enquiry should be listed and
the accused so worked should be allowed to secure and if necessary his initials may also be
obtained on the documents in token of this having seen them. Copies of any documents required
by the worker may be furnished to him. If he wants a copy of the Enquiry report, the worker may
be told to take such notes as he thinks fit from the enquiry report and the Management are not
bound to give a full copy of the report as that would be a tedious work.
CONCLUSION OF ENQUIRY:- At the conclusion of the enquiry proceeding the enquiry officer
should give his findings in respect of each charge. His findings should be supported by reasons
for his coming to that conclusion. Mere recording that the enquiry officer finds the accused
guilty of all the charges will be of no use. In other words he should record in respect of each
charge, why he agrees or disagrees with the employees’ contention or why he believes or
disbelieves the various evidences let in at the enquiry. For each charge, he should say whether
the same has been proved or not. No doubt appreciation of evidence let in during the domestic
enquiries, is within the exclusive jurisdiction of the enquiry officer. He should take care to set
that his findings are not perverse. A perverse findings is one which is not supported by any
evidence or is entirely opposed to the whole body of evidences available before him. As mentioned
earlier, the enquiry officer should not before import his personnel knowledge of the charge and
base his findings on the basis of that knowledge. Unspecified documents and these that have
not been inspected by the delinquent worker shall not be relied upon.
The Enquiry Officer if he is not the punishing authority should submit his report and findings
along with the enquiry report to the authority that is competent to impose the punishment. In
case the enquiry officer is not the punishing authority he should not suggest the nature or extent
or extent of punishment to be imposed.
FINAL ORDERS:- The punishing authority after going through the report available should decide
on the quantum of punishment to be awarded. He should take into account if there are any
extenuating or aggravating circumstances and the past record of service of the worker in deciding
the punishment award. The final letter imposing the punishment should make a reference to
the charges, the enquiry held for the purpose the findings of the Enquiry Officer, and the decision
with regard to the punishment. The date on which the punishment will take effect should be
clearly specific. A dismissal order is normally given only a prospective effect.
/True Copy/
Copy of circular Memo.No.CED/N/TA/ST-132/81 dt.9.11.1981 from the Chief Engineer/
Distribution/North, Madras to the superintending Engineer, Pudukottai and others.
Sub: Establishment – Disciplinary proceedings – change of Enquiry
officer – Regarding.
On perusal of Disciplinary proceedings file received from the system, it is noticed that
the delinquent had made a request for change of enquiry officer in the letter addressed to the
enquiry officer with a copy to the superintending Engineer immediately on receipt of summon
from the enquiry officer and had requested for appointment of another officer of some other
division to conduct unbiased enquiry. Neither his request was conceded nor he was given any
reply negativing the request with reasons thereof.
Though there is no legal bar for appointment for any officer other than the investigating
officer who is not biased or has any motive as enquiry officer, it is the right of the delinquent to
raise objection to the appointment of enquiry officer at the earliest viz., immediately on receipt
of the intimation of appointment of enquiry officer or on receipt of summons. The proper authority
to consider such objection is the punishing authority (in most cases the superintending
Engineers). If the application is presented to the enquiry officer, then the enquiry officer should
forward the reference to proper authority with his remarks for disposal and postpone the enquiry.
Further it would be very embarrassing for the enquiry officer to decide on such requests
questioning his own character. In civil and criminal proceedings if objection is taken that a
particular judge is biased then the application is generally given to the superior courts. So if any
such objection is brought before the enquiry officer, it is desirable for him to refer the matter to
the higher officers and get their orders, before proceeding to conduct the domestic enquiry.
When the objection is raised on the appointment of enquiry officer, then it is the responsibility of
the punishing authority to call for the comments of the enquiry officer and then the punishing
authority should either change the enquiry officer or negative the delinquent’s request furnishing
the reasons thereof. It is the basic rule that the justice should not only be done and should
manifestly be seen to be done.
Hence whenever the delinquent apprehend that he will not get fair trial from the enquiry
officer appointed particularly appointed within that division, (when the D.P. is initiated by the
Divisional Engineer or by Assistant Divisional Engineer under him), it is desirable that the enquiry
officer is nominated from one among the officers of other division as the delinquent cannot
come up later with the plea that the enquiry was only an empty formality and entire proceedings
were stage managed.
It should also be ensured that in future whenever any objection is received on the
appointment of enquiry officer from the delinquent, the punishing authority, viz., the
Superintendenting Engineer will examine in detail calling for full particulars from the enquiry
officer as well as from the delinquent if necessary and decision should be communicated to the
delinquent so that the entire proceedings will not get vitiated later. The domestic enquiry should
be held only after this communication is served on the delinquent.
The Superintendenting Engineers / O & M are requested to keep in view of the above
instructions while delaying with Disciplinary proceeding cases.
The receipt of this circular memo may please be acknowledged.
Sd/-xx xx xxx
Tamilnadu Electricity Board
Board Offfice: Administrative Branch
791,Electricity Avenue,
Anna Salai,Madras-2
Circular memo.No.1867-xx3/76-18,dt.19.2.82
Sub: Esst-Class III Service-Penalty of reduction to lower post or lower scale on
permanent basis or for unspecified period -Not Permissible -Instructions -Issued
Ref: G.O.Ms.No.603,dt.19.5.79 & Communicated Endt.No.573/m3/dt.10.8.79.
It is brought to the notice that imposition of penalty of reduction of pay to the lowest stage
in unspecifying the period of punishment. Consequently he was deprived of the promotional
chances besides undergoing the penalty of reduction of pay for an unspecified period.
The attention of the Superintending Engineers is in this connection invited to the orders
issued in G.o.Ms.No.603,dt.19.5.79 communicated in the Endt.Cited according to which the
penalty of reduction to a lower post or to a lower time scale should not be imposed either
permanently or for an unspecified period and that the period of reduction to lower post or lower
time scale should be clearly specified.
All the authorities dealing with such matters are requested to adhere to the above instruc-
tions while passing orders of punishment in the Disciplinary Proceedings cases.
(By Order Of The Chairman)
Deputy Secretary
All the Chief Engineer.
All the Superintending Engineers.
Public Servants Tamilnadu Civil Services (Classification control and Appeal) Rules-Penalty of
reduction of lower post on the scale on permanent basis or for unspecified period-not permissible
Personnel And Administrative Reforms(personnel-n)Department
G.O.Ms.No.603 Dated19.5.1979.
The question whether imposition of the penalty of reduction to a lower post as a permanent
measure or for unspecified period on a Government servants in order has been engaging the
attention of the Government for the past some time. In this connection, the fool wing decision of
the Madras High Court in S.Guruva Reddi Versus State of Tamilnadu, in Writ petition No.4389 of
1979 has been brought to the notice of the Government:
“Rule 29 of the Fundamental Rules 8 of the Tamilnadu Civil Services (Classification control
and appeal) Rules don not provide for the imposition of a penalty of permanent reversion, On the
other hand, they have been worked in such a manner as would clearly indicate that the reversion
can only be for a specified or unspecified period, which means that there cannot be permanent
reversion, On that ground also, the punishing authority must be deemed to have acted in excess
of the powers conferred on him by law.
1. Lastly, as urged by the petitioner, a penalty of permanent reversion will have the effect of
double punishment on the petitioner on that he suffers a reversion and further more, stands
debarred from promotion for ever”/
2. After careful consideration, the Government have decided to communicate the above
observations of the High Court, to all punishing authorities for information and guidance. The
Government also direct that the penalty of reduction to a lower post or to a lower time -scale
should not be imposed on a Government Servant either permanently or for unspecified period
and that such penalties should be imposed only for a specified period.
3. The Government further direct that past cases need not be reopened on account of the
above orders. However, the observations of the Highcourt may be taken note of while dealing
with pending and future cases.
4. Amendments to Fundamental Rules in this regard will issue separately.
(By Order of The Governor)
10803/LC/182-1 dated 13.4.82
1. The Point for consideration is whether the discipline proceedings in which final order
has already been passed can be re-opened on the ground that ‘Warning’ is not a punishment
specified in the Standing Orders for Clerical Workmen. The general law is that then the
competent authority takes a particular decision, is not suspection of reconsideration. That is,
the hatchot once buried should not be unearthed again and again. Therefore, any higher authority
to the superintending Engineer of the appellate authority cannot interfere with the order of the
competent authority in the absence of specific provision therefore in the standing orders or in
the Rules Governing the conditions of service of the employees. If ‘Warning’ is not considered
as a penalty, it must be deemed that the fault or mistake committed by the Board’s employee is
condoned and overrun in such a case the matter cannot be revived. In Koilnoor Saw Mills Co.,
Vs. K.Narayan (1955 II LLO G85) and in P.Orr & Sons. Vs. Workmen (1958 IILLJ 152) it was hold
that if once petition is taken and a worker is either warned or suspended, then that cannot be
made the basis for the subsequent action. Thus, irrespective of the fact whether ‘Warning’ is a
punishment or not, once departmental proceeding is closed, it cannot be revived. Please
compared in this connection the provisions contained in Regulation 15(3) of T.N.E. Board
Discipline & Appeal Regulations which authorises the appellate authority or any higher authority
to call for the enquiry papers and pass suitable orders, if in his opinion the punishment given is
inadequate or excessive. Similar provisions are not found in the standing orders for clerical
workmen. Hence, the matter which has already been closed cannot be revived.
2. The fact that the delinquent employee Thiru R. Ramasamy, Assistant has been merely
warned for claimed false T.A. does not however, mean that all similar cases should be dealt with
in the same manner. Each case will have to be dealt with on its own marits having regard to the
facts and circumstances of the Case. This case need not necessarily be a guiding factor to
similar cases relating to claim of false T.A.
Copy of C.E. / personnel Circular Memo No.102415/85W / DPII -2/82-1, dated : 3-3-83.
Sub : Procedure for Conducting D.P. - Furnishing of Copies of Complaint Petition
to the Delinquent officers during the enquiry - Regarding.
Ref : Representation dated 29-9-92 from the Tamilnadu Electricity Workers
If has been brought to the notice that in a case, the request of a delinquent workman for
supply of a copy of the complaint petition based on which investigation was made and action
initiated against a staff was not furnished to him. Refusal to furnish a copy of the complaint
petition, will amount to denial of reasonable opportunity to the delinquent workman, to defend his
case, and will be against the principal of natural justice.
The attention of the superintending Engineers (Disciplinary Authorities) is invited to the
Board’s circular Memo No. 2245/D1/79-10 dated 15.6.81 wherein a revised questionnaire form
has been prescribed. In the revised form the list of documents to be produced at the enquiry
shall be indicated. Copy of such of those documents should be supplied to the delinquent
workmen, if a request is made in writing by the delinquent workman. However copies of Part ‘B’
reports sent by the Director of Vigilance and Anti Corruption and Vigilance Cell enquiry report
need not be made available to the delinquent official as they are intended only for guidance of the
Enquiry officer and the same will not for part of the basic record for giving findings by the Enquiry
The above instruction may strictly be adhered to.
The receipt of this memo, may be acknowledged.
Chief Engineer (Personnel)
/ True Copy/
1. Endr No.26162 – D1/82-1 (SB) Dt.21.5.82 (P11/83-I)
Public Servant – Disciplinary Proceedings under Rule 17 (b) of Tamilnadu Civil Service
observation of TNPSC communicated.
2. MemoNo.16966/D1/82-1 (SB) Dt.21.4.82 (P12/83I)
Estt – Disciplinary proceedings – Signing of orders imposing penalty - instruction issued.
3. BP MS No.428 (SB) Dt.12.8.82 (P 32/83I)
Estt - Promotion of employees involved in Disciplinary proceedings etc. – Guidelines –
4. BP MS No.400 (SB) Dt.3.8.82
Estt- TNEB standing orders in respect of clerical workmen and workment – authority
competent to frame charges - Amendment issued.
5. Endt No.7119-P1/83-1 (SB) dt.8.2.83 (P51/83I)
Public Service – Disposal of Appeal Petition High Court observations communicated for
6. Memo No.21993-551/81-1 (SB) dt.31.1.83 (P92/83I)
Appointment of enquiry officer on the charges framed - instruction issued.
7. Lr.No.7121/Q1/83-1(SB) dt.2.2.83 (P93/83I)
Fundamental Rules – Rule 29 of fundamental rules reduction to lower stage in a time
scale of pay – clarification issued.
8. Memo No.007139/86/DP.1/83-1(ADMBr)dt.3.3.83 (P113/83I)
Submission of Mercy Petition to chairman TNEB – Instruction issued.
9. O/O No.902 (SB) Dt.10.5.83 (P158/83I)
Estt-class I Service – Disciplinary proceedings – Punishment to delinquent officers entries
to service book, personal file etc.
10. BP MS (Ch) No.32 (SB) dt.3.2.83 (P215/83I)
Payment of HRA to the employees under suspension orders of govt. applicability Board
- orders issued.
11. Ch. Memo No.44102-D1/83-1 Dt.2.6.83 (P19/83II)
Estt-TNEB-Enquiry against more than one officer DP authority to conduct DP – instruction
12. Ch. Memo No.3345 (21) IR1/ADM Br/82-10 dt.16.6.83 (P33/83II)
Representation / Appeal – Time limit certain instruction issued.
13. Memo No. X/Rev/work allocation / 83-84 (Accts Br) dt.9.5.83 (P42/83II)
Dropping or continuing the DP in respect of collection staff who attend or do not attend
verification of collection work.
14. Memo No: X/Rev/work Allocation/83-408 (Accounts Br) Dt.28.6.83 (P58/83II)
Dropping of DP in respect of billing Assistant who maintain consumer ledger etc.
thÇa Miz(Ãiy) (jiyt®) v©.206 (jiyik brayf«) ehŸ 2.6.83thÇa Miz(Ãiy) (jiyt®) v©.206 (jiyik brayf«) ehŸ 2.6.83
thÇa Miz(Ãiy) (jiyt®) v©.206 (jiyik brayf«) ehŸ 2.6.83thÇa Miz(Ãiy) (jiyt®) v©.206 (jiyik brayf«) ehŸ 2.6.83
thÇa Miz(Ãiy) (jiyt®) v©.206 (jiyik brayf«) ehŸ 2.6.83
nkš KiwpL mšyJ kW MŒî kDÉš ãw¥ã¡f¥g£L ïWâ Miz tH§FjÈš
kh‰w§fŸ F¿¤J m¿îiufŸ - muR Miz mkšgL¤â Miz ãw¥ã¡f¥gL»wJ.
16. Ch cir No:- 56582/2C2/83-1 Dt.12.7.83 (P133/83II)
An act not listed as misconduct under the standing orders chairman instructions.
17. LrNo.11948/SS-2/83-2(SB) dt.18.7.83 (P137/83II)
Departmental enquiries on D.P. cases grant of Travelling allowance to complainant and
non official witness – orders issued.
18. BP MS (Ch) No.279 (SecH) Dt.25.7.83 (P144/83II)
TNEB Disciplinary – Appeal Regulations – Regulation 8 – Amendment issued.
19. Circular Memo No.63580/1093/DPII-1/83-2(ADMBr) dt.8.8.83 (P207/83II)
Estt-Disciplinary proceedings – Punishment to delinquent officers – Entries in personal
files – Service Books etc. - instruction issued.
20. Cir Memo No.20311/SS1/83-1 (SB) dt.12.8.83 (P215/83II)
Disciplinary proceedings cases pending with RCE, SE’s Board office ADM Br and Sectt.
Br – Time limit for disposal and furnishing of copies of communications – instruction
21. Ch cir memo No.6 – IR4/Acq3/82-4 (ADMBr)Dt.13.11.83 (P416/83II)
Estt-Appeals to an officer against punishment imposed by him while in a subordinate
category procedure for disposal.
22. Memo No.29348/D1/83-1(SB) Dt.12.12.83 (P467/83II)
Estt- Criminal prosecution of an employee or DP acquitted by court or disciplinary authority
revocation and regularization of suspension period - instruction issued.
23. cir Memo No.6880/VC8/83-4 (SB) Dt.27.6.83 (P94/83II)
Theft – Theft of Board materials in TNEB – Fixing of responsibilities – instruction
24. BPMS (Ch) No.193(SB) Dt.23.5.84 (P 328/84)
Estt-TNEB employees suspended while on deputation payment of subsistence Allowance
– clarification orders of Govt – Applicability to Board.
25. LrNo: 26487/SS1/83-1(V.C) Dt.10.1.84 (P10/84)
D.P Cases arising from enquiry by vigilance cell and DVAC periodical review – Instruction
26. BP MS (Ch) No.16 (SB) dt.18.1.84 (P16/984)
Services in TNEB – DP cases – Suspension pending enquiry into grave charges –
continuance beyond a period – sanction should be obtained fro higher authorities –
Instruction issued.
27. BP MS (Ch) No.75 (SB) Dt.29.2.84 (P88/84)
TNEB employees discipline and Appeal Regulations Regulation 8 Amendment issued.
28. Ch cir Memo No.057345/752/DPI/S1/83-5 dt.11.3.84 (P135/84)
Responsibilities of the enquiry officers in the cases of disciplinary proceedings Instruction
29. Memo No.3656-R2/84-3 (SB) Dt.6.4.84 (P228/84)
Estt-Regularisation of suspension when court case of DP action against employees did
not end in punishment Applicability to workmen covered by standing order, Clarification
30. BP MS (Ch) No.155 (SB) Dt.27.4.84 (P242/84)
Estt – Promotion of employees involved in disciplinary proceeding DPC – revised instruction
31. LrNo.86928-R2/83-1 (SB) Dt.4.6.84 (P397/84)
Clarification on the regularization of suspension of the employees covered by standing
orders 1) up to 5.4.82 discretion of the authorities on and from 4.5.82 duty.
32. Memo No.209514/35/DP1/S1/77-75 (AdmBr) Dt.25.6.84 (P479/84)
Estt- person against whom disciplinary proceeding is pending – Relief on attaining the age
of superannuation – Revised Instruction – Amendment issued.
33. Memo No.62097-D1/83-2 (SB)Dt.2.7.84 (P483/84)
Estt-Disciplinary proceedings cases against Board employees at verge of retirement
instruction issued.
34. Memo No.53316/AdmBr/IR(2)/197/82-9 (ADMB) Dt.20.7.84 (P495/84)
Labour – Dharna, Hunger Fast Mass CL by Union / Association of employees of Board –
Participation by employees – Finalisation of DP – instruction issued.
35. Ch cir No. 19868-D1/83-1 dt.18.9.84 (P654/84)
Police complaint is not necessary in the following cases.
1) The amount misappropriated is recovered within seven days.
2) The amount does not excess Rs.1000/-
3) Theft of Board materials recovered within 24 hours
4) The value of materials theft is less than Rs.500/-
36. Memo No.69102-D1/83-1 9SB) Dt.29.10.84 (P850/84)
Estt-Orders, notice or any communications intended to Board, officials – Procedure –
instruction issued.
37. Memo No.4332/P1/82-8C (SB) Dt.15.11.84 (P860/84)
Estt-TNEB-Disciplinary proceedings against the employees – subsequent on promotion
on Exoneration from charge restoration of original seniority - reg
38. Memo No.X/Rev/GenII/work Allocation /F1/84(AcctBr) Dt.21.5.84 (P327/84)
Revenue Branch – work in excess over yard stick and work in vacant seat – Re allocation
of work – refusal to attend to work – warrant DP - instruction issued.
39. Memo No.608/IR2(1) /AdmBr/84-1 dt.24.7.84 (P500/84)
Revenue Branches – work in excess over yard stick and work in vacant seat reallocation
of work – refusal to attend to work – instruction modified.
40. LrNo.102581-Q2/83-1(SB) dt.9.3.84 (P134/84)
Estt-Eligibility of Terminal benefit, to the employees who have dismissed / Removed from
Board services – clarification issued.
41. Memo No.209514/35/DP1/S1/77-74(ADMBr) dt.3.4.84 (P214/84)
Estt-Persons against whom D.P. is pending relief on attaining the age of superannuation –
Revised - instruction issued.
42. Memo No.209514/35/DP/S1/77-75 (AdmBr)Dt.25.6.84 (P479/84)
Estt-Persons against who D.P. is pending – Relief on attaining the age of superannuation
revised instruction issued – Amendment issued.
43. Memo No.034276/AdmBr/IR2(1)/84-1 dt.3.4.84 (P213/84)
Estt-TNEB-Participation in relay fast, mass casual leave, pend down strike, Mass squatting
she etc. during office hours – payment of wages – instruction issued.
44. Ch’s D.O Lr.No.245/AdmBr/IR2(1)/84-1 dt.11.3.84 (P134/84)
TNEB – harassment and intimidation of officers by members of the staff – dealt with
severely instruction issued.
45. Memo No.53316/AdmBr/IR2(1)/197/82-9(AdmBr) dt.20.7.84 (P495/84)
Labour – Dharna, Hunger Fast, Mass casual leave by unions / Associations of employees
of Board – Participation by employees finalization of D.P. - instruction issued.
46. Ch’s cir No.053316/ADMBr/IR2(1)/197/82-10 dt.31.8.84 (P5987/84)
Labour – Hunger strike / Fast / Mass casual leave by unions / Association of employees of
the Board participation of employees - instructions on how to deal with
47. Ch’s cir No.53316/AdmBr/IR2(2)/197/82-12 dt.28.11.84 (P866/84)
Labour – Demonstrations etc. by employees during working hours – how to deal with
instruction issued.
48. BP MS (Ch) No.301(SB) dt.3.8.84 (P573/84)
Eligibility of Rate of HRA of the employees under suspension where the head quarters
changed at his request – orders issued.
49. BP MS (Ch) No.36 (SB) Dt.30.1.84 (P25/ and 764/84)
TNEB – Service Regulations – Regulation 56 (2) Note 1 omitted w.e.f 10.1.75.
50. BP MS (Ch) No.465 (SB) dt.20.12.84 (P986/84)
Suspension of Board employee on Foreign service payment of subsistence allowance –
Regulation 56 of TNEB service Regulation – Amendment issued.
51. BPMS(Ch)No.10(SB)dt.8.1.85(P10/85)
Estt. TNEB employees, under Suspension enhancement of Substance allowances even
tentative decision of Dismissed/Removal has were arrived-Govt. orders applicability to
Board Orders issued.
52. Circular No.:77308/P1/82-1(SB) dt.19.1.85(P14/85)
Mis conduct -Malpractices in the examination Hall DP should taken for disobeyal of
reasonable orders - Instruction issued.
53. Memo No.19210-D1/84-3(SB) Dt.2.5.85(P459/85)
Estt. Initiating disciplinary proceeding based on the report of DVAC and vigilance Cell-
certain clarification - Instruction issued.
54. BPMS(Ch)No.164C(SB) dt.16.5.85(P497/85)
Disciplinary Proceedings - Cases Sponsored by Dvf. AC-Awarding of Penalties-Instruction
55. Ch’s Communication No.CH/TA3990/85-1-dt.31.5.85(P536/85)
Estt. Criminal Proceedings in Court and Disciplinary Proceedings Can run Currently -
Decision of High Court of Madras - Reg.
56. BPMS(Ch)No.211(SB) dt.10.6.85(P655/85)
TNEB D&A Regulations Regulation 14A-Amendment issued. (Authority competent may
condone the delay in submission of Review Petition)
57. Lr.No.058066/311/DP1/S1/85-1(Adm.Br.) Dt.3.6.85(P646/85)
Estt. Major Punishment imposed on conferred class II staff by the Appointing Authority on
disciplinary cases - reg.
58. Ch’s Memo No. 063642 (434) / Admi/4/82-7dt.24.6.85/674/85
Estt. Unauthorised absence from duty exceeding six months placed under Suspension
when reporting readiness for duty
59. BPMS (Ch)No.295(SB) dt.2.9.85(P931/85)
Regulations-TNEB D&A Regulation- Regulation 8 Amendment issued.
60. Memo No.944/Adm.Br./1R2(2) /85-1dt.3.9.85 (P932/85)
Labour -Employees Participation in the Union agitations wage cut imposed and DP Initiated
kept in abeyance of DP initiated - Promotion and movement to SG clarification.
61. Cir Memo No.: 25846/SS1/85-1 (VC SB) dt.11.9.85(P940/85)
TNEB - Disciplinary Proceedings Initiated against erring Staff - Award of appropriate
punishment instruction
62. Cir Memo No.:4933/VC4/84-12(SB)dt.23.9.85(P953/85)
Vigilance Cell - TNEB-Enquiries-Followup action Revised Procedure - orders issued.
63. BPMS(Ch)No.456(SB) dt.19.12.85(P1324/85)
Regulation -TNEB employees Discipline and Appeal Regulations - Regulation 8(b)
Amendment issued.
64. Circular Memo No.24679-VC9\(SB) dt.31.3.06(P301/86)
Investigation done by vigilance cell-If the witness not turned up for enquiry or Turned hostile
during the enquiry the vigilance officer shall be summoned for enquiry instruction issued.
65. BPMS(Ch)No.163(SB) dt.28.4.86(P323/86)
Regulations -TNEB Employees Discipline and General Regulations - Amendment issued.
66. Ch’s Circular No.55/IR, (1)/Adm.Br./86-19dt.24.5.86(412/86)
Estt. Frequent absence from duty - Should be dealt with deterrently by instruction issued
67. BPMS(FB)No.60(SB) dt.14.7.86(P627/86)
Regulation TNEB D&A Regulation -Competent authorities for initiating DP-Sub Regulation
(F) and (g) Regulation 8 - Amendment issued
68. Ch’s Memo No.49363-D1/86-1(SB)dt.28.7.86(P649/86)
Estt. Departmental Proceeding inrespect of Charges figuring in Criminal Prosecution
- instruction issued
69. BPMS(FB) No.66(S13) dt.2.8.86(P719/86)
Regulations-TNEB Employees Discipline and Appeal Regulations - conferment of powers
on the Board Chairman or appellate authority to review Disciplinary cases - incorporation
of provision - amendment issued.
70. Cir Memo No.48360-D2/86-1(SB) Dt.16.8.86(P735/86)
Estt. Disciplinary Proceedings - Leniency in DP cases - instruction issued.
71. Memo No.75992-D1/85-1(SB) dt.16.9.86(P814/86)
D.P. Cases officers of APTS - Exemption from appointing as enquiry officer - instruction
72. Memo(P)No.60455-N1/84-2(SB) dt.30.9.86(P841/86)
Disciplinary cases - Recovery of Monitory equivalent of stoppage of Increment when the
order cannot given effect to
73. Cir MemoNo.19637/VC 2/85-13(SB) dt.1.10.86 (P906/86)
Complaint given by private individuals alleging demand payment of bribe Retraction during
DP - reg.
74. Memo No.60006-P2/86-2(SB)dt.3.11.86 (P1014/86)
D.P. against officers, Participation of a representative of Association/Union in departmental
enquiry-Deletion of Provision in chapter V para 2 (10) in D.P. Manual - ordered.
75. Memo No.6841/C1/85-1(SB)dt.1.12.86(P1081/86)
Estt. TNEB - Class II Service-Asst. Engineers and Junior Engineer I Gr. Ordinary grade as
well as selection grade-Specification of duties, function and responsibilities-orders - Further
instruction issued (AE/JE I Gr are Treated as officer for all purpose.)
76. BPMS(Ch)No.108(SB)dt.10.3.87(P180/87)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulation in Regulation 57-Amendment issued. Regularisation
of the Absence period and suspension period of employees- Dismissed Subsequently
reinstated in to Board Service.
77. BPMS(Ch)No.142(SB) dt.13.4.87(P281/87)
Estt. TNEB - Disciplinary Proceedings cases - Disposing of with in time limits - flow chart
78. BPMS(FB)No.34(SB) dt.18.4.87(P 289/87)
Regulation - TNEB Employees D&A Regulations-Regulation 24 - amendment issued.
79. Circular Memo No.934/DP111/86-2(Adm.Br.)Dt.24.4.87(P299/87)
Estt. D.P.Cases - Adjournment of Enquiries-Time to be allowed to the delinquent - issue of
instruction - reg.
80. Memo No.65723-D1/86-1(SB) dt.8.5.87(P 363/87)
Estt. Staff of Board for unauthorised absence- memo returned undelivered by Postal
authorities - Further instruction issued.
81. Memo No.75788-D1/86-1(SB) dt.16.5.87(P371/87)
Service in the TNEB - Disciplinary Proceedings Cases-Suspension Pending enquiry into
grave charges Continuance beyond a period sanction by higher authority.
82. Memo No.78561/O&M Cell/86-3(SB) dt.13.7.87(P552/87)
Estt. TNEB-scrutiny of Disciplinary proceedings cases-Procedure to be followed
- instruction issued.
83. Memo No.22557/O&M Cell/87-1(SB) Dt.13.7.87(P554/87)
Estt. TNEB - Disciplinary Proceedings of Class I and II Officers - Recording in case card-
Instruction issued.
84. Cir Memo No.23309/VC-16/86-15(SB) dt.20.8.87 (P632/87)
Disciplinary Proceedings Cases - Furnishing Copies of Statement and original complaint
petition to the delinquents - reg.
85. Memo No.12734/N1/87-1 (SB)dt.30.11.87(P878/87)
Disciplinary cases - Recovery of Monetary equivalent of Stoppage of Increment when the
order cannot be given effect to Illustration II - Amendment
86. Cir Memo No.51047/5S2/87-1(SB) dt.18.1.88(P24/88)
TNEB - Enquiry by Director of vigilance and Anti Corruption and Vigilance cell - Corruption
cases in which further action is dropped - issue of orders instruction issued.
87. BPMS(Ch) No.62(SB) dt.5.3.88(P171/88)
Regulation -TNEB employees Discipline and Appeal Regulations-Regulation 5-Amendment
issued If the stoppage of Increment affected the pension it should be made clear in the
88. Memo (P)No.13789/O&M Cell/88-1(SB) Dt.25.3.88(P182/88
Estt. TNEB - Disciplinary Proceedings - Delay in processing - Avoidance - Format
89. Lr.No.1979/C1/88-1 (SB) dt.12.4.88(P241/88)
Estt. -Disciplinary Proceedings against employees under provision of Standing orders
can be continued and finalised understanding orders even though in the meantime he is
promoted as officer- But the Final orders should be issued by the authority competent to
officer category.
90. Memo No.18591-P2/88-1(SB) dt.25.4.88(P252/88)
Estt. Disciplinary Cases-orders of suspension issued by the authorities - Revocation -
instruction issued.
91. Memo (P) NO.:22943-P2/88-1 (SB) dt.25.4.88(P262/88)
Estt. Suspension of Board Employees involved in Cases of Dowry Death - Instruction
92. BPMS(Ch) No.250(SB) dt.10.8.88(P558/88)
Regulations-TNEB Employees Discipline and Appeal Regulations -Regulation 20(a) -
Amendment issued.
93. BPMS(Ch)No.256(SB)dt.17.8.88(P564/88)
Regulations -TNEB Employees Discipline and Appeal Regulations Regulation 6(a) and 14
Amendment issued (Discipline and Appeal Authority Prescribed)
94. Memo No.126582/26/DP II/ 88-1 (Adm. Br. Dt. 3.9.88(P611/88)
While framing up charges against class I and II officers no rule or regulation for the
misconduct be indicated-Instruction issued.
95. Cir Memo No.170263/5/DP1/JA/8811) (Adm.Br) dt.5.11.88(P782/88)
Estt. D.P.-Initiated against the employees - suspension cases expeditious disposals-issue
of Instructions - reg.
96. Lr.No.21807/D4/88-1(SB) dt.22.12.88(P1/89)
Disciplinary cases-Review Petition -Forwarding proforma prescribed.
97. Memo No.27382-P2/88-1(SB)dt.2.2.89(P133/897)
Personal - Disciplinary cases - cases -cases ended in Acquittal of-Instruction of Govt. for
98. Memo (P) NO.54054-D1/88-1(SB) dt.15.2.88(P146/89)
Disciplinary proceedings cases-suspension suspect officials in corruption cases-
Instruction of Govt. of India-Communicated for Guidance.
99. Memo No:- 7645/O&M Cell/89-1(SB) dt.20.2.89 (P152/89)
Estt. TNEB-Disciplinary cases-Disposing of with in Time limit-Flow chart-Prescribed -
Further Instructions - issued.
100. Cir Memo No.45427/S61/88-1(SB) dt.18.1.89 (P131/89)
TNEB - vigilance cell- Enquiries - Follow-up action- ordered - Revised Instruction issued.
101. Memo No.28214/Adm.Br./IR2(1)/[R1(3) / 88-29 dt.22.2.89 (P153/89)
Labour - one day strike on 15/16-3-88 Penal deduction of wages and taking DP-Dropping
orders issued.
102. Endt. No.012771/241/Adm.Br./B4(2)/89-1-dt.2.2.89(191/89)
Orders of the Deputy Commissioner of Labour Madurai in case No.11/87-Copy
103. Memo No.7643/O&M Cell/89-8(SB) dt.9.4.89 (P284/89)
Estt. - Imposition of Punishment - Entry in Service Book - Instruction issued.
104. Memo No.029026/DPV1/2/89-1(Adm.Br.)Dt.19.4.89(P295/89)
Estt. - Submission of Memorial Petition to Chairman TNEB - Instruction issued.
105. Memo (P) No.26804/P2/88-4(SB) dt.1.7.89(P593/89)
Estt. With holding of Increment - Effect on Pension Clarification issued.
106. Memo (P)NO.47653-P2/87-2(SB) dt.14.8.89(P699/89)
Estt. Unauthorised absence of employees - Regularisation of the period of unauthorised
absence-clarification issued.
107. Memo (P)No.47831-P2/88-8(SB) dt.3.10.89(P839/89)
Disciplinary proceedings based on vigilance report. Furnishing of Copy of Inquiry officers
report to the DVAC - Instruction issued.
108. Lr No.76509-D1/89-1(SB) dt.25.10.89(P850/89)
Public Services Departmental enquiry - Based on the report of the DV&AC-Procedure to
be followed in conducting inquiry - Instruction issued.
109. Memo No.25385-C1/88-12(SB)Dt.12.2.90 (P91/90)
Estt. Class II Service - Disciplinary proceeding against the AE/JEGr treated as workmen
upto 30.11.86 and officer from 1.12.86-Applicability of Disciplinary Rules -Clarification
1) Upto 30.11.86 Standing order
2) From 1.12.86 Disciplinary and appeal Regulation
110. Memo No.21889-D2/90-6(SB) Dt.2.5.90(P286/90)
Estt. Disciplinary action against officers with reference to D&A Regulations - Competence
authorities to initiate DP/to Frame charges. - instruction issued.
111. (Per) BP (Ch) No.107(SB) dt.28.5.90(P295/90)
Regulations - TNEB Employees D&A Regulations - Regulation 13 and 14 - Amendment
112. Memo No.30328-SS-1/30-1(SB) dt.1.9.90 (P541/90)
Vigilance cell-Disciplinary Proceedings initiated on the recommendation of DV&AC-Action
should be dropped after getting concurrence instruction - issued.
113. Cir Memo No.017045/DP1/JA/50-1(Adm.Br.)dt.25.9.90 (P561/90)
Estt. - Disciplinary Proceedings initiated against the Suspension cases expeditious disposal
- issued of Instruction - reg.
114. Memo No.43222/SS1/90-1(SB)dt.31.12.90(P741/90)
TNEB Vigilance cell - Enquiries - followup action-sending of copies of charge Memo,
EO Findings and Final Orders - instruction issued.
115. Cir Memo No.83352/O&M Cell/2/90-1(SB) dt.3.1.91(P3/91)
Estt. -Vigilance cell - Report communicated to CE’s and SE’s for further departmental
follow up action. - instruction issued.
116. Cir Memo NO.038761/4/DPII/91-1dt.6.3.91(P87/81)
Estt. - Disciplinary Proceedings - Lenience in DP Cases avoided - instruction issued
117. (Per) BP (Ch) No.83(SB) dt.26.4.91(P150/91)
Regulation TNEB D&A Regulations inclusion of Panel Provision - Amendment issued
118. Memo No.15399-D2/91-2 (SB) dt.7.5.91(P211/81)
Estt. Disciplinary action against the officers with reference to TNEB employees D&A
Regulations-copies of action taken should to marked to Board Office in respect of
Class-I Officers - instruction issued.
119. Cir Memo No.45907/VC17/90-2(SB) dt.29.5.91 (P303/91)
Estt. Disciplinary Proceedings - Lenience in DP Case - instructions Issued.
120. Cir Memo No.066671/8/DPV1/91-1(Adm.Br.dt.5.6.91(P305/91)
Disposal of Disciplinary Proceedings cases - instruction issued.
121. (Per) BP(Ch)No.170(SB) dt.29.6.91(P353/91)
Regulation TNEB D&A Regulation- Regulation 8(b) Amendment issued. Before imposing
of Punishment if any the copy of findings of the enquiry officers should be communicated
to submit further representation if any.
122. Lr.No. 15758/SS2/91-54(SB) dt.11.9.91(Cp481/91)
Disciplinary Proceedings initiated based on vigilance cell report - Quarterly review of DP
Cases and pendencies in all the Regions by chairman -instructions issued.
123. Memo No. 49464/P1/91-1(SB) dt.9.8.91(P471/91)
Estt. TNEB - Delay in finalisation of Disciplinary proceedings - Avoidance instruction issued.
124. Lr.No.35740/SS1/91-1(SB) dt.2.9.91(P472/91)
Producing of Board side witness-Enquiry Summon should be sent to vigilance cell-well
before for enquiry date - instruction issued.
125. Memo No.411/SS1/92-1 (SB) dt.13.1.92(P6/92)
Vigilance cell - Delay in remittance of Boards Cash into Bank-Action to be taken - Reg.
126. Memo (P) No.31937 / P1/91-4(SB) dt.12.2.92(P50/92)
Estt - Disciplinary Proceedings against - employees subsequent promotion on exoneration
of charges Restoration of original seniority - orders issued. (orders issued in Memo
dt.15.11.84 Cancelled)
127. (Per) BP(Ch) No.68(SB) dt.18.5.92(P291/92)
Regulations - TNEB D&A Regulations - Regulation 8(a) Amendment issued. (Procedure
to be followed in awarding the punishment of stoppage of Increment likely affect the pension,
stoppage of increment without cumulative effect more than 3 years and stoppage of
Increment with cumulative increment for any period)
128. Lr.No.009298/p1/92-1(SB) dt.9.9.92(P485/92)
Estt-TNEB Disciplinary Proceedings-charges dropped for non inclusion of name in the
panel -Instruction of Govt. Communicated.
129. (P) Memo No.61227/A1/92-1(SB) dt.21.9.92(P488/92)
Estt-Officers and Staff Posted to Hydro Generation areas - Departmental action to be
taken against those who do not join duty - instruction issued.
130. Memo No.79197/P1/91-1(SB) dt.24.9.92(P489) 92)
TNEB standing orders Manual for workmen other than those engaged in clerical works -
correction issued.
131. Memo No.62956/(4) / 92-1(SB) dt.26.10.92(P571/92)
Estt-TNEB - Disciplinary cases - Disposing off with in Time limit - Instruction -Reitrated.
132. Memo No.54052/18/DPV1/2/89-8(Adm.Br.)dt.27.5.93(P231/93)
Estt-Disciplinary action against officers with reference to TNEB D&A Regulations -
Appointing authority alone should frame charges for awarding major penalties - instruction
132. Cir Memo No.016832 / DP11/1/93-1(Adm.Br.) dt.24.6.93(P253/93)
Estt - Disciplinary Proceedings - Appeal / Memorial Preferred by the employees - disposing
of - orders issued.
133. Memo No. 356 (Adm.Br.)IR1 (3) 93-1/dt.4.6.93(P236/93)
TNEB - Employees Participated in Public Agitation - Action to be taken - reg.
134. Memo No.31200/SS1/93-1(SB) dt.6.7.93(P323/93)
Disciplinary Proceedings initiated against employees of Board based on report of vigilance
cell and DVAC expeditious disposal of D.P.Cases -instruction issued.
135. Memo No.20653/P1/93-1(SB) Dt.24.7.93(P333/93)
D.P. Initiation of Proceedings under Rule 17(a)or 17(b) of Tamilnadu Civil Service Rules
1953-Framing of Charges - guidelines issued.
136. Memo No.1/DPV1/2/93-6(Adm.Br.)dt.17.8.93(P438/93)
Estt-Certain allegations-Departmental action on Govt. reference Instruction issued.
(Trapand Arrest for obtaining Bribe should not be included in Charge memo)
137. Lr.No.74477-N1/93-1(SB) dt.23.12.93(P663/93)
Proceedings-Departmental proceedings under Rule 9 of Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978
after setting aside the earlier orders - procedure to be followed - Govt. orders communicated.
138. Memo No. 4352/O&M cell-II/94-1(SB0 dt.4.3.94(P109/94)
Estt-TNEB - Disciplinary case undue delay in disposal -Instruction issued.
139. (Per) BP(Ch) No.61(SB) dt.10.3.94(P111/94)
Estt -TNEB - Standing orders for workmen and clerical workmen -Authority competent to
suspend, Frame Charges and Impose Penalty and appellate authority comprehensive
-orders issued.
140. Memo No.086425 / DPV/A1/93-5(Adm.Br.)dt.6.5.94(P236/94)
Estt -Class III Service - DP Initiated against workmen Governed by Standing orders -
Assistance by the union representative to the delinquent at the time of enquiry - Duty relief
Eligible. But No. T.A. is eligible - clarification issued.
141. Cir Memo No.24896-SS2/94-1(SB) dt.3.6.94(292/94)
TNEB - In ordinate delay in handling D.P. Cases by the enquiry officers-periodical progress
Reports format prescribed.
142. Memo No.25235/P1/94-1(SB) dt.25.8.94(P390/94)
Disciplinary Proceedings-Initiation of action on the reports of commission of enquiry and
enquiring authority in disciplinary cases - Instruction issued by Govt.- communicated
143. Memo No.18272/P1/94-1(SB) dt.11.11.94(P537/94)
TNEB - disciplinary cases-Disagree with the findings of the enquiry officer by the punishing
authority should be intimated to the delinquent - Govt instruction communicated.
144. Lr.No.22714-D1/94-1/(SB) dt.19.12.94(P596/94)
Disciplinary Proceedings -Initiation of action on the report of commission of enquiry and
enquiring authority in disciplinary cases-instruction issued by Govt. - copy communicated.
145. Memo No.4971-SS2/95-1(VIG Cell) dt.27.2.95(P39/95)
Departmental Enquiries examination of private witness and complainant - should not
summoned for second time - orders issued.
146. (Per) BP(Ch) No.46(SB) dt.2.3.95(P79/95)
Departmental Enquiries - Grant of Allowance to complaint and Non official witness
- orders issued.
147. (Per) BP(FB) No.19(SB) dt.25.4.95(P168/95)
Prior permission of vigilance commissioner to take up enquiries / Investigation against
retired Govt. Servant by director of vigilance and Anticorruption Instruction issued by Govt.
- Applicability to Board Orders issued.
148. Cir Memo No. 19727-LC1/95-1(SB) dt.3.4.95 (P143/95)
WP No.13641/92 filed by Thiru P.Mari Jr.Asst. Against the orders of Dismissal-Petition
Dismissed copy - communicated.
149. Memo No.37710/P1/95-1(SB) dt.25.7.95(P344/95)
Public Service - Disciplinary case against Govt. Servant on the verge of retirement -
Instruction issued - communicated.
150. Memo No.33967/A1/95-2(SB) dt.20.7.95(P337/95)
Estt-Employees undergoing Punishment - Not permitted to remit the monitory equivalent
of the Punishment for availing promotion -instruction issued.
151. Lr.No.33101/D1/95-1(SB) dt.24.8.95(P406/95)
Disciplinary cases-Appointment of enquiry officer marking copy of appointment of enquiry
officer to the accused officer Instruction issued by the Govt.Copy communicated.
152. Memo No.41325-SS2/95-1(Vigilance cell) dt.19.9.95(P446/95)
Departmental enquiries - summoning of and examining of private witness and complaints
- instruction issued.
153. Lr.No.:057541/DP6/A1/91-3 (Adm.Br.) dt.16.9.95(P444/95)
Estt-WP No.16534/94 filed by Thiru K.Ramasamy AE/El Judgement Delivered - Board
need not wait for the outcome of criminal Appeal -when convicted in a criminal case we
may straight away initiate Disciplinary Proceedings - reg.
154. Lr.No.59306-SS1/95-1dt.3.11.95(P545/95)
Disciplinary action - arising out of enquiries by Director of vigilance and Anti corruption
cases / Petitions in Tamilnadu Adm Tribunals / High Court etc. intimation of Important
stages and outcome to DV&AC intime - reg.
155. Memo No.21019/VC7/95-6(SB) dt.7.12.95(P611/95)
TNEB - Disciplinary Proceedings initiated against employees of the Board based on the
report of Director of vigilance and Anti Corruption and vigilance cell - instruction issued.
156. Lr.No. 59510/D1/95-1(SB) dt.8.12.95(P612/95)
Pendency of Criminal Appeal before the court is not a bar to initiate Departmental Proceeding
for the conviction of an employee - court orders communicated.
157. Memo No. 18494/P1/95-1(SB) dt.5.1.96(P4/96)
Departmental -disciplinary enquiries (Including enquiries arising from reports of DV&AC in
vigilance cases) - Standard of proof - preponderance of probability alone to be followed
- instruction communicated.
158. Memo No.32745/P1/95-2(SB) dt.6.2.96(P3/2/96)
Public Service-Disciplinary proceedings on Govt. Servant convicted by a Court -Not to
await the result of the appeal against conviction by lower court - communicated.
159. Memo No.81254/P1/95-1(SB)22.4.96(P13/4/96)
Public Servant - Disciplinary cases against Govt. Servant placing them under suspension
on the verge of retirement Avoidance of Revitalasing the Internal Vigilance Machinery of
Departments - Instruction issued by Govt. Communicated - (If permitted to retire no
Punishment of Dismissal will be awarded)
160. Memo No.121206/P1/96-1(SB) dt.26.4.96(P27/4-96)
Public Service-Corruption cases registered and investigated by the Director vigilance
and Anti corruption sanction of Prosecution - Procedure to the followed -revised Instruction
issued by Govt. communicated.
161. Memo No.10432/p1/95-1(SB) dt.20.6.96(P15/6/96)
Disciplinary cases - Tamilnadu Civil service - D&A Rules -Lapse and flaw, committed by
Departments while conducting disciplinary proceedings - uniform procedure to be followed
- certain Instruction issued -copy communicated.
162. Memo No.31553/p1/96-1(SB) dt.10.7.96(P3/7/96)
Estt-Disciplinary action against employees who subsequently die before issue of final
orders - Instruction issued - copy communicated.
163. Memo No.49018-P1/96-1(SB) dt.28.9.96(P13/ 9/96)
Disciplinary Proceedings enquiries (Including enquiries arising from reports of DVAC)
standard of proof preponderance of Probability alone to be followed - communicated.
164. Lr.No.54782-SS1/96-1(SB) dt.19.10.96(P9/10/96)
Vigilance cell public service-Anonymous and pseudonymous petitions -procedure dealings
with petition - Guidelines issued - communicated.
165. (Per)BP(FB) No.77(SB) dt.11.11.96(P7/11/96)
Regulation - TNEB employees Discipline and Appeal Regulation - Regulation 8
- Amendment issued - (Concluding of Exparte the enquiry)
166. (Per) BP(FB) No.95(SB) dt.27.12.96(P26-12/96)
Regulations-TNEB Employees Discipline and Appeal Regulation - Regulation 8(b)
- Amendment issued.
167. Memo No.12105-P1/96-7(SB) dt.4.2.97(P2/2/97)
Disciplinary Cases arising out of investigation done by the DV&AC - Records -required by
investigating officer of DV&AC - Furnishing of Instruction issued by Govt -copy
168. Memo No.15346/SS2/97-1(SB) dt.9.4.97(P4/4/97)
Vigilance cell-co-operation by field officers for conducting enquiries - instruction issued.
169. (Per) Memo No.27091-C2/97-1(SB) dt.28.5.97(P16/5/97)
Estt-Disciplinary Proceedings for violation of the Provisions of TNEB employees conduct
- Regulations and circulars issued by the Board -Applicability to workmen covered by
standing orders-become not enforceable in view of Admission of petition by the High Court
- clarification issued.
170. (Per) BP(FB) No.29(SB) dt.5.5.97(P4/5/97)
TNEB Service Regulations-Employees of the Board awarded Major Penalty-Subsequently
reinstated into service with modified punishment -Regulating the period of Joining time -
Regulation 10 of 59- Amendment issued.
171. Memo No.19321-P1/96-1(SB) dt.3.7.97 (P15/7/97)
Disciplinary Proceedings - Initiation of Proceeding under Regulation 8(b) of Tamilnadu
Elecy Board employees D&A Regulation - Model form for framing charges.
172. Cir. Memo No.42467-P1/95-1(SB) dt.1.7.97(P5/7/97)
Estt-Recruitment - Furnishing false information with regard to getting appointment -
Institution of Departmental proceedings - instruction issued.
173. Memo (P)No.25576/P1/97-1(SB) dt.1.7.97(P1/7/97)
Estt-TNEB - Standing orders irrespect of Workmen other than those engaged in clerical
work and standing orders for workmen engaged in clerical work - Authority competent to
suspend, from charges Imposition of Penalty and Appeal - Comprehensive orders
- Amendment issued.
174. (Per) BP(FB) No.61(SB) dt.30.7.97(P36/7/97)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations-Retirement on Superannuation - Board etc.
Retention in Service beyond the date of superannuation - Regulation 17(F) - Amendment
175. Cir Memo No.61795/LC-1/97-1dt.7.8.97(P28/8/97)
Estt-Disciplinary Proceedings - Initiation of Disciplinary proceedings and imposition of
penalty-strict - adherence of the provision of the rules and Regulations and exercise of
powers of the Authority in a Judicious Manner - instruction issued.
176. (Per) BP(FB) No.64(SB) dt.16.8.97(P30/8/97)
TNEB - Employees under suspension and employees against whom disciplinary
proceedings are initiated -Not Permitted to retire on the date of retirement -Retaining in
service beyond the date of superannuation - orders issued.
177. Memo No.30189-P1/95-2(SB) dt.22.8.97(P111/8/97)
Public Service -Criminal case based on the same allegation, same evidence ended with
acquittal cannot be concluded departmental proceedings-can be initiated or continued not
withstanding the acquittal in criminal case-Instruction issued communicated.
178. Memo (P)No.62683-P1/96-2(SB) dt.24.2.98(P26/2/98)
Estt-Departmental Proceedings -Final orders / Appellate orders on Appeal has to be signed
by the competent Authority only)
179. Memo No.51642/VC2/97-4(SB) dt.12.3.98(P14/3/98)
TNEB - Disciplinary Proceedings initiated against employees of the Board based on the
report of DVAC and vigilance cell-instruction -issued.
F.M.v©.:78370-¥ã/97-5 (brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 20.4.98 (ã 9/4-98)F.M.v©.:78370-¥ã/97-5 (brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 20.4.98 (ã 9/4-98)
F.M.v©.:78370-¥ã/97-5 (brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 20.4.98 (ã 9/4-98)F.M.v©.:78370-¥ã/97-5 (brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 20.4.98 (ã 9/4-98)
F.M.v©.:78370-¥ã/97-5 (brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 20.4.98 (ã 9/4-98)
xG§F elto¡if - jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa gÂahs®fË‹ xG§F Kiw k‰W« nkš
Kiwp£L ÉâfŸ k‰W« ÃiyahidfË‹go bgUªj©lidfS¡fhd F‰w¢rh£L
khâÇ¥ got« - jÄHh¡f« btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
181. (Per) BP(FB) No.110(SB) dt.7.12.98(P7/12.98)
Regulations - TNEB employees Discipline and Appeal Regulations -Regulation 10 of TNEB
D&A / Regulations - Amendment issued.
182. Memo (P)No.88785/O&M cell - I (4)/98-1(SB) dt.30.1.99(P4/2/99)
Estt-TNEB - DP Cases - Disposing of within time limit Instruction issued-Further instruction
183. Memo (P) No.21021/D1/97-10 (SB) dt.23.4.99(P6/4/99)
Estt-Disciplinary Proceedings - Enquiry into charges Instruction - Reitrated.
184. Memo No.:330784-P1/97-5(SB) dt.21.6.98(P5/6/99)
Disciplinary Cases arising out of vigilance enquiries -Avoidance of defects certain important-
Instruction reitrated by Govt. - copy communicated.
185. Memo No.48082/-1(2) (SB) dt.30.6.99(P14/6/99)
Disciplinary Proceedings-Furnishing of records to High Court/Supreme Court - after taking
xerox copies - instruction issued.
xG§F elto¡if- jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa gÂahs®fË‹ xG§F Kiw k‰W« nkš
Kiwp£L ÉâfŸ k‰W« ÃiyahzfË‹go bgUªj©lizfS¡fhd F‰w¢rh£L
khâÇ¥got« M§»y« k‰W« jÄÊš btËÆl¥g£lJ bjhl®ghf És¡f§fŸ
187. Memo No.95565/A18/A181/99-1(SB) dt.31.1.2000(P22/1/2000)
Estt-TNEB - Vigilance cases - framing of charges by the Head of Offices - Sending of
copies to DV&AC for vetting - construction - issued.
188. Memo (P) No.68860/A23/A232/99-1(SB) dt.1.2.2000(P2/2/2000)
Disciplinary Proceedings - Prevention of Corruption - Role of Supervision of officers effective
function in DP Cases - Instruction so far issued - reitrated.
189. Memo (P)No.32445/A18/A181/2000-1dt. 22.6.2000 P17/6/2000)
Estt-TNEB - An employee of the Board Served with many punishments and finally reverted
to the lower post which nullified earlier punishments - Instruction to all disciplinary Authorities
- issued.
190. Memo No. 63113/A22/A221/200-1 (SB) dt.16.8.2000)P21/6/2000)
Estt-Furnishing of Service Particulars to vigilance call if called for along with GPF A/c
- instruction issued.
191. Memo No.73361.A5/A51/2000-1 (SB) dt.30.9.2000(P7/9/2000)
Vigilance commission -Trap cases- Failed Traps-Departmental action - instruction
192. Memo No.90960/A18/A181/2000-1(SB) dt.12.12.2000(P39/12/2000)
Vigilance cases charges framed under Regulation 8(a) and 8(b) of TNEB Discipline and
Appeal Regulations - instruction issued.
193. (Per) BP(FB)No.18(SB) dt.31.3.01(P1/4/01)
Tamilnadu Civil Service(Discipline and Appeal) Rules -Imposition of Punishment -
Amendment to Rules 8 of Tamilnadu civil Service Rules Adoption of Govt orders -
Amendment to Regulation 5 of TNEB employees - Discipline and Appeal Regulations
194. (Per) BP(FB) No.27(SB) dt.17.5.2001(P14/5/2001)
Estt-TNEB - Employees under suspension and employees against whom disciplinary
proceedings are initiated and not permitted to retire on superannuation - Delegation powers
to appointing authority - orders issued.
195. (Per) BP(FB) No.28(SB) dt.17.5.2001(P15/5/2001)
Fundamental Rules - Rule 56(1) C-Retirement on Superannuation - Govt Servant under
Suspension on charges of Misconduct etc. Retention in Service beyond the date of
Superannuation - Amendment issued by the Govt-Issue of Amendment to Regulation 17(F)
of TNEB Service Regulations - Amendment issued.
196. Memo (P) No.34866/A18/A181/2001-2(SB) dt.11.6.2001(P7/6/01)
Public Servant - Disciplinary cases against Govt. Servants - Avoidance of Placing of Officers
under suspension on the eve, of retirement -Detailed instruction - Reitrated by the Govt
- copy communicated
197. Memo(P)No.118422/A23/A232/2001-1(SB) dt.29.11.01(P7/11/01)
Estt- TNEB Cases following correct procedure -Instruction issued-Competent Authorities
should award - Punishment.
198. Memo No.109588/886/G42/G423/2001-4, dt.12.1.02(P9/1/02)
Labour - Certain unions in TNEB Strike held on 12.11.01 and 23.11.01- Regularisation of
the above absence as leave to which they are eligible and no D.P. he initiated - orders
199. Memo (P) No. 12311/18/A181/2002-1(SB) dt.4.3.2002(P1/3/02)
Disciplinary Proceedings - Certain Standard Forms prescribed for adoption by the
disciplinary authorities - reg.
200. Cir Memo No.24963/C3/2002-1(Legal Cell)2.4.02(P4/4/02)
Estt-disciplinary Proceedings-Issuance of Final orders - Giving reasonable opportunity to
the delinquent official - instruction issued.
201. (Per) BP(FB) No.35(SB)dt.20.5.2002(P11/5/02)
Regulations - TNEB - Employees Discipline and Appeal Regulation 9(d) Amendment issued
(No Re-enquiry be ordered when the Dismissal / Remove has been set aside by court
unless the court ordered like.)
202. Memo (P) No.30512/A18/A181/2002-1(SB) dt.10.6.02./P13/6/02)
Disciplinary Proceedings - Certain standard Forms prescribed for adoption by Disciplinary
authority appointment - enquiry officer - appointment by Designation - clarification
203. Memo No.24262/A18/A181/2002-3(SB) dt.11.7.02(P9/7/02)
Tamilnadu Civil Service (Discipline and Appeal) Rules Disciplinary Proceedings - Govt.
Servant under suspension under Rule 17(e) for Criminal misconduct initiation of criminal
and Departmental proceedings clarification issued by Govt. copy - communicated.
204. Memo (P)No.83821/A18/A181/2002-1(SB) dt.31.8.02(P15/8/02)
Estt-TNEB - Disciplinary Proceedings - Appeal / Memorial petition submitted by employees
die the for passing orders on appeal / Memorial - Authority competent to process and
orders passed confirming / reduce or setaside the punishment But not enhance the
punishment or remit back to disciplinary authority for reenquiry - instruction issued.
205. (Per) BP(FB)No.62(SB)) dt.5.11.02(P9/11/02)
Regulations - Tamilnadu Employees Discipline and Appeal Regulations - Amendment to
Regulations SB of TNEB Employees Disciplinary and Appeal - regulations issued.
206. (Per) BP(FB) No.63(SB) dt.5.11.02(P10/11.02)
Regulations - TNEB Discipline and Appeal Regulations -Amendment to Regulation 9(dd)
of TNEB D&A Regulations - issued (Suspension)
207. Lr.No.122598/A18/A181/2002-1(SB) dt.28.12.02(P22/12/02)
Disciplinary Proceedings - Tamilnadu Civil Service - Inquiry in Departmental Proceedings
- Use of Word of Inquiry Instead of Enquiry Instruction of Govt - communicated.
208. Memo No.045067/G44/G442/2002-25(Adm.Br.) dt.23.12.02(P19/12/02)
Contract Labourers - Absorption of Contract Labourers as per the Award of Justice Khalid
Commission and in Thermal, Hydro & GTPP employees Removed, Dismissed from
Service for Production of Bogus Certificate-Reduction of Punishment - orders issued.
209. Memo No.045067/G44/G442/2002-34(Adm.Br.) Dt.27.2.03 (P9/2/03)
Estt-Absorption of Contract Labourer as per Justice Khalid Commission report and in
Thermal Station, Hydro and GTPP - Production of Bogus Certificate Dismissed from
Service - Reduction of Punishment - orders issued certain clarification
210. Memo No.28698/A18/A181/2003-1(SB) dt.28.4.03(P52/4/03)
Fundamental Rules and Tamilnadu Civil Service Discipline and Appeal Rules with holding
of increment as a Measure of Punishment - Proper usage of Name of Punishment -
Clarification issued by Govt-Applicability to Board orders.
211. Memo No.6727/A18/A181/2003-2(SB) dt.31.3.03(P38/4/03)
Public Service Disciplinary action - Imposition of Penalty Administering warming - Instruction
of Govt.in No warning should be given to a Proved us Conduct atleast censure should be
awarded - Adoption to Board - orders issued.
212. Memo No.045067/G44/G442/2002-4/dt.13.5.03(P9/5/03)
Estt-TNEB - Absorption of Contract Labourers as Helper FIR Lodged for having production
of bogus educational certificate withdrawal of Complement - instruction issued.
213. Memo No.42976/A18/A181/2003-1(SB) dt.9.5.03(P6/5/03)
Regulation - TNEB Service Regulations omission of Para 17(h) in the printed copy corrected
upto 30.6.2000 Instruction issued. (Extension of Service)
214. (Per) BP(FB) No.35(SB) dt.25.11.03(P9/11/03)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 32(3) -Disciplinary Action against
Board employees for remaining absent beyond the maximum limit-Amendment to
Regulations 32(3) of TNEB Service Regulations - issued.
215. Memo No.13539/39/A18/A181/2004-1(SB) dt.24.2.04(P8/2/04)
Public Service - Cases investigated by DVAC-Notices Petition Messages etc. received
from Administration Tribunal / Court intimation to DV&AC instruction.
216. Lr.No.13158/A18/A181/2004-1(SB) Dt.20.3.04(P10/3/04)
Public Service - Allegation against Govt Servant, - Charges framed by Tribunal Disciplinary
Proceedings -Tamilnadu Administrative Tribunal - Granted Interim stay on a petition filed
by one of the accused officer-Clarification on the Processing of the Charges framed against
the officials in the case opinion of standing counsel Communicated (There is no bar to
proceed with further in the Disciplinary Proceedings against the officers involved in the
same cases.
217. Memo No.81475/A18/A181/2004-1(SB) dt.28.9.04(P14/9/04)
PUblic Service-Simultaneous Criminal and department action -use of Authenticated Xerox
/ Photo copies of the records in Disciplinary proceedings-Instruction issued by the Govt.
copy - communicated.
218. Memo (P) NO.44303/A18/A181/2004-5(SB) dt.2.11.04(P3/11/04)
Estt-TNEB - Scrutiny of Disciplinary Proceedings cases - Procedure to be followed -
Revised detailed check list - communicated.
220. Memo No.56/9/A18/A181/2005-1(SB) dt.25205(P13/2/05)
Public Service - Defect, Crept in Framing of Charges/ Showcause Notice. Calling for
explanation and in final orders in Disciplinary proceedings - Avoidance of Instruction issued
by Govt. - copy communicated.
221. Memo No.15668/A18/A181/2005-1(SB) dt.2.4.05(P1/4/05)
Public Services -Departmental enquiry on cases investigated by DVAC-Date, Time and
place of enquiry to be intimated to the DVAC - instruction reitrated.
222. (Per) BP(Ch) No.103(SB) dt.17.5.05(P30/5/05)
Estt-Disciplinary Proceedings - Disposal of Appeal / Memorial (IInd Appeal) Preferred to
Chairman construction of Committee - orders issued.
223. Memo (P)NO.44595/A18/A181/2005-1(SB) dt.24.6.05(P19/6/05)
Estt-TNEB Employees D&A Regulations existing option in Regulation 8(b)(iii) of D&A
Regulations - No Necessity to issue show cases notice - instruction Reitrated.
224. Memo (P)No.52644/A18/A181/2005-1(SB) dt.13.10.05(P5/10/05)
Disciplinary Proceedings - Certain Standard Forms - Prescribed for adoption by Disciplinary
authorities - reg.
F.M.v©.102233/1087/Í42/Í423/2005-2 ehŸ 29.12.05 (ã 23/12/05)F.M.v©.102233/1087/Í42/Í423/2005-2 ehŸ 29.12.05 (ã 23/12/05)
F.M.v©.102233/1087/Í42/Í423/2005-2 ehŸ 29.12.05 (ã 23/12/05)F.M.v©.102233/1087/Í42/Í423/2005-2 ehŸ 29.12.05 (ã 23/12/05)
F.M.v©.102233/1087/Í42/Í423/2005-2 ehŸ 29.12.05 (ã 23/12/05)
bjhÊš cwî 27.9.05 m‹W fhiy 10.00 k Kjš kâa« 2.00 k tiu j®zh
nghuh£l« k‰W« 15.10.05 m‹W ntiy ÃW¤j¤âš fyªJ¡ bfh©nlh® ÛJ xG§F
elto¡if u¤J brŒa MizÆl¥gL»wJ.
F.M.v©.097993/1086/Í42/Í423/2005-2 ehŸ 31.12.05(ã25/12/05)F.M.v©.097993/1086/Í42/Í423/2005-2 ehŸ 31.12.05(ã25/12/05)
F.M.v©.097993/1086/Í42/Í423/2005-2 ehŸ 31.12.05(ã25/12/05)F.M.v©.097993/1086/Í42/Í423/2005-2 ehŸ 31.12.05(ã25/12/05)
F.M.v©.097993/1086/Í42/Í423/2005-2 ehŸ 31.12.05(ã25/12/05)
îthf« fs¥g 3« Ãiy âU.nf. K¤JrhÄ f«ãahs® nry« Ä.t. 23.10.2002 m‹W
bghJ ntiy ÃW¤j¤âš fyªJ bfh©lJ - xG§F elto¡if vL¡f¥g£lJ. F‰w«
Ã%ã¡f¥g£lJ. thÇa brh¤J¡fS¡F nrj« Éisɤj‰fhf bjhlu¥g£l xG§F
elto¡if jÉu k‰w mid¤ijí« ifÉL«go m¿îiu tH§f¥gL»wJ.
227. Memo No.102/99/A18/A181/2005-1(SB) dt.5.1.06(P5/1/06)
Public Servant -Cases investigated by DVAC - Notices Petitions / Messages etc. Received
from High Court/Administrative Tribunals - Intimation the same to DVAC in time instruction
228. Memo No.22619/B11/B111/2006-1(SB) dt.3.8.06(P1/8/06)
Estt-Disciplinary Proceedings - Leniency in Disciplinary Proceedings cases-Avoidance-
Further instruction issued.
229. Memo (P)No.62527/A18/A181/2006-1(SB) dt.18.8.06(P7/8/06)
Disciplinary Proceedings - vigilance cases- Sending files to vigilance cell/DVAC for
clearance - Avoidance of last minute rushing of files - instruction issued.
230. Lr.No.052611/286/G5/JA/2006(Adm.Br.) dt.7.10.06(P2/10/06)
Estt-D.P.Cases Initiated Against the employees suspension cases expedious disposal.
Instruction issued.
231. Memo (P)No.104648/A18/A181/06-1 (SB) dt.3.2.07(P3/2/07)
Estt-TNEB Employees - Discipline and Appeal Regulations Non-Adherence of existing
conditions in Regulation 8(b) (ii) of the TNEB employees Discipline and Appeal Regulation
- Instruction issued - reitrated
232. Memo (P)No.:25083/A18/A181/07-1(SB) dt.26.5.07(P20.5.07)
Disciplinary Proceedings - Vigilance cases - Sending files to vigilance commission for
clearance - Avoidance of lost minutes rushing of files - instruction issued.
233. Memo No.64909/A18/A181/2007-1(SB) dt.29.8.07(P52/07/07)
Govt. Servants - Suspension on the date of retirement - Avoidance of-Expeditious action
on the Disciplinary Proceedings - Detailed instruction, issued by Govt. copy
234. (Per) BP(FB) No.41(SB) dt.16.10.07(P11/10/07)
Estt-TNEB Employees D&A Regulations - Engaging retired Board employees to assist
Serving personnel in Disciplinary proceedings-Amendment to TNEB Employees D&A
- Regulations issued.
235. Memo No. 85419/A18/A181/2007-1(SB) dt.19.11.07(P21/11/07)
Directorate of vigilance and Anti corruption cases-conducting of Preliminary enquiries by
Departments Request not accepted-Preliminary enquiry to be conducted by DVAC only
- instruction communicated.
236. Memo No.90834/A18/A181/07-1(SB) dt.4.12.07(P10/12/07)
Estt-TNEB DVAC - Departmental Enquiries on cases investigated by the DV&AC
Participation of DV&AC Officials and copy of enquiry officers report to DV&AC- instruction
237. Lr.No.063100/170/G45/G452/2007-3(Adm.Br.)dt.31.1.20) (P23/2/08)
Contract Labourers absorbed as Helper in the Board as per Justice Khalid commission -
Dp initiated-Punishment imposed Recovery of 1 Allowance orders of Honourable High
Court Madras forwarded.
238. Memo No.20532/A18/A181/2005(SB) dt.29.05.08(P25/5/08)
Estt-TNEB-Standing orders for workmen and clerical workmen - Authority competent to
frame charges to impose punishment, Appellate Authority and time limit comprehensive
orders-Reduction in the time scale of pay is on Group “B” Punishment - Amendment
F.M.v©.61411/m18/m181/2008-1 (br.».) ehŸ 6.9.08(ã 10/9/08)F.M.v©.61411/m18/m181/2008-1 (br.».) ehŸ 6.9.08(ã 10/9/08)
F.M.v©.61411/m18/m181/2008-1 (br.».) ehŸ 6.9.08(ã 10/9/08)F.M.v©.61411/m18/m181/2008-1 (br.».) ehŸ 6.9.08(ã 10/9/08)
F.M.v©.61411/m18/m181/2008-1 (br.».) ehŸ 6.9.08(ã 10/9/08)
jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa« - thÇa gÂahs®fŸ - xG§F elto¡iffis Éiuthfî«/
Kiwahfî« Koî¡F bfh©L tUtJ F¿¤J m¿îiufŸ tH§f¥gL»wJ.
240. Memo No.68825/A18/A181/08-01(SB) dt.7.10.08(P9/10/08)
Estt-TNEB - Directorate of vigilance and Anti corruption - Departmental enquiry investigated
by the DVAC Concurrences from DVAC for dropping further action against the delinquent
officer - further instruction issued.
241. (Per) BP(Ch)No.86(SB) Dt.6.5.09(P12/5/09)
Estt-Class I Service - Disciplinary Proceedings cases - Prolonged suspension -
continuance of suspension beyond time limit - formation of small committee to review the
revocation of suspension - orders issued.
242. (Per) BP(Ch)No.167(SB) dt.21.8.09(P20/8/09)
Estt-TNEB - Review of pending vigilance cases relating to energy Department up to 31.12.08
by the Vigilance commissioner and commissioner for Administrative reforms - constitution
of committee to review the pending vigilance cases - orders issued.
243. Memo (P)No.61501/A18/A181/2010-2(SB) dt.8.9.10(P3/9/10)
Public Service-Enquiry by DV&AC-Cases in which further action is dropped - copies of
Govt. Instruction communicated for Adherence.
244. Memo (P)No.13108/A18/A181/2010-1(SB) dt.18.12.10(P25/12/10
TANGEDCO Ltd. - Estt - Review of Suspension - Cases further instruction issued.
1. CIRCULAR No:33986 Cell/83-1, Dated 02.05.83(P) 50/83-1
Board premises - Display of Notices, Posters etc.- instruction issued.
2. Chairmans D.O.Lr.No.002523/Adm.Br./IR2(1)/84-1, Dated 09.01.84 P9/1984.
TNEB – Labour Union – Display of Notice, Poster, etc., conduct of Meetings within office
premises strict adherence – Instruction issued.
3. Endt. No.:0402396/308/G3/A5/86-1 Adm.Br. dt.22.9.86(P905/86)
Portraits - Display in Govt. Offices/Buildings - Portrait of late Prime Minister
Tmy. Indira Gnadhi - orders issued.
F.M.v©. 38558/Í2/89-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 27.6.89 (501/89)F.M.v©. 38558/Í2/89-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 27.6.89 (501/89)
F.M.v©. 38558/Í2/89-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 27.6.89 (501/89)F.M.v©. 38558/Í2/89-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 27.6.89 (501/89)
F.M.v©. 38558/Í2/89-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 27.6.89 (501/89)
muR mYtyf§fŸ, f£ol§fËš âU cUt¥gl§fis it¥gJ F¿¤J muR ÉL¤JŸs
fU¤J thÇa¤âš brayh¡FtJ F¿¤J.
5. Lr.No.36813/G2/90-1(SB) dt. 16.6.90(P372/90)
Portraits - Display of Portraits of leaders in public office and Buildings - reg.
1. MEMO NO:59382-S1/83-1 (SB) Dt.19.03.84 (P145) 84,
Estt., Payment of Double wages on National and Festival Holidays in addition to
T.A./D.A. - clarification issued.
2. MEMO.NO:189/Adm.Br/IR2(1) 84-1 dt.01.06.84
Out of pocket Expenses to the staff working over and above working hours in
MES/D/North and South – approval accorded.
3. MEMO NO: 102135-R2/83-2 (SB) Dt.28.08.84 (P.594 P.84)
Estt. – Holidays on Account of Ayuda Pooja coming within the purview of Tamilnadu
Industrial Establishment Act 1958 – and out side the purview of above Act permitting Double
wages or compensation holiday at the option to Ist day of Ayuda Pooja orders issued.
4. Lr.No.107729-R-2/84-1 (P) (SB) dt.19.09.84 (P658/84)
Holiday – Specification of Five Festival for the Industrial Estt., under the TNEB under section
3 of Tamilnadu Industrial Establishment (National and Festival) Holidays Act 1958 by the
Inspector appointed under the act notification - copy communicated.
5. Memo No.56378/C2/95-1(SB) dt.11.12.95(P617/95)
Estt-Employees required to work on festival Holidays - Krishna Jayanthi is added. In the
outside the preview of the list for the purpose of Double wages order, issued.
6. Memo No.41164/A9/A92/2004-1(SB) ddt.24.6.04 (P6/6/04)
Estt-Employees required to work on festival Holidays outside the purview of act - Festival
of Dr. Ambedkar Birthday - orders issued.
7. Lr.No.CFC/FC/DFC/Rev/AO/Rev/E4/619(2004(Accts.Br) dt. 19.7.04(P16/7/04)
Elecy - Prorata wages for Assessment staff 25% ceiling limit on the norms - Relaxation
orders issued.
8. Memo No. 20141/A3/A131/2010-1(SB) dt.30.3.10(P14/3/10)
TNEB - Revision of wages with effect from 1.12.07 payment of difference amount for
Double wages - clarification issued.
1. BPMS No.233(SB) dt.11.5.82(P18/1983/I)
TNEB Services - Demolished Defence forces-personals - Re-implement concession -
age limit raised - orders of Government - Applicability - orders issued.
2. Memo No. : 005296(119) / R3-1/81-27(Adm. Br.) dt.7.3.83 (P113/83-I)
Employment to the dependent - of the Land owner whose lands were acquired for
construction of Sub-Station - instruction issued.
3. Memo (P) NO. : 84521-p1/82-1(SB) Dt.21.3.83(P120/83-I)
Estt - Employment assistance to families displaced on account of land acquisition-
procedure of recruitment - instruction - amendment issued.
4. BPMS(Ch) No.411(Adm. Br.)dt.22.7.83(P139/83-II)
Recruitment - Employment assistance to the dependent of employees who die in harness
procedure for Sending proposals.
5. Memo No.:032683/837/RIII (2)/83-1(Adm. Br.)Dt.16.8.83(P224/83-II)
Recruitment - Employment assistance to the dependent of the employees - who die in
harness procedure for disposal.
6. Memo No. : 032683(837) / RIII (27/83-2(Adm. Br.) Dt.26.9.83(P293/83-II)
Recruitment - Employment assistance to the dependant of the Board employees who die
in harness - Enquiry by the ADE - certain clarification.
7. BPMS (FB) No. 69(Adm. Br.) dt.7.11.83(P412/83-II)
TNEB - Recruitment of office Helpers and Sweepers to the dependants of employees
who die in service - orders issued.
8. BPMS (FB) No.51(Adm. Br.) dt.31.5.84(P335/84)
Recruitment -Employment assistance to the dependant of employees, who retire from
service on Medical in validation - consideration in deserving and Genuine cases - orders
9. BPMS (Ch)No.409(Adm. Br.) dt.28.6.84(P409/84)
TNEB - Services - Employment assistance to the dependants of the deceased Board
servant - clarification issued by the Govt - Applicability - orders issued.
10. Ch Memo No. : 25217/278/R3-1/84-4 (Adm. Br.) dt.11.10.84(P768/84)
Recruitment - Employment assistance to the dependants of employees who die in harness
or who retire on invalidation on Medical grounds - Field enquiry - further instruction issued.
11. Cir Memo No.:007634(120)/R3-2/85-5 dt.16.9.85(P) 942/85)
Recruitment-TNEB - Employment -Assistance to the dependent of employees who die in
harness-verification of original certificate at the time of field enquiry - instruction issued.
12. BPMS(FB) No.87(Adm.Br.) Dt.26.9.86(P835/86)
MTPS - Job assistance to the displaced family in the lower ash dumping area-Employment
Assistant to family where a member is already employed - Approval accorded.
13. Recruitment - Educational Qualification prescribed for certain basis level post in RWE -
provision of appointment to dependant of the Board employees who die in harness without
insisting educational qualification - orders issued.
14. Ch’s Memo No.:099579-R3/87-1(Adm.Br.) dt.5.9.87(P698/87)
Recruitment-Employment Assistance to the dependents of employees who die in
harnessed to families displaced on account of acquisition of land for construction of projects
- Members of family eligible for employment - orders issued.
15. Memo No. : 045676 / 472/R3-2/88-1(Adm. Br) dt.5.7.88 (P459-88)
Recruitment - employment assistance to the dependant of employees who die while in
service - Application form - modified.
16. Per BP(FB) No.33(Adm.Br.) dt.13.6.89(P479/83)
MTPP - Providing employment Assistance to one member in each family whose land
were acquired/Alienated in Board for MTPP - orders issued.
17. BPMS (FB) No.36(Adm.Br.) Dt.26.6.89(P495/89)
Recruitment - Providing employment Assistance to the dependent Board employees who
died while in service as office Helper (Trainee) ordered.
18. BPMS(FB) No.37(Adm.Br.) dt. 26.6.89(496/89)
Recruitment Providing employment Assistance to the dependant who died in harness
while in Service Appointment as Helper (Trainee) ordered.
19. (Per) BP (Ch) No.362 (Adm.Br.) Dt.11.7.89 (P603/89)
MTPS - Providing employment Assistance to one member in each family whose land
were acquired Board for MTPS - Modified - orders issued.
20. Per BP(FB) No.3(Adm.Br.) dt.25.1.90 (P21/90)
Recruitment - employment assistance to one members in each family from whose lands
have been acquired for NM TPP - ordered.
21. (Per) BP (Ch) No. 82(SB) dt.30.4.90(P233/307)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations -Regulation 89 -Amendment issued. (Provision
89(d) shall not apply to the cases of dependant - employment)
22. (Per) BP(Ch)No.212(SB)dt.1.10.90 (P603/90)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations-Regulation 59-Employment - Assistance -
Amendment issued.
23. Memo No.079084/389/R3-2 / 89-38(Adm.Br.) dt.27.11.90 P662/90
Recruitment - Dependant of Deceased employee and members in the family displaced
on account of acquisition of land for construction of project - and appointed as office
Helper (Trainee) and Helper (Tr) Grant of leave and other benefits - clarification-orders
24. Memo No.010001/74/Adm5.(1)/Adm.Br.91-1 dt.1.4.91(P137/91)
Recruitment - Dependant of the Board employees who died while in Service and who
have invalidated from service on medical grounds, one members in each family on account
of acquisition of land appointed as sweeper/ Sanitary worker Regular absorption, grant of
leave etc. - orders issued.
25. (Per) B P(FB) No.38(Adm.Br.) dt.24.8.91(P422/91)
North Madras Thermal Power Project - Acquisition of land in Ennore Village Habitation
involved in acquisition Rehabilitation of displaced Families - Extending employment
Assistance to 634 families - approval
26. Memo No.093547/R3-2/91-1 (Adm.Br.) dt.9.12.91(P 689/91)
Recruitment - employment assistance to the dependant of the deceased employees who
die in harness members of family eligible for employment - orders issued.
27. (Per) BP (Ch)No.114(Adm.Br.) dt.10.4.92(P175/92)
North Madras Thermal Power Project -Acquisition of land-Ennore Village-Habitation involved
in acquisition and Rehabilitation of displaced Families -Extending the concession of
employment Assistance to 701 Families - Approved.
28. (Per) BP(FB) No.13(Adm.Br.) Dt.26.5.92(P298/92)
Recruitment-Employment assistance to the dependant of the employees who die in harness
procedure of recruitment - Further instruction. Amendment to BPMS No.411(Adm.Br.)
dt.22.7.83 - issued.
29. Per BP(FB)No.20(Adm.B.r)dt.23.10.92(P565/92)
Recruitment - Providing of employment Assistance to one member in each family from
whom lands have been acquired for construction of LMHEP selection of Candidates for
appointment as Helper (Trainee) and office Helper (Trainee) - orders issued.
30. (Per) BPMS(Ch)No.343(Adm.Br.)dt.9.11.92(P630/92)
Employment assistance to the dependant of the employee who died during the period of
extension of service-Adoption of orders of Govt.
31. Memo No. 083609/1153/Adms. (1) /Adm.Br./92-1dt.1.12.92(P7 09/92)
Recruitment employment Assistance appointed as Helper (Trainee) and Office Helper
(Trainee) Regularisation on completion Helper (Trainee) Regularisation on completion of
3 years-Certain clarification orders issued.
32. Per BP(FB) No.1 (Adm.Br.) dt.11.1.93(P6/93)
NMTPP-Acquisition of lands - Ennore Vge Rehabilitation involved in Acquisition and
Rehabilitation of Displace families-Extending the concession to 765 Families - Approved.
33 Per BP(FB) No.2(Adm.Br.)dt.11.1.93(P7/93)
Recruitment - Providing employment assistance to the dependant of the Board employees
who die in harness due to accident during and as a result of the normal duties Relaxation
of qualification - orders issued.
34. Memo No.083609/1153/Adm.5(1)/92-2(Adm.Br.) Dt.20.3.93(P98/93)
Recruitment - Employment Assistance to the dependant of the deceased employee and
members in the family on account land acquisition - Helper (Trainee) office Helper (Trainee)
Regulations of Service on Completion of 3 years of Service Certain clarification issued.
35. Per BP(Ch)No.330(Adm.Br.)dt.2.11.93(P558/93)
Estt-TNEB Appointment on compassionate grounds Indigent circumstances of families of
deceased provident fund and DCRG not to be included-Appointment of one member if
another member was employed in the family Govt. Orders Adoption by Board orders issued.
36. (per)BP(FB)No.8(Adm.Br.)dt.21.1.94(P10/94)
NMTPP-Acquisition of lands at Ennore Kuppan Rehabilition involved in acquisition and
Rehabilitation of displaced families - Extending concession to 768 Families - Approved.
37. Lr.No.024509/R3(2)/94-1(Adm.Br.)15.3.94(P116/94)
Recruitment - Employment assistance to the dependents. of employees who die in harness
or who retired on in validation on medical grounds - Further Instruction issued.
38. Memo No.105302/IR3(2)/1564/94-1(Adm.Br.) Dt.14.11.94(P 548)
Recruitment - Employment Assistance to the dependant of the deceased Board employees
who died in harness certain concession ordered by Govt. Adoption to Board Orders
Issued(1) Indingent certificate from Rev. Authority (2) The dependant working in the family
living separately before the death of employee (3) Married daughter deserted by her
39. Per BP MS(FB)No.46(Adm.Br.)dt.13.10.95(P507/55)
Recruitment Employment assistance to the dependant of the deceased employees of the
Board who died while in service Appointment on compassionate grounds-Modification
- orders issued.
40. Memo No.022131/R6(1)/93-6(Adm.Br.) Dt.27.10.95(5/3/95)
Recruitment - Employment assistance to the dependent of employees who retire from
Service on Medical Invalidation - Consideration in deserving and genuine cases
- Amendment issued.
41. (Per) BP(FB) No.1(Adm.Br.) dt.28.1.97(P13/1/97)
Estt-Consideration of employment Assistance to the dependant person from whom the
land has been acquired by TNEB to the Degree holders of Ist Class Technical / NonTechnical
to the respective post on POI with dependant of the deceased employees - orders issued.
thÇa Miz v©.131(Ã.».)ehŸ18.6.98(ã13/6/98)thÇa Miz v©.131(Ã.».)ehŸ18.6.98(ã13/6/98)
thÇa Miz v©.131(Ã.».)ehŸ18.6.98(ã13/6/98)thÇa Miz v©.131(Ã.».)ehŸ18.6.98(ã13/6/98)
thÇa Miz v©.131(Ã.».)ehŸ18.6.98(ã13/6/98)
MŸ nr®¥ò - gÂÆš ïU¡F« nghJ ïa‰if vŒâL« thÇa CÊa®fË‹ thÇR -
kf‹/kzkhfhj kfŸ-fztuhš ifÉl¥g£l kfŸ / Mjut‰w Éjit kfŸ
M»nah®fS¡F fUiz mo¥gilÆš g Ãakd« tH§Fjš mâfg£r taij
30 ÈUªJ 35 Mf ca®¤â Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
43. Per BP(FB) No.227(Adm.Br.)dt.17.10.98(P9/10/98)
Recruitment - Employment Assistance to the dependant of the Missing TNEB employees
under compassionate grounds-orders issued.
44. Lr.No.54038/R3-2/98-4(Adm.Br.)dt.11.12.98(P11/12/98)
Recruitment - Employment Assistance to the dependant of deceased employees of the
Board - Judgement on writ petition- reg.
45. (Per) BP(FB) No.2 (Adm.Br.) dt.18.1.99(P5/1/99)
Recruitment - Appointment of Legal Heirs of deceased employees of Board and the
dependant of person invalidated on medical grounds and also members of family whose
land have been acquired - enhancement of wages from Rs.750/- to Rs.1000/- w.e.f. 5.11.98
- orders issued.
46. (Per) BP(FB) No.15(Adm.Br.)dt.28.4.99(P7/4/99)
Recruitment - Helper / Office Helper Providing employment assistance to the dependents
of deceased employees Revision of existing Procedure and criterion orders issued.
47. Per BP(FB) No.9(Adm.Br.) dt.22.5.2000(P8/5/2000)
Recruitment Appointment of legal heirs of deceased employees of Board and dependant
of persons invalidated on Medical Grounds and also employment to a members of family
from whom lands have been acquired - Enhancement of wages orders - issued.
48. Per BP(FB) No.10(Adm.Br.)dt.22.5.2000(P9/5/2000)
Recruitment - Employment assistance to the deceased Board Employees consideration
of Persons having prescribed qualification for the post of Assessor Trainee/Helper/Trainee
- reg.
49. Cir No.038525/587/G8/G82/2001-1(
û) njâ 20.4.2001 (ã 14/4/01)û) njâ 20.4.2001 (ã 14/4/01)
û) njâ 20.4.2001 (ã 14/4/01)û) njâ 20.4.2001 (ã 14/4/01)
û) njâ 20.4.2001 (ã 14/4/01)
ïwªj thÇa gÂahs® - thÇR ntiy tH§F« â£l« rÇgh®¤J¥ g£oaš jÄÊš
mD¥òtJ - r«kªjkhf.
50. Per BP(FB) No.25(Adm.Br.) dt.09.10.2001(P3/10/01)
Recruitment -Employment Assistance to the dependant of the employee who retired from
Service on Medical invalidation before the age of 50 years Extension of age from 50 years
to 53 years - orders issued.
R‰w¿¡if v©.123071/528/Í10/Í101//2002-1(Ã.».) ehŸ 2.12.02 (ã1 /12/02)R‰w¿¡if v©.123071/528/Í10/Í101//2002-1(Ã.».) ehŸ 2.12.02 (ã1 /12/02)
R‰w¿¡if v©.123071/528/Í10/Í101//2002-1(Ã.».) ehŸ 2.12.02 (ã1 /12/02)R‰w¿¡if v©.123071/528/Í10/Í101//2002-1(Ã.».) ehŸ 2.12.02 (ã1 /12/02)
R‰w¿¡if v©.123071/528/Í10/Í101//2002-1(Ã.».) ehŸ 2.12.02 (ã1 /12/02)
thÇR ntiy¡fhd É©z¥g¤ij ÃuhfÇ¡F«nghJ v‹d fhuz§fS¡fhf
ÃuhfÇ¡f¥gL»‹wJ vd bjËthd c¤juî tH§f nt©L«.
52. (Per) BP(FB) No.29(Adm.Br.) dt.2.12.02(P1/12/02)
Recruitment - Employment Assistance to the dependant of the deceased / Medically
invalidated Board employees - Reduction of Training period for Assessor as 6 months
orders issued.
53. Lr.No.140822/G9/G91/2003-1(Adm.Br.) dt.11.3.03(P3/3/03)
Recruitment -Employment Assistance to the dependant Reduction of Training period to
Assessor-those who have completed 6 months one year as on 12.11.02 May be absorbed
as Regular Assessor w.e.f. 12.11.02 - clarification issued.
R.m.v©. 100624/774/Í9/Í91/2004-03 ehŸ 81204(ã33/12/04)R.m.v©. 100624/774/Í9/Í91/2004-03 ehŸ 81204(ã33/12/04)
R.m.v©. 100624/774/Í9/Í91/2004-03 ehŸ 81204(ã33/12/04)R.m.v©. 100624/774/Í9/Í91/2004-03 ehŸ 81204(ã33/12/04)
R.m.v©. 100624/774/Í9/Í91/2004-03 ehŸ 81204(ã33/12/04)
thÇR ntiy - gÂÆÈU¡F« bghGJ kuzkilªj gÂahs®fË‹ thÇRfŸ k‰W«
kU¤Jt ßâahf g XŒî bgW« gÂahs®fË‹ thÇR¡F ntiy thŒ¥ò É©z¥g
got« jÄÊš mD¥g nt©Ljš r«kªjkhf.
R‰w¿¡if v©. 085942/477/Í9/Í91/2005-1/ (Ã.».) ehŸ 30.7.05 (ã 56/07/05)R‰w¿¡if v©. 085942/477/Í9/Í91/2005-1/ (Ã.».) ehŸ 30.7.05 (ã 56/07/05)
R‰w¿¡if v©. 085942/477/Í9/Í91/2005-1/ (Ã.».) ehŸ 30.7.05 (ã 56/07/05)R‰w¿¡if v©. 085942/477/Í9/Í91/2005-1/ (Ã.».) ehŸ 30.7.05 (ã 56/07/05)
R‰w¿¡if v©. 085942/477/Í9/Í91/2005-1/ (Ã.».) ehŸ 30.7.05 (ã 56/07/05)
ïwªj thÇa gÂahs® thÇR ntiy â£l« - fU¤JU rÇahf mD¥g¡ nfhÇ
m¿îW¤jš - (c©ik¤ j‹ik ahÇlÄUªJ bgw nt©L« v‹W g£oaš) bjhl®ghf.
R‰w¿¡if v©.085942/477/Í9/Í91/2005-2/(û) ehŸ 17.10.05(ã 41/10/05)R‰w¿¡if v©.085942/477/Í9/Í91/2005-2/(û) ehŸ 17.10.05(ã 41/10/05)
R‰w¿¡if v©.085942/477/Í9/Í91/2005-2/(û) ehŸ 17.10.05(ã 41/10/05)R‰w¿¡if v©.085942/477/Í9/Í91/2005-2/(û) ehŸ 17.10.05(ã 41/10/05)
R‰w¿¡if v©.085942/477/Í9/Í91/2005-2/(û) ehŸ 17.10.05(ã 41/10/05)
ïwªj thÇa gÂahs® - thÇR ntiy tH§F« â£l« fU¤JU rÇahf mD¥g¡ nfhÇ
m¿îW¤jš r«kªjkhf.
57. (Per) BP(FB) No.3(Adm.Br.)Dt.9.1.07(p14.1.07)
Recruitment -employment Assistance to the dependant of the employee medically
invalidated from service appointment on compassionate grounds - Modification orders
58. (Per) BP Ms.(Ch) No.116(Adm.Br.)dt.24.3.07(P43/03/07
Recruitment -Employment Assistance to the dependant of the deceased / Medically
invalidated Board employee while in service - Appointment on compassionate grounds-
Modification orders issued (No Reservation in compassionate appointment)
59. (Per) BP(FB)No.13(Adm.Br.)Dt.17.4.07(P14/4/07)
Recruitment - Employment Assistance - to the dependant of the deceased employees
and medically invalidated from Service while in service- Appointment on compassionate
grounds modification orders cancelled - approved - ratified.
60. Per BP(FB) No.13(SB)dt.28.4.07 (P21/4/07)
Regulations-TNEB service Regulations-Appointment on Compassionate grounds
exemption from age limit and rule of reservation amendment to Regulation 91 of service
- Regulation issued.
61. (Per) BP(FB) No.25(Adm.Br.) dt.21.6.07(P13/6/07)
Estt-Appointment on Compassionate Grounds - Orders of Govt. to consider for appointment
for group C and D only Modification of existing guidelines inrespect of Degree/Diploma
graduate who possess First Class - orders issued.
62. (Per) BP(FB) No.36(Adm.Br.)Dt.19.7.2007(P19/7/07)
Recruitment -Providing employment Assistance to one member in each family from whom
lands have been acquired for the construction of NCTPS - Selection of Candidates for
appointment as Helper (Trainee) Assessor (Trainee) Approved - orders issued.
63. Per BP(FB) No.56(Adm.Br.)Dt.15.12.07(P12/12/07)
Employment Assistance on Compassionate grounds to Thiru S.Murali S/o. Late Saravanan
Retired in Medical Invalidation from the Board service at the age for Medical invalidation
beyond 50 years - orders issued.
64. (Per)BP (FB) No.1(Adm.Br.) dt.22.2.08(P23/2/08)
Estt-Employment assistance - compassionate Grounds Thiru S.Kumar S/o. Late
C.Sundaram Helper Mettur EDC (Died due to electrocution while in service on 3.7.2006)
employment Assistance by relaxing the condition of submission of Application with in 3
years - orders issued.
65. (Per) BP(Ch)No.78(SB) dt.22.3.08(P15/3/08)
Estt-Compassionate appointment Tmy.M.Shanthi Part time Conservancy worker
W/o. late M.Munuswamy Helper Mettur EDC (died due to electrocutions selected for the
post of office Helper Trainee) as a special case - orders issued.
66. (Per) BP(FB) No.9(Adm.Br.)dt.1.4.08(P22/4/08)
Estt-Employment assistance on Compassionate grounds Tmt. P.Visalakshi W/o.Late
K.Partha Sarathy expired on 13.7.94 providing employment assistance relaxing the
condition of should apply with in 3 years.
67. (Per) BP(FB) 10(Adm.Br.) dt.17.4.08(P23/4/08)
Estt-Employment -Assistance on Compassionate Grounds Tmy. V.Vadivu W/o. Late
P.Venkateswaran Helper Mettur EDC expired on 30.8.2000 providing of employment
assistance by relaxing the condition of submission of application with in 3 years orders
68. (Per) BP(FB) No.13(Adm.Br.) Dt.13.5.08(P10/5/08)
Estt-Employment Assistance - Compassionate Grounds Thiru T. Saravanan S/o. Late S.
Thangavel LI Salem EDC died due to electrocution providing employment assistance by
relaxing the requirement of educational qualification - orders issued.
69. (Per) BPC (FB) No.17(Adm.Br.) dt.24.6.08(P21/6/08)
Estt-Employment assistance on compassionate Ground Selvi V. Nagalakshmi D/o. Late
K.Viswanathan foreman I Gr. Chennai EDC/South (Who died due to electrocution while
attending to the Boards duty on 26.12.91) providing of compassionate grounds by relaxing
the existing conditions - orders issued.
70. (Per) BP(FB) No.22(Adm.Br.)dt. 6.8.08(P11/8/08)
Estt-TNEB - Employment Assistance Provided to Thiru A. Sundaram S/o. (Late) S.Alagan
Wireman Pudukottai EDC Who died due to electrocution) under compassionate Grounds
by relaxing the condition of Submission of application with in 3 years - orders issued.
71. (Per) BP(FB) No.23(Adm.Br.) dt.7.8.08(P11/8/08)
Estt-TNEB - Employment assistance on Compassionate grounds to Thiru C.Pandian S/
o. Late A. Chelliah wireman Pudukkotai EDC (Who died due to electrocution) by relaxing
the condition of submission of application with in 3 years - orders issued.
72. (Per) BP(FB) No.27(Adm.Br.) dt.18.8.08(P26/8/08)
Employment assistance to the dependant of the deceased of the Board employee who
died while in service - consideration of unmarried brother/Sister of the unmarried deceased
Board Servant as near relative - Adoption of Go - Approved by Board.
73. (Per) BP(FB) No.33(Adm.Br.) Dt.22.9.08(P24/9.08)
Estt-TNEB - employment assistance on compassionate Grounds to Thiru G. Arun S/o.
Late Gnamuthu Chennai EDC North (who died due to electrocution) by relaxing the condition
of submission of Application with in 3 years - orders issued.
74. (Per) BP(FB) No.34(Adm.Br.) dt.24.9.08 (P26/9.08)
Estt-TNEB - Employment Assistance provided to Thiur S. Prabu S/o. Late M. Subbiah
wireman Karur EDC (Who died due to electrocutions under compassionate Grounds by
relaxing the conditions of submission of application with in 3 years orders issued.
75. (Per) BP(FB) No.41(Adm.Br.)dt.22.10.08(P18/10/08)
Estt-TNEB - Employment assistance on compassionate grounds to Thiru.C.Deepan
S/o. Late G. Chithirai Chennai EDC/West (Who died due to electrocution) under
compassionate grounds by relaxing the condition of submission of application with in 3
years - orders issued.
76. (Per) BP(FB) No.1(Adm.Br.)dt.3.1.09(P13/1/09)
Compassionate appointment Appointment of candidate with SSLC and Higher academic
qualification as Assessor Gr.II-Approved - orders issued.
77. (Per) BP(FB) No.3(Adm.Br.) dt.19.2.09(P15/2/09)
Estt-TNEB -Providing employment Assistance to Thiru M.Vigneswaran S/o. Late
Thiru.R.Madhavaraj FM I Gr. Chennai EDC/West (Expired on 9.6.02while in Service) on
compassionate grounds - Relaxation of age - orders issued.
78. (Per) BP(FB) No.4(SB) dt.15.6.10(P100/6/10)
Compassionate Appointment -Employment Assistance of Board employees who died while
attending Boards work by fatal Mechanical Accident Thiru. K.Dhanasekaran S/o. Late.
P.Krishnamoorthy Helper Cuddalore EDC by Condoning the delay in submission of
corrected date of birth in Transfer certificate Approved - orders issued.
79. (Per) BP(FB) No.6(Adm.Br.)dt.13.7.2010(P17/7/10)
Estt.-TNEB Implementation of the orders of supreme court for employment assistance to
Thiru J.Karthick S/o. Late K.Jagannathan CEDC/Central expired on16.5.98 Approval
80. (Per) BP(FB) No.8(Adm.Br.)dt.1.10.2010(P12/10/10)
Recruitment - Appointment of legal Heirs of deceased Board Employees, Dependant of
retirement on Medically invalidated-Members of family from whose land acquired by Board
-Appointed as Helper (Trainee) and office Helper (Trainee) by Direct recruitment wages
enhanced from Rs.2500/- to Rs.3250/- orders issued.
81. (Per) BP(FB) No.10(Adm.Br.) dt.6.10.10(P17/10/10)
Compassionate - Appointment -Employment Assistance of Contract Labourers who died
due to Department Electrical Accident on 23.4.2006 Tmt. J.Selvi W/o. Late V.M.Jayapandian
Contract Labourers Madurai EDC - Appointment by relaxing the education qualification -
Approved - orders issued.
82. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro No.1(Adm.Br.)dt.9.12.10 (P13/12/10)
NCTPS-Land Acquisition - Voyalur Village -Court case WP No.11623/1999 filed by
Thiru Mr. Venkatesan and 5 others - employment assistance provided as per court orders
- orders issued.
83. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro No.2 (Adm.Br.) dt.19.2.11(P25/2/11)
Estt.Thiru. R.Pingalan contract Labour-Providing employment assistance selected to the
post of office Helper Trainees ordered.
thÇa Miz (Ãiy) v©.13(û) ehŸ 8.8.11(23/8/11)thÇa Miz (Ãiy) v©.13(û) ehŸ 8.8.11(23/8/11)
thÇa Miz (Ãiy) v©.13(û) ehŸ 8.8.11(23/8/11)thÇa Miz (Ãiy) v©.13(û) ehŸ 8.8.11(23/8/11)
thÇa Miz (Ãiy) v©.13(û) ehŸ 8.8.11(23/8/11)
fUiz mo¥gilÆš gÂÃakd§fŸ - gÂÆil kuzkilªj thÇa CÊaÇ‹
thÇRjhuU¡F fUizmo¥gilÆš gÂÃakd« tH§Fjš - É©z¥g« mË¡F«
nghJ âUkzkhfhkš ïUªJ ã‹d® âUkzkhd thÇRjhuU¡F« g Ãakd«
tH§Fjš -murhizia eilKiw¥ gL¤Jjš - Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
85. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro No.14 (Adm.Br.)dt.16.8.11(P26/8/11)
Employment Assistance on Compassionate Grounds Tmt. Therasa W/o. Late S.Chandly
wireman salem EDC (Due to Electrocution on 30.12.07) Providing employment assistance
under compassionate Grounds by relaxing the condition of 8th Std.. Pass - Approved
orders issued.
f.v©.028610/Í9/Í91/2011-12(Í») ehŸ 1.11.2011(ã 8/11/11)f.v©.028610/Í9/Í91/2011-12(Í») ehŸ 1.11.2011(ã 8/11/11)
f.v©.028610/Í9/Í91/2011-12(Í») ehŸ 1.11.2011(ã 8/11/11)f.v©.028610/Í9/Í91/2011-12(Í») ehŸ 1.11.2011(ã 8/11/11)
f.v©.028610/Í9/Í91/2011-12(Í») ehŸ 1.11.2011(ã 8/11/11)
fUiz mo¥gilÆš thÇR ntiy -_‹W M©o‰FŸ 18taJ ó®¤âahf¥ ïju
ÃgªjidfSl‹ thÇR ntiy nfhUjš 23.8.2005¡F K‹ ÃuhfǤjš É©z¥g§fŸ
1. MEMO.NO.2208/VC8/83-1 (SB) DT.02.02.83 (P.93/83-I
Entrustment of Security arrangements in the TNEB Installation, Stores, Offices, Power
Houses and other premises to Private agencies.
1. B.P.MS.NO.401 (SB) DT.19.10.83
Bonus Ex-Gratia for the Year 1982-83 - orders issued.
2. MEMO.NO.96601 –R1/83-1 (SB) dt.10.01.84 (P.89/84)
Bonus and Ex- Gratia to the employees of the Board for 1982-83 - certain points clarified.
3. BP.MS(CH) NO.30 (SB) DT.27.01.1984 (P.35/84)
Estt.- Ex-gratia payment to employees of TNEB to mark Silver Jubilee - orders issued.
4. BPMS (Ch) No:162 (SB) Dt.02.05.84 (P.338/84)
Incentive Bonus to the staff of Transformer Erection and Sub-Station Erection of the G.C.C./
South/Madurai for Commissioning of 3
Unit at ETPS sanctioned.
5. Memo.No.6875-R2/83-3 (SB) Dt.24.05.84 (P.344/84).
Estt.- Ex-gratia to employees of TNEB to Mark of Silver Jubilee – orders clarification issued.
6. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.53 (SB) Dt.18.06.84 (P.436/84)
Incentive – TNEB-Advance toward, Performance Incentive to employees of Board
sanctioned in October 81 – Conversion as Ex-gratia - orders issued.
7. B.P.Ms.(Ch)No.385 (SB) Dt.87084 (P.800/84)
Bonus and Ex-gratia – TNEB-Payment of Bonus and Ex-gratia to employees of the Board
for 1983-84 - orders issued.
8. Memo No.090733-S5/85-2(Adm.Br.) dt.10.9.85 (P 939/85)
Accident - Fatal Electrical accident to non departmental person sanction of exgratia
payment - Avoidance of delay in disbursement - instruction issued.
9. Memo No.67774-R2/84-2 (SB) dt.20.9.85(P980/85)
Estt. - Exgratia payment to the employees of TNEB to mark Silver Jubilee-Applicability to
employees on foreign Service - orders issued.
10. BPMS(Ch) No.362(SB) dt.31.10.85(P1132/85)
Bonus and Ex Gratia - TNEB - payment of Bonus and exgratia to employees of the Board
for 1984-85 - orders issued.
11. BPMS(Ch)No.384(SB) dt.18.11.85(P1205/85)
Labour - welfare scheme-ex. gratia grant to meet funeral expenses of deceased and
those involved in serious accident while on duty not resulting in death-Eligibility of Pay limit
from Rs.800/- to Rs.1200/- enhanced - orders issued.
12. Memo No. 52440/R2/ 85-11(SB) dt. 14.2.86(P153/86)
Bonus - TNEB - payment of bonus to employees of the Board drawing a salary or wages
exceeding of Rs.1600/- not exceeding Rs.2500/- for 1984-85 payment of exgratia Rs.275/-
- clarification issued.
13. BPMS(Ch)No. 121(SB) dt.24.3.86(P266/86)
Exgratia - TNEB payment of exgratia to the employees of Board drawing a salary or wages
exceeding Rs.1600/-but not exceeding Rs.2500/- for the year 1984-85 - orders issued.
14. BPM(SB)No.59(SB) dt.14.7.86(P660/86)
Servalar Hydro electric project -commissioned payment of Incentive to staff orders issued.
15. BPMS(FB)No.98(SB) dt.7.10.86(P 974/86)
Bonus and Exgratia -TNEB payment of Bonus and Exgratia to employees of the Board for
1985-86 - orders issued.
16. BPMS(FB) No.20(SB)dt.10.3.87(P208/87)
Incentive-unit I of Mettur Thermal Power Project commissioned payment of Incentive to
staff - orders issued.
17. BPMS(FB)No.90(SB) dt.3.10.87(P799/87)
Bonus and Exgratia -TNEB - Payment of Bonus and Exgratia to employees of the Board
for 1986-87 - orders issued.
18. Memo (P)No.23112/N2/87-1(SB) dt.10.11.87(P863/87)
Incentive Scheme-Thermal Incentive Allowance and Thermal Incentive Bonus - Extension
to all employees on the roll of TTPS - clarification issued.
20. BPMS(FB) No.96(SB) dt. 9.11.87(P904/87)
Incentive - Unit I of MTPS - Commissioned - Payment of Incentive to Staff - Additional
Coverage - orders.
21. Memo No.11789/N2/87-1(SB) dt.29.2.88(P110/88)
Allowances - Thermal Incentive Allowance - Admissibility of Thermal Incentive Allowance
to the Board employees during Training not eligible - clarification issued.
22. Memo (P)No.26409 -N2/87-1(SB) dt.4.5.88(P319/88)
T.T.P.S. Thermal Incentive Bonus -Fitting in the certain category with the existing rate of
fixed Thermal Incentive Bonus - Modified orders issued.
23. BPMS(FB) No.78(SB) dt.25.10.88(P723/88)
Bonus and Exgratia - TNEB - Payment of Bonus and exgratia to employees of the Board
for 1987-88 - orders issued.
24. Memo No.71775/C2/88-1(SB) dt. 21.11.88(P789/88)
Bonus - Payment of Bonus to an employee placed under suspension - instructions modified.
25. Memo No. 1242/C2/89-1(SB) dt.12.1.89(P104/83)
Lumpsum exgratia - Grant to the employees of the State Govt. on deputation in the TNEB
- orders in of Govt. Adoption - Further orders issued.
26. (Per) BP(Ch)No.15(SB) dt.20.1.89(P108/89)
Exgratia - Payment of Ex-gratia to officers of TNEB who are not eligible to draw Bonus
Under Payment of Bonus Act - orders issued.
27. Memo No.6903/C2/89-1(SB) dt.5.5.89(P366/89)
Ex-Gratia - Payment of Exgratia to officers of TNEB who are not eligible to draw bonus
under payment of Bonus Act-eligibility to officers who received proportionate Bonus
- exgratia not eligible.
28. Memo No.6903/C2/89-2(SB) dt.5.5.89(P366/89)
Exgratia - payment of exgratia to officers of TNEB who are not eligible to draw bonus
under payment of Bonus Act. Eligibility of - Further orders issued.
29. Per BP(FB) No.209, (TB) at 10.5.89 (P369) 89)
Ennore Thermal Power Station - Incentive scheme- Payment of Thermal Monthly Incentive
Allowance to the employee of ETPS - Approved.
30. (Per) BP(FB)No.47(SB) dt.14.6.89 (P484/89)
Incentive - Unit 3 Stage II of Mettur Thermal Power Project - Commissioned - Payment of
Incentive to Staff of MTPP and MTPS - order issued.
31. Memo No.6903/C2/89-3 (SB) dt.16.9.89 (P775/89)
Exgratia - payment of exgratia to officers of TNEB who are not eligible to Draw Bonus
under Payment of Bonus Act-Eligibility - Further orders - issued.
32. (Per) BP (FB) No.69(SB) dt.17.10.89(P862/89)
Bonus and Exgratia - TNEB - Payment of Bonus and exgratia to employees of the Board
for 1988-89. - orders issued.
33. Memo No. 78617-C2/89-1 (SB) dt.25.1.90(P22/90)
Incentive - Grant of Incentive to employees of MTPS for completion of 3rd Unit stage II
payment to deputationist - orders issued.
34. (Per) BP(FB) No.3 (SB) dt.6.1.90(P30/90)
Incentive Scheme - Grant of Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus to the workman and officers
of ETPS for the year 1987-88 pending settlement - orders issued.
35. (Per) BP(FB) No.4(SB) dt.11.1.90 (P33/90)
Exgratia-Payment of ex-Gratia to employees of TNEB who are not eligible to draw Bonus
under payment of Bonus act - orders issued(1988-89)
36. (Per) BP (FB) No.24 (SB) Dt.1.6.90(P383/90)
Incentive scheme - Grant of Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus to the workmen and officers
of ETPS Sanction for the year 1889 Pending signing of 12(3) settlement under ID Act
- orders issued.
37. (Per) BP(Ch) No.201 (SB) Dt.13.9.90 (P576/90)
Incentive scheme - Grant of Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus to the workman and
officers of ETPS for the year 89-90. Pending signing of section 12(3) settlement - orders
38. (Per) BP (FB) No.42(SB) Dt.6.10.90(P 615/90)
Bonus and Exgratia TNEB - payment of Bonus and Exgratia to employees of the Board for
1989-90 - orders issued.
39. Memo No. 70129-C2/90-1(SB) dt.10.10.90 (P618/90)
Bonus and Exgratia to the Helper (Trainee) and office Helper (Trainee) who have worked
not less than 30 days in 1989-90 are eligible - clarification issued.
40. (Per) BP(FB) No.1(SB)dt.5.1.91(P15/91)
Ex-gratia - Payment of Exgratia to employees of TNEB who are not covered to draw
bonus under Bonus Act - orders issued.
41. (Per) BP(FB)No.4(Adm.Br.) dt.11.1.91(P7/91)
Labour -Welfare scheme - Ex-gratia to meet funeral expenses of deceased employees-
Increasing the Quantum of Ex-gratia from the 2oo to Rs.300/- and ceiling for of pay eligibility
is Rs.1700/- orders issued.,
42. (Per) BP (Ch) No.162(SB) dt.27.6.91(P326/91)
Incentive Scheme - Grant of Annual Thermal Incentive to workman and officers of ETPS
for the year 1990-91 - orders issued.
43. (Per) BP(Ch)No.213C (SB) dt. 6.8.91(P 430/91)
Ex-gratia - Payment of exgratia to employees of TNEB who are not eligible for Bonus -
extension of orders those who retired prior to 5.1.91 - orders issued.
44. (Per) BP (Ch)No.225(S13 dt.20.8.91(P433/91)
Incentive Scheme - Payment of Incentive Bonus to employees of TNEB in TTPS - Extension
to employees of TTPS who worked less than 8 years - orders issued.
45. (Per) BP(FB) No.84(SB) dt.14.10.91(P577/91)
Bonus & Exgratia -TNEB - payment of Bonus and Exgratia to employees of the Board for
1990-91 - orders issued
46. (Per) 13 PC(FB) No.92(SB) dt.23.11.91 (P674/91)
TTPS - Payment of Monthly Thermal Incentive Allowance and Annual Thermal Bonus to
construction staff of TTPS Stage III - orders issued.
47. Lr.No.76907/C2/91-2(SB) dt.30.11.91 (P633/91)
Bonus and Exgratia TNEB - payment of Bonus and Exgratia to employees of the Board for
1990-91 - orders issued.
48. (Per) BP(FB) No.2(FB) dt.13.1.92(P16/92)
Ex-gratia-Ex-Gratia to employees of TNEB who are not eligible to draw bonus under the
payment of Bonus Act 1965 - Adjustment against Ad-hoc festival Advance already paid
- order issued.
49. Memo No.55161/C2/91-18(SB) dt.23.1.1982
-Do- Further orders issued.
50. (Per) BP(Ch)No.86 (SB) dt.5.6.92(P360/92)
Incentive scheme - Grant of Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus to workmen and officers of
ETPS for the Year 1991-92 - orders issued.
51. Memo No.74235-N2/91-4(SB) dt.20.6.92(P375/92)
Incentive - Incentive for persons working in Hydro Stations - orders issued.
52. Per BP (FB) No.172(TB) dt.4.7.92(P426/92)
Incentive - Incentive for persons working in Hydro Stations - Modifications to the orders -
53 Memo No.55161/C2/91-27(SB) dt.30.7.92(P437/92)
Exgratia - Exgratia to the employees of TNEB who are not eligible to draw Bonus Excess
payment of Ad-Hoc festival advance recovery - orders issued.
54. (Per) BP(Ch) No.134(SB) dt.19.8.92(P453/92)
Incentive - Unit 4 and 5 of Stage III TTPS-Commissioned payment of Incentive to Staff of
TTPS - orders issued.
55. (Per) BP(FB) No.66(SB) dt.24.10.82(P585/92)
Loans and Advances - Adhoc -Festival Advance to employees of TNEB not eligible to
receive Bonus -orders issued.
56 (Per) BP(FB) No.61(SB) dt.17.10.92(P582/92)
Bonus and Exgratia - TNEB - Payment of Bonus and exgratia to employees of the Board
for 1991-92 - orders issued.
57. (Per) BP(FB) No.11(SB) dt.25.1.93(P10/93)
Ex-gratia - Exgratia to employees of the Board who are not eligible to receive Bonus-
Adjustment against Adhoc-festival Advance orders
58. Memo No.76032-C2/92-2(SB) dt.2.3.93(P79/93)
Ex-gratia to employees of TNEB who are not eligible to draw bonus - Eligibility to employees
who retired after the end of Accounting year 91-92 clarification.
59. (Per) BP(Ch)No.117(TB) dt.29.5.93(P208/93)
TNEB -TTPS - Meritorious Productivity Rewards of Govt. of India for the calender year
1991-Award amount - procedure regarding disbursement - orders issued.
60. (Per) BP(Ch) No.140(SB) dt.22.6.93(P274/93)
Incentive scheme - Monthly Thermal Incentive Allowance and Annual Thermal Incentive
Bonus Scheme to employees of TTPS - Change of Existing Scheme - orders issued.
61. (Per) BP(Ch) No.156(SB) dt.14.7.93(P347/93)
Incentive Scheme - Monthly Thermal Incentive Allowance and annual Thermal Incentive
Bonus Scheme to employees of ETPS - Fixation of Method of calculation - Revised scheme
- orders issued.
62. (Per) BP(FB) No.228(SB) dt.3.11.93(P579/93)
Loans and Advances -Adhoc Festival Advance to employees of Board not eligible to receive
Bonus under Bonus Act - orders issued.
63. (Per) BP MS(FB) No.114(SB) dt.10.11.93(P603/93)
Loans and Advances - Addl. Adhoc Festival Advance to employees of Board - orders
64. (Per) BP(FB) No.109(SB) dt.3.11.93(P580/93)
Bonus and Exgratia - TNEB - Payment of Bonus and Ex-gratia to employees of Boards for
1992-93 - orders issued.
65. (Per) BP(Ch)No.44(SB) dt.25.2.94(P102/94)
Special ad-hoc bonus - to employees of TNEB who are not eligible to draw Bonus - under
payment of Bonus Act-Sanction and Adjustment of Special Adhoc Festival already paid
- order issued.
66. Memo No.75/94-C2/91-14(SB) dt.1.8.94(P379/94)
Exgratia to employees of TNEB who are not eligible to draw Bonus - eligibility to employees
who retired / left service in the Middle of Accounting years - Further orders - issued.
67. (Per) BP(Ch) No.246(SB) dt.7.9.94(P439/94)
Estt-Pay limit for the purpose of Payment of ex-gratia grant to meet the funeral expenses
consequent on revision from Rs.1700/- to 1900 orders issued.
68. (Per) BP (FB) No.89(SB) dt.21.10.94(P500/94)
Bonus and Ex-gratia-TNEB payment of Bonus and Ex-gratia to employees of Board for
1993-94 - orders issued.
69. (Per) BP(FB) No.90(SB) dt.22.10.94(P502/94)
Ex-gratia to employees of TNEB who are not eligible to draw bonus under payment of
Bonus Act for 1993-94 and who draw salary between Rs.2501 and Rs.4250/- during the
year 1993-94 Sanction - orders issued.
70. (Per) BP(FB) No.91(SB) dt.22.10.94(P502/94)
Ex-Gratia to employees of TNEB who are not eligible to draw under Bonus Act for 1993-94
and who draw a salary exceeding Rs.4250/- during 1993 -94-Sanction - orders issued.
71. (Per) BP(FB) No.100(SB) dt.27.10.94(P486/94)
Incentive Monthly Thermal Incentive Allowance Scheme and Annual Thermal Incentive
Bonus Scheme to employees of MTPS - orders issued.
72. (Per) BP (FB) No.92(SB) dt.22.10.94(P503/94)
Loans and Advances - Adhoc - Festival Advance to employees of TNEB who are not
eligible to receive Bonus under payment of Bonus Act for 93-94 and who drew salary
exceeding Rs.4250/- sanction - orders issued.
73. Memo No.59590-C2/95-15(SB) dt.20.10.95(P509/95)
Bonus and Exgratia -TNEB Bonus and Exgratia to workmen for 94-95 Amendment issued.
74. (Per) BP(FB) No.75(SB) dt.17.10.95(P521/95)
Bonus and Ex-gratia-TNEB - Bonus and Exgratia to workmen of TNEB for 94-95 - orders
75. (Per) BP(FB) 76 (SB) dt.17.10.95(P524/95)
Ex-gratia-TNEB -Exgratia for 1994-95 to workmen who are not eligible for Bonus under
the payment of Bonus Act-Sanction - orders issued.
76. (Per) BP(FB) No.78(SB) dt.19.10.95(P526/95)
TNEB - Special Adhoc Bonus and Adhoc-Festival Advance to officers - Sanction - orders
77. Memo No.72242/C2/95-1(SB) dt.10.11.95(P550/95)
TNEB - Special Adhoc Festival Advance and Adhoc Bonus Officers - Sanctioned -
Amendment issued.
78. (Per) BP(FB) No.2(SB) dt.11.1.96(P19/96)
Bonus - TNEB - Bonus and Exgratia for 1993-94 Consequent or raising of ceiling limit
from Rs.2500/- to Rs.3500/- Sanctioned - orders issued.
79. (Per) BP(FB) No.71(SB) dt.2.11.96(P32/11.96)
Bonus and exgratia TNEB-Bonus and Exgratia to workmen of TNEB for 95-96
- orders issued.
80. (Per) BP(FB) No.72(SB) dt.2.11.96(P34/11.96)
Adhoc-Bonus TNEB Special Adhoc Bonus and Adhoc Festival Advance to Officers Sanction
- orders issued.
81. (Per) BP(FB) No.40(SB) dt.29.5.97(P17/5/97)
Allowance -Sanction of Monthly Incentive Allowance during the period of Training outside
the powerhouse to the staff of MTPS - orders issued.
82. (Per) BP(CH)No.238(SB) dt.23.10.97(P14/10/97)
Bonus and Exgratia-TNEB - Bonus and Exgratia to workmen of TNEB for 1996-97
- orders issued.
83. Per BP(Ch) No.239(SB) dt.23.10.97(P16/10/97)
Special Adhoc Bonus - TNEB - Special Adhoc Bonus and Recoverable Adhoc advance to
officers, for 1996-97 sanction - orders issued.
84. (Per) BP(FB) No.11(SB) dt.17.2.98(P17/2/98)
Incentive Scheme -Monthly Thermal Incentive Allowance and Annual Thermal Incentive
Bonus to the employees of NCTPS - orders issued.
85. (Per) BP(Ch)No.250(SB) dt.9.10.98(P23) 10/98)
Bonus and Exgratia to workmen of Tamilnadu Electricity Board for 97-98 - orders
86. (Per) BP(Ch)No.251(SB) dt.9.10.98(P25/10/98)
Special Adhoc Bonus -Tamilnadu Electricity Board Special Adhoc Bonus and recoverable
Adhoc Festival Advance to officers for 97-98 - orders issued.
87. Memo (P) No.60000-C3/98-20(SB) dt.12.10.98(P26/10/98)
TNEB-Payment of Ex-gratia to part time workers for 97-98 - orders issued.
88. Memo No. 60000/C3/98-1(SB) dt.17.10.98(P29/10/98)
Bonus and Ex-gratia TNEB-Bonus and exgratia to workmen of TNEB for 1997-98 - order,
Erratum issued.
89. Memo No.60008/C3/98-23(SB)dt.11.10.98(P23/12/98)
TNEB - Bonus and Exgratia to workmen and special adhoc bonus and recoverable Adhoc
festival Advance to officers for 1997-98 further - orders issued.
90. (Per) Bp(Ch)No.291(SB) dt.30.10.99(P43/10/99)
Bonus and Exgratia - TNEB - Bonus and Exgratia to workmen of TNEB for 1998-99
- orders issued.
91. (Per) BP(Ch)No.292(SB) dt.30.10.99(P45/10/99)
Special Adhoc Bonus -TNEB Special Adhoc Bonus to officers for 1998-99 - orders
92. Memo (P)No.15842/A3/A32/99-4(SB) dt.14.2.2000(P27/2/2000)
Incentive Scheme-Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus to employees of Mettur Thermal Power
Station and North Chennai Thermal Power station - Revision in per slab rates on par with
TTPS - ordered
93. Memo No.15842/A3/A32/99-5(SB) dt.23.2.2000 (P29/2/2000)
-Do- Further - orders issued.
94. Memo No. 3408/A3/A32/2000-2(SB) dt.19.5.2000(P7/5/2000)
Estt-Class IV Service -RWE - Contract Labourers absorbed as Helper - Annual Thermal
Incentive Bonus eligible from 1.5.99 - clarification issued.
95. Memo No.116501/929/G42/G421/2000-1(Adm.Br.)dt.19/10/2000(P8/10/2000)
Payment of Exgratia of Rs.400/- to the Contract Labourers working in distribution areas
and other areas employees on consolidated remuneration for the year 99-2000 - reg.
96. Memo No.116501/929/G42/G421/2000-2 (Adm.Br.)19/10/2000(P9/10/2000)
Payment of exgratia of Rs.400/- to the employees on consolidated remuneration for the
year 99-2000 -reg.
97. (Per) BP(Ch) No.251(SB) dt.18.10.2000(P17/10.2000)
Bonus and Exgratia - TNEB Bonus and Exgratia to workmen of TNEB for 1999-2000
- orders issued.
98. (Per) BP(Ch) No.252 (SB) dt. 18.10.2000(P19/10/2000)
Special Adhoc Bonus TNEB special Adhoc Bonus to officers for 99-2000 - sanction
- orders issued.
99. Memo No. 116501/9209/G42/G421/2000-4(Adm.Br.) dt.21.10.2000
Payment of Exgratia of Rs.400/- to Part time contingency workers who were in service
during 99-2000.
100. Memo No.132502/G43/G431/2000-Adm.Br. dtr.2.12.2000 (P1/12/2000)
Estt-Bonus and Exgratia to workmen for 1999-2000 ordered - reg.
101. Lr.No.28739/A3/A32/2001-2(SB) dt. 8.6.2001(P12/06/01)
Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus to employees of TTPS- Revision in Per Slab rates on par
with Mettur Thermal Power Station -reg.
102. (Per) BP(FB) No.49(SB) dt.10.7.2001(P21/7/08)
Incentive Scheme - Monthly Thermal Incentive Allowance and Annual Thermal Incentive
Bonus for the staff of NCTPS - Revision of norms on par with Tuticorin Thermal Power
Station and MTPS - orders issued.
103. (Per) BP(Ch)No.277(SB) dt.10.11.2001(P11/11/01)
Bonus - TNEB - Bonus to workmen of TNEB for 2000-2001 - orders issued.
104. Memo No.109588/886/G42/G421/2001-1 (Dt.10.11.01)(P12.11.01)
Payment of Exgratia of Rs.400/- to the contract Labourers working in Distn.. areas and
other areas and employees on consolidated 2000-2001- orders issued.
105. (Per) BP (Ch) No.212(SB) dt.24.10.02(P17/10/02)
Bonus -TNEB - Bonus to workmen of TNEB for 2001-2002 - orders issued.
106. Memo No.121509/2251/G42/G421/2002-1dt.24.10.02 (P18/10/02)
Payment of Exgratia of Rs.400/- to the contract Labourers working in Distn. areas
and other areas on consolidate remuneration who were service during 2001-02 - orders
107. (Per) BP(Ch)No.170(SB) dt.29.7.03(P27/7/03)
Incentive Scheme -Monthly Incentive Allowances and Annual Incentive Bonus to the
employees / officer of Thiruma kottai (Koil Kalappal) Gas Turpine power station -Arriving
norms for eligibility - constitution of committee - orders issued.
108. (Per) BP(CH) No.223(SB) dt.20.10.03(P14/10/03)
Bonus - TNEB - Bonus to workmen of TNEB for 2002 - 03 - orders issued.
109. Memo No.111607/G42/G421/2003-1 dt.20.10.03(P15/10/03)
Payment of Exgratia to contract Labourers employees on consolidated wages & Part
Time Contingencies who are in service during 2002-03 Rs.400/- issued.
110. (Per) BP(FB) No.2(Adm.Br.) 23.4.04(P47/4.04)
MTPS - Payment of Bonus to the contract Labourers under the Maintenance contract
from 1992-1993 to 9/95 Approval and ratification issued.
111. (Per) BP(Ch)No.174(SB) dt.13.10.2004(P19.10.04)
Bonus and Exgratia-TNEB - Bonus and Exgratia to workmen of TNEB for 2003-2004
- orders issued.
112. Memo No. 095878/G42/G421/2004-1 dt.14.10.04(P23/10/04)
Payment of Exgratia of Rs.500/-to the contract Labourers working in Distn. area and other
areas part time contingency workers for the year 2003-04 - orders issued.
113. (Per) BP(FB) No.31(SB) dt.29.11.04(P40/11/04)
Incentive Scheme - Payment of Monthly Incentive Allowance and Annual Incentive Bonus
to the employees of Gas Power Stations at Basin Bridge, Valathur, Thirumakkottai and
Kuthalam - orders issued.
114. (Per) BP(Ch)No.216(SB) Dt.10.12.04(P4/12/04)
Estt. Exgratia Payment to employees of the TTPS to Mark of Silver Jubilee celebration of
the Thermal Station - orders issued.
115. (Per) BP(Ch)No.218(SB) dt.15.10.2005(P60/10.05)
Bonus and Exgratia - TNEB - Bonus and Exgratia to workman of TNEB for 2004-2005
orders issued.
116. (Per) BP(Ch) No.209(Adm.Br.) dt.20.10.05(P63/10/05)
Contract Labourers - TNEB - Payment of exgratia to Identified contract Labourers and
part time contingent workers for the year 2004-05 - orders issued.
117. (Per) BP(Ch)No.207(SB) dt.17.10.2006(P13/10/06)
Bonus and Exgratia - TNEB Bonus and Exgratia to workmen of TNEB for the year
2005-06 - orders issued.
118. Memo No. 71100/A3/A32/2006-11(SB) 17.10.06(P14/10/06)
Bonus and Exgratia - TNEB - Bonus and Exgratia to workmen of TNEB for 2005-06
- further instruction issued.
119. (Per) BP(Ch)No.234(Adm.Br.)dt.17.10.06(P15/10/06)
Contract Labourers and part time contingent - Payment of exgratia for the year 2005-2006
- orders issued.
120. (Per) BP(Ch) 208(SB) dt.20.10.06(P19/10/06)
Incentive to employees of the Hydro Generation Station in appreciation of record generation
of Power for the Ist time in twenty five years orders
121. (Per) BP(Ch)No.12(SB) dt.10.1.07(P16/1/07)
TNEB - special Adhoc Bonus for the year 2005-06 to officers of TNEB who are not covered
under payment of Bonus Act - orders issued.
122. (Per) BP(FB) No.37 (TB) dt.27.2.07(P17/02/07)
Thermal Power Station - Incentive Bonus - Inclusion of Backing Down Generation for
calculating the Monthly Thermal Incentive Allowance and Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus
- Approval Accorded.
123. Memo No.116403/3985/G45/G451/2006-21 dt. 28.03.07(P82/3/07)
Contract Labourer, Sanction of Exgratia Payment to additional 428 contract Labourers
- orders issued.
124. (Per) BP(Ch) No.250(SB) dt.22.10.07(P22/10/07)
Bonus and Exgratia - TNEB - Bonus Exgratia and Interest free Advance to workmen of
TNEB for 2006-07 - orders issued.
125. (Per) BP(Ch)No.309(Adm.Br.) dt.24.10.07(P25/10/07)
Payment of Exgratia for the year 2006-07 to the Contract Labourers, Part time contingent
workers and Ex-Service men - orders issued.
126. (Per) Bp(ch) No.2(SB) dt.10.1.08(P13/1/08)
TNEB - Special Adhoc Bonus for the year 2006-2007- to officers of TNEB who are not
covered under payment of Bonus Act - orders issued.
127. (Per) BP(ch)No.63(SB) dt.17.4.2008(P23/4/08)
Incentive - Achievement of Highest Hydro Generation in the year 2006-2007 - one time
special Incentive to the employees in Hydro wing including P& C Staff Civil Emerald staff
working in Hydro area and - orders issued.
128. (Per) BP(Ch)No.129(SB) dt.7.7.08(P11/7/08)
Incentive - Achievement of highest Hydro Generation in the year 2007-08 one time special
Incentive to the employees in Hydro wing including Head Quarters Staff working in Hydro
areas - orders issued.
129. (Per) BP(FB) No.39(SB) dt.15.10.08(P14/10/08)
Bonus and Ex-gratia-TNEB - Bonus and Ex-gratia to workmen of TNEB for the year
2007-2008 - orders issued.
130. (Per) BP(FB) No.38(Adm.Br.) dt.17.10.08(P17/10/08)
Ex-gratia-Payment of exgratia for the year 2007-2008 to the Temporary casual Labourers
contract Labourers and part time contingent workers and Ex-servicemen-Watchman
- orders issued.
131. (Per) BP(Ch)No.8(SB) dt.9.1.09(P14/1/09)
TNEB - Special Adhoc Bonus for the year 2007-2008 to officers of TNEB who are not
covered under payment of Bonus Act - orders issued.
132. (Per) BP(Ch)No.189(SB) dt.2.9.09(P16/09/09)
Bonus and Exgratia - Tamilnadu Electricity Board Bonus and Exgratia to workmen of
TNEB for the year 2009-09 - orders issued.
133. (Per) Bp(Ch) no.79(Adm.Br.)dt.1.10.09(P10/10/09)
Exgratia-Payment casual Labourers / Contract Labourers Part time contingent workers
- orders issued.
134. (Per) BP(Ch)No.5(SB) dt.11.1.10(p22/1/01)
TNEB - Special Adhoc Bonus for the year 2008-2009 to Officers of TNEB who are not
covered under payment of Bonus Act - orders issued.
135. (Per) BP(Ch)No.227(SB) dt.18.10.10(P33/10/10)
Bonus and Exgratia - TNEB Bonus and Exgratia to Workmen of TNEB for the year
2009-2010 - orders issued.
136. (Per) BP(Ch)No.110(Adm Br.) dt.19.10.10(P37/10/10)
Exgratia - Payment of Exgratia for the year 2009-2010 to the Temporary casual Labourers
/ Contract Labourers part time contingent workers - orders issued.
137. Memo No.076214/529/G45/G451/2010-1 (Adm.Br.) dt.22.10.10.(P38/10/10)
Exgratia - Payment of Exgratia for the year 2009-2010 to the contract Labourers Part time
contingent workers - orders issued.
138. (Per) ChD-TANGECO Pro No. 4(SB)dt.10.1.11(P9/1/11)
Special Adhoc Bonus for the year 2009-2010 to the officers of TANGEDCO who are not
covered under Bonus Act orders.
139. (Per) CMD TANGEDCO Pro.No.119(Adm.Br.) Dt.15.10.11(P16/10/11)
Exgratia - Payment of Exgratia for the year 2010-2011 to the Temporary casual Labour /
Contract Labourers, Part time Contingent workers - orders issued.
140. (Per)CMD TANGEDCO Pro No.217(BOSB) dt.15.10.2011 (P17/10/11)
Bonus and Exgratia - TANGEDCO - Bonus and Exgratia to workman of TANGEDCO for
the year 2010-2011 - orders issued.
28.6.74) 28.6.74)
28.6.74) 28.6.74)
Lr No.54507 / Pt.660 / F.3 / F.33 /2010, dated 27.10.2010.
The Superintending Engineer,
Chennai E.D.C/West,
Tamilnadu Electricity Board,
Thirumangalam Sub-Station,
Chennai – 600 040.
SUB: Class III Service – Thiru.N. Pandurangan, Revenue Supervisor,
Avadi, retired on 30.04.2010 (But retained into Board’s Service) now under suspension payment
of FSF, SPF – Clarification – Requested – Regarding.
REF: Lr No.12850/AAO/Adm II/A3/F.Pen/2010-4, dated 15.10.2010.
The payment of FSF, SPF, in respect of Thiru.N. Pandurangan, Revenue
Supervisor, Avadi, retired on 30.04.2010, but under suspension may be settled as follows:-
1. FSFS/FBF - Subscription amount with interest.
2. SPF - Subscription amount with interest Board’s
Contribution Rs.10, 000/- may be paid only
after the outcome of the Judgment.
1. Lr.No. : 27737-02/85-1 (SB) dt.15.5.85( P548/85)
Tamilnadu Govt. Servants-Family Benefit Fund scheme - enhancement of lumpsum
payment from Rs.10000/- to 20000/- Orders of Govt. - communicated.
2. BPMS(Ch) No.385 (SB) dt.18.11.85 (P 1203/85)
TNEB Employees Family Benefit fund scheme - Filing of Nomination - Further instruction
3. Memo (P) No.66372-E2/85-1(SB) dt.30.11.85(P1233/85)
Funds TNEB Employees Family Benefit Fund Scheme - Amendment issued (Sanctioning
Authority Prescribed)
4. Memo (P)NO.7763/N1/ 86-2(SB) dt.15.3.86(P210/86)
TNEB Employees Family Benefit Fund Scheme - Maintenance of Card in the form
Prescribed to the Scheme - instruction issued.
5. Ch Circular Memo No.:Adm Br/C5(1) / 059949/86-1 dt.25.4.86(P317/86)
Family Benefit Fund - Payment of FBF to Legal Heirs in case of unnatural death - insisting
Post Mortuam certificate and chemical analysis report not necessary - instruction issued.
6. BPMS(FB)No.65(SB) dt.28.7.86(P647/86)
Delegation - Delegation of Powers for sanction of FBF in cases of Suicide and Murder
- orders issued.
7. BPMS(FB) No.111(SB) dt.1.12.86(P1081/86)
TNEB Employees Family Benefit fund - Adjustment of Board dues from the Fund amount
payable to the employees in the event of retirement or demitting office earlier TNEB
Employees) FBF Rules - Amendment issued.
8. BPMS(Ch)No.424(SB) dt.14.12.87(P969/87)
TNEB - Family Benefit Fund Scheme - Apportioning equally the fund amount to the children
both through the Ist wife-after death of 1st Wife - orders issued.
9. Lr. No.:34339-Ni / 88-1(SB) dt.4.10.88(P688/88)
TNEB Employees Family Benefit -Fund Scheme / Subsidiary scheme - payment of
lumpsum amount to the legal Heirs of decease of employees - clarification issued.
10. Lr.No.29657-N1/87-4(SB) dt.22.11.88(P817/88)
TNEB employees Family Benefit Fund and Subsidiary Scheme - Sending review report to
Audit - Board - instruction Issued.
11. Per BP(Ch)No.248(SB)dt.1.9.88(P767/89)
TNEB Employees Family benefit Fund Scheme Dispensing with the procedure of obtaining
police report in the cases of unnatural death including Suicide and Murder - orders issued.
12. Memo No.72495-N1/89-1(SB) dt.8.1.90(P8/90)
Family Benefit Fund Scheme - Maintenance of Cards - instruction Reitrated.
13. Memo No.72495-N1/89-2 (SB) dt.8.1.90(P10/90)
TNEB & BF Scheme change of Format for Maintenance of Card Amendment to TNEB
Employees family Benefit Fund Rules - issued.
14. Lr.No.52219-N1/89-1(SB) dt.6.1.90(P29/90)
Tamilnadu Govt. Servants Family Benefit Fund Scheme - Enhancement of the lumpsum
payment from Rs.20000/- to Rs.40000/- orders of Govt. communicated.
15. Memo No.24923/N1/90-1(SB) dt.20.4.90(248/90)
TNEB -Employees Family Benefit Fund Scheme - Filling of Nomination in favour of Major
Son who were dependent and Major Unmarried daughters - instruction issued.
16. Memo No.22168/N1/90-1 (SB) dt.7.5.90(P302/90)
TNEB - Employees Family Benefit Fund Scheme - Filing of nomination - Further instruction
issued - Amendment
17. (Per) BP(FB) NO.33(S13 dt.20.8.90(P513/90)
TNEB Employees family Benefit Fund Scheme and Subsidiary Scheme - Enhancement
of Total lumpsum Payment to Rs.40000/- orders issued.
18. (Per) BP(Ch) No.56 (SB) dt.20.3.91(P94/91)
Tamilnadu Electrical Board Employee-Family Benefit Fund name changed as family
Security Fund Scheme - orders issued.
19. (Per) BP(FB) No.21(SB) dt.2.2.93(P63/93)
TNEB Employees Family Security Fund Scheme and FBF Subsidiary Scheme -
Enhancement of Total lumpsum Payment to Rs.60000/- orders issued.
20. Memo No.35411-N1/93-2(SB) dt.20.7.93(P331/93)
TNEB Employees Family Security Fund Scheme and its Subsidiary Scheme -
Enhancement of Total Lumpsum Payment to Rs.60000/- Further orders issued.
21. (Per) BP(FB) No.59(SB) dt.30.7.97(P41/6/97)
TNEB Employees Family Security Fund Scheme and FSFS Subsidiary Scheme -
Enhancement of Total lumpsum payment to Rs.100000/- orders issued.
22. (Per) BP(Ch)No.234(SB) Dt.18.10.97(P10/10/97)
TNEB-Employees Family Security Fund Scheme - Payment of lumpsum amount to the
nominee/Legal heirs who murdered the Board employees - orders issued.
23. Lr.No.18192/A19/A192/2000-6(SB) dt 21.2.2001(25.2.01)
TNEB Employees Family Security Fund Scheme- Nomination Further instructions -
Amendment issued.
24. (Per) Bp(FB) No.21(Adm.Br.) dt.13.7.05(P67/7/05)
Acquisition of Kumbakonam Rural Electronic co-op. Society - Absorption of employees
into Board w.e.f. 6.4.02 payment of Family Benefit Fund to the Legal heirs of the deceased
employees - orders issued.
25. (Per)BP(FB) No.49(SB) dt.11.10.06(P10/10/06)
TNEB Employees family security fund scheme Enhancement of total lumpsum payment
Rs.150000/- orders issued.
26. Memo No.76409/A19/A192 /2008-01 (SB) dt.18.11.08(P17/11/08)
TNEB Family Security Fund Scheme Fund Scheme - Payment of Board contribution
- certain clarification issued.
1. BPMS (FB) No.41(SB)dt.12.5.86(P441/86)
TNEB Employees family Benefit Funds Subsidiary Scheme - implementation orders issued.
2. Circular Memo No. CE/Adm Br/C5-3/922/86-2 dt.28.5.86 (P463/86)
TNEB -Family Benefit Fund Scheme and Family Benefit Fund Subsidiary - Scheme -
Payment of Shares due to Minor - instruction issued.
3. BPMS(FB) No.93(SB) dt.29.9.86(P.840/86)
Delegation - Delegation of Powers for Sanction of benefit under Family Benefits Subsidiary
Scheme - orders issued.
4. Memo (P)No.:52605/N1/86-5(SB) Dt.10.6.88 (P351/88)
TNEB Employees Family Benefit Fund - Subsidiary Scheme - Eligibility Clause under
Rule 5(b) Note V1 and X - clarification issued.
1. Memo.No.63303/01/82-3(SB) Dt.02.02.83(P.214/1983I)
Grant of Festival Advance to Temporary Employees of the Board who have less than one
year service.
2. Memo : 72901-E2/84-15 (SB) dt.18.8.86(P736/86)
Loans and Advances - Education advance not to be Sanctioned both the Husband and
Wife, but the festival Advance may be sanctioned for both - clarification issued.
3. Memo No.69198-E2/86-3(SB) dt.16.12.86 (P 1104/86)
Loans and Advances - Sanction of Advance to the employees against to whom DP or
Vigilance enquiry Pending-Clarification-Short Term Advance Such as FA, Flood Advance
and Education advance may be sanctioned.
4. (Per) BP(Ch)No.342(SB) dt.28.12.89(P1002/89)
Advance-Festival Advance to Pensioners - Enhancing of the quantum of Festival Advance
from Rs.100/- to Rs.300/- orders issued.
5. (Per) BP(FB)No.47(SB) dt.7.9.92(P499/92)
Loans and Advances - Festival Advance to all employees of the TNEB amount enhanced
from Rs.500/- to Rs.750/- orders issued.
6. (Per) BP(FB) No.97(SB) dt.23.12.95(P624/95)
Loans and Advances - Festival Advance to the Employees of TNEB enhanced from
Rs.750/- to Rs.1000/- orders issued.
7. (Per) BP (Ch)No.249(SB) dt.2.9.96(P1-9)96
Festival Advance - Festival Advance to employees of the Board on Festival occasions -
Inclusion of Independence day and Republic day in the list of Festival Eligible for availing
Festival Advance - orders issued.
8. (Per) BP(Ch)No.129(SB) dt.31.5.07(P228/07)
Loans and Advances -Festival Advance to the employees of TNEB - Enhanced from
Rs.1000/- to Rs.2000/- orders issued.
1. B.P.M.S.NO.211 (SB) DT.30.04.82 (P15/83-I)
TNEB Services – Alteration of entry in Service Records regarding community – Instruction
of Govt.Applicability – orders – issued.
1. B.P.Ms.No.3 (Audit Br.) dt.20.12.82 (P.205/83-I)
TNEB – CPF Amendment to Regulation 20 (i) (a) (v) of TNEB CPF Regulation. Non
refundable Advance may be sanctioned to physically Handicapped employees for purchase
of equipments.
2. B.P.M.S.N(Ch) No.1 (Audit Br.) Dt.19.11.82 (P.192/183-I)
TNEB-CPF – Amendment to TNEB –CPF Regulation 16 (a)(i)(a) issued.
3. B.P.Ms.(Ch)No.18 (Sectt) Dt.22.01.83 (P.212/83-I)
TNEB- Prescription of Time Limit for sanction of GPF Advance, TA Bill and SLS orders of
Government applicability to TNEB - orders issued.
4. B.P.Ms.(Ch)No.3 (Audit Br.) Dt.20.11.83 (P.433/83-I)
Provident Fund – issue of Accounts Slips to subscribers – Temporary Diversion of staff
- orders issued.
5. Cr.Memo.No.BOAB/M.Cell/Unit II/D.42/83 (Audit Br.) Dt.28.11.93 (P.438/83-II)
TNEB – Maintenance of Provident Fund Accounts in System/Circles issue of Accounts
Slips to subscribers – clearance of arrears further instruction.
6. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.124 (SB) Dt.04.04.84 (P.216/84)
TNEB – Retirement benefits – Conversion from CPF to GPF – Terminal benefits on death
cases - orders issued.
7. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.6 (Audit ) Dt.10.04.84 (P.265/84)
TNEB – CPF – Provision relating to forfeiture of PF accumulations in cases of compulsory
retirement from Service Regulation 16 (a) 1 (17) of TNEB CPF Regulation Amendment
8. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.7 (Audit Br.) Dt.30.04.84 (P.337/84)
Provident Fund – Admissibility of Incentive Bonus to the subscribers of GPF/CPF - orders
9. CR.Lr.No.BOAB/M.Cell/Unit II/D.55/84 (AB) DT.25.05.84 (P.345/84 )
TNEB – Maintenance of Provident Fund Accounts in the System/Circle. Further Guidelines
10. Memo.(P) No.94273/M.1/83-8 (SB) dt.19.07.84 (P.494/84)
Retirement benefits – Class I Officers – Sanctioning of authority for the sanction of GPF
– instruction issued.
11. Lr.No.BoAB/M.Cell/Unit I/D.No.528 (Audit) Dt.08.08.84 (P.609/84)
P.F. Rate of Interest for 1984-85 on deposit and balance of the subscriber of GPF/CPF
12. Memo.(P) No.40870-Q2/84-2 (SB) Dt.15.10.84 (P.777/84)
TNEB – Retirement Benefits – Conversion from CPF to GPF - Terminal Benefits on death
cases orders.
13. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.31 (Audit Br,) dt.20.11.84 (P.875/84)
TNEB – Contributory Provident Fund – Recovery and remittance of contribution Rounding
of amount Amendment to Regulation 9 (a) 11,12 (2) 23 (c) and 24 (1) - issued.
14. PMS(FB) No.1(Audit-Br) Dt.14.2.85 dt. 175/85)
TNEB - GPF Regulation - Regualtions - Delegation of Powers to Chairman -
Amendment -issued.
15. Lr.No.BOAB/GPF/Unit II/17/85 dt.(Audit-Br) dt.25.4.85(P414-85)
GPF - Final Settlement of GPF A/c. of the Govt. Servants - Deputed to TNEB - reg.
16. Lr No. BOAB/MCELL/Unit I / DN0655/Audit Br/Dt. 4.4.85(P401/85)
Provident Fund - GPF and other Similar Funds - Rate of Interest for the year 1984-85-
Amendment issued.
17. Lr.No.BOAB/GPF/Unit II/51 /85(Audit Br / dt.26.4.85(P415/85)
Provident Fund-Admissibility of Incentive Bonus to the subscribers of GPF and CDF-
18. BPMS(Ch)No.10(Audit - Br) dt.22.5.85(P554/85)
TNEB - contributory Provident Fund - Amendment to TNEB CPF Regulation 41(2) Exercising
option persons Transferred from Non-Pension able cadre to Pensionable cadre - issued.
19. Lr.No.BOAB/Mcell/Unit I / DNo.132/85(Audit Br) Dt.29.8.85(P899/85)
Provident Fund-Rate of Interest for 1985-86 on Deposit and balance of the Credit of the
Subscribers - Govt. Orders adoption - orders issued.
20. AM’s Circular No. BOAB / GPF / UII / D187(Audit Br) dt.30.8.85(P900/85)
Transfer of CPF/GPF Ledger cadre from one circle to another System / Circle Procedure
to be followed
21. BPMS(Ch)No.19(Audit Br) Dt.8.10.85(P1124/85)
Provident Fund - grant of part final withdrawal from Provident Fund for extensive repairs
overhauling of Motor Car-Amendment to GPF Regulations - issued.
22. Memo No.BOAB / GPF/Unit II / D285/85 dt.7.11.85(P7202/85)
TNEB - GPF - Voluntary Increase over and above the rate of Subscription - orders issued.
23. Cir. Lr.No.BOAB/GPF/Unit II / D 335 / 85C(AB) dt. 17.12.85 CP 1349/85)
Provident Fund - Discrepancy in the Accounts of Sub scribers-instruction
24. BPMS(Ch) No.1 (Aduit Br) dt.3.1.86 (P38/86)
TNEB - Contributory Provident Fund-First Schedule to Appendix II- Revision of Nomination
from Amendment to CPF Regulation - issued.
25. Memo No. BOAB/GPF/U II/D369/85(Audit Br. ) dt. 3.1.86 (P42/86)
TNEB - GPF Payment of Final withdrawal Money to legal heirs - clarification issued.
26. BPMS(Ch)No.2 (Audit Br.) Dt.12.2.86(P140/86)
TNEB - General Provident Fund-Revision of Nomination from - Amendment to TNEB GPF
Regulation - issued.
27. BPMS(Ch) No.3(Audit Br) dt.1.3.86(P248/86)
TNEB - Contributory Provident Fund-Amendment to Regulation 22 of CPF Regulation -
28. BPMS (FB)No.2(Audit Br.) dt.2.4.86(P332/86)
TNEB Contributory Provident Fund Regulations - Amendment issued.
29. BPMS No. 3(Audit Br) dt.7.4.86 (P338/86)
TNEB - CPF Regulations-Special Contribution to Provident Fund - Amendment - issued.
30. BPMS(Ch)No.14(Audit Br.) Dt.29.7.86(P 670/86)
TNEB -TNEB GPF - Balance in the GPF Account of a Board employee compulsory retired
- Amendment to GPF Regulations - issued.
31. Memo No.BOAB/CPF (INV) / Unit V / D90 / 86 dt. 17.9.86(P.864/86)
Provident Fund-Family Pension scheme 1971- Rendering of returns under the scheme-
Further Instruction issued.
32. Lr.No.No. BOAB/CPF/Unit IV/D 190/86 (Audit Br.) dt.12.9.86(P.863/86)
Provident Fund-Rate of Interest for the year 1986 -87 on deposit and balance of credit -
Adoption to TNEB - reg.
33. Memo No.BOAB/CPF (INV/ Unit-V/D9286 dt.17.9.86(P866/86)
Provident Fund - Family Pension Scheme 1971- Implementation in the Project construction
and investigation orders - orders issued.
34. Cir.Lr.No. BOAB/CPF(INV/UIV)/D439/87 dt.24.3.87(P217/87)
Provident Fund-GPF and other Similar Fund and Rate of Interest for the year 1986-87-reg.
35. BPMS(FB)No.1(Audit Br) Dt.10.4.87(P309/87)
TNEB - Payment of special contribution to the CPF Subcribers under Regulation 37,38
and 39 of TNEB CPF Regulations. Who retired / Exported/Registered. During 16.9.72 to
30.6.86 - orders issued.
36. BPMS(F13) No.2(Adm. Br) dt.9.1.87(P9/87)
Delegation of Powers to Divisional Engineer of O&M Division in Distn. System Sanction of
Advances from GPF to RWE employees in RWE employees - orders issued.
37. Cir No.BOAB/CPF (Invs Unit -II) /D32/87-88 dt.2.5.87 P 390/87
Final Settlement of claims inrespect of CPF subscribers who have found resigned / Expired
prior to 1.7.86 - reg.
38. Cir Memo No. BOAB/CPF(Inv) Unit V / D 19/87 dt.13.5.87 (P 404/87)
TNEB - Payment of Special contribution to the CPF subscribers under Regulation 37 to 39
of TNEB CPF Regulations - further instructions issued.
39. BPMS (Ch) No.8 (Audit -Br) dt.20.5.87 (P414/87)
TNEB - Payment of Special Contribution to the CPF Subscribers under Regulations 37,
38 and and 39 of TNEB CPF Regulations who retired / expired / Resigned during the
period from 16.9.72 to 30.6.86 - Further orders issued.
40. Cir Memo No.BOAB / CPF / (Inv) / Unit V/D 50/87 dt.27.6.87 P 498/87)
TNEB - Payment of Special Contribution to the CPF subscribers under Regulation 37, 38
and 39 of TNEB CPF Regulations who retired / Expired / Resigned during the period from
16.9.72 to 30.6.86 clarification and instruction issued.
41. Memo No. BOAB/CPF (Inv) / Unit V / D No.74/87 dt.21.8.87 (P662/87)
TNEB - Payment of Spl. Contribution to the CPF Subscriber under Regulation 37, 38 and
39 of TNEB CPF Regulation who retired / Resigned / Expired during the period from
16.9.72 to 30.6.79 86 - orders kept in abeyance.
42. Memo No.BOAB/I Section / AV/DNO 84/87 dt.11.9.87 (P737/87)
TNEB - Payment of Special Contribution to the CPF Subscribers under Regulation 37-38
and 39 to whom retired / Expired and resigned during 16.8.72 to 30.6.86 - Revised orders
(Payment to be made)
43. Cir Memo No. BOAB/I Section / Unit V / D No.02/87 (Audit Br. dt.11.11.87 (P908/87)
TNEB - Payment of Special Contribution to the CPF Subscribers under Regulation 37, 38,
& 39 of TNEB CPF Regulations from 16.9.72 to 30.6.86 - Clarification and instruction
44. Cir Lr No.BOAB/26929/G Sec / U II/ D 202/87) dt.9.11.87 903/87
Provident - Fund - Rate of Interest for 1987-88 on deposit and balance at the credit of
Subscriber in GPF - Applicability to Board.
45. Cir Memo No. 36419/I Section / Unit V / 88-1 Audit Br Dt.1.2.88 (P115/88)
TNEB - Payment of Special Contribution to the CPF. Subscribers under Regulation 37, 38
and 39 of TNEB CPF Regulation who retired / Expired and resigned during 16.9.72 to
30.6.82 - further clarification issued.
46. Cir Memo No. 36419/ I Section / Unit V / 88-2 Audit .Br) dt.23.2.88 (P129/88)
-Do- Check list for verification of correctness
47. BPMS (Ch)No.5 (Audit Br) dt. 25.3.88(P201/88)
TNEB - General Provident Fund Regulation - Amendment issued.
48. BPMS(Ch)No.6 (Audit Br.) Dt.28.3.88 (P209/88)
Provident Fund-Final Payment of General Provident Fund Money - Revision of Form ordered.
49. Cir Lr. No. BOAB/GPF/V II/ D 19/88(Audit Br) dt.14.5.88 (318 / 88)
Funds GPF- Final Settlement allowing interest for the month of retirement - clarification
50. Lr.No. BOAB/GPF/G2/D36/88(Audit Br) Dt.24.6.88 (P368/88)
TNEB - GPF - Recovery of GPF advance should not be effected before actual payment of
advance sanctioned to the employees - Instruction
51. Cir Lr No.BOAB/GPF/028248/G2/88-1 (Audit - Br) dt.1.7.88 (P485/88)
Provident Fund-Rate of Interest for 1988-89 on deposit and balance at the credit of the
GPF Subscribers. Applicability to TNEB - orders issued.
52. Cir Memo No. 36419/-5/D124/88(Audit Br.) dt.18.7.88(504/88)
TNEB - Payment of Special contribution to the CPF subscribers under Regulation 37,38
and 39 of TNEB CPF Regulations who have retired / expired and resigned during 16.9.72
to 30.6.86 - Further clarification issued.
53. Memo No.2367/O&M Cell / 86-8 (SB) dt. 13.10.88 (P716/88)
GPF - Temporary Advance / Part final withdrawal sanction of - Revised procedure
- instruction issued.
54. BPMS (Ch)No.13(Audit Br) Dt.16.11.88(P783/88)
Provident Fund-Grant of Part final withdrawal from Provident Fund for Construction of
house on a plot owned by the spouse of the Subscriber and for reconstruction or making
additions to the house owned by spouse - orders issued.
55. Memo No. 00627/I Sec / U III / 88-1 (Audit Br.) dt. 17.12.88(894/88)
TNEB - Payment of Special contribution to the CPF subscribers under Regulation 37, 38
and 39 of TNEB CPF Regulations who retired / Expired / Resigned during the period from
16.9.72 to 30.6.86 cases issue of warning Memo - clarification issued.
56. Cir Memo No. 36419/I Sec / Unit III / 88-4(Audit - Br) dt.18.12.88 (P895/88)
- Do- Further clarification
57. (Per) BP (Ch)No.1 (Audit Br) dt.10.1.89 (P52/89)
TNEB - GPF Regulation - sanction of Part final with-drawal after completion of 15 years of
service or Less than 10 years of Service left before retirement which ever is earlier
- orders issued.
58. Memo No.04444 / F Sec/UVI/89-1 (Audit Br) dt.17.2.89(P149/89)
TNEB - Payment of Special contribution for the CPF Sub Subscribers under Regulation
37, 38 and 39 of CPF Regulations who retired / Expired / Resigned during 16.9.72 to
30.6.86 - Court orders in WMP 7406 of 88 br WP No.5035 / 88- communicated.
59. Memo No.69421/O&M Cell/88-08 (SB) dt.14.3.89(P218/89)
GPF-Temporary Advance / Port Final withdrawal-Sanction after verification of the Credit
- instruction issued.
60. Cir Memo No. 04444/F Sec/V VIII/89-2 (Audit Br.) Dt.29.5.89 (P388/89)
TNEB - Payment of Special Contribution under Section 37, 38 and 39 of CPF Regulations
who retired / Expired and Resigned during the period from 16.9.78 to 30.6.86 further
instruction issued.
61. (Per) BP(Ch)No.6(Audit Br) dt.5.7.89(P596/89)
TNEB - TNEB GPF Regulations - Amendment to Regulation 18A - Issued.
62. Cir Lr No.: BOAB / C No.33479/231/GPF / F/ 89(Audit Br) dt.26.7.89(P 625/89)
Provident Fund Rate of Interest for 1989-90 on deposit and balances of the credit of the
subscribers in the GPF - Applicability to TNEB - orders issued.
63. Memo (P)No.28358-N1/89-2(SB)dt/22.8.89(P706/89)
Delegation- Sanctioning Authorities for Sanction GPF part final withdrawal / conversion
and Temporary Advance - orders issued.
64. Memo No.49460/490/BOAB/GPF/UI / 89(Audit Br) dt.18.10.89(P863/89)
TNEB - GPF - Voluntary Increase of over and above the rate of Subscription orders - reg.
65. Memo No.91936-C2/89-1(S13)dt.4.1.90(P4/90)
Loans and Advances - Drawal of Temporary Advance/Part Final withdrawal from GPF on
Medical Grounds-Furnishing of Medical Certificate exceeding Rs.10000/-
66. Memo No.44086-O&M Cell/4/89-7 (SB) dt. 26.4.90(P252/90)
Provident Fund-General Provident Fund-Temporary Advance Sanction - instruction issued.
67. Cir Lr.No.11826/881/F Sec/U1/90(Audit Br.) dt.6.7.90 (_463/90)
BOAB-Funds-Final Clousre of GPF - Filling up of Final withdrawal application particulars
of Part Final withdrawal and Temporary advance Sanctioned = instruction issued.
68. (Per) BP(Ch)No.7 (Audit Br) Dt.10.8.90(P509/90)
Regulations-TNEB GPF Regulation - Institution of Family - Regulation 2(1)(d)and (ii)
Amendment issued.
69. Lr.No.63398/N1/90-1(SB)dt.14.9.90(P578/90)
Funds - GPF - expendious Settlement of Terminal benefits to the famillies of Govt. Servant
dying in harness-Time Limit for the early settlement Further instruction issued.
70. Cir No.:41995/277/F/U1/90 dt.17.9.90(P579 /90)
Provident - Fund Rate of Interest for 1990-91 on Deposit and balances at the Credit of the
Subscribers in GPF etc- Govt. Orders Applicability to TNEB - orders issued.
71. Memo (P)No.5926/O&M Cell/4/91(SB)dt.14.3.91(P90/91)
GPF - Ledger card-Maintenance and Transfer from one circle to another - Transfer of
Ledger card - Guidelines - reitrated
72. (Per) BP(Ch)No.2(Audit Br) Dt.16.2.91(105/91)
TNEB - General Provident Fund Regulation - Amendments issued.
73. (Per) BP (FB)No.1(Audit Br) Dt.6.4.91(P163/91)
TNEB - Payment of Spl. Contribution to the CPF Subscribers under Reg. 37, 38 and 39 of
TNEB CPF Regulations who retired / Expired / Resigned during the Period from 16.9.72 to
30.6.86 - orders issued.
74. Memo No. 42421/623/FII/91-1(Audit Br) dt.29.9.91(P571/91)
Loans and Advances - Drawal of Temporary Advance/ part final withdrawal from GPF on
medical grounds -Furnishing of Medical Certificate - Revised instruction issued.
75. Cir. Lr.No. 45378/BOAB/F/Uii/373/91 (Audit Br) Dt.11.10.91 (P516/91)
Provident Fund - Rate of Interest for 1997-92 on deposit and credit in GPF - Applicability to
76. (Per) BP(Ch)No.9(Audit Br.) dt.18.10.91 (P579/91)
Provident Fund-Grant of Final withdrawal from Provident Fund Twelve months in advance
on the date of retirement on Superannuation -90% may be with drawn without assigning
any season - orders issued.
77. Endt. No. 11530/131/BOAB/F/UII / 92(AB) dt.26.3.92(196/92)
General provident Fund withdrawal - Part final withdrawal - Twelve months in advance of
the date of retirement on superannuation - certain clarification raised - clarification
issued - reg.
78 Per BP (Ch)No.5 (Audit Br.) dt.7.7.92 (P427/92)
TNEB - TNEB GPF - Rate of Subscription revised - orders issued.
79. (Per) BP(ch)No.6 (Audit Br.)dt.29.7.92(P460/92)
TNEB GPF Regulations - Regulations 18-B(1)- Amendment issued. Maximum withdrawal
Increased from Rs.1,25,000/- to Rs.2,50,000/- orders issued.
80. Per BP(Ch)No.10(AB) Dt.1.12.92(P712/92)
TNEB - TNEB GPF Rate of Subscription - Revised orders issued.
81. Lr.No.61722/995/F11/92-1(Audit Br.)Dt.6.1.93(P2/93)
Funds - General Provident Fund-Temporary Advance / Part Final withdrawal Sanction
- instruction issued.
82. Cir Lr.No. 45378/373/F11/93-1(A13) dt.4.1.93(19/93)
Provident Fund - rate of Interest for 92-93 non deposit and balance at credit of the subscriber
in the GPF - Applicability to TNEB.
83. Endt.No.06306/153/F11/93-1(Audit Br.) dt.17.2.93(P49/93)
Funds GPF - Part Final withdrawal 12 months in Advance of the date of Retirement
- further clarification issued.
84. Cir Lr.No.33851/703/F11/93(Audit Br.) dt.26.7.93(355/93)
Provident Fund - Rate of Interest for 1993-94 on deposit and balance of credit of the
subscriber in GPF - Applicability to TNEB - orders issued.
85. Cir Lr.No. 61722/995/F11/92-2(AB) Dt. 28.8.93(P449/93)
Funds - General Provident Fund-Temporary Advance / Port Final withdrawal - instruction
86. C1AO Cir Lr.No.06306/153/F11/93-2dt. 20.10.93(P534)
Funds - General Provident Fund-Part Final withdrawal twelve months in advance of the
date of retirement - further clarification issued.
87. Memo No.00111/3/F11/94-1(Audit Br.) dt.3.2.94 (P76/84)
TNEB - GPF - Voluntary Increase over and above the rate of subscription - orders issued.
88. (Per) BP(Ch)No.4(Audit Br.) dt.23.11.95(P557/95)
TNEB - GPF - Voluntary Increase of Subscription and reduction of Subscription - Revised
orders issued.(Increase Two Time of any month - Reduction only in the March of the year)
89. Cir Lr.No. 13142/BOAB/F/UIII/96(Audit Br.) dt.16.3.96(P11/3/96)
Board office Audit Branch - GPF recoveries of Subscription effected during the last four
month- No Interest should be allowed on Final Settlement.
90. Cir Lr.No.55738/970/BAB/F/UIII/96 dt.16.12.96(P35-12/96)
Provident Fund Rate of Interest for the year 1996-97 on deposit and balance at credit of
subscribers of GPF Applicability to TNEB.
91. (Per) BP.Ch)No.1(Audit Br)dt.24.4.97(P33/4/97)
Regulations Tamilnadu Electricity Board - GPF-Final payment of Minors share to the Debect
Guardians - Enhancement of ceiling limit to Rs.10,000/- Amendment to Note (1) and Note
(2) (0) under Regulation 33- issued.
92. Memo (P) No.81588/N2/ 97-1(SB) dt.5.11.97(P3/11/97)
Loans and Advance - Drawal of Temporary Advance / Part Final withdrawal from
General Provident fund accumulations - Production of Medical Certificate Dispensed with
- orders issued.
93. Memo No.40325/745/FU-1/BOAB)98-1 dt.21.8.98(P11/8/98)
TNEB - GPF - Voluntary reduction of Subscription (Not below the prescribed rate for the
year 1998-89) - orders issued.
94. (Per) BP (Ch)No.01(Audit Br.) dt.15.2.89(P46/2/99)
TNEB - TNEB /GPF - Rate of Subscription - Revised - orders issued.
95. (Per) BP(Ch)No.2(Audit Br.) dt.1.7.2000(P10/7/2000)
TNEB - GPF - Rate of Interest at11% Per annum for the Financial Year 2000-2001 - orders
96. Cir MemoNo.37077/477/F24/F242/(Audit Br.)Dt.12.9.2000) (P12/8/2000)
GPF - Final Settlement of GPF Account-Further Instruction issued.
97. Endt. No.48434/631/F24/F242/2000 dt.21.9.2000(P37/8/2000)
Interest - Rate of Interest for GPF for the year 99-2000 Govt. orders communicated for
98. Cir Lr. No.41867/561/F24/F242/2000(AB) dt.16.10.2000(P15/10.2000)
Payment of LIC Premium From GPF - instruction issued.
99. Lr.No.67404/A19/A192/2000-1(SB) dt.4.11.2000(P12/11/2000)
Payment of arrears - Revision of scales of pay for the period from 1.12.96 to 31.3.98-
Arrears Credited to GPF - Payment to legal heirs - clarification issued.
100. (Per) BP(FB) No.01 (Audit Br.) dt.4.11.2000(P12/1/2000)
TNEB - GPF - Retention of the arrears due to revision of pay and allowances credited to
the GPF Account - Adoption of G.O. Amendment to GPF Regulations
101. Lr.No.98092/A19/A192/2000-1(SB) dt.16.12.2000(P42/12/2000)
Payment of arrears - Revision of Scales of pay for the period from 1.12.96 to 31.3.98
Arrears credited to GPF payment to Legal heirs certain clarification issued.
102. Cir Lr.No.9340/101/F24/F242/(Audit Br.) dt.2.3.01(P15/3/2001)
GPF - Recovery of GPF Subscription when ever there is increase in D.A. and Increment -
103. Cir Memo No.28867/F24/F242/2001(Audit Br.) dt.7.7.2001(P20/7/01)
Payment of LIC Premium from TNEB GPF - Stoppage - orders issued.
104. (Per) BP (Ch)No.3(Audit Br.) dt.31.7.2001(P45/7/01)
TNEB - GPF Rate of Interest at 9.5% per annum for the Financial Year 2001-2002 - orders
105. Memo No.50034/685/F24/F242/2001 dt. 28.9.01(P8/9/01)
TNEB - GPF - Adoption of G.O. for reduction of Maximum of Temporary / Part final withdrawal
from 75% to 60% - orders issued.
106. (Per) Memo No.50034/685/F24/F242/2001 dt. 4.10.01 (P1/10/01)
TNEB - GPF adoption of G.O. for reduction of maximum of Temporary advance/part time
withdrawal from 75% to 60% - orders issued.
107. (Per) BP (FB)No.01(Audit Br.) dt.7.11.2001(P1/11/01)
TNEB - GPF - Sanction of Temporary Advance and part final withdrawal - Reduction of
Maximum withdrawal from 75% to 60% - Adoption of Govt. orders-Amendment to GPF
Regulations - orders issued.
108. Cir. Memo No.45989/3040/F4/ F42/2001-4(Dt.6.11.2001(P13/11/01)
Payment of LIC Premium from TNEB GPF-Interim - Injunction for circular dt.7.7.01 will
apply to the policy as on 7.7.01 and no fresh policy will be allowed - instruction issued.
109. Cir Lr.No.5087/53/F24/F242/2002(AB) dt.14.302 (P28/3/02)
GPF Loans and Advances - withdrawal from GPF Sanction of Part final withdrawal from
GPF for the construction of House - Non-Enhancement of ceiling limit of Rs.2,50,000/- on
par with HBA - reg.
110. Cir Memo No.39575/407/F24/F242/2002dt.26.9.02(P5/9/02)
GPF Final Settlement of GPF Account - Further instruction issued.
111. (Per) BP(Ch)No.03(Audit Br.)dt.13.9.02(P11/9/02)
TNEB - General Provident Fund-Rate of Interest at 9% per annum for the Financial year
2002-2003 - orders issued.
112. (Per) Bp(Ch)No.167(SB) dt.26.7.03(P25/7/03)
TNEB GPF - Sanction of GPF Temporary Advance to Class III and IV employees in the
Thermal Stations Delegation of Powers to Adm. Officers - orders issued.
113. (Per) BP(Ch)No.3(Audit Br.)dt.18.8.03(P7/08/03)
TNEB - GPF-Rate of Interest at 8% Per Annum for the Financial year 2003-2004 orders
114. (Per) BP (FB) No.20(Adm.Br.)dt.13.7.05(P66/7/05)
Acquisition of Kumbakkonam Rural Electric co-operative society - Absorption of employees
into Board service w.e.f. 6.4.02 enrollment into Boards service - orders issued.
115. (Per) BP(FB) No.32(Adm.Br.) dt.20.9.05(P24/9/05)
Acquisition of Vandavasi Rural Electric Co-Op. Society Absorption of employees into Boards
Service w.e.f. 6.4.02 Enrollment into Boards GPF Scheme - orders issued.
116. (Per) BP (FB) No.1(Audit Br.) dt.6.5.06(P48/5/06)
TNEB General Provident Fund-Sanction of Temporary Advance and Part Final withdrawal
from 60% to 75% under special circumstances - Adoption of Govt. orders - Amendments
to TNEB GPF Regulations - orders issued.
117. (Per) BP(FB) No.20(Adm.Br.)dt.20.7.06(P18.7.06)
Acquisition of Thirumayam Rural Electric Co. Operative Society - Absorption of employees
into Boards service with effect from 6.4.02 - Enrollment into Boards GPF sanction - orders
118. Lr.No.105815/G19/G191/99-21(Adm.Br.) dt.6.7.07(P4/7/07)
Estt-Writ Petitions filed by various officers of TNEB Challenging the award passed by the
various Labour court for the payment of Special Contribution as claimed by the petitioners
- orders of Labour courts quashed orders.
1. Memo (P)No.10613-N2/83-8 (SB) dt.20.5.85(P549/85)
Special Pay-Payment of Hot line special pay to the Trained crew of the TNEB - instruction
1. B.P.MS.NO.177 (SB) DATED 20.04.82 (P.165)/1983I)
Sanction of HBA for purchase of ready built house/Flat from the TNHB to the employees
who have started paying hire purchase installments - certain concession granted.
2. B.P.MS.NO.252 (SB) DT.21.05.82(P.170/83I)
Sanction of HBA for construction of House on the Plot owned by spouse and for enlargement
of the house owned by the spouse of employee - orders issued.
3. MEMO NO. 55373/0.1/82-3 (SB) DT.07.01.83 (P.206/83-1)
HBA –Advance for the purchase of ready built house – Additional Advance for completion
of house inspection of house by EE/Civil instruction issued.
4. MEMO.NO.17349/0.1/82-4 (SB) DT.21.01.83 (P.209/1983-I)
HBA – Submission of utilization certificate for the construction of house - instruction
5. MEMO.(P) NO.37031/0.1/82-6 (SB) DT.24.01.83 (P.213/1983-I)
HBA – Sanction of Surety Bond (FORM8) in TNEB – HBA Rules - Amendment issued.
6. B.P.M.S(CH) NO.36 (SB) DT.03.02.83 (P.216/83-I)
HBA – Encashment of ceiling on the amount of Advance orders issued – Further clarification.
7. MEMO.NO.76171/01/82-3 (SB) DT.08.02.83 (P.218/83-I)
HBA – SE/CIAO can revalidated the sanction accorded by the CE/General.
8. MEMO.NO.14199/01/82-8(SB) DT.21.03.83 (P.225/83-I)
HBA – Sanction of Advance for Plot-Cum-Construction/Construction of house/Enlargement
of existing house commencement of recovery - instruction issued.
9. B.P.MS.(CH) NO.92 (SB) DT.21.03.83 (P.225/1983-I)
HBA- Improvement to the house treated as enlargement - orders issued.
10. MEMO.NO.12356/01/82-1 (SB) DT.04.04.83(P.234/83-I)
HBA- Releasing of installments after sanction of HBA to the employees subsequently
involved in DP/Vigilance enquiry - instruction issued.
11. MEMO.NO.42603-01/82-3(SB) DT.10.05.83 (P.44/83-II)
Loans and Advances HBA – Sanction of Advance for Construction/Purchase/Enlargement
in the existing house out side the state – Further instruction issued.
12. B.P.MS.(FB) NO.82 (SB) DT.11.07.83 (P.151/83-II)
Loans and Advances – HBA – Enhancement of ceiling on the advance - orders issued.
13. B.P.MS.(CH) NO.269 (SB) DT.18.07.83 (P.157/83-II)
Loans and Advances – House Building Advance – Sanction of Advance for Construction of
house on a plot owned by the spouse of the employees – Execution of Mortgage deed –
Specimen – approved.
14. MEMO.NO.5321-01/82-3 (SB)DT. 20.07.83 (P.161/83-II)
Loans and Advances – HBA - Sanction of Additional Advance for paying the balance cost
of the Ready Built House/Flat Allotted by TNHB - orders issued.
15. B.P.MS.(FB) NO.89 (SB) DT.22.07.83 (P.162/83-II)
Loans and Advances – HBA – Ceiling on the Advance for enlargement of living
accommodation – Enhancement of - orders issued.
16. CR.MEMO.NO.48986-01/83-1(SB) dt.11.08.83 (P.235/83-II)
Loans and Advances – HBA – Sanction to the members of the Societies formed by
employees of the Board submission of application - instruction issued.
17. B.P.M.S.(FB) No.135 (SB) Dt.20.09.83 (P.300/83-II)
Loans and Advances – HBA – Sanction of loans to Societies formed by the employees of
Board – Purchase of Plot and Construction of Houses or Construction of House/Flat
Amendment to HBA Rules – issued.
18. U.o.No.092317-G1-1/82-6 (Adm.Br) Dt.11.10.83 (P.350/83-II)
HBA- Additional Advance – Ready Built House – Inspection of Houses – reallocation of
offices in Head Quarters - instruction issued.
19. Lr.No.71657N1/83-2 (SB)Dt.21.11.83 (P.437/83-II)
Loans and Advances – House Building Advance – Maintenance of House – Payment of
Municipal Tax etc., instruction.
20. Memo.No.26879-N1/83-4 (SB) DT.06.12.83 (P.483/83-II)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance – Mortgage of property – Board, HBA
Rules – Not followed instruction issued.
21. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.461 (SB) Dt.12.12.83 (P.485/83-II)
Loans and Advances – HBA – not to be sanctioned to the employees against whom DP/
Vigilance enquiry is pending - instruction issued.
22. Memo.No.48738-N1/83-2 (SB) Dt.12.12.83 (P.486/83 II)
Loans and Advances – HBA – construction of House submission of utilization certificate
clarification issued.
23. Memo.No.76919-N1/81-10(SB) Dt.20.12.83 (P.488/83 II)
Loans and Advances – HBA – Enlargement of living accommodation – Execution of Mortgage
deed – certain clarification issued.
24. Memo.(P)No.107946-02/83-3 (SB) Dt.30.01.84 (P.25/84)
Estt. – TNEB – Scheme for granting Extraordinary – Leave without Pay for start Industry to
Engineers instruction for repayment of Loans and Advances drawn - orders issued.
25. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.13 (SB) Dt.13.02.84 (P.96/84)
Loans and Advances – Special Pay attached to Technical post – taking into Account for the
purpose of HBA - orders issued.
26. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.72 (SB) Dt.28.02.84 (P.100/84)
Loans and Advances – HBA Planning permission of Madras Metropolitan Development
Authority – Pre requisite for obtaining HBA – orders issued.
27. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.85 (SB) Dt.06.03.84 (P.152/84)
Loans and Advances – HBA – sanction of HBA to the employees of the Board for the
purchase of Plot/House/Flat from close relatives – Not allowed - orders issued.
28. Memo.(P) No.69215-N1/83-2(SB) Dt.20.03.84.
Loans and Advances –HBA for purchase of flat/house from Tamilnadu Housing Board –
Mortgage deed – instruction issued.
29. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.143 (SB) Dt.17.04.84 (P.267/84)
Loans and Advances – HBA – sanction of HBA to the employees of the Board delay in
execution of Mortgage deed authority competent - orders issued.
30. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.43 (Sectt.Br.) Dt.11.05.84 (P.340/84 & 346/84)
Loans and Advances – HBA – Employees own a house holly or partly – apply for an
Advances in exceptional case powers to relax the Provision 2 (b) of TNEB HBA Rules
orders issued.
31. U.O.Note No.10509-N1/83-3 (SB) Dt.21.05.84 (P.343/84)
Loans and Advances – HBA – sanction of additional Advance in combined basis clarification
32. Memo (P) No.27162-N1/84-2 (SB) Dt.13.06.84 (P.433/84)
Loans and Advances – House Building Advance – Construction of house/Purchase of
ready built house/Enlargement further instruction issued.
33. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.239 (Sectt.Br.) Dt.25.06.84 (P.441/84)
Loans and Advances – HBA – Sanction of HBA to the employees of the Board – creation of
second mortgage in respect of certain Financial institution ordered.
34. Memo.(P) No.103567-N1/83-5 (SB) Dt.23.07.84 P.516/84)
Loans and Advances – HBA – Reimbursement of stamp duty and Registration fees –
Time limit for the claim – issued.
35. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.313 (SB) Dt.16.08.84 (P.604/84)
Loans and Advances – HBAAdvance for the purchase of flat from the Private parties –
execution of Agreement and Mortgage deed – Model from – Approved.
36. Memo.No.39274-N1/84-1 (SB) Dt.19.10.84 (P.810/84)
Loans and Advances – HBA – Enlargement of living accommodation in the House owned
by the employees improvement in the house treated as enlargement - orders issued.
37. Memo.No.46125-N1/84-3 (SB) Dt.20.10.84 (P.812/84)
Loans and Advances – HBA – Vacation of Board , Quarters immediately occupying House
38. Memo.No.22490-N1/84-5 (SB) Dt.18.12.84 (P.980/84)
Loans and Advances – Registering of Mortgage deed – Insertion of certain words in the
last sheet instruction – issued.
39. Cir Memo.No.105098-N1/83-2 (SB) Dt.18.12.84 (P.981/84)
Loans and Advances - HBA - certain discrepancies in sanctioning loans - instruction issued.
40. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.445 (SB) Dt.01.12.84 (P.1002/84)
Loans and Advances -HBA - Enlargement of living accommodation in the existing house
owned by Board employee sanction of an advance for a second time - orders issued.
41. Memo.No.(P) 35664- M2/81-30 (SB) Dt.27.11.84 (P.862/84)
Registration – Personal appearance of TNEB officials in Registration Offices – Exemption
under section 88(1) © of Indian Registration Act – Fresh Modification – communicated.
42. Memo No.76075-N1/84-2(SB) dt. 23.1.85(P40/85)
Housing - Tamilnadu Housing Board - Allotment under Hire Purchase basis-Modification of
the procedure - Proposal of TNEB orders issued by the Govt. communicated.
43. BPMS(Ch) No.48(SB)dt.13.2.85(P172/85)
Loans and Advances -House Building Advance sanction of House Building Advance sanction
of House Building Advance for enlargement of living accommodation of the house/flats
allotted by TNHB on Hire Purchase basis - orders issued.
44. Memo No. 18390-N1/84-8(SB) dt.11.3.85(P261/85)
Loans and Advances - HBA-Sanctioned to employees - Permanent absorption into foreign
service- Recovery of advance - instruction issued.
45. BPMS(Ch)No.156(SB) dt.13.6.85(P545/85)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Rules to regulate the grant of HBA to the
employees of Board Amendment to Rule 2(b), 7(a), 8(a), 9(g) and 11 issued.
46. Cir Memo No. 7653-N1/85-2(SB) dt.30.5.85(P561/85)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Certain discrepancies in Sanctioning
loans - Further instruction issued.
47. Lr.No.26658-N1/85-1(SB) dt.12.6.85(P658/85)
Loans and Advances House Building Advance Acceptance of Certified copies of
Documents clarification issued by the Govt. - communicated for guidance
48. BPMS(Ch)No.280(SB) dt.23.8.85(P897/85)
Loans and Advances House Building Advance - sanction of HBA to Board employees -
opinion of Govt. Pleader regarding title of the property -opinion of the Advocate and pleader
doing Govt. work - acceptance of -orders issued.
49. Memo (P)No. 39354/N1/85-1(SB)dt.9.8.85(P884/85)
TNEB - Loans and Advances - HBA-Application for purchase of ready built house/Flat
allotted by TNEB on outright Purchase basis - Documents to be produced - instruction
50. Memo No.30948/N1/84-11(SB) dt.17.8.85(P891/85)
Loans and Advances - HBA-Different rate of Interest - Method of calculation of Interest
clarificatory instruction of Govt. communicated for guidance.
51. BPMS (Ch)No.300(SB)dt.4.9.85(P966/85)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Sanction of House Building Advance for
the construction of house on the plot owned by the spouse and for enlargement on the
house owned by spouse - Reimbursement of Stamp duty and Registration fees - Negative
orders issued.
52. BPMS(Ch)No.311(SB) dt.13.9.85(P972/85)
Loans and Advances - HBA Sanction of House Building Advance to employees of Board -
Creation of Second Mortgage in respect of certain type of Financial Institution orders
issued - Modification of Mortgaged Forms and Procedure.
53. BPMS(Ch)No.316(SB) dt.19.9.85(P978/85)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Sanctioning of HBA to Board Employees - Execution of
Mortgaged - delay in the execution and granting of time-Modification of instruction
- orders issued.
54. BPMS(Ch)No.321(SB) dt.25.9.85(P985/85)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Enhancement of Ceiling on the grant of
Advance and recovery of the advance from the salary - orders issued.
55. BPMS(Ch) No.323 (SB) dt.27.9.85(P987/85)`
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Houses/Flats allotted by the TNEB -
Minimum floor area prescribed under HBA Rules - Rules Modified - Amended.
56. BPMS (Ch) NO.313(SB)dt.16.9.85(P977/85)
Loans and Advances House Building Advance Rules to regulate the grant of Advance to
employees of the Board - Amendment issued.
57. Memo No. 37793/N1/85-1(SB) Dt.9.9.85 (P968/85)
Loans and Advance - HBA, Marriage Advance, Conveyance Advance Technical Education
Advance Sanctioned to the employees - Recovery of Installments for the Period of E.O.L.
should be remitted in one lumpsum before sanction of leave.
58. Memo No.19597/N1/85-4(SB) dt.12.11.85(P1202/85)
Loans and Advances - Purchase of Plot / Flat /House allotted by TNHB - Addl. Advance -
Specimen form for mortgaging property.
59. Memo (P)NO.67396/N1/85-1(SB)dt.21.12.85(P1352/85)
TNEB-Loans and Advances-House Building Advance Application for the Purchase ready
built house/flat allotted by TNHB on out right purchase basis procedure - certain
modification issued.
60. Memo (P)No.38756/N1/85-1(SB) dt. 24.12.85(P1355/85)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Sanction of HBA to employees of the
Board - Delay in insuring the house - instruction issued.
61. Memo (P)No.:61337/N1/85-1(SB) dt.4.1.86(42/86)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Execution of Mortgaged out side the place
of property - incurring additional fee-claiming of reimbursement - negatives.
62. Memo (P)NO.68395/N1/84-2(SB) dt.7.1.86(P43/86)
Loans and Advances -House Building Advance to Board employees for Building of house
- Form of supplemental agreement to be executed for addl. Advance.
63. Memo (P)NO.45974/O&M Cell/85-1(SB) dt.3.2.86(P131/86)
Loans and Advance - TNEB - House Building Advance format for Register Guidelines for
Processing - reg.
64. Memo (P)NO.4104-E2/86-1(SB)dt.26.2.86(P162/86)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Enhancement of Ceiling on the grant of
Advance and recovery of the advance from the salary of the Board employee - orders
issued - Amendment issued.
65. Memo No. 6195-E2/86-1(SB) dt.28.2.86(P165/86)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance Clarification regarding revision of Plan
and estimates for the purpose of availing the advance - further clarification.
66. Memo (P)No.16161/N/E2/82-27(SB) dt.12.3.86 (P205/86)
Loans and Advance -House Building Advance - Standard of Construction prescribed
certain instruction - issued.
67. Memo (P)NO.15701-E2/86-1 (SB) dt.26.3.86(P221/86)
Loans and Advance - HBA-Release of Addl. Advance and Release of instalment of loan for
enlargement / improvement Mortgage of property instruction issued.
68. Cir Memo No. : 0173/CFC/Estt/H73A/86(Accts. Br.)Dt. 12.4.86 (P344/86)
Loans and Advances House Building Advance - Furnishing of Month war recovery
particulars with last pay certificate.
69. Ch’s Circular No. : Ch/TA/1392/86-1 dt.8.5.86(P406/86)
Estt. Advances Paid to Staff - Failure to furnish utilisation certificates - action to be taken
- instruction issued.
70. Cir Memo No.:026861-E2/86-1(SB)dt.6.5.86(P434/86)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Application- entry in priority register
- instruction issued.
71. Memo (P)No.:12823 - E2/85-10(SB)dt.31.7.86(P652/85)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Amount of Advance to be sanctioned -
Inclusion Dearness Allowance for calculation of 1/3 rd amount of recovery clarification
- instruction issued.
72. BPMS(FB)No.61(SB) dt.15.7.86(P630/86)
Loans and Advances - HBA-employees who die in harness - Recovery - Fund scheme
issued by Govt-Adoption to Board - orders issued.
73. Memo (P) No.44412-E2/86-1(SB)dt.21.7.86(P642/86)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Utilisation of the loan sanctioned and
completion of construction-certain lapses in following the stipulated procedure
- instruction issued.
74. BPMS(FB) No. 57(SB) dt.8.7.86(P655/86)
Loans and Advances - HBA - completion of Construction / Enlargement / Granting of
extension of time limit beyond one year-Amendment - issued (powers to grant extension
of more than one year will be lies with chairman)
75. Memo No. 25868-E2/86-2(SB) dt.8.7.86(P656/86)
Loans and Advances - HBA - completion of Construction / Enlargement -Granting of
extension of time limit further - instruction issued.
76. Memo No. 23582-E2/86-6(SB) dt.11.8.86(P729/86)
Loans and Advances - House Building - Advance - Employees who die in harness -Recovery
of House Building Advance outstanding special Family Benefit Fund Scheme issued by
the Govt. Adopted to Board employees having less than 5 years left before retirement not
eligible for benefit.
77. Memo No. 44945-E2/86-1(SB)dt.10.9.86(P810/86)
Loans and Advance - HBA - Deviation in the construction of the Constructed with a House
Building Advance - instruction issued.
78. Memo No. 27828-E2/86-1(SB) dt.11.9.86(P813/86)
Loans and Advances - HBA-enhancement of the ceiling on the advance and recovery of
the advance from the salary of the Board - instruction issued.
79. Memo No. 23582-E2/86-7(SB)dt.23.9.86(P831/86)
Loans and Advances-House Building Advance - Employees who die in harness-Recovery
of HBA outstanding - special Family Benefit Fund Scheme - certain clarification issued.
80. Memo (P)No. 54727-E2/85-11(SB) dt.7.10.86(P908/86)
Loans and Advances HBA-Purchase of ready built Flat / House allotted by TNHB-payment
of Initial cost sanction of HBA including initial cost - instruction issued.
81. Memo(P)No. 57048-E2/86-1(SB) dt.7.10.86(P909/86)
Loans and Advances - Application Form for the grant of advance to Board employees for
the building etc. of house - Amendment issued.
82. Memo (P)No.:26232-E2/86-5(SB)dt.23.10.85(P 933/86)
Loans and Advance - HBA - Sanction of advance -Release of remaining instalment
to those who have been placed under suspension - Enquiry is pending - clarification
83. Memo P No. 50405-E1/86-3(SB) dt.31.10.86(P961/86)
Loans and Advances - HBA -Transfer of HBA files to the concerned SE’s - Procedure -
clarification issued.
84. Memo (P)No.66359-E2/86-1(SB)dt.7.11.86(P1021/86)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Sanction of advance for purchase of ready built house/Flat/
Plot from close relative - Amendment issued.
85. BPMS(FB)No.108(SB) dt.8.11.86(P1022/86)
Loans and Advances-HBA-purchase of Plot allotted under hire purchase scheme of TNHB
- cases where one or more installments paid-sanction of HBA to the employees of the
Board - orders issued.
86. BPMS(ch)No.595(SB) dt.9.12.86(P1091/86)
Loans and Advances HBA - Houses/ Flats allotted by M.M.D.A. Minimum floor area
prescribed under HBA Rules - Modified - orders issued.
87. Memo No. 50405-E1/86-4(SB) dt.15.12.86(P 1103/86)
Loans and Advances HBA to Society Members-Transfer of HBA files to the concerned
SE’s - Procedure - Further instruction - issued.
88. Memo No. 23582-E2/86-17(SB) dt.27.3.87(P 220/87)
Loans and Advances-HBA-employees who die in harness Receiver of HBA outstanding-
Special Family Benefit Fund - Head of Account orders issued.
89. Memo No. 23582-E2/86-18(SB)dt.27.3.87(P221/87)
Loans and Advances -HBA-Employees who die in harness Recovery of Outstanding HBA
- Special Family Benefit Fund Format for adjustment of outstanding forwarded
90. Memo No.18712-E2/87-1(SB)dt.7.4.87(P274/87)
Loans and Advances - Booklet of Rules to Regulate the grant of Advances to TNEB
employees for Building of House-Corrected upto 10/86 - Erratum issued.
91. Memo No. 23582-E2/86-19(SB) dt.13.4.87(P280/87)
Loans and Advances - HBA -Employees who die in harness -Recovery of HBA
outstanding - special Family Benefit Fund Scheme - Clarification issued.
92. BPMS(FB) No.39(SB)dt.6.5.87(P358/87)
Loans and Advances - HBA-Sanction of HBA for purchase of Ready built House/Flat from
TNHB allotted under hire purchase scheme - case where one or More hire purchase
instalment is paid - sanction of HBA to the employees of Board - orders issued.
93. Memo (P) No.76646-P2/86-7(SB) dt.15.7.87(P555/87)
TNEB employees conduct Regulations - Permission sought for construction of a house
by availing loan from a co-op housing society by an employee who has already availed
HBA not to be accorded.
94. Memo No.37701-E2/87-1(SB) dt.28.7.87(P569/89)
Loans and Advances -HBA - Purchase of Ready built house from Private Parties -
Sanction of Advance at the earliest - instruction issued.
95. Memo No. 33548-81/87-4(SB) dt.1.8.87(P616/87)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Sanction of Advances to the employees of Board for
purchase of plot and construction of House - Documents to the submitted with
96. Memo No.8371/E2/87-5 (SB) dt.14.8.87(P623/87)
Loans and Advance HBA-Construction of compound wall Approval of plan by Local
Authority instruction issued.
97. Memo No.66762 - E2/86-9(SB) dt. 24.8.87(P638/87)
Loans and Advances - HBA Deviation in construction of house- construction with House
Building Advance Producing revised Plan - clarification - instruction.
98. Memo (P)No.41486-E2/87-1 (SB) dt.25.8.87(P641)87)
Loans and Advances - HBA -Purchase of ready Built House / Flats allotted by CMDA
- instruction issued.
99. Memo No(P)No.20854-E2/86-14(SB) dt.31.8.87 (P647/87)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance for Purchase of ready built - house/Flats
from TNHB-Payment to TNHB - Further Instruction issued.
100. Memo (P)No.57321 - E2/87-1(SB) dt.2.11.87 (P835/87)
Loans and Advances-HBA validity of Approved Building Plan and Permission instruction
issued by Govt. communicated for adoption.
101. BPMS(Ch)No.390(SB)dt.11.11.87 (P904/87)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-enhancement of ceiling limit on advance
- orders issued.
102. Memo (P)No.50643 - E2/87-2(SB) dt.1.12.87 (P959/87)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Sanction of Advance to the employees of the Board for
construction of house - Approved Layout-should be produced- Instruction issued-
Amendment to Rules issued.
103. BPMS(FB) No.102(SB) dt.3.12.87(P957/87)
Loans and Advances-HBA-employees who die in herness-Recovery of HBA outstanding -
special Family Benefit fund-Modification - orders issued.
104. Memo(P)No.47734-E2/87-3(SB)dt.5.1.88(P5/88)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance sanctioned to Board employees -
Revalidation of orders sanction HBA - Further instruction issued.
105. Memo No.23582-E2/86-28(SB) dt.11.1.88(P8/88)
Loans and Advances House Building Advance employees who die in herness recovery of
HBA outstanding orders special Family Benefit fund-Applicability - Further issued.
106. Memo No.55548/E2/87-3(SB) dt.11.1.88(P8/88)
Loans and Advances - HBA-Mortgage of the Property to Board - Market value of the
property to be mentioned in Mortgaged - instruction issued.
107. Memo (P)No.25191/E2/87-6 (SB)dt.29.1.88(P40/88)
Loans and Advances - HBA sanction of Advance for carrying out improvement works to
the existing living Accommodation - instruction issued.
108. Memo (P)NO.5213/E2/87-8(SB) dt.15.2.88(P100/88)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - enhancement of ceiling on the advance
and recovery of the advance from the salary of Board employees-Revising of rate of Monthly
installments-supplemental agreement to be executed - instruction -issued.
109. Memo(P)No.6285/E2/88-1(SB)dt.22.2.88 (P104/88)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Referring to vigilance cell before sanction
of House Building Advance - instruction issued.
110. Memo (P)No.4062/E2/88-1(SB)dt.7.3.88 (P) 172/88)
Loans and Advances-House Building Advance-Advance sanctioned for the construction
of Two houses in a single plot - instruction for guidance-issued.
111. Memo No.56918/E2/ 87-7 (SB) dt.9.3.88(P174/88)
Loans and advances - HBA employees who die in harness-recovery of House Building
Advance outstanding-special family Benefit - Fund-Modification-orders issued
- Further instruction issued.
112. BPMS (Ch)No.119(SB) dt.27.4.88 (P258/88)
Loans and Advances - HBA-Sanction of House Building Advance to Board employees for
purchase of Flat/House allotted by Private Parties - Release of advance in installments
- orders issued.
113. Memo No.25987/E2/88-1 (SB)dt.4.5.88(P291/88)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Sanction of advance to the employees of the Board for the
construction of houses-producing of Approved layout - further instruction issued.
114. Memo No.23582/E2/86-30 (SB) dt.9.5.88 (P295/88)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Employees special Family Benefit Fund -
Applicability - orders issued.
115. Memo No. 67942/E2/87-9(SB) dt.19.5.88(P302/88)
Loans and Advances - HBA producing of approved layout Approval of MMDA - clarification
from the MMDA - communicated.
116. Memo (P)No.46621/E2/87-4(SB) dt.28.6.88(P370/88)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Construction of house-Permission for
changing of location for construction with reference to the priority assigned on previous
application granted - instruction issued.
117. Memo(P)No.5632/E2/87-10(SB)dt.1.7.88(P444/88)
Loans and Advances-HBA deduction of Grace Periods while arriving eligible amount for
sanction of House Building Advance - instruction issued.
118. Memo (P)No.30533/E2/88-1(SB) dt.14.7.88(P463/88)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Sanction of Advance for purchase of Ready
built house/flat constructed by TNHB from the original allottee -Reckoning of maximum
Age of the House/Flat.
119. Memo (P)No.58926/E2/87-4(SB) dt.18.7.88(P466/88)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance- Reimbursement of Stamp duty and
Registration fees-Recovery of reimbursed cost of Stamp duty and Registration fees in
case of remittance of HBA in full - orders issued.
120. Memo (P)No.:37465/E2/88-1(SB) dt.1.8.88(P543/88)
Loans and Advances - HBA sanction of Addl. Advance for Payment of additional cost of
plot / Flat demanded by MMDA and other undertakings - orders issued.
121. Memo (P)No.23887/E2/87-4(SB) dt.9.8.88(P558/88)
Loans and Advances -HBA-Reimbursement of cost of Stamp duty and Registration fees
with in 60 days from date of Registration - orders issued.
122. Memo(P)No.67942/E2/87-12(SB)dt.19.8.88(P569/88)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Sanction of HBA - producing of layout duly approved by
Director of Town and country planning - Revised instructions - issued.
123. Memo(P)No.29728/E2/88-2(SB) dt.20.8.88(P574/88)
Loans and Advances - HBA -Sanction of House Building Advance to Board employees for
purchase of house / flat allotted by Private Parties execution of sale deed only for undivided
share of land alone - orders issued.
124. Memo (P)No.12415/E2/88-5(SB)dt. 19.9.88(P645/88)
Loans and advances -HBA - enhancement of ceiling on the advance and recovery of the
advance from the salary of the employee - revision of rate of instalment - supplemental
agreement to be executed - Specimen form Prescribed.
125. Memo No.73965/E2/86-15(SB)dt.12.1.89(P53/89)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance amount recovered in full from the
employees - Discharging of Mortgaged-clarification issued.
126. Memo(P)No.59143/E2/88-1(SB) dt.25.1.89(P73/89)
House Building Advance-Sanction of house Building Advance to TNEB employees who
are having more than one house - certain guidelines - issued.
127. Cir Memo No.:11044/E2/85-7(SB)dt.7.2.89(139/89)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Sanction of Advance and vacation of Boards Quarter need
not be insisted where the house constructed and the place of working for away as certifies
by the SE’s - instruction issued.
128. Memo (P)No.:37850 -E2/88-6(SB) dt.1.3.89(P195/89)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Sanction of Advance for carrying out improvement to the
existing house Guidelines - clarification issued.
129. (Per)BP(Ch)No.:89(SB) dt.3.4.89(P279/89)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Insurance of Building constructed / Purchased/ enlarged
with HBA received from TNEB - Amendment issued-If the Loanee employee failed to
renew and to agree the pay disbursing officer may deduct the premium amount and remit
it to Insurance Company for keeping the policy in live.
130. Memo No.20854/E2/86-18(SB) 13.4.89(P293)88)
Loans and Advances - HBA for purchase of Ready Built house / Flat allotted by Tamilnadu
Housing Board-Payment of Amount direct to TNHB by Demand Draft and the D.D.
commission should be born by Board - instruction issued.
131. Memo (P) No.7118/O&M Cell/89-38) dt. 8689(p475/89)
Advance - House Building Advance - Maintenance of Recovery Register - instruction issued.
(Format Prescribed)
132. Memo No.23582-E2/86-35(SB) dt.11.6.89 (P478/89)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Employees who die in harness Recovery
of HBA outstanding special Family Benefit Fund - clarification
133. (Per) BP (Ch)No.187(SB)dt.30.6.89(P506/89)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Sanction of Advance for enlargement / Improvement of existing
living accommodation -obtaining of certificate regarding classification of existing house
- certain instruction issued.
134. Cir Lr.No.28267/Co-Cell/CC5/323/89(Audit Br) dt.15.6.89(P485/89)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Sanction of House Building Advance -
HBA files will be post Audited by Audit Parties of BOAB - instruction issued.
135. Memo (P)No.32325/E2/88-2(SB) dt.7.7.89(P601/89)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Documents, of Title and Mortgage deed executed by the
Loanee employees are keep in the safe custody of the sanctioning Authority who sanctioned
the loan and the photo copy alone will be transferred to place to place where the employees
are transferred - instruction issued.
136. Memo No. 31824/E2/89-1(SB) dt.15.7.89(P608/89)
Loans and Advances-HBA-Sanction of House Building Advance to the employees on
deputation to state Govt/ State owned corporations - instruction issued.
137. Memo No.23582-E2/86-37(SB)dt.13.9.89 (P787/89)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Employee who die in harness -
Recovery of HBA outstanding SPl. FBF - The arrears of recovery due to belated
commencement of recovery should not be adjusted - instruction issued.
138. Memo No.55233-E2/89-1(SB)dt.3.10.89(P840/89)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - completion certificate by Civil Engineers
- instruction issued.
139. Memo (P)No.74064-E2/84-37(SB) dt.12.10.89(P846/89)
Loans and Advances-Recovery of outstanding amount left over to be paid by deceased
employee - Levy of Interest upto the date of death and recovery effected other than HBA
- instruction issued.
140. (Per) BP(Ch)No.77(SB)dt.27.12.89(P1001/89)
Loans and Advances -House Building Advance - Sanction of advance for construction of
house of the Plot Jointly owned by employee and their spouse - orders issued.
141. Memo No.23582-E2/86-39(SB) dt.6.1.90(P7/90)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Employees who die in harness-Recovery of HBA outstanding
- Special Family Benefit fund-Recovery of 1% subscription will be commenced on the
month of payment of Ist Instalment itself - instruction issued.
142. Memo (P)No.25811/E2/89-5(SB)dt.21.2.90(P109/90)
Loans and Advances House Building Advance - Issue of Annual Accounts slip to the
TNEB employees - orders issued.
143. Memo(P)No.45190/E2/87-1(SB)dt.1.3.90(P167/90)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance -for the construction of House of the Plot
owned by Jointly by the employee and spouse and for Improvement on the house owned
by Jointly by employee and spouse-the stamp duty and Registration fees should be born
by employee if the spouse is not a Board employee - orders issued.
144. Memo No.64497/E2/89-1(SB)dt.8.3.90(P169/90)
House Building Advance - Safe Custody of documents of title and mortgage deed -
Instruction issued Memo dt.7.7.89 withdrawn.
145. Memo No.611/E2/90-1(SB) dt.16.3.90(P171/90)
Loans and Advances-HBA Excess sanction based on Presumtive pay in certain EDC
- Avoidance of instruction issued.
146. Memo No.48797/E2/88-4(SB) dt.11.4.90(P244/90)
Loans and Advances HBA-Deduction of grace period while arriving eligibility Amount for
sanction of HBA and Commencement of recovery - instruction issued.
147. (Per) BP(Ch)No.71(SB)dt.21.4.90(P250/90)
Loans and Advances-House Building Advance-Counting of past service-of Ex-Servicemen
re-employed under TNEB for purpose of eligibility for Advance -orders issued.
148. Memo (P)No. 72841/E2/89-4(SB)dt.3.5.90(P299/90)
Loans and Advances - HBA for Purchase of Ready built House - Minimum floor area-
Second and Subsequently purchase of ready built house / Flat allotted by TNHB - need not
be insisted - clarification issued.
149. Memo No.10494-E2/90-4(SB) dt.14.5.90(P313/90)
Loans and Advances-House Building Advance -Advance for purchase of Flat from private
parties - Release of Advance- Instruction issued.(The Agreement between employee and
promoter should be registered)
150. Memo No.83423/E2/89-4(SB) dt.18.5.90(P314/90)
Loans and Advances-HBA-Sanction of advance for Purchase of Ready built house/Flat
allotted by TNEB Jointly in the name of employee and spouse - Agreement undertaking
and Mortgage deed should be executed Jointly - instruction issued.
151. Memo No.55808-E2/85-12(SB)dt.21.5.90(P314/90)
Loans and Advances - HBA-Sanction of advance for construction of house owned by
spouse and enlarging the living accommodation in the existing house owned by spouse -
Both the Applicant spouse is Board employee the stamp duty and Registration fees
- orders issued.
152. Memo (P)No.73965/E2/86-29(SB)dt.15.6.90(P394/90)
Loans and Advances - HBA Advance amount recovered in full-Returning of documents -
discharging of Mortgage deed - Ack debit deed-Format Prescribed - Further instruction
153. Memo (P)No.25644/E2/88-10(SB)dt.30.6.90(P404/90)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Time limit for utilising the advance - watching of utilisation
certificates - Instruction issued by Govt. adopted to Board - orders issued.
154. Memo (P)No.10959/E2/90-2(SB) dt.16.7.90(P463/90)
Loans and Advances-House Building Advance - Calculation of Interest on HBA -
155. Endt. No.63928/E2/90-1 (SB) dt.8.10.90) (P616/90)
Loans and Advances- HBA-sanction of advance to Govt. Servants who after applying for
advance to completion of construction, purchase of ready built etc. with private loan -
various clarification issued by Govt. communicated for guidance.
156. Memo(P)No.52353/E2/90-2(SB)dt.10.10.90(P618/90)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Calculation of DCRG for arriving of the
quantum of HBA amount -Instruction issued(Procedure for calculation of DCRG
whenever changed that be adopted)
157. Memo No.57321-E2/90-1(SB) dt.10.10.90(P618/90)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Employees residing in Board’s Quarters
- Sanction of HBA to enlarge the existing house-sanction may be accorded - orders issued.
158. Memo No.69227/E2/90-1(SB)dt.27.10.90(P624/90)
Loans and Advances-HBA - completion of construction Granting of extension of Time limit
- Delegation of powers - Further instruction issued.
159. Memo (P)No.51107/E2/90-2(SB) dt.11.12.90(P743/90)
Loans and Advances HBA -Deduction of grace period while arriving eligibility amount for
sanction of HBA and commencement of recovery -Interest for the grace period -instruction
160. (Per)BP(Ch)No.256(SB)dt.17.12.90(P745/90)
Loans and Advances -HBA - Sanction of advance for construction of house involving Ground
and Ist Floor stage at which the installments to be released - orders issued.
161. (Per) BP(Ch) 97(SB) dt.8.5.91(P246/91)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Sanction of Advance for Partly for purchase
land and party for construction of house - Releasing of advance intended for construction
of house-Amendment to Rule 5 issued
162. Memo No.23526/E2/91-1(SB) dt.25.5.91(P263/91)
Loans and Advances - HBA-TNEB employees -HBA Spl.. Family Benefit Fund Scheme -
Recovery of Subscription - Clarification issued Govt. communicated.
163. (Per) BP(Ch)No.16(SB) dt.25.6.81(P324/91)
House Building Advance -Sanction of Advance for Purchase of Ready Built house from
TNEB - Difference in cost between loan amount and actual cost should be paid by the
loanee employee before releasing the Loan amount - instruction issued.
164. Memo No.29942-E2/91-1(SB)dt.21.8.91(P434/91)
Board office-Secretariat Branch -Loans and Advances -Advance for construction of house
- Audit Remarks Instruction issued. Before according sanction the estimate should be
verified by the AEE/Civil.
165. Memo No.38668/E2/91-2(SB)23.9.91(P517/91)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Calculation of DCRC for arriving quantum of HBA-Instruction
issued - Date of effect intimated.
166. Memo (P)No.27628/E2/91-3dt. 28.9.91(P518/97)
Advance - House Building Advance - Allowing Supervision charges in the estimate -orders
167. Memo (P)No.37405/E2/91-4(SB) dt.30.11.91(P635/91)
Loans and Advances -HBA-Excess sanction of HBA excess amount of stamp duty and
Registration fees Recovery Instruction issued.
168. (Per) BP(Ch) No.30(SB) dt.24.2.92(P52/92)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Sanction of Advance for enlargement of
existing living Accommodation - Eligibility orders issued (only on completion of 5 years
from the date of completion of house)
169. Memo No.135071/C1-2/91-2(Adm.Br.) dt.21.2.92(P64/92)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance sanctioned to Board employees -Delay in
Submission of completion report by the loanee employees Instruction issued - reg.
170. Memo (P) No.23526/E2/91-6(SB) dt.30.5.92(P302/92)
Loans and Advances -HBA - TNEB employees HBA Spl. Family Benefit Fund Scheme -
Recovery of subscription in DCRG on Retirement and voluntary retirement clarification
171. Cir Memo No.:36504/E2/92-1(SB) dt.27.7.92(P435/92)
Loans and Advances -House Building Advance - Long Term Loans and Advances to TNEB
Employees - Maintenance of Recovery Registers - instruction issued.
172. Memo No.71160/F2/91-7(SB) dt.10.8.92(P461/92)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Recovery of Subscription toward HBA - Spl. Family Benefit
Fund Scheme Clarification issued.(If the payment released in the end of the month the
subscription may be remitted before release of payment)
173. Memo (P)No.72217-E2/88-25(SB) dt.24.9.92(P502/92)
Loans and Advances - HBA-Sanction of HBA for Purchase of Ready Built flat from Private
Parties Sale deed for the Land alone be accepted and the Mortgage deed will be executed
for the entire loan amount - orders issued.
174. Memo No.63214/E2/92-1(SB) dt.17.10.92(P583/92)
Loans and Advances - HBA - Executing of Mortgage deed - Reimbursement of Stamp duty
- Percentage increased.
175. Memo No.72217-E2/88-26(SB) dt.24.10.92(P586/92)
Loans and Advances HBA / Sanction of HBA to Board employees for purchase of ready
built flat from private Party - Producing of Sale deed -reg.
176. Memo No.54400-E2/92-1(SB) dt.28.9.92(P599/92)
Loans and Advances -HBA - Sanction of Advances for purchase of Ready built house /
Flat /Plot from close relatives - Instruction issued by Govt-Adoption to Board - orders
177. Memo (P)No.59192/E2/92-1(SB) dt.27.11.92(P650/92)
Loans and Advances HBA-TNEB Employees Spl. Family Benefit Fund Scheme -
Adjustment in respect of Combined advance - clarification issued.
178. Memo No.62232-E2/92-1(SB) dt.9.11.92(P666/92)
Loans and Advances HBA Long Term Advance - Maintenance of HBA Recovery Register
- Further Instruction issued.
179. (Per) BP (Ch)No.220(SB) dt.1.12.92(P710/82)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Sanction of Advance for Construction /
Enlargement, Plot cum construction - Stages at which the installments are to be released
- orders issued.
180. Memo No.76622/E2/91-5(SB) dt.9.12.92(P720/92)
Loans and Advances HBA-Sanction of HBA to Board employees for purchase of Ready
Built house/Flat from Private Parties producing sale deed - Procedure to be followed -
Revised Instruction - issued.
181. Lr.No. 64927-E2/93-2 (SB) dt.4.2.93(P65/93)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Sanction of Advances - Rate of interest
for 92-93 - communicated.
182. Memo No.83879-E2/92-1(SB) dt.10.3.93(P87/93)
Loans and Advances - HBA Sanction of advance for purchase of ready built house / Flat
from close relatives - further instruction issued.
183. Memo No.2173-E2(93-1(SB) dt.20.5.93(P195/93)
Loans and Advances - HBA-Sanction of Advance for Construction/Enlargement / Plot Cum
Construction-stages at which the installments are to be released ordered - clarification
184. Per Memo No.:31640/E2/93-1(SB) dt.18.11.93(P569/93)
Loans and Advances-HBA Recovery of HBA from the employees who are employed in
abroad - orders issued. The total recovery for the leave period should be remitted in
lumpsum before leave sanction.
188. Memo No.80709-E2/93-1(SB) dt.3.3.94(123/94)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Inspection of Building at appropriate
stage - instruction issued.
189. Memo (P) No.80996-E2/93-1(SB) dt.9.3.94(P125/94)
Loans and Advances HBA - Sanction of Advances for the Purchase of Ready Built house
/ Flat / Plot from close relatives - Not to be sanctioned will take effect from 28.9.92 and all
the pending application prior to 28.9.92 may be considered - clarification issued.
190. Endt. No.9801-E2/94-1(SB) dt.31.3.94(P130/94)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Raising Private loans - clarification issued.
191 (PT) BP(Ch)No.102(SB) dt.27.4.94(P185/94)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Sanction of additional Advance for
completing the construction and enlargement dispensed with. At the time of sanction revised
estimate and Revised pay drawn details may be obtained.
192. (Per) Memo No.33528-E2/94-1(SB) dt.29.6.94(P307/94)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Permission to sell the house constructed/
purchased out of Board loan-permission of the chairman is necessary - clarification issued.
193. Memo No.33273-E2/94-1(SB) dt.18.6.94(P312/94)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Sanction of Addl. Advance to complete
the construction of House/Enlargement of the house - Dispensed certain clarification
194. Endt.No.65882/E2/94-1(SB) dt.27.10.94(P485/94)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Raising of Private Loans - Further
clarification issued.
195. Memo No.58875-E2/94-1(SB) dt.3.11.94(P522/94)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Dispensing with the sanction Addl.Advance
Sanction of Main Advance based on the revised estimate-Disbursement of Instalments -
clarification - issued.
196. (Per) BP(Ch)No.300(SB) dt.4.11.94(P524/94)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance Submitted for Sanction of HBA - Change
of Category for sanction of HBA - orders issued.
197. Memo No.76797-E2/94-1(SB) dt.24.12.94(P604/94)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Loanee employees who die while in
Service and the amount adjusted under HBA special family benefit Fund-Acknowledgment
Debt - Format prescribed.
198. Memo No.91555-E2/94-1(SB) dt.13.1.95(P4/95)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advances - issue of Accounts slip to the TNEB
employees - orders reitrated.
199. Memo No.16150-(2)94-1(SB) Dt.18.1.95(P11/95)
Loans and Advances Sanction of Loans and Advances - Ensuring carry home salary
instruction issued.
200. (Per)BP(Ch)No.85(SB) dt.7.4.95(P157/99)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Enhancement of ceiling on advance
- orders issued.
201. (Per) BP(Ch)No.108(SB) dt.2.5.95(P189/95)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Sanction of advance for the purchase of
flat from the Private parties. Registration of agreement between the employees of Board
and Flat promoters - clarification issued.
202. Memo No.86269-E2/94-1(SB) dt.14.6.95(P259/95)
Loans and Advances -House Building Advance - Advance for purchase of ready Built flat
from the private parties - Producing of sale deed for undivided share of the land may be
accepted and the mortgage deed should be submitted for entire loan amount.
203. Memo No.17131/E2/95-4(SB) dt.16.5.95 (P263/95)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance- Sanction of Addl. Advance - instruction
204. Memo No.:38195-E2/95-1(SB) dt.27.6.95(P271/99)
Loans and Advances House Building Advance-Discharging of Mortgage deed and execution
of Acknowledgment of Debt - certain instruction issued.
205. Memo No.54245-E1/95-1(SB) dt.22.8.95(P399/95)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance -Allotment of Funds towards differential
amount due to revision of estimate - instruction issued.
206. Memo No.71250/E2/95-1 / 4.12.95 (P607/95)
Loans and Advance House Building Advance - Insurance of the House Constructed /
enlarged / purchased out of Boards loan - Avoidance of delay - Instruction - Reitrated.
207. (Per) BP (Ch) No.69(SB) dt.1.3.96(P1/3/96)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Sanction of Advance for enlargement/
Improvement of existing living Accommodation - Eligibility - orders issued.
208. Lr.No.15175-E1/95-8(SB) dt.25.3.96(P27/3/96)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance -Sanction of Advance to the employees of
the electrical undertakings - obtaining of Rectification deed - Specimen prescribed.
209. Memo No.42712-E2/96-1(SB) dt.3.8.96 (P1/8/96)
Advance-House Building Advance - Grant Permission to workmen covered by standing
orders - Advance be sanctioned without insisting obtaining permission - clarification issued.
210. (Per)BP(FB) No.57(SB) dt.6.8.96(P3/8/96)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - TNEB Employees - House Building
Advance Special Family Benefit. Fund Scheme - eligibility - Extension of the scheme -
orders of Govt. Applicability to Board - orders issued.
211. Memo No.:25661/E2/96-1(SB) dt.26.8.96(P19/8/96)
Loans and Advance - Counting of service rendered as Helper (Trainee) and office Helper
Trainees for sanction of HBA and conveyance Advance etc. - clarification issued.
212. Memo(P)No.62024/E2/96-1(SB) dt.29.11.96(P29/11/96)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Sanction of Advance for enlargement /
Improvement of existing accommodation allotted by TNHB - 3 years from original Sanction
should be completed for eligibility - clarification issued.
213. (Per) BP(FB) No.97(SB) dt.20.12.96(P28/12/96)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Rules to regulate Grant of Advance to
TNEB employees for Building etc.- Amendment issued (Rule 13-Disposed of House Added)
214. Cir Memo No.21473/E2/97-1 (SB) dt.19.4.97(P5/4/97)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Eligible Service for Sanction of House
Building Advance - completed 6 years as on the date of application - instruction issued.
215. Memo No.32148/E2/97-1(SB) 24.4.97 (P7) 4/97)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Advance for Purchase of ready built
House/Flat from the private parties should be inspected before assigning priority No. -
instruction issued.
216. Memo (P)No.57972/E2/96.4.(SB) dt.7.5.97(P7/5/97)
Loans and Advances - House Building of Advance- Inclusion of cost of motor in the estimate
- need not be accepted for sanction - clarification issued.
217. Memo (P) No.26033/E2/97-4(SB) dt.28.8.97(P126/8/97)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance for the purchase / construction of house
outside the state - Reimbursement of stamp duty and Registration fees - incurred in outside
the state or to the rate prevalent to Tamilnadu which ever is less - clarification issued.
218. Memo No.67488/E2/97-1(SB) dt.12.9.97 (P3/9/97)
Loans and Advances -House Building Advance - Roof level of a construction - clarification
219. Memo No.(P) No.73179/E2/97-1dt.5.10.97(P9/10/97)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Sanction of Advance - for carrying out
improvement works in the existing house - inspection - instruction issued.
220. Memo No.6529/E2/97-8 (SB) dt.22.11.97(P19-10/97)
Loans and Advance - HBA - Sanction of advance for purchase of Ready built House Flat /
Plot from Brother in law - clarification issued.
221. (Per) BP(FB) No.5(SB) dt.27.1.98(P15/1/98)
Loans and Advances - Counting of Service rendered as Helper (Trainee) and office Helper
(Trainee) for sanction of House Building advance, conveyance Advance etc. - orders issued.
222. Memo (P)No.81842/E2/97-4(SB) dt.18.4.98(P8/4/98)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Plan approval by village panchayat President
- orders issued by Govt - Applicability to Board - orders issued.
223. (Per) BP(CH) No.37(SB) dt.25.1.99(P22/1/99)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Special Family Benefit Fund Scheme -
Extension of the scheme to the employees of Coimbatore corporation electrical undertaking
- orders issued.
224. Memo No.13640/A7/A72/2000-1(SB) dt.24.3.2000(P11/3/2000)
Loans and Advances-Signing of Deeds and Documents by Departmental officers and the
loanee employee - certain - instruction issued.
225. Memo No.17785/A7/A72/2000-2(SB) dt.28.3.2000(P13/3/2000)
Loans an Advance - Insurance of House Constructed / enlarged / Purchased out of Board
loan- Avoidance of delay -instruction - reitrated.
226. (Per) BP(FB) No.68(SB) dt.28.8.2000(P35/8/2000)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Enlargement of ceiling on HBA from Rs. 4
lakhs to Rs.6 Lakhs orders issued.
227. (Per)BP(Ch)No.199(SB) dt.29.8.2000(P36/8/2000)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance -Settlement of outstanding Advance in
one lumpsum - Clarification issued by Govt-Adoption to Board - orders issued.
228. (Per) Memo No.17785/A7/A72/2000-9(SB) dt.29.9.2000(P7/9/2000)
Loans and Advance - House Building Advance - Transfer of Board Employees who availed
House Building Advance - Procedure to be followed in working out Interest and release of
document - instruction.
95675/m7/m72/2000-1/ ehŸ 11.12.2000(ã33/7/2000)95675/m7/m72/2000-1/ ehŸ 11.12.2000(ã33/7/2000)
95675/m7/m72/2000-1/ ehŸ 11.12.2000(ã33/7/2000)95675/m7/m72/2000-1/ ehŸ 11.12.2000(ã33/7/2000)
95675/m7/m72/2000-1/ ehŸ 11.12.2000(ã33/7/2000)
fl‹ k‰W« K‹ gz«-gÂahsÇ‹ it¥ò ÃâÆÈUªJ it¥ò Ãâ fl‹ tH§»l
å£o‰F vL¤J bršy« r«gs É»j« bjËîiu - nfhUjš r«kªjkhf.
230. Memo (P) No.94423/ A7/A72/2000-1 (SB) dt.24.1.01(P65/1/01)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Repayment of Balance both Principal
and interest in one lumpsum - 1% need not be recovered Govt. orders adoption to Board
- orders issued.
231. Memo No.24360/A7/A72/2001-1 (SB) dt.20.3.01(P11/3/01)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Sanction orders - specifying rate of
Interest - instruction issued.
232. Lr.No.89801/A7/A72/2001-1(SB) dt.21.9.01(P7/9/01)
Loans and Advances- House Building Advance Sanctioned to individuals - Rule 5(3) of
HBA Rules - Instruction issued. (Failure to Purchase Plot / House will remit the entire
amount in one lumpsums.
233. Memo No. 110840/A7/A72/2001-3(SB) dt.1.2.02(P6/2/02)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Registration of mortgage deed - Never be
registered without approval of the sanctioning Authority - instruction - reitrated.
234. Memo (P)No.18592/A7/A72/2002-1(SB) dt.4.3.02(P9/3/02)
Loans and Advances - Issue of Annual Accounts Slip to the TNEB employee orders issued
Reitrated (Accounts) Slip to be issued by pay roll Sections.
235. (Per) BP(Ch)No.172(SB) dt.24.8.02(P13/8/02)
TNEB - Delegation of powers to secretary to sanction House Building Advance to class I
officers by relaxing Rule 2(b) of HBA Rules - orders issued.
236. (Per) BP(FB) No.22(SB) dt.8.7.03(P15/7/03)
Loans and Advances-House Building Advance-switching over to mortgage by deposit of
Title deeds from the existing simple mortgaged -orders issued.
(Ãuªj«) F.M.v©.69955/m7/m72/2003-2/(br.».) ehŸ 14803(ã7/8/03)(Ãuªj«) F.M.v©.69955/m7/m72/2003-2/(br.».) ehŸ 14803(ã7/8/03)
(Ãuªj«) F.M.v©.69955/m7/m72/2003-2/(br.».) ehŸ 14803(ã7/8/03)(Ãuªj«) F.M.v©.69955/m7/m72/2003-2/(br.».) ehŸ 14803(ã7/8/03)
(Ãuªj«) F.M.v©.69955/m7/m72/2003-2/(br.».) ehŸ 14803(ã7/8/03)
fl‹ k‰W« K‹ gz« - åL th§f K‹ gz« - å£il mlkhd« brŒJ bfhL¡f
V‰gL« K¤âiu¤jhŸ f£lz« k‰W« gâî¡ f£lz« - gâî¤ Jiw mYtyf« f£lz
uÓâš cŸs fÂŤ bjhif tH§f¡ TlhJ.
238. Memo No.82905/A7/A72/2003-1(SB) dt.17.9.03(P11/9/03)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Switching over to Mortgage by deposit of
title deed from the existing Provision of simple Mortgage deed-Extension of Provision to
Taluk Head Quarters - orders communicated.
239. Memo No.81713/A7/A72/2003-2(SB) dt.24.9.03(P21/9/03)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Switching over to Mortgage by deposit
title deed from existing simple Mortgage deed Regularisation of past cases clarification-
240. Memo No.27547/A7/A72/2003-1(SB) dt.28.11.03(P16/11/03)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Sanction of HBA for Construction of
house / Purchase of ready built house/Ready built flat, enlargement -Rate or recovery to
be effected of 40% pay DA - instruction issued.
241. Memo(P) No.104027/A7/A72/2003-1(SB) dt.9.12.03(P5/12/03)
Loans and Advance - House Building Advance Switching over to Mortgage by deposit of
title deed from the existing simple Mortgage deed Model from for exucation in case of
construction of house by the employees of spouse - communicated.
242. Memo No.8824/A7/A72/2004-1(SB) dt.19.2.04(P24/2/04)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Switching over to Mortgage deed-orders
issued - Amendment issued.
243. Memo (P) No.118590/A7/A72/2003-1(SB) dt.23.2.04(P25/2/04)
Loans and Advances - Sanction of House Building Advance for construction of House /
Purchase of ready built house/ Ready built Flat / Enlargement Improvement of the existing
house-rate of recovery to be effected - Revised instruction issued.
244. Memo No.102655/A7/A72/2004-3(SB) dt.2.3.05(P16/3/05)
Loans and Advances-House Building Advance -Switching over to Mortgage by deposit of
title deeds from the simple mortgage - Rate of Stamp duty and Registration fees -Stamp
duty 0.5% Subject to Maximum Rs.1000/- instruction issued.
245. (Per) BP(Ch)No.131(SB) dt.22.6.05(P26/6/05)
Loans and Advance -House Building Advance-employees die in harness in the Middle of
Month Recovery towards HBA - If sufficient pay is available the recovery may be effected
and then remaining amount may be written off orders, of Govt-Adoption to Board - orders
246. (Per) BP(FB) No.67(SB)dt.30.12.05(P40/12/05)
Loans and Advances - TNEB - House Building Advance Special Family Benefit Fund
Scheme- Amendment to House Building Advance Rules issued.
247. (Per) BP (Ch)No.109(SB) dt.20.6.06(P53/6/06)
Loans and Advances - House Building Advance-Sanction of advance to the employees of
Vandavasi Rural Electric Co-Op Society - orders issued.
F.M.v©.1149/m7/m72/2008-1(br.».) ehŸ 1.2.08(ã10.2.08)F.M.v©.1149/m7/m72/2008-1(br.».) ehŸ 1.2.08(ã10.2.08)
F.M.v©.1149/m7/m72/2008-1(br.».) ehŸ 1.2.08(ã10.2.08)F.M.v©.1149/m7/m72/2008-1(br.».) ehŸ 1.2.08(ã10.2.08)
F.M.v©.1149/m7/m72/2008-1(br.».) ehŸ 1.2.08(ã10.2.08)
fl‹ k‰W« K‹gz« - åL f£L« K‹ gz« - âUka« »uhÄa Ä‹rhu T£Lwî r§f
gÂahs®fS¡F tH§f¥g£l åL f£L« K‹ gz« - mlkhd g¤âu« kh‰w« brŒJ
Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
Secretariat Branch
114, Anna Salai, Chennai-2.
Memorandum (Per)No.97142/A7/A72 /2008-3Dated.3.7.09
Sub: House Building Advance Rules-Sanction of house Building Advance -Non-
Occupation of Board’s quarters attached to the post-House Rent Allowance
paid-Audit objection- Instructions-Issued.
1. According to Rule-12 of the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board House Building Advance
Rules, the employees of the Board provided with departmental quarters ,for whom HBA has
been sanctioned under these rules for construction of house, should vacate the Board’s quarters
immediately on occupation of the newly constructed house or on completion or within eighteen
months after the date on which the first installment of advance is paid, whichever is earlier. In
the case of advance sanctioned for purchase of Ready Built House, the Board’s quarters should
be vacated within one month from the date of disbursement of the advance or occupation of the
house, whichever is earlier.
2. According to the relevant Rules stipulated in Regulations 2,7 and 10 of the Tamil Nadu
Electricity Board Special Pay and Allowances Regulations, an employee of the Board ,who is
holding a post which is provided with residential quarters, is responsible for the said residential
quarters during the period of his service in that post.
3. It is observed that in certain cases, the employees, who have held the posts which are
provided with residential quarters, have resided in their own houses constructed out of Board’s
loan instead of occupying the Board’s Quarters attached to their post, citing Rule 12 of the
House Building Advance Rules, as mentioned in para 1 above. The above action of the employees
has been objected by the Accountant-General Audit party as well as Board’s Audit party and
insisted to recover the House Rent Allowance paid to them, as per the Rules stipulated in the
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Employees Special pay and Allowances Regulations, as mentioned
in Para2 above .The employees have ,therefore ,represented to drop the proposal of recovery of
House Rent Allowance paid to them, to comply with Rule 12 of House Building Advance Rules,
the request of the Employees to consider their cases is not correct in view of the Rules in the
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Special pay and Allowances Regulations.
4. Hence, It is hereby ordered that Rule 12 of The Tamil Nadu Electricity Board House
Building Advance Rules need not be made applicable to the Employees of the Board, when they
are holding the posts which are provided with Board’s residential quarters, since they are
responsible for such residential quarters attached to the post during the tenure of their services
in such posts as per the provisions in the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Special pay and Allowance
5. The receipt of this memorandum shall be acknowledged.
(By Order of the Chairman)
R. Kathirvel
All Chief Engineers
The Chief Financial Controller/General/Board/ Office Accounts Branch
The Chief Internal Audit officer/Board Office Audit Branch
All Superintending Engineers
Copy To: All branches
The Personal Assistant / Tamil Development for Publication in the T.N.E.B. Gazette Stock file.
Section Officer
Secretariat Branch,
114, Anna Salai,Chennai-2
Memo.No. 20339/A7/A72/09-1 dt. 3.7.2009
Sub: Loans and Advances -House Building Advance/ Conveyance Advance-
Sanction of House Building Advance, Conveyance Advance to the employees
of the Board-Avoidance of delay in taking Insurance Policy and Renewal of
insurance policy - instructions issued - reiterated.
Ref: i) Board’s Memo.(Per) No.4420/N1/85-2 dt. 4.9.1985
ii) Board’s Memorandum No. 71250/E2/95-1 dt. 4.12.1995
1. According to Rule 11 of the Board’s House Building Advance Rules, the house
constructed /purchased and / or the living accommodation which was enlarged out of the
advance sanctioned by the Board should be Insured with The General Insurance Company of
India or its few subsidiaries ( National Insurance Company, New India Insurance Company,
Oriental Fire and General Insurance Company, United India Fire And General Insurance Company)
against fire, flood and cyclone within a period of three months after completion of construction /
purchase / enlargement of the house .Necessary instructions were issued with regard to
avoidance of delay in submitting the insurance policies as stated above in the Board’s Memo.
Second cited.
2. In the case of conveyance Advance, under the existing rules, the Motor Car/ Motor
Cycle / Scooter etc., purchased out of advance sanctioned by the Board ,should be insured with
the above said insurance companies within a period of one month from the date of drawal of
advance. Necessary instructions were also issued in this regard in Board’s Memo. first cited.
3. In spite of these instructions ,it has come to notice that insurance policies and renewed
insurance policies are not submitted at appropriate time and request for condonation of delay
are reported to by the sanctioning authorities. This tendency of the employees should not be
encouraged and it should be curbed forthwith.
4. It is hereby ordered again that all the employees, who have availed House Building
Advance / Conveyance Advance, are directed to follow the instructions already issued in the
references cited strictly and there should not be any negligence in complying with the above
5. The receipt of the memo, should be acknowledged.
All Chief Engineers
All Superintending Engineers
All Branches
Copy to :A-16 Section / Board Office Secretariat Branch.
The Personal Assistant,Tamil Development for publication in the Tamilnadu Electricity Board
// True Copy / Forwarded / By Order //
Section Officer
Loans and Advances- house Building Advance-Enhancement of Ceiling on House Building
Advance from Rs.6 lakhs to 15.00 lakhs -orders - issued.
(Permanent)B.P.(Fb)No.7 Dated:07.01.2010
Virodhi Varudam, Panguni
24 Thirvalluvar Aandu 2041
(i) (Per)B.P.(FB)No.68(SB),dated 28.8.2000
(ii) G.O.Ms.No.96, Housing and Urban Development.
(HBA) Department, dated 17.06.2009.
1. According to B.P. cited, the Board employees are granted House Building Advance not
exceeding 75 months’ pay including officiating pay (except officiating pay drawn in a leave vacancy)
Personal Pay and Dearness Allowance wherever admissible subject to a maximum of :
1) Rs. 6,00,000 - partly for purchase of land and partly for construction of a house
thereon or for construction of house or for purchase of Ready Built House / Flat and
2) Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rupees Three lakhs) for enlargement / improvement of existing
living accommodation (within the overall ceiling of Rupees six lakhs)
Subject to the above ceiling, the advance in each case will be restricted to such amount which
together with interest thereon will not exceed the amount that will be recoverable from the salary
of the Board employee at the rate of 50% of Pay + Dearness Allowance and Death -cum-
Retirement Gratuity which he /she can surrender towards the repayment of the advance as per
the rules.
2. Based on the representations from various Government Employees / Associations to
raise the ceiling on House Building Advance, the Government of Tamil Nadu have enhanced the
existing ceiling on House Building Advance as follows subject to all other conditions / orders in
force for sanction of House Building Advance :-
i) partly for purchase of land and partly for construction of a house thereon, or for
construction of a house or for purchase of Ready Built House / Flat from Rs.6,00,000/
- to Rs.15,00,000/- (Rupees Fifteen lakhs only) to Government servants.
ii) for enlargement / improvement of existing living accommodation from Rs. 3,00,000/
- to Rs. 7,50,000/- (Rupees seven lakhs and fifty thousand only) subject to 50% of
the overall ceiling limit of Rs. 15,00,000/-
3. Enhancing the ceiling on grant of House Building Advance to the employees of the
Board based on the orders of the Government has been considered carefully and decided to
adopt the Government order. Accordingly, the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board directs that the
ceiling of House Building Advance to the Board employees shall be enhanced as follows, subject
to all other conditions / orders for sanction of Houses Building Advance :-
(i) Partly for purchase of land and partly for construction of a house thereon, or for
construction of a house or for purchase of Ready Built House / Flat from Rs.6,00,000/
- to Rs.15,00,000/- (Rupees Fifteen lakhs only)./
(ii) For enlargement / improvement of existing living accommodation from Rs.3,00,000/-
to Rs.7,50,000/- (Rupees seven lakhs and fifty thousand only) subject to 50% of the
overall ceiling limit of Rs. 15,00,000/-.
The above orders shall take effect from 01.04.2010.
4. Necessary amendments to Board’s House Building Advance Rules will be issued
5. Separate orders will be issued regarding the rate of interest applicable for House
Building Advance for 2009-10 and 2010-11.
6. The receipt of the Board Proceedings shall be acknowledged.
(By Order of the Board)
The Chief Engineers,
The Chief Financial Controllers / General and Revenue, Board Office Accounts Branch.
All Superintending Engineers, The Chief Internal Audit Officer / Board Office Audit Branch
Copy to
All Branches
All Officers/ Sections / Board Office Secretariat Branch
“A-10” Section -w.r.to Memo.No.22750/A10/2010-5, dated 31.3.2010.
“A-16” Section / Board Office Secretariat Branc, hThe Director, Computer Centre.
The Resident Manager / Tamil Nadu Electricity Board / New Delhi.
The Assistant Personnel Officer / Tamil Development for Publication in T.N.E.B. Bulletin
Tamil Nadu Electricity Workers’ Federation
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Accounts & Executive Staff Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Workers Progressive Union.
Central Organisation of Tamil Nadu Electricity Employees.
Minsara Pirivu Anna Thozhir Sangam
Tamil Nadu Minvariya Janatha Thozhilalar Sangam.
Tamil Nadu National Electricity Workers’s Federation (2 Groups)
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers’ Sangam
Tamil Nadu Electricity Employees’ Congress
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Thozhilalar Aykiyya Sangam
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Engineers’ Association.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Finance & Accounts Officers Association.
Bharathiya Electricity Employees’ Federation.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Card Billing Staff Union.
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Dr. Ambedkar Employees’ Union.
Stock file.
// True Copy : : Forwarded : : By ORDER //
144, Anna Salai, Chennai-2.
Memorandum No. 70936/A7/A71/2011 - 1 Dated : 1.10.2011
Sub : Loans and Advances - House Building Advance - Present rate of Stamp
duty and Registration fee in respect of deposit of title deeds - Copy - Com-
Ref. : G.O.Ms.No.79 (Commercial Taxes and Registration (J1) Department dated
A copy of the Government order cited is enclosed for Information.
Secretary (Addl. Charge)
The Chief Engineers (w.e.)
The Chief Financial Controller / TANGEDCO/TANTRANSCO Chennai-2 (we)
The Superintending Engineers (w.e.)
The Chief Internal Audit Officer / TANGEDCO/Chennai-2 (w.e.)
Copy to:
All Branches (w.e.)
A16 Section / Secretariat Branch
Stock File.
Section Officer
Indian Stamp Act, 1899 and Registration Act, 1908 - Revision of maximum ceiling limit of
Stamp duty in respect of instruments of Agreements relating to Deposit of Title Deeds and
revision of maximum ceiling limit of Registration fee in respect of instruments of Agreements
relating to Deposit of Title Deeds and Lease Deeds - Revision of Registration Fee in respect of
instruments of Power of Attorney to sell immovable properties - Notifications - issued.
G.O.Ms.No.79 Dated : 11.7.2011
Read :
1. G.O.Ms.No.47, Commercial Taxes Department, Dated 12.2.2004
2. G.O.Ms.No.185, Commercial Taxes Department, Dated 15.12.2004.
3. From the Inspector General of Registration, Letter No.16345/C2/2011, dated 6.7.2011
1. In the Government Order first ready above, notifications have been issued, fixing the
maximum stamp duty of Rs.5000/- and registration fee of Rs.1000/- payable in respect of
instruments of Agreements relating to Deposit of Title Deeds, among others. In the Government
Order Second read above, notification has been issued fixing a maximum registration fee of
Rs.5000/- in respect of Lease Deeds, among others. As per Article 1(a) 11(ii) of the Table of
Fees prepared under the Registration Act, 1908, the registration fee leviable for registration of
powers of Attorney other than those given for consideration is Rs.50/-.
2. The Inspector General of Registration, in his letter third read above has sent proposals
to revise the ceiling limit on stamp duty from Rs.5000 to Rs.25000/- and the registration fee
from Rs.1000 to Rs.5000 in respect of instruments of Agreements relating to Deposit of Title
Deeds. He has also proposed that the maximum registration fee of Rs.5000 fixed for Lease
Deeds may be revised to Rs.20000/- Further, the Inspector General of Registration has proposed
that the registration fee of Rs.50/- prescribed for instruments of Power of Attorney to sell
immovable properties may be revised to Rs.1000/- if the power is given to family members and
to Rs.10000/- if given to others.
3. The Government have examined the proposals of the Inspector General of Registration
and decided to accept the same. Accordingly, the Government direct that the notifications
appended to this order will be published in an extraordinary issue of the Tamil Nadu Government
Gazettee, dated 11/7/2011. The Works Manager, Government Central Press is requested to
send 100 copies to the Government and 1000 copies to the Inspector General of Registration of
the gazette in which the notifications are published.
(By Order of the Governor)
The Inspector General of Registration, Chennai-28.
The Works Manager, Government Central Press, Chennai-79.
The Accountant General (Audit), Chennai-18.
Copy to
The Law Department, Chennai-9.
The Chief Ministers Office, Chennai-9.
Office of the Minister (Commercial Taxes and Registration), Chennai-9.
Section Officer
1. In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 9 of the
Indian Stamp Act, 1899 (Central Act II of 1899), the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the
following amendment to the Commercial Taxes Department Notification No.II(1)/CT/12(a-10)/
2004, published at page 5 of part II-Section 1 of the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, Extraordinary,
dated the 12th February 2004.
2. The amendment hereby made shall come into force on the 12th July, 2011.
In the said Notification, in the TABLE, in column (3), for the expression “Rs.5,000/- (Rupees
five thousand only)” against the entry “Agreement relating to deposit of title deeds described
under Article 6(1) (a) of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899” in column (2) against serial number 1 in
column (1) thereof, the expression “Rs.25,000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only)” shall be
Section Officer
1. In exercise of the powers conferred by section 78-A of the Registration Act, 1908 (Cen-
tral Act XVI of 1908), the Governor of Tamil Nadu hereby makes the following amendment to the
Commercial Taxes Department Notification No.II (1)/CT/12(a-12)/2004, published at pages 6 of
Part II-Section 1 of the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette, Extraordinary, dated the 12th February
2. The amendment hereby made shall come into force on the 12th day of July, 2011.
In the said Notification, in the TABLE, in column (3), for the expression “Rs.1,000(Rupees
one thousand only)” against the entry “Agreement relating to deposit of title deeds described
under Article 6(1) (a) of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899” in column (2) against serial number 1 in
column (1) thereof, the expression “Rs.5,000 (Rupees five thousand only)” shall be substituted.
Section Officer
Under section 78 of the Registration Act, 1908 (Central Act XVI of 1908), the Governor of
Tamilnadu, hereby makes the following amendments to the Table of Fees published with the
erstwhile Judicial Department Notification No.177, dated the 30th March 1909 at pages 316 to
319 of Part I of the Fort St. George Gazette, dated the 30th March 1909, as subsequently
amended :-
The amendment hereby made shall come into force on the 12th July, 2011.
In the said Table of Fees, in Article 1, -
(1) In clause (a), In Sub-Clause 11, for item (II), the following Items shall be
substituted, namely :-
(ii) (a) For the registration of power of attorney
authorizing the attorney to sell the immovable
property, if given to members of family as defined in
article 58 of Schedule I to the Indian Stamp Act, 1899
(Central Act II of 1899) 1000.00
(b) For the registration of power of attorney authorizing
the attorney to sell the immovable property, if given to
persons other than members of family; 10000.00
(c) For the registration of others powers of attorney 50.00
(2) in clause (e), for the expression “Rs.5,000/- (Rupees five thousand only)”, the
expression “Rs.20,000/- (Rupees twenty thousand only)” shall be substituted ;
Section Officer
Loans and Advances-House Building Advance-Enhancement of Ceiling on House Building
Advance from Rs.15 lakhs to Rs. 25 lakhs-Orders -Issued
Avani 20,
Thiruvalluvar Andu 2043
1. (Per)B.P.(FB)No.7(SB)dated 7.4.2010.
2. G.O.Ms.No.135 (housing and Urban Development (HBA) department dated 20.6.2012.
1. According to B.P. first cited, the board employees are granted House Building Advance
not exceeding 75 months pay including pay (except officiating pay drawn in a leave vacancy)
Personal Pay and Dearness Allowance wherever admissible subject to a maximum of
(i) Rs.15,00,000/- (Rupees Fifteen lakhs)for partly for purchase of land and party for
construction of a house thereon or for construction of a house or for purchase of
Ready Built House / Flat and
(ii) Rs.7,50,000/-(Rupees Seven lakhs fifty thousand) for enlargement / improvement
of existing living accommodation (within the overall ceiling of Rupees Fifteen lakhs).
Subject to the above ceiling ,the advance in each case will be restricted to such amount which
together with interest thereon will not exceed the amount that will be recoverable from the salary
of the TANGEDCO employee at the rate of 50% of Pay + Dearness Allowance and Death-cum-
Retirement Gratuity which he/she can surrender towards the repayment of the advance as per
the rules.
2. The ceiling on House Building Advance to the Government Servants was lastly revised
in the year 2009. At this distance of time, considering the escalation in the cost of land and
building material, the Honorable Minister of Finance, in the budget Speech for the year 2012-
2013 has announced enhancement of the present House Building Advance ceiling form Rs.15/-
lakhs to Rs.25 lakhs to Government Employees. The Government, after careful examination,
have decided to enhance the existing maximum ceiling of House Building Advance as detailed
below, subject to all condition / orders in force of sanction of House Building Advance:-
(i) Partly for purchase of land and partly for construction of a house thereon, or for
construction of a house or for purchase of Ready Built House / Flat from Rs.15,00,000/-
to Rs.25,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five lakhs only )to Government Servants.
(ii) for enlargement / improvement of existing living accommodation from Rs.7,50,000/-
to Rs.12,50,000/-(Rupees Twelve lakhs and fifty thousand only) subject to 50% of the
overall ceiling limit of Rs.25,00,000/-.
3. Enhancing the ceiling on grant of House Building Advance to the employees of the
TANGEDCO based on the orders of the Government has been considered carefully and decided
to adopt the Government Order. Accordingly, the TANGEDCO directs that the ceiling of House
Building Advance to the TANGEDCO employees shall be enhanced as follows, subject to all
other conditions / orders in force for sanction of House Building Advance:-
(i) Partly for purchase of land and partly for construction of a house thereon ,or for
construction of a house or for purchase of Ready Built House / Flat from Rs.15,00,000/-
to Rs.25,00,000/-(Rupees Twenty five lakhs only)
(ii) For enlargement / improvement of existing living accommodation from Rs.7,50,000/-
to Rs.12,50,000/- (Rupees Twelve lakhs and fifty thousand only ) subject to 50% of
the overall ceiling limit of Rs.25,00,000/-.
The above orders shall take effect from 01.04.2012.
4. Necessary amendments to Board’s House Building Advance Rules read with transfer
and reforms Scheme 2010 will be issued separately.
5. The receipt of the TANGEDCO Proceeding shall be acknowledged.
(By Order of The Board)
All Chief Engineers,
The Chief Financial Controllers / General and Revenue,/ Accounts Branch
All Superintending Engineers
The Chief Internal Audit Officer/Audit Branch / TANGEDCO
Copy to
All Branches
All Officers/Sections /Secretariat Branch
“A-10”Section/Secretariat Branch W.R. to Memo.No.62100/A10/A101/12-7 dt.1.9.2012
“A-16”SEction/Secretariat Branch
1. BPMS(FB)No.1(SB) dt. 4.1.85(P64/85)
Allowances-HRA - Payment of enhanced rate of HRA to Board employes working in certain
municipal areas - orders issued.
2. BPM(Ch)No.304(SB)dt.9.9.85(P937/85)
Regulation - TNEB service Regulations-Board employees under suspension Payment of
HRA - Regulation 56 - Amendment issued.
3. Memo(P)No.78653-N2/84-2(SB)dt.19.11.85(1206/85)
Allowances-Admissibility of House Rent Allowance field - addition to Investigation circle
Executive field Staff compensatory allowances - instruction issued.
4. BPMS(FB)No.1(SB)dt.20.1.86(48/86)
Allowances - Payment of House Rent Allowance to the employees of the Board occupying
Boards Rented Quarters - Payment of HRA along with Surrender leave salary - orders
5. BPMS(FB) No.4(SB)dt.1.2.86(P114/86)
Allowances - House Rent Allowances and city compensatory allowance -Regulation of
places with a distance of 32 kilometers from Madras City and 16 Kilometers from the city
of Madurai, Trichy, Salem and Coimbatore -orders issued.
6. Memo No.28767/N2/86-1(SB)dt.8.8.86(P727/86)
Allowance-Admissibility of HRA in addition to Investigation circle Allowances-Proposal
7. BPMS(Ch)No.463(SB) dt.24.9.86(P879/86)
Allowance - HRA - Enlarging the scope and upgradation of certain places for eligibility of
HRA - Adoption of Govt. orders -orders issued.
8. Memo No.37995-N2/86-1(SB) dt.25.10.86(P939/86)
Allowances - HRA and CCA - Regulation of places with in 16km from City limit of Madurai,
Coimbatore, Trichy and Salem - clarification issued.
9. Memo (P)No.20615/N2/87-1(SB) dt.17.10.87(P788/87)
Allowances-Enlarging the scope of HRA - Upgradation of certain places for eligibility of
HRA - clarification issued.
10. Memo (P)No.51589/N2/87-1(SB) dt. 28.12.87(P996/87)
Allowances-Sanction of House Rent Allowance to the Staff who surrender quarters
- clarification issued.
11. (Per) BP(Ch)No.65(SB)dt.14.3.89(P235/89)
Allowances - Payment of HRA in addition to project allowances to employees of MTPS
who are not provided with quarters - orders issued.
12. Memo No.13319/N2/88-1(SB) dt.17.4.89(P315/89)
Allowances - Payment of HRA-in addition to project Allowance in MTPS who are not provided
with quarters - Amendment issued.
13. Memo No.29690/N2/88-1(SB) dt.10.5.89(P371/89)
Allowance sanction HRA and CCA - Regulation of Places with in a distance of 32km from
Madras city limit and 16km from coimbatore city limit - orders issued.
14. (Per)BP(Ch)No.119(SB) dt.5.5.89(P391/89)
Allowances - Payment of enhanced rate of HRA to the newly upgraded Municipalities-
Applicability of the Govt. Orders to employees of Board - orders issued.
15. Memo (P)No.: 34865/N2/89-1 (SB)dt.14.8.89(P700/89)
Allowances-Sanction of House Rent allowance in addition to project. Allowance to the
employees of MTPS clarification on the date of effect orders issued.
16. Memo No.65035/C1/87-24(SB) dt.19.8.89(P703/89)
Labour - TNEB - Revision of scales of Pay rate of DA, HRA, CCA and Other allowances
and special pays - orders issued - Errata issued.
17. (Per) BP(Ch)No.253(SB)dt.8.9.89(P795/89)
Allowances-HRA and CCA to employees working in villages and Hamlets of certain
Panchayat Unions limit around 16 Kms from Madurai - Trichy city limit - orders issued.
18. Per BP(Ch)No.145(SB) dt.30.6.90(P404/90)
Allowances - HRA-Enlarging the scope of and upgradation of certain places for eligibility of
HRA - order issued.
19. (Per)BPMS (Ch)No.150(SB)dt.13.6.91(P323/91)
Allowances CCA-Regulation of places with a distance of 16km from Trichy city limit for
proposal of drawal of CCA - orders issued.
20. (Per) BP(Ch) No.170(SB) dt.16.10.92(P581/92)
Allowance - HRA - upgrading of Bhavani Panchayat Union for drawal of enhanced rate of
HRA - orders issued.
21. Memo No.73289-N2/92-1(SB) dt.8.12.92(P718/92)
Allowances - House Rent Allowance - Employee of TNEB working in Mahonur Panchayat
Union Grant of HRA at the rate admissible for Karur - orders issued.
22 Memo (P)No.32297/N2/91-5(SB) dt.24.12.92(P737/92)
Allowances - HRA - Employees of TNEB working in Uthiramerur Panchayat Union and
Maduranthakam Panchayat Union - Grant of HRA admissible for Chingleput Municipality
- orders issued.
23. Memo No.15786/N2/91-5(SB) dt.8.2.93(P41/93)
Allowances -HRA - Employees of TNEB working in Various Panchayat Unions at Tanjavur
and Trichy EDC-Grant of HRA at rate Admissible for Grade II Places - orders issued.
24. Lr.No.021698/N2/92-1(SB) dt.12.4.93(P158/93)
Allowances - Hosue Rent -Allowance Enhancement of rates - orders issued.
25 Memo (P) No.89137/N2/91-4(SB) dt.7.5.93(P189/93)
HRA - Staff working in the places outside the Municipal limit raising of HRA to the rate as
applicable to the staff working in the Municipal area of Theniallinagaram - orders issued.
26. Memo (P)No.19039-N2/93-1(SB) dt.13.7.93(P326/93)
Allowances - HRA employees working in Uthiremerur, Maduranthakam and Thirukazhu
Kunram Panchayat Union Grant of enhanced rate of HRA is eligible from 19.11.90
- Amendment issued.
27. Memo (P) No.38236-N2/93-1(SB) dt.17.8.93(P436/93)
Allowances - HRA -Employees of TNEB working in the limit of Uthiramerur Town Panchayat
at enhanced rate applicability to Chenglepet Municipality - orders issued.
28. (Per) BP(Ch)No.106(SB) dt.28.4.94(P175/94)
Regulations - TNEB service Regulations - An employee continues to be under suspension
after the date of superannuation - Grant of HRA and CCA-Regulation 56 Amendment -
issued. If the employee fully exonerated from charge he may paid HRA CCA in full for the
extended period at the rate prior to date of Superannuation.
29. Memo No.58828 -C1/94-1(SB) dt.27.8.94(P391/94)
Estt-TNEB - Employee Revision of Scale of Pay-HRA and CCA revised rate eligible with
effect from 1.4.93 - orders issued.
30. (Per) BP(Ch)No.247(SB) dt.13.9.94(P423/94)
Allowance House Rent Allowance - Enlarging the Scope eligibility for House Rent allowance
- orders issued.
31. Memo No.83026/N2/94-3(SB) dt.24.2.95(P37/95)
Allowances- House Rent Allowance - enlarging the scope for eligibility for House Rent
Allowance- Orders issued - clarification issued.
32. (Per) BP(Ch)No.111(SB) dt.9.5.97(P21/5/97)
Allowance - House Rent - Allowance and city compensatory Allowance - Regulation of
Places with in a distance of 16Km from Coimbatore city limit -orders issued.
33. Memo No.31129/N2/98-1(SB) dt.22.9.98(P20/9/98)
House Rent - Allowance - Enlarging the scope for Eligibility of House Rent Allowance to
the Board staff in Devakottai - reg.
34. Memo (P) No.82678/A3/A32/99-2(SB) dt.14.2.2000(P41/12/2000)
Allowances - city Compansatory Allowance - Eligibility to Thatha Mangalam Panchayat in
Trichy District - sanctioned.
(Ãiy) Miz (K.th.) v©.15(br.».) ehŸ 5.3.2001(ã 18/3/01)(Ãiy) Miz (K.th.) v©.15(br.».) ehŸ 5.3.2001(ã 18/3/01)
(Ãiy) Miz (K.th.) v©.15(br.».) ehŸ 5.3.2001(ã 18/3/01)(Ãiy) Miz (K.th.) v©.15(br.».) ehŸ 5.3.2001(ã 18/3/01)
(Ãiy) Miz (K.th.) v©.15(br.».) ehŸ 5.3.2001(ã 18/3/01)
gofŸ - efu <£L¥go - âUbešntÈ efu« k‰W« mij¢ R‰¿íŸs ïl§fËš gÂòÇí«
jÄœehL Ä‹thÇa CÊa®fŸ k‰W« mYty®fŸ midtU¡F« efu <£L¥go tH§Fjš
Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
36. Memo No.10377/A3/A32/2006-1(SB) dt.12.8.08(P 18/8/88)
Allowance - House Rent Allowance- Enlarging Scope and upgradation of certain places
for eligibility of House Rent Allowance - Admittance of House Rent Allowance to the place
covered - Grade II- Approved.
Ãiy (jiyt® ) k‰W« nkyh©ik ïa¡Fe® j.eh.Ä.t. kgfbrašKiw MizÃiy (jiyt® ) k‰W« nkyh©ik ïa¡Fe® j.eh.Ä.t. kgfbrašKiw Miz
Ãiy (jiyt® ) k‰W« nkyh©ik ïa¡Fe® j.eh.Ä.t. kgfbrašKiw MizÃiy (jiyt® ) k‰W« nkyh©ik ïa¡Fe® j.eh.Ä.t. kgfbrašKiw Miz
Ãiy (jiyt® ) k‰W« nkyh©ik ïa¡Fe® j.eh.Ä.t. kgfbrašKiw Miz
v©.190 (br») ehŸ 3.99.11 (g.14,9-11)v©.190 (br») ehŸ 3.99.11 (g.14,9-11)
v©.190 (br») ehŸ 3.99.11 (g.14,9-11)v©.190 (br») ehŸ 3.99.11 (g.14,9-11)
v©.190 (br») ehŸ 3.99.11 (g.14,9-11)
îthf« - å£L thlif¥go- ehk¡fš Ä‹ g»®khd t£l¤âš gÂòÇí« mYty®fŸ
k‰W« gÂahs®fS¡F å£L thlif¥go Ãiy 3ÈUªJ Ãiy 2 Mf ca®¤â tH§f
Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
Ãiy(jiyt®) v©.229(br.») ehŸ 5.11.11(ã 12/11/11)Ãiy(jiyt®) v©.229(br.») ehŸ 5.11.11(ã 12/11/11)
Ãiy(jiyt®) v©.229(br.») ehŸ 5.11.11(ã 12/11/11)Ãiy(jiyt®) v©.229(br.») ehŸ 5.11.11(ã 12/11/11)
Ãiy(jiyt®) v©.229(br.») ehŸ 5.11.11(ã 12/11/11)
îthf« - å£L thlif¥go - âU¢á Ä‹ g»®khd t£l¤âš cŸs Jiwô®,
c¥ãÈahòu« k‰W« Jiwô® efu¤âš gÂòÇí« mYty®fŸ k‰W« gÂahs®fS¡F
å£L thlif go Ãiy v©.3š ïUªJ Ãiy 2¡F ca®¤â tH§f Miz
1. (Per) BP(FB) No.31(SB) dt.10.6.94(P311/94)
Allowance - Hydro and wind farm Allowance for Persons working Hydro Station and wind
farm erection - orders issued.
2. Memo No.57095/N2/96-1(SB) dt.3.3.97(p18/3/97)
Allowance - Drawal of Hydro Allowance - Certain clarification issued.
3. (Per) BP(FB) No.100(SB) dt.13.12.2000(P53/2000)
Allowance - Hydro Wind Farm Allowance for persons working in Hydro stations and wind
farm stations condition for payment - Relaxation - orders issued.
4. Memo (P) 78979/A3/A32/98-6 (SB) dt.7.3.2001(P19/3/01)
Allowance - Payment of Hydro Allowance to GRT and P&C Circle who are actually working
in Hydro Generation stations - Eligibility - orders issued.
5. Memo No.:25207/A3/A32/2002-2(SB) dt.5.9.02(P9/8/02)
Allowances-Drawal of Remote Hydro Allowance / Cavern Allowance - Cum Performance
Incentive - Details of Period the allowance not eligible - clarification issued.
6. Memo (P) No.25207/A3/A32/2002-5(SB) dt.19.2.03(P15/2/03)
Allowances & Incentive - payment of Remote Hydro/cavern Allowances - Cum Performance
incentive for employees working in Remote Hydel Stations Kadamparai Power House-
orders issued- Modified - orders issued.
7. Memo (P)No.35245/A3/A32/2002-1(SB) dt.9.5.03(P7/5/03)
Allowances - Hydro and wind farm Allowances for the staff working in Hydro Station and
wind farm station - Eligibility criteria - clarification issued.
8. Memo No.59508/A3/A32/2003-1(SB) dt.4.9.03(p2/9/03)
Remote Hydro/Covern Allowance - Cum-Incentive for employees working in Remote Hydro
Station - Release of remaining 25% of performance linked incentive for the year 2002-
2003 working - instruction issued.
9. (Per) Bp(Ch) No.1(SB) dt.5.1.04(P2/1/04)
House Rent Allowance - Rate of rent for Board’s rental quarters at Mettur DAM -Recovery
of rent old rate existed prior to 1.4.98 - orders issued.
10. Memo (P) No.58004/A3/A32/2004-1(SB) dt.3.8.04(P1/8/04)
Hydro and wind farm allowance Remote Hydro / Cavern allowance cum Performance
Incentive - Payment of Said Allowance during Training period-Clarification - reg.
11. Memo No.44200/A3/A32/2004-2(SB) dt.8.9.04(P4/9.04)
Remote Hydro/Covern Allowance cum performance Incentive for employees working in
Remote Hydro Stations - Release of remaining 25% of performance linked incentive for
2003-2004 - orders issued.
12. Memo No.43402/A3/A32/2004-2 (SB) dt.6.10.04(P3/10/04)
Payment of Hydro Allowance for encashment purpose payment already made during the
period prior to 2.1.99- Objection raised by Audit-Request for weival - orders issued.
13. (Per) BP (Ch) No.24(SB) dt.27.1.2005(P86/1/05)
Allowances - Hydro and wind farm Allowance- sanction of Hydro Allowances to staff of
Hydro Thermal Institute Kuthiraikalamedu - orders issued.
14. Memo (P)No.45732/A3/A32/05-3(SB) dt.23.12.05(P16/12/05)
Remote Hydro / Cavern allowance cum Performance incentive for employees working in
Remote Hydro Stations release of the remaining 25% of Performance linked Incentive for
the financial year 2004-2005 issue of working - instruction issued.
15. (Per) BP(Ch)No.11(SB) dt.18.1.06(P65/1/06)
Allowance and Incentive - Payment of Remote of Hydro / covern Allowance - cum -
performance Incentive-extension of benefits to officers and staff working at Pykara Ultimate
Stage Hydro Electric project - orders issued.
16. Memo No.23078/A3/A32/2006-1(SB) dt.5.4.06(75/4/06)
Allowance and Incentive - Payment of Remote hydro / Cavern Allowance cum - Performance
Incentive-Extension of benefits to officers and staff working in PUSHEP-orders w.e.f.
11.8.05/6.9.05 - correction.
17. Memo No.73783/A3/A32/2006-1(SB) dt.18.11.06(P14/11/06)
Remote Hydro / Covern Allowance cum Incentive for employees working in Remote Hydro
Stations - Release of Remaining 25% of performance linked Incentive Bonus for 2005-2006.
- instruction issued.
18. (Per) BP(Ch)No.61(SB) dt.6.3.07(P12/3/07)
Allowance - Extension of Hydro Allowance and Remote Hydro Allowance - Cum-
Performance Incentive to officers and Staff of Civil circle - orders issued.
19. Memo No.40617/A3/A32/2008-2(SB) dt.5.8.08(P9/8/08)
Remote hydro / Covern Allowance - Cum-Performance Incentive for employees working
in remote Hydro Stations - Release of the 25% remaining performance linked Incentive for
the financial year 2007-2008 working - instruction issued.
20. Memo (P) No.50539/A3/A32/2009-2(SB) dt.27.4.10(P21/4/10)
Remote Hydro/Cavern / Allowance - Cum-Performance Incentive for employees working
in Remote Hydro Stations - Release of the remaining 25% of Perform and linked Incentive
for the year 2008-2009 working - instruction issued.
1. U.O.Note No.14979-U2/84-1 (Accounts Br.) Dt.24.09.84 (P.737/84)
Deduction of Income Tax of Source - Income Tax deduction from Salaries during 1984-85
- instruction issued.
2. Lr.No.38885/C1/93-1(SB) dt.31.7.93(P342/93)
Professional Tax - Professional Tax Payable by employees of TNEB - Recovery and
Remittance by the Board - instruction issued.
3. Lr.No.69143/C1/93-1(SB) dt.5.3.94(P/124/94)
Professional Tax-Payable by employees of TNEB Recovery and remittance by Board
- certain clarification issued.
4. Lr.No.24534-C1/94-1(SB) dt.23.4.94(P184/94)
Professional Tax-Professional Tax Payable by employees of Board - Exemption to the
employees physically handicapped. Dum and Deaf and blind - instruction issued.
5. Memo No.55277/C1/94-1(SB) dt.23.8.94(P389/94)
Professional Tax-Recovery of profession tax in respect of Handicapped employees
- instruction issued.
6. Lr.No.CFC/BS/IT/F20B/99-5dt. 6.2.99(P27/2/99)
Income Tax-Deduction of Interest on HBA - clarification issued.
7. Lr.No.7272/C1/99-1(SB) dt.9.2.99(P28/2/99)
Professional Tax Payable by employees of TNEB New Structure in the Levy of profession
tax -Recovery and remittance by the Board - reg.
8. Lr.No.(FC/BS/IT/F20B/99-7/dt.19.2.99(P47/2/99)
Income Tax - Deduction of Interest recovered on HBA after completion of principle / Loan
clarification - reg.
9. Lr.No.11102/C1/99-1(SB) dt.26.2.99(P48/2/99)
Profession Tax Payable by employees of TNEB Recovery and Remittance by Board
- Instruction issued.
10. Lr.No.14343/A3/A31/2000-5(SB) dt.5.8.2000(P7/8/2000)
Professional Tax Payable by employees of TNEB - Recovery and Remittance by the Board
- reg (January and August)
Establishment – Tamilnadu Electricity Board – Employees in Administrative, Accounts and Stores
Branches – Rationalization of Tests, grant of advance increment for passing Tests etc. – Orders
APRIL 1979.
The Tamilnadu Electricity Board has received representations form the Tamilnadu
Electricity Worker Federation, Tamilnadu Electricity Board Accounts Subordinates Union and
other Unions regarding rationalization of the Tests prescribed at various levels, etc. in respect
of the employees in the Administrative, Accounts and Stores Branches of the Tamilnadu Electricity
Board. The Tamilnadu Electricity Board constituted a Committee to study the rationality of the
Tests prescribed for promotion at various levels and also to suggest methods for the
advancement in the career of those employees who are unable to pass the prescribed Tests.
After considering the Report submitted by the Committee and after holding discussions with
the Tamilnadu Electricity Workers Federation and the Tamilnadu Electricity Board Accounts
Subordinate Union and other Unions, a Memorandum of Settlement under Section 18(1) of the
Industrial Disputes Act was signed on 27.4.1979 by the representatives of the Tamilnadu
Electricity Workers Federation and the representatives of the Tamilnadu Electricity Board
Accounts Subordinate Union, and with the representatives of certain other Unions on 28.4.79.
II. In pursuance of the Memorandum of settlement dated 27.4.79 & 28.4.79 referred to in
para 1 above, the Tamilnadu Electricity Board passes the following orders:-
(1) Of the six Departmental Tests applicable in the Board, the Account Test for Subordinate
Officers, Part I, the Department Test for Accounts Officers, the departmental Test for pay and
Accounts officer and the Electricity Department Account Test are conducted by the Tamilnadu
Public Service Commission and the Accountancy Lower Grade, and the Accountancy Higher
Grade, are conducted by the Director of Government Technical Examinations. This arrangement
of conducting these Tests shall be continued.
(2) (i) In the case of promotion to Assistant in the Board Secretariat, the required Test viz.
Account Test for Subordinate Officers, Part I, is to be passed during probation as Assistant and
not before promotion. With effect from 1-5-1979, promotion as Assistant, Board Secretariat,
shall be made only after the Junior Assistant of the Board Secretariat passes the Account Test
for Subordinate Officers Part I.
(ii) There shall be only one Test at each level, except as indicate at (C) below:
(A) In the case of Accounting cadre in Systems/Circles:-
(a) Account Test for Subordinate Officers – Part I, for promotion from Junior Assistant to
(b) Accountancy – Lower Grade, from Assistant to Accountant;
(c) Accountancy – Higher Grade, from Accountant (including Special Grade Accountant)
to Assistant Accounts Officer and ;
(d) There shall be no further Tests for promotion from Assistant Accounts Officer to
Accounts Officer and upwards; and
(B) In the case of Stores employees :-
(a) Account Test for Subordinate Officers Part I, for promotion from Store-Keeper, Grade
II to Store Keeper Grade I, and ;
(b) Electricity Department Account Test for promotion from Chief Store-Keeper/Stock
Verifier (including Special Grade Chief Store Keeper/Special Grade Stock Verifier) to
Stores Superintendent.
(C) The policy of only on Test at each level shall not apply to the Internal Audit Department as
there is no intermediate level equal to Accountant in their Grade, and accordingly the Tests shall
be as follows:-
(a) From Junior Auditor to Auditor. Account Test for Subordinate Officers –
Part I.
(b) From Auditor to Assistant Audit Officer Accountancy, Lower Grade, and
Accountancy, Higher Grade.
(c) From Assistant Audit Officer to Departmental Test for Pay and
Internal Audit Officer. Accounts Officers.
(iii) The Departmental Test for Accounts Officers shall be an optional test. Accountants with a
service of five years and more in the category who have passed the Departmental Test for
Accounts Officers, in addition to the other prescribed Test, shall have preference in promotions
to posts of Assistant Accounts Officers to the extent specifically indicated below in order to
have enough people at higher levels to man the posts of Accounts Officers, Deputy Financial
Controllers, Financial Controllers and Chief Financial Controller.
(iv) In view of the fact that in the Board Secretariat and Headquarters Unit offices, there is at
present only one prescribed Test viz. Account Test for Subordinate Officers, Part I, one more
Test viz. an Establishment Test, shall be introduced for them in consultation with the Tamilnadu
Public Service Commission.
(v) The Account Test for Subordinate Officers Part I, and the Electricity Department Test
shall be merged into one Test. When this merger takes place, the Stores employees who are
at present required to pass the Account Test for Subordinate Officers Part I, and the Electricity
Department Account Test shall be required to pass the new combined Test as well as a new
Test for Store-Keeping. These changes will be introduced in consultation with the Tamilnadu
Public Service Commission.
(3) (i) Every fifth vacancy of Assistant in the System or Circle/Headquarters Unit Offices/
Headquarters Unit Offices/Board Secretariat, Auditors in the Internal Audit Department and Store-
Keeper Grade I shall be filled by promoting, in the order of seniority, persons who have not
passed the Account Test for Subordinate Officers, Part I, subject to their having put in certain
years of service as Junior Assistant/Junior Auditor/Store Keeper Grade II, the minimum years
of service being decided form time to time keeping in view the rate of promotion of Junior
Assistants/Junior Auditors/Store-Keepers Grade II. If such Junior Assistants/Junior Auditors/
Store Keepers Grade II are not available at the time of the preparation of the promotion panel,
the vacancy shall go to a person who has passed the Account Test for Subordinate Officers,
Part – I. The Junior Assistant/Junior Auditor/Store Keeper, Grade II, promoted as Assistant/
Auditor/Store Keeper, Grade I under this concession shall not be eligible for further promotion
as Accountant/Junior Superintendent/Section Officer/Assistant Audit Officer/Chief Store Keeper/
Stock verified unless he passes the prescribed tests.
(ii) Similarly, every fifth vacancy of Accountant shall be filled by promoting in the order of
seniority, persons who have passes the Account Test for Subordinate Officers-Part I but have
not passed the Accountancy, Lower Grade, subject to their having put in certain years of service
as Assistant, the minimum years of service being decided from time to time keeping in view the
rate of promotion of Assistants. If such Assistants are not available at the time of preparation of
the promotion panel, the vacancy shall go to a person who has passed the prescribed tests.
The Assistant promoted as Accountant under this concession shall not be eligible for further
promotion as Assistant Accounts Officer unless he passes the prescribed Tests.
(iii) Every fifth vacancy of Assistant Accounts Officer shall be filled by promoting in the
order of seniority, persons who have passed the Departmental Test for Accounts Officers, in
addition to the prescribed tests, subject to their having put in five years service as Accountant.
If such Accountants are not available at the time of preparation of the promotion panel, the
vacancy shall go to a person who has not passed the Departmental Test for Accounts Officers.
(iv) In view of the above concessions, the exemption from passing the prescribed Tests
on completing the age of 50 years for promotion shall be discontinued.
(4.) (i) Typists/Steno-typists in the Board Secretariat, Headquarters Unit Offices, Systems/
Circles and Internal Audit Department who possess minimum general educational qualification
and have passed the Account Test for Subordinate Officers-Part I will be eligible to be promoted
as Assistants/Auditors. However, Typists/Steno-typists in the various establishments who have
not pass the prescribed Test shall not be eligible for promotion to every fifth vacancy of Assistant/
Auditor described in para. (3)(i) Above, and in lieu thereof they will be eligible to be appointed in
order of their seniority to a Selection Grade in the same scale of pay as that of Assistant/Auditor.
Orders with regard to creation of Selection Grade have already been issued in B.P.Ms.No.360,
dated 26.2.1979.
(ii) The Typists/Steno-typists in the various establishments who have passed the
prescribed Test shall also be eligible for appointment to the Selection Grade according to their
seniority and when their turn comes for promotion as Assistant/Auditor, they will have the option
to remain permanently in the Selection Grade or to be transferred permanently to the cadre of
(5) (i) From 1.2.1979, one advance increment shall be granted in his scale of pay, from the
date following the date examination, for every Test passed by the employee in his line, except in
the case of the Departmental Test for Accounts Officers for which the advance increment shall
be released only after the person passes the Account Test for Subordinate Officers-Part I,
Accountancy, Lower Grade, and Accountancy Higher Grade.
(ii) From 1.2.1979, commerce graduates in the Accounting cadre of the Systems/Circles
and in the Internal Audit Department who are exempted from passing the Accountancy Lower
Grade and Accountancy Higher Grade, shall be granted two advance increments from the date
following the date of examination, or from the date of appointment, whichever is later.
(6) As the grant of advance increment at the rate of one for each Test from 1.2.1979 is likely
to cause serious anomalies, all the employees mentioned below who have already passed
(before 1.2.1979) the various Tests shall be granted advance increments from 1.2.1979 as
indicated below:
(a) Junior Assistants/Junior Auditors and Typists/Steno-Typists who have passed the
Account Test for Subordinate Officers, Part I and Accountancy, Lower Grade, and
have drawn only one advance increment shall be granted one more advance
(b) Junior Assistants/Junior Auditors and Typists/Steno-Typists who have passed the
Account Test for Subordinate Officers, Part I, Accountancy, Lower Grade, and
Accountancy, Higher Grade, and have drawn only one advance increment shall be
granted one more increment and the withheld increment shall also be released.
(c) Assistants/Auditors/Store-Keepers, Grade I and II, who have passed the Account Test
for Subordinate Officers Part I and have not drawn any advance increment, shall be
granted one advance increment.
(d) Assistants/Auditors who have passed the Account Test for Subordinate Officers, Part
I and Accountancy Lower Grade, and have not drawn any advance increment shall
be granted one advance increment.
(e) Assistants/Auditors who have passed the Account Test for Subordinate Officers,
Part I and Accountancy Lower Grade, and have drawn only one advance increment
shall be granted one more advance increment.
(f) Assistants/Auditors who have passed the Account Test for Subordinate Officers,
Part I and Accountancy Lower Grade and Accountancy, Higher Grade, and have
drawn only one advance increment shall be granted one more advance increment.
(g) Accountants/Chief Store-Keepers/Stock Verifiers who have passed one Test and
not drawn any increment shall be given one advance increment.
(h) Chief Store-Keepers/Stock Verifiers who have passed the Account Test for
Subordinate Officers-Part I and the Electricity Department Account Test and have
drawn only one advance increment shall be granted one more increment.
(i) Accountants who have passed the Account Test for Subordinate Officers-Part I and
Accountancy, Lower Grade, and have not drawn any advance increment shall be
granted one advance increment.
(j) Chief Store-Keepers/Stock Verifiers who have passed the Accounts Test for
Subordinate Officers-Part I and the Electricity Department Account Test and have
not drawn any advance increment shall be granted one advance increment.
(k) Accountants who have passed the Account Test for Subordinate Officers-Part I,
Accountancy-Lower Grade, and Accountancy Higher Grade, and have not drawn
any advance increment shall be granted one advance increment.
(l) Accountants who have passed the Account Test for Subordinate Officers-Part I,
Accountancy-Lower Grade, and Accountancy Higher Grade, and have drawn only
one advance increment shall be granted one more advance increment.
(m) Accountants who have passed the Account Test for Subordinate Officers-Part I,
Accountancy-Lower Grade, and Accountancy Higher Grade, and Departmental Test
for Accounts Officers and have not drawn any advance increment shall be granted
two advance increments.
(n) Accountants who have passed the Account Test for Subordinate Officers-Part I,
Accountancy-Lower Grade, and Accountancy Higher Grade, and Departmental Test
for Accounts Officers and have drawn only one advance increment shall be granted
one more advance increment.
(o) Junior Superintendents and Senior Superintendents in Headquarters Unit offices
who have passed the Account Test for Subordinate Officers Part I and have not
drawn any advance increment shall be granted one advance increment.
(7) A Pass in any examination which is declared by the Government of Tamilnadu /
Tamilnadu Public Service Commission as equivalent to any of the prescribed Tests shall be
treated as a pass in the prescribed Test for Purposes of promotion and grant of advance
(8) All existing promotion panels in respect of the categories of workmen covered by this
order shall be scrapped with effect from 1.5.1979.
III. Necessary amendments to the Tamilnadu Electricity Board Service Regulations will
be issued Separately.
T.K.A. Dewan Mohamed,
The Chief Engineer / General, Madras -2.
All other Chief Engineer,
The General Superintendent / Ennore Thermal Power Station
Secretariat Branch / TNEB
IX FLoor, NPKRR Maaligai
144, Anna Salai, Chennai-2.
Letter No.6112/A18/A181/2009-4 dated 01.07.2009
Thiru R.Kathirvel, M.Com., B.L.,
The Superintending Engineer/
Chennai Electricity Distribution Circle(South).
K.K.Nagar, Chennai-600 078.
Sub: Establishment-Employees suspended based on DV&AC cases and
subsequently Joined duty on revocation of suspension-Sanction of annual
increment-Clarification - Regarding.
Ref: 1. This office Letter No.6112/A18/A181/
2009-1 dated 29.01.2009.
2. Your Lr.n\No.2019/053/Adm.I/A2/09 dated 29.05.2009.
1. With reference to your letter cited, I am to inform that as per Note: 2 under Regulation 35
and Regulation 36(a) of TNEB Service Regulations, no impediment to allow annual increment
for the duty period notwithstanding the fact of pendency of DV&AC case.However, in the case of
Thiru A.V.Moorthi, Foreman I Grade/Chennai EDC/South, there is no need to sanction the annual
increment after completion of one year from the date of his rejoining duty on revocation of
suspension, as he was again placed under suspension beyond the date of superannuation on
2. Further, in respect of the cases of Th.N.Selvatharasu,Junior Engineer I Grade and
Th.A.Karthikeyan,Assitant Engineer/Elec. referred to in your letter dated 29.05.2009, I am to
inform that the above officials are on duty from 27.07.2007 and 12.04.2006 to till date, respectively
and no punishment has been imposed on them. Hence, withholding of annual increments for
the duty period citing the pendency of the DV&AC cases against them, may not be correct as
per the regulation provisions mentioned in para-1 above. As such, there is no bar to sanction
annual increment for the duty period from 27.07.2007 and 12.04.2006 to Thiru N.Selvatharsu,
JE I Grade and Thiru A.Karthikeyan, Assistant Engineer /Elecl. respectively.
4. In view of the above. I am to request you to sanction the annual increments to
Th.N.Selvatharsu, Junior Engineer I Grade and Th.A.Karthikeyan,AE/Elecl.on 26.07.2008 and
11.04.2007 repectively (i.e. after completion of one year from the date of rejoining duty)
5. I am also to request you to acknowledge the receipt of this letter.
Yours Faithfully,
(C. Bhaskaran)
Section Officer,
for Secretary
1. Memo.No.25490/R1/82-3 (SB) Dt.12.01.83 (P.69/83 I)
Estt.- TNEB – Allowing certain employees of Board to Move selection grade on completion
of 10 years service Stores Officer (then Stores Superintendent) . Movement to selection
grade – clarification issued.
2. Lr.No.024999/209/C1-2/83-1 (Adm.Br.) Dt.03.08.83 (P.201/83 II)
Estt.- Employees of TNEB – Rationalization of Test Grant of Advance Increment for
passing Accounts Officer Test – clarification issued.
3. Memo.No.32828/P.1/83-1 (SB) Dt.07.11.83 (P.41U/83 II)
Estt.- Grant of Advance Increment to the Official of the Board for having acquired MBA
Qualification. Not to be sanctioned – orders issued.
4. Memo.No.929/P.1/83-4 (SB) Dt.19.08.83 (P.228/83 II)
Estt.- Engineering Graduate – Incentive increment for acquiring M.E. Degree – Date of
effect for sanction of Advance Increment.
5. B.P.M.S. (Ch) No.362 (SB) Dt.17.09.83 (P.290/83 II)
Estt.- Increment in cases of Stoppage of Increment – Amendment to service Regulation
36 - issued .
6. B.P.Ms.(EB) No.70 (SB) dt.14.08.84 (P.575/84)
Estt. – Grant of Advance increment to Engineers of the Board who acquired Post Graduate
qualification etc. – Replacement by grant of lump sum grants in lieu of increments as
under Govt. - orders issued.
7. Memo.No.32828/N.2/83-3 (SB) Dt.13.10.84 (P.775/84)
Estt.- Grant of Advance increment/lump sum Grant to the Engineers of TNEB who acquires
post graduate qualification etc. modification / clarification orders.
8. BPMS(Ch)No.69(SB) dt.5.3.85(P260/85)
Estt. -Sanction of Increment to Probationers-orders of Govt. - Applicability orders issued.
9. BPMS(FB) No.78(SB)dt.4.9.85(P934)85)
Incentive -Grant of Advance Increment to the Boards Engineers re-placing the lumpsum
grant scheme as under Govt. - orders issued.
10. BPMS(FB)No.79(SB) dt.10.9.85(P939/85)
Incentive increment - Advance increment for acquisition of Post Graduate Degree and
Ph.D. in Engineering Grant of Personal Pay equivalent to advance increments after reaching
maximum in time scale of pay - orders issued.
11. BPMS(Ch)No.370(SB) dt.2.11.85(P1150/85)
Labour - TNEB -Revision of Scale of Pay, rates of DA, HRA, CCA and other allowances -
Date of next Increment after fixation of pay in the revised scale - orders issued.
12. BPMS(Ch)No.371(SB)dt.2.11.85(P1150/85)
-Do- To the officers.
13. Memo No.18608-R1/84-66(SB) dt.2.11.85(P1151/85)
Revision of Scale of Pay-Date of Increment after fixation of pay in the revised scale of pay-
orders- change of form of fixation of pay statement and Prescribing another option form -
Revised format - communicated.
14. BPMS(Ch)No.250(SB) dt.9.6.86(P617/86)
Estt. - Advance increment, sanctioned for acquiring special qualification etc.-sanction of
advance Increments after reversion to lower post also -orders of Govt.-Applicability to
Board ordered.
15. Memo No.9342-R11/17/87-1 Dt. (Adm.Br) dt.21.1.87(P14/87)
Estt. - Class III Service-Directly recruited person appointed as Assessor during the year
1982 and 83-sanction of Increment after taking into Account the service rendered prior to
1.12.83 also
16. Memo (P)NO.49064/N2/85-9(SB)dt.3.2.87 (P104/87)
Incentive-Sanction of Family planing incentive -sanction of increment for the employees
upto 31.12.79.
17. BPMS(FB) No.27(SB) Dt.24.3.87(P192/87)
Advance increment - Sanction of Advance increment to the Boards Engineers for acquiring
MBA degree-dispensed with - orders issued.
18. Memo(P)No.81031/N2/86-3(SB)dt.26.3.87(P193/87)
Incentive-sanction of Advance increment to the Engineers of the Board possessing post
Graduate Degree and Ph.D. in Engineering - clarification issued.(Incentive may be
sanctioned to those who have completed at own cost)
19. Memo No.34208-P2/87-1(SB)dt.4.8.87(P619/87)
TNEB Service Regulations - Drawal of Increment by Board employees on Ist day of each
quarter - not counting of EOL without pay and allowances - clarification issued.
20. Memo No.52706-P2/87-1(SB) dt.9.12.87(P966/877)
Estt. -Grant of Advance Increment for passing of Test based on Number Gazette - and
whose name not found in the name Gazette- instruction issued.
21. Memo No.082767-R11(1)/87-2(Adm. Br.) dt.2.12.87(P956/87)
Estt. Clas III Service- Directly recruited persons appointed as Assessor during the year
1982 and 1983 sanction of Increment Further - clarification issued.
22. BPMS(Ch) No.408(SB)dt.1.12.87(P954/87)
Estt. -Officiating employees reappointed after discharge from service - counting of past
service for purpose of Increment - orders issued.
23. BPMS(Ch)No.66(SB)dt.16.3.88(P178/88)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Note1 under Regulation 36(a) regarding counting
of Past service of an officiating Board employee prior to discharge for the purpose of
Increment - Amendment issued.
24. Lr.No.048780/291/Adm.Br/C2-1/88-1dt.28.5.88(P343/88)
Estt. Class III Service-Assessment -CUm-Collection cadre passing of SSLC 11 year or
+2 with an optional Subject of Book keeping with 45% marks are equivalent to pass in
Accountancy Lower - instruction issued.
25. BPMS(Ch)No.161(SB)dt.9.6.88(P350/88)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations-Grant of Increment under Regulation 36(c)
omission of Note 2 under Regulation 36(c)-Amendment- issued.
26. Memo No.149599/S2/A2/88-1(Adm.Br.)dt. 3.2.89(P135/89)
Estt. TNEB-Decentralisation of Works from central office to Division office in O&M circles
- sanction of Incentive Increment for having passed the Test prescribed for promotion by
the Executive Engineers - clarification issued.
27. (Per)BP(Ch)No.51(SB) dt.27.2.89(P155/89)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulation - Regulation 36(d) Amendment issued.
28. Lr.No.154240/1313/Adm Br. / C6-1/88-3 dt. 10489 (P284/89)
Estt. Class III Service - Persons who have not passed the language Test in Tamil - Sanction
of Increment clarification - issued.
29. Memo No.39649/C1/87-2(SB)dt.3.5.89(P349/89)
Estt. Class III Service - Directly recruited persons appointed as Assessor during the year
1982-83 sanction of increment orders consequential revision and refixation of pay in the
wage revension permission to revise their earlier option - orders issued.
30. (Per) BP(Ch) No.191(SB) dt.7.7.89(P601/89)
Increment - Grant of Advance Increment to the Boards Engineers who acquired P.G.Degree
in Engineering of Boards cost applicability of Govt. orders sanction of Advance Increment
upto 6.5.85 - orders issued.
31. Memo No.35386/N2/88-2(SB)dt.13.7.89(P607/89)
-Do- Advance Increment may be sanctioned who acquired P.G.Degree in Engineering
between 14.8.84 to 6.5.85 - Amendment issued.
32. Memo No.048780/291/CC III/88-15 (Adm.Br.)dt.17.7.90(P448/90)
Estt. Passing of SSLC examination with an optional Subject of Book keeping with 45% of
Marks is not equivalent for passing of Accountancy lower grade with effect from 24.8.87 -
33. Lr No.78042-N2/89-4(SB) dt.19.10.90(P609/90)
Estt. - Officiating employees appointed after discharge from Service - counting of Past
service for purpose of Increment - clarification issued.
34. Lr.No.146079/2120/CC-3/89-6(Adm.Br.)dt.19.11.90 (P658/90)
Sanction of Increment to the employees failed to pass the 2nd Class Language Test upto
4 years only 5th Subsequent Increment will be given only on passing 2nd class Language
Test - instruction issued.
35. (Per) BP(FB) No.53(SB)dt.29.12.90(P739/90)
Advance - Increment - Sanction of Advance Increment stopped to the Boards Engineers
Studied MBA Degree on or after 7.11.83 Commenced prior to 7.11.83 and completed after
7.11.83 Sanction - clarification issued.
36. (Per)BP(Ch)No.1(SB) dt.2.1.91(P1/91)
Estt. - Class III Service - Assessment - Cum - Collection - Cadre Passing of Accountancy
Lower grade-Sanction of Incentive Increment to those who passed Local Fund Audit
Commercial Book Keeping before 22.1.78 and who had not drawn any advance increment
- orders.
37. Memo No.082710/765/CC-3/A/90-2(Adm.Br.)dt.22.4.91/144/91
O.S.No.774/1990 - Thiru K.Vasudevan and Four other VS TNEB - Releasing of 5th Increment
to those Assessors not passed language Test in Tamil - reg.
38. Memo No.10880/N2/90-3(SB) dt.21.5.91(P262/91)
Incentive Increment - Advance Increment for acquisition of P.G.Degree in Engineering -
Granting Personal pay equivalent to Advance increment ofter reaching maximum in Time
scale of Pay - orders issued.
39. (Per) BP(FB) No.121(SB) dt.27.11.93(P572/93)
Estt-Annual Increment - Sanction of Annual Increment on the date of accrual even though
the employees are on leave other than EOL without Medical certificate. Sanction accorded
only on rejoining duty - orders issued.
40. Memo No.393/P1/94-1(SB) dt.15.2.94(P83/94)
Estt-Annual Increment - Sanction of Annual Increment Monitory benefit, from the date of
accrual inrespect of women Board employees who are on Maternity leave also eligible
- clarification issued.
41. (Per) BP(Ch)No.96(SB) dt.15.4.94(P183/94)
Labour- TNEB - Revised Scale of Pay and Allowances Fixation of limit for the grant of
Stagnation Increment from Rs.3450/- to Rs.4100/- orders issued.
42. Memo No.27252/N2/94-1 (SB) dt.12.12.94(P584/94)
Estt-Officiating employees re appointed after discharging from Service Counting of Past
service for purpose of Increment and pay fixation in wage revision - clarification issued.
43. (Per) BPMS (FB) No.15(SB) dt.26.2.96(P14/2/96)
Estt-TNEB Medical Officers - Grant of Incentive Increment for passing Account Test for
Executive Officers and Tamilnadu Medical Code Test - orders issued.
m.rh.F.v©. áá3/c3/93-4/(û) ehŸ 7.6.96(ã2/6/96)m.rh.F.v©. áá3/c3/93-4/(û) ehŸ 7.6.96(ã2/6/96)
m.rh.F.v©. áá3/c3/93-4/(û) ehŸ 7.6.96(ã2/6/96)m.rh.F.v©. áá3/c3/93-4/(û) ehŸ 7.6.96(ã2/6/96)
m.rh.F.v©. áá3/c3/93-4/(û) ehŸ 7.6.96(ã2/6/96)
Orders of the Industrial Tribunal in ID/01/92 regarding sanction of Advance Increment for
having passed the Book Keeping a optional Subject in XII 1years S.S.L.C. or +2 Examination
45. (Per) BP(FB) No.27(SB) dt.30.4.97(P13/4/97)
TNEB Leave Regulations- Sanctions of Annual Increment from the date of accrual -
Computing leave salary Amendment to Regulation 30 Amendment issued. (The Monitory
Benefit of the Increment may be given on the date of accrual irrespective of leave count
for Increment - orders issued).
46 Lr.No.146758/925/052/96-4(Adm.Br.) dt.29.9.98(P1/10/98)
Estt. Class III Service - Thiru N.Anandan Jr. Asst.(Accts.)Passed BA Corporate Secretary
Ship in Ist Class - Awarded by Madras University Treated on Par with B.Com., Degree
Awarded by Madras University for the purpose of Appointment and Promotion etc. for all
posts - clarification issued.
47. Lr.No.7369/N2/96-32(SB) dt.5.10.98(P6/10/98)
Estt-Class III Service Employees in Accounts Branch Rationalisation of Test Grant of
Advance Increment for passing Test - The BA Corporate Secretaryship Degree awarded
by Bharadiyar University Coimbatore treated on Par with B.Com., Degree Awarded by
Madras University for all Practical Purpose of Appointment / Promotion Increment etc.
- clarification issued.
48. Per BP(FB) No.38(Adm.Br.)dt.5.11.99(P1/11/99)
Qualification - Recognition of M.Com. Degree obtained through open University System -
after passing BBA with out passing B.Com. Degree-Exemption from passing Accountancy
Lower grade and higher grade - orders issued.
49. Memo No. 147809/491/G30/G301/97-2 dt.30.1.2001(p15/1/01)
Estt-Class II Service -M.Com Degree obtained through Open University System or after
passing BBA-Exemption from passing Accountancy Lower/Higher Grade-Grant of Incentive
Increment - Further clarification issued.
50. Memo (P)No.119600/A3/A32/2001-1(SB) dt. 22.12.01(P19/12/01)
Incentive Grant of Advance - Increment to Board Engineers who acquired post Graduate
degree and Ph.D. in Engineering - Wrong Sanction - Avoidance of instruction issued.
51. Lr.No.108069/570/G30/G301/2001-1(Adm.Br.) dt.18.7.2001(P8/12/01)
Estt-Class III Service Tmy. A. Davamani Typist Incentive Increment for having M.Com.
Degree-Clarification - for the Sanction of Incentive M.Com., Should pass with Advance
Accountancy as one of Subject.
52. Memo No.108069/570/G30/G301/2001-2(Adm.Br.) dt.24.4.02(P8/4/02)
Estt. Class III Service - Tmy. A. Davamani Typist Qualification of M.Com Co-operative
Management Incentive Increment - Not considered.
53. Cir Memo No.012 606/25/G29/G292/2002-1(Adm.Br.) Dt. 10.7.02 (P8/7/02)
TNEB - Passing in Arts Graduation in Ancillary Subject Principle of Commerce and Part III
Group B in Pre-University -Not equivalent to Passing of Accountancy Lower or Local Fund
Audit Book Keeping Clarification issued.
54. (Per) BP(Ch)No.186(Adm.Br.) dt.24.8.02(P13/8/02)
Estt-Class III Service - Thiru K.V. Sundarsanan JE II Gr. (DOB 7.11.44) Gen/Tvely now at-
ETPS - Non Passing of IInd Class Language in Tamil the increment Sanctioned to him is
in order issued he had Joined in Board Prior to 1.1.73 Clarification.
55. (Per) BP(FB) No.60(SB) dt.2.11.02(P6/11/02)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations - Qualification Recognition of M.Com. Degree
obtained through Open University System or after passing BBA without Passing B.Com.
Degree - Exemption from Passing Lower grade / Higher Grade of Accountancy for Promotion
to Higher Post-Amendment to Regulation 94 & 96 of TNEB Service - Regulation issued.
56. Memo No.071447/G35/G352/2003-1 (Adm.Br.) of 24.6.03(P1/7/03)
Estt-Class III Service - persons who have not passed the language test in Tamil -
Clarification issued in Memo dt.10.4.89 - cancelled.
57. Memo (P) No.119304/A3/A32/2003-5(SB) dt.23.9.04(P13/9/04)
Estt-Rationalisation of Test - Grant of Advance Increment for passing test -Recognition of
M.Com. (Banking and Insurance Management) Degree awarded by Annamalai University
under Open University system on par with M.Com. Degree awarded by the University of
Madras exempted from passing Lower/Higher Grade-clarification.
58. Lr.No.80221/A3/A32/2004-11 (SB) dt.1.8.05 (P2/8/05)
Class III Service - Thiru P.Ramasubramanian Assessor - passing of Accountancy and
Auditing theory in Higher Secondary course vacational education is not equivalent to passing
of Accountancy Lower Grade - clarification issued.
F.M.(Ãw) v©.23806/m3/m32/2005-02 br.».) ehŸ 6.9.05(ã1/9/05)F.M.(Ãw) v©.23806/m3/m32/2005-02 br.».) ehŸ 6.9.05(ã1/9/05)
F.M.(Ãw) v©.23806/m3/m32/2005-02 br.».) ehŸ 6.9.05(ã1/9/05)F.M.(Ãw) v©.23806/m3/m32/2005-02 br.».) ehŸ 6.9.05(ã1/9/05)
F.M.(Ãw) v©.23806/m3/m32/2005-02 br.».) ehŸ 6.9.05(ã1/9/05)
C¡f¤ bjhif - KJfiy¥ g£l« bg‰w thÇa¥ bgh¿ahsU¡F C¡f K‹ M©La®î
mˤjš âU. M®. Mdªj‹ cjÉ bgh¿ahs® / KJfiy (FË®gjd« k‰W« fh‰W¥
gjd bgh¿Æaš, ME(Refrigration and Air Condition Engineering) g£l« bg‰wj‰F C¡f K‹
M©La®î tH§»l És¡f« mˤjš.
F.M.(Ã) v©.122587/m3/m32/2003-26-(br.».) ehŸ 21.9.05 (ã25/9/05)F.M.(Ã) v©.122587/m3/m32/2003-26-(br.».) ehŸ 21.9.05 (ã25/9/05)
F.M.(Ã) v©.122587/m3/m32/2003-26-(br.».) ehŸ 21.9.05 (ã25/9/05)F.M.(Ã) v©.122587/m3/m32/2003-26-(br.».) ehŸ 21.9.05 (ã25/9/05)
F.M.(Ã) v©.122587/m3/m32/2003-26-(br.».) ehŸ 21.9.05 (ã25/9/05)
C¡f¤ bjhif - KJfiy¥ g£l« bg‰w thÇa¥ bgh¿ahsU¡F C¡f K‹ M©La®î
mˤjš âU. v«. kâthz‹ cjÉ bgh¿ahs® / Ä‹Åaš KJfiy bgh¿Æaš (ïaªâu
mQÉaš) M.E.(Mechatronics) g£l« bg‰wj‰F C¡f K‹ M©La®î tH§»aâš -
61. Memo(P) No.45106/A3/A32/2005-4(SB) dt.4.10.05(P4/10/05)
Estt.Recognition of M.Com. (Management Accounting and Financial Control Degree
awarded by Madurai Kamarajar University under Open University system on par with M.Com
Degree awarded by the University of Madras for the purpose of promotion/granting Incentive
Increment - clarification issued.
62. (Per) BP(FB) No.26(SB) dt.24.7.07
TNEB - Golden Jubilee Celebration (1957-2007) Grant of One Increment to all employees
of the Board as on 1.7.2007 - orders issued.
63. (Per) (FB) No.27(SB) dt.24.7.07(P29/7/07)
TNEB - Golden Jubilee Celebrations(1957-2007) Sanction of cash Gift to all the employees
of the Board, Pensioners (Including family pensioners/Exgratia Pensioners) Contract
Labourers and part time workers - orders issued.
64. Memo No.11757/A3/A23/2007-8(SB) dt.26.7.07(P34/7/07)
TNEB Golden Jubilee Celebration sanction of Cash Gift to contract Labourers - who were
paid exgratia for 2005-2006 may be paid - instruction issued.
65. Memo No.62185/A3/A32/2007-1(SB) dt. 29.9.07 (P37/9/07)
TNEB - Golden Jubilee celebration Grant of Increment to the employees of Board and
Sanction of Cash Gift to employees of Board, Pensioners, contract Labourers and part
time workers - certain clarification issued.
66. (Per) BP (FB) No.40(SB) dt.28.9.07 (t34) 9/07)
Estt-TNEB - Test Prescribed for Asst. Accounts officer/Account, officers of the Board -
Incentive increment to the directly recruited Asst. Accounts, Officers / Accounts, Officers,
for passing Department Test for Accounts Officers - orders issued.
67. (Per) BP(FB) no.48(SB)dt.9.11.07 (P18/11/07)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Assessors passing of Accountancy (Junior
Grade) Test for consideration for promotion as Inspector of Assessment - Passing of
SSLC(11 years course) with 45% of Marks as one of Subject of Book Keeping is eligible
for promotion and Increment - Amendment issued.
68. Memo No.20233/A3/A32/2006-16(SB) dt.10.2.09 (p11/2/09)
TNEB - B.Com (Double Degrees course Conducted by the Annamalai University - with
holding of Sanction of Advance Increment - Instruction issued. - compliance report called
for - reg.
69. Memo (P)No.20233/A3/A32/2006-24(SB) dt.3.4.10(P9/4/10)
TNEB One Year B.Com., (Double Degree) course under distance education mode
conducted by Annamalai university -Not eligible for Incentive Increment / promotion - orders
70. Memo (P)No.:91974/A3/A32/09-2(SB) dt.7.10.10(P24/10/10)
Incentive -Grant of advance increment to Boards Engineers who acquired post Graduate
Degree and Ph.D. in Engineering List of Courses which are beneficial Boards prescribed
-certain instruction issued.
1. B.P.Ms.No.160 (SB) Dt. 19.11.83 (P.432/83 II)
Loans and Advances – Rate of Interest for the year 1983-84 - orders issued.
2. Memo.No.95111-Ni/83-6 (SB) Dt.26.06.84 (P.442/84)
Loans and Advances – HBA – Enlargement of living accommodation – Rebate on rate of
interest – clarification issued.
3. BPMS(FB)No.21(SB) dt.16.3.85(P298/85)
Loans and Advances -Rate of Interest for the year 1984-85 - orders issued.
4. BPMS(FB)No.5(SB) dt.3.2.86(P137/86)
Loans and Advances - Interest for the year 1985-86 - orders issued.
5. Memo No.075909/C2/1/86-1(Adm.Br.)dt.5.6.86(P617/86)
Payment of Interest on Security Deposit to the Stores Personnel - instruction issued.
6. BPMS(FB)No.107(SB)dt.7.11.86(P1048/86)
Loans and Advances - Interest Rates of Interest for the year 1986-87 - orders issued.
7. Endt.No. Budget / XB/A1-3/F14177/87-1(Accts. Br.)dt. 7.11.87(P901/87)
Loans and Advances - Interest on the Loans and Advances for the year 1987-88 - orders
8. BPMS(FB)No.105(SB)dt.5.12.87(P987/87)
Loans and Advances - Interest - Rates of Interest on HBA and Conveyance Advance for
the years 1987-88 - orders issued.
9. Endt. No. : Bud/X13/A1-3/F14/77/D434/88-1 (Accts Br) Dt.16.3.89(P220/89)
Interest - Rate of Interest on Loans and Advances by State Govt. - Interest rates for the
year 1988-89 - orders issued.
10. (Per) BP (FB) No.49(SB) dt.17.6.89(P518/89)
Loans and Advances - Interest rate on House Building Advance and Conveyance Advance
for the year 1988-89 - orders issued.
11. Per BP(Ch)No.310(SB) dt.13.11.89(P946/89)
Loans and Advances - HBA-Sanction of Addl. Advance for completion of Construction and
for Enlargement of existing living accommodation etc. - Rates of Interest - orders issued.
12. Memo No.89542/E2/89-1(SB) dt.6.12.89(P1007/89)
Loans and Advances - HBA - sanction of Adl. Advance for completion of Construction -
Rates of Interest ordered in BPMS No.310 - Erratum issued.
13. End.No.Bud/X13/A1-3/F/4177/D324/89/(Accounts Br). Dt.5.12.89(P 1005/89)
Interest - Rates of Interest on Loans and Advances by State Govt. -Interest rates for the
year 1989-90 - orders issued.
14. (Per) BP(FB) No.54(SB)dt.31.12.90(P746/90)
Loans and Advances - Interest - Rate of Interest for the year 1990-1991- orders issued.
15. Endt.No. Bud/A1-3/F14177/D-/91-1 (Accts. Br) dt.20.11.91 (P701/91)
Interest - Rates of Interest on loans and Advances by the State Govt. Interest Rates for the
year 1991-92 - orders issued.
16. (Per) BP(FB) No.9(SB) dt.10.2.92(P59/92)
Loans and Advances - Interest - Rates of Interest for the year 1991-92 - orders issued.
17. Endt. No. Bud/A1-3/F/14177/1992-93/D207/92-1(Acct.Br.) dt.30.10.92(P664/92)
Interest - Rate of Interest on Loans and Advances by State Govt.- Interest Rates for the
year 1992-93 - orders issued.
18. (Per) BP(FB) No.2(SB) dt.13.1.93(P20/93)
Loans and Advances - Interest - Rate of Interest on HBA and conveyance Advance for the
year 1992-93 - orders issued.
19. Endt. No. Bud/A1-3F/14177/1993-94/D512/93-1 dt.10.12.93(P673/93)
Interest - Rate of Interest on Loans and Advances by the State Govt-Interest - rate for
1993-94 - orders issued.
20. (Per) BP(FB) No.2(Sett. Br.) dt.17.1.94(19.1.94)
Loans and Advances - Interest - Rate of Interest on HBA and conveyance Advance for the
year 93.94 - orders issued.
21. (Per) BP(FB) No.177(SB) dt.8.12.94(P581/94)
Loans and Advances - Interest - Rate of Interest on House Building Advance and conveyance
Advance for the year 1994-95 - orders issued.
22. (Per) BP(FB No.84(SB) dt.23.11.95(P558/95)
Loans and Advances - Interest - Rate of interest on HBA and conveyance Advance for the
year 1995-96 - orders issued.
23. (Per) BP(FB) No.92(SB) dt.20.12.96(P37/12/96)
Loans and Advances Interest Rates on HBA, conveyance Advance etc. for the year 96-97
- orders issued.
24. (Per) BP(FB) No.7(SB) dt.10.2.99(P45/2/99)
Loans and Advances - Interest - Rate of Interest on House Building Advance and Conveyance
Advance etc. for the year 1998-99 - orders issued.
25. (Per) BP(FB) No.42(SB) dt.8.5.2000(P3.5.2000)
Loans and Advances - Interest - Rate of Interest on HBA, Conveyance Advance and other
advances for the year 99-2000 - orders issued.
26. (Per) BP(Ch) No.177(SB) dt.2.7.2001(P18/7/01)
Loans and Advances - Interest - Rate of Interest on House Building Advance, Conveyance
Advance etc. for the financial year 2000-2001 - orders issued.
27. (Per) BP(FB) no.5(SB) dt.5.4.03(p61/4/03)
Loans and Advances - Interest -Rate of Interest on House Building Advance, Conveyance
Advance for the financial year 2002-2003 - orders issued.
28. (Per) BP(FB) No.1(SB) dt.16.2.04(P15/2/04)
Loans and Advances - Interest -Rate of Interest on House Building Advance etc. for the
year 2001-2002 - orders issued.
29. (Per) BP(FB) No.6(SB) dt.8.2.06(P62/2/06)
Loans and Advances - Interest - Rate of Interest on HBA, conveyance Advance etc. for the
financial year 2003-04, 2004, 05 and 2005-06 - orders issued.
30. (Per) BP(Ch)No.271(SB) dt.22.8.07(P28/11/07)
Loans and Advances - Rate of Interest on House Building Advance, Conveyance Advance
etc. for the financial year 2006-07 - orders issued.
31. (Per) TANGEDCO Pro (FB) No.1(BOSB) dt.3.10.11 (P12/10/11)
Loans and Advances - Interest -Rate of Interest on House Building Advance, conveyance
Advance etc. for the financial year 2010-2011 - orders issued.
32. Memo No.40875/A7/A71) 2011-1(BOSB) dt.3.10.11 (P13.10.11)
Loans and Advances - Interest-Approval of Rate of Interest on House Building Advance
Conveyance Advance etc. for the financial year 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 Approved and
ratified - orders issued.
1. BPM(FB)No.95(SB) dt.20.11.85(P1173/85)
Estt. TNEB - Appointment by Internal Selection - Protection of Pay - orders issued.
2. Memo No.74909-R1/85-1(SB) dt.27.12.85(P1335/85)
Estt. TNEB - Appointment by Internal Selection - Protection of Pay - clarification issued.
3. Memo No.47549/C1/86-1(SB) dt.28.10.86(P944/56)
TNEB - Appointed by Internal Selection Protection of Pay - clarification issued.
4. Memo No. 80175/R1/C1/85-1(SB) dt.29.11.86(P103)
Estt. TNEB - Revision of Scales of Pay from 1.12.84- Protection of pay in cases of
employees appointed through Internal selection - orders in certain clarification.
5. Memo No.80175/R1/C1/85-4(SB) dt.17.3.87(P188/87)
Estt. TNEB - Revision of Scale of pay from 1.12.84-protection of pay in case of employees
appointed through Internal selection - orders certain clarification - Amendment issued.
6. Memo No.78879/P1/90-1(SB) dt.29.1.91(P10/91)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations - Amendment issued to Regulation 97(a) orders
issued (Fixation of Seniority of Asst. Engineers among Internal selection and Direct
7. (Per) BP(Ch)No.46(SB) dt.2.3.91(P85/91)
Estt. - Class III Service - Appointment of Assessor as Jr. Asst. by the Method of Internal
Selection orders issued. Provision in Regulation 82 of Service Regulation - issued.
8. Memo No.:13505/P1/91-2(SB) dt. 27.3.91(P104/91)
-Do- Board ratified the - orders issued.
9. Per BP (FB) No.6(Adm.Br.) dt.26.2.92(P55/92)
Recruitment - Internal Selection to the categories of Tech Asst. IIgr. Elecl.Mechancial
Tester(Chemical) and Surveryor among the employees in provincial and RWE - orders
10. Lr.No. 17665-R11(1) / 84-11(Adm.Br.) dt.16.6.92(P340/92)
Recruitment - Class III Service-Appointment to various posts by Internal Selection- Claim
for fixation of pay under Regulation 33(b)Dismissed by High Court - Reg.
11. Lr.No.018556-R11(1)/93-2(Adm.Br.) dt.8.4.93(P134/93)
Recruitment - Internal selection - Class III Service Filling up of vacancies of Typist by
Internal selection - Eligibility of ITI Helper not eligible - clarification issued.
12. (Per) BPC(FB) No.6(SB) dt.7.1.95(P2/95)
TNEB - Revision of scale of pay and Allowances to officers and workmen - option on the
date of Internal. Selection orders issued - Amendment issued.
13. (Per) BP(Ch)No.80(SB) dt.4.4.95(P149/95)
Labour-TNEB Revised scale of Pay and Allowances-option to come over to revised scale
of pay on the date of appointment by Internal Selection on a date between 1.12.88 to
31.7.89-Amendment to TNEB Revised scale of Pay (Workmen) and officers 1989 issued.
14. Memo No.33281/C1/95-1(SB) dt.30.9.95 (P481/95)
Estt-TNEB-workmen Revised scale of pay 1992-option to come over to revised scale of
pay on the date of appointment by Internal Selection on a date between 1.12.92 to 31.12.93
- orders issued.
15. (Per) BP(FB) No.31(Adm.Br.) dt.4.12.2000(P5/12/2000)
Estt-Class II Service Filling up of vacancies of Assistant Engineers / elecl. by Internal
Selection conducting of Examination - orders issued.
16. (Per) BP(FB) No.22(Adm.Br./dt.17.7.2001(P12/7/01)
Estt-Class II Service - Filling up of Vacancies of Asst. Engineers Elecl/Mech. and Civil by
Internal selection - consideration of employees of non RWE cadre - orders issued.
17. (Per) BP(FB) No.11(Adm.Br.0dt.27.4.2002(P9/4/02)
Estt-Class II Service -Appointment by Internal selection to the post of AE/elec/Mech and
Civil) Prescribing minimum regular service
1. Tech Asst. + Equal 6 years Regular service
2. Below the rank of Tech. Asst. 12 years Regular service.
18. (Per) BP(FB) No.31(Adm.Br.)dt.13.12.02(P12/12/02)
Estt-ClassIII Service - FIlling up of vacancies of driver by Internal Selection - Inclusion of
Record clerk in Provincial - orders issued.
19. (Per) BP(FB) No.26, (Adm.Br.) 16.8.05(P12/8/05)
Recruitment - ClassII Service Asst. Engineer/ Elecl. Mechanical and Civil - Prescription of
Minimum Regular Service for Internal Selection - orders issued.
20. (Per) BP(FB) No.10(Adm.Br.) dt.6.5.06(P10/5/06)
Recruitment - Class II Service - Assistant Engineers Elecl/Mechanical and Civil Prescribing
Minimum regular service for Internal Selection the Condition of Minimum Service relaxed
in favour of SC/ST candidates - orders issued.
21. (Per) BP(FB) No.25(SB) dt.10.5.06.(P17.5.06)
TNEB - Class III Service Method of appointment of Diploma holders to the post of Junior
Engineer / Mechanical II Gr. by Internal Selection - Amendment to Service Regulations issued.
1. Memo.No.048392/902/01-1/84-20 (Adm.Br.) Dt.24.09.84(P.661/84)
Estt. – TNEB – Transfer made due to administrative grounds in 05/1984 – Regularization
of over stayed of joining time and treating the period of absence - reg.
2. BPMS(Ch)No.89(SB) dt.25.3.85(P282/85)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 60 - Amendment issued. (Availing
of Special casual Leave in lieu of unavailed portion of Joining time.
3. Lr.No.24703-2/02/85-1(SB) dt.15.6.85(P663/85)
Leave Availing of Special Casual leave in lieu of Joining time not availed of - clarification
4. BPMS (Ch)No.262(SB) dt.6.8.85(P833/85)
TNEB Service Regulations - Clause 9 under Regulation 10 and 59 compulsory wait and
joining time following revocation of suspension - Amendment issued.
5. Memo No.32398/P2/S13/85-1 dt.16.9.85(946/85)
Joining Time - Availing of Special casual leave in lieu of Joining time not availed of
- clarification issued.
6. Lr.No.60764-P2 /85-2(SB) dt.23.1.86(P85/86)
Leave grant of special casual leave for unavailed portion of Joining time - clarification
7. BPMS(Ch)No.278(SB) dt.23.6.86(P521/86)
Estt. Grant of Earned leave to Board employees in lieu of unavailed Joining time - orders of
Govt-Applicability to Board - orders issued.
8. Memo No.52279-P2/86-2(SB) dt.21.10.86(P923/86)
Estt. Grant of earned leave to Board employees in lieu of Unavailed Joining time
- clarification issued.
9. BPMS(Ch) No.48(SB) dt. 3.2.87(P103/87)
Regulation - TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 60 Amendment issued (Crediting of
Unavailed portion Joining time into the Account)
10. Memo No.21596-P2/87-1 (SB) dt.12.6.87(P473/87)
Estt. - Grant of Earned leave to Board employees in lieu of unavailed portion of Joining
time - clarification issued.
11. Memo No.67734-P2/87-1(SB) dt.20.11.87(P869/87)
Estt. - Grant of Earned leave to Board employees in lieu of unavailed joining time
- clarification issued.
12. (Per) BP(Ch)No.268(SB) dt.14.10.91(P559/91)
Joining Time - Unavailed portion of Joining time- Crediting into earned leave Account -
Mode of calculation - instruction issued.
13. (Per) BP (FB) No.42(SB) dt.7.7.2001 (P6/7/01)
Fundamental Rules - Joining time - Public Holidays and Saturdays and Sundays - Crediting
the Unavailed Joining time to earned leave Account - Amendment to FR 68 issued -
Applicability to Board - Amendment to Tamilnadu Electricity Board Leave Regulations
- issued.
14. (Per) BP(FB) No.43 (SB)dt.7.7.2001(P6/7/01)
Fundamental Rules - Joining TIme- Public Holidays and Saturdays and Sundays - Crediting
of Unavailed Joining time to Earned leave Account Amendment to FR 106 issued -
Applicability to Board - Amendment to Tamilnadu Electricity Board Service-Regulations
- ssued.
15. (Per) BP(FB) No.44(SB) dt.7.7.2001(P8/7/01)
Fundamental Rules - Instrucitons I - Under Fundamental Rule 106 - one day Joining Time-
Exclusion of Holiday including Saturdays and Sundays - Amendment issued by Govt-
Applicability to Board - Amendment to Regulation 60 of TNEB Service Regulations - issued.
16. Memo No.32948/A18/A181/2003-2(SB) dt.7.6.03(P2/6/03)
Estt-TNEB Service Regulations - Admissibility of Preparation Time for not involving charge
of Residence - Preparation time should be Allowed only after getting certificate to the
effect of shifting of family obtained - instruction issued.
ESTABLISHMENT – Regular Work Establishment – Regularisation of leave without application
in respect of deceased employees Delegation of powers to Chief Engineer/Electricity)
Chief Distribution Engineer, Chief Operation Engineer and Chief Construction Engineer –
Order Issued.
- - - - - - - - — - — — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
Board’s Proceedings Ms.No.1620 Date: 20
August 1971
From the Chief Engineer/Electricity Letter No.1040-06/70-3, dated 26-4-1971.
The Tamilnadu Electricity Board hereby directs that the Chief Engineer/Electricity, Chief
Engineer Operation, Chief Distribution Engineer and Chief Construction Engineer be
delegated with powers to grant earned leave to the extent available at the credit of deceased,
employees posthumously as a benefit to their families even if there is no leave application
on record for the period of absence.
Secretary in Charge
The Chief Engineer/Electricity/Madras-2.
The Chief Engineer/Distribution/Madras-2.
The Chief Engineer/Operation/Madras-2.
The Chief Engineer/Construction/Madras-2.
// True copy//
Secretariat Branch / TNEB
IX Floor, NPKRR Maaligai
144, Anna Salai, Chennai-2.
Letter No.49072 / A18/A182/2009-1 dated : 25.08.2009.
Thiru. R. KATHIRVEL, M.Com., B.L.
The Chief Engineer/ Distribution
Chennai Region (North)
Chennai-600 002.
Sub :- Establishment - Audit objection for admitting SLS to the Mazdoor II Grade-
Clarification - Sought for - Reg.
Red :- Your Lr. No.008655 / 361 / Adm.A / A1 / F. Estt /2009-1 dated 00.07.2009.
1. With reference to your letter cited, I am to inform that during 2005, 2500 contract
Labourers were absorbed regularly as Mazdoor Grade II (Trainee) for a period of two years on
consolidated pay of Rs.2,500/- per month based on the discussion held with the Unions. As
such, they are entitled to all the benefits (including encashment of SLS) except scale of pay now
enjoyed by the Helper (Trainee) and Office Helper (Trainee) as clarified in Adm. Branch Memo
No.079084 / 389 / R3-2 /89-38 dated 27.11.90) and Memo No. 118364/G58/G581/2005-15 dated
27.11.97) and Memo No. 118364/G58/G581/2005-15 dated 14.06.2006. When it was clarified
that they are eligible to avail all leave including Earned Leave on par with regular employees,
automatically, they are eligible to encash SLS subject to the quantum of leave stands in their
account on and from the date of completion of training period, Further, in Memo No.61237/P2/
85-1 (SB) dated 21.06.86, nothing has been made to sanction of Surrender Leave for 15 days
and 30 days on completion of 12 months and 24 months continuous service respectively in the
time scale of pay as pointed out by the Audit Party.
2. In view of the above, I am to request you to apprise the above position suitably to the
Audit Party and request to drop the objection raised by them in Audit Slip No.1 dt.29.04.2009.
3. I am also to request you to acknowledge the receipt of this letter.
Yours Faithfully,
(C. Bhaskaran)
Section Officer,
for Secretary
Accounts Supervisor.
1. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.167 (SB) Dt.07.05.83 (P.156/83 I)
Delegation of Powers to sanction EL etc., to DES/EEs by Chairman - orders Issued.
2. B.P.Ms.No.204 (SB) Dt.28.04.82 (P.12/83 I)
Family – Welfare – Popularization of Surgical Method – Public Employees who undergo
sterilization Operation – sanction of special casual leave - Govt. orders Applicability.
3. Lr.No.10933/02/82-1 (SB) dt.24.05.82 (P.23/83I)
Leave – Conversion of leave of any one kind already taken into leave of any other kind
after retirement – instruction issued.
4. B.P.Ms.No.307 (SB) Dt.21.06.82 (P.27/83I)
TNEB – Leave Regulations - Regulation 27 – Grant of special casual leave for
undergoing – Puerperal sterilization Operation – Amendment issued.
5. Memo.No.31530-P2/82-1 (Sectt.Br.) Dt.4.09.82 (P.34/83 I)
Leave – Granting of unearned leave on Medical certificate – exceeding sixty days sanction
of – clarification issued.
6. Memo.No.14041-P2/82-4 (SB) Dt.04.09.82 (35/83I)
Leave – Maternity leave for employees paid from contingencies – clarification issued.
7. Memo.No.063622 (434) Adm.I/4/82-2 (Adm.Br,) Dt.06.09.82 (P.35/83I)
Estt. – Officers/Employees on long leave – Guidelines as to the action taken outlined.
8. B.P.Ms.586 (SB) Dt.12.11.82 (P.50/83-I)
Family Welfare Programme – Special casual leave to contingent paid staff when their
waves undergo sterilization operation - orders issued.
9. Memo.No.52217-P.2/82-2 (SB) Dt.20.01.83 (P.84/83 I)
Estt.- Leave Benefits – Unearned leave on Medical certificate admissible to Helpers,
Duffedor and workmen covered by Standing orders other than clerical works establishment
– clarification .
10. Lr.No.68497/02/82-2 (SB) Dt.28.01.83 (P.90/83I)
Leave – Extra ordinary leave without pay and allowances with Medical certificate
– clarification issued.
11. Memo.No.010920/179/C1/1/83-1(ADM.Br.) Dt.03.02.83 (P.99/83I)
Estt.- Employees on leave exceeding three months particulars – reg.
12. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.51 (Sectt.Br.) Dt.21.02.83 (P.109/83 I)
Family Welfare Programme – Granting Special Casual Leave to the employees of the
Board seeking reconciliation operation - orders issued.
13. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.61 (Sectt.) Dt.02.03.83 (P.112/85-I)
Family Welfare Grant of Special casual Leave to the employees of Board to cover
hospitalization during post sterilization operation arising out of complication – orders issued.
14. Lr.No.49263-02/82-5 (SB) Dt. 15.04.83 (P.133/83-I)
Leave – Exercising discretion by leave sanctioning authorities while sanctioning EOL
- instruction issued.
15. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.167 (SB) Dt.07.05.83 (P.156/83I)
Leave – Delegation of Powers sanction of E.L. etc. to DE’s /EE’s by Chairman – orders
16. Memo.No.11796-P2/81-3 (SB) Dt.13.05.82 (P.168/83I)
TNEB – Leave Regulation – Leave admissible to Board employees suffering from TB/
Leprosy/Cancer or Harrison’s disease – certain clarification issued.
17. Memo.No.32327 P2/82-1 (SB) Dt.03.09.82 (P.184/83I)
Unearned leave on M.C. to Board employees taking treatment as in Patient in Government
Hospitals – Leave Co-Terminus with the period of Treatment exception from appearance
– clarification.
18. B.P.Ms.No.367 (Sectt) Dt.16.07.82 (P.178/83 I)
Leave Benefits – Encashment of Earned Leave on Superannuation orders issued – Date
of effect further - orders issued.
19. Memo. (P) No.33469-Q2/(SB) Dt.18.10.83 (P.358/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Scheme for grant of ELWA for 5 Years to Engineers to start Industry in
Tamilnadu – revised conditions - orders issued.
20. Memo.No.71089/P.1/82-5 (SB) Dt.30.06.83 (P.61/83II)
Estt . – Payment of leave salary for short period pending regularization of leave – Orders
issued further clarification.
21. Lr.No.76668/02/82-6 (SB) Dt.30.07.83 (P.198/83 II)
Leave – Reference to Medical Board for sanction of unearned leave on Medical certificate
Acceptance of Fitness from the same Doctor – clarification issued.
22. Lr.No.17773/o.2/82-6 (SB) Dt.1.06.83 (P.19/83II)
Estt. – Standing orders for clerical workmen – Two years continuous service for availing
UEL on M.C. – clarification issued.
23. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.215 (Sectt.) Dt.14.06.83 (P.33/83 II)
TNEB – Leave Regulations – Regulation 27 Special casual Leave – participation in National
Leave Sports events – prefixing, suffixing Holidays - Amendment issued.
24. Lr.No.54044/O.2/82-5 (SB) Dt.06.06.83 (P.54/83II)
Estt. – Class II Service – Assistant Engineers service not regularized – Availing of surrender
leave benefits – clarification issued.
25. Memo.No.39846-SPS/83-2 (SB) Dt.14.06.83 (P.55/83 II)
Granting of Medical leave to players who are injured while playing for TNEB Team orders.
26. B.P.M.S.(FB) No.79 (Sectt) DT.30.06.83 (P.60/83 II)
TNEB – Leave Benefits – RWE staff – Encashment of EL at Credit on retirement – Payment
without deduction of Pension Contribution to CPF - orders issued.
27. Memo.No.71089/1/82-5 (SB) Dt. 30.06.83 (P.61/83 II)
Estt.- Payment of Leave salary for short period pending regularization orders issued –
28. Memo.No.1994/P.2/83-5 (SB) Dt.23.07.83 (P.143/83 II)
Family Welfare – Special Casual Leave to TNEB staff when their wives undergo sterilization
Operation under Laparoscopic Technique - certain clarification.
29. Memo.No.797/Adm.Br./IR1 (3)/83-1 , Dated 15.08.83 (P.220/83 II)
Estt. – Availing of Earned Leave need not be insisted for Union Office bearer – instruction
30. Memo.No.14040-P2/83-3 (SB) DT- II) 6.8.83 (P221/83II)
Leave Benefits-unearned leave or M.C admissible to Helpers, workman covered by standing
orders in respect of workmen other than those engaged in clerical work – enhancement
certain clarification.
31. Memo No: 007752(12) /ADM.Br/ IR 2 & 3) 85 -2 Dt.04.09.83 (P.284/83II)
TNEB – Grant of Special Casual Leave to Union representation for attending meeting etc.,
- instruction issued.
32. B.P.Ms.No.130 (SB) Dt.08.09.83 (P.286/83II)
TNEB – sanction of leave to DE’s are EEs – Powers delegated to the Secretary - orders
33. Circular Memo.No.61087/P.1/82-4 (SB) Dt.09.09.83 (P.288/83II)
Leave – Leave out of India - Bond to be signed to sanction leave – clarification issued.
34. Memo.No.68308 (a)/S2/83-1 (SB) Dt.18.10.83 (P.357/83II)
Estt. – Availing of Earned Leave beyond 4 times in the cases of cases of clerical workmen
and 3 times in the cases of non clerical workmen – instruction issued.
35. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.420 (SB) Dt.31.10.83 (P.387/83 II)
Estt. – TNEB Leave Benefits – Availing of Special Casual leave in lieu of Joining time not
availed – orders issued.
36. Memo.No.96611/L.2/83-1 (SB) Dt. 12.12.83 (P.468/83 II)
Estt. – Class I service - Application for Earned Leave etc., from DE’s /EE’s – Furnishing
of Details - instruction issued.
37. Lr.No.33625-02/O.2/83-2 (SB) Dt.20.12.83 (P.471/83 II)
Estt. – Simplification the rate of Calculating – Entitlement of Earned Leave - clarification
38. Memo.(P) No.45258-R.2/84-1 (SB) Dt.29.06.84 (P.411/84)
Ramzan – Change in the date of observance – Muslim employees may celebrate the
Festival other than the date declared by Govt. by availing casual leave – instruction issued.
39. Memo.(P) No.89378 – R1/83-5 (SB) Dt. 05.04.84 (P.227/84)
Holiday – TNEB – Holidays for the employees of the Board for 1984 – Substituted holidays
for Mettur workshop – orders issued.
40. Memo.No.43064/O.2/Q2/82-1 (SB) Dt.11.01.84 (P.12/84)
Standing orders for workmen other than those engaged in clerical works AE’s ,JE’s
D’man and AD men – Eligibility of leave clarification already issued- Cancellation issued
(i.e) they are covered under leave Regulation only.
41. TNEB – Service Regulations – Foreign Service – Regulation 78 – Procedure for sanction
of leave – Amendment issued.
42. Lr.No.24516-02/Q2/82-9 (SB) Dt. 18.01.84 (P.16/84)
Estt. – RWE – sanction of UEL on Private affairs – clarification on the eligibility - issued
(Not Eligible).
43. Memo.(P) No.107946-Q2/83-2 (SB) DT.30.01.84 (P.25/84 )
Estt. – TNEB – Scheme for granting EOL without Pay and Allowances for 5 Years to
Engineer to start Industry in TNEB – Introduction of Additional condition for repayment of
Loans and Advances drawn - orders issued.
44. Memo.No.42761-P2/83-1 (SB) DT.15.02.84 (P.75/84)
Leave unearned leave on Medical certificate – Reference to Medical Board – instruction
45. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.73 (SB) Dt.29.02.84 (P.85/84)
Leave conditions of Civil Govt Servant who are reservist (Other than officers) of Army, Air
force Reserve Air Defence what called up for entire service Govt orders - Adopted.
46. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.30 (SB) DT.09.04.84 (P.228/84 )
TNEB – Leave Benefits - RWE staff Enhancement of EL at Credit on retirement – Refund
of the deduction – retrospective effect - orders issued.
47. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.147 (SB) Dt.21.04.84 (P.235/84)
Leave – grant of Leave to employed person Regulation 20 (d) Amendment to Leave
Regulation – issued.
48. Chennai’s Cir.Memo.No.37306/ O&M Cell/84-1 , dated 23.09.84
Medical Attendance issue of Medical certificates to employees of the Board - instruction
49. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.208 (SB) Dt.04.06.84 (P.382/84)
Home Guards – TNEB Employees called out for Training on duty grant of Special Casual
Leave - orders issued.
50. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.224 (SB) Dt.11.06.84 (P.395/84)
Leave Maternity Leave – Enhancement of Maternity Leave to 90 days – Regulation 24 of
TNEB Leave Regulations Amendment – issued.
51. Lr.No.72543/Q.2/83-5 (SB) DT.14.06.84 (P.396/84)
Estt. – Special Casual Leave availed by an employee in between the Two spells of EL
Treated as duty - clarification issued.
52. Memo.(P) No.89373/Q.2/83-1 (SB) Dt.21.06.84 (P.404/84)
Estt.- TNEB - Leave benefits availing of Special casual leave in line of Joining time not
availed - clarification issued.
53. Lr.No.7165-Q.2/84-3 (SB) Dt. 19.07.84 (P.493/84)
Estt. – Simplification in the rate of calculating entitlement of Earned Leave - clarification
54. Memo.No.007752 (12) /Adm.Br./IR 2(3)/83-3 Dt.14.08.84. P576 / 84
TNEB – Granting Special Casual Leave to union representative for attending Meetings –
Instruction already issued modification - orders issued.
55. B.P.Ms.No.(Ch) 3452 (SB) Dt.17.09.84 (P.653/84)
TNEB – Leave Regulations – Employees called on for Home Guards – Treating the period
of absence as Special Casual Leave – Amendment to Regulation 27 – orders issued.
56. Lr.No.63759-Q/84-1 (SB) Dt.29.09.84 (P.750 /84)
Leave employees of Board to join Civil service Defence – Grant of Special Casual Leave
for attending Civil defence duty - Instruction of Govt. of India – communicated.
57. Memo.No.58085-L2/84-1 (SB) Dt.09.10.84 (P.767/84)
Estt. – Class I Service – Executive Engineers – Earned Leave etc. – Relief before sanction
– reg.
58. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.415 (SB) Dt.29.10.84 (P.792/84)
Leave – Availing of Special Casual Leave in lieu of Joining time not availed revised - orders
59. Lr.No.78951-02/84-1 (SB)dt.4.2.85(P144/85)
Leave - Maternity leave - Admissible to married Women Board Employees upto 3 living
children- Adopted Children - clarification issued.
60. Memo (P) No.48353-92/84-5(SB) dt.11.2.85(P171/85)
Leave - Maternity Leave for fourth confinement but having two living Children - clarification
61. Memo No.067583/E7-1/84-2(Adm.Br) dt.16.2.85(P201/85)
Leave pre fixing and suffixing the weekly off along with other kind of leave - clarification
62. U O Note No.26271-Q2/84-3(SB) dt.25.2.85(CP204/85)
Estt. Leave out of India-Bond Prescribed for execution Reimbursement of value of Stamp
paper - clarification issued.
63. Memo (P)No.6802-Q2/85-3(SB)dt.11.3.85(P264/85)
Leave-Scheme for grant of Extraordinary Leave with out allowance upto 5 years to
Engineers of TNEB to Start Industry in Tamilnadu - orders issued - Modified.
64. Memo (P)No.52176-Q2/84-6 (SB) dt.16.3.85(P273/85)
Family Welfare programme- Special casual Leave to married women employees of the
Board who undergo sterilisation by Laprascopic Technique - clarification issued.
65. Lr.No.108776-Q2/83-1 (SB) dt.17.9.85(P499/85)
Leave - Maternity Leave to Married women employees whose services have been
regularised - Instructions of Govt. communicated for future guidance.
66. BPMS No(52(SB)dt.4.6.85(P650/85)
TNEB - Leave Benefit - RWE Employees - Encashment of Earned of leave at Credit on
retirement - Retrospective effect from 1.10.78 - orders issued.
67. Memo No.52437-R2/85-1(SB) dt.31.8.85(P875/85)
Holidays - Employees required to do work on festival Holidays outside the preview of
Tamilnadu Industrial Establishment (National and Festival Holidays) Act 1958-Falling on
regular holidays - payment of Double Wages not Permissible only compensatory holidays.
68. BPMS(Ch)No.275(SB) dt.16.8.85(P843/85)
Leave Maternity Leave for abortion - Certain guidelines Prescribed by Govt. Orders
applicability to Board - orders issued.
69. Memo No.50349-P2/85(SB) dt.23.9.85(P54/85)
Estt. - Counting of Temporary casual Service for availing unearned leave on MC - Not to be
taken into account - clarification issued.
70. BPMS(Ch)No.320(SB) dt.23.9.85(P952/85)
Regulations - TNEB Leave Regulations - Calculation of unearned leave on Private affairs
and Medical Certification in term of days instead of Months - Amendment issued.
71. BPMS(FB)No.94(SB) dt.20.11.85(P1170/85)
Estt. TNEB office Helpers - Duffedors and RWE Workmen covered byTNEB standing
orders inrespect of Clerical Workman-Extending the benefits of Leave on Private affairs
- orders issued.
72. BPMS(Ch)No.421(SB) dt.29.11.85(P1195/85)
Regulations - TNEB Leave Regulations - Study leave-other kind of leave during study
leave - not to be granted - Amendment to Regulation 25 - issued.
73. BPMS(Ch)No.473(SB) dt.30.12.85(P1336/85)
Regulations - TNEB Leave Regulations - Regulation 34 - Amendment issued.
74. BPMS (Ch)No.485(SB) dt.31.12.85(P1337/85)
Regulations -TNEB Leave Regulations - Regulation 24 Maternity Leave - Amendment to
Note (3)(V) and (VI) - issued.
75. Memo (P)No.60022/O&M Cell/85-2(SB) dt. 3.4.86(P305/86)
Estt. Class I Service Sanction and Accounting of casual leave of Chief Engineers - orders
76. Memo No.61237-P2/85-1(SB) dt.21.6.86(P518/86)
Leave Benefits - Surrender of Earned leave and payment of leave salary-consolidated
- instruction issued.
77. Memo No.108598/1939/S6(1)/84-1(Adm.Br.)Dt.15.7.86(P632/86)
Estt. RWE - Directly recruited Assessors-Eligibility of leave - instruction issued.
78. BPMS(Ch)No.333(SB) dt.21.7.86(639/86)
Regulations-TNEB Leave Regulations - Regulation & Amendment issued (Delegation of
79. Memo No.47471-P2/86-1(SB) dt.30.7.86(P654/86)
Leave-Surrender of EL and Payment of Leave Salary-The employee may apply SLS with
in one month from the regularisation of Suspension period-for the each due date
- Amendment issued.
80. BPMS(Ch)No.377(SB) dt.5.8.86(P721/86)
Leave - Employees Admitted as in patient in Private Nursing Homes/Hospital - sanction of
unearned leave on medical certificate for Period exceeding 60 days - Reference to Medical
Board - Orders issued.
81. Lr No.19349-P2/86-1(SB) dt.11.8.86 (P728/86)
Estt. - Class II Service - Regulations of Earned leave during probation period - clarification
82. BPMS(FB) No.79(SB) dt.30.8.86(P755/86)
Leave-Casual leave-Reduction of the Present 15 days casual leave to 12 days inrespect
of the employees not covered by standing orders - orders issued.
83. BPMS(Ch)No.443(SB)dt.8.9.86(P806/86)
Estt. Deputation of Board employees to central and other state Govt. Undertakings -
Retirement on Superannuation while on Deputation - Surrender of EL at Credit leave salary
to be born by Board - orders issued.
84. BPMS(FB)No.83(SB) dt.3.9.86(P798/86)
Leave Benefits-Encashement of earned leave - extension of Benefits to Board employees
who are compulsorily retired from service as a Measure of Punishment orders of Govt.
Applicability to Board - orders issued.
85. BPMS(Ch)No.428(SB) dt.3.9.86(P796/86)
Estt. Employees in RWE - Voluntary retirement and encashment of Earned leave at credit
on the date of voluntary retirement - orders issued.
86. Memo No.45099-C1/86-1(SB)dt.21.10.86(P930/86)
Revision of Scales of Pay for workman and officers w.e.f. 1.12.84-Leave salary for the
leave on half pay during 1.12.84 to 24.10.85 - clarification issued.
87. BPMS(Ch)No.501(SB) dt.14.10.86(P918/86)
Regulations - TNEB Leave Regulations - Regulation 34 - Amendment issued.
88. BPMS(Ch)No.521(SB) dt.28.10.86(P944/86)
Leave Maternity Leave - Admissibility of Maternity Leave to married woman Board employees
for the 3rd Confinement - restriction - orders issued.
89. BPMS(Ch)No.551(SB)dt.17.11.86(P1028/86)
Leave-Earned leave - simplification in calculation of earned leave-orders issued (Fraction
should be carried forward)
90. BPMS(Ch)No.588(SB)dt.5.12.86(P1090/86)
Estt. absence of employees exceeding the limit of eligible leave -To be treated as non duty
orders issued.
91. Memo No.464-p2/87-1(SB) Dt.11.2.87(P119/87)
Leave Simplification in earned leave calculation-clarification on the date of effect- issued.
92. Memo No.6134-P2/87-1(SB) dt.24.4.87(P298/87)
Leave Benefit - Surrender of EL-period of compulsory retirement as duty - permission to
surrender leave - clarification - should apply with in one month from the date of regulations.
93. BPMS(Ch)Nol144(SB) dt.13.4.87(P277/87)
Leave - Maternity leave for abortion- certain guidelines issued.
94. Memo No.68659-P2/86-1(SB) dt.13.5.87(P370/87)
Estt. Class I and II Service - Simplification in the rates of calculation of earned leave
- clarification issued.
95. Memo No.66620/244/Adm.Br./Ir2(3) 87-1 dt. 22.5.87 (P382/87)
Estt.- Class III Service - Availing of earned leave beyond 4 times in the cases of clerical
work men and 3 times in the cases of field workman - waiwer of stipulation in favour of
office bearers of unions - Instruction not properly followed - reg.
96. BPMS(FB)No.46(SB) dt.11.6.87(P466/87)
Estt. Method of calculation of earned leave inrespect of class I and II Service -Advance
credit if 15 days earned leave for half year-with drawn from 1.7.87 - orders issued.
97. BPMS(Ch)No.281(SB) dt.31.7.87(P572/87)
Regulations - TNEB leave Regulations-Regulation 8-Amendment issued (Delegation of
98. Memo(P)NO.51011-P2/87-1(SB)dt.26.8.87(642/87)
Estt. - Engineers of TNEB Grant of leave for start Industry in Tamilnadu - Rejoining duty
conditions - reg.
99. Memo No.57394-P2/87-1(SB)dt.28.10.87(P795/87)
Leave Benefits - Encashment of earned leave - Extension of Benefits to Board employees
who are compulsorily retired as a Measure of Punishment orders issued.-Amendment
issued (Eligibility from 21.2.86)
100. Memo (P) NO.25349-P2/87-6(SB) dt.29.11.87(P876/87)
Estt. - Class III and IV service - Admissibility of UEL on MC on transfer from class IV to
Class III Service - clarification issued.
101. BPMS(FB) No.101(SB)dt.112.87(P955/87)
Leave Benefits - Earned leave - encashment of EL upto 240 days - credit in account and
encashment allowed - orders issued.
102. Memo No.26516-P2/83-14(SB)dt.8.12.87(P962/87)
Estt. Simplification of Calculation of rate of entitlement of EL-Applicability to senior supt..
and Spl. Gr. Accountant -clarification issued.
103. BPMS(FB) No.113(SB) dt.16.12.87(P989/87)
Leave-Employees Suffering from Tuberculosis, Leprosy and Cancer-Financial Assistance-
Increased - orders issued.
104. Endt. No.12327-P2/88-1(SB) dt.7.3.88(P173/88)
Leave-Unearned leave on MC-Recording of brief history of the case in Medical Certificate
by Medical Board - instruction issued.
105. BPMS(Ch)No.120(SB) Dt.27.4.88(P260/88)
Leave - Casual Leave-Two days restricted holidays in a calender year to employees not
covered by standing orders - Granted - orders issued.
106. Lr.No.20307/C2/88-1(SB)dt.29.4.88(P260/88)
Leave - Casual leave-Restricted holidays - 2 days in calender year-Granted - orders issued
by Govt. copy communicated.
107. Memo No.6329-P2/88-1(SB)dt.29.4.88(P264/88)
Leave -Surrendering of earned leave and payment of leave salary consolidated instruction
- Amendment issued.
108. Memo No.23848/O&M Cell/88-1(SB) dt.7.5.88(P292/88)
Estt. Encashment of Earned leave at the time of retirement - early settlement - instruction
109. BPMS(Ch)No.133(SB)dt.13.5.88(P298/88)
Regulations - TNEB Leave Regulation 24-Amendment issued-Married Woman employees
may be sanctioned Maternity leave for 3rd Confinement who have two living children on
undertaking about sterilisation.
110. BPMS(Ch)No.210(SB)dt.11.7.88(P451/88)
Leave-Earned leave-Encashment of earned leave at the credit of Board employees on the
date of retirement - Dispensing with issue of Sanction order - orders issued.
111. Memo No.29943/O&M Cell/88-1(SB) dt.14.7.88(P463/88)
Estt. Encashment of Earned leave at the time of retirement - early settlement - clarification
112. Memo No.51304-C2/88-1(SB) dt.25.8.88(P575/88)
Leave-Casual leave - Two days Restricted holiday in a calender year to employees not
covered by standing orders-inclusion of Onam festival in the list.
113. Memo No.44925-C2/88-1(SB) dt.31.8.88(P578/88)
Do-Inclusion of 27th day of Ramzan in the list ordered.
114. BPMS(FB) No.80(SB)dt.6.12.88(P857/88)
Delegation of Powers - Sanction of leave to Class I Officers-Delegation of further powers
to secretary - orders issued.
115. Memo No.5582-P2/88-1(SB) dt.3.1.89(P14/89)
Estt. Earned leave at the credit of Board employees on the date of retirement Dispensing
with issue of Sanction orders (SE) one of sanctioning authority to the rank of AEE not
exceeding 30 days) - clarification issued.
116. (Per) BP(Ch)No.5(SB) dt.7.1.89(P461/89)
Estt. - Class II and IV Service - Sanction of leave to office Helper and employees in RWE
by AEE procedure to be followed - orders issued
117. (Per)13P(Ch)No.19(SB)dt. 30.1.89 (P84/89)
Regulation -TNEB Leave Regulations - Regulation 24 Maternity Leave - Amendment issued.
118. Memo No.2318- (42/89-1(SB)dt.1.2.89(P/33) 89)
Leave - Casual leave - Two days Restricted holidays in a Calender year to employees of
Board not covered by Standing orders - Inclusion of Deepavali Nonbu - Amendment issued.
119. Per BP(Ch)No.63(SB)dt.10.3.89(P213/89)
Regulations - TNEB Leave Regulations - Regulation 30-Availing of EOL for the Treatment
of Tuberculosis and Cancer and Harrison Disease as in Patient and others payment exgratia
Allowance - Amendment issued.
120. Memo No.80913/O&M cell/88-3(SB)dt.27.3.89(P227/89)
Estt -TNEB - Sanction of UEC on MC - Medical Certificate should be in the prescribed
format - instruction issued.
121. Memo No.66711/P2/88-1(SB)dt.18.5.89(P378/89)
Leave Benefits, Deputation of Board employees on Foreign Service Surrender of Earned
leave-payment of leave salary - clarification issued.
122. Lr No.42036-P2/89-1 (SB) dt.19.6.89(P486/89)
Estt. - Casual Leave admissible for officers/Staff retiring in the Middle of the calender year
may allow full quantum casual leave - reg.
123. Per BP(Ch)No.205(SB) dt.21.7.89(P612/89)
Regulations-TNEB Leave Regulations - Regulation 34 Sanction of UEL on mc for the
employees admitted into Govt. Hospital as Inpatient and private Nursing home as In Patients
- Amendment issued.
124. Memo (P)NO.32478/O&M Cell/89-1(SB)dt.2.7.89(P613/89)
Estt. - Class III and IV Service Sanction of Leave except casual Leave - Leave application
and sanction formate prescribed.
125. (Rt) BP (Ch) 54(SB) dt.22.8.89 (P709/89)
Holidays - Public Holiday - the 14th Nov. 1989 Under Negotiable Instrument act on the
account of Jawaharalal Nehru Birth Centenary - orders issued.
126. Memo No.55560-P2/89-1(SB) dt.17.10.89(P847/89)
Leave Restriction for grant of long leave to Board employees in class I and II Service
- clarification issued.
127. Memo No.91188-C2/89-1(SB) dt.16.12.89 (P995/89)
Leave - Casual Leave-Restriction Holidays - Two days in a calender year Availing of the
festival by the Particular religion employees only - clarification issued.
128. (Per) BP (Ch)No.331(SB)dt.5.12.89(P982/89)
TNEB - Leave Regulations-Revision of Existing forms of leave Account in Regulation 33
and incorporation of new forms - orders issued.
129. Memo No.91346-P2/89-1(SB) dt.6.1.90(P6/90)
Leave - Maternity Leave for Still Born child sanction of - clarification issued
130. Memo (P)No.2404/N2/90-1(SB) 9.3.90(P169/90)
Medical Attendance - Leave on Medical certificate-Reference to Medical Board -
Reimbursement of the fees - instruction issued.
131. Memo No.77500-P2/89-1(SB)dt.20.4.90(P228/90)
Leave Benefits - Earned leave - Accumulation of Earned leave from 180 days to 240 days
- clarification issued.
132. (Per) BP(Ch)No.74(SB)dt.24.4.90(P229/90)
Regulations - TNEB Leave Regulations - Regulation 27 Special casual Leave - Measles
and Rabbies- Inclusion - Executive - instruction issued.
133. Memo NO.3357-P2/90-1(SB)dt.19.6.90(P374/90)
Leave Benefits - Earned leave - Accumulation of Earned leave from 180 days to 240 days
- allowing HRA and CCA for beyond 180 days settled cases before 20.490 need not be
134. (Per) BP(Ch)No.189(SB)dt.29.8.90(P501/90)
Regulations - TNEB Leave Regulations -Regulation 27(1) (a)-Grant of Special Casual
leave - Amendment issued.
135. Memo No.78354/O&M cell/4/90-1(SB) dt.15.12.90(P728/90)
TNEB -Estt. Sanction of leave on Medical Certificate -prescribed format of Medical
Certificate- Instruction issued.
136. (Per)BP(Ch)No.60(SB) dt.22.3.91(P100/91)
Regualtions -TNEB Leave Regualtions - Regulation 33 Calculation of Leave-Revised forms
of leave Account - Amendment issued.
137. Memo No.340/Adm Br/IR1(3)9/89-1dt.18.3.91(P91/91)
TNEB Grant of Special casual leave to union Representative for attending Meetings etc.
- Further instruction issued.
138. (Per) BP(FB) No.35(SB) dt.235 91(P221/91)
Delegation - Relaxation of Provision under Regulation 34 of TNEB Leave Regulations-
Delegation of Powers to Chairman to sanction without reference to medical Board - orders
139. Lr.No.27628-C2)91-1(SB) dt.13.6.91(P310)
Leave-Casual Leave-Restricted holidays to employees may avail Full day only - clarification
140. (Per)BP(Ch)No.158(SB)dt.18.6.91(P312/91)
Regualtions -TNEB Leave Regulations - Regulation 27 Amendment issued - Sanction of
Special casual leave for Sterlisation.
141. (Per)BP(FB)No.55(SB)dt.22.7.91(P363/91)
Estt. TNEB Delegation of Powers to SE’s to Sanction leave upto 30 days to the Class I
officers working under their control orders issued.
142. (Per) BP(FB) No.88(SB) dt.24.10.91(P567/91)
Estt. Employees of TNEB Grant of leave to take up employment abroad - orders issued.
143. (Per) BP(FB) No.93(SB) dt.11.12.91(91/91)
Regualtions-Sanction of UEL on mc-powers to Chairman to Sanction leave upto the level
of SE’s without reference to medical Board delegated - orders issued.
144. (Per) BP(Ch)No.5(SB) dt.7.1.92(P4) 92)
Regulations - TNEB Leave Regulations - Regulation 27 Amendment issued-Sanction of
Special casual leave.
145. Memo (P) No.:15931/P1/91-3(SB) dt.14.1.192 (6/92)
Estt-Engineers of TNEB - Grant of E.O.L. without pay and allowances upto five years to
state Industry in Tamilnadu - Further - orders issued.
146. Memo No.89793/C2/91-1(SB) dt.18.1.92(P8/92)
Leave-Casual leave -Two days Restricted holidays in a Calendar year to employees not
covered by standing orders - change of home of festival and inclusion of Shaba Miroj and
Arie Festival in the list of festival - orders issued.
147. (RT) BP(Ch)No.19(SB) dt.8.4.92(P171/92)
Holidays - Pubic Holiday - 14th April declared as public holidays under Negotiable
Instruments Act on Account of Dr. Ambedkar Birthday - orders issued.
148 (Per) BP(Ch)No.205(SB) dt.23.11.92(P648/92)
Estt-TNEB - Sanction of Special Casual Leave for trekking and Mountaineering expedition
to Board employees - orders issued.
149. (Per) BP(FB) No.111(SB) dt.18.12.92(P732/92)
TNEB - Delegation of Powers to Sanction all kinds of leave to Chief Engineers upto 30
days - orders issued.
150. Memo No. 55439-B2/93-2(SB) dt.27.12.93(P666/93)
Estt-Class I Service - Officers Proceeding on extra-ordinary leave taking up employment
under whose control last served should watch return of the officer on expiry of leave.
151. Memo No.5241/P1/94-1(SB) dt.24.2.94(P92/94)
Estt-Employees of TNEB to take up employment abroad execution of indemnity Bond
- orders issued.
152. BP(Ch)No.37(SB) dt.22.2.94(P89/94)
Regulations - Regulation 26 of TNEB Leave Regulations If the eleventh and Subsequent
days are declared as holiday by Govt. - may avail even though the casual leave and
permission exceeds 10 days - clarification issued.
153. Memo (P) No.4339/P1/90-25(SB) dt.13.6.94(P398/94)
Estt-TNEB - Sanction of leave on Medical Certificate Revised form of Medical Certificate
- instruction issued.
154. (Per) BP(CH)No.169(SB) dt.24.6.94(P304/94)
Leave-Unearned Leave on Medical Certificate admissible to Board Servants undergoing
treatment for certain Major aliments like Coronary Surgery, Kidney transplantation, Retina
Transplantation - without any restriction - orders issued.
155. (Per) BP(Ch)No.115(SB) dt.8.5.95(P195/95)
TNEB Leave Regulations - Maternity leave-Restriction of Maternity leave to women Board
employee having Two living children - orders issued.
156. Memo No. 40419/P1/94-1(SB) dt.31.5.95(P216/95)
Regulations - TNEB Leave Regulations Pre fixing and or suffixing of holiday - clarification
157. Memo No.20395/L1/96-1(SB) dt.4.4.96(P7/4/96)
Estt-TNEB - Unearned leave on Medical Certificate Reference to Medical Board Prompt
action to be taken - instruction issued.
158. Memo No.16681-C2/96-1(SB) dt.3.4.96(P3/4/96)
Leave-Casual Leave - Two days restricted holidays in a Calender year to employees not
covered by standing orders - Inclusion of Ester in the list of religious festival for restricted
holidays - orders issued.
159. (Per) BP(Ch)No.166(SB) dt.12.6.96(P13/6/96)
Sports-Sanction of Special Casual leave for Trekking and mountaineering expedition to
Board employees orders issued - cancelled.
160. (Per) BP(FB) No.75(SB) dt.6.11.96(P5-11/86)
Retirement Benefits Encashment of Leave on Private affairs and payment of full leave
salary for the period of earned leave exceeding 180 days - orders issued.
161. Memo No. 31101/01/95-9(SB) dt.1/2/97)
Estt-TNEB - Unearned leave on Medical certificate - Reference to Medical Board - prompt
- action - Instruction - reitrated.
162. Memo No.51001/P2/95-3(SB) dt.22.2.97(P19/2/97)
Leave - Granting of Unearned leave on Medical certificate - Exceeding 60 days - Sanction-
Instruction - UEL on MC prefixing and Suffixing any other leave exceeds 60 days also
referred to Medical Board - instruction issued.
163. Memo No.10594-P2/97-1(SB) dt.31.5.97(P19/5/97)
Retirement benefits - Encashment of leave at the time of Retirement - Encashment of
leave on Private affairs and payment of full leave salary for the period of earned leave
exceeding 180 days - clarification issued.
164. Lr.No.42138/LC1/(SB) 97-1dt.31.5.97(P1/6/97)
Estt-Service Matter-Leave cannot be claimed as a Matter of right - Judgement
165. (Per) BP(FB) No.76(SB) dt.11.9.97(P2/9/97)
Retirement Benefits-Encashment of leave on private affairs - orders issued - Kept in
166. (Per) BP(FB) No.81(SB) dt.9.10.97(P8.10.97)
TNEB -Leave Regualtions - Maternity Leave-Restriction of Maternity leave to women Board
employees-Amendment to Regulation 24 of TNEB Leave Regulations - issued.
167. Memo (P) No.38715-P2/96-6(SB) dt.4.11.97(P2/11/97)
TNEB -Leave Regulations -Sanctioning of leave on Private affairs on Medical grounds not
to sanction - certain instruction issued.
168. Memo No.:84995-P2/97-1(SB) dt.11.12.97(P8-12/97)
Retirement Benefits - Encashment of Leave on Private affairs - Kept in abeyance - the
employees Retired / Voluntarily retired / Expired are eligible for the payment of Encashment
of UEL on Private affairs - clarification issued.
169. (Per) BP(FB) No.6(SB) dt.29.1.98(P20/1/98)
Regulations-TNEB Leave Regulations -Regulation 27 - special casual leave - Amendment
170. (Per) BP(Ch) No.34(SB) dt.4.2.98(P6/2/98)
Tamilnadu Electricity Board-Grant of leave to women employees on adoption of child orders
issued. (One Year leave such as earned leave and UEL on Private affairs without production
of Medical Certificate except Maternity leave)
171. (Per) BP(FB) No.36(SB) dt.23.5.98(P3/5/98)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations -Grant of Long leave to employees of the Board
- Regulation 32- Amendment issued.
172. Cir Memo No.37475/P1/U1 (Audit Br.) dt.25.8.98(P1/9/98)
Employees of TNEB -Grant of Extraordinary leave to taken up employement abroad -
collection of Pension Contribution-Instruciton issued.
173. Memo No.93604/ O&M cell (3) / 98-3dt.22.12.98 (P16/12/98)
Service Books - Sanction of leave and omitting entries in service Book - instruction issued.
174. Lr.No.25334/N2/97-15(SB) dt.2.1.99(P1/9.99)
Allowances -Hydro Allowance - Need not be taken into account for the purpose encashment
of Earned leave at the time of Retirement - clarification issued.
175. (Per) BP(FB) No.55(SB) dt.30.9.99(P6/9/99)
Regulations-TNEB Leave Regulations-Extension of Leave out of India to employees of the
Board on Medical Certificate issued by Doctor outside the country Regulation 34 of TNEB
Leave Regulation - Amendment issued.
176. Memo No.40320/A3/A32/99-3(SB) dt.9.3.2000(P3/3/2000)
Allowances - Instruction not to include Hydro Allowance / Wind form Allowance for
encashment of earned leave - Reitrated.
177. (Per)BP(FB) No.43(SB) dt.24.5.2000(P18/5/2000)
TNEB - Retirement benefits - Encasdhment of 50% Unearned leave on Private affairs at
the time of retirement - Benefits withdrawn - Further instruction issued.
178. Memo No.55238/A23/A232/2000-1(SB) dt.22.7.2000 (P4/7/2000)
Estt-Availing of Leave by the employees and officers of the Board without Prior Sanction-
Avoidance of - instruction issued.
179. (Per) BP(FB) No.16(SB) dt.13.3.2001(P9/3/01)
Regualtions-TNEB Leave Regulations - Introducing of Separate category of leave viz
Leave for employment abroad - Amendment to Regulation 21 of TNEB Leave Regualtions
- issued.
180. (Per)BP(FB) No.17(SB) dt.13.3.2001(P10/3/91)
Regulations -TNEB Leave Regulations - Introduction of Separate category of Leave Viz -
Leave for employment abroad. Incorporated to service Regulations - Amendment to
Regulation 32 issued.
181. (Per) BP(Ch)No.105(SB) dt.11.4.2001(P10/4/01)
Haj-Pilgrimage - Tamilnadu State Haj Committee- Deputation of Govt. Servants to Saudi
Arabia as Khudam-Ul-Hujjaj (Hajj Volunteers) Treatment of Period of absence of deputation
to Saudi Arabia as duty - Govt orders adoption - However no TA/DA will be allowed - orders
182. (Per) BP(FB) No.63(SB) dt.21.10.11(P5/11/01)
TNEB - Delegation of Powers - Sanction of Study leave to all employees of the Board -
Delegation of powers to chairman - orders issued.
183. (Per) BP(FB) No.11(SB) dt.23.1.02(P13/1/02)
TNEB Leave Regulations-Sanction of Study leave to all employees of the Board Powers
delegated to chairman TNEB - Amendment issued.
184. Memo No.111900/A9/A92/2003-1(SB) dt.81203(P8/12/03)
Leave Causal leave - Three days restricted holidays in a Calendar year to employees not
covered by Standing orders - Inclusion of certain Festival in the list ordered.
185. Memo No.46129/A18/A181/2003-4(SB) dt.27.1.04(P15/1/04)
Leave - TNEB -Service Regulations and Leave Regulations - Permission to rejoin duty
after unauthorised absence / on leave exceeding permissible limit - permitted to rejoin
duty and D.P. action be completed early - instruction issued.
186. (Per) BP(FB)No.9(SB) dt.2.4.04(P3/4/04)
TNEB Leave Regulations - Special casual leave-Grant of Special casual leave to the extent
of not exceeding eight days to married women Board employees Regulation 27 -
Amendment issued.
187. Memo No.39004/A9/A92/2004-1(SB) dt.11.5.04(P2/5/04)
Leave - Casual Leave-Three days restricted holidays in a calendar year to employees not
governed by standing orders - Inclusion of certain festival - orders kept in abeyance.
188. Lr.No.95114/A18/A182/2004-1(SB) dt.12.11.04(P16/11/04)
Leave Benefits - Earned leave - Facility of encashment of Earned leave restricted to the
extent of 7 days per annum Govt. orders communicated.
189. Lr.No.5620/A18/A182/2005-1(SB) dt.28.1.05(P15/1/05)
Leave Benefits - Earned leave - Facility of encashment of earned leave in respect of Govt.
employees further clarification issued by Govt. communicated.
190. Lr.No.16993/A18/A182/2006-1(SB) dt.18.3.2006(P16/3/06)
Leave Benefits -earned leave Facility of encashment of Earned leave for 15 days - Restored
- copy of Govt. orders communicated.
191. Memo No.118364/G58/G581/2005-15(Adm.Br.) dt.14.6.06(P32/6/06)
Absorption of contract Labour as Mazdoor Grade II (Trainee) Clarification leave benefits
etc. applicable to the absorbed Mazdoor Grade II (Trainee) - orders issued.
192. Lr.No.09130/P1-56/BOAB/F4/F41/2007-1(AB) dt.23.3.07(P43/3/07)
Estt-Official availing leave on employment abroad - optional benefits for remittance of
proportionate pension contribution for counting of such leave as qualifying service - Delay
in remittance of pension contribution -Recovery of IDP- reg.
193. (Per) BP(FB) No.30(SB) dt.1.8.08(P14/8/08)
Estt- Employees of TNEB - Grant of leave to take up employment Abroad / to Start industry
Amendment to Regulation 98 of TNEB service Regulations - issued.
194. Memo No.111883/1237/G15/G151/2007-6(Adm.Br.)dt.29.8.08(P56/8/08)
Estt-Class II - Thiru M.Vallinayagam AE, Mech-Eol Exceeding 5 years Sanctioned for taking
up appointment at abroad - Relaxation - Extract of Minutes of the 913th meeting of the
Board Held on 14.6.08 - reg.
195. (Per) BP(FB) no.36(SB) dt.19.9.08(P22/9/08)
Estt-TNEB - Special Casual Leave - Exceeding 30 days on account of Sports Activities -
Powers delegated to chairman by the Board - Amendment - to TNEB Leave Regulations
- issued.
196. Memo (P) No.6329/A23/A232/2009-1(SB) dt.3.3.09(P8/3/09)
Estt-TNEB - Class I officers - Casual leave earned leave and other kind of leave application
revised - Format Prescribed - orders issued.
F¿.M.v©. 68583/m9/m92/2009-1/(br.».ehŸ 16.10.09(ã14/10/09)F¿.M.v©. 68583/m9/m92/2009-1/(br.».ehŸ 16.10.09(ã14/10/09)
F¿.M.v©. 68583/m9/m92/2009-1/(br.».ehŸ 16.10.09(ã14/10/09)F¿.M.v©. 68583/m9/m92/2009-1/(br.».ehŸ 16.10.09(ã14/10/09)
F¿.M.v©. 68583/m9/m92/2009-1/(br.».ehŸ 16.10.09(ã14/10/09)
j.eh.Ä.th.-ÉLKiw eh£fŸ -M©LnjhW« kht£l§fËš eilbgW« cŸq®
âUÉHhɉF /áw¥ò ÃfœîfS¡F mDkâ¡f¥g£l ÉLKiw eh£fË‹ g£oaš
âU¤âaik¤J btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
198. (Per) BP (FB) No.26(SB) dt.30.7.10(P31/7-10)
Estt-orders on granting permission to Engineers of TNEB to Start private Industry in
Tamilnadu by availing Extra ordinary leave without pay and Allowances for five years
199. (Per) BP(FB) No.40 (SB) dt.14.10.10(P31/10/10)
Estt-TNEB - Implementation of New Health Insurance for the employees of the Board -
Amendment to TNEB Leave Regulations - issued (Applied for unearned leave on MC
while taking treatment as in Patient in the Private Hospital under New Health Insurance
Scheme -No necessary to refer Medical Board)
200. (Per)FB TANGEDCO Pro No. : 20(SB) dt.2.8.11.(P14/8/11)
Estt - TANGEDCO -Meternity Leave - Enhancement of Maternity Leave from 90 days to
180 days with effect from 16.5.11 orders issued by Govt. - Adoption in TANGEDCO
- orders issued.
201. Memo (P)No.43434 /A18/A182/2011-1 (BOSB) dt.18.10.11(P20/10/11)
Estt. Office Helper (Trainee) Encashment of Earned leave on completion of Training period
- instruction issued.
1. Lr.No.76478/P.1/83-2 (SB) Dt.18.05.83 (P.45/83 II)
Foreign Service – Standard Terms and Condition regarding L.T.C. included – Orders of
Govt. – communicated.
2. Memo.No.42845-Q.1/84-3 (SB) Dt.15.09.84 (P.653/84)
Traveling Allowance - Leave Travel concession – admittance of belated Claims
- instruction issued.
3. BP MS(FB) No.27(Adm Br) of 26.5.88(P311/88)
Leave Travel Concession Extension to employees of TNEB - orders issued.
4. Memo No.883281/IR(4(3) /88-1 (Adm.Br.)dt.23.6.88(367/88)
Leave Travel Concession Travel by Air by Certain class of officers - Journey in economy
class orders issued.
5. Memo No.124068/222/S2/A2/88-1(Adm. Br.)dt.24.2.89(P153/88)
Estt. -TNEB - Leave Travel Concession - Delegation of Powers to EE O&M Division can
sanction to the RWE and Provincial employees - clarification issued.
6. Memo No.024620/IR4(3)/89-2(Adm.Br.)Dt.27.5.89(387/89)
Leave Travel Concedssion - Availing of LTC on various kind of leave - clarification issued.
7. Memo No. 095110/IR4(3)/88-1(Adm-Br) dt.31.7.89(P656/89)
Leave Travel Concession various - clarification issued.
8. Memo No.75509-P2/89-1(SB) dt.15.12.89(P993/89)
Leave Travel Concession - Eligibility for availing Air/Air Conditioned Travel - orders -
Amendment issued.
9. Memo No.92835-p2/89-1(SB) dt.27.12.89(P1000/89)
Leave Travel Concession - Issue of Certificate of not availing of LTC by Board employee
may be issued on application and the fact should be entered in the service book - clarification
10. Memo No.92829-P2/89-1(SB) dt.22.2.90(P101/90)
Leave Travel concession- certain points-Clarified - orders issued.
11. (Per) Memo No.11892-P2/90-6(SB) dt.24.7.90(P464/90)
Leave Travel concession - Various clarification issued.
12. Memo No.52958-P2/90-2(SB)dt.24.11.90(P661/90)
Leave Travel Concession - Extension of employees of TNEB - Admitting of belated claims
of LTC may be admitted on par with TA and MRI - orders issued.
13. (Per) BP(Ch)No.281(SB) dt.2.11.91(P601/91)
Leave Travel concession - condition of taking at least Seven days leave for availing LTC-
Modification - orders issued.
14. Memo No.32622/P1/91-6(SB) dt.15.9.92(P486/92)
Leave Travel Concession - Belated claims admittance Revised orders issued.
15. (Per) BP(Ch)No.195(SB) dt.30.10.92(P621/92)
LTC-Availing of Package Tour to be organised by the Tamilnadu Tourism Development
Corporation - orders issued.
16. Memo No.85256/P1/91-1(SB) dt.12.11.92(P632/92)
-Do- Erratum issued.
17. Memo No. 44471/P1/92-1(SB) dt.17.11.92(P634/92)
Fundamental Rules - Recovery of cost of LTC under FR 127 cost of LTC to be born by
Persons body for whose benefit additional estt created - orders communicated.
18. (Per) BP (FB) No.119(SB) dt.29.12.92(P742/92)
Estt-L.T.C. to the Resident Manager TNEB and the staff of his office at New Delhi - Revised
scheme - orders issued.
19. Memo No.38021/P1/92-1(SB) dt.8.3.93(P86/93)
LTC-Commencing at the fag end of block year ending 1991 and completing the January at
the Ist week of Jan 92 for availing LTC-can be taken for Ist Block year 88-91 - clarification
20. Memo No.25221/P1/93-1(SB) dt.29.5.93(P205/93)
Estt- Leave Travel Concession - Availing Package Tour organised by Tamilnadu Tourism
Development corporation - certain clarification issued.
21. Memo No. 43311/P1/92-1(SB) dt.27.5.93(P232/93)
L.T.C. Dependent son / daughters Irrespective of age are eligible - clarification issued.
22. Memo No.:281/P3/91-20(SB) dt.27.4.94(P174/94)
TNEB - Leave Travel Concession to employees - Serial No. of the rail or bus ticket should
be Furnished in the LTC Bill - further instruction issued.
23. Memo No.30364/P3/91-13(SB) dt.2.5.94(P229/94)
Leave Travel Concession Boards liability for the cost of travel -what ever route Travelled
claim should be restricted to short route - clarification issued.
24. (Per) BP(FB) No.24(SB) dt.5.5.94 (P249/94)
Leave Travel Concession -TNEB Availing of Leave Travel concession to other states -
Maximum 400 km Allowed - orders issued.
25. Memo (P) No.19681/P3/94-1(SB) dt.11.7.94(P329/94)
Leave Travel Concession - TNEB - Eligibility of Parent of Female employees Govt. orders
made applicability to Board - instruction issued.
26. Memo No.46629-P3/94-2(SB) dt.11.8.94(P384/94)
Leave Travel Concession - TNEB -Dependant & Unmarried Sisters and brothers of
unmarried Male employees are not eligible -clarification issued.
27. Memo No.68090/P3/94-1(SB) dt.3.10.94(P455/94)
LTC - Eligibility for availing Air/Air Conditioned Travel - orders Amendment issued-(CE’s
and the SE’s who have drawing pay less Two stages of maximum of scales.
28. Memo No.60648-P3/94-1(SB) dt.19.5.95(P206/95)
Leave Travel Concession- TNEB - Audit by Residential Audit -Officer Discrepancy in the
claim of LTC by certain employees - instruction issued-Reitrated.
29. Lr No. 3062-P3/95-2(SB) dt.4.7.95(P323/95)
Leave Travel Concession - employees Eligible to Travel I class can travel in A/c II Class
Chair car - clarification issued.
30. Lr.No.6743-P3/95-1(SB) dt.4.7.95(P324/95)
Leave Travel Concession- Journey not commenced with in 30 days or bill not furnished
with in one month after completion of Journey -Refund of Advance clarification issued.
31. Memo No.49015-P2/96-1(SB) dt.16.8.96(P11/8/96)
Leave Travel Concession - Non Provision of Ist Class Facility in Kanyakumari express
Train - Journey by IInd Class A/c Sleeper may be allowed to those who are eligible for Ist
Class - clarification issued.
32. Memo No.70800/A18/A182/99-1(SB) dt.29.9.99(P5/9/99)
Leave Travel Concession - Availing of Package Tour organised by Tamilnadu Tourism
Development corporation - Further instruction issued.
33. Memo No.91595/A18/A182/99-1(SB) dt.10.1.2001(P7/1/01)
Leave Travel Concession Availing of Leave Travel concession by applying casual leave/
Earned leave -leave application should be submitted for sanction to the Secretary for
sanction - instruction issued.
34. Memo (P) No.28104/A18/A182/2001-1(SB) dt.3.4.2001(P6/4/01)
Leave Travel concession - Availing of package Tour organised by the Tamilnadu Tourism
Development corporation Ltd. - Further instruction issued.
35. Memo(P) No.44063/A18/A182/2001-1(SB) dt.8/5/2001)
Economy in expenditure on Travel Expenses Ban or Travel by Air Shall not applicable to
Journey on LTC-Further instruction issued.
36. (Per) Memo No.13239/A18/A182/2002-2(SB) dt.22.4.2002(P48/4/02)
Leave Travel Concession - Travel by Train - Verification of tickets - Further instruction -
37. Memo(P) No.37810/A18/A182/2000-1(SB) dt.12.6.02(P18/6/02)
Leave Travel Concession - claim of Train fare for senior citizens - instruction issued.
38. Memo No.76427/A18/A182/2002-2(SB) dt.13.3.03(P4/3/03)
Leave Travel Concession - Journey Perform of by in eligible class - Audit objection to
effect recoveries - can travel in any class and claim restricted to eligible class - instruction
39. Memo No.66626/A18/A182/2003-1(SB) dt.23.7.03(P24/7/03)
Travelling Allowance-Adjustment of Travelling Allowance including Leave Travel concession
- Discrepancies noticed - certain Instruction -issued.
40. Memo No.55233/A18/A182/2001-11(SB) dt.22.7.03(P23/7/03)
Leave Travel Concession - Availing of Leave Travel concession by applying casual leave -
Authority competent to sanction LTC also sanction the casual leave - Further instruction
41. Memo (P) No.7354/A18/A182/2008-2(SB) dt.24.06.08(P22/6/08)
Estt - Claiming of Leave Travel Concession for the dependant parent, of employees of the
Board - Admissibility - Further instruction issued.
42. Memo No.27649/A18/A182/2011-1(SB) dt.24.5.11(P24/5/11)
Leave Travel Concession - Travel by Air - Certain instruction issued.
43. Memo (P) No.24329/4/8/A182/2011-3 (BOSB) dt.10.11.2011(p13/11/11)
Leave Travel Concession - Availing of Packages Tour offered by the Tamilnadu Tourism
Development corporation Ltd. - orders issued.
1. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.398 (Sectt.) Dt.18.10.83 (P.373/83 II)
Loans and Advances – Advance for the celebration of Marriages - Number of times in
service further - instruction issued.
2. Memo.No.48737-N1/83-8 (SB) Dt.02.03.84 (P.149/84)
Loans and Advances – Marriage Advance – Advance remitted in one lumpsum with in 3
months - Rate of Interest to be charged – instructions issued.
3. BPMS(Ch)No.40(SB) dt. 8.2.85(P168/85)
Loans and Advances -Madras State Electricity Board-Advance not sanctioned against
whom D.P. OR vigilance enquiry is pending - Amendment to Rules - issued.
4. Memo No.15143-N1/85-3(SB) dt.12.6.85(P659/85)
Loans and Advances - Marriage Advance - Bond executed by the employees of the Board
- Return of the bond after settlement of Loans amount together with interest- clarification
5. BPMS(Ch)No.445(SB) dt.6.12.85(P134.5/85)
Loans and Advances - Rules for the grant of Marriage Advance to the TNEB employees -
Amendment to Rules - issued.
6. Memo No.44678-E2/86-6(SB)dt.27.5.86(P462/86)
Loans and Advances - Marriage Advance -Clarification on the calculation interest
- orders issued.
7. BPMS(Ch)No.45(SB) dt.24.1.87(P16/87)
Loans and Advances - Rules for grant of marriage Advance - Application for Marriage
Advance - Amendment issued.
8. BPMS(Ch)No.32(SB)dt.23.1.87(P58/87)
Loans and Advances - Interest Rates of Interest on Marriage Advance for the year 1986-87
Interest =
Amount of Advance
x No of Instalments
9. Memo (P)No.7141-E2 /87-1(SB) dt.10.2.87(P115/87)
Loans and Advances - Marriage Advance - Advance sanctioned to Employees Failure to
furnish utilisation certificate -Action to be taken - instruction issued.
10. Memo (P)NO.:52625-E2/85-18 (SB) dt.7.8.87(P629/87)
Loans and Advances - Marriage Advance - Certain clarification issued - Medical Certificate
and Horoscope may be accepted for age proof and for the son working in private shop
may also be sanctioned.
11. BPMS(FB) No.25(SB) dt.8.3.88(P190/88)
Loans and Advance as Interest Rate on Marriage Advance for the year 1987-88orders
Amount of Advance x Number of Instalments
12. BPMS(Ch)No.215(SB)dt.13.7.88(P458/88)
Loans and Advances Marriage Advance - Disbursement of Advance - Modification - orders
13. Memo No.:51462-E2/89-1(SB) dt.19.9.89(P789/89)
Loans and Advances - Marriage Advance - Submission of Application Procedure - instruction
14. (Per) BP(FB) No.64(SB) dt.23.9.89(P800/89)
Loans and Advances Interest-Rate of Interest on Marriage Advance for the year 1988-89
- orders issued.
15. (Per) BP(ch)No.18(SB) dt.6.2.90(P107/90)
Loans and Advances - Rules for the grant of Marriage Advance to the employees of TNEB
- Working out of Interest and Penal Interest for non utilisation - Amendment issued.
16. (Per) BP(Ch)No.146(SB) dt.6.7.90(P460/90)
Loans and Advances - Marriage Advance Rules - Eligibility for advance - for the employees
who have completed 3 years continuous service eventhough the probation has not been
declared for Adm. reason - Modified - orders issued.
17. (Per) BP(FB) No.41(SB) dt. 6.10.90(P614/90)
Loans and Advances Marriage Advance -Enhancement of Advance amount from
Rs.3000/- to Rs.5000/- to the Female Marriage - orders issued.
18. Memo No.79121/E2/88-(SB)dt.2.1.91(P15/91)
Loans and Advances Marriage Advance - Rules for the grant of Advance - The children for
whom marriage is proposed should complete the age of 18 years on the date of making
application - instruction issued.
19. Memo No.87510/E2/90-1(SB) dt.1.2.91(P57/91)
Loans and Advances - Marriage Advance Rules eligibility for Advance - modification -orders
- Amendment issued.
20. (Per) BP(Ch)No.110(SB) dt.4.5.95(P190/55)
Loans and Advances Marriage Advance - Enhancement of ceiling on advance
- orders issued.
21. (Per) Memo No.49076-E2/96-1(SB) dt.7.10.96(P4-10/96)
Loans and Advances -Marriage Advance - Submission of Application - Revised Procedure
- orders issued.
22. (Per) BP(FB) No.73(SB) dt.4.11.96(P2/11/96)
Loans and Advances - Advance for the celebration of Marriage - Sanction of Second Advance
while the first advance is pending recovery - orders issued.
23. (Per) BP(FB) No.16(SB) dt.12.3.97(P21/3/97)
Loans and Advances - Marriage Advance - Rules for the grant of Marriage Advance to the
employees of TNEB - Rule 4(a) -Amendment issued. Application for the marriage Advance
may be made at any time in the financial year before celebration of marriage.
1. B.P.Ms. (Ch) No. 12(SB) dated 18.01.1983 (P-77/83 I )
Medical Attendance – Medical Reimbursement system – Clarification regarding the
admissibility of claim in which the treatment is continues – Applicability of Govt.
- order issued.
2. Memo (P) No: 19253 – P2 / 83 – 1 (SB) dated 02.04.83. (P – 122 /83 I )
Medical Attendance – Checking up Genuineness of Medical claim by sanctioning authorities
before sanctioning the Medical claims – Further instruction - issued.
3. Memo (P) No: 21139 – P2 / 83- 1 (SB) dated 05.04.83 (P 124/83 I)
Medical Attendance – Reimbursement of the Fees for Medical Examination - certain
instructions issued.
4. Memo No; 72752- P2/81-2 (SB) dated 05.04.82(P-161/83 I )
Medical Attendance issue of essentiality certificate by an authorized Medical Attendant
further clarification - orders issued.
5. B.P Ms. No: 191(SB) dated 26.04.82. (P 165/83 I )
Medical Attendance – Medical Reimbursement – system – deletion para 2 of the E.C
- orders issued.
6. B.P Ms. No: 192 (SB) dated 26.04.82 (P 166/83 I )
Medical attendance – screening test for Renal Transplantation and dialysis in Govt. GH
Madras for Govt. servant revised instruction.
7. B.P.Ms. No: 253 (SB) dated 21.05.82. (P 170 / 83 I )
Medical attendance – Tamilnadu house New Delhi AMA – Govt. Orders – Applicability
- orders issued.
8. B.P.Ms. No: 395 (Sectt) dated 02.06.82. (P 180/83 I)
Amenities – Providing Medical trip in dept. vehicle after major operation from Govt. Hospital
free of cost in generation circle – orders issued.
9. Memo No: 56109 – P 2 / 82 – 2 (SB) dated 28.11.82 (P 200 / 83 I )
Medical attendance – reimbursement of medical claims for purchase of surgical instrument
etc. certain - instructions issued.
10. Endt. No: 85939 – P2 / 82 – 1 (SB) dated 06.01.83. (P 202 / 83 I )
Medical concession – Free supply of spectacles to Govt. servant - Further instruction
11. Memo (P) No: 79956- P2 / 82 – 1 (SB) dated 22.01.83 (P 211 / 83 I )
Medical attendance – Medical reimbursement system – Deletion of Para 2 of the E.C –
Certain clarification – Modification issued.
12. Memo 21668 – P 2 / 82 – 3 (SB) dated 31.12.82 (P206 / 83 I )
Medical attendance – Treatment of Pensioners in TNEB dispensaries – Issue of Identity
cards – Revised Procedures – orders issued.
13. Endt. No: 65573 – P 2 /83 – 1 (SB) dt. 16.08.83 (P221 / 83 II )
Physical Fitness certificate by Medical officer for appointment – Fees to be paid or not
14. Memo. (Per) No: 64975 – P 2 / 83 – 2 (SB) dt. 03.01.84. ( P 28/84I)
Medical Attendance – Extension of Medical concession to dependants of employees who
die while in service and free Medical concession to persons, who are in receipt of family
pension – Issue of Identity cards to family members – instructions issued.
15. B.P Ms. (Ch) No: 21 (SB) dt, 21.01.84. (P 33/84)
Medical attendance – Reimbursement of Medical expenses – counter signature of Civil
Surgeon raising the ceiling on claim from one month Basic Pay to one month Pay & DA
- orders issued.
16. Memo No: 64513 – P2 / 82-1 (SB) dt 19.03.84 (P 62/84)
Medical concession – Free supply of spectacles to its employees of the Board in respect
of class III and IV services – Reimbursement form prescribed.
17. Memo No: 10563.2 – 82 / 83-1 (SB) dt 04.04.84 (P 227/84)
Medical attendance – facilities to Govt. servants – Procedure adopted by the state Govt.
for approval of Authorized Medical shops for purchase of Medicine by Govt. servant
– certain clarification.
18. Memo No: 65141/ P 2 / 83 – 1 (SB) dt. 25.06.84 ( P 405/84)
Medical attendance – Reimbursement of Medical expenses incurred by employees
in case where husband and wife employed Joint declaration form prescribed.
19. B.P Ms. No 201 (SB) dt 29.05.84 (P 413/84)
Medical attendance – Availing of benefits of Medical attendance either for Parents or Parents
– in – law choice – orders of Govt. applicability to the employees of TNEB - orders issued.
20. Memo 44892 / P 2 / 84 – 2 (SB) dt 21.09.84 (P 678/84)
Medical Attendance - Treatment taken in Local Fund / Private Hospital or clinic - claim for
reimbursement of expenses.
21. BPMS(Ch)No.2(SB) dt.2.1.85(P1/85)
Estt. Drivers of TNEB - Renewal of Driving Licence - Medical Examination of Boards cost
- orders issued.
22. BPMS(Ch)No.41(SB)dt.8.2.85(P169/85)
Medical Attendance - Medical Facilities to TNEB staff stationed at Kalpakkam Payment of
Medical Expenses - Modified procedure - ordered.
23. BPMS(Ch)No.80(SB) dt.15.3.85(P269/85)
Medical Attendance - TNEB Employees - Treatment in Govt. Medical Institution - issue of
Identity cards - orders issued
24. Memo No.3904/P2/83-5(SB) dt.15.3.85(P271/85)
Medical Attendance -Claim of Employees for reimbursement of cost Medicines continuous
treatment requirement of Medicine - instruction issued.
25. BPMS(Ch)No.84(SB)dt.19.3.85(P299/85)
Medical Attendance - Medical Concession - Supply of hearing aids to employees of TNEB
- Modified Procedures -ordered.
26. Memo No.10808/P2/82-19(SB) dt.16.4.85(P405)
Medical Attendance - Supply of hearing aids to employees to elecy Board Approved
Specification rates procedure etc.-intimated.
27. Memo No.65020/P2/84-4(SB) dt.27.5.85(P556/85)
Medical Attendance - Reimbursement of Medical Expenses - claim exceeding one month’s
pay + DA further - instruction issued.
28. Memo No.10766/P2/85-1(SB)dt.30.5.85(P560/85)
Renewal of Driving Licence - Reimbursement of Medical Examination fees to drivers -
Fixation of ceiling limit - orders issued.
29. Memo No.300/9/N2/85-4(SB) dt.24.12.85(P1356/85)
Medical Attendance Rules - Medical reimbursement claims- certain clarification issued.
30. Memo No.46982-L1/84-19(SB) dt.2.5.86(P400/86)
Estt-Medical Boards and their Jurisdiction in the state - communicated.
31. BPMS(Ch)No.219(SB) Dt.24.5.86(P413/86)
Tamilnadu Medical Attendance Rules - Medical Treatment abroad- Reimbursement of
expenditure - Guidelines prescribed - Adoption of Govt. orders - ordered.
32. Memo No.15675/N2/84-10(SB) dt.29.5.86(P424/86)
Medical Attendance Rules - Reimbursement of Medical expenses incurred by the board
employees in cases where both Husband and wife employed - Amendment issued.
33. BPMS(Ch)No.576(SB)dt.1.12.86(P1084/86)
Medical Attendance Rules -Govt. Servant employees in the city and residing out side the
city-Dependents are eligible to take treatment of the AMA working in city or Moffusil order of
Govt. Applicability orders.
34. Memo (P)NO.40573/N2/85-8(SB) dt.23.1.87(P15/87)
Medical Attendance - Supply of Hearing aids to employees of TNEB - Approved Specification
rates procedure etc.
35. Lr. No.9620/N2/86-2-(SB) dt.10.2.87(P116/87)
Medical Attendance - TNEB -Treatment in Govt. Hospital on Production of Identity Cards -
Clarification of Director of Medical Service - for Treatment Produce NGGO Certificate -
36. Lr No.64026/N1/86-4(SB) dt.11.5.87 (P366/87)
Medical Allowance to the Pensioner and family Pensioner payment to Family Pensioners
till the date of normal retirement - clarification issued.
37. Memo No.14083/N2/87-1(SB) dt.1.8.87(P616/87)
Medical Attendance - Reimbursement of Medical Expenses -Consultation with Authorised
Medical Attendant and Purchase of Medicines - clarification issued.
38. Memo (P)NO.62644/N2/85-4(SB) dt.9.9.87(P699/87)
Medical Attendance Rules -Admissibility of Medical Reimbursement claims for employed
wife of employed of TNEB - Acceptance of Joint declaration - clarification issued.
39. Memo No.43889/N2/85-13(SB) dt.16.9.87(P711/87)
Medical Attendance - Reimbursement of Medical Expenses Inclusion of Special Pay
- clarification issued.
40. Entd. No.156273/Adm./Gazette/87-dt.30.11.87(P878/87)
Medical Attendance -Medical reimbursement inadmissibility of Certain Medicines
- communicated.
41. Lr.No.:34397/N1/87-6(SB)dt.23.1.88(P33/88)
Medical Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners of the Board - clarification -
42. BPMS(Ch)No.58(SB)dt.3.3.88(P170/88)
Medical Attendance - Rules - Reimbursement of Medical expenditure - incurred by
employees - certain addition in Essentiality certificate - orders issued.
43. Memo No.19022/N2/85-18(S13 dt.8.3.88(P174/88)
Medical Attendance Rules - Certain Additions in Essentiality certificate will take effect from
1.4.88 orders issued.
44. BPMS(ch)No.94(SB)dt.16.4.88(P242/88)
Medical Attendance - Extension of medical Concession to the Temporary Govt. Servant
Adoption of Govt. - orders issued.
45. Memo No.72998/N2/87-1(SB)dt.7.6.88(P347/88)
Medical Attendance - Medical Reimbursement -Restriction of Claim to one month Basic
Pay + DA Admissibility of Additional DA for reckoning ceiling - adoption of Govt. orders.
46. Memo (P)No.16713-N2/88-3(SB) dt.18.8.88 (P568/88)
Medical Concession - Supply of Hearing Aids to Board employees.
47. Lr.No.58010-N2/88-1(SB) dt.20.9.88(P647/88)
Allowances - Medical Allowances to Govt. Employees - orders of Govt - communicated.
48. (Per)BP(FB)No.59(SB)dt.18.8.89(P702/89)
Allowances - Medical Allowance to employees of TNEB orders - issued.
49. Memo No.79145/N2/89-4(SB)dt.20.10.89(P849/89)
Medical Attendance-Supply of Hearing Aids to the employees of TNEB - Approved Dealer
specification rates procedure etc.-intimated.
50. Memo (P) NO.6634/N2/90-1(SB)dt.12.3.90(P170/90)
Allowances - Medical Allowance to employees of TNEB extension of the date of option
- orders issued.
51. Lr.No.63069/M2/90-3(SB) dt.28.11.90(P701/90)
Medical Allowance-option exercised for medical allowance and request for reversion to
MRI Scheme - Not accepted.
52. Memo No.76553/N2/89-7(SB) dt.18.12.90(P732/90)
Medical Allowance - Admissability during the leave period - except - suspension SLS and
EOL clarification issued.
53. Lr No.3507/N2/91-1(SB)dt.1.2.91(P58/91)
Allowances-Medical Allowance-Not eligible during the period of Terminal Leave salary -
clarification issued.
54. Lr No.:14290/N2/91-1(SB)dt.14.5.91(P248/91)
Medical Allowances - Adminissibility of Medical Allowance during leave period date of effect
- clarification issued.
55. Cir Memo No.:45332-VC6/90-6(SB) dt.19691(P315/91)
Estt-TNEB - Medical Reimbursement - checking of irregularities - in claiming of Medical
Reimbursement -Checking of irregularities in claiming of Medical Reimbursement bills
- instruction issued.
56. Memo (P)No.94661-N2/89-9(SB) dt. 27.9.91(P506/91)
Medical Treatment for primary sterility involving costly medicines - orders issued.
57. Memo No. 062065/N2/92-1(SB)dt.26.9.92(P492/92)
Allowances - Medical Allowance to employees of TNEB further - orders issued.
58. (Per) BP(FB) No.57(SB) dt.6.5.93(P209/93)
Medical Aid - Constitution of a Fund to render grant, Loan Assistance to employees of
TNEB and their dependent family members for surgery / Treatment - orders issued.
59. (Per) BP(FB) No.60(Adm.Br.) Dt.27.11.93(P573/93)
TNEB - Medical Facilities - Admitting cancer Patient for treatment at cancer Institute Adyar
- orders issued.
60. Memo(P)No.41386-N2/84-1(SB) dt.24.1.94(P12/.94)
Medical Allowance - Clarification of certain points - issued.
61. (Per) BP(FB) No.22(SB) dt.15.4.94(P183/94)
Medical Aid - Constitution of Fund to render grant / loan Assistance to employees of TNEB
and their dependant family members for surgery / Treatment - Delegation of powers to
chairman TNEB orders.
62. Memo (P)No.:42782-N2/93-3(SB) dt.15.4.94(P182/94)
Medical Attendance - Sanction of Medical Allowance of Rs.15/- pm to the employees who
option of the scheme of Medical reimbursement - certain clarification issued.
63. (Per) BP(Ch)No.170(SB) dt.25.6.94(P316/94)
Allowance - Medical Allowance to employees - enhancement from Rs.15/- to Rs.30/- per
month with effect 1.4.94 - orders issued.
64. (Per) BP(Ch)No.241(SB) dt.29.8.94(P399/94)
Allowances-Medical Allowance to Board employees - option -Revised - orders issued.
65. (Per) BP(Ch)No.245(SB) dt.2.9.94(P4/9/94)
Medical Attendance - Engaging Ambulance van for transport of patients from hospital to
residence at the time of discharge - orders issued.
66. Memo(P)No.084147/N2/94-1(SB) dt. 6.12.94(P576/4)
TNEB - Medical Reimbursement claim - Expeditious settlement - instruction issued.
67. Lr.No.19824/N2/94-3(SB) dt.31.12.94(P607/94)
Medical Attendance - MRI of Thiru P.Rajan EE/S&I MTPS for Diabetes - relaxation of
restriction of 3 months.
68. Memo (P) No.77282/N2/93-4(SB)dt.9.1.95(P4/95)
Medical Reimbursement -Treatment taken in private Hospital - Counter Signature of the
Dean of the Govt. Hospital -need not be insisted - instruction issued.
69. Lr.No.:54556-N1/94-4(SB) dt.20.3.95(P96/95)
Medical Allowance - Medical Allowance to pensioners - certain clarification issued.
70. Memo (No.)22921/N2/95-1(SB) dt.6.4.95(P154/95)
TNEB - MRI Claims and Medical Aid under Health Fund Scheme - Expeditious settlement
- check list Instruction issued.
71. (Per) BP(FB) No.26 (SB) dt.16.5.95(P204/95)
Medical Aid -TNEB employees Health Fund-Inclusion of a few more surgery / Treatment
eligible for assistance from fund - Amendment issued.
72. (Per) BP(FB) No.44(SB) dt.1.7.95(P320/95)
Medical Aid -TNEB employee - Health Fund Regulation 1993-Enhancement of quantum of
Assistance - orders issued.
73. (Per) BP(FB) No.50(SB) dt.13.7.95(P327/95)
Medical Aid -TNEB employees Health Fund Regulation 1993 - certain clarification issued.
74. (Per)BP(Ch)No.254(SB) dt.30.10.95(P516/95)
Allowances - medical Allowance to Board employees - Revised orders, issued new entrant,
who are appointed by direct recruitment - clarification issued.
75. (Per) BP(FB) No.73(SB) dt.6.10.95(P505/95)
Medical Charges - Reimbursement of Medical expenses ceiling limit - Revised procedure
Introduced in Tamilnadu Medical Attendance Rules orders issued (Ceiling Limit of one
month Pay & DA as on 1.1.95).
76. Memo (P) No.7719/N2/95-1(SB) dt. 8.3.96(P6/3/96)
Medical Reimbursement - Claims exceeding one Month Pay + DA - clarification issued.
77. (Per)BP(Ch) No.70(SB) dt.1.3.96 (P35/3/96)
Allowances - Medical Allowance to employees- enhancement from Rs.30/- to 50/- per
month with effect from 1.12.95 - orders issued.
78. (Per) BP(Ch)No.104(SB) dt.3.4.96(P1/4/96)
Medical Aid-TNEB employees Health Fund Scheme 1993 - Inclusion of Some more
accredited Institutions to avail financial assistance from TNEB - employees Health Fund
Scheme - orders issued.
79. Memo (P) No.20580-N2/96-1(SB) dt.22.4.96 (P18/4/96)
Medical Charges - Reimbursement of Medical Expenses ceiling limit -Revised Procedure
introduced in Tamilnadu Medical Attendance Rules - One Month Basic Pay + DA is the
constant amount - clarification issued.
80. Memo (P) 33861/N1/96-1(SB) dt.13.6.96(P13/6/96)
Medical Attendance Rules - Claiming of reimbursement for the Treatment taken as in
patient in the private Hospital - Attestation of the Authorised Medical Attendant - Govt.
round seal insisted - instruction issued.
81. Memo No.54782/N1/95-1(SB) dt.22.8.96(P15/8/96)
TNEB - Employees Health Fund Scheme - Sanction by Secretary / C.E. / Personnel -
Standard Form - reg.
82. (Per) BP(FB) No.60(SB) dt.24.8.96(P18/8/96)
Medical Aid - Inclusion of eye Surgery / Treatment eligible for assistance from TNEB
employees Health Fund 1993 - orders issued.
83. (Per) BP(Ch) No.294(SB) dt.13.11.96(P10/11/96)
Medical Aid -TNEB employees Health Fund Scheme 1993-Inclusion of some more
accredited institutions to avail Financial Assistance - orders issued.
84. (Per) BP(Ch)No.24(SB) dt.27.1.97(P12/1/97)
Medical Reimbursement -office Helper (Trainee) Helper Trainee - Medical Reimbursement
claim - orders issued.
85. (Per) BP(Ch)No.29(SB) dt.31.1.97(P17/1/97)
Medical Aid - Accredited Institutions for eye surgery / Treatment eligible for assistance
from TNEB Health Fund Scheme - orders issued.
86. Medical Aid-TNEB employees Health Fund Scheme-Formation of Committee for
recommending Financial Assistance and enhancement of Boards contribution - certain
Modification - orders issued.
87. Memo (P)No.30393/N1/96-5(SB) dt.10.6.97(P16/6/97)
Medical Allowance to employees Revised orders issued - clarification issued.
88. Memo (P)No.17242/N1/97-1(SB) dt.7.7.97(P22/7/97)
Medical Reimbursement Claims under Medical Attendance Rules Procedure - Scrutiny of
bills - orders issued.
89. Memo No.66262/N1/97-1(SB) dt.18.9.97(P3/9/97
Health Fund Scheme - Grant of Financial Assistance Under TNEB employees Health
Fund Scheme - Committee Constituted by Board - Expeditious Settlement - instruction
90. (Per) BP(Ch)No.245-(SB) dt.31.10.97(P20/10/97)
Medical Reimbursement Claim by Board employees in case of both husband and wife
employed - certain clarification issued.
91. Memo(P) No.28810/N1/96-3(SB) dt.24.12.97(P11/12/97)
Medical Reimbursement Scheme applicability to Asst. Engineer/Trainees
- orders issued.
92. Memo (P) No.38040/N1/96-3(SB) dt.5.1.98(P3/1/98)
Medical Reimbursement - Applicability to Helper Trainee appointed during 4/95
- clarification issued.
93. (Per)BP(FB) No.6(SB) dt.10.2.99(P44/2/99)
Medical Aid - TNEB employees Health Fund Scheme 1993 Inclusion of Amputation of
Leges” Treatment eligible for Assistance from the Fund - Amendment issued.
94. Memo No.35104/A17/A171/99-1(SB) dt.20.5.2000(P8/5/2000)
Medical Aid - TNEB Employees Health Fund Scheme-Change of Premises of Viz. Madras
Medical Mission Institute of Cardio Vascular Diseases Vadapalani Amendment issued as
JJ Nagar, Chennai-50.
95. Lr.No.35754/A17/A171/99-1(SB) dt.6.5.2000(P1/7/2000)
Medical Aid-TNEB employees Health Fund Scheme - Inclusion of MIOT Hospital in the list
for availing Assistance under the Scheme - orders issued.
96. (Per)BP(FB) No.75(SB) dt.5.10.2000(P1/10/2000)
Medical Charges-Reimbursement of Medical Expenses Ceiling limit-Revised Procedure
introduced by Govt. - Adoption orders issued. (60% of Pay as on 1.12.96)
97. (Per)BP(FB) No.82(SB) dt.4.11.2000(P13/11/2000)
Medical Aid - TNEB employees Health Fund Scheme 1993 -Steam lining of and Approval
of registered Private Hospitals under the TNEB Health Fund Scheme -classification of
specialised advanced Surgeries / Treatment under Board employees - orders issued.
98. Memo No.109340/A17/A171/2000-1(SB) dt.22.12.2000(P56/12/2000)
TNEB -Health Fund Scheme - Application seeking Financial Assistance under Health Fund
Scheme - Delay in Sending them fixing Responsibility - instruction issued.
99. Memo(No)89771/A17/A172/2000-1(SB) dt.17.2.2000(P52/12/2000)
Medical Charges - Reimbursement of Medical Expenses ceiling limit - orders issued 60%
on pay as on 1.9.98 - clarification issued.
100. Memo No.16512/A17/A171/2000-1(SB) dt.26.4.2001 (P19/4/01)
Medical Aid - TNEB Health Fund Scheme Grant / Loan assistance to employees of the
Board Surgery /Treatment to be undertaken in accredited Institution only- Decision of Board
- reitrated.
101. Per BP(FB) No.29(SB) dt.17.5.2001(P28/5/01)
Medical Aid - TNEB Health Fund Scheme 1993-Quantum of Financial Assistance Prescribed
for Specialised advanced eye surgery / Treatment - to Rs.30000/- or 75% of the Actual
Cost which ever is less-Govt. Orders applicable to Board - orders issued.
102. (Per) BP(FB) No.56(SB) dt.8.10.01(P37/10/01)
Health Fund-Scheme - TNEB Employees Health Fund Scheme Enhancement of
Subscription from Rs.30/- to Rs.100/- Per annum from the Salary of the employees
- orders issued.
103. Memo No.12231/A17/A172/95-1(SB) dt.24.1.02(P75/1/02)
Medical Aid -Reimbursement of Charges towards CT & MRI Scan - Furnishing Certain
104. Memo (P)No: 10523/A17/A171/2002-1(SB) dt.1.2.02(P5/2/02)
TNEB - Financial assistance under Health Fund Scheme - Further instruction issued.
105. (Per) BP(FB) No.29(SB) dt.4.5.2002(P1/5/02)
Medical Aid - TNEB Health Fund Scheme 1993-Sanction of financial Assistance to the
employees and their dependant family members who have undergone speicalised -
Advanced Surgery / Treatment in unaccredited private hospitals - orders issued.
106. Memo No.42364/A17/A171/2002-1(SB) dt.9.5.02(P10/5/02)
Health Fund-Annual Subscription of Rs.100/- from employees of the Board recovery during
the month of may 2002-instead of June 2002 - orders issued.
107. Memo(P) No.27870/A17/A171/2002-1(SB) dt.7.6.02(P17/6/02)
Medical Aid -TNEB Health Fund Scheme - Clarification issued by Govt-Applicability to
Board - ordered
R‰w¿¡if v©.54510 /m17/m171/2002-1 (br.») ehŸ 25.6.02 (ã20/6/02)R‰w¿¡if v©.54510 /m17/m171/2002-1 (br.») ehŸ 25.6.02 (ã20/6/02)
R‰w¿¡if v©.54510 /m17/m171/2002-1 (br.») ehŸ 25.6.02 (ã20/6/02)R‰w¿¡if v©.54510 /m17/m171/2002-1 (br.») ehŸ 25.6.02 (ã20/6/02)
R‰w¿¡if v©.54510 /m17/m171/2002-1 (br.») ehŸ 25.6.02 (ã20/6/02)
clš ey¤â£l« - Ợir/mWit Ợir brŒJ bfh©lj‰fhd fU¤JU jÄÊš
mD¥òtJ bjhl®ghf.
R‰w¿¡if v©. 073930 /340/Í47/#471/2002-1(û) ehŸ 8.11.02 (ã11/7/02)R‰w¿¡if v©. 073930 /340/Í47/#471/2002-1(û) ehŸ 8.11.02 (ã11/7/02)
R‰w¿¡if v©. 073930 /340/Í47/#471/2002-1(û) ehŸ 8.11.02 (ã11/7/02)R‰w¿¡if v©. 073930 /340/Í47/#471/2002-1(û) ehŸ 8.11.02 (ã11/7/02)
R‰w¿¡if v©. 073930 /340/Í47/#471/2002-1(û) ehŸ 8.11.02 (ã11/7/02)
jÄœ ts®¢á - M£á bkhÊ brayh¡f¤ â£l« - clš ey¤ â£l« Ợir /mWit
Ợir brŒJ bfh©lj‰fhd k‰W« kU¤Jt eilKiw ÉâfŸ bjhl®ghd - M§»y
got§fŸ - jÄHh¡f« brŒJ mD¥òtJ bjhl®ghf.
110. Memo (P)No.127517/A17/A171/2002-1(SB) dt.25.1.03(P15/1/03)
TNEB - Health Fund Scheme - Financial Assistance - Sanctioned - Delay in making payment
- Avoidance of - instruction issued.
111. Memo (P)No.127517/A17/A171/2002-2(SB) dt.25.10.03(P16/1/03)
TNEB - Financial Assistance under Health Fund Scheme Entry in the Service Book
- Further instruction issued.
112. Memo(P)No.78158/A17/A171/2003-2(SB) dt.7.10.03(P1/10/03)
Health Fund Scheme -Subscription collected from the employees - may be effected in the
month of April of every year instead of June - Further instruction issued.
113. (Per)BP(FB) No.17(SB) dt.13.5.2005(P28/05/05)
Medical Aid-TNEB Employees Health Fund Scheme 1993 inclusion of Angio Plastry, PTCA,
Stent in the Specialised Advanced Surgery of cardiology orders of Govt. Applicability to
Board - orders issued.
114. (Per) BP(FB) No.43(SB) dt.23.8.05(P15/8/05)
TNEB - Delegation of powers to Chairman to sanction Medical Aid-Health Fund Scheme -
Financial Assistance to the employees and their dependant to take Treatment in outside
the state - orders issued.
115. (Per) BP(FB) No.1(SB) dt.3.1.2006(P4/1/06)
TNEB -Delegation of powers - Medical Attendance Rules Financial Assistance to the
employees and their dependant family members - Treatment outside state Approval-
Delegation of Powers to chairman - orders issued.
116. (Per) BP(FB) No.13(SB) dt.13.2.06(P20/2/06)
Medical Aid-TNEB employees Health Fund Scheme 1993- Accredition of More Registered
private Hospitals and Approved More specialized Advances Surgery/Treatment w.e.f.
1.4.2005 - orders issued.
117. (Per) BP(FB) No.20(SB) dt.3.3.06(P3/3/06)
Health Fund Scheme -TNEB employees Health fund Scheme Enhancement of Subscription
from Rs.100/- to Rs.130/- per annum from the Salary of Boards employees and
enhancement of Boards contribution - orders issued.
118. Lr.No.12778/A17/A171/2006-1(SB) dt.29.5.06(P41/5/06)
TNEB -Health Fund Scheme - certain clarification issued.
119. Lr.No.83466/A17/A171/2006-4(SB) dt.28.2.07(P17/2/07)
TNEB Health Fund Scheme -Treatment /Surgery undergone in accredited / Unaccredited
Medical Institution clarification - reg.
120. Memo No.9176/A17/A171/2007-1(SB) dt.29.3.07(P51/3/07)
Tamilnadu Govt. Servant Health Fund Scheme 1991-Restriction of claims for availing
assistance under the scheme in respect of Treatment surgery relating to other than cancer
and ceiling of Rs.30000/- and Two occasions for eye surgery - removed orders of Govt.
adopted to Board - orders issued.
121. Cir Memo No.11840/A17/A172/2006-7(SB) dt.16.5.07(P11/5/07)
Medical Attendance Rules - Counter Signature of bills by the Medical Officer attached to
Primary Health Centre-Recovery of Medical Bills on Audit objections-with holding of recovery
- instruction issued.
122. (per)BP(Ch)No.140(SB) dt.14.6.07(P4/6/07)
Medical Aid -TNEB employees Health Fund Scheme 1993 Accreditation of More Private
Hospitals -orders issued by Govt-Adoption to Board - orders issued.
123. (Per) BP(FB) No.31(SB) dt.24.8.07(P23/8/07)
Health Fund Scheme-TNEB Health Fund Scheme -Enhancement of Subscription from
Rs.130/- Per annum to Rs.20/-per month from the Salary of employees with effect from
1.1.07 and enhancement of Boards contribution - orders issued.
124. (per)BP(Ch)No.221(SB)dt.14.9.07(P27/9/07)
Tamilnadu Electricity Board employees Health Fund Scheme 1993- Accreditation of Addl.
Registered Private Hospitals - orders issued.
125. Memo No.54624/A19/A192/2007-1(SB) dt.16.10.07(p15/10/07)
Medical reimbursement Claim Made by Thiru. B. Saravanan ADM (Asst.) Dindigul EDC to
his mother who is receiving exgratia pension is in orders - clarification issued.
126. Memo (P)No.11840/A17/A172/2006-10(SB) dt.6.11.07(P11/11/07)
Medical Attendance Rules - Counter Signature of bills by Medical officer attached to Primary
Health centres - Authorisation issued by Govt - Adoption to Board orders issued.
127. Memo No.76404/A17/A171/2007-2(SB) dt.14.12.07(P11/12/07)
TNEB Employees Health Fund Scheme 1993-Application seeking Assistance under Health
Fund Scheme - Tamil limit for Submission of Application with in 60 days from date of
discharge - Revised orders issued.
128. (Per)BP(Ch)No.28(SB) dt.12.2.08(P16/2/08)
TNEB Health Fund Scheme 1993- Accreditation of addl registered Private Hospital and
Hospital accredited under the scheme having facilities approved for additional facilities
orders issued by Govt. Adoption to Board - orders issued.
129. (Per) BP(Ch)No.89(SB) dt.12.5.08(P11/5/08)
New Health Insurance Scheme for employees of Govt. Local Bodies, Public Sector
undertakings statutory Boards and State Govt. Universities -Selection of and insurance
company for implementation - Implementation procedures in TNEB - orders issued.
130. Lr.No.98644/A17/A171/2007-13(SB) dt.9.7.08(P13/7/08)
New Health Insurance Scheme for employees of Govt. Departments, Local Bodies and
Statutory Boards List of Offices of the Star Health Insurance and allied company Ltd.
Situated in the Dist. Head Quarters and List of Hospitals covered under the Scheme -
131. Memo (P) No.:98644/A17/A171/2007-104(SB) dt.1.8.08(P9/8/08)
New Health Insurance Scheme for employees of Govt. Dept. Local Bodies - Statutory
Board - Date of Implementation of the Scheme - Amendment - orders issued.
132. Memo No.82218/A19/A192/2007-1(SB) dt.20.8.08(P50/8/08)
TNEB - Health Fund Scheme Change of name of Private Hospitals - Amendment issued.
133. (Per) BP(Ch)No.165(SB) Dt.25.8.08(P53/8/08)
TNEB -Health Fund Scheme 1993-Accreditation of additional registered private Hospitals
approval for additional specialities -orders issued by Govt. -Adoption in the Board
- orders issued.
134. Lr.No.98644/A17/A171/2007-227(SB) dt.16.9.08(P16/9/08)
New Health Insurance Scheme for employees of Government Department - Local Bodies
- Public Sector undertakings statutory Boards - List of Offices of the Star Health and Allied
Insurance company Ltd. situated in the District Head Quarters and List of Additional
hospitals covered under the scheme communicated.
135. Memo No.50335/A19/A192/2009-6(SB) dt.18.4.09(P67/4/09)
TNEB - Health Fund Scheme - Change of name of Private Hospital - Amendment issued.
136. (Per)BP(Ch)No.147(SB) dt.12.7.10(P16/7/10)
Electricity -Accident occurred to 6 numbers Boards Personnels - Proposal for making
payment of Rs.1133799/- towards treatment imported at Appollo Hospital - Approval
137. (Per) BP(FB) No.30(SB) dt.20.8.10(P20/8/10)
Medical Expenses - Reimbursement of Medical Expenses ceiling limit - Revised Procedure
introduced in Govt. Adoption - orders issued.
(30% of par + Grade pay as on 1.12.2007)
138. (Per) BP(Ch)No.217(SB) dt.4.10.2010(P15/10/10)
Elecy-Chennai EDC/ Central -Anna Salai Division - Accident occurred to Tmy.
C.K.Vasanthakumari AE/ GP Road and Thiru K. Dayanithi Foreman I Gr. Proposal for
making payment of Rs.462227/- towards the treatment imported at Appollo Hospital -
Approval Accorded.
139. (Per) BP(FB) No.8(SB) dt.11.11.10(P11/11/10)
TNEB - Medical Expenses -Reimbursement of Medical Expenses ceiling limit - clarification
orders issued.
140. Memo (P) No.86420/A17/A172/2010-1(SB) dt.23.11.10(P16/11/10)
TANGEDCO-Estt-Regular work establishment - Medical Allowance Eligibility to Claiming
Medical Allowance to Helper(Trainee) & Office Helper (Trainee) - clarification issued.
141. Lr.No.46333/A17/A171/2010-6(SB) dt.19.1.11(P15/1/11)
New Health Insurance scheme for employees of Govt. Department, Additional list of Hospital
covered under the Scheme - communicated.
142. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro No.6(SB) dt.5.3.11(P16/3/11)
Medical Charges -Reimbursement of MRI Scan Charges and CT Scan charged incurred
by the TANGEDCO, TANTRNSCO and TNEB Ltd. employees -Rates prescribed by the
Tamilnadu Medical Services Corporation Limited - Adoption to the employees of
143. Memo (Per) No.11298/A17/A172/2011-1(SB) dt.25.3.11(P23/3/11)
TANGEDCO- claiming of Medical Allowance to Helper (Trainee) and office Helper (Trainee)
- Eligible from the date of appointment - further clarification issued.
144. Lr.No.46333/A17/A171/2010-9(SB) dt.20.4.11.(p20/4/11)
New Health Insurance scheme for the employees of Govt. Dept. Public sector under takings
and Statutory Board-Steam lining of the uploading of employees date by the pay drawing
officers/covered organisation - issue of Instruction communicated.
1. B.P Ms.(FB) No.54(SB) dt. 04.05.83 (P 281/83I)
Books and publication – Publishing of an official Journal containing important orders and
instructions issued – Approval.
2. B.P.Ms No: 367 (Tech. Br. ) dt. 20.07.82 (P29/83I)
Allotment of Boards Quarters to other department employees – orders issued.
3. B.P.Ms (Ch) No: 38 (TB) dt 15.02.83 ( P 259 / 83 I )
Building Tariff rates – rules and regulations for occupation of inspection bungalow and rest
houses of EB - orders issued.
4. B.P.Ms. (Ch) No : 13 (SB) dt 19.01.83 (P 79/83I)
TNEB deputation of Board employees – Counting of service for the purpose of Probation
- Guidelines issued.
5. Memo (P) No: 74409-P 1 / 82 – 1 (SB) dt 15.02.83 (P 104/83 –I)
Deputation - Deputation of Board Employees to other Departments – Standardized.
Terms and conditions – Orders of Govt. applicability - orders issued.
6. Letter No: 4996 / 01 / 83 – 1 (SB) dt 29.11.83 (P 214 /83- I)
Fundamental Rules – Deputation of Foreign service under FR 110 – 114 – Recovery of
leave salary – instruction issued.
7. B.P.Ms. (Ch) No: 18 (Sectt) dt 22.01.83. (P 85/83I)
TNEB services – Prescription time limit for sanction of GPF advance, TA Bill and surrender
leave salary orders of Govt. applicability - orders issued.
8. B.P.Ms. (Ch) No: 152 (SB) dt 26.04.83 ( P 145/83I)
Estt. – TNEB – Formation Regional Chief Engineer office - Sanction of staff – orders
9. B.P Ms. (Ch) No: 397 (SB) dt 18.10.83. ( P 356 / 83II)
Estt. - TNEB – BOSB – Data Bank and Personal Information centre – Certain changes
– orders issued.
10. Ch Circular No: 68003 – O & M cell / 83 – dt 17.08.83. (P 225/83II)
Estt. – Diversion of staff – BANNED.
11. Ch.Circular No: 68003-0 O&M cell / 83-2 dt 3.09.83 (T 284 / 83II)
Estt. – Diversion of staff – Banned – Further instructions issued.
12. Memo No: - 37543 / P-1/ 83 – I dt 11.07.83 (P-132 / 83II)
Estt – TNEB – Residence of the employees with in Headquarters / Station – Previous
instruction reiterated.
13. B.P.Ms. (Ch) No: 586 (Adm Br.) dt. 11.10.84 (P 772/84)
Estt. – Duties and responsibilities of Public relation officers in the system offices
– orders issued.
14. B.P.Ms. (Ch) No: 424 (SB) dt. 06.11.84 (P 851/84)
Esst – class II service – Personal Assistants including selection grade personal Assistants
specification of Duties and powers - orders issued.
15. Memo No: 79844 – R 1/84 – 1 (SB) dt 10.12.84 (P 971 /84)
Estt. – Class II service - Personal Assistants including selection grade personal Assistants
specification of Duties and powers - orders issued. - Further instruction issued.
16. Circular Memo No: 305 E -1 (5)/84 - 1(Adm Br.) dt 12.12.84 (P 974 / 84 )
Duties and daily movement of AE’s / JE’s in field works in TNEB – maintenance of a
separate movement register for AE’s / JE’s movement general instruction – reg.
17. Memo No: 023744/S 1 /A1 / 71/84 – 1 (SB) dt 19.09.84 (P 656/84)
Renaming of South, Central, North and West division in MES / South and North as Adyar,
Mylapore, Royapuram and Egmore respectively approval accorded.
18. BP Ms. No: FB (145) (Adm Br. ) dty 31.10.84 (P 793 / 84 )
Formation of MES /Central, Annanagar division and allocation of Division among three
circles – orders Issued.
19. Memo No: 71576 / Q 1 / R 2 / 81 – 14 (SB) dt 16.04.84 (P 233 / 84)
Estt. – Age of retirement on superannuation for office helper, duffedor and unskilled
workman covered by standing order be continued as 60 – clarification issue.
20. Memo No. 92728 -S2/A1/84-1(Adm Br.) dt.25.1.85(P44/85)
TNEB -Officers-Special Duty/Stores in the rank of superintending Engineer (Elecl/
Mechanical) Duties and responsibilities - orders issued.
21. Memo No.64422-S1/82-9(SB)dt.5.2.85(P151/85)
Acts and Rules -Motor Transport workers Act 1961 and Tamilnadu Motor Transport workers
Act 1961 and Tamilnadu Motor Transport workers Rule 1965- exemption from the provision
of the Act in TNEB copy of GO communicated.
22. Ch’s Circular No.161/IR4(2)/Adm. Br / 85-1/14.5.85(P487/85)
Labour Dispute raised by the employees of the Board-Attendance and co-operation of the
Boards officers in the conciliation - instruction issued.
23. BPMS(FB) No.70(SB) dt.6.8.86(P761/86)
Estt. TNEB - Part Time contingent staff-Sweeper, Sanitory workers etc.-Enhancement of
Monthly payment - orders issued.
24. BPMS(Ch)No.566(Adm.Br.)Dt.22.9.86(P825/86)
Estt.-Sanction of Safety Engineers in the rank of ADE to the four Regions to Minimise the
accident - Duties and responsibilities to be attached - ordered.
25. BPMS(Ch)No.511(SB) dt.21.10.86(P930/86)
Estt. TNEB - Class II Service - Asst.Engineers and JE I Grade ordinary grade as well as
selection grade - Specification of duties Functions and responsibilities - specification of
duties, Functions and responsibilities - orders issued.
26. Memo No.66104/C1/86-1(SB) dt.17.11.86(P1028/86)
Estt. TNEB - Part Time contingent staff like sweeper/ Sanitory workers etc. - Enhancement
of rate of monthly payment -orders issued - clarification
27. Memo No.17635/O&M cell/86-7(SB) dt.23.1.87(P 15/87)
Estt. TNEB Inspection Bungalows-Period of stay by officers before arranging for
accommodation in the Place where Transferred - instruction issued.
28. Lr No.61286-G2/87-1(SB) dt.27.10.87(P794/87)
Visit - Visit of Chief Minister with in the state of Tamilnadu on official Business - Incurring of
expenditure - Detailed Guide lines issued.
29. BPMS(Ch)No.241(Tech Br.) dt.17.11.88(P845/88)
Vehicles - Collection of Fixed Charges for the use of Boards Vehicle for rips to places of
residence and office - Further instruction issued.
30. Memo No.49277-P1/88-82(SB) dt.23.12.88(P907/88)
Estt. Altaration of entry regarding community in Service Book-consequent on declaration
by Govt. - instruction issued.
31. Memo No.007327/E8-3/89-1(Adm Br)dt.19.1.89(P59/89)
Sanction of Handing over time to the Asst. Engineer Jr. Engineer I Gr. on their transfer to
close the work orders Operated by them - instruction issued.
32. Memo No.74235-P1/88-1 (SB)dt.21.2.89(P152/89)
Estt. Alteration of date of Birth - Time limit - Reckoning of Five years period in case of
Temporary employees - clarification issued.
33. Memo No.30647/C1/88-1(SB)dt.31.3.89(P277/89)
Estt.AE’s and JE I Gr. Specification of Duties and responsibilities and Treating them of
officers from 1.12.86 Admission of Certain benefits from 21.10.86 to 1.12.86(Clarification
34. (Per) BP(Ch)No.188(SB)dt.30.6.89(P507/89)
Public Service Alteration of entry in Service Book regarding community - revised orders
35. Cir.Memo No.060507/IR4(3)/89-3(Adm Br.) Dt.27.10.89 (P855/89)
Recovery of dues from the employees of the Board to the private financier for Hire Purchase
- Instruction issued.(Undertaking for the recovery not to be given to Private Financier)
36. Endt. No.118916/B1-4/89-1 (Adm.Br.) Dt.
Religious ceremonies of Govt. offices not to be entertained - orders issued.
37. U.O.Note NO.:25305/P1/91-2(SB)dt.30.8.91(P501/91)
Estt. Alteration of Date of birth - Application from employees who entered in to service
Prior to 24.1.61) beyond 5 years - Consideration instruction issued.
38. Memo No.80311/P1/91-1(SB) dt.30.11.91(P683/91)
Estt. TNEB-Employees Residing with in Head Quarters / Stations - obtaining Prior
Permission for residing out side Head Quarters / Station - Previous instruction - Registered.
39. CIr Memo No. 80311/P1/91-2(SB) dt.21.12.91(P696/91)
-Do- List of employees permitted to reside outside Should be maintained.
40. Cir Memo No.39087/ (4) /92-1(SB) dt.16.7.92(416/92)
TNEB office Procedure - Letters / Representations received from MLA / MPS etc. Prompt
-reply - Instruction issued.
41. (Per) BP(FB) No.57(SB) dt.13.10.92(P560/92)
TNEB -Celebration of Boards day - Institution of Medal Scheme for TNEB employees
- orders issued.
42. Memo No. 34020/(1) /92-2(SB) dt.24.10.92(569/92)
-Do- Head of Account
43. Memo No.:34020/O&M -4/92-3(SB) dt.13.11.92(P632/92)
TNEB - Celebration of Boards day-Institution of Medal Scheme for TNEB employees
- Further instruction issued.
44. (Per)MemoNo.36768-O&M 1(4) 93-1(SB) dt.22.6.93(P254/93)
TNEB - Celebration of Boards Day-Institution of Medal Scheme for TNEB Employees
- orders issued - Amendment issued.
45. Secy No. 32108/P3/93-1(SB) dt.22.6.93(P255/93)
TNEB - Celebration of Boards Day-Institution of Medal Scheme for TNEB Employees for
46. (Per) BP(Ch)No.158(TB) dt.6.7.93(P324/93)
Institution of Engineers (India) Life Member Ship fees - Reimbursement of Life Membership
fees to the engineers of TNEB - orders issued.
47. Memo No.54795//92-2(SB) dt.15.10.93(P531/93)
TNEB - Estt-part Time Contingent employees for sweeping, scavenging and water carrying
works Rate of payment and employment of Strict adherence - instruction issued.
48. Memo (P) No.70094/O&Mcell 1(4) 93-1(SB) dt.19.11.93(P569)
TNEB - Celebration of Boards day- Institution of Medal Scheme for TNEB Employees
orders issued - Amendment issued.
49. (Per) BP(FB) No.1(SB) dt.11.1.94(P17/94)
Estt-TNEB - Part Time Contingent staff - Sweeper / Scavenger and water carriers -
Enhancement of rate of monthly payment - orders issued.
50. Lr.No.12224/DTS/HD/94-1 (TB) dt.4.10.94(-508/94)
Institution of Engineers (India) Life Membership fees - Reimbursement of Life Membership
fees to the engineers of TNEB orders issued - reg.
51. Memo No.105/Amd.Br.) IRI(3) 94-18(Adm.Br.)dt.13.12.94(585/94)
Estt-Duties and responsibilities of Collection Staff in Distn. Circles - RS, IA and Assessors.
52. Endt. No.15/B3/1/95(Adm.Br.)Dt.8.2.95(P31/95)
Tamilnadu House -New Delhi - Accommodation- Request for accommodation- instruction
53. (Per)BP(Ch)No.:86(SB) dt.7.4.95(P158/95)
Concessions - Grant of Go home concession to employees working in Hydro Project
Masinagudi - orders issued.
54. (Per) BP(Ch)No.198(Adm.Br.) dt.6.6.95(P247/95)
Revision of work Allocation and staff pattern-Creation of stores supervisor and abolition of
Stores custodian II Gr. in Sub-Stores - Duties and Responsibilities of stores supervisor
and stores custodian I Gr. in Sub-Stores - orders issued.
55. Memo No.37134/P1/95-1(SB) dt.16.8.95(P390/95)
Estt-Alteration of date of birth under Regulation 110(b) of TNEB Service Regulations
- instruction issued.
56. Memo No.426(Adm.Br/IR1(3)/95-2dt.28.8.95(P407/95)
Revision of work Allocation and staff pattern-settlement with unions revised duties and
responsibilities of Accounting Staff in the Rev. Branch issued.
57. Memo No.105/Adm.Br./IRI(3)/94-24(Adm.Br.dt.4.10.95(500/95)
Revision of work Allocation and staff Pattern based on Terms of settlement in para 3(iii)
and 3(1x) Duties and responsibilities of Assessment and collection - staff issued.
58. Per BP(Ch)No.I (Accts/Br.) dt.9.1.96(P9/1/96)
Stores -Revision of work allocation and staff pattern duties and responsibilities of stores
supervisor and store custodian I gr. in Sub-stores - Dispensing of stores issue book and
Adding -additional slip in requisition book - orders.
59. (Per) BP(FB) No.19(SB) dt.13.3.97(P2/3/97)
TNEB Employees - Residence with in Head Quarters / Stations - Relaxation orders issued
- Staff working in Chennai City office may reside with in 50km. radious of Chennai City.
60. Cir Memo No. 43778-B1/96-7(SB) dt.23.9.97(P7/9/97)
Estt. Class I Service-Alteration of Date of birth Instruction issued.
61. (Per) BP(CH) No.159(Adm.Br.) dt.27.7.98(P6.7.98)
Labour - Contract Labourers in Thermal Stations - Payment of Daily wages with effect
from 1.4.97 - orders issued.
62. (Per) BP(Ch)No.160(Adm.Br) dt.27.7.98(P7/7/98)
Labours - Contract Labourers working in Thermal Stations and engaged through IND
Conserve - Payment of Daily wages with effect from 16.4.98 - orders issued.
63. (Per) BP(Ch)No.161(Adm.Br.) Dt.27.7.98(P7/7/98)
Labour Contract Labourers in Distn. Generations and other circles payment of wages
with effect from 1.7.98 - orders issued.
64. Memo No.125303/BOAB/IRI(1)/97-12(Adm.Br.) dt.3.8.98(P9/7/98)
Contract Labourers having completed 5 years of Service as on 31.3.97 working in other
than Thermal Stations - Identification of Contract Labours by Verification teams - Guidelines
65. (Per) BP(FD) No.28(Adm.Br.)dt.6.10.98(P14/10/98)
Labour - Contract - Labours working Thermal Stations payment of Daily wages at 1/30th
of Total Gross wages of Minimum pay applicable to the post on Helper - orders issued.
66. Memo No.68355-P1/98-1(SB) dt.4.11.98(P1/11/98)
Public Services - Change of names by Govt. Servants, - Revised instruction issued.
67. Memo No. 45352/N1/98-2(SB) dt.2.12.98(P2/12/98)
Accident - Engagement of Private Vehicle for Medical Treatment of Board employees
involved in accident while on duty - clarification issued.
68. (Per) BP(Ch)No.36(SB) dt.25.12.99(P13/1/99)
Estt-Pay limit for the purpose of payment of Exgratia grant to meet the Funeral Expenses
in cases of death -Revision consequent -revision scales Pay limit fixed as Rs.5600/-
- orders.
69. Memo No.125303/IRI(1)/97-335(Adm.Br.dt.19.4.99/P4/4/99)
Contract Labourers working in Distn. Circle in RCC Yard - Identification and payment of
Exgratia to the Contract Laborers working in RCC Yard - clarification issued.
70. (Per) BP(FB) No.17(SB) dt.28.4.99(P15/4/99)
Estt-TNEB - Absorption of contract Labourers in Four Thermal Stations - orders issued.
R‰w¿¡if v©.001566/4/Í7/Í72/2001-3(û) ehŸ 13.3.2001(ã1/4/01)R‰w¿¡if v©.001566/4/Í7/Í72/2001-3(û) ehŸ 13.3.2001(ã1/4/01)
R‰w¿¡if v©.001566/4/Í7/Í72/2001-3(û) ehŸ 13.3.2001(ã1/4/01)R‰w¿¡if v©.001566/4/Í7/Í72/2001-3(û) ehŸ 13.3.2001(ã1/4/01)
R‰w¿¡if v©.001566/4/Í7/Í72/2001-3(û) ehŸ 13.3.2001(ã1/4/01)
nj®îfŸ Jiw¤ nj®îfŸ - Ä‹thÇa« mšyJ jÄœehL nj®thiza« el¤J«
fz¡F¤ nj®î ghf« (1) nj®î« mâš fyªJ¡ bfhŸS« thÇa mYty®fŸ ngz
nt©oa be¿KiwfŸ F¿¤J.
72. (Per) BP(FB) No.60(SB) dt.15.11.01(P2/11/01)
Estt-TNEB -Bifurcation of Chennai Distn. Region as Chennai North and Chennai South -
with Head Quarters of South Region at K.K.Nagar - orders issued.
73. Memo No.115475/A23/A232/2001-1(SB) dt.26.11.01(P5/11/01)
Estt. Fixing of Head Quarters of Chennai South Region of Inside TNEB complex
Chennai-2 - orders issued.
74. (Per) BP(Ch)No.31(TB) dt.7.2.2002(P44/3/02)
Hydro Generation Stations - Special Job Honorarium - Approved.
75. (Per)BP (Ch)No.230(SB) dt.21.11.02(P33/11/02)
Accommodation-providing Accommodation of Guest House/Inspection Bungalow of
Thermal / Hydel Head Quarters - orders issued.
76. (Per)BP(FB) No.69(SB) dt.25.11.02(P38/11/02)
Estt-Class II Service -Creation of Post of Assessment officer in O&M Division - orders
77. Memo(P) No.6841/A23/A232/2003-1(SB) dt.22.203(P8/2/03)
TNEB - Accommodation - Providing accommodation of Guest houses, Inspection
Bungalows of Thermal Power Stations - certain clarification issued.
78. Cir Memo No. 010165/42/G43/G431/2003-2dt. 28.3.03 / P8/3/03)
Revision of work Allocation and Staff Pattern for Assessment and cash Collection cadre -
Duties and Responsibilities of Assessment officer in O&M Division - orders issued.
79. Memo (P) No.46559/A23/A232/2003-1dt.13.6.03(P5/6/03)
Accommodation - Providing accommodation at Guest Houses - Inspection - Bungalow in
Thermal / Hydel Power Stations and other areas - orders issued.
80. Memo No.123091/A18/A181/2002-4(SB) dt.12.6.03(p3/6/03)
Salary Savings Scheme - claiming of 1/8 Commission Payable by LIC of India on Promia
from Salary of Employees of Board collected and Paid to LIC - instruction issued.
81. (Per)BP(Ch)No.233(SB) dt.29.10.2003(P17/10/03)
Inspection Bungalow -TNEB-Allotment to Central Govt. Undertakings - Revision of Tariff
- orders issued.
82. Memo (P) No.30463/A23/A232/04-1(SB) dt.15.4.04(P45/5/04)
TNEB Guest house at New Delhi - Collection of rent for accommodation - orders issued.
F.M.v©.56894/m18/m181/04-1 (br.») 15.7.04(ã7/7/04)F.M.v©.56894/m18/m181/04-1 (br.») 15.7.04(ã7/7/04)
F.M.v©.56894/m18/m181/04-1 (br.») 15.7.04(ã7/7/04)F.M.v©.56894/m18/m181/04-1 (br.») 15.7.04(ã7/7/04)
F.M.v©.56894/m18/m181/04-1 (br.») 15.7.04(ã7/7/04)
ãwªj njâ kh‰w« - kDjhu® kD k‰W« ïju Mtz§fŸ rk®¥ã¤jš - kDjhuÇ‹
nfhÇ¡if V‰gˤjš-gÂ¥gânt£oš gâîfŸ nk‰bfhŸsš m¿îiufŸ
- tH§f¥gL»‹wd.
84. (Per) BP(Ch)No.84(Adm.Br.)dt.1.3.2007(P4/3/07)
Estt-Class III Service Thiru. S.Ranganathan then Junior Asst. (Adm.) Now Asst. (Adm.)
Cuddalore EDC A S No.2/2006-Filed in Subordinate Judge Chidambaram Alteration of
Date of Birth - orders issued.
85. (Per) BP(FB) No.22(Adm.Br.) dt.17.5.2007(P16/5/07)
TNEB - Determination of data of Birth of Thiru S. Raman LI Dindigul EDC-orders issued.
86. (Per) BP(FB) No.10(Adm.Br.)dt.25.6.09(P17/6/09)
Estt. Revision of Wages and work Allocation and Staff Pattern - Enhancement of
Consolidated wages to part time employees (Sweepers and Sanitary) from Rs.850/- to
1000/-) - orders issued.
87. (Per) BP(FB) No.20(Adm.Br.) Dt.23.11.09(P82/11/09)
TNEB Temporary Casual Labourers and Contract Labourers - Direct Payment on need
basis Rs.70/- Per day Increased to Rs.120/- per day - orders issued.
88. (Per) CMDTANGEDCO Pro No. 14(SB) dt.21.1.11(P34/1/11)
Estt-TANGEDCO -Redesignation of nomenclature of Helpers as Field Asst.- order issued.
89. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro No.3 dt.19.2.11(P25/2/11)
Estt-RWE - Contract Labourers worked in Kumbakonam Thirumayam and Vandavasi
Rural Electric Co-Op Societies - Absorption as Temporary Casual Labourer on Daily Wages
- orders issued.
90. (Per) CMD TANGEDCO Pro No.69(SB) dt.11.4.11(P14/4/11)
TANGEDCO - New Guidelines to the Recommending authority for making
recommendations in respect of the officials to be nominated for Chairman’s power medal
for meritorious service and TNEB Medal for Distinguished Services - issued.
1. BPMS(Ch)No.461(SB) dt.23.12.85(P1331/85)
Regulations TNEB employees conduct Regulations-obtaining of No objection certificate
before applying passport for undertaking foreign Trip - Amendment issued.
2. Lr.No. 52803/G2/90-1 (SB) dt.22.8.90(P499/90)
Passport Issue of Passport and verification certificate - Reg.
3. Memo No. 85150/O&M cell /2/91-1(SB) dt.(P7/92)
Estt - Issue of No Objection certificate to employees of TNEB for visit foreign countries -
Recording entries in Service Book of Board employees - instruction issued.
4. Memo (P) No.85150/O&M cell (2)/91-2(SB) dt.14.1.92 (P8/92)
Estt - Issue of no objection certificate to employees of TNEB for visiting foreign countries
- Recording entries in Service Book of Boards employees issued - Amendment issued.
5. (Per) BP(FB) No.46(SB) dt.26.3.93(P99/93)
Estt-No Objection Certificate to get passport / Visit Foreign Countries - Authorisation to
the Chairman TNEB to issue NOC to the employees - orders issued.
6. Memo No.22097/P1/93-1(SB) dt.4.8.93(P428/93)
Travel abroad by State Govt. Officials - Issue at diplomatic / Official Passport - Instruction
of Govt. of India - communicated.
7. (Per) BP(FB) No.6(SB) dt.18.2.94(P86/94)
Estt-No Objection Certificate to get Passport / Visit Foreign countries Authorisation to
Chairman to issue No Objection Certificate to employees - orders cancelled.
8. (Per) BP(FB) No.27(SB) dt.20.5.95(P207/95)
TNEB - Foreign Tour/Employment - Issue of No Objection certificate - Terms and Conditions
- orders issued.
9. Memo(P) No.19151/p2/96-2(SB) dt.20.4.96(P12/4/96)
TNEB - Issue of No objection Certificate to apply passport - Revised instruction issued.
10. (Per) BP(Ch)No.42(SB) dt.25.2.97(P20/2/97)
TNEB-Employees Conduct Regulations - Format for No Objection Certificate to apply
Passport - Prescribed.
11. (Per) BP(Ch)No.108(SB) dt.13.4.98(P6/4/98)
Regulations-TNEB Employees Conduct Regulations issue of No Objection certificate to
apply Passport - Revised instruction issued.
12. Memo No.22787-P3/98-1(SB) dt.23.4.98(P13/4/98)
-Do- Column No.18 Modified - orders issued .
13. Memo (P) No.40086-P3/98-1(SB) dt.28.8.98(P2/8/98)
TNEB Employees conduct Regulations - Format for No Objection Certificate to apply
Passport-Column No 19 - clarification issued.
14. Memo No. 49128-P3/98-1(SB) dt.20.12.98(P14/12/98)
Regulations -TNEB Employees Conduct Regulations issue of No objection certificate to
apply Passports - Amendment issued. (No. DP Under Regulation 8(b) is Pending)
15. Memo No.88002/A12/A182/2002-1(SB) dt.1.11.02(P5/11/02)
TNEB - Employees Conduct Regulations - Format for No objection certificate to apply
passport - Prescribed - Certain instruction issued.
16. (Per)BP(FB) No.22(SB) dt.23.4.08(P25/4/08)
TNEB Employees Conduct Regulations-Issue of No Objection Certificate to employees of
Board to undertake trip to a Foreign Country-Powers delegated to Chairman TNEB to
issue No Objection Certificate for Class II, III and IV employees - Modification with Powers
to Secretary TNEB - orders issued.
17. Memo(P)No.34073/A18/A182/2008-2 (SB) dt.12.6.08(P12/6/08)
TNEB Employees Conduct Regulations - Passports Revised Passport issuance Procedure
- Application for Identity certificate and no Objection Certificate for applying passport / for
renewal to undertake foreign Trip and issue of Identity Certificate to the employees while
applying for passport its renewal and NOC to go to abroad - Instruction by Govt.
18. Memo (P) No.12594/A18/A182/2009-1(SB) dt.20.3.09(P14/3/09)
TNEB Employees Conduct Regulations - Passport - Revised Passport issuance Procedure
- Application for Identity Certificate and No Objection certificate for applying Passport -
Certain - Modification issued.
19. (Per) CMD TANGEDCO Pro No. 13(Adm. Br.) Dt.1.2.2011(P12/2/11)
TNEB Employees Conduct Regulations - Issuing of No Objection Certificate to the officers
/ Staffs working in Gas Turbine Schemes for foreign employment - Minimum of 10 years
Service to be rendered - orders issued.
1. U.O No: CE / Metro / C1 / 16644 / 1561/81 – 4 (TB) dt 18.05.82 (P22/83 I)
Estt. – Petition received from C.M’s Special cell – Prompt reply to be sent - regarding.
2. Memo No: 53343 – O & M Cell / 82-1 (SB) dt 24.08.82 (P 33/83I)
Estt. – TNEB Post created and upgraded - particulars orders issued.
3. Memo No: 20012 – O & M cell /82 – 1 dt 23.10.82 (P 38 / 83I)
Office procedure – TNEB – Guidelines to Tottenham system – furnished.
4. Circular No: 73747 – O & M Cell /82 dt 12.11.82 (P 47 / 83I)
Special register for important reference to be maintained by PA to Chairman.
5. Circular No: 73748 – O & M Cell / 82 dt 12.11.82 (P 48 / 83I)
TNEB – Office procedure and practice.
6. Memo.No.71956-O&M Cell/82, dt.24.11.82 (P.57/83I)
Office Procedure – Maintenance of Personal Register by Assistants in TNEB Sectt.Br
– instruction issued.
7. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.1 (SB) Dt.26.11.82 (P.58/83I)
TNEB – Office Procedures - instruction issued.
8. Memo.No.78451-O&M Cell/82-1 (SB) Dt.07.12.82 (P.63/83I)
TNEB – Office Procedure – issue of B.P.Ms. and Rt – series under revised Procedure
arrangement - ordered.
9. Memo.No.78076 –O&M Cell/82-1 (SB) Dt.08.12.82 (P.63/83I)
TNEB – Office Procedure – issue of order under the powers of Deputy Secretary /Secretary/
AM etc., clarified.
10. D.O.Lr.No.84570-O&M Cell/82-1, Dated 23.12.82(P.65/83I)
Implementation of the instruction issued by the Higher Officer.
11. Cir.No.003468-D1/83-1, Dated 10.01.83 (P.68/83I)
Stay the Operation of order issued by Sub-ordinate Officers – reg.
12. D.O.Lr.No.514/(Adm.Br)/V3/81-13, Dt.23.01.83 (P.81/83I)
Estt. – Rotation of staff from one section to another in system /Circle.
13. B.P.Ms.(Ch)No.48 (SB) Dt.16.02.83 (P.106/83I)
TNEB – Reallocation of subject and staff among the Technical, ADM and Sectt.Branches
- orders issued.
14. Memo.No.67732- O&M Cell/82-1 (SB) Dt.28.02.83 (P.111/83I)
Office Procedure – TNEB – Using of Ink by officer and staff for noting and drafting etc.,
- instruction issued.
15. Cir.No.016722/O&M /83(SB) Dt.01.03.83 (P.111/83I)
Funds – Wasteful or Improper /irregular Expenditure.
16. D.O.Lr.No.30678/O&M Cell/83-1 , Dt.19.04.83(P.135/83I)
Board office punctuality in attendance movement control etc., General up keeping
- orders issued.
17. Cir.No.34954-O&M Cell/83-1 (SB) Dt.04.05.83 (P.151/83I)
TNEB – Gazette – Publication in TNEB Gazette – Important order /Instructions – Making
of copies to APO /Tamil Development - instruction issued.
18. Memo.No.34958-O&M Cell/83-1 (SB) Dt.04.05.83 (P.152/83I)
TNEB – Punctuality in attendance – furnishing of report on late attendance – Revised
19. B.P.Ms.(FB)No.131/(SB) Dt.13.09.83 (P.289/83II)
Estt. - Deputation of Board Officer on Foreign service period of Deputation – instruction
– issued.
20. B.P.Ms.(Ch)No.283 (SB) Dt.26.07.83 (P.185/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Secretariat Branch - Surprise Inspection squad DE’s – Fixing up of
Duties - orders issued.
21. B.P.Ms. No.289 (SB) Dt.01.08.83 (P.201/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Special Officer (Revenue) Duties and responsibilities - orders issued.
22. Memo.No.94569-O&M Cell/83-1 (SB) Dt.28.11.83 (P.423/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Board Office – Creation / Continuance/Suppression of Post under Dual
control - orders issued.
23. Ch,Circular No.81725-O&M Cell/83-1 , Dt.03.10.83 (P.346/83II)
Handing over Notes on relieving – Instruction issued.
24. Ch.Circular No.94547 – O&M Cell/83-1 , Dt.14.11.83 (P.418/83II)
Estt. – Handing over of section on transfer – instruction issued.
25. Memo.No.090938/C.2/3/82-6 (Adm.Br) Dt.18.11.83 (P.421/83II)
Estt. – Class III Service – issue of Retirement notice – reg.
26. Lr.No.049722/436/C.1-2/82-6 (Adm.Br.) Dt.01.07.83 (P.118/83II)
Estt. – Class III Service - Common seniority of Assistant in System/Circle – Printed list
27. Ch.D.O.Lr.No.37603 – O&M Cell/83-1, Dt.12.05.83 (P.8/83II)
Tapal – Perusal of tapals every Day - instruction issued.
28. Cir.Memo.No.099475/864/DPI/(Adm.Br.) Dt.23.05.83 (P.10/83II)
Circular instruction issued by Chief Engineers and Superintending Engineers- Copies to
be communicated to Vigilance Cell – reg.
29. Cir.No.815/B1(1) /Adm.br./83-1 (Adm.Br) Dt.26.05.83 (P.11/83II)
Office Procedure – various instruction issued by the Board communication to all section
30. Cir.No.11468/Adm.Br/IR2 (1) /83-2 (Adm.Br) Dt.31.05.83 (P.17/83II)
Labour – Office Bearers of Union/Association seeking interview with Officers to represent
grievances – Procedure to be followed.
31. Ch.Cir.No.44586-O&M Cell/83-1, DT.04.06.83 (P.20/83II)
Office Procedure – Sending copies of petition etc., for report - Procedure to be
32. O.o.No.1153 (SB) Dt.14.06.83 (P.32/83II)
Records – Board Office Secretariat Branch – obtaining and returning of records – Procedure
– Prescribed.
33. Ch.Cir.No.050172 – O&M Cell/83-1, Dt.22.06.83 (P.37/83II)
Office Procedure – Correspondence - Foot note Endt. On communication - reg.
34. Memo.No.35283-11/83-3 (SB) Dt.27.06.83 (P.40/83II)
Office Procedure – Board office Secretariat Branch Movement control – certain instruction
35. Memo.No.40858-O&M Cell/83-1 (SB) DT.16.06.83 (P.117/83II)
TNEB – Office Procedure – instruction – issued Amendment.
36. Cir No.815/131(1)/Adm.Br/83-2 Dt.15.07.83 (P.136/83II)
Office Procedure – Various instructions issued by the Board communication to all section
Head – reg.
37. Memo.No.27428-O&M Cell/83-1 (SB) Dt.19.07.83 (P.138/83II)
TNEB – Office Procedure – issue of Board Proceedings - Further instruction issued.
38. Office Order No.1553 (SB) DT.01.08.83 (P.198/83II)
Office Procedure – Board Office Secretariat Branch communication received from Court
– Distribution instruction issued.
39. O.No.1578 (SB) DT.03.08.83 (P.202/83II)
Estt. – TNEB Maintenance of Typewriter , Duplicator, Calculator, Adding Machine – upkeep
repairs and Renewals instruction – issued.
40. Office Order.No.1615 (SB) Dt. 08.08.83 (P.208/83II)
Office Procedure – Board Office Secretariat Branch Receipt of files from other Branches
– Distribution instruction issued.
41. Memo.(P) No.57409 – O&M Cell/83-1 (SB) Dt.10.08.83 (P.214/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Office Procedure – Approval and issue of Board Proceedings clarification
42. Memo.No.815/Adm.Br./B1(1)/83-14 (Adm.Br.)DT.12.08.83 (P.216/83II)
ADM.Branch – Functions of tapal and Despatch section – Certain instruction issued –
43. Chs.Cir.No.67993/O&M Cell/83-1 , Dt.17.08.83 (P.227/83II)
Correspondence - Routing of references through proper - Address directly with copies to
the intervening officers.
44. Lr.No.BOAB/Pre.Audit (GL)83-84 -130(AB) Dt.14.09.83 (P.289/83II)
Issue of letters and sanction orders – copy need not Marked to BOAB.
45. Cir.Memo.No.14151/891/83-1 (SB) DT.03.10.83 (P.345/83II)
TNEB – Production of Records to Investigating agencies instruction – issued.
46. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.427 (SB) DT.08.1183 (P.413/83II)
Holidays – TNEB Offices of Chief Engineers in Muffsal to work on Second Saturday when
Tamilnadu Assemble is in session – orders issued.
47. Memo.No.92754-O&M Cell/83-1 (SB) Dt. 10.11.83 (P.415/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Circulation of files to Secretary TNEB – Modified - orders issued.
48. Memo.No.080245/E2/83-2 (SB) Dt.15.11.83 (P.419/83II)
TNEB – Punctuality in attendance, Movement control etc., - General upkeeping instructions.
49. Ch.Cir.No.96232-O&M Cell/83-1 , Dt.18.11.83 (P.420/83II)
Office Procedure – Interview time for receiving representation – reg.
50. Memo.No.86452-O&M Cell/83-1 (SB) Dt.29.11.83 (P.424/83II)
Office Procedure – TNEB – Fundamentals of office Procedure – Reiterated - orders issued.
51. Memo.No.9539-RII(1) /84-2 (Adm.Br.) DT.13.06.84 (P.396/84)
Estt. – Class III Service – Directly recruited Assessors requesting for change of post
- instruction issued.
52. Memo.No.900/Adm.Br./C2-2/84-1 Dt,03.07.84 (P.483/84)
Estt. – SIC’s and Assistants working as Spl.Gr. Assessors/Assessors under Card Billing
System posting as Inspector of Assessment - orders issued.
53. Memo.No.X/Rev/Gen.II/FS/84-1224/84 (Acct.Br.)Dt.11.10.84 (P.773/84)
Card Billing of energy charges and collection fidelity Insurance to be obtained from the
Assessors clarification.
54. Lr.No.X/DFC – Accounts/A.91-84 DT.13.12.84 (P.1004/84)
Maintenance of Cash Book and Amaranth Register - instruction issued.
55. Memo.No.50798-S1/84-1 (SB) Dt.27.07.84 (P.502/84)
Tamilnadu Labour Welfare Fund Act 1972 – Availing of Benefits – Issue of certificates by
Officers – instruction issued.
56. Cir.Memo.No.79057-B2/84-1 (SB) 10.12.84 (P.956/84)
Estt. – Furnishing of certificate of Transfer of charge (CTC) - instruction issued.
thÇa Ãiya Miz (jiyt®) v©.106 (brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 16.2.84 (ã 143/84)thÇa Ãiya Miz (jiyt®) v©.106 (brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 16.2.84 (ã 143/84)
thÇa Ãiya Miz (jiyt®) v©.106 (brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 16.2.84 (ã 143/84)thÇa Ãiya Miz (jiyt®) v©.106 (brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 16.2.84 (ã 143/84)
thÇa Ãiya Miz (jiyt®) v©.106 (brayf ãÇî) ehŸ 16.2.84 (ã 143/84)
ãwªj njâ kh‰w« nfhÇ É©z¥g« tªjhš vL¡f nt©oa eil Kiw F¿¤J m¿îiu.
F.M.v©.: 23911/84-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 10.9.84 (ã 647/84)F.M.v©.: 23911/84-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 10.9.84 (ã 647/84)
F.M.v©.: 23911/84-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 10.9.84 (ã 647/84)F.M.v©.: 23911/84-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 10.9.84 (ã 647/84)
F.M.v©.: 23911/84-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 10.9.84 (ã 647/84)
Ä‹thÇa gÂahs®fŸ -XŒî bgWjš - ãwªj njâ F¿¤J ca®Úâk‹w¤âš
jil c¤juî bg‰W gÂÆš Úo¤jš - áy muR m¿îiufŸ elto¡if¡fhf
- mD¥g¥gL»wJ.
59. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.360 (SB) DT.22.09.84 (P.660/84)
Estt . – Submission of fortnight by diaries and Do narrative report by Chief Engineers and
SE’s – instruction issued.
60. Memo.No.15255/O&M Cell/84-1 Dt.26.10.84 (P.791/84)
Estt. TNEB – O&M Study furnishing of data/particulars to O&M Cell - instruction issued.
61. Memo.No.15255- O&M Cell/84-2 (SB) DT.09.11.84 (P.854/84)
Estt. – TNEB – O&M Study - Furnishing of data particulars to Govt. – instruction issued.
62. B.P.Rt (FB) No.5 (Adm.Br) DT.31.05.84 (P.334/84)
Training – Deputation of Board , Engineers for M.E- P.G.Course Fulltime at Board, Cost
1984-85 - orders issued.
63. Lr.No.53305/G.2/84-3 Dt.09.11.84 (P.854/84)
Indian Red Cross Society - Tamilnadu Branch – Fund raising and Special Membership
campaign 84 – instruction issued.
F.M. v©. 87475-v/é2/83-1 (brayf »is) 25.2.84 (ã 83/84)F.M. v©. 87475-v/é2/83-1 (brayf »is) 25.2.84 (ã 83/84)
F.M. v©. 87475-v/é2/83-1 (brayf »is) 25.2.84 (ã 83/84)F.M. v©. 87475-v/é2/83-1 (brayf »is) 25.2.84 (ã 83/84)
F.M. v©. 87475-v/é2/83-1 (brayf »is) 25.2.84 (ã 83/84)
muR mYtyf§fŸ, f£ol§fËš cUt¥ gl§fis it¥gJ F¿¤J muR ÉL¤JŸs
fU¤J thÇa¤âš brayh¡FtJ F¿¤J.
65. Memo.No.104415/E.2/83-1 (SB) Dt.28.02.84 (P.85/84)
Board Office punctuality in attendance – Movement control etc., - orders issued
– clarifications.
66. Memo.(P) No.85654-O&M Cell/83-1 (SB) Dt.14.03.84 (P.138/84)
Estt. – TNEB – Subjects to be dealt with by Adm.Br, orders issued (Apex/Unit Level Joint
committees ).
67. Memo.No. 27240 –O&M Cell /84-1 (SB) Dt. 11.04.84 (P.231/84)
Office Procedure –TNEB Board Office – instruction issued.
thÇa Ãiy Miz(K.th) 84(Ã.».) ehŸ 26.7.84(ã 502/84)thÇa Ãiy Miz(K.th) 84(Ã.».) ehŸ 26.7.84(ã 502/84)
thÇa Ãiy Miz(K.th) 84(Ã.».) ehŸ 26.7.84(ã 502/84)thÇa Ãiy Miz(K.th) 84(Ã.».) ehŸ 26.7.84(ã 502/84)
thÇa Ãiy Miz(K.th) 84(Ã.».) ehŸ 26.7.84(ã 502/84)
M£á bkhÊ - jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa«-jÄœbkhÊÆš mâfkhf tiuîfŸ, F¿¥òfŸ
vGJ« thÇa gÂahsU¡F buh¡f¥ gÇR tH§F« â£l« ifÉl Miz.
69. Ch.Cir.No.58730-O&M Cell/84-1 (SB) DT.31.08.84 (P.597/84)
Office Procedure – Interview time for receiving representations.
70. Ch.Cir.No.60124-O&M Cell/84, Dt.06.09.84 (P.646/84)
Office Procedure – Reference addressed to the Govt.Marking copies to Private party
- instruction.
71. Ent. No.30422/SS2.84-1 (VC SB) DT.26.09.84 (P.749/84)
xG¡f¡ f©fhÂ¥ò¡F k‰W« CHš jL¥ò f©fhÂ¥ò ïa¡Fe® mYtyf« rÇahd
bkhÊ bga®¥ò ga‹gL¤JtJ F¿¤J m¿îiufŸ.
72. Lr.No.3596-R1/85-1(SB) Dt.29.1.85(P53/85)
Grant of Interim Adhoc Payment to Govt. Employees - order, of Govt. communicated.
73. BPMS(Ch) No.8(Adm.Br.)dt.5.1.85(P7/85)
Estt. Mettur Elecy Sys. East Change in name of system as Salem Elecy System, Salem
- Approved.
74. BPMS(Ch)No.27(SB) dt.19.1.85(P14/85)
Board Office -Punctuality in attendance, Maintenance of Movement control register etc.
- consolidated instruction issued.
75. Memo No.127240/S1/598/A1/84-2(Adm Br.) dt.5.2.85(14.5.85)
Estt. MES(D) North Change of Names of ADE/West, ADE/Contn/West and ADE/Constn
North approval - accorded
76. Memo No.090977-RII(3) / 83-3 (Adm. Br) dt.16.2.85(P201/85)
Estt. -Class III Service - persons appointed as Typist by direct Recruitment - Passing of
Type Writing in Tamil not equivalent to passing of second class language Test - Clarificatory
- instruction issued.
77. Memo No.012922-S5/85-1(Adm Br.)Dt.15.2.85(P177/85)
Report on theft of Boards Property to be forwarded direct to Chief Vigilance officer
- instruction issued.
78. Memo No.7563-O&M Cell/85-1 dt.20.2.85(P 201/85)
Board Office-Punctuality in attendance maintenance of Movement control Register etc.
Submission of report - clarification issued.
79. Memo No.005575/CB cell/Adm Br./85-4 dt.29.3.85(P256/85)
Modified system of card billing energy charges and collection - Assessor and Inspector of
Assessment Timing and Maintenance of Attendance Registers.
80. Memo No. 119497 (781)/Adm Br/IR2(2) / 84-3Dt. 28.3.85(P286/85)
Estt. Triburcation of MES (Distn) into three-willingness, of RWE employees - option - reg.
F.M.v©.12858/¥ã1/83-17 (brayf »is) ehŸ 15.3.85(ã 222/85)F.M.v©.12858/¥ã1/83-17 (brayf »is) ehŸ 15.3.85(ã 222/85)
F.M.v©.12858/¥ã1/83-17 (brayf »is) ehŸ 15.3.85(ã 222/85)F.M.v©.12858/¥ã1/83-17 (brayf »is) ehŸ 15.3.85(ã 222/85)
F.M.v©.12858/¥ã1/83-17 (brayf »is) ehŸ 15.3.85(ã 222/85)
murh§f bkhÊÆš nghâa msî âwÅšyhâUªJ ïu©lh« bkhÊ nj®Éš gƉá
bgwhjt®fŸ És¡f« mË¡f¥gL»wJ.
82. Ch Memo No.:131/IR2(1)/Adm Br./85-1/dt. 19.4.85(P 370/85)
TNEB - Threatened strike by a union action to the taken - instruction issued.
83. Memo No.60913-SS7/84-7(SB) dt.6.4.85(P349/85)
Rules and Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations-Regulation 17(a) - Erratum issued.
84. BPMS(Ch)No.153(SB) dt.7.5.85(SB)dt.7.5.85(P475/85)
Estt. TNEB - Distribution systems - Central office-Steam lining of procedures - orders
F.M.v©.12855/¥ã1/83-20 (brayf »is) ehŸ 19.6.85(669/85)F.M.v©.12855/¥ã1/83-20 (brayf »is) ehŸ 19.6.85(669/85)
F.M.v©.12855/¥ã1/83-20 (brayf »is) ehŸ 19.6.85(669/85)F.M.v©.12855/¥ã1/83-20 (brayf »is) ehŸ 19.6.85(669/85)
F.M.v©.12855/¥ã1/83-20 (brayf »is) ehŸ 19.6.85(669/85)
murh§f bkhÊÆš nghâa msÉš âw‹ ïšyhâUªJ-ïu©lh« bkhÊ nj®it -nj®¢á
bgwhjt®fŸ És¡f« bjhl®ghf.
86. Memo No.1-X/Rev/Gen II/F-S/85-50(Acct.Br. / Dt.27.7.85(P768/85)
Modified System of Card billing of Energy charges and collection-Instruction already issued
for Implements the card billing system - Revised instruction - Amendment issued.
87. Memo No.X/Rev/Gen II/F5/85-48/Accts)Br/dt.7.4.85(P776/85)
Modified systems of Card billing of Energy charges and collection - safety of amount
collected - instruction issued.
88. Memo No. 34701/O&M cell/85-1(SB)dt.1.7.85 (P741/85)
Estt. Board office-Punctuality in attendance movement control etc. of employees curbing
of Indiscipline - instruction issued.
89. BPMS No.(Ch) 271(SB) dt.13.8.85(P838/85)
Estt. Nativity-Procedure to make entry regarding native place in service book orders issued.
90. Cir Memo No. 2037/SS-1/85-1(SB) dt. 16.8.85(P839/85)
Enquiries by vigilance cell officers-particulars of pay and allowances drawn by employes
from time to time-Furnishing of details to vigilance - instruction issued.
91. Memo No.47765/O&M cell/85-1(SB) dt.16.8.85(P840/85)
Estt. Board office-punctuality in attendance, Movement control etc. of employees curbing
of indiscipline - instruction issued.
92. Memo No. 52845/O&M cell/85-1(SB) dt.31.8.85(P872/85)
Estt. TNEB - Religious and festival occasions Granting of Permission to attend the office
late and leaving early - orders.
93. Memo No.80311/P1/91-1(SB) dt.30.11.91(P 683/91)
Estt.-TNEB - Employees Residing with in Head quarters / Stations - obtaining Prior
permission for residing outside Head Quarters / Station - Previous instruction-Reitrated.
94. Cir Memo No.80311/P1/91-2(SB) dt.21.12.91 (P696/91)
-Do- List of employees Permitted to reside outside should be maintained.
95. Memo No. 45125-P1/85-1 (SB) dt.12.9.85 (940/85)
Backward classes in Tamilnadu - Classification of Most Backward classes for purpose of
Education concession - orders issued.
96. Memo No.:035374/309/Adm Br/C/3/85-3 dt. 279.85(960/85)
Estt. Class III Service -retention of Assessor who have not opted for card billing as Jr. Asst.
in the Same System - orders issued.
97. Memo No. 18/IR1(1)/Adm.br/85-3 dt.11.10.85(P1033/85)
Modified System of Card billing of Energy Charge and collection - working hours to the
employees in Assessment - Cum-Collection cadre in collection centre - orders issued.
98. Memo No.(P) 57694/O&M cell/85-4(SB) dt.24.10.85(P1103/85)
Estt. Maintenance of Incumbency Register-Instruction issued.
99. Lr.No.BOAB/Comp1/AAO/53/85(Audit Br) dt.4.10.85(P1027/85)
Preparation of pay bills and other miscellaneous Bills - Certain guidelines - reg.
100. Ch Cir No.:59235/O&M cell/85-1(SB) dt.2.10.85(1025/85)
Inclusion of name of the officer in the correspondence should invariably followed - chairman
101. Cir Memo No.349/IR3(1) Adm Br./85-2 dt.3.11.86(2/86)
Estt. Contract Labour - Engaging contract Labour for Ministerial and other type works ban
- orders issued.
102. Memo No.127760/2800/86(1)/85-1(Adm Br)dt.15.2.86(P99/86)
Estt-Card billing class III Service-Retention of Assessors who have not opted for card
billing as Jr. Asst. in the same system.
103. BPMS(FB) No.20 (Adm.Br.) dt.28.2.86(P108/86)
Estt-TNEB - Creation of New Regional office at Vellore - orders issued.
104. BPMS(Ch)No.248(Adm.Br)dt.9.5.86(P407/86)
Estt. Class II Service-Medical Officers-Request for transfer Medical and para medical
staff on deputation in TNEB - Request for permanent absorption - instruction issued.
105. BPMS(Ch)No.254(SB) dt.11.8.86(P510/86)
Estt. Absence of officers on duty for attending conference, Training Programme etc-To be
Treated as duty.
106. BPMS(FB) No.50(SB) dt.9.6.86(P504/86)
Estt. Execution of Bond by Drivers of TNEB-Reimbursement of Stamp duty-orders issued.
107. Ch’s Cir No.: Ch/TA/1976/86-1dt.8.6.86(P500/86)
Xerox Copy of Documents may be accepted only after verification of originals - instruction
108. Cir Memo No. SE/Plg/1833/DB/84-8(TB) dt.30.7.86(P706/86)
Registers to be Maintained in a O&M sections.
109. Memo No. 35222/P1/86-1 (SB)dt.8.8.86(P726/86)
Deputation - Terms and Conditions of deputation of Board employees - Standardised -
Modification-orders of Govt-Adoption - instruction issued.
110. Cir Memo No.:117597/CE/pl/Adm. Br/(A1)/86-1dt.28.8.86(753/86)
Estt.TNEB-Practice of deputing staff to Head Quarters and other places for official purposes
and Family reasons - Deprecated - Avoidance - instruction issued.
111. Memo No.46227/O&M cell/86-2(SB)dt.29.8.86(P754/86)
Estt. Submission of fortnightly - Diary by the ADES and DE - instruction reitrated
112. BP(RI (FB) No.10(Adm Br.) Dt.3.9.86(P799/86)
Formation of vandavasi Rural Electric - Co-operative society Ltd. Vandavasi-Deputation
of Staff - Terms and conditions approved.
113. Memo No.48684/O&M cell/86-1dt.1.9.86(P793/86)
Office Procedure - TNEB-Board office-Distribution of Tapals further - nstruction issued.
114. Cir Memo No. : BOAB/Reports I / UIII / D141/86 dt.30.9.86(P963/86)
Overpayment to employees - Recovery procedure communicated. Surprise check by
Inspector of Police (Vigilance)Vigilance cell-maintenance of certain register in section office
by card billing staff. - instruction issued.
115. BPMS(Ch)No.535(SB) dt.7.11.86(P1022/86)
Regulations - TNEB service Regulations - Regulation 95(F) (2) - Amendment issued-
(Calculation of Probation period)
116. Lr.No. 087259/907/S6(3) / 85-3(Adm. Br.)dt.8.12.86(P1091/86)
Estt. RWE-Superannuation age of Gurkha watchman -Clarification - reg(The
Superannuation of the Gurkha watchman in moffuissil is 60 years and in Madras city is
58 Years they should not Inter changed)
117. Memo No.:41842/O&M cell/86-3(SB) dt.27.1.87(P17/87)
Estt-Regional Chief Engineers (Distn) - Submission of fortnightly diary and Demi official
narrative report - instruction issued.
118. Ch’s Cir Memo No. :1580/O&M cell/87-1dt.6.1.87(P 6/87)
Office procedure - Proper reply on the action taken on the petitioners should be sent
without fail.
119. Memo No.:15381-B2/85-1(SB) dt.10.2.87(P114/86)
Foreign Service - Standardised Terms and Conditions-Deputation to other state Govt/
Central Undertakings-Conditions on recovery of leave salary including surrender leave
salary - Amendment issued.
120. Memo (P) No.41842/O&Mcell / 86-7(SB)dt.23.2.87(P127/87)
Estt-Regional Chief Engineers (Distn) Submission of Diary and Demi official letter narrative
report- further - orders issued.
121. Cir Memo No. : SE/Plg / 18331/84-1(TB) dt.27.2.87(P165/87)
Registers to be maintained in O&M section - Amendment issued format - communicated.
122. UoNo: 2208-SS1/87-1 (SB) dt.2.2.87(P103/87)
TNEB - Vigilance Cell-Vigilance clearance - Service Particulars of employees - furnishing
of - reg.
123. BPMS(FB) No.26(Adm. Br) dt.3.387(P175/87)
Elecy - Change in designation - of cleaner as vehicle Helper - orders issued.
124. Memo (P)No. 14543/O&M cell/ 87-1 (SB) dt.15.4.87(P285/87)
Estt-SE’s of Distn. Systems - Submission of Monthly Diaries and D.O. narrative report
- instruction issued.
125. Memo No. 24935/O&M cell/87-1 (SB) dt.11.5.87(P368/87)
Estt - Submission of Diaries and Demi Official narrative report by SE’s Distn Systems
- clarification issued.
126. Memo No.30709/O&M cell/87-1(SB) dt.29.5.87(P387/87)
Estt-SE’s Distn. Systems - Submission of Monthly diaries and D.O.narrative report should
submit on or before 15th of every month - intimated.
127. Memo (P)NO.51490/O&M cell/86-1(SB) dt.5.5.87(P350/87)
Estt-TNEB-Systems and circle - procedure for Tappal - issued.
128. Memo No. 27069/O&M cell/87-1(SB)dt.21.5.87(P375/87)
Office Procedure - TNEB - Despatch of Tapals - Further instruction issued.
129. Memo No.3366/O&M cell/84-21(SB) dt.11.6.87(P468/87)
Estt-RWE staff submission of Fortnightly Diaries - instruction issued.
130. Circular Memo No.:049818/564/IR1(1)/Adm. Br. /87-1 dt.12.6.87(P473/87)
Cir Memo No.:049818/564/IR1(1) / Admr Br./87-1 dt.12.6.87(p473/87)
Issue of employment certificate to the contract Labourer by field officers - Banned
131. UONote No.:11643/SS1/87-1(SB)dt.3.7.87(P544/87)
TNEB - Vigilance Cell-Vigilance clearance- Requirement of service particulars of
employees - clarification issued.
132. BPMS (FB)No. 70(SB)dt.27.8.87(P642/87)
Change of Designation of D.Man I Gr. as Head Dman. D.Man IIGr. as Senior D Man and D
Man III Gr. as Draughts man - orders issued.
133. BPMS(FB)No.71(Adm. Br) dt.27.8.87(P643/87)
Change of Designation as storekeeper I Gr and II Gr as stores custodian I Gr and II Gr.
respectively - orders issued.
134. BPMS (Ch)No. 499(Adm. Br.) dt.27.8.87 (P646/87)
Change of designation of Accountants as Accounts supervisor - orders issued.
135. BPMS(Ch)500 (Amd. Br.)Dt.27.8.87(P647/87)
Change of Designation of Deputy stores officer as stores supervisor - orders issued.
136. Memo No.43349/O&M cell/87-1(SB)dt.10.8.87(P622/87)
Estt. Superintending Engineers of Distn. Systems submission of monthly Dairies - Further
instruction issued.
137. Memo (P) No.:36527/O&M cell/87-1(SB) dt.6.10.87(P782/87)
Estt. Divisional Engineers/ Asst. Divisional Engineers - Submission of Monthly Diaries
and Demi official narrative report - instruction issued.
138. Ch’s Cir Memo No. : 60051/O&M cell/87-1 dt. 11.10.87(P815/87)
Vigilance Cell - Correspondence with field officers -instruction issued.
139. Memo No. : SE/S1 / S1s/D456/87(Tech. Br.) Dt. 17.10.87(P924/87)
Stores - Maintenance of attendance - Proceeding on OD/Camp duty availing of CL by
stores staff should be entered in attendance - Register - reg.
140. Memo No. : 63303/O&M cell/87-1(SB)dt.30.11.87(P877)
Estt. - Divisional Engineers / Asst. Divisional Engineers Submission of Monthly Diaries
and D.O. Narrative report - Further instruction issued.
141. Memo No. : 77034-D1/86-2(SB) dt.17.11.87(P867/87)
Estt. Petitions received from Chief Ministers Special Cell - Further instructions.
142. Endt. No. : 134522/1364/G3/A1/87-1(Adm. Br.) dt.2.11.87(880/87)
Purchase of Handlooms and Khadi cloths alone to the office use orders of Govt.
Communicated for followup.
143. BPMS(FB) No.:104(SB) dt.5.12.87(P959/87)
Estt-Probation - Dispensing with for post other than entry leave post and reduction of
period of Probation for other categories - orders issued.
144. BPMS(FB) No.116(SB) dt.26.12.87(P973/87)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations - Inclusion of category of Stores controller in TNEB
Service Regulations - Amendment issued.
145. BPMS(FB) No.118(SB) dt.28.12.87(P975/87)
Regulations -TNEB service Regulations - Alteration of Date of birth - Regulation 110-
Correction of Date of birth in Service Records of employee - Procedure Amendment issued.
146. BPMS(Ch)No.31(Adm. Br.) dt.12.1.88(P10/88)
Elecy - Change in designation of certain categories as follow :
1) Tester II Gr. 2) Switch Board operator
3) Switch Board Attendant Tester II Gr. 4) Oil Tester 5) Filter operator
6) Tester I Gr 7) Estimator Tester I Gr.
147. Memo No. : 40977/O&M cell/87-2(SB) dt.11.1.88(P7/88)
Estt- RWE staff - Submission of Monthly Diary - Format Prescribed.
148. Memo (P) No. : 45622/O&M cell/87-1(SB) dt.21.1.88(P27/88)
Estt. Asst. Engineers / Jr. Engineers submission of Monthly Diary - instruction issued.
n.F.M.v©. 1189(21) /û/ bfr£ /88-ï.ehŸ 29.1.88(ã.40/88)n.F.M.v©. 1189(21) /û/ bfr£ /88-ï.ehŸ 29.1.88(ã.40/88)
n.F.M.v©. 1189(21) /û/ bfr£ /88-ï.ehŸ 29.1.88(ã.40/88)n.F.M.v©. 1189(21) /û/ bfr£ /88-ï.ehŸ 29.1.88(ã.40/88)
n.F.M.v©. 1189(21) /û/ bfr£ /88-ï.ehŸ 29.1.88(ã.40/88)
gÂahs®fŸ - jÄœehL mo¥gil¥ gÂfŸ - Ãakd« - fšÉ¢ rh‹¿jœ
murhš m§ÑfÇ¡f¥gll gŸËÆš tH§f¥g£ljh v‹w Étu§fŸ m¿jš
- MizÆl¥g£gL»wJ.
150. Memo No. 054372-R11(1)/87-2dt. 31.12.87(P1/88)
Estt-Class III Service-Directly recruited persons appointed as Assessor during the year
1982 and 1983 - Regularisation Service - reg.
151. Memo No. : 15836/P1/87-1(SB) dt.16.2.88(P91/88)
Deputation - Deputation of Boards employees - Standardised Terms and Conditions -
Condition regarding Bonus and salary during compulsory wait by the foreign employer on
return from the foreign service - orders of Govt-Adopted - instruction issued.
152. BPMS(Ch)No.:214(Adm.Br)dt.31.3.88(P186/88)
Estt-officers - change in designation of certain posts - orders issued.
153. Memo No. :044209/79/S2/88-1(Adm Br.)dt.24.3.88(P)82/88)
Estt-Changing the name of Distribution systems as Elecy Distn Circle - orders issued.
154. Memo No. : 13984-P1/88-1(SB)dt.25.4.88(P253/88)
Deputation - Deputation of Board employees - Standard Terms and Conditions regarding
payment of salary during compulsory wait by the foreign employer on return from foreign
service - orders of Govt - Adopted - orders issued.
155. BPMS(FB) No.4(SB) dt.2.4.88(P239/88)
Regulations -TNEB service Regulations - Redesignation of Draughtsman categories -
Amendment - issued.
156. Memo No. 6575-P1/88-1/(SB) dt.2.5.88(P290/88)
Estt-Probation - Dispending with for posts other than entry level posts and reduction of
Period of Probation for other categories - orders - clarification issued.
157. BPMS(Ch)No.244(SB)dt.30.7.88(P480/88)
Estt-TNEB - Redesignation of Regional Chief Engineer (Distn) as Chief Engineer (Distn)
- orders issued.
158. Memo No.:095086/1157/S2/A2/88-1(Adm.Br.) dt.12.7.88(P461/88)
Estt-Renaming of certain Elecy Distn Circle - orders issued.
159. Cir Memo No.:090845/279/96(4)/88-2(Adm. Br.)dt.22.7.88(P473/88)
Estt-RWE employees representations should be dealt with promptly - instruction issued.
160. Memo No.42407/O&M cell/88-1(SB) dt.27.7.88(P476/88)
Estt-RWE Staff submission of monthly Diary - instruction issued.
161. Memo No. : 43374/O&M cell/88-1 dt.18.7.88(P457/88)
TNEB-Request of the employees - forwarding to Head Quarters officers with full Justification
only - instruction issued.
162. BPMS(Ch)No.226(SB)dt.20.7.88(P467/88)
Regulation - Abolition of cleaner II Gr and Redesignation of cleaner as vehicle Helper
- Amendment issued.
163. BPMS(Ch)No.227(SB)dt.20.7.88(P468/88)
Regulations - Abolition of Special Gr Accountant Re designation of Certain posts and
Formation of ADMN Cadre - Amendment issued.
164. BPMS(Ch)No.228(SB) dt.23.7.88(P473/88)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Dispensing with probation for post other than
entry level posts and reduction of period of probation for other categories - Amendment
165. BPMS(Ch) No.246(SB) dt.1.8.88(P546/88)
Regulations- TNEB Service Regulations Amendment to certain regulation - issued.
166. BPMS(FB) No.61(SB) dt.1.8.88(P549/88)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Appointing Authorities for post in class II Service
- Annexure-II referred in Regulation 93 - Amendment issued.
167. BPMS(Ch)No.261(SB) dt.25.8.88(P576/88)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 57(B) - Instruction under Regulation
57, 57A and 57(B) Amendment issued (Regularisation of Suspension)
168. BPMS (Ch) No.262(SB) dt.29.8.88(P577/88)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations-Regulation 96(1)(a) Amendment issued (Passing
of Test for stores personals)
169. Memo No.29149-P1/88-1(SB) dt.16.9.88(P630/88)
Estt-Nativity procedure to make entry regarding native place in service Book - Further
170. Memo No. 54214/O&M cell/88-1(SB)dt.6.9.88(P613/88)
Estt-Permission and Special Casual leave allowed to employees of the Board - Recording
entries in the casual leave Registers - instruction issued.
171. Memo No. 53887/O&M cell/88-1(SB) dt.6.9.88(P613/88)
Office Procedure - Signing of Fair copies - Instruction issued - reitracted.
172. Memo No. 61071/O&M cell/88-1(SB) dt.31.10.88(P714/88)
Estt-Board office Technical Branch - SE/Madras Development circle - change of control
to CE/Distn/ Madras - orders issued.
173. Memo No.65924-P1 / 88-1(SB) dt.28.10.88(P 697/88)
Estt-Probation - Dispensing with for posts other than entry level post and reduction of
period of probation - orders clarification issued.
174. Memo No. 65119/O&M cell/88-1(SB) dt.28.10.88(P698/88)
Records - Maintenance and Destruction of records - Instruction issued Reitrated.
175. Memo No.64303/C1/88-1(SB) Dt.15.10.88(P691/88)
Employees of TNEB - Collection of Donations for performing Ayuda Pooja - instruction
176. Memo No.64486/O&M cell/87-17(SB) dt.3.1.89(P15/89)
Estt-Diversion of Staff - orders issued-Strict Adherence - Report called for
177. Memo No. 4087/O&M cell/88-1(SB)dt.28.2.89(P157/89)
Office Procedure - use of Ball pens by Assessor and Inspector of Assessment - Instruction
178. Memo No. 73477-P1/88-1(SB) dt.4.3.89(P276/89)
Deputation of Employees - payment of Salary during compulsory wait by the foreign
employers on return from foreign service-Govt. orders adopted by Board - Cancelled.
179. Memo No.32631/O&M cell/89-1(SB)dt.23.5.89(P384/88)
Estt-TNEB officers - sanction of advances-issued of orders - Adoption of Uniform procedure-
- instruction issued.
180. Memo No.52087/P1/88-3(SB)dt.7.6.89(P473/89)
Estt-Extension of Probation for not passing department test / for not acquiring special
qualification with in the period of extension - period of 5 years should be recknoed from the
commencement of probation - clarification issued.
181. Memo No.117636-RII/(1) / 88-2(Adm Br) dt.3.6.89(P467/89)
Estt-Class III Service persons in the post of Assessor-passing the second class language
test in Tamil by those Assessors, without adequate knowledge in Tamil - Reg.
182. (Per) BP(FB)No.46(SB) dt.5.6.89(P468/89)
Regulations -TNEB Service Regulation- Annexure II-Appointing Authorities for certain
categories Class III and IV service - Amendment issued.
183. (Per) BP(FB)No.48(SB) dt.14.6.89(P482/89)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Annexure II-Appointing Authorities for certain
categories in Class III and IV Service - Amendment - issued.
184. Memo (P)No.:5321/O&M cell/89-7(SB) dt.11.9.89(P658/89)
TNEB-Details of Registers to be maintained in Region office - instruction issued.
185. Endt. No.:077500 -RII/3/89-2 dt.4.8.89 (P682/89)
Backward classes well fare - Reservation of Appointments in Public service and reservation
of seats in educational Institutions - Comprehensive list adoption of
186. Memo No. : 63807/O&M cell/4/89-1(SB) dt.30.8.89(P711/89)
Monthly review Meeting of SE’s of Distn. Circles - instruction issued.
187. Memo No.:66322/O&M cell/4/89-1(SB) dt.15.9.89(P773/89)
Estt-TNEB-Libraries - Maintenance of Books - instruction issued.
188. Memo No. 106837/R1(2)/89-1(Adm Br.) dt.27.11.89(P919/89)
Recruitment - Appointment of directly recruited Helpers on Temporary basis pending out
come of the case before the High Court Chennai - Regularisation of Service - instruction
189. Memo No.:062816/1127/1R1/(2) / 250/Amd.Br./89-3dt.14.12.89(P989/89)
Estt-RWE Workmen who were in Service prior to 5.1.56-Accepting of Proof of record
Produced by the workman - instruction issued.
190. Memo (P) No.54362/O&M cell/89-5(SB) dt.9.1.90(11/90)
Estt-Recording entries in the Service Books of employees-Details to be entered - instruction
191. Lr.No.:DFC/Rev/CB)F5/90-6(Accts Br.) Dt.26.4.90(P230/90)
Destruction of old records - consumer Ledgers life Period - orders issued.
192. Endt.No.:090170/R II (2) /88-7(Adm.Br.) Dt.25.6.90(P376/90)
Higher Secondary Education vocational course in office secretaryship recognition of a
pass in the subject typewriting and shorthand in that course - equivalent to a pass in the
Tamilnadu Technical course in Typewriting shorthand - orders issued.
193. Cir Memo No.48440-GS1/90-1(SB) dt. 19.7.90(P450/90)
Petitions - Received by the prime Minister, Governor, Chief Minister which are forwarded
to the TNEB-Delay in processing and submission of reports - Avoidance - instruction
194. Lr.No.:52002/N1/90-1(SB) dt.17.9.90(P554/90)
Fundamental Rules Foreign Services - Deputation of Govt. Servant to Public Sector
undertakings / Autonomous Bodies owned by Central Govt-Continued beyond 3 years
- instruction issued.
195. Per BP(FB)No.:53(Adm.Br.) Dt.12.10.90(P606/90)
Public Services - Reservation of Appointment in Public Services-Fixation of percentage
between BC, MBC and Denotified communities - Rotation revised orders of Govt-
applicability - orders issued.
196. Memo No.:035265(18)/Adm I (1) / 90-4(Adm. Br.) Dt.11.10.90(605/90)
Estt-TNEB - Officers/Engineers attending interview for appointment in other organisation
on deputation basis - treating the periods leave to which they are eligible - instruction
197. Cir Memo No.:Adm Br/PO(Inspection/ Team13/Misc 90 dt.3.11.90(P647/90)
Measurement Book-utilisation of measurement Book-Procedure - instruction issued.
198. (Per)BP(Ch)No.59(SB)dt.22.3.91(P97/91)
Estt-Deputation of Boards employees to foreign service Introduction of Foreign service
card - orders issued.
199. Per BP(Ch)No.141(SB) dt.7.6.91(P306/91)
TNEB - Service Regulations-Reservation of appointment in public sector - fixation of
percentage between MBC and Denotified community - Rotation revised Amendment to
service Regulation - issued.
200. (Per) BP(Ch)No.142(SB) dt.7.6.91(P308/91)
TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 39 Amendment issued(Order of reversion /
reduction of Stage shall or shall not operate to postpone future Increment should be
201. (Per) BP(Ch)No.267(SB) dt.14.10.91(P558/91)
Estt-TNEB - Compulsory Retirement under Regulation 17(g) of TNEB Service Regulations-
Reinstatement in service-creation of supernumerary post - orders issued.
202. Endt.No.:009137-RII(2) /91-1(Adm.Br.)dt.21.10.91 (P561/91)
Backward class and most Backward classes welfare for Reservation in public service/
Public Educational Institutions List of Backward class community Amendment - issued by
Govt. communicated.
203. Memo No. 77576/P1/91-5(SB) dt.29.4.92(P266/82)
Foreign Employment - Forwarding Applications to Overseas Man Power Corporation Ltd.
for for registration in Data Bank - instruction of Govt.-communicated.
204. Memo No.47377/O&M Cell(4) /92-1 (SB) dt.23.9.92(P489)
TNEB - Procedure to be followed in addressing the Govt - instruction issued.
205. Memo No.124563/243/Po/Inspection Team B/92-1/(Adm.Br.) dt.16.11.92(P633/92)
Depositing of Duplicate Keys of Cash Chest into Treasury for Safe Custody - reg.
206. Memo No.65414/O&M cell-II (4) /92-1(SB) dt.30.11.92(P642)
Office Procedure -TNEB -Non-Indication of on IGS Only and affixing under valued stamps
on covers while despatching tapals - instruction issued.
207. Memo No.55982/P1/92-1(SB) dt.31.12.92(p746/92)
Deputation-Deputation of TNEB Employees 110-114 to State Govt./Undertakings
Universities and other Co-Op Institutions - Commencement of Period of Deputation and
liability of Leave salary - certain clarificaiton issued.
208. Memo No.47377/O&M cell:(4) /92-3 dt.15.12.92(P722/92)
TNEB - Procedure to be followed in addressing the Govt. - Final Report should be sent
through the chairman - instruction issued.
209. Ch’s Cir Memo No.C10/EA/16/93-4 dt.16.2.93(P48/93)
Non Registering of Tapals Sent by Register Post Complaints - reg.
210. (Per) BP(Ch)No.63(SB) dt.23.3.93(P98/93)
Formation of New Distn. Circle with Head Quarters at Otacamund - orders issued.
211. (Per)BP(Ch) No.69(SB) dt.26.3.93(P100/93)
Formation of New Distn. Circle at Chennai as Chennai EDC / West by Carving out Chennai
EDC, North, South and Central - orders issued.
212. (Per)BP (Ch) No.77 (SB) dt.30.3.93(P101/93)
Formation of New Distn. Circle with Head Quarters at Ramanathapuram - orders issued.
213. Memo No.18313-O&M cell1(1)/93-1 dt. 3.4.93(P133/93)
Estt-TNEB - Newly Formed Distn. Circle Should start functioning from 15.4.93 - instruction
j.bgh./g f.v©. 099566- M®. 2(1) /92-2 ehŸ 28.5.93(204/93)j.bgh./g f.v©. 099566- M®. 2(1) /92-2 ehŸ 28.5.93(204/93)
j.bgh./g f.v©. 099566- M®. 2(1) /92-2 ehŸ 28.5.93(204/93)j.bgh./g f.v©. 099566- M®. 2(1) /92-2 ehŸ 28.5.93(204/93)
j.bgh./g f.v©. 099566- M®. 2(1) /92-2 ehŸ 28.5.93(204/93)
ã‰gL¤j¥g£nlh® k‰W« Äfî« ã‰gL¤j¥g£nlh® ey« - bjhGt eha¡f® tF¥ãd®
tUthŒ nfh£l mYtyÇlÄUªJ bg‰W rk®¥ã¡FkhW m¿îW¤jš - bjhl®ghf.
215. Memo NO.28877/O&M cell II (4) 93-1(SB) dt.15.5.93(P193/93)
Office Procedure -Tamilnadu Electricity Board - Strict adherance to Procedures laid down
in the TNEB office Manual - instruction issued.
216. (Per) BP(Ch)No.180(Adm.Br.) dt.25.6.93(P260/93)
Estt - TNEB - Bifurcation of existing Madurai EDC-Formation of New Circle with Head
Quarters at Theni - orders issued.
217. (Per) BP (Ch)No.174(Adm.Br.)dt.22.6.93(P253/93)
Estt-RWE Conversion of Vehicle Helper / Driver as Helper / Line Men - orders issued.
218. UO Note No. : 34875/SS1/93-31 Vigilance Cell) dt.26.7.93 (P339/93)
Vigilance Cell-Procedure to be followed while seeking Vigilance Clearance - Reg.
219. Lr.No.48106/GC1/93-1(SB) dt.16.8.93(P434/93)
Grievance Petitions - Presented to the Prime Minister Chief Minister, President of India
and Governor of Tamilnadu Forwarded to TNEB Submission of reports - instruction issued.
220. Memo No.70261/452/Adm.Br.IR2(A1/93-1dt.26.8.93(446/83)
Estt-RWE - Conversion of Vehicle Helper / Driver /as Helper / Line Man - certain clarification
221. Cir Memo No.3469/SS1/93-1(Vig Cell) dt.2.9.93(P467/93)
TNEB - Theft of Boards Materials - Followup action to be taken - instruction issued.
R‰w¿¡if v©. 085466/340/jtû/93-1/ehŸ2.9.93(469)R‰w¿¡if v©. 085466/340/jtû/93-1/ehŸ2.9.93(469)
R‰w¿¡if v©. 085466/340/jtû/93-1/ehŸ2.9.93(469)R‰w¿¡if v©. 085466/340/jtû/93-1/ehŸ2.9.93(469)
R‰w¿¡if v©. 085466/340/jtû/93-1/ehŸ2.9.93(469)
jÄœ M£á bkhÊ brayh¡f elto¡if-thÇa¤â‹ mid¤J mYty®fŸ /
gÂahs®fŸ gjÉ¥ bga®fŸ jÄHh¡f« brŒJ btËÆLjš.
223. Memo No.56680/P1/93-1(SB) dt.8.10.93(P530/93)
Deputation - Deputation of Govt. Servant under FR 110-114 in Tamilnadu State Govt.
Undertakings Payment of leave Salary -Instruction issued Copy of Govt. orders
- communicated.
224. (Per)BP(FB) No.120(SB) dt.23.11.93(P571/93)
Estt - TNEB - Re Organisation of Distn. Circles Formation of a New Distn. Region with
Head Quarters at Villupuram - orders issued.
225. Memo No.80221/O&M Cell II(4)/93-4(SB) dt.27.12.93(666)
Estt-TNEB -Formation of New Distn. Region-Ordered -Change of Head Quarters of Salem
Region to Erode - orders issued.
226. (Per) BP(FB) No.2(Adm.Br.) dt.7.1.94(P3/94)
Recruitment - TNEB - Class III Service - Direct recruitment - Enhancement of age limit
from 30 years to 32 years to the MBC and Denotified communities -Adoption of Govt.
- orders issued.
227. Endt. No.015642/107/PC/A1/94-1(Adm.Br.) dt.16.2.94(P84)
C.M. Cell Petitions - Disposal of Petitions and Sending of Reports - instruction issued.
228. (Per) BP(FB) No.18(Sectt. Br.) dt.8.4.94(P165/94)
Deputation - Deputation of Boards employees to state Public Sector under takings / Board
- Terms and Conditions of Deputation - Standardised - orders issued.
229. Cir Memo No.73789/O&M Cell I (4) / 93-1 dt.13.4.94(170/94)
Records - Removal of Old Records and Destruction -Instruction issued - reitrated.
230. (Per) BP(Ch)No.168(SB) dt.24.6.94(P302/94)
TNEB - Services Regulations - Concession to Burma Repatriates in age, Education and
other concession with drawn - orders issued.
231. Cir Memo No.63584/O&M cell -II(3)/94-1(SB0 dt.16.9.94(P425)
Office Procedure -Maintenance of files leaving blank Spaces in Note File-Avoidance of
- instruction issued.
232. (Per) BP(Ch)No.313(SB) dt.11.11.94(P528/94)
Estt-TNEB - Acquisition of Seven Private Elecy undertakings - Absorption of Supervisory/
Convenated officers in the Board Service on Technical Side-Equation of Post, and Fixation
of Inter-SE Seniority - orders issued.
233. Memo No.47126/P1/94-1(SB) dt.8.11.94(P527/94)
TNEB - Vigilance Clearance from vigilance cell-Reference to vigilance cell - instruction
234. Memo(P) No.54193/P1/94-1(SB) dt.14.11.94(P539/94)
Welfare of Backward classes - Reservation of Seats in Educational Institutions and
Appointment of Posts in the Service under the State -list of BC, MBC and Denotified
communities - Notification communicated.
235. (Per) BP(Ch)No.491(Adm.Br.)Dt.23.12.94(P606/94)
Estt-TNEB -Formation of Karur EDC with Head Quarters at Karur and renaming of existing
Trichy South and Metro - orders issued.
236. Memo No.47126/P1/94-2(SB) dt.15.12.94(P590/94)
TNEB - Vigilance Clearance from Vigilance cell-Further Instructions -Pendency of enquiry
if any may be verified with reference the details available.
237. (Per) BP(FB) No.25(SB) dt.16.5.95(P200/95)
Deputation - Deputation of Govt.Servant to State owned Corporation/ Board / Under Takings
to Co-Operative Institutions, Autonomous Bodies, Universities etc. Standardised Terms
and Conditions -orders of Govt. - Applicability to Board - orders issued.
238. Memo No.6467/P1/95-1(SB) dt.25.5.95(P213/95)
Deputation - Deputation of Board employees to other state Public Sector undertakings
Board Terms and Conditions -Deputation Pay - Further instruction issued.
239. Memo (P)No.91571/O&M cell II (3) /94-1(SB) dt.22.5.95(209)
Office Procedure - Official correspondence with the family of the deceased employees -
Instruction issued by Govt. - instruction issued - communicated.
240. Memo No.36145(491)/Amd.Br/IRI(3)/95-1dt.3.6.95(P259/95)
Estt-Adm. Cadre, Accts, Cadre Stores Cadre and Assessment Cadre - Rotation of
employees Group wise - reg.
241. (Per) BP(Ch)No.243(Adm.Br.) dt.4.7.95(P322/96)
Estt-TNEB - Formation of a New Distn. Circle with Head Quarters at Gopichettipalayam -
orders issued.
242. Memo No.095593/938/Adm.5(2)/94-8(Adm.Br.) dt.4.11.95(P546/95)
Estt-RWE - Extension of Service beyond the date of retirement on Super annuation - Re-
employment - instruction issued.(Review of Service Roll)
243. Memo No.91395/P1/94-2 SB dt.4.1.96(P1/96)
Fundamental Rules - Deputation of Govt. Servant under Fundamental Rule 110-114 -
Period of experience in a category - prescribed Revised orders-issued by the Govt. - Copy
244. (Per) BP(Ch)No.106(SB) dt.9.4.96(P10/4/96)
Estt.TNEB - Revision of Work Allocation and Staff pattern - Discontinuance of Separate
Channel for Promotion of Commercial Asst. Consequent on abolition of Asst. Commi.
Inspector - Reintroducing of Single channel Promotion in RWE categories in Distn. Circle
- orders issued.
245. Memo (P)No.62570/P1/95-1(SB) dt.6.4.96(P7/4/96)
TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 10(111) (3) and note there under compulsory wait
avoidance instruction issued.
246. Memo (P) No.1165 / P1/96-1(SB)dt.20.6.96(P16/6/96)
Deputation of Govt. Servants on Foreign Service standardised terms and conditions
regarding Education, Handloom / Khadi and HBA / Motor Car/ Scooter Advances - Condition
included orders of Govt. Adopted.
247. Memo No.14274/P1/96-1(SB) dt.3.7.96(2/7/96)
Welfare of Backward classes Muthariar Community and its Sub-Sects Calling the main
Community and its sub-sects as Muthariar orders of Govt. - communicated.
248. (Per) BP(FB) No.36 (Adm.Br.) dt.9.8.96(P5/8/96)
Recruitment class II and III service - Filling up of Vacancies as per Rules of reservation of
appointment - change of Turn OC as General Turn and Turn Man as General -adoption of
orders of Govt - orders issued.
249. (Per)(BP) (FB) No.39(Adm.Br.) dt.17.8.96(P/3 8/96)
Recruitment - class III Service -Qualification Recognition of Technician Engineers
Examination conducted by Institute of Mechanical Engineers (India) Bombay equivalent to
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering awarded by State Board Tamilnadu for the purpose of
Employment in public Service-Adoption to Board - orders issued.
250. (Rt) Bp(FB) No.37(TB) dt.20.12.96(P23/12/96)
Training-Deputation of Boards Engineers for ME - PG Course(Fulltime) at Boards cost-
Revised Procedure - Revocation of earlier orders.
251. (Per) BP (FB) No.4(Adm.Br.) dt.17.2.87 (P16/2/97)
Recruitment - Class-II/III Service direct Rectt. to various Posts method of Selection
- orders issued.
252. Memo No.8159/O&M cell II(2)/95-1(SB) dt.6.2.97(P6/2/97)
Office Procedure - Promotion, Transfer, Deputation Suspension etc. of Boards employees
based on the findings of the vigilance cell/DVAC-Particulars to be recorded in the register
- further instruction issued.
253. (Per) BP(FB) No.18(SB) dt.12.3.97(P1/3/97)
Deputation - Deputation of Boards employees under Regulation 70 of TNEB Service
Regulation -Payment of Leave Salary-Amendment to Regulation 70 of TNEB Service
Regulations - issued.
254. (Per)BP(FB) No.32(SB)dt.6.5.97(P5/5/97)
TNEB Service Regulations -incorporation of provision defining the expression
post Regulation 10 - Amended.
255. Cir No.144072/E1/3/97-6(Adm.Br.) dt.21.6.97(P9/6/97)
Estt-Class II Service - AEE/El Compulsory wait-proposal delayed - Chairman remarks
- communicated.
256. (Per) BP(FB) No.55(SB) dt.25.7.97(P35/7/97)
Bond - Execution of Indemnity Bond by Board employees Deputed for Training / Higher
Studies - out side India Revised - orders issued.
257. Cir Memo No.BOAB/092028/695/Amd.Br.dt.26.7.97 (P35/7/97)
Discrepancy in entry of the Date of Birth in Service Roll-Allowing Service beyond
Superannuation - instruction issued.
258. (Per) BP(FB) No.28(Adm.Br.)dt.18.8.97(P33/8/97)
Acquisition of Pollachi Municipal Elecl undertaking -Absorption of employees and fixation
of Inter-Se-Seniority - orders issued.
259. (Per) BP(FB) No.29(Adm.Br.)dt.18.8.97(P39/8/97)
Acquisition of Karur Municipal Elecl. undertaking Absorption of employees and fixation of
Inter-Se-Seniority - orders issued.
260. (Per) BP(FB) No.30(Adm.Br.) dt.18.8.97(P47/8/97)
Acquisition of Coimbatore Corporation elecl. under taking - Absorption of employees and
fixation of Inter-Se-Seniority - orders issued.
261. (Per)BP(FB) No.31(Adm.Br.)dt.18.8.97(P64/8/97)
Acquisition of Madurai Corporation Elec. undertaking -Absorption of employees and fixation
of Inter-Se-Seniority - orders issued.
262. (Per) BP(FB) No.32(Adm.Br.)dt.18.8.97(P93/8/97)
Acquisition of Tanjavur Municipal Elecl. Undertakings Absorption of employees and fixation
of Inter-Se-Seniority - orders issued.
263. (Per) BP No.33(Adm.Br.) dt.18.8.97(P104/8/97)
Electrical Licensee- Acquisition of Pollachi Elecl. undertaking - Absorption and Merger
with Udumalpet EDC - orders issued.
264. (Per) BP(FB) No.34(Adm.Br.)dt.18.8.97(P104/8/97)
Electrical Licensee-Acquisition of Karur Elecl. under takings absorption and Merged with
Karur EDC - orders issued.
265. (Per) BP(FB) No.35(Adm.Br.) dt.18.8.97(P105/8/97)
Elecl. Licensee - Acquisition of Coimbatore Elecl Undertaking - Absorption and merged
with coimbatore EDC(South) - orders issued.
266. (Per) BP(FB) No.38(Adm.Br.)dt.18.8.97(P105/97)
Electrical License-Acquisition of Madurai Corporation Elecl. Undertaking-Absorption and
Merged with Madurai EDC - orders issued.
267. (Per)BP(FB) No.37(Adm.Br.) dt.18.8.97(P106/8/97)
Elecl. Licensee-Acquisition of Tanjavur Municipal Elecl. undertakings Absorption and merged
with Tanjavur EDC - orders issued.
268. Memo No.83383/O&M cell II/95-2 dt.18.8.97(P107/8/97)
Office Procedure - Handing over of charge and notes to their successors - instruction
269. Cir Memo No.76976/O&M-1(3) /97-1(SB) dt.6.10.97(P3/10/97)
Estt-TNEB - Availability of officers in the Head Quarters on Saturday - instruction issued.
270. Memo (P) No.97629/O&M-1(3)/97-1(SB) dt.18.12.97(P9/12/97)
Office Procedure-Attendance Maintenance of the attendance Register for the office -
instruction - modified - orders issued.
271. (Per)BP(FB) No.55(SB) dt.19.2.98(P21/2/98)
Deputation of Govt. Servants to State owned corporation Board / Undertakings retirement
on Superannuation while on deputation-Encashment of Earned leave at Credit - Mode of
payment - orders issued.
272. Cir Memo No.122778/E.8-1/98-1(Adm.Br.) dt.24.12.98(P10/12/98)
Regularisation of AE(El) Mech and Civil orders issued in WP No.5238/95 reiteration of
regularisation or confirmation of Services of All Asst. Engineers - Reg..
273. Uo Note No. 11393/VC21/99-1(Vigilance Cell/dt.12.4.99(P2/4/99)
Estt. -Vigilance cell-Co-Operation by field officers for conducting enquiries - instruction
274. Memo No.75535-P3/98-2(Std. dt.22.6.99(P10/6/99)
Estt-TNEB Prohibition of Sexual harassment of Working womens - instruction issued.
275. (Per) BP (FB) No.48(SB) dt.13.6.2000(P10/6/2000)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations-Deputation of Board employees - Amendment
to Regulation 65 TNEB Service Regulations - orders issued.
276. (Per) BP(FB) No.58(SB) dt.28.7.2000(P6/7/2000)
Estt-TNEB - Deputation of personnels from Central Govt. to State Public Sector
undertakings / Board - procedure to be followed-orders of Govt-Applicable to Board - orders
277. Memo No.109407/A22/A221/2000-1(SB) dt.26.12.2000(P43/12/2000)
Estt-Granting of Permission to Class I and II Services officers of the Board to drive Boards
vehicle at the time of emergency - orders issued.
278. (Per) BP(FB) No.3(Adm.Br.)dt.29.1.2001(P14/1/01)
Estt-TNEB - Absorption of Contract Labourers as Helper working in 4 Hydro Generation
Stations - Approval - orders issued.
279. Memo No.CFC/DFC/Stores / 042/2001(AB) dt.28.4.01(p17/5/01)
Reformation of Stores - instruction issued - reg.
280. Memo (P)No.77681/A23/A232/20001-1(SB) dt.14.8.01(P5/8/01)
Estt-Petition received from Hon’ble Ministers MP’s MLAs Redressal of Grievances, -
Intimation to petitioners, Ministers, MPs and MLAs - instruction issued.
281. Memo No.105343/A23/A232/2001-1(SB) dt.31.10.01(P26/10/01)
TNEB -Grievances of employees Procedure for dealings with employees for bringing out
side influenced - instruction issued.
282. Cir Memo No.121570/A9/A92/2001-1(SB) dt.21.12.01(P18/12/01)
TNEB - Discontinuance of Service Postage Stamp - Usage of Franking Machine / Public
Postage Stamp for Official communication - instruction issued.
283. Memo No.81797/A23/A232/2002-1(SB) dt.30.9.02(P8/9/02)
TNEB Office Manual - Provision of Transparent, Clean and efficient - Administration -
clearing files with in 90 days - instructions.
284. (Per) BP(FB) No.70(SB) dt.17.12.02(P14/12/02)
Regulations -TNEB Service Regulations -Rule of reservation Ban on de-reservation -
Amendment to Regulation 89 of TNEB -Service Regulation issued.
285. Cir Memo No.007383/32/G35/G352/2001-13(Adm.Br.) dt.20.1.2003(P11/1/03)
Estt-Class II to IV Service -Non Passing of Second Class Language Test in Tamil
- clarification- issued.
286. (Per) BP(FB) No.6(SB) dt.7.4.2003(P41/4/03)
Public Service Tamilnadu State and Subordinate Service-Direct Recruitment -
Enhancement of age limit from 30 years to 32 years - orders of Govt. Applicability to Board
- orders issued.
287. Memo No.95064/A18/A181/2002-3(SB) dt.16.9.03(P9/9/03)
Deputation of Govt. Servants under Fundamental Rules 110-114 on foreign Service to
State Govt. Undertakings / Corporation’s/Board payment of Pension Contribution and Leave
Salary Contribution inclusion of Dearness Allowance -orders issued by Govt.-Copy
Communicated for Guidance.
288. (Per) BP(FB) No.28(SB) dt.5.9.03(P4/9/03)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations - Deputation of Board Employees under Regulation
65 of TNEB Service Regulations - Amendment to Regulation 71 issued.
289. Cir Memo No.133453/G45/G451/2003-1(Adm.Br.) Dt.18.12.03 (P9/12/03)
Recovery of Dues from the employees salary-Not to be given any undertakings for recovery
to private financier - instruction - reitrated.
îthf« -3« Ãiy-âUkâ. v«. tšryh fz¡Ñ£lhs® cLkiy Ä.g.t. - ïu©lh«
Ãiy jÄœbkhÊ nj®¢á - bjhl®ghf.
291. Endt. No.8994/3525/F24/F242/AB) dt.28.2.04(P10/2/04)
Updating of information of Date of Birth Gender Date of joining in Service and Basic Pay in
the Subscriber GPF Accunt. of Provident Fund.
292. (Per) BP(Ch) No.44(SB) dt.16.3.04(P5/3/04)
TNEB - Review of Amd. Branch by Chairman - Petition cell - Petitions received from
Public and Staff received through Govt.-Forwarding of Petition to ADM Branch for Collection
of reports-Revised - orders issued.
293. Lr.No.120399/A9/A92/2003-1(SB) dt.11.05.04(P3/5/04)
Public Service-Relationship MP’s /MLAs Code of Conduct - Copy of Govt. References-
Communicated - instruction - Reitrated.
294. Memo No.81053/A23/A232/2004-1(SB) dt.13.9.04(P6/9/04)
Hospitality to be shown to the Chairman and Members of Tamilnadu Regulatory
commission- instruction issued.
295. Cir Memo No.97484/A23/A231/2004-1(SB) dt.6.11.04(P8/11/04)
Estt-Records -Keeping office with Neat and Clean Preservation of Records - instruction -
296. Memo No.20636/A15/A151/05-1(SB) dt.17.3.05(P9/3/05)
Estt-Class I Service- Chief Engineers Permission to be away from Head Quarters to go to
various places -To furnish leave address and Phone No. - instruction issued.
297. Memo No.48596/A18/A181/2005-1(SB) dt.6.7.05(P8/7/05)
Deputation of Govt. Servants to State owned Corporation Deputation of Govt. Servants to
state owned Corporation Board / Undertakings Corporations, Co-Operative institutions
and Universities etc. Terms and Conditions on deputation - Clarification issued by Govt.-
Copy Communicated.
298. Memo No.081966/53/G58/G582/2005-1(Adm.Br.)dt.9.9.05 (P3/9/05)
Contract Labourers-Issues of employment Certificate to the contract - Labourers by the
field officers instruction issued - reg.
299. Memo(P) No.59516/A25/A251/2005-1(SB) dt.20.10.05(P46/10/05)
Office Procedure - Using of Green Ink by Class II Service - orders issued.
300. Memo No.062787/04/G44/G441/2002-13(Adm.Br.) dt.13.1.06(10/1/06)
Estt-Thirumayam Rural Electric Co-Operative Society - Employees of Thirumayam Rural
Electric Co-Operative Society - Permanent - Absorption into Boards Service - option Called
301. Lr.No.061424/41/G42/G421/2005-1(Adm.Br.) dt.4.1.06(P4/1/06)
Recovery of Dues from the employees Salary undertaking need not be given - instruction
302. (Per) BP(FB) No.19(Adm.Br.) dt.20.7.06(P8/7/06)
Acquisition of Thirumayam Rural Electric co-operative Society -Absorption of employees
into Boards Service - orders issued.
303. Cir Memo No.12091/A9/A92/2007-1(SB) dt.27.3.07(P46/3/07)
Public Service-Bribery’s against Law-Display of Notice Board in every office and the public
place at the visible points orders - communicated.
304. Cir No.12248/79/F4/2007-1(Audit Br.) dt.5.5.07(P1/5/07)
Foreign Service-Deputation of Board employees to state public Sector under takings /
Board State and Central Government, Terms and Conditions Remittance of Pension
contribution and leave salary contribution - Provision under TNEB Service Regulations for
delayed remittance of dues interest on delayed payment - Avoidance of delay - reg.
305. (Per) BP(FB) No.26(Adm.Br.) dt.21.6.07(P14/6/07)
Estt Class I to IV Service - Formation of New Electricity Distn. Circle with Head Quarter at
Thirupur by bifurcating the existing coimbatore North and South - orders issued.
306. (Per) BP(FB) 27(Adm.Br.) dt.21.6.07(P15/6/07)
Estt- Class I to IV Service-Formation of New Elecy Distn. Circle with Head Quarters at
Namakkal by bifurcating the existing Salem and Mettur EDC - orders issued.
307. Lr.No.104556/A19/A192/2006-2(SB) dt.14.9.07(P8/9/07)
Petition presented to the officers of the Board - Procedure for dealing with the grievances
Instruction issued by Govt - communicated.
R‰w¿¡if v©.000 889/14/Í47/Í472/2007-2 ehŸ 4.10.07(ã8.10.07)R‰w¿¡if v©.000 889/14/Í47/Í472/2007-2 ehŸ 4.10.07(ã8.10.07)
R‰w¿¡if v©.000 889/14/Í47/Í472/2007-2 ehŸ 4.10.07(ã8.10.07)R‰w¿¡if v©.000 889/14/Í47/Í472/2007-2 ehŸ 4.10.07(ã8.10.07)
R‰w¿¡if v©.000 889/14/Í47/Í472/2007-2 ehŸ 4.10.07(ã8.10.07)
îthf¥ - Kiwna I Kjš IV tiuÆyhd gÂfŸ x¥gË¡f¥g£L ga‹gL¤j¥g£l k‰W«
fhÈahd gÂÆl§fŸ Égu« k‰W« bg© mYty®fŸ / gÂahs®fŸ v©Â¡if
F¿¤J Égu« mD¥òjš.
309. Lr.No.8707/A9/A91/2008-1(SB) dt.11.2.08(P15/2/08)
TNEB - Tamilnadu Prohibition of Smoking and Spitting Act 2002 and Rules 2003 - reitrated.
310. Memo No.062787/04/G44/G441/2002-29(Adm.Br.) dt.30.6.08(P27/6/08)
Estt-Thirumayam Rural Electric Co-Operative Society Permanent absorption into Boards
Service -option called for - reg.
311. (Per)BP(Ch)No.140(SB) dt.22.7.08(p45/7/08)
Estt-TNEB Bifurcation of Existing operation circle at Chennai into operaiton circle I and II
Administration Control, Reallocation of Sub-Stations of Operation Circle I and II - Head
Quarters of operation circle II Modification - orders issued.
312. (Per) BP(FB) No.20(Adm.Br.)dt.31.7.08(P49/7/08)
Acquisition of Thirumayam Rural Electric Co-Op Society -Absorption of 20 employees
into Board Service with effect from the vesting date 6.4.02 orders issued.
313. (Per)BP(FB) No.28(Adm.Br.) dt.19.8.08(P27/8/08)
Public Services-Reservation of appointment in Public Services- Fixation of 3.5%
reservation for Backward class Christian and Backwards class Muslim respectively -
Revised roster - orders issued - Adoption of Govt. Orders in TNEB - Reg.
314. Cir Memo No.75791/A9/A92/2008-1(SB) dt.13.10.08(P12/10/08)
National Human Rights Commission -New Delhi - Complaints on Human Rights Violation
- Report and Comments from the Senior Officials - instruction issued -copy communicated.
315. Cir Memo No.77073/A9/A91/2008-1(SB) dt.15.10.08(P16/10/08)
Public Health - Prohibition of Smoking in the Public Place - copy of Govt’s instructions
- communicated.
(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz(jiyt®) v©.15 ehŸ 20.1.09(ã17/1/09)(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz(jiyt®) v©.15 ehŸ 20.1.09(ã17/1/09)
(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz(jiyt®) v©.15 ehŸ 20.1.09(ã17/1/09)(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz(jiyt®) v©.15 ehŸ 20.1.09(ã17/1/09)
(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz(jiyt®) v©.15 ehŸ 20.1.09(ã17/1/09)
jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa«-clš CdK‰w thÇa¥ gÂahs®fŸ - K‹ mDkâ -clš
CdK‰w thÇa¥ gÂahs®fŸ âdK« khiy neu¤âš 15 ÃÄl§fŸ K‹djhf bršy
mDkâ - Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
317. Memo (P) No.20217/A23/A232/2009-1(SB) dt.24.3.09(P16/3/09)
Estt-TNEB - Visit for internal discussion, Meeting, training etc. of Chief Engineers,
Superintending Engineers and other officers, of Board - Circulation of tour programme
and advance information - instruction issued.
318. Lr.No.66515/A9/A91/2009-1(SB) dt.8.10.09(P11/10/09)
TNEB - BOSB-Physically Handicapped welfare co-op Society Ltd. Chennai-32 Request
for Job Opportunity to Physically Handicapped Members of the Society copy communicated.
319. (Per)BP(Ch)No.196(SB) dt.3.10.09(P8/12/09)
Estt-TNEB - Submission of fortnightly Diary and demi official narrative report by Chief
Engineers and Superintending Engineers - Revised instructions - issued.
320. (Per) BP(FB) No.2(SB) dt.9.2.2010(P7/2.10)
Estt-TNEB - Reorganisation among Chennai Distn. Region North, South and Vellore
- orders issued.
321. (Per) BP(FB) No.2 (Adm.Br.)dt.20.2.2010(P13/2/10)
Public Service-Reservation of appointment in Public Service for various communities -
Adoption of Govt. Orders in TNEB - orders issued.
322. (Per) BP(FB) No.10(SB) dt.9.4.2010(P12/4/10)
TNEB Service Regulations-Deputation Board employees on Foreign Service-Prescription
of Certain norms for Deputation and for continuance of deputation of Board Employees
- Further orders issued.
323. Memo (P) No. 65540/A23/A232/10-1(SB) dt.20.8.10(P18/8/10)
TNEB - Redressal of grievance of Staff / Employees with Chairman - Interview with chairman
only on Saturday - instruction issued.
324. Memo (P) No.65754/A23/A232/10-1(SB) dt.20.8.10(P18/8/10)
Estt-Head Quarters offices - Punctuality in attendance - instruction issued.
325. Memo (P) No. 75359/A23/A232/2010-1(SB)dt.29.9.10(P19/9/10)
Estt-TNEB - Submission of files to officers - instruction issued.
326 Memo No.11308/A23/A232/2010-1(SB) dt.23.12.10(P23/12/10)
Estt-Tangedco-Collection and delivery of Tapals indifferent offices in TANGEDCO All over
the state and outside the state-further Instruction issued.
327. (Per) CMD TANGEDCO Pro No.6(SB) dt.10.1.11(P10/1/11)
Estt- TANGEDCO-Introduciton of Single file system - Extension to other offices - orders
328. Cir Memo No.1781/A9/A92/2011(SB) dt.18.1.11(P13/1/11)
Fake Communication issued in the name of Cabinet Secretary - Verificaiton instruction
329. (Per) FB TANGEDCO (Adm.Br.) dt.5.2.11(P16/2/11)
Estt-Class I to IV Service -Formation of new Thiruvarur Electricity Distn. Circle with Head
Quarters at Thiruvarur by bifurcating the existing Nagai EDC - orders issued.
330. Memo(P) No.8422/A22/A222/11-1(SB) dt.18.2.11(P20/2/11)
Estt-TANGEDCO-Re-organisation of Tamilnadu Electricity Board - Change of technical
Control of Transmission lines of 110kv and 66kv Sub-Stations and Chief Engineer Protection
and commutation Chennai - orders issued.
Administrative Branch
8th Floor, N.P.K.RR Maligai
800, Anna Salai
Memo No. 045662/282/Adm5(2)/96-1 dated 11.05.1
Sub :- Establishment - RWE - Helper - Promotion Higher Post-Practical
experience for Promotion - Instruction issued.
Red :- From the SE/GCC / Madras Lr.No.SE/GCC/Mds/Adm II/A7/F.52/D.270/
96 dt.30.3.96.
The Superintending Engineer/General Construction Circle, Madras has sought for Clarifi-
cation as to whether the training period of one year may be taken into account for reckoning the
two years experience in the case of Helper (Trainee) who were subsequently absorbed as
regular Helper after completion of one year training. The matter has been examined and the
following instructions are issued.
2. The service rendered by Helpers during their training period of one year as Helper
(Trainee) may be reckoned as experience for considering promotion to the higher post only.
Olney Aaron,
Chief Engineer (Personnel)
All the Superintending Engineer
General Construction Circle,
Copy to all the Superintending Engineers
Copy to all the Chief Engineers
Copy to Stock fils.
/’/ Forwarded / By Order //
1. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.42 (SB) Dt.05.04.83 (P.125/83I)
Estt. – List of approved candidates for Promotion – Communication to person concerned
- orders issued.
2. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.12 (Sectt) Dt.12.02.83 (P.100/83I)
Estt. – Preparation of Panels certain - Guidelines issued.
3. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.95 (Sectt.) Dt.21.03.83 (P.119/83I)
Estt. – Preparation of Panels – Modification of - orders issued
4. Memo.No.24398-A2/83-2 (SB) Dt.29.04.83 (P.149/83I)
Estt. – List of approved candidates for Promotion – Validity of List – clarification issued.
5. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.157 (SB) Dt,29.04.83 (P.149/83I)
Estt. – TNEB – Departmental Promotion committees reconstitution - orders issued.
6. B.P.Ms.225 (Adm.Br.) DT.05.04.83 (P.126/83I)
Estt. – Promotion to higher categories relinquishing promotion by the employees / Officers
of Board - orders issued.
7. B.P.Ms.(Ch)No.426 (SB) Dt. 07.11.83 (P.410/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Departmental Promotion committees - orders issued.
8. Memo.No.X/Rev./Gen.II/CB/83-452 (Accts.Br.) Dt.07.09.83(P.285/83II)
Estt. – Assessors retained as Special grade Assessors on Promotion – Request for
appointment as Inspector of Assessment - clarification issued.
9. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.223(SB) Dt.20.06.83 (P.37/83II)
TNEB – Secretariat Branch – Stipulation of Minimum service before retirement for
Promotion to higher posts – Amendment to Regulation 98 (1) (b) – issued.
10. Memo.No.4332/P1/82-8 (SB) DTg.15.11.84 (P.860/84)
Estt.- TNEB – Disciplinary Proceedings against employees - Promotion overlooked –
Subsequently Promotion on exoneration of charges – restoration of original seniority –
Request – Negatived.
11. Memo.No. 132962/7/IR-1(4)/Adm.Br./84-1 , Dt.15.02.84 (P.74/84)
Estt. – Filling up of vacancies of Foreman I Gr., Diploma Holders – practical experience
prescribed in TNEB Service Regulations – clarification and instruction issued.
12. Memo.No.132962/7/IR1 (4)/Adm.Br./84-2 Dt.18.10.84 (P.780/84)
Estt. – RWE – Filling the vacancies of Foreman I Grade – Diploma Holders - Practical
experience prescribed in service Regulations – clarification issued.
13. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.43 (SB) DT.04.02.84 (P.72/84)
TNEB - Service Regulations - Relinquishment of right of promotion – Regulation 103
Amendment issued.
14. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.111 (SB) Dt.27.03.84 (P.148/84)
TNEB – Service Regulations – Regulation 89 © Amendment issued (Validity of list for
One Year)
15. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.157 (SB) Dt.28.04.84 (P.246/84)
Authority competent to approve the Panel and Appellate authority - orders issued.
16. BPMS(Ch)No.66(Adm.Br.)dt.1.2.85(P102/85)
Estt-TNEB-RWE workman - Transferred from one circle to another system/circle-Fixing
of Seniority - orders issued.
17. Ch’s Cir Memo No.: CE/C3-2/0501812/85-2 dt.20.7.85 (P764/85)
Estt. Promotion of an employee under going punishment of Stoppage of Increment -
Individual cannot ask for the remittance of monitory equivalent of the Punishment - instruction
18. BPMS(FB)No.85(Adm.Br.)dt.12.8.85(P836/85)
Estt. Junior Engineer IGr- Redesignated as AE fixation of Inter - SE-Seniority with directly
recruited and internally selected - Proposal Approved
19. Memo No.541/IR1(2)/Adm.Br./85-5 dt. 29.11.85(P1307/85)
Estt-TNEB RWE workman transferred from one circle to another Fixation of Seniority
- clarification issued.
20. BPMS(Ch)No.229(Adm.Br.)dt.2.5.86(P399/86)
Estt-TNEB - Class II Service-Fixing up of ratio between the superintendent of Adm.Br and
Section officer of Secretariat Branch for promotion to the post of Personal Assistant in
System and circles and Subordinate officers - orders issued.
21. Memo No.:34960-P1/86-1(SB)dt.9.6.86(P502/86)
WP No.:5203 and 5204 /86 between TNEB Vs AESU-Interim stay orders communicated
(Stay for operation of BPMS(Ch)No.155(SB) dt.27.4.84)
22. Memo No.:26768-P1/87-1(SB) dt.7.5.87(P359/87)
Estt.-TNEB - Temporary appointment - Declaration to be given by the appointing authorities
to the effect that the person Promoted / appointed temporarily to higher post are fully
qualified - Incorporation in Appointment orders - instruction reitrated.
23. BPMS(Ch)No.182(SB)dt.18.5.87(P372/87)
Estt. Promotion of officials to higher post fixing up crucial Dates for consideration of claims
of official date of approval of Panel, estimation of Vacancies etc. in respect of the panel to
be approved by Secretariat Br - orders issued.
24. BPMS(Ch)No.212(SB) dt.12.6.87(P468/87)
Estt-Promotion of officials to higher posts-fixing up of crucial dates for considering of
claims of officials Dates for approval of Panel Estimation of Vacancies etc. in respect of
Panel to be a approved in Administrative Branch - orders issued.
25. BPMS(FB)No.51(SB) dt.23.6.87(P483/87)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Class I Service - Stipulation of Minimum period
of Service before retirement - Regulation 98 - Amendment issued.
26. Memo No. 41408-P1/87-1(SB) dt.16.7.87(P556/87)
Estt-Promotion of officials to higher posts - Fixing up crucial date - when panel prepared
exhausted in the Middle of year-Temporary panel should be prepared.
27. Memo No.150309/182/S6(3) / 86-10(Adm.Br.)Dt.10.9.87(P702/87)
Estt-RWE - Cleaners - Promotion to the post of Driver - instruction issued.
28. BPMS(FB) No.73(Adm.Br.)Dt.14.9.87(P707/89)
Estt. Relinquishment of rights for promotion already exercised by workmen / officers Review
of option on certain conditions - orders issued.
29. Memo No.57393-P1/87-2(SB) dt.9.11.87(P859/87)
Estt. Promotion of officials to higher posts-date for approval of Panels inrespect of panels
to be approved in SE Office of System / Circle - orders modified.
30. Memo No.10437-P1/88-1&2(SB) dt.19.2.88(P103/88)
Estt-Promotion of officials to higher posts - Fixing up crucial Dates for consideration of
claims of official Estimation of vacancy - Amendment issued. (SB), Adm. Br. Audit.
31. Memo No.55006/O&M cell/88-1(SB) dt.24.9.88(P635/88)
Estt-TNEB - Various committee in the Board - Inclusion of Members in the Department
Promotion community - orders issued.
32. BPMS (Ch)NO.380(SB) dt.31.12.88(P920/88)
Estt-TNEB - Departmental Promotion committee for Circle level promotion to RWE
workmen constituted - orders issued.
33. Memo No.:896/IR 1(4)/89-1(Adm.Br.)Dt. 23.1.89(P60/89)
Estt-RWE - Vehicle Helpers promotion to the post of Driver - Further instruction issued.
34. (Per) BP(FB)No.2(SB) dt.13.1.89(P56/89)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations - Relinquishment of rights of Promotion by
employees - Regulation 103 of TNEB Service Regulations - Amendment - issued.
35. Memo No.4499/O&M cell/89-1(SB) dt.1.2.89(P133/89)
Estt-TNEB - Departmental Promotion Committee for circle level promotion to RWE
workmen constituted -Further - orders issued.
36. 113279/441/IR-1/2/(Adm.Br.)88-1dt.13.5.89(P379/89)
Estt. RWE -Reckoning of experience in MRT and Special Maintenance in Distn. Circle for
promotion in the O&M side - instruction issued.
37. Memo NO.40820/O&M cell/89-1(SB) dt.26.6.89(P494/89)
Estt. -TNEB-Departmental promotion committee for circle level promotion of RWE -
Constitution - clarification issued.
38. Memo No.:896/IR1(4) /Adm.Br./89-2 dt.23.6.89(P489/89)
TNEB - Estt. RWE - Promotion to the post Driver from vehicle Helper condition of Two
Years of Practical experience -prescribed in service Regulation - insisted - instruction
39. Per BP(Ch)No.363(Adm.Br.) Dt.11.7.89(P604/89)
Estt. RWE - RWE Workmen transferred from Projects and Generating stations to Distn.
Circles - Experience for Consideration of Promotion - 50% of Service in Generation and
Project may be taken - orders issued.
40. Memo No.871/ Adm.Br./ IR1(4) /89-2 dt.11.7.89(P604/89)
Estt-RWE - Preparation and Publication of Seniority list of RWE workmen - Further
instruction issued.
41. (Per)BPMS(FB) NO.50(Adm.Br.)Dt.23.8.89(P710/89)
Estt. - TNEB - Class I and II Service - Promotion to the post of personal officer and personal
Assistant in the Board office ADM. Br. and Technical Branch only from personal Assistant
and Superintend - Amendment issued.
42. (Per) BP(FB) No.68(SB)dt.11.10.89(P844/89)
Regulations -TNEB Service Regulations - Annexure II and III - Method of Appointment of
Personal officer and Personal Assistant - Amendment issued.
43. Memo (P)No. 29935-P1/89-1(SB) dt.10.4.90(P220/90)
Estt. Promotion of Officials to higher Posts-Procedure to be followed in case of Temporary
44. (Per) BP(FB)No.19(Sectt.Br.) Dt.17.4.90(P223/90)
Estt. TNEB - Class I Service -Promotion to the post of Chief Engineers - Superintending
Engineers not considered for want of Minimum of Service - Posting as Addl. Chief Engineers
- orders issued.
45. Memo No. : 9957/P1/90-1(SB) dt.21.5.90(P293/90)
Estt.- Employees deputed to Foreign Service and undergo higher studies - promotion in
regular line-Date of following promotion benefits on the date promotion of his Junior
- clarification issued.
46. (Per) BP(FB) No.45(Adm.Br.) dt.5.9.90(P550/90)
Estt. - RWE - Project / Hydro / Investigation and protection and communication circles -
Review of Lower posts stagnation in getting promotion in respect of certain categories -
upgradation of post - orders issued.
47. Memo No.705/IR1(4) / Adm Br. /89-1dt. 19.9.90 (P557/90)
-Do- Amendment issued
48. Memo No.119444/1380/IR5(2)/ Adm.Br./Dt.22/11/90(P660/90)
Estt. - RWE - Promotion of Helper - instruction issued.
49. Memo No.:285/IR 3(2)/Adm. Br. 88-7 dt.1.12.90(P72/90)
Estt. - Qualification Prescribed for promotion irrespect of RWE Categories up to FM Gr.
and equivalent further orders issued.(1.12.90 to 31.3.91)
50. (Per) BP(FB)No.25(SB)dt.24.4.91(P146/91)
Estt.-TNEB-Class I Service Promotion to the post of CE-SE’s considered for promotion
only for want of Minimum Service Prescribed - Appointments Addl. CE- Amendment issued.
51. Lr.No.:006927/66/Adm5(2)/91-1(Adm.Br.)dt.25.591(P227/91)
Estt-RWE - ITI and non ITI Helpers-Promotion as wireman and Commercial Assistant -
52. Memo (P)No.18179/P1/91-1(SB) dt.17.8.91(P419/91)
Estt- Promotion of officials to higher post fixing up of crucial dates for approval of panels
estimation of vacancies inrespect of panel to be approved in Adm. Br. - orders issued.
53. Memo No.119444/1380/Adm. 5(2)/90-11 dt.5.12.91(P686/91)
Estt. - RWE - Promotion of Helper as wireman and commercial Asst. - reg.
54. (Per) BP(Ch)No.328(SB) 28.12.91(P698/91)
Estt. - TNEB - D.P.C. - for promotion of employees of class III service comes under state
seniority constituted - orders issued.
55. Lr. No. 124360/674/C2/2191-1(Adm.Br.)dt.10.12.91(P690/91)
Estt. - Class III Service - Temporary Relinquishment of promotion - Accepted -
Reconsideration after expiry of 3 years - period should be reckoned from the date of
Application - instruction issued.
56. Memo No.119444/1380/Adm.5 (2)/90-12(Adm.Br.)dt.14.1.92(7/92)
Estt-Regular Work Establishment - Promotion of Helpers-reg.
57. Memo No.119444/1380/Adm.5(2)/90-13dt. 26.2.92(P56/92)
Estt-RWE - Promotion of Helpers - instruction issued - reg.
58. Memo No.12149/P1/92-1(SB) dt.26.6.92(P350/92)
Estt-TNEB - Employees against whom D.P. is Pending-Promotion to higher Category-
Instruction already issued - reitrated.
59. (Per) BP(FB) No.56(Adm.Br.)dt.8.11.93(P560/93)
Promotion of Asst. Executive Engineer (Elecl) to the Cadre of Executive Engineer / Elecl
Prescribing minimum period of Experience in certain field - orders issued.
60. (Per) BP(Ch)No.268(SB) dt.23.12.93(P662/93)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations - Promotion to posts in certain categories in Class
I Service -Regulation 98(1) of TNEB Service Regulations - Amendment issued.
61. Memo (P) No.13448/O&M cell II (4) / 94-1dt.24.2.94(P91)
Estt-Officers with same name and initials working in one category confusion while preparing
panel-by giving Senior / Junior or Sl.No.1,2,3 - instruction issued.
62. (Per) BP(Ch)No.99(SB) dt.22.4.94(P/72/94)
Regulations - promotion to the post of AEE/El as EE/Elecl - Minimum Experience in certain
fields TNEB Service Regulation Amendment issued.
63. Memo No.95745/C1/94-1(Adm.Br.) dt.5.9.94(P420/94)
Estt-Promotion to higher posts-relinquishment of rights for promotion by employees
- instruction issued.
64. Lr.No.95745/C1(1) / 94-2(Adm.Br.)dt.5.9.94(P421/94)
Estt-Temporary Relinquishment of rights for promotion - Revocation before expiry period
65. Lr.No.95745/c1(1) / 94-3(Adm.Br.) dt.27.9.94(P436/94)
Estt-Temporary relinquishment of rights of Promotion - Revocation before expiry period
- consideration.
66. (Per) BP(Ch)No.87(SB) dt.11.10.94(P478/94)
Estt-TNEB - Revision of work Allocation and Staff Pattern - Retrospect effect for probations
Seniority etc. - orders issued.
67. Memo No.138402/1342/Adm.5(2)/94-1(Adm.Br.) dt.13.12.94(589)
Revision of work load -promotion of RWE Staff to the categories of Line Inspector and
commercial Inspector - reg.
68. Memo(P)No.16155/P1/93-2(SB) dt.4.4.95(P151/95)
Estt-Promotion of officials to higher posts -fixing up crucial of date, for consideration of
claims of officials date for approval panels - estimation of vacancies etc. inrespect of
Board office. Adm.Branch-orders Amendment issued (ADMO, AADMO adn ATO)
69. Memo No.31688/C1/95-1(SB) dt.14.7.95(P331/95)
Estt-TNEB -Revision of work Allocation and Staff Pattern Retrospective effect to benefits
of probation seniority etc. Amendment to issued- Exercising of revised option - permission-
70. (Per) BP(Ch) No.316(SB) dt.27.12.95(P627/95)
TNEB - Preparation of Panel of names fit for appointment / promotion to higher post-
personnel against whom charges are pending or charge sheet framed - Guidelines
- issued.
71. (Per) BP(Ch)No.314(SB) dt.23.12.95(P625/95)
Labour - TNEB Revision of work Allocation and staff pattern - upgradation of remaining
surplus line man and equivalent post in Distn. circle) as line Inspector - orders amendment
72. (Per) BP(FB) No.88(SB) dt.2.12.88(P606/95)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Promotion of Internal Audit officer as Deputy
Chief Internal Audit officer and AAO as Accounts officer-Minimum period of Service
Prescribed for Promotion in the lower category - Amendment issued.
73. Memo No.47870/C1/96-1(SB) dt.25.7.96(P7/7/96)
Estt-TNEB - Revision of wages and revision of Work Allocation and Staff Pattern -
Redesignation of Special Grade Revenue Supervisor and allowing promotion benefit from
1.12.92 - clarification issued.
74. Cir Memo No.069533/E1/A4/97-6(Adm.Br.)dt.23.7.97(33/7/97)
Estt-Experience in Special Filed for getting promotion as Exe-Engineer / Elecl-Request
for cancellation when posted to special field - Reg.
75. (Per) BP(FB) No.2(SB) dt.19.1.98(P10/1/98)
TNEB - Separate Channel of promotion for commercial Assistant Consequent on the
abolition of the Category on Asst. Commercial Inspector - Re Introducing of Single Channel
of Promotion in RWE categories in Distn. Circle - orders issued - Instruction by High
Court Statusquo Ante
The reintroducing of Single Channel of Promotion without prejudice
to the out come of the Court case - orders issued.
76. Memo No.85066/C1/98-18(SB) dt.22.1.98(P14/1/98)
-Do- Amendment issued.
77. (Per) BP(FB) No.42(SB) dt.10.6.98(P7/16/98)
Estt-Promotion to the post of Chief Engineers-Prescribing of Minimum Service of one
year for retirement - orders issued.
78. (Per) BP(FB) No.102(SB) dt.17.11.98(P6/11/98)
Regulations - TNEB -Class I Service - Promotion to the post of Chief Engineers Prescribing
minimum period of one year of Service before -retirement in the lower post Regulation
98(1) Amendment issued.
79. Memo No.68786/O&M I (3) / 96-29(SB) dt.22.2.99(P12/2/99)
Estt-TNEB-Departmental promotion committee for workmen under class III Service -
Avoiding delay in conducting DPC meeting - instruction issued.
80. Memo (P) No.7669/P1/99-2(SB) dt.1.6.99(P1/6/99)
Estt-Promotion of employees to Higher Posts-Modification of Crucial date for consideration
of Panel for promotion of stores custodian I Gr. orders issued.
81. Lr.No.8032-CC1/98-57(SB) dt.21.6.99(P9/6/99)
Estt-Regular work Establishment - Promotion of RWE Staff - instruction issued -Reg.
82. Cir Memo No.41388/P1/98-1(SB) dt.2.7.99(P2/7/99)
Estt-TNEB Promotion of employees to higher posts-Delay in forwarding of updated personal
file/Record Sheets of punishment etc. to head quarters Non-Adherence of Board - offices
in field offices - instruction issued.
83. (Per) BP(FB) No.18(Adm.Br.)dt.3.7.99(P3/7/99)
Estt-Class II Service Placing of CHD at the TOP of the panel for the post of AEE/El and
Civil Approval - accorded.
84. Lr.No.202023/E2/3/90-10(Adm.Br.) dt.27.7.99(P39/7/99)
Estt-Promotion to Higher Posts-Revocation of Temporary relinquishment - further
instruction issued.
85. Memo No.036802/529/Adm.5(2)99-1(Adm.Br.) dt.27.7.99(P39/7/99)
Estt- RWE - Filling up of the Telephone operator Post in Distn. Circle - instruction issued.
86. (Per) BP(FB) No.27(SB) dt.22.6.99(P1/8/99)
Promotion to Regular work Establishment categories in Distn. Circles - Cases pending in
High Court Labour Dispute raised by Certain unions before commissioner of Labour -
withdrawal - Implementation of directions of Division Bench - orders issued.
87. Memo No.077’ 611/1163/Adm.5(2)/99-1dt.23.8.99(P8/8/99)
Estt.RWE- Relaxation of Educational Qualification to wiremen not to relax - instruction
88. (Per) BP(FB) No.28(Adm.Br.)dt.23.8.99/P8/8/99)
Estt-RWE - filing up of Instrument Mechanic IGr. Post Prescribing Qualification - orders
89. (Per) BP(FB) No.6(SB) dt.25.1.2000(P16/1/2000)
Labour - TNEB - Revision of work Allocation and Staff Pattern - Introducing of Single Channel
of Promotion - orders issued.
90. Memo No.35184/564/G46/G462/2000-1(Adm.Br.)Dt.17.4.2000(P7/4/2000
Revision of work Allocation and Staff Pattern-Operation panel -instruction issued.
91. Memo No. 18176/253/G46/G462/2000-1dt.10.4.2000(P1/4/2000)
Labour - Revision of Work Allocation and Staff Pattern Promotion to Line Inspector from
Surplus Civil Maistry Working in Distn. Circle - clarification issued.
92. (Per) BP(FB) No.52(SB) dt.30.6.2000(P19/6/2000)
Estt-Class I Service-promotion to the post of Chief Engineer - Eligibility for considering
Promotion - Experience in Class I Post as 8 years - orders issued.
93. (Per) BP(FB) No.85(SB) dt.18.11.2000(P30/11/2000)
Estt-Class I Service-Promotion to the post of Chief Financial Controller-Eligibility for
considering promotion- Experience Criterion-orders issued.(8years exprience in Class I
94. Memo No.127932/579/G46/G462/2000-1(Adm.Br.)dt.19.11.2000(P30/11/2000)
Estt-RWE workmen - Promotion Fitness and Knowledge - instruction issued.
95. (Per) BP(FB) No.87(SB) dt.21.11.2000(P34/11/2000)
Estt-TNEB - Post of Asst. Engineer and Asst. Executive Engineers Promotion to the post
of AEE/EE/-System of Conducting examination for promotion - orders issued.
96. (Per) BP(FB) No.95(SB) dt.2.12.2000(P2/12/2000)
Estt-TNEB - System of Conducting Examination for Promotion to the post of all class I
Officers of Non Technical Upto the level of under Secretary - orders issued.
97. (Per)BP(FB) No.7(SB) dt.30.1.2001(P15/1/2001)
Estt-TNEB - Employees of Board - Grant of leave to take up employment abroad / to Stand
-Industry consideration for promotion on return from leave adoption of Govt. orders -
Amendment to Regulation 98 of TNEB Service Regulations - orders issued.
98. (Per) BP(FB) No.2(Adm.Br.) dt.27.1.2001(P11/1/01)
Recruitment Class I Service - Personnel Officers Method of Appointment and Qualification
- Prescribing Rules - orders issued.
99. (Per) BP(Ch)No.78(SB) dt.22.3.2001(P12/3/2001)
Estt-TNEB - Promotion to the post of Superintending Engineers - System of Conducting
interview constitution of committee - orders issued.
100. (Per) BP(Ch)No.91(SB) dt.28.3.2001(P14/3/01)
Estt-TNEB-Post of Junior Engineer I Gr. and Chief Head Draughts men - Promotion to the
post of Asst. Executive Engineer-System of Conducting examination for promotion - orders
101. (Per) BP(FB) No.50(SB) dt.17.7.2001(P12/7/01)
Estt-TNEB - Class I Service - Promotion to the post of Chief Financial Controller and
Financial Controller - Eligibility for consideration of promotion- experience criteria orders
issued-Amendment to TNEB Service Regulations - issued.
102. (Per) BP(Ch)No.240(SB) dt.14.9.2001(P6/9/01)
Estt-TNEB - Promotion to the post of Superintending Engineer - Systems Conducting
interview-Dispensed with - orders issued.
103. (Per)BP(FB) no.52(SB) dt.28.9.2001(P8/9/01)
Estt-TNEB - Promotion to the post of Asst. Executive Engineer/Executive Engineers -
System conducting examination for promotion - Revised orders issued.
104. Memo (P) No.51995/A23/A232/2001-3 dt.20.10.01(P15/10/01)
Estt-TNEB - Promotion to the post of Asst. Executive Engineer / Executive Engineer System
of Conducting examination - Errata issued.
105. (Per)BP(Ch)No.266(SB) dt.27.10.2001(P22/10/01)
Estt-TNEB - Promotion of Junior Engineer I Gr. and CHD to the post of AEE-System of
Conducting examination for promotion - Revised - orders issued.
106. (Per) BP(FB)No.57(SB) dt.8.10.01(P4/10/01)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations-Regulation 96 of TNEB Service Regulations
- Amendment issued.
107. (Per) BP(FB) No.59(SB) dt.13.11.2001(P2/11/01)
Estt-TNEB - System of conducting examination for Promotion in Class I and II Service -
Revised - orders issued.
108. Memo (P)NO.56501/A18/A181/2002-1(SB) dt.4.6.02(P11/6/02)
Public Service-Preparation of Panel for promotion Guidelines issued by Govt. Punishment
of stoppage of Increment effect of currency - Clarification issued-Applicability to Board
- communicated.
109. (Per) BP(FB) No.30(Adm.Br.)dt.11.12.02(P9/12/02)
Estt-Promotion of Asst.Executive Engineer to the post of Executive Engineers in Class I
Service prescribing of minimum experience in certain Special Field - Prescribed in Annexure
I of TNEB S.R.92-Deleted - orders issued.
110. Memo No.040448 / G46/G462/2003-1(Adm.Br.) Dt.9.4.03(P44/4/03)
Estt-RWE Introducing Single Channel of Promotion Non-Adoption of a uniform policy in
filling up of RWE posts - clarification issued.
111. Memo No.28697/A18/A181/2003-1(SB) dt.28.4.03(P52/4/03)
Public Service - Selection by recruitment by transfer / promotion currency of punishment
of recovery should continued till the recovery are completed - clarification of Govt. - Adoption
to board.
112. (Per) BP(FB) No.42(SB) dt.11.12.03(P5/12/03)
Estt-Class I Service - Promotion to the post of CE-Relaxation on experience in Regulation
98(1)(b)(ii) of TNEB service Regulations - orders issued.
113. (Per) BP(Ch)No.256(Adm.Br.)dt.12.12.05(P6/12/05)
Estt-TNEB - Revision of work allocation and Staff pattern and revision of wages settlement
under 12(3) of ID act on 15.10.2005-Discontinuing Single channel of Promotion and
re-introducing a Separate channel of promotion for RWE categories in Distn. Circle
- orders issued.
114. (Per) BP(FB) No.55(SB) dt.19.7.06(P7/7/06)
Estt-TNEB - Class II Service-Promotion from the post of Asst. Audit officer to Internal Audit
officer minimum Service Modified as Two Years - orders issued.
115. (Per) BP(FB) No.38(SB) dt.19.7.2006(P7/7/06)
Estt-TNEB - Class II Service Promotion to the post of Internal Audit Officer Prescription of
Minimum Service Amendment to Regulation 92 of TNEB Service Regulation - issued.
116. (Per) BP(FB) No.17(Adm.Br.) Dt.15.7.06(P5/7/06)
Estt-RWE -Class III Service -Driver Category- Reduction of Practical Experience from 6
years to 3 years to TTHV Driver and Senior Driver - orders issued.
117. Memo No.3618/A18/A181/2006-1(SB) dt.30.9.06(P51/9/06)
Estt-TNEB Promotion of Various Categories to higher post delay in preparing panels on
the crucial date by the panel preparing Authorities Non-Adhering of Boards orders by Panel
Preparing Authorities - instruction issued - reitrated.
118. (Per) BP(FB) no.53(SB) dt.1.11.06(P1/11/06)
Estt-TNEB - Class I Service Promotion to the post of DCI AO, D.F.C. and Personnel
Officer Prescription of Minimum Service as one year - orders issued.
119. (Per)BP(FB) No.12(Adm.Br.) dt.5.3.07(P10/3/07)
Estt-TNEB - Class III Service Promotion from Inspector of Assessment to Revenue
Supervisor Reduction of Minimum Service from Seven years to 3 years - orders issued.
120. Memo No.42098/314/G46/G462/2007-1(Adm.Br.)Dt.5.4.07(P6/4/07)
Estt-TNEB Revision of Work Allocation and Staff Pattern - Settlement - under section
12(3) of ID Act on 15.10.2005 Discontinuing of Single Channel and reintroducing a
Separate Channel of promotion for RWE categories in Distn. circles - clarification
121. (Per) BP(FB) No.24(Adm.Br.) dt.16.6.2007(P8/6/07)
Estt-TNEB -Class III Service-Promotion from the post of Inspector of Assessment to
Revenue Supervisor-Non Inclusion in the Panel approved on 23.09.06- Selection to the
post of Revenue Supervisor by Promotion - orders issued.
122. (Per) BP(FB) No.55(SB) dt.26.6.07(P22/6/07)
Estt-TNEB Class III Service -Promotion to the post of Revenue Supervisor - Minimum
Service Prescribed for promotion -Reduction of Minimum Service From 7 years to 3 years
- Amendment to Regulation 92 of service Regulation - issued.
123. Memo No.42098/314/G46/G462/2007-1(Adm. Br.) dt.7.6.07 P3/6/07
Estt-TNEB Revision of work Allocation and Staff Pattern re Introduction of Separate channel
of Promotion - Further extension of time limit to submit option upto 30.6.2007 - orders
124. Lr.No. 42098/314/G46/G462/2007-2(Adm.Br.) dt.25.6.07 (P20/6/07)
Estt-TNEB - Revision of Allocation and Staff Pattern Re-Introduction of Separate Channel
of Promotion - Further extension of time - orders issued - reg.
Ãiyahd thÇa Miz v©.256 (Ã.».) ehŸ 12.12.05(ã3/8/07)Ãiyahd thÇa Miz v©.256 (Ã.».) ehŸ 12.12.05(ã3/8/07)
Ãiyahd thÇa Miz v©.256 (Ã.».) ehŸ 12.12.05(ã3/8/07)Ãiyahd thÇa Miz v©.256 (Ã.».) ehŸ 12.12.05(ã3/8/07)
Ãiyahd thÇa Miz v©.256 (Ã.».) ehŸ 12.12.05(ã3/8/07)
gÂahs® bjhFâ - j.eh.Ä.th. âU¤â mik¡f¥g£l g xJ¡ÑL k‰W« gÂahs®
mik¥ò15.10.05 m‹W bjhÊš jfuhW r£l« ãÇî 12(3) ‹ Ñœ x¥gªj« Ä‹ g»®khd
t£l§fËš Kiw¥go gÂahd gÂahs® bjhFâ tiffS¡fhf x‰iw tÊ
Kiw¡fhd gjÉ ca®it Ú¡FtJ k‰W« gjÉ ca®î¡fhd òâa jÅahd tÊKiw
x‹iw Û©L« m¿Kf¥gL¤Jjš - Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
126. (Per) BP(FB) No.45(Adm.Br. dt.6.9.07(P17/09/07)
Estt-Class IV Service - Provincial / RWE Assessor Gr. II, Helper Cum Motor Reader and
Mazdoor - Prescription of Minimum Service in the post - orders issued.
127. (Per) BP (FB) No.37(Adm.Br.)dt.29.9.08(P34/9/08)
Estt-TNEB -Class III Service-Promotion from the post of Inspector of Assessment to
Revenue Supervisor Relaxing the minimum period of Service 3 years of the Inspector of
Assessment - Rectification and Approval - orders issued.
128. Memo No.6029/A18/A181/2009-1(SB) dt.30.1.09(P22/1/09)
Estt-TNEB -Promotion of various categories to higher post - Delay in preparing panels on
the crucial date by the panel preparing authorities -Non-Adherence of Boards orders by
Panel preparing authorities - Instructions issued - reitrated.
129. (Per) BP(FB) No.2(SB) dt.17.2.09(P14.2.09)
Estt-TNEB -Class III Service - Inspector of Assessment Promotion to the post of Revenue
Supervisor - Non Inclusion in the panel approved on 27.1.09 as per (Per) BP No.12 (Adm.Br.)
dt.5.3.2007-Resolved to relax the three years experience in the post of Inspector of
Assessment as Two years as one time measure - orders issued.
130. (Per) BP(Ch)No.87(SB) dt.7.5.09(P13/5/09)
Estt-TNEB - Constitution of committee for examining the Stagnation and Time bound
promotion to Board officials - orders issued.
131. (Per) BP(FB) No.20(SB) dt.22.7.09(P45/7/09)
Estt-Class II Service -Promotion from the post of Assistant Accounts officer to Accounts
officer - Minimum Service Prescribed for promotion - Reduced the existing minimum service
as one year -Amendment to Regulation 94 of TNEB Service - regulations issued.
132. (Per) BP(FB) No.27(SB) dt.10.9.09(P12/9/09)
Estt-Class III Service - Fixing up of experience qualification for promotion from the post of
Driver to the post of Senior Driver in Secretariat Branch Amendment to Service Regulation
- issued.
133. (Per) BP(FB) No.29(SB) dt.15.9.09(P13/9/09)
Estt-TNEB - Class I Service - Post of Senior Administrative officer in TNEB - Framing of
Adhoc Regulations to the post of Senior Administrative Officer - orders issued.
134. (Per) BP(Ch)112(Adm.Br.)dt.30.12.09(P30/12/09)
Estt-Committee - Revision of work Allocation and Staff Pattern - Committee to Review of
existing ratio adopted for promotion / Appointment to various categories - constituted
- orders issued.
135. (Per)BP(Ch)No.238(SB) dt.7.12.09(P7/1/10)
Committee -Revision of work Allocation and Staff Pattern and Revision of Scale of Pay
and Allowances upgradation of remaining posts of Line man equivalent post as Line Inspector
equivalent posts in areas other than Distn. Circles - Creation of Promotional avenue in
Thermal / Hydro / GCC/Civil Side employees - Constitution of committees to study the
question - orders issued.
136. (Per) BP(FB) No.5(SB) dt.11.2.2010(P9/2/10)
Estt-Employees of TNEB - Grant of leave to take up employment abroad - Amendment to
Regulation 98 of TNEB Service Regulations - Inclusion of names of certain officials in the
respective panels for consideration of panel for consideration promotion - Further orders
137. Memo (P)No.84435/A18/A181/2009-1(SB) dt. 16.2.10(P10/2/10)
Estt - Class I Service-Promotion of officials to higher post - Fixing up crucial date for
consideration of panel for promotion to the post of Senior Administrative officer and members
of Departmental promotion committee - orders issued.
138. (Per) BP(Ch)No.50(SB) dt.27.3.10(P13/3/10)
Estt-TNEB - Constitution of Committee to look into the issues of huge stagnation at the
level of initial / first few promotions and rationalizing the wait time of Elecl. Mechanical and
civil Engineers for the first and second promotion - orders issued.
139. (Per) BP(FB) No.7(Adm.Br.) dt.21.8.2010(P19/8/10)
Estt-TNEB -Dispense with Technical qualification of Pass in Accountancy (Junior Grade)
Test for Assessor for promotion to the post of Inspector of Assessment Proposal - orders
140. Memo (P)No.063258/606/G46/G462/2010-1(Adm.Br.)dt.18.9.10(P17/9/10)
Electricity -RWE - Promotion to the post of Special Grade foreman - Educational qualification
- instruction issued.
141. (Per) BP(FB) No.9(Adm.Br.)dt.4.10.10(P16/10/10)
Estt-TNEB - Class III Service Promotion from the post of Inspector of Assessment to
Revenue Supervisor - Preparation of Panel on the crucial date of 20.3.10 instead of
20.3.2009 and relaxation of Minimum experience from 3 years to 2 years as one Time
Measure - orders issued.
142. (Per)BP(FB)No.38(SB) dt.11.10.10(p26/10/10)
TNEB - Estt-Preparation of Panel for Promotion to higher post - consolidated guidelines
issued by Govt-Adoption in TNEB - orders issued.
143. Memo No.051836/555/G46/G462/2010-6(Adm.Br.) dt.5.11.10(P9/11/10)
Elecy-RWE Promotion to the post of Foreman I Gr. after separation of double channel
Pattern - Drawing Panel for the post of Foreman I Gr. - instruction issued.
144. (Per) CMD TANGEDCO Pro No.68(SB) dt.11.4.11(P12/4/11)
Estt-TANGEDCO - Reconstitution of Departmental Promotion committee - orders issued.
145. (Per)CMD TANGEDCO Pro No.55(SB)dt.19.3.11(P13/6/11)
Estt-TANGEDCO -Reconstitution of Departmental promotion committee for the post of
Chief Engineer - orders issued.
146. (Per) CMD TANGEDCO Pro No.98(SB) dt.25.5.11(P17/6/11)
Estt-TANGEDCO - Redesignation of 37 nos Executive Engineer/Civil / Selection grade)
as Superintending Engineer(Non-Indipendant ) - orders issued.
147. (Per) CMDTANGEDCO Pro No.125(SB)dt.21.6.11.(p25/6/11)
Estt-TANGEDCO - Reconstitution of Departmental Promotion committee for the post of
Senior Adm. officer - orders issued.
148. (Per) TANGEDCO Pro No.185(SB) dt.23.8.11(P30/8/11)
Estt-TANGEDCO - Reconstitution of Departmental at Promotion Committee - orders issued.
1. Memo No. 65978/P1/84-1(SB) dt.25.1.85(P44/85)
Estt. Officers and Staff of TNEB forwarding of application for correspondence courses
- instruction issued.
2. Estt. No.:Ch/TA/6912/85-1 dt.27.9.85(P956/85)
Admission of diploma Holders to Part-time degree course - WP dismissed - communicated.
3. Endt. No.:Ch/TA/895/86-1 dt. 27.1.86(P31/86)
Application of Diploma Engineers in the Board to undergo part time BE course - Discretion
vested with the Board court direction - communicated.
4. Memo No.00493/169/E7-2/(Adm.Br.) Dt.21.3.86(P216/86)
Estt. Class II Service - Part-time ME Course attending of office late by 30 minutes
permission cancelled.
5. BPMS(Ch)181(Adm. Br) dt.31.3.86(P231/86)
Estt. Board employees - Forwarding of application to institutions for admission for studying
part time course - instruction issued.
6. BPMS (Ch)No.343(Adm.Br.)dt.17.6.86(P512/86)
Estt. Boards employees-Instruction issued for forwarding of application to institutions for
admission for studying part time course - Amendment issued.
7. BPMS(Ch)No.164(Adm.Br.)dt.11.3.88(P175/88)
Estt. Board employees - Instruction issued for forwarding of application to institutions for
admission for studying part time course-Assessment cadre - Inclusion - Amendment issued.
8. Memo No. Adm.Br./249/S6(5)/88-1/dt.23.3.88(P181/88)
Estt. Permission for enrolment of AMIE course- part time study / Through correspondence
course etc. getting vigilance clearance - instruction issued.
9. Cir No.:155463/820/S6(2)/88-1(Adm.Br.)dt.8.12.88(872/88)
Permission for studying SSLC Foundation course through correspondence - reg.
10. BP(Ch)No.27(Adm.Br.)Dt.23.1.89(P61/89)
Estt. TNEB employees - permission for studying part time / correspondence courses
- revised instructions issued.
11. Per BP(Ch)No.308(Adm.Br.) dt.24.6.89(P491/89)
Estt. Board employees Forwarding of applications to institution for admission for studying
part time BE Degree / Diploma courses - instruction issued.
12. Per BP(Ch)No.187(Adm.Br.)dt.22.5.90(P294/90)
Estt. - Boards employees - forwarding of application to institutions for admission for
Studying part time BE Degree / Diploma Courses - further instruction issued.
13. Per BP(Ch)No.239(Adm. Br.)Dt.19.7.90(P450/90)
Estt. Boards employees - Forwarding of applications to institutions for admission for
studying part time BL / ML Degree course - instruction issued.
14. Cir Memo No.090094/235/Adm.4(1) / 90-1dt.30.7.90(456/90)
Estt-Boards Employees - Forwarding of Application for admission for studying part-time
BE/Degree / Diploma courses - reg.
15. Memo No.087609/1020/E6(1) /90-1 (Adm.Br.) dt.23.7.90(P453/90)
Estt. Class II Service - No leave should be sanctioned for completing ME course / P.G.
Course - reg.
16. (Per) BP(Ch)No.110(SB) dt.18.5.91(P219/91)
Estt. - Boards employees - Forwarding of Applications to institutions for admission for
part-time BE/Diploma course - Further - instruction issued.
17. (Per) BP(Ch) No.212(Adm.Br.) dt.3.9.91(P472/91)
Estt-Boards employees - forwarding of applications to institutions for admission for studying
part time M.E. Courses - Further instructions.
18. Memo No. 101130/1804/E7(1) /91-1 Adm.Br.Dt.5.9.91 (P477/91)
-Do- Errata issued.
19. (Per) BP(Ch)No.166(Adm.Br.)dt.9.6.93(P247/93)
Estt-Board’s employees - Forwarding of applications to institutions for admission for
studying part time BE Degree/Diploma Courses - Further instructions issued.
20. (Per) BP(Ch)No.169(Adm.Br.) dt.10.6.93(P247/93)
Estt-Boards employees -Forwarding of applications to institutions for admission for studying
part time BE/Degree/Diploma Courses in respect of Darmapuri EDC - instruction issued.
21. Cir. Memo No.045350/71/Adm.4(1) /93-1(Adm.Br.)dt.19.8.93(P440/93)
Forwarding of applications to institutions for admission for studying part-time Degree/
Diploma Course-the sentence of the applicant will not be transferred during the Middle of
the course - be striked out - instruction issued.
22. (Per)BP(Ch)No.341(Adm.Br.)dt.10.11.93(P562/93)
Estt-Board employees -Forwarding of applications to institutions for admission for studying
part time BL/ML Degree Course - further instruction issued.
23. (Per) Bp(Ch)No.354(Adm.Br.)dt.22.1.93(570/93)
Estt-Boards employees - Forwarding of applications to institutions for admission for studying
part time BE Degree/Diploma courses - Further instruction issued.
24. Memo No.74332/P1/92-1(SB0 dt.15.3.94(P116/94)
TNEB - Employees appearing for examination, for acquiring additional qualification privately
should also obtain prior permission - instruction.
25. Memo (P) No.74856/P1/92-1(SB) dt.27.4.94(P175/94)
TNEB -Employees under suspension from service may permitted to Join Part time evening
course/correspondence course - instruction issued.
26. (Per) BP(Ch)No.197(Adm.Br.) dt.2.6.94(P292/94)
Estt-Boards employees - Forwarding of applications to institutions for admission for studying
part time BE course inrespect of Pasumpon Muthu Ramalinga Dever EDC - orders issued.
27. Cir Memo No.032451/301/E7/95 (Adm.Br.)dt.19.5.95(205)
Estt-Class II Service-Issue of Permission to appear to UPSC examination (IAS/IPS) may
be accorded by the CE’s and SE’s as the case may be -instructed issued.
28. (Per) BP(Ch)No.212(Adm.Br.) dt.15.6.95(P260/95)
Estt-Board employees - forwarding of Applications to institutions for admission for studying
part time BE degree Course inrespect of employees of TNEB at TTPS - instruction issued.
29. Cir Memo No.032451/301/E7(1)/96-4(Dt.9.12.96(P12/12/96)
Estt-Class II Service - Permission requested for appearing TNPSC - Group I examination
30. (Per) BP(FB) No.29(Adm.Br.) dt.23.8.99(P9/8/99)
Estt-Employees of TNEB- permission to be accorded for studying Ph.D.. -Full Time Course
in Foreign universities - orders issued.
31. Cir Memo No.06.08274/505/G16/G161/95-5(Adm.Br.) dt.23.9.99(P5.9.99)
Estt- Class II Service Permission requested for appearing for the staff selection commission
examination - reg.
thÇa (Ãiy) (K.th.) Miz v©.4(br.».)ehŸ 17.1.02(ã10/01/02)thÇa (Ãiy) (K.th.) Miz v©.4(br.».)ehŸ 17.1.02(ã10/01/02)
thÇa (Ãiy) (K.th.) Miz v©.4(br.».)ehŸ 17.1.02(ã10/01/02)thÇa (Ãiy) (K.th.) Miz v©.4(br.».)ehŸ 17.1.02(ã10/01/02)
thÇa (Ãiy) (K.th.) Miz v©.4(br.».)ehŸ 17.1.02(ã10/01/02)
jÄœehL Ä‹ rhu thÇa« - bjhÊš E£g fšÉ - gFâ neu g£la¡ fšÉ khzt®
nr®¡if - nr®¡if tÊKiwfŸ öu Éâ 30 »nyh Û£lÇÈUªJ 60 »nyh Û£luhf
Ú£o¤J Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
33. (Per) BP(FB) No.36(SB) dt.21.5.2002(P12/5/02)
TNEB - Education -Part Time BE Degree Course- Extension of distance criteria from
30km to 60 km between education institute and work spot - orders issued.
34. Memo No.053718/296/G16/G161/2002-1(Adm.Br.) dt.1.6.2002(P10/6/02)
Estt- Boards employees forwarding of applications to study part time course - cancellation
of Rules - Irrespective of years of Service in the station - can be forwarded.
35. Memo No.95816/A18/A181/2003-1(SB) dt. 18.10.03(P5/10/03)
Public Service-Tamilnadu Public Service Commission - Competitive Examinations-
Forwarding Application of Govt. Servants to Commission- certain instruction issued by
Govt. - copy communicated.
Board Office Secretariat Branch
9th Floor, NPKRR Maalagai, Madras-2.
Lr. No. 34232/N2/90-1, dated 22nd October 1990
Tmy. S. Josephine, B.A., B.T.,
Deputy Secretary
The Chief Engineer / Distribution
Coimbatore Region, Coimbatore
Sub : Pay and allowance - Leave on Half pay allowance - admissible - intimated.
Ref : Your Lr.No.CED/CBE/ADM III/A7/90, dt.20.4.90
I am to invite attention to the letter cited and to say according to the Tamilnadu Electricity
Board Leave Regulation (Vide 30(b) the leave salary for the leave on Private affairs is equal to
half the pay. Hence the other Allowances including Dearness Allowance should be paid in full.
Yours Faithfully,
For Deputy Secretary
// True Copy //
1. Memo.No.28445/R.2/82-1 (SB) DT.02.08.82 (P.179/83I)
Allowances – Assessment Allowances Flat rate allowances to Assessor & I.A. – Admissibility
during leave period - instruction issued.
2. B.P.Ms.No.469 (SB) Dt.03.09.82 (P.186/1983 I)
Training – TNEB – Staff Training College – Guest Lectures increased rate of Honoraries
– orders issued.
3. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.32 (SB) Dt.03.02.83 (P.215/1983I)
Payment of HRA to the employees under suspension – when change of Head Quarters –
Requested - orders issued.
4. Lr.No.8309/01/83-1 (SB) DT.25.02.83 (P.219/1983I)
HRA – Payment of HRA to the employees who enter into leave after Vacation of rent free
Quarters - orders issued.
5. Memo.No.86256/1/82-1 (SB) Dt.11.02.83 (P.218/83I)
Allowance – Payment of Project Allowances residing in Boards Quarters with Allottee
Clarification on the date of effect - orders issued.
6. B.P.Ms.No.269 (SB) Dt.03.06.82 (P.174/83-1)
Payment of Special Pay along with other allowance for the Training period - orders issued.
7. Memo.No.29508/Adm.Br./IR 2(1)/82-1 (Adm.Br.) Dt.18.11.82 (P.19/83I)
Payment of Supervisory Special Pay to the Sub-Inspector of Cashier Attached to Revenue
Branches – orders issued.
8. B.P.Ms.(Ch)No.158 (SB) Dt.29.04.83 (P.237/83I)
Incentive Scheme - Payment – Thermal Incentive allowance and Thermal Incentive Bonus
to employees of TTPS – sanctioned.
9. Cir.Memo.No.82967-Q1/81-5 (SB) Dt.09.06.82 (P.27/83I)
Pay and Allowances to the Deputations TNEB – Certain Guidelines Issued.
10. Memo.No.78366-P1/82-1 (SB) Dt.24.12.82 (P.66/83I)
Estt. – Payment of Leave Salary for a month in which is leave is taken And not regularized
- orders issued – clarification issued.
11. B.P.Ms.(Ch)No.40 (SB) Dt.08.02.83 (P.216/83I)
Allowances – Payment of HRA, CCA, and Hill allowance with SLS Orders of Govt. –
Applicability - orders issued.
12. Memo.No.46944-C2/82-12 (SB) Dt.03.08.83 (P.205/83I)
Estt. – Additional charge arrangements - Drawl of compensatory Allowances attached to
the post, Held in additional charge not to be drawn - orders issued.
13. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.478 (SB) Dt.22.12.83 (P.490/83II)
Regulation - TNEB - Special Pay and allowances Regulations – Regulation (6) deleted.
14. Memo.No.36697-Q1/83-2 (SB) Dt.27.05.83 (P.490/83II)
Payment of Monthly Thermal allowances to the employees of BBPH – Target for purpose
of calculation of the allowance - orders issued.
15. Memo.No.53287-Q1/83-1 (SB) Dt.14.07.83 (P.153/83II)
Personnel – Govt. Servant under suspension - Grant of HBA – Govt. clarification
- communicated.
16. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.139 (SB) Dt.30.09.83 (P.301/83II)
Special Pay – Grant of Special Pay for Officers and Staff of M.D.C. - orders issued.
17. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.403 (SB) Dt.20.10.83 (P.375/83II)
TNEB – Revision of Pay Scales – Admissibility of HRA and CCA for the Pay drawing
beyond Rs.1199/- orders issued.
18. Lr.No.67440/R2/83-1 (SB) Dt.19.12.83 (P.487/83II)
Allowances – HRA – Regulation of HRA to Govt. servant occupying house allotted by the
accommodation controller on transfer to new station orders issued by Govt.
- communicated.
19. Memo.No.108469(508) S2/A.1/83-1 (Adm.Br.) dt.02.12.83 (P.489/83II)
Estt. – Claiming of Pay and Allowances of Investigation Circle by Nearest of System/
Circle - orders issued.
20 B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.123 (SB) Dt.03.04.84 (P.261/84)
Allowances – Dust allowance to the employees in Class III and IV working under SE/P&A
ETPS - orders issued.
21. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.151 (SB) D.24.04.84 (P.271/84)
Regulations – TNEB Special Pay and Allowances Regulations – Amendment to Regulation
2 issued (HRA –CCA)
22. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.225 (SB) Dt.12.06.84 (P.429/84)
Regulations – TNEB – Special Pay and Allowances Regulation – Amendment to Regulation
7 – HRA Cum Rural allowances and CCA - orders issued.
23. Memo.No.94576-SSII/83-5 (SB) Dt.20.11.84 (P.861/84)(P.28 also)
Regulations – TNEB – Special Pay and Allowances – Amendment to Regulation 7 – HRA
eligibility of places under Grade II - Erratum issued.
24. Memo.No.90305/P1/83-2 (SB) Dt.13.07.84 (P.511/84)
Deputation – Deputation of Board Employees – Standardized Terms And Conditions –
Rates of HRA & CCA – orders of Govt. Adapted - orders.
25. Memo.No.94576-SS2/83-4 (SB) Dt.20.08.84 (P.610/84)
Regulations – TNEB – Special Pay and Allowances – Regulations 7 HRA - Erratum issued.
26. Memo.No.108808-N2/83-9(SB) Dt.22.08.84 (P.611/84)
Estt. – RWE – Special Pay and Allowances –Payment of Welding Special Pay – Instruction
27. Lr.No.55399-N2/83-28(SB) Dt.19.10.84 (P.811/84)
Allowances – Sanction of Isolated Locality allowance and Hill allowances To Medical and
Public Health staff on Deputation in TNEB – orders issued.
28. B.P.Ms.(Ch)No.131 (SB) Dt.07.04.84 (P.264/84)
Regulations – TNEB – Special Pay and allowances – Regulations 24 Miscellaneous
compensatory allowance – Amendment issued.
29. B.P.Ms.(FB)No.6(SB)DT.21.01.84(P.32/84)
Allowances – Shift Operation Special Pay to Engineering Personnel and Junior Chemist
on Shift duty and Night shift allowances to RWE Employees on night shift in TTPS
– orders issued.
30. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.329 (SB) Dt.31.08.84 (P.613/84)
Allowances – Project Special pay or Project allowance to employees in Project Circle –
Grant of - instruction issued.
31. B.P.Ms.(Ch)No.339 (SB) Dt.10.09.84 (P.667/84)
Allowances AE’s and JE I Gr., attached to CBD Section of MES/North and South who are
on shift duty Shift Operation Special Pay - sanctioned.
32. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.67 (SB) Dt.24.02.84 (P.99/84)
Allowances – Shift Operation Special Pay to Supervisor (Thermal) Gr.I Rate - orders
33. Memo.No.8383/N2/84-1 (SB) Dt.06.04.84 (P.263/84)
Incentive Scheme – Payment of Thermal Incentive Allowance and Thermal Incentive
Bonus to employees in TNEB in TTPS orders – Amendment issued.
34. Regulations – TNEB Special Pay and Allowances Regulations –
Amendment to Regulations 4 issued. (Typewriting Special Pay & Duffedar Special Pay)
- orders issued.
35. Memo (P)No.80504-N2/84-1(SB)dt.23.1.85(P43/85)
Allowances-Special allowances to the staff working in Administration / entitlement - section
for preparation of Pay bill - payment of Special Allowances dispensed.
36. Memo No.005575/C13/Adm Br/85-1(Adm.Br. dt.31.1.85(P58/85)
Modified system of card billing of Energy charges and collection - prorata wages (Pay +
DA) for excess over norms - instruction issued.
37. Memo No.005575/C13 cell/Adm.Br./85-2(Adm.Br.) dt.31.1.85(P61/85)
Modified systems of card billing of Energy charges and collection - Drawal of pay and
allowances for the staff born on new cadre “Assessment Cum Collection cadre - instruction
38. Memo No. : 052387/IR 1(4) / Adm.Br.335/84-4-dt.7.3.85(P295/85)
Estt. Field workmen in O&M Distn. System-Work Allocation and Staff pattern - Recovery
of Shift operational special pay-stay order - Further instruction issued.
39. BPMS(Ch)No.72(SB)dt.11.3.85(P296/85)
TNEB - Station fire Officer Serving in TNEB - ETPS on deputation Kit Maintenance allowance
- sanctioned.
40. Memo (P)No.45662-N2/82-25(SB)Dt.2.4.85(P400/85)
Special Pay- payment of supervisory special pay to the Assistant in Central office of System
/ Circles/Projects Modified - instruction issued.
41. BPMS(Ch)No.140(SB)dt.30.4.85(P418/85)
Allowances - Deputation Allowance-Payment of Deputation allowance to the employees
of the Board deputed to the universities - Govt. Orders - applicability to Board - orders
42. Memo No.017789/CB Cell / Adm. Br./85-1 dt.14.5.85(486/85)
Payment of Assessment Allowance to card billing Staff - clarification issued.
43. BPMS (Ch)No.154(SB)dt. 8.5.85(P542/85)
Incentives Scheme - Payment of Thermal Incentive Allowance to ETPS and BBPH-for the
year 84-85 - orders issued.
44. Memo No.31874-N2/85-1(SB)dt.11.6.85(P690/85)
Incentive Allowance-Payment of Monthly Incentive Allowance to the employees of ETPS
for the month of Jan 85 to March.85 - amendment issued.
45. Memo No.19599/N2/84-2(SB) dt.18.7.85(P780/85)
Special Pay-Payment of Supervisory Special pay to the Assts.. in central office of / Systems
/ Circle / Project - Clarification on the modification - instruction.
46. Memo No.43822-SPS/85-1(SB) dt.28.8.85(P898/85)
Sports - Meeting of TNEB Sports, and Games committee - Enhancement of Food Allowance
- orders issued.
47. BPMS(Ch)No.281(SB)dt.23.8.95(P897/85)
Incentive Scheme - Payment of Thermal Incentive Allowance to the employees of TNEB in
ETPS and BBPH - extension of benefits for the year 1985-86 - orders issued.
48. Memo No.11738/SS2/83-23(SB)VC dt.11.10.85(P1125/85)
TNEB - Thermal Incentive Allowance to the Security Co-ordinator on deputation basis in
TTPS attended Security work - orders issued.
49. Memo No.052387/IR1(4) / Adm. Br./1335/84-6 dt.12.3.86(P216/86)
Estt. RWE in O&M distribution systems - Revision of Work Allocation - Recovery of Shift
operation special pay - stay order dt.18.10.84 Vacated - instruction for recovery issued.
50. BPMS(ch)No.77(SB) dt.1.3.86(P262/86)
Allowances - TTPS - payment of annual Thermal Incentive bonus to officers - Revision of
rate - orders issued.
51. BPMS(Ch)No.100(SB)dt.19.3.86(P262/86)
Allowance-special pay to the eligible employees in vigilance cell, APTS, SIS Revision
consequent in revision of scale of pay from 1.12.84 - orders issued.
52. BPMS(Ch)No.13(Accts.Br)dt.15.3.86(P211/86)
Drawal of pay and wages consequent on Transfer of Staff from one Accounting system to
another accounting systems arrear may be drawn with reference to service Book.
53. BPMS(FB)No.33(SB)dt.28.4.86(P351/86)
Incentive Scheme -Payment of Thermal Incentive Allowance and Thermal Incentive Bonus
extension of all employees borne on the strength of TTPS - orders issued.
54. BPMS(FB)No.34 (SB) dt.28.4.86(P352/86)
Incentive Scheme - Payment of Thermal Incentive allowance and Thermal Incentive Bonus
to the Employees of ETPS - Scheme made permanant - orders issued.
55. BPMS(Ch)No.270(Adm.Br.)Dt.19.5.86(P454/86)
Workers Education -Training of Worker Teacher-Enhancement of Adhoc Allowance from
Rs.75 to 300/- Orders of Govt. Applicability to Board - orders issued.
56. Allowances - Investigation allowance to officers and workmen of the Investigation circle -
Grant of - Revised - orders issued.
57. BPMS(Ch)No.223(SB) dt.26.5.86(P461/86)
Allowances - Isolated localities Allowance - Distn. Staff working in Power House areas
payment of I Solated Localities - Allowances - orders issued.
58. Memo (P)NO.77600/N2/84-11(SB) dt.8.7.86(P622/86)
Special Pay and Allowances -payment of project Special pay and project Allowance to
the staff of upper Amaravathy and Shanmuganathi project of Udumalpet and Palani
- recovery ordered.
59. Memo No.047514/Adm.Br./IR2(1)/86-2 dt. 3.9.86(P789/86)
Modified system of Card billing of Energy charges and collection - Prorata wages to
Assessors - reg.
60. BPMS(ch)No.601(SB)dt.17.12.86(P1122/86)
Allowance-Sanction of CCA to the employees working in V. Kottarapati and Chettiar Patti
Hamlets of Pattalapatti village which lie with in a radious of 16km from Trichy municipal
limit - Govt. orders adopted to Board.
61. Memo No.082357-Admn. Br./IR2(1)/dt.3.1.87(P1/87)
Estt-Supervisory Special pay to the Assistant in Revenue Branches to be continued after
21.10.85 - orders issued.
62. BPMS(Ch)No.118(SB) 24.3.87(P217/87)
Allowances - payment of Thermal Incentive Allowance and Dust Allowance - Extension of
the benefit to the staff of Thermal Training Institute and deputation of ETPS - orders.
63. BPMS(Ch)No.139(SB) dt.7.4.87(P305/87)
Allowances Revision of rate of equipment allowance to the Board employees deputed to
abroad - orders issued.
64. BPMS(FB) No.61(SB) dt.23.7.87(P580/87)
Allowances - Sanction of Special Compensatory allowance for transferrable Board
employees posted in Tribal Sub-planares - orders issued.
65. Memo (P)No.76590/N2/87-1(SB)dt.2.6.88(P346/88)
Allowances - Quantum of Project Allowance to Board employees who are given HBA for
construction purchase of House in Project area - Lower rate of Project Allowance be
allowed - clarification.
66. Memo (P)No.815/N2/88-1(SB) dt.6.6.88(346/88)
Special Pay and Allowances - Admissibility of Project Special pay and Allowance to the
Board’s employees residing outside the Project area may also be allowed - clarification
67. Lr.No.CFC/Rev / CB) F41/4489(Accts. Br.)dt. 9.5.89 (P382/89)
Payment of Supervisory special pay to Assistants working in Rev. Branch - clarification
68. Memo (P)No.57587/N2/83-9(SB)dt.29.4.89(P389/89)
Special Pay and Allowances - Admissibility of certain special pay and Allowances during
leave period and payment along with SLS-clarificatory - instruction issued.
69. Memo No.59958-C1/89-3(SB) dt.22.8.89(P709/89)
Estt. Revision of Scale of pay and allowances to employees of Board from 1.12.88
- certain clarification issued.
70. Memo No.43363/N2/89-1(SB) dt.11.9.89(P796/89)
Allowances - equipment Allowances officers deputed to abroad - List of Foreign Countries
- Inclusion of Denmark - orders issued.
71. Memo No.65035/C1/87-35(SB)dt.2.11.89(P926/89)
Labour - TNEB-Revision of Scales of Pay, DA, HRA, CCA, etc. from 1.12.88-Payment of
Special Pay to Vigilance cell and APTS - rate prescribed.
72. Memo No.65035-C1/87-36(SB)dt.2.11.89(P927/89)
Estt. TNEB officers - Revision of Scale of Pay and allowances with effect from 1.12.88-
Thermal Incentive Bonus and Special Pay to officers in vigilance cell and APTS - orders
73. Memo No.63035-C1/87-33 (SB) dt.16.12.89(P596/89)
Estt-TNEB - Officers Revision of Scales of pay and Allowances from 1.12.88 - Revised
rate of Annual Thermal Incentive Bonus - orders issued.
74. (Per)BP(FB)No.9(SB) dt.9.2.90(P108/90)
Allowances - Grant of Project Special pay and Project -Allowance to the O&M staff of
MTPS - orders issued.
75. (Per) BP(Ch)No.:200(SB)dt.13.9.90(P575/90)
Allowances - Employees of North Madras Thermal Power Project at Project site - payment
of Allowances - orders issued.
76. Memo No. 79205-N2/89-2(SB) dt.19.9.90(P580/90)
Allowances -Hill Allowances and Winter Allowance to Staff of Pykara Micro Hydel Project -
Date of effect - Amendment issued.
77. (Per) BP(FB) No.40(SB) dt.6.10.90(P614/90)
Allowances - Hill Allowances and Winter Allowance to Hosur and Den Kanikottai Taluk in
Darmapuri Dt. Sanction - orders issued.
78. UONo.:4441/N2/90-2(SB)dt.24.10.90(P623/90)
Estt. Payment of Night Shift Allowance to SBO who attend night shift duty in sub-station
- clarified.
79. Per BP(Ch)No.175(Adm.Br.)Dt.2.7.91(P354/91)
Estta Payment of Supervisory Speical Pay to the Assistant in Central Office and Revenue
Branch with drawn - orders issued.
80. Memo No.094689/S2/A2/91-1(Adm.Br.)dt.20.7.91(P362)
Estt. Payment of Supervisory Special pay to the Asst. in central office and Rev.Br.with
drawn - orders kept in obeyance - orders issued.
81. Memo (P)No.:3207/N2/91-1(Sect.Br.) Dt.21.8.91 (P419/91)
Estt-NMTPP-Allowance - Project Special Pay and Project Allowance - Audit objection
clarification staff and officers on Roll working in Kathivakkam and working in Korattur
Central Stores also be treated as Project Staff for the purpose of Project Allowance.
82. (Per) BP(Ch)No.174(TB) dt.4.9.92(P482/92)
Training -Special Pay to Asst. Engineers Chief Instructor / AE/JE I Gr in Cable Jointing
Training Centre - Approval Accorded.
83. (Per) BP(Ch)No.158(SB) dt.28.9.92(P494/92)
Estt-Duffadors - Enhancement of Special Pay - orders issued.
84. (Per) BP(Ch)No.159(SB) dt.28.9.92(P494/92)
Estt-Certain Officer Helpers of Board - Grant of Sepcial Pay - orders issued.
85. Memo No.6323-N2/92-1(SB) dt.27.10.92(P663/9/2)
Allowances - Project Allowance to employees of Project who have constructed their house
with in 8km radius by Availing HBA - clarification modified.
86. (Per) BP(FB) No.78(SB) dt.30.10.92(P663/92)
Allowances - Joint Sampling done by Junior Chemist of TNEB at Haldia Paradip and vizag
ports Special Allowance Sanctioned - orders issued.
87. (Per)BP(FB) No.49(SB) dt.1.4.93(P133/93)
Special Pay-Grant of Special pay to staff of office of Resident Manager TNEB, New Delhi
- orders issued.
88. (Per) BP(FB) No.65(SB) dt.15.5.93(P192/93)
Spl. Pay - Grant of Special Pay to Resident Manager TNEB-New Delhi - orders issued.
89. (Per) BP(FB) No.68(Adm.Br.) dt.20.12.93(P667/93)
Recruitment - Class II Service - Fixing of Rs.2500/- as consolidated wages for the newly
recruited AE’s Proposal Approved - orders issued.
90. (Per)BP(Ch)No.178(SB) dt.4.7.94(P357/94)
Labour TNEB - Revision of Scales of Pay and other special pays - Grant of Madras
Development circle Special day - orders issued.
91. (Per) BP(Ch)No.220(SB) dt.3.8.94(P397/94)
Special Pay - Basin Bridge Gas Turbine Project Special Pay - orders issued.
92. Cir Memo No. : X/Rev/CB/F6/95-1(Accts. Br.)Dt.24.1.95(12/95)
Electricity Payment of Prorata Wages to Assessors and honorarium to the Billing Assistant
for Excess over norms work - clarification - reg.
93. (Per) BP(Ch)No.50(SB) dt.8.3.95(P90/95)
Allowances - Revival of Concurrent audit in the Projects - Grant of Special Pay to the Audit
Staff - orders issued.
94. (Per) BP(Ch)No.71(SB) dt.30.3.95(P105/95)
Special Pay - Shift operation special pay to the AEE’s Attending Shift duty in H.T.Control
Room - orders issued.
95. Memo(P) 12695/N2/94-4(SB) dt.5.5.95(P192/95)
Allowances -Projects Allowance and or House Rent Allowance in Project - clarification
96. (Per) BP(Ch)No.221(SB) dt.8.9.95(P442/95)
Regualtions - TNEB Service Regulations -Regulation 56 -Regularisation of Suspension
Period - Payment of Cash Allowance not eligible for the suspension period - Amendment
97. (Per) BP(FB) No.83(SB) dt.23.11.95(P556/95)
Allowances - Hydro Allowance - Extension to the Provincial and stores staff - sanctioned.
98. Memo (P)No.85203/N2/94-1(SB) dt.24.11.05(P559/95)
Allowances - Claiming of Shift operation special pay and Night Shift Allowance to the Shift
staff of MTPS - Clarification with effect from 1.4.92 - clarification issued.
99. Loans and Advances - Sanction of Ensuring
carry Home Salary - modified instruction issued.
100. Memo (P)No.37767/N3/95-3(SB) dt.8.3.96(P36/3/96)
Special Pay - Basin Bridge Power House and Gas Turbine - Sanction of Special Pay to
Executive Engineers - orders issued.
101. (Per)BP(Ch)No.323(SB) dt.28.12.96(P39-12/96)
NMTPP and Basin Bridge Gas Turbine Project withdrawal of CCA - orders issued.
102. (Per) BP(Ch)No.331(SB) dt.30.12.96(P41-12/96)
Allowance - Payment of Special Pay to SE/GCC withdrawal - orders issued.
103. (Per) BP(Ch)No.9(SB) dt.7.1.97(P8/1/97)
Special Pay and Allowances - Narimanam Gas Turbine Power Project -Declared as
Narimanam Gas Turbine Power Station with effect from 1.1.97 Stoppage of Project
Special Pay and Project Allowance - orders issued.
104. (Per)BP(Ch)No.14(SB) dt.10.1.97(P19/1/97)
Special Pay - Project Special Pay and Project Allowances - drawn by Certain Chief
Engineers withdrawal - orders issued.
105. (Per) BP(Ch)No.15(SB) dt.10.1.97(P20/1/97)
Speical Pay - Power Line Carrier Communication Special Pay drawn by Some SE’s -
withdrawal - orders issued.
106. (Per)BP(Ch)No.33(SB) dt.5.2.97(P33/2/97)
Speical Pay and Allowance - Payment of Project Special Pay and Project -Allowance to
the Staff working in Korattur and Kathivakkam NMTPP - withdrawal - orders issued.
107. (Per) BP(Ch)No.40(SB) dt.18.2.97(P34/2/97)
Special Pay - Shift Operation special Pay to AEEs and AE’s attending Shift duty at Sub-
Load Despatch Centre Chennai - orders issued.
108. Memo (P)No.77956/N2/96-1(SB) dt.3.3.97(19/3/97)
Special Pay and Allowances Conveyance Allowance (Cycle Allowance) to RWE Staff -
Payment during Training Period - orders issued.
109. (Per)BP(FB) No.69(SB) dt.27.8.97(P115/8/97)
Allowances - Withdrawal of CCA, Project Special Pay and Allowances to Certain Chief
Engineers - Cancelled based on the direction of High Court and Fresh orders withdrawal
of CCA, Project Special Pay and Project allowance - orders issued.
110. (Per) BP(FB) no.70(SB) dt.27.8.97(P117/8/97)
NCTTPS-Withdrawal of Project Special Pay and Project Allowance - Extension of CCA
- orders issued.
111. (Per) BP(FB) No.73(SB) dt.4.9.97(P11/9/97)
Regulations - TNEB Special Pay and Allowances Regulations - Regulations-Regulation
24 - amendment issued.
112. (Per) BP(Ch)No.217(SB) dt.27.8.98(P14/8/98)
Estt-Board Office Secretariat Branch - Revision of Special Pay to Assistant Executive
Engineer Posted as Public Relation officer in CPRO Officer (Including Driver attached VIP
Vehicles working under the control of (Pro office) and to Spl. Gr duffedor in Sectt. Br.
- orders issued.
113. Memo (P)No. 63940/C1/98-3(SB) dt.25.1.99(P12/1/99)
TNEB - Special Pay-Enhancement of rates of Special Pay to Resident Manager and Staff
at New Delhi - orders issued.
114. (Per) BP(FB) No.19(SB) dt.12.5.99(P21/5/99)
Estt-TNEB - Enhancement of Special Pay to Member of the Board from Rs.250/- to 1000/-
- orders issued.
115. (Per) BP(FB) No.24(SB) dt.14.6.99(P16/6/99)
Allowances - Hill Allowance and winter Allowance to employees working in Hill Stations -
Enhancement of rates with effect from 1.9.98 - orders issued.
116. (Per) BP(Ch)No.14(SB) dt.29.1.2000(P22/1/2000)
Allowances Joint Sampling done by Junior Chemist of TNEB at Haldia Pradip and Vizag
parts - Sanction of Special Allowances Sanction - orders issued.
117. Memo No.15842/A3/A32/99-7(SB) dt.7.8.2000(P20/8/2000)
TNEB - Officers - Revision of Scale of pay Rate of Dearness Allowance, HRA, CCA and
Special Pay-Amendment issued. Thermal Incentive Bonus for official in TTPS.
118. Memo No.62268/A3/A32/98-21(SB) dt.3.4.2001(P28/4/01)
Allowances - Civil Maintenance circle Staff working in Papanasam Lower Camp - Isolated
locality Compensatory Allowance - sanctioned - orders issued.
119. (Per)BP(FB) No.30(SB) dt.22.5.2001(P30/5/2001)
Allowances - Payment of Hydro Incentive Allowance to the Staff of Gen Kadaparai in addition
to Project allowance and Spl. Pay - Revised orders 1) upto 31.1.97 project allowance and
Spl. Pay from 1.2.97 Hydro Incentive Allowance.
120. Memo (P)No.45685/A3/A32/2001-1(SB) dt.14.6.2001(P13/06/01)
Allowance - Payment of Night Shift Allowance to Helper or other Staff Utilised in Night Shift
as watchman -Revised Instruction issued (Payment of Night Shift Allowance to the Staff
engaged as watchmen)
121. (Per) BP(Ch)No.19(SB) dt.29.1.02(P15/1/02)
Special Pay to the Officers and Staff of Koilkalappal Gas Turbine Power Project
- orders issued.
122. (Per) BP(Ch) No.20(SB) dt.29.1.02(P15/1/02)
Speical Pay - Project Special Pay to the Officers and Staff of Valuthur Gas Turbine - orders
123. Memo No.10297/A3/A31/2002-1(SB) dt.22.02.02(P12/2/02)
TNEB -Special Pay - Enhancement of rate of Special Pay to Resident Manager and Staff
at New Delhi - orders issued.
124. (Per)BP(FB) No.23(SB) dt.20.3.2002(P32/3/02)
Allowances & Incentive - Payment of Remote Hydro/Cavern Allowances - Cum-
Performance Incentive for employees working in Remote Hydel Station / Kadamparai power
House - orders issued.
125. Memo No.97676/A3/A32/2002-4(SB) dt.8.4.03(P43/4/03)
Estt- Class II Service - Payment of Night Shift Allowance in addition to Shift operation
special Pay JE II Gr-Not Admissible - clarification issued..
126. (Per) BP(Ch)No.88(SB) dt.16.5.2003 (P11/5/03)
Special Pay and Allowances - Payment of Project Special Pay/Project Allowance to the
officers and Staff at Thirumalkottai (Kovilkalappal) Gas Turbine Power Project - orders
127. (Per) BP(Ch)No.89(SB) dt.16.5.03(P11/5/03)
Special Pay and Allowances- Project Pay / Project Allowance to the officers and Staff of
Valuthur (Perungunam) Gas Turbine Power Project Ramnad - sanction orders.
128. (Per) BP(Ch)No.149(SB) dt.7.7.03(P33/7/03)
Special Pay - Grant of Special Pay for Executive field officers and RWE Staff of P&C
Circle Chennai Coimbatore and Madurai - orders issued.
129. (Per) BP(Ch)No.204(SB) dt. 10.09.03(P7/9/03)
Special Pay and Allowances - Payment of Project Spl. Pay / Project Allowance to the
officers / Staff of Kuttalam Gas Turbine Project Maruthur Village Sanctioned - orders issued.
130. (Per)BP(Ch)No.9(SB) dt.13.1.2005(P75/1/05)
Allowances - Board Office Audit Branch - Audit Allowance for persons working in Audit
Parties having Tour Duties - orders issued.
131. (Per) BP(Ch)No.188(SB) dt.31.8.05(P20/8/05)
Allowance-Hill Allowance and Winter Allowance Allotted to the Board Employees of the
Board Working in Hill Stations - Extension of the Benefits to the employees posted in
Chitteri Hills in Dharmapuri EDC - orders issued.
132. Memo No.36319/A3/A32/2005-3(SB) dt.10.2.06(P63/2/06)
Allowances - House Rent allowance and project Allowance to Concurrent Audit Party -on
going Hydro Project Uratchikottai - orders issued.
133. (Per) BP(Ch)No.93(SB) dt.16.4.07(P1/5/07)
Allowances -project allowance to the officers and staff of Valuthur Gas Turbine power
project Phase II 92MW at Valuthur in Ramnad - sanctioned.
134. (Per) BP(Ch)No.112(SB) dt.10.5.07(P5/5/07)
Allowance -Gas Turbine Scheme - Special Allowance payment of Special Allowance (Gas
Turbine Scheme) to the employees officers of Thirumakkottai (K) Gas Turbine power
Station - orders issued.
135. Memo No.54191/A3/A32/2007-1 (SB) dt.16.10.07(P15/10/07)
TNEB - Audit Allowance - Extending the benefits to the officers Staff Working in Audit Party
of Chennai Region - orders issued.
136. (Per) BP(CH)No.68(SB) dt.22.4.08(P24/4/08)
TNEB - Special Pay - Project Special Pay to Officers and Staff of Valuthur Gas Turbine
power Project Phase II 92MW at Valuthur in Ramnad Sanctioned.
137. (Per)BP(Ch)No.108(SB) dt.20.6.08(P20/6/08)
Allowance - Gas Turbine Scheme -Payment of Special allowance for the emplyees / Officers
of Valuthur Gas Turbine Power Station and Kuttalam Gas Turbine Power Station - orders
138. Memo No.010941/163/G44/G442/2008-1(Adm.Br.) dt.19.9.08(P24/9/08)
Contract Labourers absorbed as Assessor Grade II and Helper Cum Motor reader - Claiming
of Pro-rata wages and Assessment allowance - orders issued - reg.
139. Memo (P) No.51549/A3/A32/2010-1(SB) dt.13.8.10(P13/8/10)
TNEB - Allowances -Board office Audit Branch - Audit Allowance for Persons working in
Audit Parties Having Tour Duties - Enhancement of Audit Allowance - orders issued.
140. Memo(P)No.55264/A3/A32/10-1(SB) dt.26.8.10(P25/8/10)
Special Pay and Allowances - payment of 20% Special Pay to the Officers and Staff in the
office of Resident - Manager/TNEB/New Delhi - orders issued.
141. Memo No.70195/A3/A32/2010-1(SB) dt.1.10.10(P12/10/10)
Special Pay and Allowances - Payment of 20% Special pay to the Resident Manager / New
Delhi - Pay + Grade Pay Modification - orders issued.
142. Lr.No.66717/A19/A192/2010-1(SB) dt.18.10.10(P35/10/10)
Recovery of Excess amount disbursed on account of Audit objection - Instruction to
follow the Principles of Natural Justice - Clarification issued by Govt.- Copy Communicated.
143. Memo (P) No.88344/A3/A32/2010-1 dt.28.1.11(P38/ 1/11)
Special Pay and Allowances - Payment of 20% Basic Pay as Special Pay to Resident
Manager New Delhi with effect from 1.1.06 notionally and monitory Benefits with effect
from 1.1.07 - orders issued.
1. Memo.(P) No.55536-R1/82-2 (SB) Dt.12.01.83 (P.68/83I)
Estt. – TNEB – Sanction of Two Increments for completion of 10 Years Service – Fixation
Pay on regular Promotion further - orders issued.
2. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.16 (SB) Dt.14.02.83 (P.103/83I)
Estt. – Promotion or appointment to post carrying Higher duties and responsibilities when
an employee draws Pay at the maximum of his Scale of Pay or when he draws stagnation
Increment (s) beyond the maximum of his Scale fixation of Pay under Regulation 33( b) of
SR - orders issued.
3. Memo.No.35220-R1/82-4, (SB) dt.16.08.83 (P.225/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Sanction of Stagnation increment after reaching the maximum of the
scale of pay – fixation of pay on movement to Selection grade – clarification issued.
4. B.P.Ms.No.(FB) 8 (SB) Dt.27.01.84 (P.22/84)
Reemployment – fixation of pay of reemployed Military Pensioner Orders issued by the
Govt. – Applicability to Board - orders issued.
5. Memo.No.1211/041689/E1/2/84-1(Adm.Br.) Dt.03.08.84 (P.572/84)
Estt. – Class II Service – AE’s selected by Internal Selection – Temporary appointment
and posting orders issued – Fixation of Pay – clarification issued.
6. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.431 (SB) Dt.15.11.84 (P.859/84)
TNEB – Employees overlooked Promotions and who is subsequently Promoted on appeal
etc., by restoring the original seniority fixation of Pay - orders issued.
7. Memo.No.27858-R1/83-3(SB) dt.19.03.84 (P.144/84)
Estt.- Regular Promotion of an employee when he is selection grade of Lower post drawing
scale applicable to higher post in line – Option for fixation of pay on promotion – revision
orders issued.
8. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.18 (Sectt) Dt.19.01.84 (P.17/84)
TNEB Service Regulation – Regulation 33(e) benefit of fixation on Promotion during training
– Eligibility - orders issued.
9. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.319 (SB) Dt.23.08.84 (P.591/84)
Fixation of Pay on Promotion – TNEB Service Regulation 33(b) - Amendment issued.
10. Memo No.:63747/P1/84-1(SB) dt.7.1.85(p8/85)
Re-employment -fixation of pay of re-employed military pensioner - orders of Govt. Adopted
Amendment - reg.
11. BPMS(Ch)No.7(SB) dt.5.1.85(P6/85)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Amendment to Regulation 33(b) - issued.
12. Lr.No.11355/P1/85(SB) dt.16.4.85(P366/85)
Fixation under Regulation 33(b) is not eligible for internal selection.
13. Memo No.6135/N2/86-2(SB) dt.20.6.86(P513/86)
Estt. Class III Service-Appointment of RWE employees as JE II Gr. against reserved
vacancies - Fixation of pay under Regulation 33(b) of Service Regulation - clarification
14. Memo No.48844/C1/86-1(SB) dt.26.7.86(P646/86)
Estt-Class I and II Service - Fixation of Pay on Promotion - Clarification issued.
15. Memo No.118603/886/S6(3)/86-3(Adm.Br.) dt.19.2.87(P127/87)
Estt - RWE - Cleaners - appointed as Drivers - Fixation of pay - clarification issued - reg.
16. BPMS(FB) No.9(SB)dt.2.2.87(P100/87)
Regulations - TNEB - Service Regulations Promotion to higher post - Minimum increase
of 5% in Pay - orders issued.
17. BPMS(FB)No.11(SB) dt.2.2.87(P101/87)
Regulations - TNEB - Service Regulations - Pay fixation on Promotion / Appointment from
selection grade of lower option provision - orders issued.
18. BPMS(FB)No.33(SB) dt.13.4.87(P278/87)
Estt. Fixation of Pay under Regulation 33(b) of TNEB service Regulations on promotion /
Appointment to higher post - option fixation of pay after accrual of next Increment in lower
Post - orders issued.
19. Memo No.6776-P1/84-8(SB) dt.13.4.87(P279/87)
-Do- Further - orders issued.
20. Memo No.14179/C2/87-1(SB) dt.5.5.87(P353/87)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Pay Fixation on promotion / Appointment from
selection grade of lower post to higher post identical scale of pay-orders - clarification
21. Memo No.26768-P1/87-2(SB)dt.7.5.87(P359/87)
Estt. TNEB - Fixation of Pay on Promotion and grant of Increment to employees - keeping
a watch report .
22. BPMS(FB) 52(SB) dt.24.6.87(P484/87)
Estt-Typist/ Steno Typist appointed as Asst- option for fixation of pay under Regulation
33(b) of TNEB Service Regulations - orders issued.
23. Memo No.35486/C2/87-1(SB) dt.17.6.87(P481/87)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Promotion to higher post-minimum Increase of
5% of Pay orders - Amendment issued.
24. Memo (P) No. 28025/C2/87-1(SB) dt.6.7.87 (P550/87)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations -Pay fixation on promotion / Appointment from
selection grade of lower post to higher post on identical scale of Pay the personal pay
drawn in the selection grade of lower Post may be allowed to continue so opted.
25. BPMS(Ch)No.355(SB)dt.11.9.87(P703/87)
Pension fixation of pay of re employed Military pensioners-orders of Govt. Applicability to
Board - orders issued.
26. Memo No. 62921/C1/87-1(SB) dt.10.3.88(P175/88)
Estt. Fixation of pay in the revised Scale of pay - Revising the option ones exercised
Consequent on change of pay on the date of wage revision or change in the date of next
increment by virtue of Subsequent orders - fixing a Time limit - orders issued.
27. Memo No.7759-P1/88-1 (SB) dt.19.3.88(P180/88)
Estt. Fixation of pay under Regulation 33(b) of TNEB Service Regulations in Higher post-
option for refixation on revision of pay in the lower post - orders issued.
28. Memo No.57389/C1/87-1(SB) dt.22.3.88(P181/88)
Estt. TNEB-Appointment by Internal selection - Counting of Personal pay allowed as
protection shall be taken pay for calculation of 5% Increase at the time of promotion -
clarification issued.
29. BPMS(Ch)No.134(SB) dt.13.5.88(P298/88)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations-Assessor, appointed as Typist / Steno Typist -
Fixation of pay - Regulation 41(2)(ii) - Amendment issued.
30. Memo No.34821/D1/88-1(SB) dt.10.6.88(P352/88)
Estt-Fixation of Pay under Regulation 33(b) of TNEB Service Regulations on Promotion /
Appointment to higher post. Option for fixation of pay after accrued of next Increment in
Lower Post - orders issued.
31. BPMS(Ch)No.163(SB) dt.13.6.88(P354/88)
Estt.- Fixation of pay on promotion / Appointment from selection grade posts to post carrying
identical time scale of pay - option for fixation of pay - orders issued.
32. Memo (P)No.48849-N2/86-8(SB) dt.12.5.89(P377/89)
Pay fixation of pay to the RWE employees appointed as Junior Engineer II Gr. against the
reserved vacancies - under Regulation 33(b) of TNEB Service Regulations - clarification
33. Memo No.42215-C2/88-8(SB) dt.7.6.89(P474/89)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Pay fixation on Promotion / Appointment from
Selection grade of Lower post to higher post on identical pay - orders.
34. Memo No.42215-C2/88-9(SB) dt.7.6.89(P474/89)
Estt. Fixation of pay on promotion / appointment from Selection grade to higher post carrying
identical Scale of pay - option for fixation of pay orders - issued in BPMS No.163(SB)
dt.13.6.88 Clarification issued.
35. (Per) BP(Ch)No.314(SB) dt.21.11.89 (P910/89)
Regulation - TNEB Service Regulations-Regulation 33(b) Amendment issued.
36. (Per) BP (Ch) No.334(SB) dt.14.12.89(P 990/89)
Estt. -TNEB - Fixation of pay on promotion to higher Post-Revision of option already
exercised - orders issued.
37. Memo No.65035-C1/87-37(SB) dt.15.12.89(P994/89)
Estt. - TNEB - Revision of Scale of Pay and Allowances - Stepping up of pay on par with
Junior and rectification of pay anomaly - Authorities prescribed - orders issued.
38. (Per) BP(Ch)No.55(SB) dt.31.3.90(P157/90)
Estt-Fixation of pay on promotion / Appointment from Selection grade of lower post carrying
identical scales option for Fixation of pay - further orders.
39. Per BP (Ch)No.58(SB) dt.5.4.90(P213/90)
Labour - Revision of Scales of Pay - Fixation of Pay in Higher post on re-promotion after
fixation in the lower posts - in the revised scale of pay 1989-while under reversion -
Exemption from Note 2 under service Regulation 33(b) - ordered.
40. Memo No.: 75406-P1/90-1(SB) dt.19.3.91(P92/91)
Estt. Employees promoted or appointed to a higher posts - option for fixation of pay -
option format prescribed.
41. Memo No.81812/P1/91-1(SB) dt.22.6.92(P347/92)
Estt-Employees Promoted or appointed to a higher post - exercising of option for fixation
of pay - Revision of option - permitted.
42. Memo No.6839-C1/93-1(SB) dt.20.8.93(P441/93)
Estt-TNEB - Promotion of an employee Covered by wage revision settlement to an officer
category between 24.10.85 to 30.11.88Permitting option to come over to revised scale of
pay on the date of promotion - orders issued.
43. (Per) BP(Ch)No.135(SB) dt.26.5.94(P243/94)
Estt-TNEB - Fixation of pay on promotion to higher post - between 1.12.92 to 24.1.94
revised option permitted - orders issued.
44. Lr.No.99307/E8-2/91-30(Adm.Br.) 23.7.94(P352/94)
Estt-Class II Service JE II Gr. Promoted as JE I Gr. against the work load post w.e.f.
1.4.80by relaxing the qualification -Allowing Benefit of Workload Benefit from 1.4.80 or if
any one claim the incentive Increment for having passed Test be deemed to be promoted
as JE I Gr. on the day following day of examination and fixation given from 1.4.80 may be
45. Memo No.25253/C1/92-147(SB) dt.2.8.94(P380/94)
Estt-TNEB - Fixation of Pay on Promotion to Higher post - Revision of option already
exercised - orders coverage inrespect of officers - further orders issued.
46. (Per) BP(FB) No.71(Adm.Br.)dt.8.12.94(P581/94)
Estt-Class III Service - Steno Typist, Promoted to Higher Post of Asst-Cum Steno,
Superintendent cum Steno Fixation of Pay under Regulations 33(b) - order issued.
47. Memo No.5062/C1/96-1(SB) dt.11.9.96(P10/9/96)
Estt- Fixation of Pay in the revised Scale of pay Revising the option exercised consequent
on Changes of Pay on the date of wage revision or change in the next Increment by virtue
of Subsequent orders - fixing of time limit orders - Amendment issued.
48. Uo Note No.35019-C1/97-1(SB) dt.7.11.97(P3/11/97)
Estt-TNEB - Selection grade Foremen I Gr. Promoted to the Post of JE II Gr. - Fixation of
Pay - clarification issued.
49. Memo (P)No.76347/A3/A31/99-1(SB) dt. 20.10.99(P8/10/99)
Estt-TNEB - Fixation of Pay on Regular -Promotion after getting two Increments for
Completion of 10/ 9 years of Service in the lower post-Revised - orders issued.
50. Memo No.10401/A3/A31/2000-1(SB) dt.7.3.2000(P1/3/2000)
Estt- Class II Service -RWE Employees - Promoted from Junior Engineer II Gr. to Junior
Engineer I Gr. Fixation of pay under Regulation 33(b) - eventhough prior to promotion of JE
II Gr. has drawn Time Scale of Pay applicable to JE I Gr - clarification issued.
51. Memo No.91242/A3/A32/99-2(SB) dt.24.4.2000(P8/4/2000)
Estt-Class III Service - Appointment of RWE employees as Junior Engineer II Gr. against
reserved vacancies fixation of under Regulation 33(b) of TNEB Service Regulations
- Further clarification issued.
52. (Per) BP(FB) No.38(SB) dt.27.5.2002(P17/5/02)
Estt-Approved list for Promotion - Deferred cases -Restoration in approved panel -Fixation
of pay orders of Govt. Applicability to Board - orders issued.
53. (Per) BP(FB) No.39(SB) dt.27.5.02(P18/5/02)
- Do- Amendment to Service Regulations - issued
54. Memo No.090148/1364/G15/G151/2002-1(Adm.Br.) Dt.16.8.02(P9/8/02)
Estt-Class III Service - Thiru D.Thangadurai JE II Gr. - Requesting Fixation of Pay for
appointment Incentive Increment for having passed Test will be allowed only on permanent
Fixation - reg.
55. Memo No. 101793/A18/A181/2004-1(SB) dt.1.3.05(P1/3/05)
Estt-Class I Service - Appointment of SE’s as Addl. CE’s with fixation under Regulation
33(b)- option for fixation of pay - orders issued.
56. Memo No.100774/A3/A31/2006-3(SB) dt.15.4.08(P21/4/08)
Estt-Sanction of Golden Jubilee Increment with effect from 1.7.2007- Fixation of pay on
promotion permitting revised option - reg.
57. Memo (P)No.51318/A22/A222/2008-1(SB) dt.10.10.08(P10/10/08)
Estt-TNEB -Upgradation of Certain AEE/Civil as EE/Civil (Non Independents-Certain
clarification - orders issued.
1. BPMS (FB) No.91(SB) dt.20.11.85(P1168/85)
Estt - TNEB - Junior Getting More Pay then Senior Rectification of Pay anomaly - orders
2. BPMS(FB) No.7(SB) No.30.1.87(P27/87)
Delegation of powers- Senior getting less pay than the Junior-Rectification of pay anomaly
- Delegation of powers to Chief Engineer / Personal and SE’s of System / Circle to deal
with cases of Particular groups of employees - orders issued.
3. Memo No. 19778/O&M cell/87-1 dt.7.4.87(P274/87)
Estt. - Rectification of pay anomaly - Expeditious processing of proposals - procedure
4. Memo No.18045/C1/87-1(SB) dt.23.11.87(P 871/87)
Estt.- Senior getting Less pay than Junior-Rectification of pay anomaly - powers delegated
- orders modified.
5. Memo No. 027939-C1/88-1(SB) dt.8.5.88(P293/88)
Estt-Senior getting less pay then Junior - Rectification of pay anomaly - Delegation of
powers to the CE/Personal and SE’s of System/Circle to deal with the cases of particular
category of employees orders - Detailed instruction issued.
6. BPMS(FB)No.74(SB) dt.23.9.88(P633/88)
Delegation of powers - Senior getting Less pay than Junior - Rectification of pay anomaly
- Delegation of powers to secretary TNEB to deal with the case of certain employees in
class I service - orders issued.
7. Memo No.060782/E4/Adm/A1/87-1(Adm.Br)Dt.23.11.88(860/88)
Estt-Seniors getting less pay than Junior - Rectification of pay anomaly - scrutiny of
application circle offices - instruction issued.
8. Lr.No.095359/E5/A1/AEE/Adm. Br./89-1 dt.28.10.89(P897/89)
Estt. Allowing of Monitory benefits consequent on rectification of pay anomaly - instruction
9. Memo No. 71639-C1/89-1(SB) dt.15.12.89(P993/89)
Estt-Revision of Scale of Pay-rectification of pay anomaly citing a Junior in ADM Cadre by
Senior in Accts cadre not eligible
10. Memo No.093518/E5/A2/RWE/89-1(Adm.Br.)Dt.5.3.90(140/90)
Estt - Class III Service -Rectification of pay anomaly in respect of Technical Asst. I Gr. and
II Gr. in RWE cadre now borne on state seniority - pay anomaly arises on or after 1.5.87
should be rectified by the CE/Personnel - instruction issued.
11. (Per) BP(Ch)No.84(Adm.Br.)dt.8.3.91(P87/91)
Estt. Rectification of pay anomaly to senior employees on par with Junior when senior
draw Incentive in pre-revised and the Junior draw in revised scale - order issued.
12. Memo No. : 092914/800/E4/A1/88-2(Adm. Br.)Dt.12.3.91(P89/91)
-Do- Amendment - issued.
13. (Per) BP(Ch)No.119(SB) dt.18.5.93(P194/93)
Estt-TNEB Committee Constituted for rectification of pay anomaly cases-Abolition
- orders ssued.
14. Memo No.89551-C1/94-1(SB) dt.27.3.95(P99/95)
Estt-TNEB -Revision Scales of pay to officers - Rectification of Pay anomaly of Junior
getting more pay than Senior - Authority - instruction issued.
15. Memo No.89551-C1/94-2(SB) dt.27.3.95(P99/95)
Estt.TNEB Revision of Scales of Pay to workmen Rectification of pay anomaly of Junior
getting more pay than Senior - Authorities instruction issued.
16. Memo No.57266/C1/95-1(SB) dt.30.9.95(P479/95)
Estt-TNEB - Officers - Revision of Scale of Pay and Allowances from 1.12.92- Anomaly of
Junior getting more pay than senior in the Revised Scale of Pay - Rectification - ordered
- Amendment issued.
17. Memo No.57266/C1/95-2(SB) dt.30.9.95(P480/95)
Estt-TNEB - Workmen -Revision of Scale of pay and Allowances from 1.12.92- Anomaly
of Junior getting More pay than Senior in the revised scale of Pay - Rectification ordered -
Amendment issued.
18. Memo No.071788/139/E5/A2/96-1(Adm.Br.)dt.24.10.96(P12/10/96)
Rectification of Pay Anomaly - Invoking TNEB SR 48 Guidelines - Amendment to the Circular
Uono:066327/Adm. Br. EE2/81-1 dt.1.6.81 - orders issued. - clarification
19. Memo No.23.946/A3/A31/2003-1(SB) dt.17.06.03(P6/6/03)
Estt-TNEB - Officers - Revision of Scales of pay and allowances from 1.12.92- Anomaly
of Junior getting more pay than Senior by Virtue of Senior Relinquished the promotion in
Lower post - orders cancelled.
20. Memo No.23946/A3/A31/2003-2 dt.17.6.03(P7/06/03)
-Do- For Workmen.
21. Cir Memo No.1140 88/G17/G172/Adm.Br./2003-1 dt.10.02.04 (P3/2/04)
Estt-Rectification of pay anomaly arised after 1.12.2000 may be forwarded only after
settlement of wage revision and Audited by Audit Party - instruction issued.
22. U.O.Note No.10431/A2/A31/2005-26(SB) dt. 26.2.05 (P15/2/05)
Writ Appeal filed by TNEB in WANo.1081/2004 in W.A.M.P.No.1958/2004 VS TNEB
Engineers Association on wage revision.
23. Cir Memo No.016683/124/G17/G173/07-1dt.24.4.07(P18/4/07)
Estt-Class II Service-Asst. Engineer/ Elecl, Mech, and Civil, Reduction of Training Period
from Six months to three months, Cancellation orders issued. for rectification of pay anomaly
- Recovery of excess, payment of Salary - orders issued.
Copy of Letter No. 58625/A19/A192/2003-1 dated the 1st July 2003 addressed to the
Superintending Engineer / Karur Electricity Distribution Circle.
Sub : Pension - Shift Special Pay for Calculation of Pensionary Benefits - Clarification
Ref : Your Lt. No.1766/D4/Adm.II/A1/F.P./2003 dt. 20.06.2003.
1. With reference to your letter cited, I am to say that according to Rule 30(i) (i) of Tamilnadu
Pension Rules, emoluments mean and include pay, Special Pay, Dearness Pay and Personal
Pay and any other remuneration, which may be specially clarified as emoluments.
2. As Such, Shift Operators Special Pay may be classified under Special Pay.
Secy. (I/c)
/ True copy /
Section Officer
1. Memo.No.35614/M1/82-1 (SB) Dt.16.06.82 (P.24 & 25/83I)
Pension – Verification of Military service for purpose of pension – instruction issued.
2. Memo.No.38404/M1/82-4(SB) Dt.12.11.82 (P.50/83I)
Pension – Verification of Qualifying service after 25 Years service or 50 Years of Age –
instruction of Govt. applicability.
3. B.P.Ms.No.166(Sectt) Dt.13.04.82 (P.163/83I)
Gratuity – Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 – Wages last drawn method of calculation -
orders issued.
4. B.P.Ms.242(SB) Dt.18.05.82 (P.169/83I)
Pension – TNEB – Pensioners – Increase in Pension - orders issued.
5. B.P.Ms.No.360 (Sectt.) Dt.14.07.82 (P177/83I)
Pension – TNEB – Commutation of Pension Payment to Legal heirs orders issued by
Govt. – Applicability.
6. B.P.Ms.No.443(Sectt) Dt.23.08.82 (P.181& 236/83I)
Pension – Family Pension – Extension to Families of employees not covered by New
Family Rule 1964 criteria adopted in deciding whether the Pensioner belongs to present
state of Tamilnadu or Not – orders of Govt. applicability - orders issued.
7. B.P.Ms.No.494 (SB) Dt.18.09.82 (P.187II)
Pension – Allocation of Pensionary Benefits in respect of Temporary service rendered
under the State Govt. and Govt. of India- Applicability to TNEB - orders issued.
8. Memo.No.11434/M1/82 -7 (SB) Dt.28.02.83 (P.220/83I)
TNEB – Retirement Benefit conversion from CPF to GPF - clarifications issued.
9. Memo.No.14377-M1/(SB) Dt.07.03.83 (P.221/83I)
Pension – Liberalization of Pension formula – Introduction of slab system – calculation of
Pension and DCRG in the case of VR - Regarding.
10. Memo.No.BOAB/Pension)/PR.1/720/(Audit Br.)Dt.25.03.83 (P.223/83I)
Pension – Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 – Employees of TNEB – Exemption under section
5 of Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 order of Govt.- communicated.
11. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.93 (Sectt) Dt.21.03.83 (P.226/83I)
Pension – Commutation without Medical examinations in cases of those where sanction
of Pension is ordered One year after retirement orders issued by Govt. – Applicability to
Board - ordered.
12. Lr.No.68436/P1/82-4 (SB) Dt.29.03.83 (P.227/83 I)
Deputation of Govt. Servant under FR 110-114 to State Govt. undertaking – Corporation –
Payment of Leave Salary and Pensions contribution - clarification issued by Govt.
13. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.40(Sectt.) Dt.04.04.83 (P.234/83I)
Pension – Family Pension Continuance of Family Pension to the Son and unmarried
Daughter of TNEB Servants beyond age of 21 & 24 - orders issued.
14. Office Order No.BOAB/PR-2/297 (Audit Br.) Dt.12.07.83(P.133/83II)
Pension – Disposal of Pension cases in Audit Branch watching of replies from Pension
sanctioning authorities – Maintenance of watch register – reg.
15. Memo.No.168/Adm.Br./R.4Acqn 1/83-3 (Adm.Br.)Dt.25.07.83 (P.163/83II)
Estt. – Employees absorbed in the Board service from various private Electrical undertaking
as per Acqn. Act 1949 & 1954 – Extension of Pensionary benefits – instruction issued.
16. Memo.No.57369-M1/Sectt./83-1 (SB) Dt.27.07.83 (P.164/83II)
TNEB – Retirement Benefits from conversion from CPF to GPF clarification issued –
17. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.129(SB) Dt. 01.09.83 (P.295/83II)
Pension – TNEB – Treatment Dearness Allowance for purpose of Pension and Gratuity
- ordered.
18. Memo.No.87010-02/83-1 (SB) Dt.25.01.84 (P.34/84)
Pension – Two increase and treatment of portion of D.A. for the purpose of Pension and
Gratuity - clarification issued.
19. Memo.No.20727-B2/84-1 (SB) Dt.01.06.84 (P.380/84)
Estt. – Class I & Class II Service – Permission to take up Private or Commercial
Employment – instruction modified.
20. U.O.Note No.98292/F1/83-2 (SB) Dt.09.01.84 (P.6/84)
Estt. – BOAB – Permanent absorption of Govt. Servant in State owned Corporation and
Board Settlement of Terminal Benefits Govt. - orders communicated.
21. B.P.Ms. (FB) No.44 (SB) Dt.14.05.84 (P.318/84)
Estt. – TNEB – Officer , Permanently absorbed in Rural Electrical Corporation – Settlement
of Terminal Benefits - orders issued.
22. Memo.No.87010-Q2/83-1 (SB) Dt.25.01.84 (P.34/84)
Pension – Two Increase and treatment of Portion of D.A. for the purpose of Pension and
Gratuity – clarification .
23. Memo.No.66737/M1/Q2/83-1 (SB) Dt.25.01.84 (P.35/84)
Pension – TNEB – Commutation of Pension without Medical examination up to One year
– Reckoning of commencement of date in where departmental or judicial proceedings
are continued after retirement and in case where there is delay in sanction of pension
- clarification issued.
24. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.55 (SB) Dt.16.02.84 (P.75/84)
Public Service – Civil Supply Department counting of service and emoluments drawn in
Civil Supplies Department for Pensionary benefits – Govt. orders applicability to Board
- orders issued.
25. Lr.No.96091/Q2/83.3 (SB) Dt.18.02.84 (P.78/84)
Family Pension – Flat rate of Family Pension sanction under G.O.Ms.No.748, Dated 26.05.79
- Accountant General - clarification communicated .
26. Lr.No.102581-Q2/83-1 (SB) Dt.09.03.84 (P.134/84)
Estt. – Class I, II & III Services Provincial – Eligibility of Terminal Benefits to dismissed or
removed employees from service – clarification issued.
27. Lr.No.BOAB/Pen/PV/12/84 (Audit Br.) Dt.17.04.84 (P.235/84)
Pension – Unions – TNEB – Retired Officials Associations certain demand – non receipt
of Revised Pension proposal – reg.
28. Memo.No.Adm.Br/C.5-1/707/84-1 Dt.04.06.84 (P.382/84)
Estt. – Employees retired from service Terminal Benefits not settled want of No Due
Certificate from Field – instruction issued.
29. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.209(SB) Dt.05.06.84 (P.383/84)
TNEB – Service Regulations- Regulation 71 (a) revision of rates of Pension Contribution
payable during Foreign service – Amendment issued.
30. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.234 (SB) Dt.18.06.84 (P.399/84)
Family Benefit Fund – Family Pension and DCRG – Inclusion of step mother as one of the
family members - orders issued.
31. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.234 (SB) Dt.01.06.84 (P.414/84)
Pension and DCRG – Recovery of DCRG and Pension paid to Govt. Servants –
Compulsorily retired under FR 56 (d) who were reinstated into service – Instruction of
Govt. applicability to Board - orders.
32. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.275 (SB) Dt.19.07.84(P.494/84)
Pension – Commutation of Pension – Compulsorily retire from service should undergo
Medical examination for the sanction - orders issued.
33. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.256 (SB) Dt.07.07.84 (P.511/84)
Pension – TNEB Employees family pension 1964 – Revised option – orders issued.
34. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.77 (Sectt) Dt.15.09.84 (P.668/84)
Pension liberalized pension formula – Extension to employees who where In receipt of
pension on 01.10.79 orders of Govt. – Applicability to Board - orders issued.
35. B.P.Ms.(Ch)No.220 (SB) Dt.11.06.84 (P.389/84)
Pension – Settlement of Retirement benefits – Elimination of delay - instruction issued.
36. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.570 (Adm.Br.)Dt.08.10.84 (P.766/84)
Electrical licenses - Absorption of undertaking employees of seven Private Electrical
undertaking – Pensionary benefits – Extension further - orders issued.
37. Memo.No.44909-Q2/84-6(SB) Dt.16.11.84 (P.874/84)
Pension – Liberalized pension formula applicable to employees who were In receipt of
pension on 07.10.79 – orders issued – Erratum issued.
38. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.132(SB) Dt.09.04.84 (P.229/84)
Service Regulation – Revision of rates of Pension contribution payable during Foreign
service – Revision of rates Govt. orders applicability to Board - orders issued.
39. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.209(SB) Dt.05.06.84 (P.383/84)
TNEB – Service Regulations – Regulation 71 (a) – Revision of rates of pension contribution
payable during Foreign service - Amendment issued.
40. B.P.Ms.(Ch)No.257 (SB) Dt.07.07.84 (P.486/84)
Service Regulations – Foreign service – Transfer on deputation of Officers for appointment
under the International organization etc., Payment of Pension and Retirement Benefits
Govt. orders applicability to Board – orders issued.
41. Lr.No.44909-Q2/84-11(SB) dt.2.3.85(P258/85)
Pension - Liberalised Pension Formula - Made Applicable those who were in receipt of
Pension on 1.10.79- clarification of Govt. - communicated.
42. Cir Memo No.:BOAB/M-Cell/Audit Br/Unit II / D48/85 dt.27.3.85 (P305/85)
TNEB - contributory provident fund-family pension scheme 1971-Remittance to Regional
provident Fund Commissioner - certain clarification.
43. Lr No. 9548-Q2/85-2(SB) dt.18.4.85(P409)
Pension family pension in the event of remarriage - Regulation of clarification issued.
44. BPMS(FB)No.45(SB) dt.28.5.85(P557/85)
Pension - Allocation of pensionary benefits in respect of Temporary service rendered under
the State Govt. and Govt. of India-orders issued by Govt. Applicability to TNEB -orders issued.
45. BOAB B/M cell/Unit III / D 162/85 dt.16.8.85(P841/85)
Family Pension scheme 1971-Settlement of benefits to retired / Legal heirs of the deceased
employees - orders issued.
46. Memo No.BOAB/M Cell/Unit III /D170/85(Audit Br) dt.22.8.85(P856/85)
Family Pension scheme 1971-Settlement of benefits to the retired / Legal heirs of deceased
employees - Further instruction issued.
47. Memo No.BOAB / Mcell / Unit II/ D 200 / 85 dt.12.9.85 (P970/85)
Family Pension scheme 1971-Settlement of benefits to the retired / Legal heirs of deceased
employees - Further instruction issued.
48. Memo No.101273/E2/84-14(SB) 27.10.85(P1108/85)
Family Pension -TNEB employees Family pension Regulation 1964 - Clarification.
49. BPMS(FB) No.89(SB) dt.28.10.85(P1109/85)
Pension - Liberalisation of pension - calculation of Pension and DCRG - Further instruction
50. BPMS(Ch)No.392(SB)dt.20.11.85(P1223/85)
Pension - Removal of ceiling limit on Maximum pension payable and Increase in the
maximum payment of DCRG from Rs. 36000/- to Rs. 50000/- orders issued.
51. BPMS(Ch)No.416(SB) dt.29.11.85(P1229/85)
Pension - commutation payment commuted value simplification of procedure - orders
52. BPMS(Ch)No.417(SB) dt.29.11.85(P1230/85)
Pension - Commutation payment of commuted value - simplification of rules - ordered -
pension application - Form -Revision of - orders issued.
53. Lr.No.BOAB/Pension / PR11/740/85 dt.21.12.85(P1353/85)
Pension - Commutation of pension - payment of commuted value - simplification.
54. BPMS(Ch)No.479(SB) dt. 30.12.85(P1362/85)
Pension - enhancement of pension and revised rate of DA-Recommendation of IVth pay
commission Applicability to Board - orders issued.
55. Memo (P)No.91920-E2/83-3(SB) dt.28.12.85(P1357/85)
Pension - Retirement benefits - Elimination of delay Expeditious settlement - instruction
56. BPMS(Ch)No.478(SB) dt.30.12.85(P1358/85)
Pension -Enhancement of Pension computation of Dearness Allowance by adding 528
points - Employees covered by wage revision BPMS(FB) No. 86(SB) dt.24.10.85 order.
57. Lr No.66160-E2/85-1(SB) dt.23.1.86(P49/86)
Pension - Average emoluments, - definition of Month-calculation where retirement date
place during course of month - clarification - communicated.
58. Memo (P)No.68075-E2/85-3(SB) dt.27.1.86(P50/86)
Pension - life liberalisation of pension - exercising option - Applicable to voluntary retirement
- clarification issued.
59. Memo (P)No.79223/N1/85-2(SB) dt.6.3.86(P203/86)
Pension - Revision of commutation without medical examination - clarification issued.
60. Memo (P) No.:9437-M1/86-2(SB)dt.14.3.86(P210/86)
Pension class I service settlement of Terminal benefits Delay in issuing authorisation -
Avoidance - instruction issued.
61. BPMS(FB)No.5 (Audit Br) dt. 26.6.86(P551/86)
Extension of Pensionary Benefits to Regular works Establishment workman with effect
from 1.7.86 - orders issued.
62. Lr.No.69655/N1/85-2(SB) dt.27.6.86(P552/86)
Liberalised pension formula - Extension of Pensioners who were in recept of pension on
1.10.79 Amendment to BPMS No.77(SB) dt.15.9.84 - issued.
63. Circular Memo No.:BOAB/CPF/(INV) A3/D216/86 dt.30.6.86(P553/86)
TNEB - Extension of pensionary benefits to RWE workman - Further instruction issued.
64. Memo No. Adm Br/C5(19) /1134/86-1dt.2.6.86(P497/86)
Legal Heirs Certificate to be obtained by the dependent not by the office -instruction issued.
65. Cir Memo No.Adm 457/Ch Spl 6127/56(4) /86-1dt.12.6.86 P511/86
Settlement of Death claim of LIC-Leave Records to be obtained from the employers
- Instruction issued.
66. Uonote No.: 21909 / N1/85-4(SB) dt.2.6.86(P498/86)
Pension Liberalised Pension Formula - Extension to employees who were in receipt of
Pension on 1.10.79- option clause - clarification issued.
67. Memo No.BOAB/M cell/Unit II/D39/86(Audit Br) Dt.4.6.86(P499/86)
Family Pension scheme 1971-Monitoring work - Transfer from Audit Br to Adm Br. - orders
68. Memo No.075428/925/C5(3) / 86-1(Adm.Br.)dt.9.6.86(P512/86)
Estt-Class I and II Service - Terminal benefits marking of copies - instruction issued.
69. BPMS(Ch)No.268(SB) dt.20.6.86(P514/86)
Pension - Calculating the length of service for purpose of pensionary benefits - Fraction 3
months and above has to be taken as one half year - orders issued.
70. Lr No.6947/N1/86-3(SB) Dt.23.7.86(P644/86)
Pension - Commutation - Payment of commuted value-simplification of procedure - orders
issued - clarification
71. Cir Memo No. DFC/Accts/118/86-1(Accts Br) dt.26.7.86(662/86)
TNEB - Extension of pensionary Benefits to RWE workman further accounting - instruction
72. Memo No.:27896(P) N1/86-4 dt.22.8.86(P739/86)
Payment of Terminal benefits to the nominees - Procedure for acceptance of nominations
- instruction issued.
73. Lr.No.50989-N1/86-2(SB)dt.25.8.86(P742/86)
Pension - Commutation - form of medical Reports for commutation of pension - Revised
forms prescribed - communicated.
74. Memo No. BOAB/CPF (INV)A3/D252/86(Audit Br)dt. 5.8.86(P761/86)
TNEB - Extension of Pension scheme to RWE workmen with effect from 1.7.86 - Further
75. BPMS(Ch)No.444(SB)dt.9.9.86(P808/86)
Pension - preparation of calculation sheet, by the sanctioning authority and furnishing
copy to the pensioners at the time of retirement - orders issued.
76. Memo No.BOAB/Pension -RWE / Unit II / D8/86 dt.22.9.86(868/86)
Scheme for payment / disbursment of pension by distribution - Division.
77. Memo (P) No. 25378-N1/86-3(SB) dt.22.10.86(P932/86)
Pension Liberalised pension formula-Extension of benefits to EB Pensioners who were in
receipt of pension as on 1.10.79 - Further clarification issued.
78. Cir Memo No. TNEB-BOAB/Pension (RWE) Unit II/D38/86 dt.18.11.86(P1029/86)
TNEB - Board office Audit Branch -Pension (RWE) Pension proposal returned -General
discrepancies - rectification.
79. Lr.No.:18141/N1/86-2(SB) dt.19.11.86(P1031/86)
Pension Liberalised pension formula - applicable to those who were in receipt of pension
on 1.10.79- Guidelines of Govt. - communicated.
80. Memo (P)No.68345-N1/86-1(SB) dt.22.11.86(P1035/86)
Pension calculation of pension of employees who retire from 30.9.85 instruction on the
method of calculation.
81. Memo No.8513-N1/88-2(SB) dt.1.12.86(P1082/86)
Pension - enhancement of pension -computation of D.A. by adding 528 points - Employees
covered by wage revision BPMS(FB) No.86 dt.24.10.85 - clarification issued.
82. BPMS (Ch)No.:578(SB) dt.1.12.86(P1083/86)
Pension - Commutation of pension - affixing passport size photo on application - Dispensing
with the procedure in respect of cases of nonmedical applications - orders issued.
83. Lr No. 41022-N1/86-2(SB) dt.3.12.86(P) 1088/86)
Pension - Payment of Commuted value-simplification orders issued in BP Ms (Ch) 416
(SB) dt.29.11.85 - Amendment issued.
84. Lr No. 45368-N1/86-2(SB) dt.12.12.86 (P 1102/86)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 - Amendment to Rule 9 with holding or with
drawing Pension or part there of whether permanently or for specified period - Amendment
issued - communicated
85. BPMS(Ch)15(SB) dt.19.1.87(P13/87)
Pension - Employees Family Pension scheme 1971 under the employees provident Fund
and Misc Provision Act 1952- exemption to TNEB - orders of Govt. Communicated.
86. Memo (P)No.:51965/N1/83-23(SB)dt.16.2.87(P124/27)
Pension Municipal Elecl. under takings Acquisition by Govt/Board -Pensionery Benefit , for
service- rendered under Municipality Orders issued - Amendment issued.
87. Lr.No.25378/N1/86-6(SB) dt.17.2.87(P125/87)
Pension - Liberalised Pension - Formula - Extension of Benefits to pensioners of the
Board who were in receipt of Pension on 1.10.79 - Further clarification.
88. BPMS(Ch)No.94(SB) dt.2.3.87(P202/87)
Medical Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners from 1.12.86 - orders issued.
89. Memo No. 78/C5/A2/87-1 (Adm.Br.)dt.6.3.87(P178/87)
Family Pension scheme -1971- Review of instruction issued.
90. BPMS(Ch)No.123(SB) dt.27.3.87(P194/87)
Pension commutation without Medical examination - Reckoning one year period from the
date of issue P.P.O. - Modification - orders issued.
91. Lr.No.10726/N1/87-1(SB) dt.22.4.87(P296/87)
Pension - Qualifying service-preliminary verification - Instruction issued by Govt.
- communicated.
92. Lr.No.:477/N1/87-2(SB) dt.7.5.87(P360/87)
Pension - Commutation - Payment of value clarification - Amendment to BP MS No.(Ch)416)
dt.29.11.86 - issued.
93. BPMS(Ch)No.176(SB) dt.7.5.87(P361/87)
Pension - Procedure for Sanction of Second and subsequent commutation of pension -
Modification - orders issued.
94. Memo No. :33031/N1/87-1(SB) dt.10.6.87(P464/87)
Terminal Benefits - Payment of certain retirement benefits, in the next day of retirement
sanction of pension and DCRG - reg.
95. Lr.No.29655/N1/87(SB) dt.12.6.87(P475/87)
Pension - Payment of provisional pension and DCRG-Instruction issued by Govt.
- communicated.
96. Lr.No. 12367/N1/86-7(SB) dt.23.6.87(P483/87)
Pension Family Pension in the event of remarriage-payment to the guardian - clarification
97. Lr.No.:46019/N1/87-1(SB) dt.18.8.87(629/87)
Pension - Qualifying service-Preliminary verification - Further clarification issued by Govt.
- Communicated (S.B. should be verified after completion of 28 years or 53 years age)
98. Lr No. 37359/N1/87-1(SB) dt.2.9.87(P696/87)
Pension Payment of Provisional pension and gratuity orders of Govt. - communicated.
99. BPMS(Ch)No.423(SB) dt.14.12.87(P968/87)
Pension - Expeditious settlement of pensionary benefits to the employees - orders issued.
100. Memo No.69163-N1/87-1(SB)dt.18.12.87(P970/87)
Payment of Family Pension and DCRG-valid and Invalid nominations - clarification issued.
101. Lr No.:57792/N1/87-1(SB) dt.8.1.88(P6/88)
Pension - Commutation of Pension - Compulsory referred from service undergoing medical
examination - clarification issued.
102. BPMS(FB)No.6(SB) dt.13.1.88(P11/88)
Pension - Treatment of Dearness Allowance as Dearness pay for the purpose of pensionary
benefits - orders issued.
103. Lr No.1114/N1/88-1(SB) dt.23.1.88(P31/88)
Pension - Family Pension- Sanction of Family Pension based on collateral evidence in the
absence of service records - instruction issued.
nk.F.v©.204/ v©.1/88/1(brayf »is) ehŸ27.1.88(ã37/88)nk.F.v©.204/ v©.1/88/1(brayf »is) ehŸ27.1.88(ã37/88)
nk.F.v©.204/ v©.1/88/1(brayf »is) ehŸ27.1.88(ã37/88)nk.F.v©.204/ v©.1/88/1(brayf »is) ehŸ27.1.88(ã37/88)
nk.F.v©.204/ v©.1/88/1(brayf »is) ehŸ27.1.88(ã37/88)
Pension- Family Pension - Sanction of family pension to families of deceased employees
of erstwhile elecy Department - instruction issued.
105. BPMS(Ch)No.22(SB) dt.30.1.88(P42/88)
Pension - Nomination to receive the life time arrears due to the pensioners after his death
- orders issued.
106. BPMS(Ch)No.28(SB) dt.8.2.88(P94/88)
Pension - Retirement benefits revised-Adoption of revised pension formula in respect of
the existing pensioners - orders issued.
107. BPMS(Ch)No.40(SB) dt.16.2.88(P100/88)
Pension - Revision of scale of pay 1984-Subsequent Modification-Notional effect
from1.12.84 and with Monitory benefit, from 1.4.86 counting of undrawn pay for the purpose
of pensionary benefits - orders issued.
108. Memo (P)No.22851/N1/88-1(SB) dt.23.4.88(P251/88)
Pension and Terminal Benefits - Expedious settlement Elimination of delay - instruction
109. Lr No.75234/N1/87-4(SB) dt.21.5.88(P310/88)
Pension- Adoption of revised Pension forimula - ceiling on payment of Family Pension
- clarification issued.
110. Memo No.:24377/P1/UI/88-1(Audit Br) dt.28.5.88(315/88)
Pensionary Benefits - Expeditious settlement - irrespect of employees inthe lower three
time scale of pay - orders issued.
111. Cir Memo No. 24377/P1/U1/88-2(Audit - Br) dt.2.6.88(P345/88)
Settlement of Retirement Benefits - elimination of delay - Further instruction issued.
112. BPMS(Ch)No.183(Sectt) dt.23.6.88(P366/88)
Pension- Enhancement of Minimum pension / Family Pension to Rs.245/- orders issued.
113. Lr.No. : 65264-N1/87-1(SB) dt.1.7.88 (P443/88)
Medical Allowance to Family Pensioner died after retirement - Allowance allowed from
1.12.86 - orders issued.
114. Memo No. : 36319/O&M cell/88-3(SB) dt.16.7.88(P464/88)
Office Procedure- Settlement of retirement benefits - limitation of delay - Format prescribed.
115. Memo No.:7588/N1/88-1(SB) dt.11.7.88 (P449/88)
Pension - Extension of pensionary benefits to RWE employees - Service countable for
purpose of pension - clarification issued.
116. Lr.No.:37271-N1/87-2(SB) dt.13.7.88(P458/88)
Pension-Permanent absorption of Board employees in public sector undertakings /Board
- Minimum Pension revised - Amendment issued.
117. Cir Memo No. :24377/Pen I / Unit - I / 88-5Audit Br) dt.3.8.88(P552/88)
Pensionary benefits - expeditious settlement inrespect of employees in the lowest three
time scale of pay- further - orders issued.
118. UoNote No.:48728-N1/88-1(SB) dt.1.9.88(P609/88)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978-Amendment to Rule 10 - Copy of Govt. - orders
119. Lr.No.:58444-N1/88-2 (SB) dt.14.12.88(P884/88)
Pension - Procedure for payment of Minimum pension to Board employees who are
permanently absorbed in state owned public sector undertakings & Rural Electrification
corpn - Amendment issued.
120. BPMS(Ch)No.371(SB) dt.24.12.88(P911/88)
TNEB - Dues to Board by employees - Recovery of Board dues including over payment of
Pension / Family Pension from the Dearness Allowance / Addl DA Payable on Pension /
Family Pension - orders issued.
121. (Per) BP(Ch)No.:29(SB) dt.4.2.89(P136/89)
Pension - Re-employed Military pensioners - Regulation of dearness Allowance and other
Allowances during re-employment - orders issued.
122. Lr.No.:77906-N1/88-2(SB) dt.7.2.89(P140/89)
Pension -Increase in Minimum pension - Applicability of commutation - clarification issued.
123. (Per) BP(FB) No.35(SB) dt.28.3.89 (P228/89)
Delegation - Sanctioning authority for pension and DCRG, GPF, FBF and FBF subsidiary
scheme SPF-Powers delegated - orders issued.
124. (Per) BP (Ch)No.:61(SB) dt.6.3.89(P206/89)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Extension of Pensionary benefits to RWE
workman - Refund of excess Foreign Service contribution - Amendment issued.
125. Lr.No.:33834 -N1/89-1(SB) dt.13.5.89(P379/89)
Family Pension - Expeditious disposal in the Cases of death in harness-copy of Form 14
for family pension - communicated.
126. (Per)BP(FB) No.56(SB) dt.19.7.89(P609/89)
Pension-Payment of Terminal Benefits to the employees of the Board absorbed in Neyveli
Lignite corporation Ltd.-Govt. orders applicability to Board - orders issued.
127. (Per) BP(Ch)No.222(SB) dt.5.8.89(P689/89)
Pension - expeditious disposal of Family Pension, DCRG, and other Terminal benefits
payable to the families of Board employees dying in harness - Time limit fixed for settlement
- orders issued.
128. Memo (P) 58749/O&M cell/89-1(SB) dt.16.8.89(P701/89)
TNEB - Terminal Benefits-Payment of Terminal Benefits to retiring employees at an official
Function - orders issued.
129. Memo (P) No.:28358-N1/89-2(SB) dt.22.8.89(P706/89)
Delegation - Sanctioning authorities for the sanction of Pension, DCRG, FSFS and SPF
Cum Gratuity - orders issued.
130. (Per) BP(Ch)No.257(SB) dt.19.9.89(P788/89)
Pension - Commutation of pension-Nomination to receive the commuted value of Pension
- orders issued.
131. (Per) BP(Ch)No.:258(SB) dt.20.9.89(P837/89)
Pension-Revision of Pension and Family Pension and revised rate of DA for pensioners
and Family Pensioners - orders issued.
132. (Per) BP(Ch)No.302(SB) dt.7.11.89(P905/89)
DCRG-Fraction of a year equal to 3 months and above treating as completed one half
year for purpose of DCRG - orders issued.
133. (per) BP(Ch) No.319(SB) dt.27.11.89(P916/89)
Pension preparation of calculation sheet and Furnishing it to pensioner and family
pensioners at the time of Retirement - orders - Amendment issued.
134. Memo (P)No.:56330-N1/89-1(SB)dt.28.11.89(P920/89)
Family Pension- Regularisation payment in cases of Twins-Clarification issued.
135. UO Note No:-49895-N1/88-5(SB) dt.6.11.89(P944/89)
Pension Nomination to receive life time arrears due to pensioners after his death
- clarification issued.
136. (Per) BP(Ch)No.316(SB)dt.21.11.89(P949/89)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners-Revised rate from
1.7.89 - orders issued.
137. Memo No. 89418/N1/89-1(SB) dt.13.12.89(P988/89)
Pension - Revision of Pensionery benefits in respect of person retired on or after 1.6.88
- certain clarification issued.
138. (Per) BP(Ch)No.1(SB) dt.3.1.90(P25/90)
Pension-Family Pension - Medical Allowance to Family Pensioners whose spouse died in
harness - option to draw Medical Allowance - orders issued.
139. (Per) BP(Ch)No.5(SB) dt.10.1.90(P33/90)
Pongal Festival 1990-Grant of Pongal Prize amount to pensioner/Family Pensioners of
the Board - orders issued.
140. Lr.No.:19478-N1/88-3(SB) dt.18.1.90(P14/90)
Pension - Liberalised pension formula-Extension of Pensioners of Board who were in
receipt of pension on 1.10.79 - Further instruction issued.
141. (Per)BP(Ch)No.17(SB)dt.2.2.90(P78/90)
Pension -Family pension-Grant of Family pension for the life to physically crippled or
Disabled son or daughter- Discontinuance of production of Guardian certificate
- orders issued.
142. LR No.:83632/N1/89-1(SB) dt.3.2.90(P78/90)
Pension Revision of Pensionery benefits inrespect of Pensioners retired after 1.6.88
- certain clarification.
143. (Per) BP (Ch) No.22(SB) dt.14.2.90(P98/90)
Pension -Family Pension - Sanction of Family Pension to the Family of the Board employees
who die while in service with less than one year continuous service - orders issued.
144. Memo (P)No.79409/N1/90-5(SB) dt.12.3.90(P170/90)
Pension-Revised Pension ordered to Pensioners/Family Pensioners - Commutation
- clarification issued.
145. Memo (P)No.29005/N1/87-2(SB) dt.9.4.90(P243/90)
Pension-Sanction of Pension and Gratuity without Regularisation - orders - instruction
issued - (Regularisation in entry level is enough)
146. Lr.No.16597/N1/90-1(SB) dt.18.4.90(P247/90)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978-Amendment to Rule 9 - Issued.
147. Memo No.:18643/N1/90-1(SB)dt.20.4.90(P248/90)
Pension - Liberalised Pension Formula-Adoption of Revised Pension formula of 50%
Average emoluments for calculation of Pension in respect of existing Pensioners -
Amendment issued - communicated.
148. (Per) BP(Ch)No.67(SB) dt.20.4.90(P249/90)
Family Pension-continuance to the unmarried daughters/sons of the employees of the
Board beyond the age of 24 years - orders issued.
149. Endt.No.:11276/N1/90-1(SB) dt.24.4.90(P252/90)
Pension Divorce by social custom-validity - reg.
150. Lr.No.26639/N1/90-1/(SB) dt.8.5.90(P303/90)
Pension-Orders issued for revision of Pension and Family Pension and revised rates of
D.A. for pensioners and Family pensioners - clarification issued.
151. (Per) BP(Ch)No.106(SB)dt.26.5.90(P321/90)
Pension - Payment of Terminal benefits to the employees of Board absorbed in Neyveli
Lignite Corporation -Further clarification issued by Board - orders issued.
152. (Per) BP(Ch)No.117(SB) dt.5.6.90 Annexure to 6/90
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners-Revised refer from
1.1.90 - orders issued.
153. Memo No.:21562/69/P1/U5/(Audit Br) Dt.6.6.90(P385/90)
Pension - Disbursement of pension through IOB in respect of employees in the lowest
three time scales of pay - orders issued.
154. Memo NO. 32271-N1/90-2(SB) dt.5.7.90(P459/90)
Pension - Family Pension - clarification regarding continuous service of one year eligibility
of pension in case of death while in service - clarification issued.
155. Lr.No.:79409/N1/89-9(SB) dt.28.7.90(P466/90)
Pension - Revised pension ordered - various clarification issued.
156. Memo NO. 41690/N1/90-2(SB) dt.4.8.90(P503/90)
Pension - Family Pension - Medical Allowance to Family pensioners whose spouse died
in harness -option to draw Medical Allowance - extension of Time limit.
157. Per BP(Ch)No176(SB) dt.16.8.90(P513/90)
Pension -Payment of Terminal Benefits to the employees of the Board absorbed in Neyveli
Lignite corpn-orders issued - Further instruction issued.
158. Memo No. :43654/N1/90-1(SB) dt.4.9.90(P573/90)
Pension - Revision of Pension and Family Pension and revised rate of DA for pensioner
and family pensioners - orders - Amendment issued.
159. Lr.No.:53935/N1/90-1(SB) dt.10.9.90(P574/90)
Pension Family pension -Rule 49(7)(a)(1) of Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978 - clarification
160. Lr.No.:72638-N1/90-1(SB) dt.30.10.90(P625/90)
Pension-Expeditious settlement - instruction issued.
161. (Per) BP(Ch)No.234(SB) dt.1.11.90(P672/90)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rate from
1.7.90 orders)
162. Lr.No.:79409-N1/89-11(SB) dt.17.11.90(P698/90)
Pension-Revised Pension ordered - clarification issued.
163. Lr.No.:57638/N1/90-3(SB) dt.17.11.90(P698/90)
Pension - Furnishing Pension calculation sheet should be sent along with pension - proposal
164. (Per) BP(Ch)No.245(SB) dt.24.11.90(P699/90)
Pension -Family Pension-Extension of Family Pension to the children born through second
husband of a Female Board employee - orders issued.
165. Memo No.:80008/O&M cell / 90-1(SB) dt.21.12.90(P733/90)
TNEB - Payment of Terminal benefits to retiring employees of TNEB at an official Function
awarding commendation certificate and adorning with a Handloom or Khadi Towel
- Amendment issued.
166. (Per) BP(Ch)No.5(SB) dt.10.1.91(P16/91)
Pongal Festival 1991-Grant of Pongal prize amount to Pensioners /Family Pensioners of
Board - orders issued.
167. Memo NO.2136/N1/91-1(SB) dt.7.2.91(P60/97)
Pongal Festival 1991-Grant of Pongal prize amount to pensioners/Family Pensioners of
the Board - Orders issued on(Per) BP(Ch)No.5 dt.10.1.91 - amendment issued.
168. Memo No.:80008/O&M cell/4/90-3(SB) dt.23.3.91(P102/91)
TNEB - payment of Terminal of benefits to retiring employee of TNEB at an official Function
- Amendment issued. No Commendation certificate should be given if DP is pending.
169. (Per) BP(Ch) No.54(SB) dt.19.3.91(P109/91)
Pension - Lberalised pension formula-extension of Benefits to retired Board employees
who are in receipt of pension 1.10.79-Ready Reckoner for qualifying service beyond 30
years - orders issued.
170. Lr.No.:86249-N1/90-2(SB) dt.12.4.91(P166/91)
Pension - Revision of Family Pension-grant of Percentage increase to Family Pensioners
covered by BPMS No.262 dt.29.4.80 - clarification issued.
171. Memo No. : 874/N1/90-8(SB) dt.27.4.91(P173/91)
Pension - Thiru C.Chinna Raj Fitter II Gr. expired on 5.4.88 while in service on UEL on MC
sanciton of Family Pension - clarification issued.
172. (Per) BP(Ch)No.87 (SB) dt.2.5.91(P235/91)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to pensioners and Family pensioners - Revised rate from
1.1.91- orders issued.
173. Memo No.:79768/N1/90-2(SB) dt.22.7.91(P375/91)
Pension - Payment of Pensionary benefits to the employees of the Board absorbed in
Neyveli Lignite corporation - various clarification issued.
174. (Per) BP(FB)No.68(SB)dt.9.8.91(P43/91)
Pension-Payment of Terminal Benefits to employees of TNEB absorbed in Neyveli Lignite
corporation Ltd. - Further clarification issued.
175. (Per) BP(Ch)No.233(SB) dt.2.9.91(P507/91)
Family Pension - Grant of Family Pension to eligible Family Members of employees Whose
where abouts not known - orders issued.
176. Memo No.39515/505/P1/U1/Audit Br) dt.13.9.91(P511/91)
Pension - Inclusion of OSS and work charged Service for the purpose of Pensionary
benefits - Inresepct of persons retired prior to 20.8.79 - instruction issued.
177. (Per) BP(Ch)No.271(SB)dt.23.10.91(P562/91)
Pension-Revision of Pension ordered in PerBP(Ch) No.258(SB) dt.20.9.89 Certain
Modification - orders issued.
178. (Per) BP(ch)No.:260(SB) dt.3.10.91(P575/91)
Pension - Commutated portion of Pension - Restoration of - Revised orders issued by
Govt. Adoption to Board - orders issued.
179. Cir Memo NO.:21562/69 / Pension/ Unit-I/D56/91(Audit Br.) dt.12.12.91(P706/91)
Pension-Disbursement of Pension through IOB of respect of employees in the last three
time scale of pay-further - orders issued.
180. (Per) BP(Ch)No.310(SB) dt.13.12.91(P707/91)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and family Pensioners-Revised rate from
1.7.91- orders issued.
181. Cir Memo No.21562/69/Pension I / Unit I/D56/91 dt.12.12.91(P706/91)
Pension - Disbursement of pension through IOB in respect of employees in last three time
scales of Pay-Further - orders issued.
182. Memo No.86700/O&M cell(4)/91-2(SB) dt.21.1.92(P9/92)
TNEB - Payment of Terminal Benefit to retiring employees at an official function - Awarding
commendation certificate and adorning with a Handloom or Khadi Towers Cost-enhanced
- orders issued.
183. (Per) BP(Ch)No.53(SB) dt.8.4.92(P206/92)
Pongal Festival 1992-Pongal Prize Amount to Pensioners / Family Pensioners of the Board
Sanctioned - orders issued.
184. Memo No.27852-N1/91-6(SB)dt.31.3.92(P201/92)
Pension - Grant of Dearness Allowance to enhanced rate of Family Pension - clarification
185. Lr.No.75480-N1/91-3(SB) dt.24.4.92(P263/92)
Pension -Recovery of Pension contribution from Govt. Servants while on deputation /
Foreign Service - instruction issued.
186. Memo No.03913/150/P1ivi/BOAB / dt.8.5.92(P272/92)
Pension - Inclusion of O.S.S. and work charged service -Payment of arrears with effect
from 20.8.79 - reg.
187. (Per)BP(Ch)No.66(SB) dt.14.5.92(P274/92)
Pension - Family pension - Enhancement of Ceiling of Family Pension from Rs.800/- to
Rs.1000/- clarification adoption to Board - orders issued.
188. (Per) BP(Ch)No.87(SB) dt.9.6.92(P362/92)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners revised rate from
1.1.92 - orders.
189. (Per) BP(Ch)No.131(SB) dt.17.8.92(P466/92)
Family pension - Grant of Family Pension in the order of date of Birth to the children of
employees / Pensioners orders of Govt.-Adoption to Board - orders issued.
190. Lr.No.89241-N1/90-13(SB) dt.3.9.92(P497/92)
Pension - Family Pension Rule 49(7)(d)(1) of Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 - clarification
191. Memo No.:4533-N1/92-2(SB) dt.25.9.92(503/92)
Pension - Revision of Pension ordered in (Per) BP(Ch)No.258(SB) dt.20.9.89-Correction
192. Lr.No.37155-N1/92-1(SB) dt.15.10.92(P580/92)
Pension - Family Pension - Simplification of the Procedure in Claiming Family Pension
- reg.
193. (Per) BP(Ch)No.203(SB) dt.11.11.92(P666/92)
Family Pension-Grant of Family Pension to eligible Family Members of Post retrial Spouses
orders issued by Govt.-Adoption to Board - orders issued.
194. Lr.No.6047-N1/92-3(SB) dt.10.11.92(P667/92)
Pension -Preparation of Pension calculation Sheet in the case of retiring Board employees-
format of Pension calculation sheet - modified.
195. Per BP(FB) No.56(SB) dt.12.10.92(P601/92)
Terminal Benefits - Absorption of TNEB Employees in central /State Govt. and in Central
State Autonomous Bodies and Vice-Versa -Counting of Service for pension and acceptance
of Pro-rata pensionary Liabilities -orders of the Govt. Adoption to Board - orders issued.
196. Memo No.67788/ofm cell I (4)/92-1(SB3) dt.2.12.92(P713/92)
TNEB - Payment of retirement benefits, to retiring employees at an official Function -cost
of Handloom Towel - Increased from 50 to 125 - orders issued.
197. Memo(P)No. 29/30-N1/88-14(SB) dt.13.11.92(P687/92)
Pension-Enhancement of pension - orders Amendment issued.
198. (Per) BP(Ch)227(SB) dt.8.12.92(P7/7/92)
Pension - Commutation of Provisional pension -Pending of D.P. or Judicial Proceedings
not eligible - orders issued.
199. Cir No.A60160-2/P1/UII/92(AB) dt.28.12.92(P742/92)
Pension - Revised Format for settlement of Retirement Death Cases forwarded.
200. (Per)BP(F13)No.124(SB)dt.30.12.92(P743/92)
Pension - Counting of NMR/TCL Service for calculation of pension DCRG Not eligible
- orders issued.
201. (Per) BP(Ch)No.11(SB) dt.28.11.93(P21/93)
Pongal Festival 1993-Pongal Prize amount to Pensioners / Family Pensioners of the Board
Sanctioned - orders issued.
202. (Per) BP(Ch)No.9(SB) dt.30.1.93(P22/93)
Pension -Treatment of Dearness Allowances as pay for purpose of Pension and gratuity -
Extension of orders issued in BP MS No.808 dt.20.4.72 recd. with BPMS No.52dt. 8.1.73
to those retired Prior to 26.2.70 - orders issued.
203. Memo (P) No.79769-N1/90-8(SB) dt.27.2.93(P62/93)
Pension- Family Pension - clarification regarding continuous service of one year for eligibility
of family pension in the case of death while in service - certain clarification issued.
204. Memo (P) No.47202-N1/91-1(SB) dt.5.3.93(P80/93)
Grant of family pension and Gratuity to the families etc. of employees / Pensioners of the
Board who dis appear suddenly and whose where about not known clarification - further
205. (Per) BP(Ch)No.219(SB) dt.1.12.92(Annexure to 4/93)
Pension- Dearness Allowance to pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rate from
1.9.98 - orders issued.
206. (Per)BP(Ch)No.141(SB) dt.26.6.93(P277/93)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rates
from 1.1.93 - orders issued.
207. (Per) BP(Ch)No.151(SB) dt.3.7.93(P343/93)
Grant of Ex-gratia payment (pension) to families - Contributory provident Fund / Non
Pensionable cadre beneficiaries of Board - orders issued.
208. (Per)BP(Ch)No.187(SB) dt.7.9.93(P476/93)
Pension -Family Pension - Certain clarification orders issued by Govt. Adoption - orders
209. Memo No.35892-N1/91-2(SB) dt.14.9.93(P483/93)
DCRG -Revised Rate of Interest on delayed payment of DCRG - Further instruction issued.
210. Memo (P) No.42503 -N1/93-1(SB) dt.21.10.93(P534/93)
Pension -Family Pension /DCRG to be paid to Legal Heirs of Board Employee -
Implementation of Court orders -Govt orders -applicability - orders issued.
211. Memo No.104597/155/E6-A1/93-1(Adm.Br.) dt.28.10.93(P538/93)
Terminal Benefits - Absorption of TNEB employees in Central and State Autonomous Bodies
and Vice Versa counting of Service for pension and acceptance of pro-rata pensionary
liability orders issued - Further Instruction.
212. Memo (P)No.52924-N1/93-1(SB) dt.9.11.93(P601/93)
Grant of Exgratia payment to families of deceased CPF/Non Pension able establishment
beneficiaries of Board - Amendment issued.
213. Memo No.34940-N1/92-1(SB) dt.8.11.93(P561/93)
Pension -Payment of Terminal Benefits to employees of Board absorbed in Neyveli Lignite
corpn - Orders of Govt-Adoption to Board - orders issued.
214. Lr.No.69737-N1/93-1(SB) dt.27.11.93(P574/93)
Payment of Pongal Prize and Medical allowance to the employees of Govt. of Tamilnadu
absorbed in NLC - Clarification issued by Govt - Communicated.
215. Memo (P) 17492-N1/93-3(SB) dt.1.11.93(P574/93)
Pension - Revision of Pension ordered in (Per) BP(Ch)No.271(SB) dt.23.10.91
- Amendment issued.
216. (Per) BP(Ch)No.231(SB) dt.6.11.93(P583/93)
Pension -Dearness Allowance to pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rate from
1.7.93 - orders issued.
217. CIAo Cir Lr.No.33214/684/F11/93-1 dt.23.12.93(662)
TNEB - Grant of Exgratia Payment to the eligible families of the deceased workmen
- Further Instruction.
218. (Per) BP(Ch)No.261(SB) dt.4.12.93(P670/93)
Family Pension - Inrespect of Post retrial Spouse - Extn. of Family pension entitlement in
the pension payment order procedure to be followed - orders issued.
219. CIAO Cir Lr.No.33214/684/F11/93-2 dt.13.1.94(P7/94)
TNEB -Grant of Exgratia Payment to the eligible Family members of the deceased workmen
- Service Book should be forwarded along with proposal - instruction issued.
220. Memo (P) No.25709/ofm cell II(4) 92-17(SB0 dt.25.1.94(P13/94)
TNEB - Payment of Terminal benefits to retiring employees of TNEB at an official Function-
Awarding appreciation certificate - instruction issued.
221. (Per) BP(Ch)NO.3(SB) dt.17.1.94(P8/94)
Pension - Family Pension -Regulation of Family Pension in the case of More than one
widows under Rule 49(7) of Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978-orders issued by Govt-Adoption
- orders issued.
222. (Per) BP(Ch)No.7(SB) dt.18.1.94(P19/94)
Pongal Festival 1994-Pongal Prize Amount to Pensioners / Family Pensioners of the Board
Sanctioned - orders issued.
223. Memo No.31278-N1/93-1(SB) dt.17.2.94(P85/94)
Pension - Family Pension - Extension of Family Pension to the children through Second
husband of a female Board employees - orders issued - cancelled.
224. Lr.No.77924-N1/93-1(SB) dt.19.2.94(P88/94)
Pension payment of provisional Pension to the employees who are permitted to retire
without prejudice to the disciplinary proceedings pending against them Payment of
Provisional Pension - instruction issued.
225. Lr.No.3671-N1/94-1(SB) dt.22.2.94(P90/94)
Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978-Second Edition - Corrected upto 1986) Erration issued by
Govt. - communicated.
226. (Per) BP(Ch)No.40(SB) dt.23.2.94(P91/94)
Pension - Payment of Retirement benefits to the Govt Servants - Issue of Post dated
cheques- orders of Govt. adoption to Board - orders issued.
227. (Per) BP(Ch)No.50(SB) dt.1.3.94(P119/94)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978 -Form 14A-Amendment issued by Govt.
Applicability - orders issued.
228. (Per) BP(ch)No.69(SB) dt.23.3.94(P26/94)
Pension Medical Allowance to family Pensioners whose Spouse died in harness - option
to draw medical Allowance - Further orders issued.
229. (Per) BP(FB) No.21(SB) dt.13.4.94(P181/94)
Pension - Employees retired during 10/84 and 11/84- Pension revision from 1.6.88-Allowing
higher Percentage increase by Grouping them with employees retired between 1.4.78
and 30.9.84 - orders issued.
230. (Per) BP(Ch)No.117(SB) dt.30.4.94(P190/94)
Pension - Enhancement of pension - Method of calculation to pension in respect of those
who retired between December 1984 and 30th September 1985 - orders issued.
231. (Per) BP(Ch)No.133(SB) dt.21.5.94(P254/94)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rate from
1.1.94 - orders issued.
232. (Per) Bp(Ch) No.171(SB) dt.25.6.94(P317/94)
Pension - Medical Allowance to Pensioners / Family Pensioners - enhancement of Medical
Allowance - orders issued.
233. Lr.No. 32548-N1/94-1(SB) dt. 7.6.94(P309/94)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978-Amendment to Rule 9 - issued.
234. Lr.No.37550-N1/94-1(SB) dt.22.6.94(P313/94)
Pension - Family Pension Life time arrears of Family Pension -orders of Govt.
- communicated.
235. Memo (P) No.35924-N1/94-2 (SB) dt.9.8.94(P382/94)
Pension expeditious Disposal of Pension cases - instruction issued.
236. Memo (P) 63984-N1/91-11(SB) dt.26.8.94(P391/94)
Pension -Helper (Trainees) and office Helper(Trainee) Admittance of Nomination of Family
Pension and DCRG - clarification issued.
237. Lr.No.63112-N1/94(SB) dt.4.10.94(P457/94)
Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978 Second Edition Corrected upto 21.8.96) erratum issued
by Govt. - communicated.
238. Lr.No.66108-N1-94-1(SB) dt.18.10.94(P496/94)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978-Amendment to Rule 32-Issued(Age of attaining
Super Annuation for Class I - II and Class IV)
239. (Per) BP(CH)No.285(SB) dt.29.10.94(P504/94)
Pension -Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and family Pensioners - Revised rate from
1.7.94 - orders issued.
240. Lr.No.68711/N1/94-1(SB) dt.1.11.94(P59/94)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 - Amendment to Rule 43 orders issued - (Fraction
of a year equal to 6 months and above shall be treated as Full year)
241. Lr.No.77005-N1/94-1(SB) dt.16.11.94(P549/94)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 - Amendment to Rule 49 orders of Govt.
- communicated.
242. U.O.Note No.:12587-N1/94-3(SB) dt.19.11.94(P551/94)
Pension - Family Pension - Sanction of Family pension to Second Wife - clarification.
243. Memo (P) No.44634-N1/94-2(SB) dt.19.11.94(551/94)
Pension -Settlement of retirement benefits - Elimination of delay - instruction issued
- reitrated.
244. Lr.No.79507-N1/94-1(SB) dt.24.11.94(P552/94)
Pension Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 Amendment to Rule 11-orders issued-Initial Records
Kept by the Defence Department may be taken as valid document for date of Birth.
245. (Per) BP(FB) No.129(SB) dt.23.12.94(p603/94)
Delegation - Grant of Family Pension and DCRG to the eligible family members of
employees whose where abouts are not known - Delegation of Powers to Chairman
- orders issued.
246. Memo No.25709/O&M cell-1(4) / 92-18(SB dt.20.12.94(P599)
TNEB - Payment of Terminal Benefits to retiring employees of TNEB at an official Function
- Commendation Certificate - need not be issued to the cases of Permitted to retire and
some other cases.
247. Lr.No.82170-N1/94-1(SB) dt.2.12.94(P575/94)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension -Rule 1978 Amendment to Rule 29-Verification qualifying
service after 28 years of 53 years of age - issued.
248. Lr.No.38958-N1/94-1(SB) dt.6.12.94(P577/94)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 - Amendment to Form 14-orders of Govt.
Communicated - Joint Photograph
249. (Per) BP (Ch) No.341(SB) dt.8.12.94(P582/94)
Pension - Payment of Family Pension to the Mentally retarded and handicapped children
of Pensioner-Inclusion of Name in pension pay orders - orders issued.
250. Lr.No.4928-N1/93-1(SB) dt.9.12.94(P583/94)
Grant of Family Pension and Gratuity to the families of employees where about not known
further instruction of Govt. - Communicated. (Enhanced rate family pension is pay able
only after death is conclusively established or after 7 years from the date of missing.
251. Lr.No.79505-N1/94-1(SB) dt.17.12.94(P591/94)
Pension - Commutation - Tamilnadu Civil Pension Rule (Commutation ) 1994. Amendment
to Rule 9 - issued.
252. Lr.No.82454-N1/94-1(SB) dt.17.12.94(P592/94)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 New Rule Viz 50-B Introduced - orders of Govt.
- communicated.
253. Lr.No.86161-N1/94-1(SB) dt.17.12.94(P593/94)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 Amendment to Rule 74 - orders issued.
254. Lr.No.82456-N1/94-1(SB) dt.17.12.94(P595/94)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 Amendment to Rule 49 -orders of Govt.
- communicated.
255. Lr.No.79504-N1/94-1(SB) dt.7.1.95(P3/95)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978 Amendment to Rule 49-Issued Orders of Govt.
- communicated.
256. (Per) BP(Ch) No.16(SB) dt.13.1.95(P6/95)
Pongal Festival 1995-Pongal Prize Amount to Pensioners Family Pensioners of the Board
Sanctioned - orders issued.
257. (Per) BP(Ch) No.17(SB) dt.13.1.95(P8/95)
Pension -Dearness Allowance - to Pensioners Regulation of Dearness Allowance during
reemployment - orders issued.
258. Lr.No.86162-N1/94-1(SB) dt.16.1.95(P9/95)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978-Amendment to Rule 49-orders of Govt.
- communicated.
259. (Per) BP(FB) No.7 (SB) dt.17.2.95(P34/95)
Pension - Tamilnadu Electricity Board Liberalised Pension Regulations 1960-Regulation 9
- Amendment Issued.
260. (Per) BP(Ch)No.68(SB) dt.28.3.95(P100/95)
Pension - Exercising option by Military Pensioners reemployed in Civil Service orders of
Govt. Applicable to Board - orders issued.
261. (Per) BP(Ch)No.69(SB) dt.28.3.95(P101/95)
Pension - Increase in Dearness Allowance during the reemployment - Allowed - orders
262. UO No.11520-N1/95-1(SB) dt.3.4.95(P145/95)
Ex-gratia-Payment of life time arrears of Ex-gratia to the legal heirs of the deceased
263. Memo No.18667-N1/95-2(SB) dt.2.4.95(P167/95)
Retirement benefits - General orders-Exibiting in Notice Board - instruction issued.
264. Memo (P)No.14493/N1/95-3(SB) dt.28.4.95(P170/95)
Pension Method of Calculation of Pension for those who retired between December 1984
and 30th September 1985 - Modified illustration.
265. (Per) BP(Ch)No.124(SB) dt.24.5.95(Annexure 5/95)
Pension Dearness Allowance to Pensioners / Family Pensioners - Revised Rates from
1.1.95 - orders issued.
266. Lr.No.22476-N1/95-1(SB) dt.6.5.95(P193/95)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978-Amendment to Rule 49 - orders of Govt.
- communicated.
267. Lr.No.15719 - N1/95-1(SB) dt.16.5.95(P199/95)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rules - Amendment to Rule 45 and 49 orders of Govt
- communicated.
268. Lr.No.39469/N1/95-1(SB) dt.23.6.95(P319/95)
Pension Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978-Amendment to Rule 49-orders of Govt.
- communicated.
269. Memo No.48419/N1/95-1(SB) dt.18.8.95(P394/95)
Dearness Allowances on provisional Pension to employees who are allowed to retire from
Service on attaining the of Super annuation or otherwise - clarification issued.
270. Lr.No.49920/N1/95-1(SB) dt.9.8.95(P387/95)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners Revised rates
admissible from 1.7.94 orders issued by Govt.- communicated.
271. Cir Memo No.55165-M1/94-6(SB) dt.16.8.95(P391/96)
Pension - Final Settlement of Pensioners Benefits Avoidance of delay - instructions issued.
272. Memo No.36030/N1/95-1(SB) dt.21.8.95(P398/95)
Pension -Payment of Provisional Pension to employees who are permitted to retire without
prejudice to the D.P. Pending against them-strict compliance of orders issued - instruction.
273. Memo No.74900-N1/89-7(SB) dt.1.9.95(P438/95)
Pension - Payment of Terminal Benefits to employees including employees of State Govt.
undertakings and Local Bodies absorbed in NLC Ltd.- certain clarification issued.
274. (Per) BP(Ch)No.253(SB) dt.28.10.95(P515/95)
Pension - Grant of Interim Relief to Boards Pensioners / Family Pensioners - orders Issued.
275. Memo No.68966/N1/95-1(SB) dt.4.11.95(P547/95)
Pension - Dearness Allowance-on Provisional Pension sanction of orders issued. Further
orders issued DA may be paid from the date of retirement.
276. (Per) BP(Ch)No.263(SB) dt.4.11.95(P562/95)
Pension-Dearness Allowance to pensioners and Family Pensioners Revised rate from
1.7.95 - orders issued.
277. Memo No.83067/N1/95-1(SB) dt.19.12.95(P621/95)
Payment of Pension / family pension on the last working day of month in case of first day
of succeeding month happens to be holiday - orders issued.
278. Memo No.45877/304/F/U1/95-1(Audit Br) dt.5.1.96(P6/96)
Grant of Ex-gratia payment to families of deceased - Contributory provident fund / Non-
Pensionable Estt-Beneficiary of Board employees - Further clarification issued.
279. (Per) BP(Ch) No.38(SB) dt.31.1.96(P18/96)
Pension - Dearness Allowance on Pension - Regulation during reemployment -Revised
orders issued by Govt-Adoption to Board employees - orders issued.
280. (Per) BP(Ch)No.30(SB) dt.30.1.96(P20/96)
Pongal Festival 1996-Pongal Prize amount to Pensioners / Family Pensioners of the Board
-Sanctioned - orders issued.
281. Lr.No.49696-N1/95-1(SB) dt.15.2.96(P9/2/96)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 -Amendment issued by Govt. Communicated -
Payment of Family Pension More than one person - instruction issued.
282. Lr.No.49919/95-1(SB) dt.15.2.96(P10/2/96)
Pension Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978 - Amendment issued to Rule 49by Govt.
- communicated.
283. Memo No.1396-N1/96-1(SB) dt.19.2.96(P11/2/96)
Pension -Classification of the Dearness Allowance as Dearness pay for purpose of DCRG
and raising the maximum limit of gratuity from 1 Lakh to 2.50 lakhs - Amendment issued.
284. Lr.No.5352-N1/96-1(SB) dt.24.2.96(P12/2/96)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule - Rule-16 Amendment orders of Govt. - communicated.
285. Lr.No.5351-N1/96-2(SB) dt.12.3.96(P7/3/96)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978-New Rules 49B Introduced - orders issued.
286. Lr.No.15824-N1/96-1(SB) dt.18.3.96(P12/3/96)
Pension - Commutation - Tamilnadu Civil Pension (Commutation) Rule 1944-Amendment
to Regulation Governing the procedure for commutation of pension Govt. - orders
287. Lr.No.15826/N1/96-1(SB) dt.18.3.96(P14/3/96)
Pension - Commutation - Tamilnadu Civil Pension (Commutation) Rule 1944-New Rule
Viz 9A Introduced orders issued (Second and Subsequent Commutation on Increase)
288. Lr.No.15823-N1/96-1(SB) dt.27.3.96(P29/3/96)
Pension -Commutation - Tamilnadu Civil Pension (Commutation) Rule 1944- Amendment
to Regulation 5 governing the procedure for commutation of Pension orders of Govt
- communicated.
289. Lr. No. 11249/N1/(SB) dt.28.3.96(P33/3/96)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 - Amendment to Rule 55-Authority Competent to
Sanction Provision Pension - Amendment issued.
290. Lr.No.9088-N1/96-1(SB) dt.3.4.96(2/4/96)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 -Amendment to Rule 49 - orders of Govt
291. Lr.No.11250-N1/96-1(SB) dt.27.4.96(P30/4/96)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 - Amendment to Rule 49-orders of Govt.
- communicated.
292. Lr.No.68968-N1/95-1(SB) dt.30.4.96(45/4/96)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 Amendment to Rule 43 and 49 orders of Govt.
293. (Per) BP(Ch)No.148(SB) dt.27.5.96(P12/5/96)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners / Family pensioners Revised rates from
1.1.96 - orders issued.
294. Lr.No. 29078-N1/96-1(SB) dt.18.5.96(P4/5/96)
Pongal Prize 1996-Payment of Pongal Prize to the Pensioners who are in receipt of
Provisional pension/provisional family pension.
295. Lr.No.70611-N1/95-1(SB) dt.9.5.96(P1/5/96)
Pension - Tamilnadu pension Rule 1978 - Amendment to Rule 43 and 49 orders of Govt.
- communicated.
296. Lr.No.31645-Q2/96-1(SB) dt.1.7.96(P1/7/96)
Pension - Life Time Arrears of Pension /Family Pension - Further clarification - orders of
Govt. - communicated.
297. (Per)BP(Ch)No.246(SB) dt.30.8.96(P23/8/96)
Pension - Medical Allowance to pensioners/Family Pensioner Enhancement - orders issued
(Rs.15 to Rs.30)
298. (Per) BP(Ch)No.245(SB) dt.29.8.96(P23/8/96)
Pension - Payment of family pension to the children Suffering from disorder or disability of
Mind or is physically crippled or disabled inclusion of name in pension payment order
- orders issued.
299. (Per) BP(Ch)No.253(SB) dt.23.9.96(P11-9/96)
Pension - Qualifying Service for pension - reduction in the maximum qualifying service for
full pension from 33 years to 30 years - orders issued.
300. (Per) BP(Ch)No.256(SB) dt.25.9.96(P18-9/96)
Pension Grant of Interim Relief from 1.4.95 for Boards Pensioners/Family Pensioners
- orders issued.
301. (Per) BP(FB) No.69(SB) dt.25.10.96(P13/10/96)
Delegation - Sanctioning authorities for pension DCRG, GPF Final and part final withdrawal
in Secretariat and ADM Branch - orders issued.
302. (Per)BP(Ch)No.275(SB) dt.29.10.95(P20/10/96)
Interim Relief - Grant of Interim Relief from 1.4.95 to the family of the deceased CPF / Non
Pensionable Estt Beneficiaries - orders issued.
303. (Per)BP(Ch)No.279(SB) dt.31.10.96(P21-10/96)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rate from
1.7.96 - orders issued.
304. Memo No.71106/N2/96-1(SB) dt.2.11.96(P1/11/96)
Pension - Reduction in the Maximum qualifying service for Full Pension - clarification
305. (Per) BP(FB) No.6(SB) dt.31.1.97(P16/1/97)
Pension - Medical Allowance to the employees who are getting provisional pension
Dearness, Allowance and Medical Allowance to the family pensioners who are getting
provisional family pension - order of Govt. Applicability to Board.
306. (Per)BP(Ch)N17(SB) dt.13.1.97(P204/1/97)
Pongal Festival 1997-Pongal Festival Prize amount to Pensioners / Family Pensioners of
the Board - Sanctioned - orders issued.
307. (Per)BP(FB) No.15(SB) dt.7.3.97(P19/3/97)
Pension - Grant of Second Instalment of Interim Relief from 1.4.96 for Boards Pensioner/
family pensioners - orders issued.
308. (Per) BP(FB) No.21(SB) dt.26.3.97(P27/3/97)
TNEB - Pensioners Family Security Fund Scheme -orders issued.
309. (Per)BP(Ch)No.98(SB) dt.25.4.97(P35.4.97)
Pension - Dearness - Allowance to pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised Rate
from 1.1.97 - orders issued.
310. Memo No.20260/02/96-1(SB) dt.26.4.97 (P10/4/97)
Ex-Gratia Pension may be sanctioned eventhough the persons is in receipt of Freedom
Fighter Pension - clarification issued.
311. Lr.No.70195-Q2(SB) 95-1 dt.11.6.67 (P5/-6/97)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 - Amendment to Rule 43 and 49 orders of Govt.
- communicated.
312. Memo No.38091/Q2/97-1(SB) dt.12.6.97(P17/6/97)
Pongal Prize - Payment of Pongal Prize to the Pensioners / Family Pensioners who are in
receipt of Provisional pension/Provisional Family Pension - clarification.
313. Lr.No.55113/Q2/95-1(SB) dt.1.7.97(P6/7/97)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978 - Tamilnadu Civil Pension (Commutation) Rule
1944-Amendment to Rule 7 and 11 orders of Govt. - communicated.
314. Lr.No.62490/Q2/96-1(SB) dt.1.7.97(P11/7/97)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978-Tamilnadu Civil Pension (Commutaiton) Rule
1944 Amendment to Rule 6 and 9 and Regulation 17 orders of Govt. - communicated.
315. Lr.No.38088-Q2/97-1(SB) dt.1.7.97(P14/7/97)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978-Amendment to Rule 48 orders of Govt.
- communicated.
316. Lr.No.43603/Q2/95-1(SB) dt.19.7.97(P25/7/97)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 -Amendment to Rule 3, 49,72,74,76 83 and from
6,7,13,18,20 and 21 orders of Govt. - communicated.
317. (Per) BP(FB) No.66(SB) dt.18.8.97(P106/8/97)
Pension -Medical Aid - Special Surgery treatment Assistance to Pensioners of the Board -
Constitution of TNEB pensioners Healthy Fund - Inclusion of eye Surgery Treatment
- orders issued.
318. Lr.No.10588/Q2/95-1(SB) dt.5.8.97(P2/8/97)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978-Amendment to Rule 11,12,17,24,30,46 et. orders
of Govt. - communicated.
319. Lr.No.9519/Q2/95-1(SB) dt.5.8.97(P15/8/97)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978-Amendment to Rule 40, 43,45, 45A, 46, 49 and
forms 3 and 11 orders of Govt. - communicated.
320. Lr.No.49052/Q2/96-1(SB) dt.5.8.97(P23/8/97)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978-Amendment to Rule 50A, 50B, 60, 69, 72 and
74 orders of Govt. - communicated.
321. Memo No.40112/Q2/97-4(SB) dt.26.09.97(P8/9/97)
Pension - Sanction of Family Pension to Adopted Son/Adopted Daughter of Unmarried
employees eligible - clarificaiton issued.
322. (Per)BP(Ch)No.253(SB) dt.19.11.97(P6/11/97)
Pension - Dearness allowance to pensioners and family pensioners - Revised rate from
1.7.97 - orders issued.
323. Memo No.82683/Q2/96-1(SB) dt.30.12.97(P17/12/97)
Pension -Regulation of Dearness Allowance on Family pension during employment of
Family Pensioners - orders of Govt. adopted to Board employees - Amendment issued.
324. Memo No.14895-Q2/97-2(SB) dt.2.1.98(P1/1/98)
Pension -Inclusion of name of mentally retarded son in the pension payment order of
pensioners - clarification issued.
325. (Per)BP(Ch)No.2(SB) dt.5.1.98(P3/1/98
Pongal Festival 1998-Pongal Prize amount to Pensioners / Family Pensioners of the
Board-Sanctioned - orders issued.
326. Lr.No.99811-Q2/97-1(SB) dt.28.1.98(P16/1/98)
Pension Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978 Amendment to Rule45-orders of Govt.
- communicated.
327. Lr.No.99812-Q2/97-1(SB) dt.28.1.98(P18/1/98)
Pension Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978 - Amendment to Rule 43 - orders of Govt.
- communicated.
328. (Per) BP(FB) No.9(SB) dt.5.2.98(P10/2/98)
Pension - Adhoc Payment to Pensioners / Family Pensioners - orders issued.
329. Memo No.4046-Q2/9/82(SB) dt.14.3.98(P15/3/98)
TNEB - Pensioners Family Security Fund Scheme-Filing of Nomination - instruction issued.
330. (Per) BP(FB) No.28(SB) dt.24.4.98(P14/4/98)
Pension - Medical Aid-Special Surgery treatment Assistance to pensioners of the Board
enhancement of Annual Subscription - or from Rs.5 to 10/- orders issued.
331. Memo No. 28345/Q2/98-1(SB) dt. 22.5.98(P2/5/98)
Pensioners who stay in abroad without re-employment shall be eligible draw DA on pension
- orders issued.
332. Memo (P) No.54935-Q2/97-7(SB) dt.2.6.98(P5/6/98)
Tamilnadu Electricity Board -pensioners Family Security Fund Scheme - Amendment
333. (Per) BP(Ch)No.186(SB) dt.10.7.98(P16/7/98)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners -Revised rate from
1.7.97- orders issued.
334. (Per)BP(Ch)No.208(SB) dt.18.8.98(P6/8/98)
Pension - Tamilnadu Electricity - board -Revision of pensionary benefits - orders issued.
335. (Per)BP(Ch)No.238(SB) dt.22.9.98(P10/9/98)
Exgratia - TNEB - exgratia payment to families of deceased CPF/Non penisonable
establishment beneficiaries Revision - orders issued.
336. (Per) BP(Ch)No.278(SB) dt.7.11.98(p4/11/98)
Pension-Dearness, Allowance to Pensioners, and Family Pensioner Revised rate from
1.7.98 - orders issued.
337. Memo No.52496-Q2/98-3(SB) dt.16.11.98(P6/11/98)
Pension-Revision of Pensionary benefits - certain clarification issued.
338. (Per) BP(Ch)No.14(SB) dt.8.1.99(P20/1/99)
Pongal Festival 1999-Pongal Prize amount to Pensioners Family Pensioners of the Board
- orders issued.
339. Memo No.92153-Q2/98-2(SB) dt.26.3.99(P30/3/99)
TNEB - Pensioners Family Security Fund Scheme - Filing of nominations - Further
instruction issued.
340. Memo(P)No.92152-Q2/98-2(SB) dt.5.6.99(P15/6/99)
Pension Revision of gratuity including Dearness Allowance allowed from Time to time
- orders issued.
341. Memo 46018-Q2/99-2(SB) dt.7.7.99(P6/7/99)
Pension - Revision of Provisional Pension to those employees permitted to retire from
Service on account of Disciplinary Proceeding certain - clarification issued.
342. (Per) BP (FB) No.33(SB) dt.7.7.99(P41/7/99)
Pension -Dearness Allowance to Pensioners / Family Pensioners Revised rate from 1.1.99
- orders issued.
343. Memo No. 100298/A19/192/97-10(SB) dt.25.8.99(P10/8/99)
Pension -Sanction of Family Pension to father /mother who is already in receipt of Pension
/ Family Pension - clarification issued.
344. (Per) BP(Ch) No.235(SB) dt.14.9.99(P15/9/99)
Pension-Arrears due to Pensioners for the period from 1.1.96 to 31.3.98 payment of balance
arrears of pension / Family Pension in Two Instalment - orders issued.
345. Cir No.43912/148/F24/F241/98-8(AB) dt.21.10.99(P9/10/99)
RWE Staff retired prior to 1.7.86-sanction of pensionary benefits requested - orders issued
by Division Bench of Chennai High Court set-aside by Supreme Court of India order
dt.26.3.99 - communicated.
346. Memo (P) No.16297-A19/A192/99-2 dt.5.10.99(P1/10/99)
Pension - Impounded arrears due to the Pensioners / Family pensioners-expired on or
after 1.1.96 Payment of Interest of arrears - clarification issued.
347. (Per) BP(Ch)No.280(SB) dt.26.10.99(P41/10/99)
Pension Dearness Allowances to Pensioners and Family Pensioner - Revised rate from
1.7.99 - orders issued.
348. (Per) BP(FB) No.72(SB) dt.1.11.99(P14/11/99)
Medical Aid - Special Surgery/Treatment Financial Assistance to the Pensioners of the
Board enhancement of Subscription from Rs.5 to 10/- orders issued.
349. Lr.No.87450-A19/A192/99-1(SB) dt.14.12.99(P5/12/99)
Pension- Life Time arrears - Instruction issued by Govt. Made applicable to Board
(Pensioners who has no family can nominate any of persons including Charitable Trust)
350. Lr.No.87451-A19/A192/99-1(SB) dt.24.1.2000(P14/1/2000)
Pension - Medical Allowance to Pensioners / Family Pensioners drawing more than one
Pension - certain clarificaiton issued.
351. (Per) BP(Ch)No.3(SB) dt.14.1.2000(P24/1/2000)
Pongal Festival 2000-Pongal Prize amount to Pensioners/Family Pensioners of the Board-
Sanctioned - orders issued.
352. Memo (P)No.84956-A19/A192/98-5(SB) dt.29.2.2000(P18/2/2000)
Pension -Revision of Family Pension in respect of cases arisen during the period from
1.1.96 to 30.11.96 - clarification issued.
353. Memo No.35105/A17/A171/99-1(SB) dt.20.5.2000(P8/5/2000)
Medical Aid -TNEB Pensioners Health Fund Scheme change of premises viz. Madras
Medical Mission under Vijaya Hospital Vadapalani as Madras Medical Mission J.J.Nagar
Chennai -50 - order
354. Memo No.35090/A17/A171/2000-1(SB) dt.22.5.2000(P9/5/2000)
Medical Aid - TNEB Pensioners Miot Hospital Added in the list of Hospitals orders issued.
355. Lr.No.28386/A19/A192/2000-1(SB) dt.4.5.2000(P1/5/2000)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978 New Rule 8A Introduced Copy communicated
(Membership commercial Organisation )
356. Lr.No.18189/A19/A192/2000-2(SB) dt.12.5.2000(P5/5/2000)
Pension Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 - Amendment to Rule 42 orders communicated
- weightage on Voluntary retirement.
357. Lr.No.33629/A19/A192/2000-1(SB) dt.20.6.2000(P12/6/2000)
Pension - Payment of Family Pension to the Handicapped Children -Enabling the Spouse
to Furnish the Particulars - Further orders - issued.
358. Lr.No.83967/A19/A192/99-3(SB) dt.20.6.2000(P12/6/2000)
Pension - Revision of Pension to Pre1996 Pensioners Family Pensioners - Certain
clarification issued.
359. Memo No.83625/A17/A171/98-2(SB) dt.6.7.2000(P2/7/2000)
Medical Aid Special Surgery / Treatment - Health Fund Scheme Assistance to the pensioner
of the Board Recovery of Annual Subscription - Modified Procedure.
360. (Per) BP(Ch)No.166(SB) dt.26.7.2000(P15/7/2000)
Pension-Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rates from
1.1.2000 - orders issued.
361. (Per) BP(FB) No.70(SB) dt.31.8.2000(P39/8/2000)
Medical Aid-TNEB Pensioners Health Fund Scheme-Inclusion of Special Surgery/Treatment
- orders issued.
362. Memo No.45086/A19/A192/2000-3(SB) dt.26.9.2000(P6/9/2000)
Expeditious Disposal of Pension cases - Filing of nomination by employees of the Board
- Prescribing of Tamil limit - instruction issued.
363. (Per)BP(FB) No.74(SB) dt.30.9.2000(P8/9/.2000)
TNEB - Pensioners Family Security Fund Scheme-Enhancement of Pensioners
Contribution from Rs.40/- to Rs.60/- orders issued.
364. (Per) BP(FB) No.86(SB) dt.20.11.2000(P32/11/2000)
Pension-Family Pension - Immediate Sanction of Provisional Family Pension to Family of
Board employee who die in harness and Sanction of advance from employees Family
Security Fund Scheme for meeting immediate requirement of the family in cases of death
in harness - orders issued.
365. (Per) BP(CH)No.302(SB) dt.5.12.2000(P49/12/2000)
Pension-Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rate from
1.7.2000 - orders issued.
366. (Per)BP(Ch)No.15(SB) dt.10.1.2001(P64/1/2001)
Pongal Festival 2001-Pongal Prize amount to Pensioners / Family Pensioners of the Board
- Sanctioned - orders issued.
367. Lr.No.6450/A19/A192/2001-2(SB) dt.24.3.2001(P13/3/01)
Pension- Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 -Amendment to Rule 18 orders of Govt.
Communicated - Payment of Pension contribution for the EOL Period)
368. (Per) BP(Ch)No.177(SB) dt.2.7.2001(P17/7/01)
Pension-Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rate from
1.1.2001 - orders issued.
369. Cir Memo (PT) 28690/956/F4/F42/2001-1(Audit Br) dt.10.7.2001(P11/7/01)
Pension - payment of DCRG and Ist Month Pension - mode of Disbursement inrespect of
retires from Five Branches / CE’s /SE’s and equal categories.
370. Memo No.42024/A19/A192/2000-6(SB) dt.7.8.01(P3/8/01)
Pension-Admissibility of Dearness Allowance and Medical Allowance for the TNEB
pensioners settled permanently in Abroad without re-employment are eligible to draw the
Dearness Allowance - clarification issued.
(Ãiy) thÇa Miz (jiyt®) v©. 233(br.».) ehŸ 4.9.01 (ã11/9/01)(Ãiy) thÇa Miz (jiyt®) v©. 233(br.».) ehŸ 4.9.01 (ã11/9/01)
(Ãiy) thÇa Miz (jiyt®) v©. 233(br.».) ehŸ 4.9.01 (ã11/9/01)(Ãiy) thÇa Miz (jiyt®) v©. 233(br.».) ehŸ 4.9.01 (ã11/9/01)
(Ãiy) thÇa Miz (jiyt®) v©. 233(br.».) ehŸ 4.9.01 (ã11/9/01)
jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa« - XŒî bgW« gÂahs®fS¡F gÂ¥ghuh£L rh‹¿jœ jÄÊš
tH§Fjš - MizÆl¥gL»wJ.
372. Lr.No.79846/A19/A192/2001-2(SB) dt.19.10.01(P15/10/01)
Pension forwarding of Pension proposal to CIAO/Board office Audit Branch-Furnishing of
Photographs along with the pension application - instruction issued.
373. Memo (P)No.85524/A17/A171/2001-2(SB) dt.29.11.01(P1/12/01)
Medical Aid - Special Surgery / Treatment Financial Assistance to Pensioner of Board
Under Pensioner Health Fund -Lapse of Application for want of Fund Amendment.
374. Lr.No.98834/A19/A192/2001-1(SB) dt.30.11.2001(P2/12/01)
Pension - Payment of Family Pension to the parents and widowed / Divorced daughters of
the state Govt. Servant-orders of Govt. Communicated - Fixing Income Criteria for the
Sanction of Pension.
375. Lr.No.110952/A19/A192/2001-1(SB) dt.3.12.2001(P4/12/01)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 - Amendment to Rule 43 of Tamilnadu Pension
Rule 1978 - orders of Govt. - Communicated - reduction of qualifying Service from 33
years to 30 years for eligibility of 50% pay last drawn.
376. (Per) BP(Ch)No.9(SB) dt.17.1.2002(P23/1/02)
Pension -Dearness Allowance to pensioners and Family Pensioners -Revised rate from
1.7.2001 - orders issued.
377. (Per) BP(FB) No.2(SB) dt.11.1.2002(P20/1/02)
Medical Aid - Special Surgery/Treatment -Financial assistance to the pensioners of the
Board -enhancement of Subscription from Rs.10 to Rs.60/- and Assistance from Rs.25000/
- to Rs.50000/- orders issued.
378. Memo (P) No.7267/A19/A192/2002-1(SB) dt.28.1.02(P4/1/02)
Pension Revision of Pensionary benefits - employees serving in Resident Manager office
New Delhi Inclusion of Special day for pensionary benefits - clarification issued.
379. Lr.No.119724/A19/A192/2001-3(SB) dt.21.3.02(P17/3/02)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978 -Amendment to Rule 49 of Tamilnadu Pension
Rule 1978 - orders of Govt. - communicated.
380. Memo No.71456/A17/A171/98-6(SB) dt.27.3.02(P24/3/02)
Medical Aid - Assistance to Pensioner of Board Pensioners Health Fund Scheme - Inclusion
of Additional Hospital - Amendment issued.
381. Lr.No.117885/A19/A192/2001-1(SB) dt.12.4.02(P46/4/02)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 -Amendment to Rule 74 and 75 of Tamilnadu
Pension Rule 1978 -orders of Govt. Communicated (Provisional Family Pension)
382. (Per) BP(Ch)No.141(SB) dt.5.7.2002(P42/7/02)
Pension - Revised Pension ordered on the Recommendation of official committee-Certain
modifications orders issued by Govt. Applicability to Boards Pensioners - orders issued.
383. (Per) BP(FB) No.54(SB)dt.27.9.02(P7/8/02)
Delegation of Powers - Family Pension / DCRG-Sanction of Family Pension / DCRG etc.
based on court orders which do not confirm to Pension Rules -Delegation of powers to
chairman - orders issued.
384. (Per) BP(Ch)No.221(SB) dt.5.11.02(P40/11/02)
Pension-Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rate from
1.10.2002 - orders issued.
385. Memo (P)No.115203/A19/A192/2002-2(SB) dt.27.2.03 (P10/2/03)
Pension-Commutation of Pension -Delay in Sanction payment of commuted Value to the
Legal heirs - orders issued.
386. (Per) BP(Ch)No.64(SB) dt.31.3.03(P10/3/03)
Pension Qualifying Service for pension and calculation of pension - maximum Qualifying
service for eligibility of Full Pension enhanced to 33 years from 30 years and calculation is
also on 10 months, Average - orders issued.
387. (Per) BP(Ch)No.65(SB) dt.31.3.03(P10/3/03)
Pension - commutation of pension - Revised commuted - value Rates - orders issued.
388. (Per) BP(Ch)No.66(SB) dt.31.3.03(P11/3/03)
Pension-Commutation of Pension Revised limit Reduced to 33/1/3 from 40% - orders
389. (Per) BP(Ch)No.67(SB) dt.31.3.03(P12/3/03)
Pension -Retirement Benefit -DCRG - payment 50% in cash and 50% small savings
certificate order of Govt. Adoption to Board.
390. Lr.No.41634/A19/A192/2003-1(SB) dt.9.5.03(P8/5/03)
Pension - Payment of Family Pension - to disabled, divorced widowed daughter of State
Govt. Servant orders of Govt. - communicated.
391. Memo (P) No.32164/A19/A192/2003-3(SB) dt.28.5.03(P19/5/03)
Payment of Retirement benefits - Revision of Retirement benefits Stayed by Court - Further
orders issued.
392. Memo No.21964/A19/A192/2001-20(SB) dt.31.05.03(P11/6/03)
Pension - Refund of 50% of commuted amount of pension impounded to be paid on or
after 1.7.2003 - Further instruction issued.
393. Lr.No.38825/A19/A192/2003-1(SB) dt.17.6.03(P7/6/03)
Pension -Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978-Sanction of Increment orders issued by Govt.
- communicated.
394. (Per) BP(Ch)No.156(SB) dt.11.7.03(P37/7/03)
Pension-Dearness Allowance to Pensioners / Family Pensioner - Revised rate from
1.7.2003 - orders issued.
395. (Per) BP(FB) No.32(SB) dt.24.9.03(P22/9/03)
Medical Aid - Special Surgery /Treatment - Assistance to Pensioners and approval of
Registered. Private Hospitals - orders issued.
396. Memo (P) No.34922/A19/A192/2003-2(SB) dt.29.10.03(P10/10/03)
Pension - Revised Pension Procedure -Cases filed against the orders - Judgement
delivered dismissing the petition - Settlement as per the revised orders - w.e.f. 31.10.2003
- instruciton issued.
397. Memo (P) No.34922/A19/A192/2003-3(SB) dt.28.11.03(P13/11/03)
Pension-Revised Procedure ordered -Cases filed against the orders judgement delivered
- Further instruction issued.
398. (Per) BP(Ch)No.264(SB) dt.3.12.03(P13/12/03)
Pension - Pension Scheme - Introduciton of Contributory Pension Scheme to TNEB
employees with effect from 1.4.03 Amendment to pension - Rules 1978 issued by Govt.
Applicability to Board - orders issued.
399. Memo No.32164/A19/A192/2003-10(SB)dt.4.2.04(P13/2/04)
Pension - Revision of Pensionery benefits, Adoption of Govt.orders - Case filed by Union -
Judgement delivered - Repayment of Excess amount already sanctioned.
400. (Per)BP(FB) No.4(SB) dt.21.2.04(P24/2/04)
TNEB Extension of Medical Facilities to TNEB Pensioners / Family Pensioners for taking
Treatment as in patient in Govt/Private Hospital payment of Hospital charges - orders
401. (Per) BP(Ch)No.26(SB) dt.24.2.04(P25/2/04)
Pension -dearness Allowance to Pensioners and family pensioners - Revised rate from
1.2.04 - orders issued.
402. (Per) Memo No.32164/A19/A192/2003-12(SB) dt.31.3.04(P13/3/04)
Pension - Revision of Pensionary benefits - Adoption of Govt. orders - cases filed by
unions. - Further orders issued.
403. Lr.No.91554 /A19/A192/2001-1(SB) dt.1.3.04(P14/3/04)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rule 1978 - Amendment to Rule 34, 42, 44, 50A, etc. orders
of Govt. - communicated.
404. Memo No.32164/A19/A192/2003-11(SB) dt.20.3.04(P20/3/04)
Pension - Revision of Pensionary benefits - Adoption - of Govt. Orders - cases filed by
unions - consequential - orders issued.
405. Lr.No.47755/A19/A192/2004-02(SB) 20.7.04(P16/7/04)
Payment of Pension - in admissible / Excess Payment of Pension by Pension pay office -
Public Sector Banks and Treasury - Irregularities noticed there on Regulation of Certain
instruction issued by Govt. - communicated.
406. Lr.No.28619/A19/A192/2002-4(SB0 dt.23.7.04(P18/7/04)
Pension -Payment of Commuted Value of Pension in case when charges are pending at
the time of retirement - clarification issued by Govt. - communicated.
407. (Per) BP(Ch)No.162(SB) dt.17.9.04(P13/9/04)
Pension Commutation of Pension - Revised commutation valve / Rates - orders issued
408. Memo (P)No.32164/A19/A192/2003-14(SB) dt.29.9.04(P15/9/04)
Pension - Provision of Pensionary benefits - Further orders to those who have retired
between 31.10.2003 to 30.3.2004 - issued.
409. Memo (P) 62953/A23/A232/2004-1(SB) dt.8.10.04(P4/10/04)
TNEB - Issuing of Commendation certificate to all Superintending Engineers retiring from
Service by Secretary TNEB - reg.
410. (Per) BP(Ch)No.186(SB) dt.29.10.04(P33/10/04)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rates
from 1.7.04 - orders issued.
411. Memo (P) No.32164/A19/A192/2003-15(SB) dt.18.11.04(P17/11/04)
Pension- Revision of Pensionary benefits - clarificaiton issued about the employees retired
prior to 31.10.2003.
412. (Per) BP(FB) No.1(Adm.Br.)Dt.18.1.05(P6/1/05)
Estt-RWE - Thiru P.Kuppusamy Helper Erode EDC (Decease) Modification of Punishment
of dismissal and deemed to reinstatement into service as (Per) BP(FB) No.27(Adm.Br.)
dt.7.11.02 - orders issued.
413. (Per) BP(Ch)No.31(SB) dt.31.1.05(P1/2/05)
Pension -Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rates from
1.1.05 - orders issued.
414. (Per) BP(FB) No.6(SB) dt.31.1.05(P25/2/05)
Pension - Pension Scheme - contributory Pension Scheme -Further Guidelines
- orders issued.
415. Memo (P) No.111623/A23/A232/2004-1(SB) dt.15.02.05(P29/2/05)
TNEB - Payment of Terminal benefits to retiring employees at an official Function - Awarding
commutation certificate and adorning with a Handloom or Khadi Towel cost of shall
enhanced from Rs.125 to 150 - orders issued.
416. Memo (P) No.53943/A19/A192/2004-2(SB) dt.2.3.05 (P4/3/05)
TNEB - pensioners Family Security Fund Scheme option to come over to the Scheme
- instruction issued.
417. Cir.Lr.No.C6340/F24/F242/2005(AB) dt.15.4.05(P76/4/05)
Pension - Contributory pension scheme inrespect of employees / Staff / officers appointed
in the Boards services on or after 1.4.03 allotment of pension scheme index
numbers - reg.
418. (Per) BP(Ch)No.75(SB) dt.18.4.05(P82/4/05)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rates
from 1.4.05 - orders issued.
419. Memo (P) No.7254/A19/A192/2005-1(SB) dt.24.5.05(P32/5/05)
TNEB - Pensioners engaging themselves in commercial Private employment with in Two
years after retirement without obtaining permission - instruction issued.
420. Memo (P) No.072154/G44/G441/2005-2(Adm.Br.) dt.22.8.05(75/8/05)
Estt- TNEB - Hydro Generation circles - Absorption of Contract Labour as Helpers -
implementation of C.P. Scheme - reg.
421. UO No.47658/A19/A192/2005-1(SB) dt.23.8.05(P16/8/05)
Pension Payment order issue of Duplicate pension payment order after collecting Rs.5/-
procedure to be followed.
422. (Per) BP(Ch) 167(SB) dt.6.8.05(P30/8/05)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rate from
1.7.05 - orders issued.
423. Memo (P) No.16182/A19/A192/05-2(SB) Dt.25.10.05(P64/10/05)
Pension - Contributory Pension scheme to Board employees with effect from 1.4.2003
- Further instruction issued.
424. (Per) BP(FB) No.58(SB) dt.14.11.05(P42/11/05)
TNEB - Pension -Increase in Pension and retrial benefits to the employees of the Board
who retired during the period between 1.12.2000 to 30.11.2002 - orders issued.
425. (Per) BP(FB) No.15(SB) dt.18.2.2006(P68/2/06)
Exgratia Grant of Exgratia Payment to RWE employees Prior to 1.7.86 and alive - orders
426. (Per) BP(FB) No.14(SB) dt.13.2.06(P32/2/06)
Medical Aid - Special Surgery Treatment, Assistance to the pensioners of the Board under
TNEB Pensioners Health Fund - Approval of Registered private Hospital from 1.4.05
- orders issued.
427. (Per) BP(Ch) No.22(SB) dt.4.2.06(P61/2/06)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rate from
1.1.06 - orders issued.
428. Memo No.33864/F2/F23/2006(BOAB) 19.5.06(P33/5/06)
Estt- Terminal benefits payment to employees of TNEB as well as to the Legal heirs of
deceased employees - payment through Demand Draft for out station payment - instruction
429. Memo (P) No.42463/A19/A192/2006-1(SB) dt.7.4.06(P43/5/06)
Pension - Contributory Pension scheme to Board employees with effect from 1.4.2003-
consolidated working construction for monitoring the scheme and accounting procedure
- Guidelines issued.
430. Memo No.38255/A19/A192/2006-1(SB) dt.4.5.06(P46/5/06)
Pension Qualifying service for pension and calculation of pension - Revised orders and
amendment to TNEB liberalised pension Regulation 1960-WP No.8675/2006 filed on the
file of the High Court Madras - Interim Stay granted and extended - instruction issued.
431. (Per) BP(ON) No.76(SB) dt.6.5.06(P47/5/06)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to pensioners and Family Pensioners Revised rate from
1.1.06 - orders issued.
432. (Per) BP(Ch)No.130(SB) dt.10.7.06 (P25/7/06)
Pension Dearness Allowance tot he Regular work Estt-employees retired prior to 1.7.86
and alive revised rate from 1.2.2006 - orders issued.
433. (Per) BP(FB) No.41(SB) dt.31.8.06(P10/8/06)
TNEB - Pay and allowances - merger of Dearness Allowance with basic pay / pension to
employees / pensioners of the Board with effect from 1.8.06 - orders issued.
434. (Per) BP(Ch)No.187(SB)dt.26.9.06(P61/9/06)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to pensioners and Family pensioners - Revised rate from
1.7.06 - orders issued.
435. (Per) BP(FB) No.56(SB) dt.13.11.06(P4/11/06)
Pension - Medical Aid-Kidney Transplantation - Supply of Life Saving Drugs cyclopropane
to Pensioners/ Family Pensioners on cost sharing basis 50% Cost of drug born by Board
and 50% born by Pensioners / Family pensioners - orders issued.
436. (Per) BP(FB) No.62(SB) dt.15.12.06(P8/12/07)
Pension -Qualifying Service for pension and calculation of pension - Revised orders and
amendment to Tamilnadu Electricity Board Liberalised pension Regulation 1960 - issued
(Minimum Service for eligibility of pension is 10 years.)
437. (Per) BP(Ch)No.15(SB) dt.11.1.07(P17/1/07)
Pongal Festival 2007-Pongal Prize Amount to Pensioners of TNEB Sanctioned - orders
438. (Per) BP(FB) No.12(SB) dt.21.4.07(P15/4/07)
TNEB - Extension of Medical Facilities to TNEB Pensioners / Family Pensioner for taking
treatment as in Patient in Govt/ Private Hospital Medical Claim Simplification of procedure
- orders issued.
439. (Per) BP(Ch)No.92(SB) dt.12.4.2007(P37/4/07)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and family pensioners - Revised rates from
1.1.2007 - orders issued.
440. (Per) BP(FB) No.38(SB) dt.24.9.07(P30/9/07)
TNEB Pensioners Health Fund Scheme -Accreditation of Additional Private Hospitals orders
issued by Govt. Adoption in the Board - orders issued.
441. (Per) BP(FB) No.39(SB) dt.24.9.07(P32/9/07)
Health Fund Scheme - TNEB Pensioners Health Fund Scheme Enhancement of
Subscription from Rs.10/- to Rs.20/- per month from 9/07 - orders issued.
442. (Per) BP(Ch) No.242(SB) dt.8.10.07(P9/10/07)
Pension - Advance -Festival Advance to the Pensioners - Enhancement of Quantum of
Advance from Rs.750/- to Rs.1000/- orders of Govt. Adoption - orders issued.
443. (Per) BP(Ch)No.249(SB) dt.22.10.07(P22/10/07)
Pension - Dearness, Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners -Revised rate from
1.7.2007 - orders issued.
444. (Per) BP(FB) No.46(SB) dt.7.11.07(P12/11/07)
TNEB Pensioners Health Fund Scheme - Accreditation of Additional Registered private
hospitals - orders issued by Govt. - Adoption in the Board - orders issued.
445. (Per) BP(FB) No.47(SB) dt.16.11.07(P16/11/07)
Pension-Counting of Service Spent during the Period of Training as duty for the purpose of
calculation of Pension-orders issued(Helper, Office, Helper, Assessor and Asst. Engineer
446. (Per) BP(Ch)No.274(SB) dt.3.12.07(P8/12/07)
TNEB Pensioners Health Fund Scheme - Relaxation of Certain Stipulation orders issued
by Govt-Adoption in Board -orders issued.
447. (Per)BP(Ch)No.5(SB) dt.14.1.08(P14/1/08)
Pongal Festival 2008-Pongal Prize amount to Pensioners family pensioners of the TNEB
- Sanctioned - orders issued.
448. (Per) BP(FB) No.2(SB) dt.1.2.08(P8/2/08)
Pension - Refixation of Pension /Family Pension with effect from 1.6.88 orders of Govt. -
Adoption to the pensioners / Family Pensioners of TNEB - orders issued.
449. (Per) BP(Ch)No.50(SB) Dt.29.3.08(P21/3/08)
TNEB - Pensioners Health Fund Scheme - Accreditation of Addl. registered private Hospitals
- orders issued by Govt. Adoption in the Board - orders issued.
450. (Per) BP(FB) No.11(SB) dt.6.3.08(P7/3/08)
TNEB Pensioners Health Fund Scheme - Relaxation of certain Stipulation - Inclusion of
Unaccredited in the List of Hospital - orders issued.
451. (Per) BP(Ch)No.59(SB) dt.11.4.08(P16/4/08)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to pensioners and Family Pensioners Revised rate from
1.1.08 - orders issued.
452. Lr.No.33621/A19/A192/2008-1(SB) dt. 19.6.08 (P16/6/08)
Pension - TNEB -Medical Facilities to the Tamilnadu Electricity Board pensioners / Family
Pensioners payment of hospital charges - claim form prescribed - communicated.
453. (Per) BP(Ch)No.116(SB) dt.30.6.08(P26/6/08)
Pension - Refixation of Pension / Family Pension with effect from 1.6.88 orders of Govt-
Adoption to the pensioners / Family pensioners of Madurai (Metro) Coimbatore (Metro)
Tanjavur, Karur and Pollachi undertaking retired before vesting date - orders issued.
454. (Per)BP(Ch)No.130(SB) dt.9.7.08(P12/7/08)
TNEB - Pension Discusion with the pensioners Association - constitution of Committee at
Regional Level - orders issued.
(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz v©. 132(br.».) ehŸ 16.7.08ã 43/7/08)(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz v©. 132(br.».) ehŸ 16.7.08ã 43/7/08)
(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz v©. 132(br.».) ehŸ 16.7.08ã 43/7/08)(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz v©. 132(br.».) ehŸ 16.7.08ã 43/7/08)
(Ãiy) thÇa braš Kiw Miz v©. 132(br.».) ehŸ 16.7.08ã 43/7/08)
XŒñâa«-jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa XŒñâa® eyÃ⤠â£l« 1995 XŒñâajhu® khj¥
ão¤j« ca®¤âí« k‰W« kU¤Jt bryÉd¤â‹ c¢r tu«ig ca®¤âí« Miz
456. (Per) BP (Ch)No.185(SB) dt.6.10.08(P7/10/08)
Pension - Medical Facilities -State Govt. Pensioners Son employed in Central Govt. Availing
Medical Facilities offered by the Central Govt. by State Govt. Pensioners clarificaiton issued
Adoption to Boards Pensioner - orders issued.
457. Lr.No.73347/A19/A192/2008-1(SB) dt.10.10.08(P11/10/08)
Retirement Benefits of Board employees - Giving Top Priority for claims relating to retirement
benefits Instruction issued by Govt.- copy communicated.
458. Lr.No.82286/A19/A192/2008-1(SB) dt.6.11.08(P10/11/08)
Pension - Tamilnadu Pension Rules 1978 - Amendment to rule 43 orders of Govt.
communicated (If the employees who retire after completion of 10 years after 1.4.03 -
Proportionate pension eligible)
459. (Per)BP(Ch)No.213(SB) dt.20.11.08(P19/11/08)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners / Family Pensioners Revised rate from
1.7.08 - orders issued.
460. (Per) BP(Ch)No.75(SB) dt.27.4.09(P70/4/09)
Pension - Dearness - Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rates
from 1.1.2009 - orders issued.
461. (Per) BP(Ch)No.235(SB) dt.1.12.2009 (P10/12/09)
Pension - Revision of Pension and pensionary benefits - orders issued by the Govt. -
Adoption to the Pensioners family Pensioners of Tamilnadu, Electricity Board - orders
462. Memo (P) No.89673/A19/A192/2009-1(SB) dt.7.1.10(P17/1/10)
Revision of Pension - Revised commutation Table - Revised commuted value of Pension
to employees who retired between 1.1.2007 to 30.11.2009-clarificaiton issued by Govt. -
Adoption to the employees of TNEB - orders issued.
463. (Per) BP(Ch)No.1(Acct-Br) dt.2.2.10(P51/2/10)
Pension - Contributory pension Scheme - Further guidance and Administrative Approval
- orders issued.
464. (Per) BP(FB) no.15(SB) dt.17.6.10(P116/6/10)
Pension - issue of duplicate pension payment orders levy of fees - Dispensing with Existing
procedure modified - orders of Govt. - Adoption to the pensioners Family Pensioners of
the Board - orders issued.
465. (Per) BP(Ch)No.223(SB) dt.7.10.10(P23/10/10)
Pension - Dearness Allowance to Pensioners and Family Pensioners - Revised rate of
Dearness Allowance from 1.7.2010 - orders issued.
466. (Per) Bp(FB) No.39(SB) dt.14.10.10(P31/10/10)
Pension - Family Pension to the Married Mentally disabled son clarification issued by
Govt-Adoption to Board (wife of Mental disabled son is not eligible for Family Pensioners
- orders issued.
467. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro No.13(SB) dt.18.12.10 (P19/12/10)
TNEB Pensioners Health Fund Scheme - Extension of Scheme to the spouse of the
Pensioners and enhancement of pensioners contribution - orders issued by Govt-Adoption
to Board - orders issued.
468. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro No.14(SB) dt.18.12.10(P20/12/10)
TNEB Pensioners Health Fund Scheme - Extension of Scheme to Family Pensioners -
orders issued by Govt-Adoption in Board - orders issued.
469. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro No.15(SB) dt.18.12.10(P22/12/10)
TNEB Pensioner, Health Fund Scheme -Specialised Surgery / Treatment undergone in
the accreditated hospitals - Specialised Surgery / Treatment not included in the accredited
list sanction of Assistance - orders issued by the Govt-Adoption in Board - orders issued.
(Ãiy) j.eh.Ä. ckgf(Kth) braš Miz v©.23(br.».)ehŸ 3.8.11(ã18/8/11)(Ãiy) j.eh.Ä. ckgf(Kth) braš Miz v©.23(br.».)ehŸ 3.8.11(ã18/8/11)
(Ãiy) j.eh.Ä. ckgf(Kth) braš Miz v©.23(br.».)ehŸ 3.8.11(ã18/8/11)(Ãiy) j.eh.Ä. ckgf(Kth) braš Miz v©.23(br.».)ehŸ 3.8.11(ã18/8/11)
(Ãiy) j.eh.Ä. ckgf(Kth) braš Miz v©.23(br.».)ehŸ 3.8.11(ã18/8/11)
ÃWtd« -jÄœehL Ä‹ c‰g¤â k‰W« g»®khd fHf« K‹d® jÄœehL Ä‹rhu thÇa«
-XŒñâajhu® FL«g ghJfh¥ò Ã⤠â£l«-XŒñâajhu® ïwªJ É£lhš mtUila
FL«g¤â‰F cjɤ bjhif tH§Fjš Ãgªidia Ú¡» - Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
(Ãiy) j.eh.Ä.c.k.g.f.(Kth) br.K. Miz v©.24(br.») ehŸ 6.8.11 (g21/8/11)(Ãiy) j.eh.Ä.c.k.g.f.(Kth) br.K. Miz v©.24(br.») ehŸ 6.8.11 (g21/8/11)
(Ãiy) j.eh.Ä.c.k.g.f.(Kth) br.K. Miz v©.24(br.») ehŸ 6.8.11 (g21/8/11)(Ãiy) j.eh.Ä.c.k.g.f.(Kth) br.K. Miz v©.24(br.») ehŸ 6.8.11 (g21/8/11)
(Ãiy) j.eh.Ä.c.k.g.f.(Kth) br.K. Miz v©.24(br.») ehŸ 6.8.11 (g21/8/11)
jÄœehL Ä‹ c‰g¤â k‰W« g»®khd fHf« XŒñâa« - XŒñajhu®fŸ k‰W« FL«g
XŒñâajhu®fŸ-TLjš XŒñâa« k‰W« FL«g XŒñâa« tH§Fjš - Miz
472. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro No.31(SB) dt.8.9.11(P17/9/11)
Pension Counting the half of the Temporary Service rendered as Temporary casual Labour
/ Nominal Muster Roll for the purpose of pensionary benefits - orders issued.
473. (Per) BP(FB) No.23(SB) dt.2.4.97(P15/4/97)
Medical Aid-Special Surgery/Treatment -Assistance to the pensioners of the Board -
Constitution of TNEB pensioner, Health Fund - orders issued.
1. BPMS No. (ch) 37(SB) Dt.3.2.83 (P 95/83I)
Estt. TNEB – Class I&II officers – Maintenance of personal files – Revised system
2. Memo No:- 77627(A)/C1/82-1(SB) Dt.16.12.82 (P 65/83-I)
Estt – Confidential Reports – Representations against assessment of Reporting officers
etc. – instruction issued.
3. Memo No: - 055769-C1/83-1 (SB) Dt. 17.7.83 (P 137/83II)
Estt Furnishing of personal files to other organization etc. – instruction Modified.
4. Memo. No: - 091742/683/ADM II (2) /83-1 (ADM Br) Dt.15.9.83 (P 290/83II)
Estt. TNEB Service – Maintenance of Personal File – Writing up of confidential reports
– reg.
5. Memo No: - 24780- C1/83-2 (SB) Dt. 23.9.83 (P 292/83II)
Estt – Class I Service – Maintenance of Duplicate personal files – Not necessary - orders
6. Memo No :- 64577/C1/83-1 (SB) Dt. 28.10.83 (P 364/83II)
Estt – Class I Service – Confidential Reports – Writing up of – instruction issued.
7. BPMS (ch) No:- 419 (SB) Dt.31.10.83 (P 366/83II)
Estt – Class I Service – Confidential Reports – Representation against adverse remarks
– Proper disposal - instruction issued.
8. Memo No:- 90347-C1/83-1 (SB) Dt. 12.12.83 (P 468/83II)
Estt Confidential Report – Mode of obtaining Acknowledgment of officers of performance
Assessment report - orders issued.
9. Memo No:- 091742/ADM II (2)/683/83-2 Dt. 11.2.84 (p 73/84)
Esst. – TNEB Service – Maintenance of Personal file – Writing up of confidential reports –
To be written by EE , Gl. to PAs in circle offices
10. Memo No:- 108870/C1/83-1 (SB) dt.08.03.84 (P.134/84)
Estt. – Class I Service – Confidential reports – Mode of obtaining acknowledgement of
Officers on PAR - clarification issued.
11. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.235 (SB) Dt.18.06.84 (P.400/84)
Estt. – Personal files – Confidential report of DE O&M reports by Collectors - orders
12. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.442 (Adm.Br) Dt.24.07.84 (P.499/84)
Estt. – Class III Service – Confidential reports communication of adverse remarks to the
individuals – instruction issued.
13. Memo.No.5866/C.1/84-3 (Sectt.) Dt.29.10.84 (P.792/84)
Estt. – TNEB – Writing of confidential reports after demitting office – Not in order instruction
14. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.427 (SB)Dt.12.11.84 (P.854/84)
Estt. – TNEB – Class I & II Service Maintenance of Personal file revised format - orders
15. Memo No. 77780-C1/84-1(SB)dt.3.1.85(P2/85)
Estt. - TNEB - writing up of confidential Reports after demitting office - Further instruction
16. BPMS(Ch)No.137(SB)dt.3.4.85(P391/85)
Estt-TNEB - Preservation of Personal file - Time limit Fixed- further Instruction of Govt.
- Adoption by Board - ordered.
17. Lr.No.19682/C1/85-1(Sectt. Br) Dt.1.6.85(P640/85)
Estt-Class I Service - writing of confidential Reports for the year 1984 and thereafter
- instruction issued.
18. Memo No.42012-C1/85-1(SB)dt.20.8.85(P854/85)
Estt-TNEB - Writing of Confidential reports after demitting office further - instruction issued.
19. Memo NO. : 53875/C1/85-1(SB) dt.18.9.85(P947/85)
Estt-TNEB - Class I and II Service Maintenance of Personal files - Further Instruction
20. Ch’s Memo No.:52179-C1/85-1(SB) dt.2.10.85(P1025/85)
Estt-TNEB - Class I and II Officers writing up of Confidential Reports - instruction issued.
21. Memo No.:33669-A2/86-1(SB) dt.13.8.86(P732/86)
Estt.-TNEB - Class I Service - Writing up of Confidential reports - Obtaining of
acknowledgement of officers - instruction issued.
22. Memo No.:Adm III (1) 168497 /86-1 (Adm Br.)Dt.17.12.86(P1108/86)
Estt. Maintenance of Personal file / Assessment Report - instruction issued.
23. Lr.No.032015/214/Adm III / (1)/87-1 dt.1.4.87(P253/87)
TTPS - Confidential Reports - Counter Signature by Scrutinising officer - Clarification
sought - for reg. (The SE Who has served Major Part of year can Counter sign the PAR)
24. Memo No. : 27419-A1/87-1(SB)dt.6.5.87(P355/87)
Estt-Personal Files - Confidential Reports of Divisional Engineers (O&M)-Report by
collectors - orders Amendment
25. Memo No. U.O.No.:Adm Br./005985/9/Adm3(3) / 87-1 dt.20.5.87 (P388/87)
Estt. Class II and III Service - writing up of PAR - clarification issued.
26. BPMS(Ch)No.342(SB) dt.1.9.87(P696/87)
Estt-TNEB - Preservation of Personal file - Time limit fixed - Further instruction issued.
27. U.O.Note No.:56178-A1/87-1(SB) dt.23.9.87(P781/87)
Public Service - proper Maintenance of Personal file - instruction issued.
28. BPMS(Ch)No.375(SB) dt.5.10.87(P781/87)
Estt. Class I Service - Confidential reports - prompt communication of Adverse remarks
- Further instructions issued.
29. Memo No.:159129/1705/C2/87-1 (Adm.Br.)Dt.8.12.87(P963/87)
Esst-Class II & III Service Revenue Supervisors, Special Grade Rev. Supervisors and
Assessment officers writing of Assessment report - reg.
30. Cir Memo NO. : 256/DPII/1/88-1(Adm. Br.) dt.30.4.88(P289/88)
Estt- Maintenance of Personal Files - Filling of Copies of Punishment and orders on appeal
- instruction issued.
31. Memo No.:75763/O&M cell/88-1(SB) dt.28.12.88(P915/88)
Estt- TNEB - Maintenance of Personal Files prescribing Minimum period of three months
for scrutinising officers - orders issued.
32. Memo No. 22304/O&M cell/89-2(SB) dt.26.4.89(P301/89)
Confidential Reports - writing up of Confidential Reports in respect of officers for the period
deputed for study - need not be written up - clarification issued.
33. Cir Memo NO.:24115/O&M cell/88-1(SB) dt.2.8.89(P682/89)
Estt-TNEB-Maintenance of Personal files - Retention of Personal files of officers
- instruction issued.
34. Memo No.42413/O&M cell/89-2(SB) dt.16.8.89(P700/89)
Estt- Confidential Reports - Representation against adverse remarks - Instruction issued
- Amendment issued.
35. Memo (P)No.: 82236/O&M cell(4) /89-1dt. 9.2.90(P83/90)
Estt. TNEB - Maintenance of personal files and writing up of confidential reports - Instruction
issued by the Board - complied and reissued.
36. Cir Memo No. : 018056/54/Adm 3(2) /90-1(Adm. Br.)dt.18.6.90(P374/90)
Estt. Class II and III Services - performance Assessment Reports - Prompt Communication
of Adverse remarks in the performance Reports - instruction issued.
37. Memo (P)No.40712/O&M cell/4/90-1(SB)dt.25.7.90(P453/90)
Estt.TNEB Class I and II Service - Maintenance of Personal files - Revised format - ordered
- Amendment issued.
38. Cir Memo No.:07014/C5(A3) /90-3(Adm. Br.) Dt.20.10.90(P612/90)
Estt. Class II and III Service - writing up of Confidential report-Maintenance of Duplicate
files dispensed with.
39. Lr.No.:157338/Adm 3(1) / 90-1(Adm. Br.) dt.18.12.90(P729/90)
Estt-Class II and III Service - Performance Assessment Report for the year ending
1990 - Called for
40. Memo No.:12016-A2/91-1(SB) dt.26.2.91(P55/91)
Estt-TNEB filling of copies of orders of Punishment and orders of appeal in the personal
file-Instruction issued - reiterated.
41. (Per)BP(Ch)No.:152(SB) dt.14.6.91(P311/91)
Estt. Class I Service - writing up of confidential reports - Representation against adverse
remarks - instruction issued.
42. (per) BP(Ch)No.266(SB) dt.10.10.91(P556/91)
Confidential Reports - Writing up of Confidential reports of Chief Engineers by Member
(Distn) and Counter Signed by the Chairman - orders issued.
43. Memo (Per) NO.:77668/O&M cell / 91-1(SB) dt.1.12.91(P691/91)
Estt. TNEB - Maintenance of Personal Files writing of Personal file by the Reporting officers
both in his capacity as Reporting officers as well as Scrutinising officer - instruction issued.
44. Memo No.13856/O&M cell /1(4)92-5(SB) dt.2.1.93(P1/93)
Estt-TNEB - Confidential Report - Writing up of - instruction to follow the graph ratings.-
45. Memo No.69056/O&M cell I (4) / 93-1(SB) dt.22.2.95(P36/95)
Estt-TNEB - Class I and II officers - Maintenance of Personal Files - Prescription of Time
limit for Counter-Signing - instruction issued.
46. Memo No.52898/O&M I (4)/95-1(SB) dt.9.8.95(P386/95)
Estt-TNEB - Confidential Reports writing up of Instruction to follow the graph ratings
- reiterated.
47. Memo No.13369/ofm I (4) / 96-2(SB) dt.19.7.96(P6/7/96)
Estt-TNEB - Maintenance of Personal files and Records Sheet - Writing of Personal files
by Reporting officers after demitting office - instruction issued.
48. (Per) BP(Ch)No.94(SB) dt.22.4.97(P5/4/97)
Estt-Class I Service -performance Assessment Report Representation against the adverse
remarks - Should be made with in 3 months from the date of Perusal of Performance
Assessment Report - orders issued.
49. Memo No.148984/Adm.6/A2/96-1(Adm.Br.) Dt.24.10.97) (P17/10/97)
Estt-Training - performance Assessment Reports for the Training Period of Six Months, of
Assessment Engineers - Format Prescribed - instruction issued.
50. Memo No.83402/ofm cell I (4) /98-1(SB) dt.19.12.98(P13/12/98)
Estt. Class I and II Officers - Writing of Self Assessment Reports by Officers reported
upon and the performance Assessment Report by reporting officers - instruction issued -
51. (Per)BP(Ch)No.127(SB) dt.3.5.2001(P2/5/2001)
TNEB - Evaluating the performance of distribution Region / Circle, - Awarding Marks
Performance Assessment report of Performance of officer - orders issued.
52. (Per) BP(Ch)No.156(SB) dt.7.8.02(P2/8/02)
Estt-TNEB- Class I and II officers other than Engineers - Maintenance of Personal File -
Format - for writing confidential Report-Column No.9(e) Added - instruction issued.
53. (Per) BP(Ch) No.106(SB) dt.5.6.10(P36/6/10)
TNEB Constitution of Committee to revise the format of Performance Assessment Report
- orders issued.
54. (Per) BP(FB) No.37(SB) dt.7.10.10(P19/10/10)
Estt-TNEB - Revision of format of performance Assessment Reports and revision of
period of assessment from Calender year to Financial Year in respect of Class I and II
officers - orders issued.
55. Memo (P) No.1598/A23/A232/2010-7(SB) dt.1.3.11(P13/3/11)
Estt-TANGEDCO - Revision of Format - Performance Assessment Reports - Modification
orders issued.
56. Memo No.30573/A23/A232/2011-1(SB) dt.14.5.11(p13/6/11)
TANGEDCO - Revision of Format of Performance Assessment Reports in respect of
Class I and II officers - Certain guidelines for followup by reporting officers - issued.
Secretariat Branch,
800, Anna Salai, Chennai-600 002.
Memo (Per.) No.83146/A7/A72/2005-1, Dated 23.11.2005
Sub : Loans and Advances - Advance for the purchase of Personal Computer - Purchase
of Lap Top-orders -issued.
Ref : (i) (Per.) B.P. (FB) No.69 (SB) dated 24.10.92
(ii) (Per.) B.P. (FB) No.13 (SB) dated 2.4.94
(iii)(Per.) B.P. (FB) No.198 (SB) dated 10.11.94
(iv)Government letter No.57091/Sal./2005-1 Finance (Salaries) Dept.dated 25.9.2005.
1. As per the existing orders, the employees who are drawing a basic pay of Rs.6500/-
and above in the revised scale of pay are eligible for availing the advance of Rs.45,000/- towards
the purchase of Personal Computer subject to the conditions stipulated in the B.P. First Cited.
2. The Government, in their letter fourth cited, have issued clarification that Lap Top will
come under the category of personal computers and that personal Computers Advance shall
be allowed for purchase of Lap Top also, subject to fulfillment of all other conditions.
3. Following the orders of the Government, it is hereby ordered that Personal Computer
Advance be sanctioned for the purchase of Lap Top also, subject to the fulfillment of the other
conditions, existing in this regard.
4. Receipt of the Memo Shall be acknowledged.
(BY Order of the Chairman)
All Chief Engineers, All Superintending Engineers
The Chief Financial Controller / Accounts Branch / Ch-2.
The Chief Internal Audit Officer / Audit Branch / Ch-2.
Copy to
All Branches / All Officers / Board Office Secretariat Branch, All Sections / Board Office
Secretariat Branch / ‘A.16’ Section / Board Office Secretariat Branch, The Assistant Personal
Officer / Tamil Development for Publication in the Tamilnadu Electricity Board Bulletin.
1. (Per) BP(FB) 69(SB) dt.24.10.92(P655/92)
Loans and Advances - Advance for purchase of Personal computer - orders issued.
2. Memo No.3993-E2/93-1(SB) dt.31.3.93 (P110/33)
Loans and Advances - Advance for purchase of Personal Computer - Amendment issued.
3. (Per) BP(FB) No.13(SB) dt.2.4.94 (P177/94)
Loans and Advances -Advance for the purchase of Personal Computer - Enhancement of
amount from Rs.22,000/- to Rs.45000/- and revision of Certificate - orders issued.
4. (Per) Memo No.48367/E2/96-1(SB) dt.7.10.96(P4 10/96)
Loans and Advances - Advance for purchase of Personal Computer -orders Amended.
5. (Per) BP(FB) No.28*SB) dt.2.5.97 (P1/5/97)
Loans and Advances Advance for the purchase of personal computer - Revision of pay
limit for eligibility fixed as Rs.3300/- and above for sanction - orders issued.
6. (Per) BP(Ch)No.49(SB) dt.2.2.99(P18-2/99)
Loans and Advances - Advance for purchase of Personal Computer - Revision of Eligibility
criteria for sanction of Advance for Class I and II officers who are drawing Basic pay of
Rs.10500 and above - orders issued.
7. Memo (P) No.9008/E2/98-1(SB) dt.3.3.99(P14/3/99)
Loans and Advances - Advance for the purchase of Personal Computer Eligibility for availing
Advance - Both the advance can avail by an officer-orders issued by Govt.- adoption
orders issued.
8. (Per) BP(Ch)No.198(SB) dt.10.11.2004 (P15/11/04)
Loans and Advances - Advance for Purchase of personal computer - Reduction of pay
eligibility criteria for sanction from Rs.10500 to Rs.6500/- orders issued.
9. Memo(P)No.102434 / A7/A72/2004-2(SB) dt.24.11.04(P30/11/04)
Loans and Advances - Advance for purchase of Personal computer Reduction of Pay for
eligibility need not Sanctioned class III and IV Service - instruction issued.
10. Memo No.12468/A7/A72/2005-1(SB) dt.1405(P68/4/05)
Loans and Advances for purchase of personnel Computer - Reduction in pay eligibility
criteria for Sanction of Computer Advance - All employees who are drawing a basic pay of
Rs.6500/- Further instruction issued.
11. (Per) BP(Ch)No.116(SB) dt.28.6.06(P54/06/06)
Loans and Advances - Advance for purchase of Personal computer quantum of Advance
enhanced to Rs.50000/- and all employees who are drawing Time Scale of pay - Eligible
orders issued.
12. Memo No.43774/A7/A72/2009-1(SB) dt.5.9.09(P9/9/09)
Loans sand Advances - Advance for purchase of Personal Computer - Deletion of Sl.No.19
in the Application from - (Details of Motor Car Advance drawns - orders issued.
Administrative Branch
N.P.K.RR Maligai,
800, Anna Salai, Chennai-600 002.
Memo No.11412/G11/G/111/2001-2, dated 3.1.2002.
Sub :- Establishment - Class II & III Service - Guidelines for allotting promotees
Red :- This Office Memo. No.114124/G.11/G.111/2001-1. dt. 20.11.2001
Certain guidelines have been issued in the reference cited regarding the procedure to be
adopted in allotting personnel to various Circles on their promotion. Some Unions have
demanded for certain modification thereon.
2) After discussion with Unions, the Chairman has instructed that posting / allotment on
promotion should be made in the following manner :-
i) Request Transfer Applications to be operated first.
ii) Junior most persons to be posted to Hydro Generation Kundah, Tirunelveli, Kadamparai
& Nilgiris E.D.C.
iii) Preference for the Circles where they are working already and promoted as per panel
seniority in that circle.
iv) Only for the balance vacancies, after provision in para (iii), as per panel seniority other
persons can be posted and the remaining persons to the extent possible to the
nearest places.
v) Ladies need not be posted to Generation / Kadamparai, Kundah, Tirunelveli and Nilgiris
3) These instructions come into force with immediate effect for the panels to be
operated and not retrospectively.
B. Jeyaraman
Chief Engineer / Personnel
The Deputy Chief Engineer, Administrative Branch
The Senior Personnel Officer (Labour) / Administrative Branch
The Senior Personnel Officer (Recruitment) / Administrative Branch
The Senior Personnel Officer (General)/ Administrative Branch (each 5 copies)
// True Copy / Forwarded : By Order //
1. Circular No:- 73855 – O&M cell/82 dt 12.11.82 (P.49/1983I)
Estt. Service Matters – Representation about – Procedure in Posting Transfer (Please
also see page No.92/83I)
2. Circular Memo No : - 109744 – ADM Br.IR 2(1) 82-1 (Adm.Br.) dt. 27.12.82 (66/83I)
Posting and Transfers etc orders – Follow up action – Instruction – Reg. (Please also see
page no. 67/83I)
3. Memo No: - 82429 – A1/82-1 (SB) Dt. 14.3.83 (P 115/83I)
Estt – TNEB – Periodical Transfer of employees during 1983 - orders issued. (Please also
see Page No. 151/83I)
4. D.O.Lr. No: - 108988/ADM. Br/IR 2(1)/82-2 Dt.6.5.83 (P 153/83I)
Estt – TNEB – Periodical Transfer of employees during 1983. (Please see Page
5. Memo No: - 19505-A1/83-1 (SB) Dt. 4.4.83
Estt – TNEB –Request Transfer Guidelines (P 122/83I)
6. Memo.No.001506/48/C-1/83-15 (Adm.Br.) dt.04.04.83 (P.123/83I)
Estt. – Transfer consequent on abolition of post instruction issued (Please see P.128 and
7. Memo.No.108988/Adm.Br./IR.2(1)/83-7, dated 27.05.83 (P.13/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Periodical Transfer of employees during 1983 – writ field in High Court
- Procedure followed.
8. Ch.Memo.No.51367-O&M Cell/83-1 (SB) Dt.25.06.83 (P.38/83II)
Posting and Transfer issued by CE/Personnel should not be modified or cancelled without
approval of Chairman.
9. Ch.Memo.No.1157/Adm.Br./IR 2 (1)/83-1 (Adm.Br.) dt.15.07.83 (P.135/83II)
Estt. – TNEB Procedure to be followed for consideration of request transfers - orders
10. Ch.Memo.No.CH/TA/187/83-1 Dt.16.07.83 (P.136/83II)
Estt. – Transfers – Persons who have comes to adverse notice – Register of Transfers.
11. Page 148/1983 II
Estt.- Posting and Transfer of workmen from one Circle to another Circle – Writ Petition
– Dismissed.
12. Ch.Memo.No.1157/Adm.Br./IR 2(1)/83-2, dt.04.08.83 (P.206/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Cancellation of instruction/guidelines on request transfer issued Regarding.
(Transfer on Abolition of post)
13. Memo.No.108988/Adm.Br./IR2(1) /82-1 dt.01.08.93 (P.199/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Periodical transfer of employees during 1983 - Writ Disposed off –
Procedure to be followed.
14. Ch.Memo.No.1157/Adm.Br/IR2(1)/83-3, Dated 15.8.83(219/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Procedure to be followed for consideration of request transfer – reg.
15. Ch.Memo.No.1157/Adm.Br./IR 2(1)/83-5 Dt.09.09.83 (P.287/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Procedure for dealing with request transfer by various authorities – Further
guidelines issued.
16. Lr.No.056656/805/Adm.Br./C1-3/83-6 Dt.10.10.83 (P.249/83II)
Estt. – Class III Service – Transfer of JA/Typist/Steno – Typist to the Regional Chief Engineer
Office – reg.
17. Copy of G.O.Ms.No.2859/Dt.20.10.83 (P.359/83II)
Conciliation raised by the unions on transfer of surplus employees and periodical Transfer
- orders issued.
18. Ch.Memo.No.108988-Adm.Br./IR 2(1)/83-23 Dt.23.10.83 (P.362/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Periodical transfer of employees during 1983 – defer till the end of academic
19. Memo.No.088632/1549/Adm.Br./C1-3/83-1 Dt.06.12.83 (P.466/83II)
Estt. – Class III Service - Procedure to be followed for consideration of request transfer
for Junior Assistant/Steno-Typist etc., from one system to another – instruction issued.
20. Memo.No.43982/605/Adm.Br./C1-3/83-2 Dt.23.12.83 (P.475/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Procedure for re transfer of persons transferred from one system to
another system on surplus age - instruction issued.
21. Memo.No.1157/Adm.Br./IR2(1)/83-18 Dt.23.12.83 (P.476/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Procedure for dealing with request transfer – Further instruction issued.
22. Ch.Lr.No.816608/523/E1(1) Dt.27.04.84 (P.241/84)
Estt. – Postings of Engineers to Central Offices and Head Quarters Offices Guidelines.
23. Memo.No.Adm.Br/S6(1)/2316/84-1 Dt.24.11.84 (P.865/84)
Estt. – RWE Staff – Transfer instructions – reg.
24. Cir.Memo.No.101149-S1/316/A.1/83-3 (Adm.Br.) Dt.19.06.84 (P.403/84)
Estt. – Bifurcation of Distribution Systems – Willingness of the RWE Staff – obtaining of
– reg.
25. Cir.Memo.No.119497(781) IR.2(2) /84-1 Adm.Br./Dt.29.11.84 (P.868/84)
Estt. – Trifurcation of Two MES Distribution system into three – Willingness of RWE staff
obtaining - reg.
26. Memo.No.125210-C2/3/83-1 (Adm.Br.) Dt.24.01.84 (P.21/84)
Estt. – Class III Service – Request transfer of Cashier, Record Clerk, Office Helper etc.,
from one circle to another system – consideration of – reg.
27. Memo.No.108988/Adm.Br./IR 2(1)/82-25 Dt.25.01.84 (P.22/84)
Estt. – TNEB – Instructions/Guidelines on periodical transfer of employees issued from
time to time – Clarification regarding period of validity - issued.
28. Memo.No.1157/Adm.Br./IR 2(1)83-34 (Adm.Br.) Dt.31.03.84 (P.148/34)
Estt. – Class III Service – Procedure to be followed for consideration of request transfer of
Record Clerk and Office Helper from one Circle to another.
29. High Court order Dt.04.04.1984 in W.A.No.244 & 245 /84 /82(P.18/84)
Transfer of employees – Right of Management - Decision of High Court Madras in Writ
30. Memo.No.1157/Adm.Br./IR2(1)/83-35 Dt.17.04.84 (P.234/84)
Estt. – TNEB – Procedure to be followed for consideration of request transfer orders
issued – reg.
31. Memo.No.1157/Adm.Br./IR2(1)/83-37 Dt.23.04.84 (P.236/84)
Estt. – TNEB – Procedure for consideration of request transfer – Alleged violation – reg.
32. Memo.No.32280/Adm.Br./IR 2(1)/84-1 (Adm.Br.)Dt.02.07.84 (P.482/84)
Estt. – TNEB – Procedure for dealing with request transfer – Request for consideration
transfer from Hill Station to Plains – instruction issued.
33. Memo.No.Adm.Br./56(1)/1705/84-1, Dt.15.10.84 -1, Dt.15.10.84 (P.776/84)
Estt.- RWE – Request transfer – Guidelines issued – reg.
34. Memo.No.13932(179)/Adm.Br./IR 2(1)/84-1 Dt.09.07.84 (P.488/84)
Estt. – Transfer consequent on redistribution of services – Procedure to be adopted
- instruction issued.
35. Order Dt.27.07.84 of High Court (P.583/84)
Transfer of employees – Decision of High Court of Madras in Writ appeals – communication.
36. Memo.No.713/Adm.Br./IR 2(1)/84-2 Dt.29.11.84 (P.867/84)
Estt. – MES(D) North Ponneri Rev.Br. - Transfer of staff to City Offices – Requested – reg.
37. Memo No.:1157 Adm Br/IR-2(1) / 83-47 (Adm Br) dt.3.1.85(P3/85)
Estt-TNEB - Procedure to the followed for consideration of Request transfer - orders
38. Memo No.:003889/CB cell / Adm Br/85-1dt.11.1.85(P12/85)
Estt - Inspector of Assessment and Assessor Request transfers - consideration of -
39. No CH/TA/586/85-1 dt.22.1.85 (P)38/85)
Transfer of employees - Decision of the High Court of Madras in writ petitions in the High
Court of Judicature of Madras - communicated.
40. Memo No. :004382/C2-2/85-2 (Adm Br.)dt.15.3.85(P271/85)
Estt-TNEB - Class III Service-Assessors request transfer guidelines issued - reg.
41. Ch’s Communication No. Ch/TA/2406/85-1dt.25.3.85(P277/85)
Estt-Transfer of RWE employees from one system to another system - Decision of High
Court Madras - reg.
42. Ch’s Communication No. Ch/TA/3236/85 dt.29.4.85(P384/85)
Estt-Transfer of RWE Staff out side the Circle Decision of the High Court Madras
- communicated
43. Memo No. : 004382/OB/8/85-3(Adm. Br) Dt.1.4.85(P341/85)
Estt-TNEB - Class III Service - Inspector of Assessment - Request Transfers-Consideration
of - reg.
44. Memo No. 51/C1/4/85-6(Adm Br) Dt.21.5.85(P518/85)
Transfer Consequent on abolition of post - instruction issued.
45. BPMS(FB)No.41(SB) dt.18.5.85(P507/85)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations- Provisions - relations to Postings and Transfer
Regulation of Amendment - issued.
46. Memo 1157/Adm Br./IR2(2) / 83-51 dt.17.7.85(P 759/85)
Estt. - TNEB - Procedure to be followed for consideration of request transfer -orders
issued - reg.
47. Memo No. 047514/352/Adm Br/C1-3/85-1 dt. 28.8.85(P869/85)
Estt - Class III Service - Request Transfer of Jr. Asst//Typist etc. - clarification issued.
48. Cir Memo No. : 51678-A1/85-1 (SB) dt.28.9.85(961/85)
Estt - Class I Service - Postings and Transfer - suggestion by the SE’s and CE’s -instruction
49. Memo No.:047514/352/C1-3/85-3 (Adm. Br.) Dt. 18.11.85(P1163/85)
Estt. - Class III Service Request Transfer of JA/Typist and other staff borne on system /
area seniority from one system / circle to another - Condition of Two years stay - Revised
instruction issued.
50. Memo No. : 053947/472/C1-1/86-1 dt. 29.4.86(P324/86)
Estt. TNEB - Delegation of powers to Chief Engineers / Regional Chief Engineers and
SE’s - Instruction on request and administrative transfer - orders issued.
51. BPMS (FB)No.27(Amd Br) dt.3.4.86(P302/86)
Estt-TNEB - RCE’s and SE’s of Distn - Powers delegated for transfer etc. in ADM Matters
- Memo.
52. 132962/7/IR1/(4) Adm Br/86-6 dt.18.4.86(P314/86)
Estt-TNEB - RWE workmen in above the initial level categories - Request transfer from
one Circle to another - instructions - issued.
53. Memo No. 053947/472/C1/86-1 dt.29.4.86(P324/86)
Estt-TNEB - Delegation of powers to RCE’s and SE’s on request and administrative transfer
- issued.
54. Ch’s Circular No.182/Adm Br/IR2(1)/86-1 dt.21.5.86(P410/86)
Estt - Request Transfer instruction issued.
55. Circular Memo No. 707/C1/2/86-80(Adm. Br ) Dt.20.6.86(P513/86)
Estt-Request transfer applied for by in lower post may be considered in higher post also
- clarification.
56. Cir Memo No. :086961/206/E1(3)/86-1 (Adm Br) dt.24.6.86(P521/86)
Estt-officers and Staff Served with transfer orders to be relieved immediately from the
post to join the new post/station - Instruction not followed by the SE’s - Further instruction
57. BPMS(FB) No.54(SB) dt.20.6.86 (P515/86)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Annexure IV referred to in Regulation 105-
Amendment issued (Powers to Transfer)
58. Cir Memo NO. 202/E3-1/86-2(Adm Br.)Dt.20.7.86(P638/86)
Estt - Request Transfer - Application from employees working in Project - for Transfer to
Plan area - Two years stay - clarification.
59. Memo No. 119086-Adm Br/IR2(1)/86 dt.24.8.86(P742/86)
Estt - Mutual Transfers - instruction issued.
60. BPMS(FB)No.80(Adm. Br) dt.17.9.86(P822/86)
Estt-TNEB - Regional Chief Engineers and other Chief Engineers - Powers delegation to
transfer of RWE workmen.
61. Cir Memo No: 45038-A1/86-3 (SB) dt.17.9.86(P823/86)
Estt - Request Transfer of Class I officers - instruction issued.
62. Memo No. : 124089/1471/Adm Br/C1/86-1/dt.5.9.86(P804/86)
Estt - Request Transfer of Staff forwarding of request Transfer application of the Staff
63. Memo No. 132962/7/IR1(4) 86-7(Adm. Br) dt.8.9.86(P807/86)
Estt-TNEB - RWE workmen in above the initial level categories - Request transfer from
one system to another modification of instruction - issued.
64. Memo No. 140593/Adm.Br/C3/86-1 dt.13.10.86(P917/86)
Estt-Procedure to be followed for consideration of request transfer from one system to
another- format Prescribed.
65. Memo No. 118339(680)/IR2(2) / Adm Br/86-1 dt. 21.10.86(P922/86)
Estt - Project - Transfer on surplusage Treating of entire projects as one station - reg.
66. Memo No. 104732/Adm Br/IR2(1)/86-1 dt.22.10.86(P922/86)
Estt- Transfer - Request transfer - Further instruction - reg.
67. BPMS(Ch)No.:596(SB)dt.10.12.86(P1099/86)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations Annexure II to Regulation 93 Amendments issued
(Powers to transfer)
68. Memo No. 58196/374/IR1(2) / Amd. Br.86-87 -3 dt.4.3.87(P176/87)
Estt-RWE - Revised pattern of workload - Surplus workman Deployment of Staff - certain
instruction issued.
69. Memo No. 0475/4/352/Adm.Br./C1-3/85-4 dt.14.2.87(P173/87)
Estt-Class III and IV Service - Jr. Asst. Typist - Steno Typist and Assessor and Record
Clerk, Office Helper, Request transfer application submission in the prescribed - Formats
- clarification issued.
70. Memo No. : 153095/Adm. Br / IR2(1) 86-1 dt.21.4.87 (P295/87)
Estt - TNEB Regional Chief Engineer (Distn) and Superintending Engineer of Distn. system
powers delegated - Clarification - sought for - reg.
71. Memo No.: 039203/653/Adm. Br/C1-1/87-1 dt.8.4.87(P276/87)
Estt-Chingleput - Elecy System/ South Shifting of Head Quarters from Kanchipuram to
Chingleput - Transfer of Provincial Staff - instruction.
72. Cir Memo No.: 417/Adm.Br/IR2(1) / 87-1dt.15.4.87(P289/87)
Estt-TNEB - Procedure for dealing with request transfer - Further Instruction issued. For
reckoning Two years the period at a station rendered prior to transfer on Adm Ground also
taken in to account.
73. Memo No.:051146/847/C1(1) / Adm Br/87-2 dt. 6.5.87(P355/87)
Estt - Thirunelveli Elecy System (East ) Shifting of Head Quarters from Thirunelveli to
Tuticorin - Transfer of Provincial staff - instruction.
74. Memo No.035704-(609) / Adm Br/C1(1) 87-2 dt. 6.5.87(P356/87)
Estt. - Madurai EDC (North) Shifting of Head Quarters from Madurai to Dindigul - Transfer
of Provincial Staff - instruction.
75. Memo No. : 021603/Adm Br/ IR2(1) / 85-6 dt.12.5.87(P369/87)
Estt - RWE - Procedure for dealing with request transfer from most isolated station to
other less isolated stations with in Generation Kundah - orders issued.
76. Memo No. : 100117/E8(3)/87-1 (Adm. Br.) Dt.31.7.87(P571/87)
Estt - Class II and III Service - Asst Engineer (Elecl) JE I Gr. and JE II Cr Elecl - Transferred
on Request sanction of Handing over time - instruction issued.
77. BPMS(FB) 53(Adm Br.) dt.15.6.87(P543/87)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 105-Amendment issued (Powers
to Issue Transfer orders to Class II Service to RCE (delegated)
78. Cir Memo No. : 019518 / E8(1)/87-1 (Adm. Br.) dt.20.8.87(631/87)
Estt - Transfer of employees on adverse remarks of vigilance cell- Register to be maintained
- instruction issued.
79. Memo No. : 117775/725/C3-1 / 87-1 (Adm. Br.) dt.9.9.87(P700/87)
Estt - Class III Service operation and Maintenance Systems - Bi Monthly System of Card
billing of Energy Charges and collection- posting of Assistant Junior Assistant and
Assessors - instruction issued.
80. Ch’s Memo No.: CH/TA/4843/87-1 dt. 22.10.87(P790/87)
Posting of Staff to the newly commissioned sub stations - By diverting from with in the
Jurisdiction - instruction issued.
81. Memo No. : 64486/O&M cell / 87-1 (SB) dt.16.11.87(P865/87)
Estt -Diversion of Staff - Banned - orders issued.
82. BPMS(FB)No.37(Adm. Br) dt.30.7.88(P480/88)
Estt - TNEB - Powers to Regional Chief Engineers / Chief Engineers for Administrative
and request transfer of Class II Service - orders issued.
83. BPMS(FB) No.45(Adm. Br.)dt.5.9.88(P612/88)
Estt - Class II Service - Newly Recruited Assistant Engineer - Pattern of Postings and
Posting of AEE in Head Quarters officers - orders issued.
84. BPMS(FB)No.:59(Adm. Br.)dt.29.11.88(P803/88)
Estt -TNEB - Powers delegated to Chief Engineers - Request transfer of Class II officers
- orders issued.
85. Memo No. : 117775/725/C3-1 / 87-15(Adm. br.) dt.28.11.88(802/88)
Estt - Distribution circles - Bi - Monthly system of Card Billing of energy charges and
collection - Deployment of Surplus Assessors in the Distribution circle - instruction issued.
86. Memo No. 140593/Adm. Br. /C3(1) / 86-2dt.4.11.88(P779/88)
Estt - Procedure to be followed for consideration of request - transfer - reg.
87. Memo No. : 157118/Adm. Br / IR2(1)/88-1 (Adm.Br.)dt. 17.11.88 (785/88)
Estt - TNEB - Request and Administrative transfers - vacancy position - intimation - reg.
88. Memo No.:117775/725/Adm Br/C3(1) /87-16 dt.2.12.88(P854/88)
Elecy - Estt - Class III Service -Allocation of Service in Revenue Branches with effect from
7.12.88-Surplus Assistant in Revenue Branches - Deployment - instruction issued.
89. Memo No. 154240/1313/IR2(1)/Adm Br. dt.14.12.88(P886/88)
Estt - TNEB - Request transfer - instruction issued.
90. Memo No. 086110/1414/C1(1)/87-3(Adm. Br.)dt.2.3.89(196/88)
Estt - Bifurcation of Tanjavur EDC, Trichy EDC, and Coimbatore EDC-Transfer of Provincial
staff in Class III & IV Service - Further instruction issued.
91. Memo No. 136187/E8/2/88-1 (Adm Br.) dt.2.3.89(P197/89)
Estt - Class II Service-Newly recruited AE’s Pattern of Postings of AEE in Head Quarters
offices - Applicable to JE I Gr.- orders issued.
92. Lr.No.084112/631/S6(1)/87-21 (Adm.Br.) dt. 8.3.89(209/89)
Estt - RWE - Transfer of Thiru P. Chakrapani Helper Judgement delivered by the Division
Bench -on W.A.No. : 728/88 - copy communicated.
93. Cir Memo No. 73750/E8(3)/88-8(Adm Br.) dt. 1.4.89(P278/89)
Estt- Class II service - AE /JE I Gr civil and Mech transferred on Adm. grounds and Request
transfer -sanction of Handing overtime as ordered in CE/Pl Memo dt 19.1.89 -orders issued.
94. Lr.No. : 154240/1313/IR2(1) / Adm.Br. /88-3 dt.10.4.89(284/89)
Estt - TNEB - Request Transfer - Further clarificatory orders issued (No Need to renew
the application once given)
95. Lr No. : 154240/1313/IR2(1) / Adm Br/88-4 dt.10.4.89 (P285/89)
Estt - TNEB - Request transfer - Further clarificatory orders.
96. Memo No.:- 125191/608/Adm IV / 3/88-2(Adm. Br) dt.12.4.89 (P289)
Estt - Class III Service - TAI Gr and TA II Gr-Transfer of request from one circle to another
- clarification.
97. 154240/1313/IR 2 (4) / Adm Br.) 88-5 dt.13.4.89(P292/89)
Estt - Request transfers - instruction - clarification issued.
98. Memo No. : 086110/1414/C1-1/87-6 (Adm. Br.) dt.19.7.89(P608/89)
Estt - Transfer of Staff of Class III and IV during the Re arrangement of areas between
circle - Guidelines issued.
99. Cir Memo No. : 110231/E8-1/89-1 (Adm.Br.) Dt.12.9.89(P771/89)
Estt - Class II and III Service - abolition of Post- Transfer of Incumbant - instruction issued.
100. Memo No. : 082030/911/C3(1) / 89-17(Adm. Br.) dt.22.1.90(P16/90)
Estt - Class III Service - Junior Asst / Typist / Steno Typist (Accts) Promoted as Assistant
(Accounts) Posting relief - instruction issued.
101. Memo No. : 079967(852)/Adm. Br.) / (6(2)/86-1 dt. 4.1.90(P4/90)
Estt - Class III Service, Jr. Asst, Typist, Steno Typist, Recovery clerk, office Helper - Request
Transfer Application - undertakings - reg.
102. Memo No. : 154240/1313/IR2(1)/IR1(3) / Adm. Br.) 88-7 dt.26.2.90(P104/90)
Estt - TNEB - Request Transfer - period of eligibility for request Transfer reduced from
Two years as One Years - instructions issued.
103. Cir Memo NO. : 031333/210/EC-3(1)/90-1(Adm. Br.) dt.21.3.90(P153/90)
Estt. - Class III Service - Utilisation of Surplus Assessor in the needy circles to the extent
of vacancies and payment of prorate wages - reg.
104. Memo No. : 1240/Adm.Br./IR-1(3)/89-3 dt.5.3.90(P140/90)
Estt - TNEB - Procedure for dealing with request transfer - request to consider transfer of
provincial staff from Hill stations to plain - instruction issued.
105. Memo No. 154240/1313/Adm. Br./IR2(1) / IR1(3)/88-9 (Adm. Br.) dt. 3.5.90(P287/90)
Estt - TNEB - request Transfer - Sending Advance copy besides sending of original copy
through proper - channel - instruction issued.
106. Memo No. : 049117/375/CC-3/90-1(Adm.Br.)dt.9.5.90(P290/90)
Estt - Class III Service - Assessors - Request Transfer applications - undertaking form
prescribed - reg.
107. Lr.No.:091324/461/C2(1)/90-14(Adm. Br.) dt.21.8.90(P498/90)
Estt - Class III Service - Vacancies arising at Regional office should be filled up by selecting
the employees from the circle in their Jurisdiction no request Transfer application will be -
entertained by SE’s of circle - instruction issued.
108. Memo No. : 154240/1313/Amd. Br. / IR1(3)/88-12 ) dt.10.9.90 (P553/90)
Estt - TNEB - Request transfer from one circle to another with in the same augmentation
the condition of 8KM Need not be insisted - instruction.
109. Memo No. : 106972/500/Adm. Br. / IR1(3) / 90-1dt. 26.9.90(P562/90)
Estt - TNEB request transfer - Request of Engineers working in Hydel Station - instruction
110. UO No.:-007580/70/CC 111/90-8(Adm. Br.) dt.7.9.90 (P551/90)
High Court Judgement dt.2.4.90 in W.A.No.361 and 362/90 on the Transfer of employees
from one circle to another - communicated.
111. Memo No. : 154240/1313/Adm. Br. / IR1(3)/88-14 dt. 27.10.90(811/90)
Estt - TNEB - Request transfer - with in the circle the transfer with in 8 km need not be
entertained - instruction issued.
112. Cir Memo NO. : 101188/473/Adm. Br. / IR1(3)90 dt.3.11.90(P648/90)
Estt - Provincial and RWE - No Transfer should be under compassionate ground only on
prior approval of Chairman - instruction issued.
113. Memo No. : 26002/E8-2/90-1 (Adm. Br. ) dt.10.12.90(P723/90)
Estt - Class II Service - AE / El - Posting of Lady Incumbant in the sub-Station - instruction
114. Lr. No. : 077799/441/Adm. Br. / IR 1 (3) / 91-1 dt.12.8.91(P415/91)
Transfer of Govt. Servant having mentally retarded children from one station to another -
Govt. Instruction for information and necessary action.
115. Lr.No. : 600/Adm. Br. / IR 1(3)/91-1dt. 25.9.91(P504/91)
Estt -Officers and Staff served with transfer orders delay in relief-Non observance of
instruction - reg.
116. Memo No. 093391/85/Adm 5(2) /Adm.Br./92-1 dt.12.3.92(P104/92)
Estt - RWE employees Helper (Trainee) office Helper (Trainees ) - Request Transfer
eligibility - orders issued.
117. Ch’s Circular No.014050/A1/92-1dt.4.3.92(P91/95)
Transfer and Postings of officer in the rank of AEE and above Instruction issued-Orders
may be issued only on obtaining orders from the chairman TNEB.
118. Memo No. 038103/199/C2/91-12(Adm.Br.)dt.1.6.92(P333/92)
Estt-Request Transfer from one station to another - one circle to another - clarification
119. Memo No.36352/P1/92-1(SB) dt.10.7.92(P414/92)
Public Servant - Transfer of Govt-Servant from one place to another based on
recommendation of vigilance commission - instruction issued.
120. Memo No.015014/62/ Adm.Br./IR1(3) /93-1(Adm.Br.) dt.17.2.93(P48/93)
Estt-TNEB - Request Transfer-Request of Engineers from Hydel Station - instruction issued.
121. Ch Circular Memo No.11097/A1/93-1dt.20.2.93(P55/59/93)
Estt-Service Matters Procedures in posting and Transfer - instruction issued.
122. Memo No017363/67/Adm.Br / IR1(3) / 93-1dt.17.3.93(P93/93)
Estt-TNEB Request certain instruction issued-Reg.
123. Memo No.042434/458/C1(1) / 93-1(Adm.Br.) dt.5.6.93(P236/93)
Estt-Formation of Pasumpon Muthuramalingam Thevar EDC and Nilgiri EDC - Transfer
of Provincial Staff in Class III and IV service - orders issued.
124. Cir No. 35541/A1/93-1(SB) dt.18.6.93(P250/93)
Transfer & Postings of the officers in the rank of AEE & Above - instructions.
125. Memo No. 120/Adm.Br./IRI(3)/92-1(Adm.Br.) dt.20.07.93(330/93)
Estt-TNEB - Request Transfer certain liberalised - guidelines issued.
126. Memo No.062348/615/C1(1) / 93-1(Adm.Br.) dt.15.11.93(P568)
Estt-Bifurcation of existing Madurai EDC- formation of Theni EDC-Transfer of Provincial
Staff in Class III and IV Service - Instruction issued.
127. Memo(P)NO.84168/ofm cell-II(3) dt.94-1dt.21.1.95(11/95)
Estt-TNEB - Transfer of staff effecting transfer on Administrative grounds-Reason to be
recorded and Maintenance of Note File - instruction issued.
128. Memo No.117093/240/IR3(1)/94-2(SB) dt.27.2.95(P39/95)
Estt- Formation of Theni EDC - Transfer of RWE workmen - instruction issued.
129. Memo No.88189/ofm - 1(3) /94-2(SB) dt.24.6.95(P270/95)
Estt-Issue of orders by certain Chief Engineers - Freezing of powers of the Superintending
Engineers - instruction issued.
130. Memo No.074989/203/IR3(1)/95-1(Adm.Br.) dt.9.8.95(397/95)
Estt-Bifurcation of periyar EDC and formation of Gopichettipalayam EDC-Guide lines in
respect of RWE employees - reg.
131. (Per) BP(Ch)No.215(SB) dt.31.8.95(P409/95)
TNEB - Sanction of Pay Advance to Board employees who are on transfer on their own
request - orders issued.
132. Memo No.69140/IR1(3)/96-1(Adm.Br.) dt.11.6.96(P7/6/96)
Establishment -Request -Transfer Guidelines -reiterated.
133. Memo No.074266/IR1(3)/96-1(Adm.Br.)dt.19.6.96(P14/6/96)
Establishment - Administrative transfer- Guidelines - reg.
134. Memo No.36963/P1/96-1(SB) dt.20.6.96(P17/6/96)
Estt-Class I Service - Request - Transfer Guidelines instruction - issued.
135. Cir Memo No. 079089/E1/A3/96-4(Adm.Br.) dt. 11.12.96(P12-12/96)
Transfer and Postings of the officers in the rank of AEE - instruction issued.
136. Memo No.17148/1A1/97-1(SB) dt.15.3.97(P3/3/97)
Estt- Class I Service - Officers Posted on Promotion / Transfer Not Joined - instruction
137. Lr.NO.79089/E1/A3/96-8(Adm.Br.) dt.28.6.97(P14/6/97)
Estt-Class II Service - AEE-Delegation to effect Transfer Guidelines - reiterated.
138. Memo No.117072/Adm.Br./C1-3/97-1dt.1.10.97(P1/10/97)
Estt-Officers and Staff Served with Transfer orders to be relived immediately from the
post to Join the new Station - Instruction of Board Not followed by Superintending Engineers
- Further instruction issued.
139. Cir Memo No.15172/IRI(3) / 98-1(Adm.Br.)dt.10.2.98(P16/2/98)
Estt-Request Transfer Applications - Performance Reports Submission of - reg.
140. Memo (P) No.12456/ofm -1(4) 98-1(SB) dt.26.2.98(p27/2/98)
Estt-Tamilnadu Electricity Board - Maintenance of Register for Transfer Based on vigilance
enquiries - instruction issued.
m.rh.F.M v©.2111/á.á.3-1/98-8 ehŸ 28.3.98/(ã17/3/98)m.rh.F.M v©.2111/á.á.3-1/98-8 ehŸ 28.3.98/(ã17/3/98)
m.rh.F.M v©.2111/á.á.3-1/98-8 ehŸ 28.3.98/(ã17/3/98)m.rh.F.M v©.2111/á.á.3-1/98-8 ehŸ 28.3.98/(ã17/3/98)
m.rh.F.M v©.2111/á.á.3-1/98-8 ehŸ 28.3.98/(ã17/3/98)
rh£Liu - âU.ã. ïuh#hk fz¡Ñ£lhs® - ca® Úâk‹w Ô®¥ò - ãuRu« brŒjš
(îthf khWjš)
142. Cir Memo No. 15221/VC24/98-1(dt.4.4.98(P2/4/98)
Estt-TNEB -Vigilance cell - Transfer and Postings of officials based the vigilance cell
enquiries - Date of Relief and Joining in old and New Station should be intimation to
vigilance cell - instruction issued.
143. Memo No.55002/O&M I (4) /99-1(SB) dt.24.7.99(P38/7/99)
Estt-Procedure in Postings and Transfer - Relief - further instruction issued.
144. PAGE NO. 6 /2 - 2000
Judgement dt.21.7.99 in WP No.4045 of 1999-filed by Thiru K.Paul Raj Helper against
transfer orders from Madurai EDC to Ramnad EDC petition Dismissed- copy
145. (Per) BP(Ch)No.35(SB) dt.31.1.2001(P16/1/2001)
Estt-TNEB - Direct Recruitment to the post of Asst. Engineers / Elecy in Generation area
and other than Generation area - Should not be transferred - from one area to another
area-Continuance in the same area - orders issued.
146. Memo No. 87454/A23/A232/2001-(SB) dt.20.9.01(P16/9/01)
Estt-Transfers - Persons who come to Adverse notice under vigilance remarks - instruction
147. Memo No.90494/G11/G111/2001-1(Adm.Br.) dt.31.10.11(P1/11/01)
Estt-Class II to IV Service-Cancellation of Transfer orders after complying with their request
- They are not eligible for Transfer to any circle for Two years - orders issued.
148. Memo No. 366/G42/G423/2001-2(Adm.Br.) dt.19.1.02(P18/1/2002)
Estt-Class III and IV Service - Request Transfer with in the circle -the distance of 8km
need not be insisted while considering transfer to RWE employees - clarification issued.
149. Memo No.119/G42/G423/2002-1(Adm.Br.)dt.20.3.02(P17/3/02)
Estt-Request Transfer guide lines-Registering of Request Transfer application - instruction
issued (Advance copy not received should not register)
150. Memo No.059663/G42/G423/2002-1(Adm.Br.) dt.30.5.02(P1/01/02)
Estt-Procedure for dealing with request Transfer - Transfer of Asst. Engineer/ Jr. Engineers
-Asst Executive Engineers from Hill Stations to Plan -Instruction - reiterated.
151. Memo No.501/G42/G423/2002-1(Adm.Br.) dt.17.8.02(p10/8/02)
Estt-Consideration of RTA-Punishment of Stoppage of Increment effect of Currency of
Punishment should be commenced from the date of Communication - clarification issued.
152. Memo No.100855/515/G42/G423/(Adm.Br.) dt.30.8.02(p15/8/02)
Estt-Class II and III Service - Relief of persons Transferred / promoted - Guidelines issued.
153. Memo No.105039/G11/G111/2002-1(Adm.Br.) dt.7.9.02(5/9/02)
Estt-Class II and III Service - Employees Posted to one circle Transfer before completing
one year should remit back the TTA drawn by them - instruction issued.
154. (Per) BP(Ch)No.229(Adm.Br.)7.10.02(P3/10/02)
Estt-Class II Service - Medical Officer - Request for transfer Medical and Paramedical
Staff in TNEB - instruction issued.
155. (Per) BP(Ch)No.43(SB) dt.16.3.04(P5/3/04)
TNEB - Review of Administrative Branch by Chairman -All posting and Transfer in respect
of Staff in Non-Technical Cadre of Class II Service Transfer of Subject from Administrative
Branch to Secretariat Branch - orders issued.
156. Memo (P) No.25796/A22/A222/2004-1(SB) dt.22.3.04(P11/3/04)
TNEB - Transfer of Subject -Class II Service -Non Technical Cadre from Adm.Branch to
Sectt. Branch - certain clarification issued.
157. (Per)BP(Ch)No.71(Adm.Br.) dt.21.4.04(P6/4/04)
TNEB - Review of Adm.Branch by Chairman -All Postings and Transfers in respect of
Class II Service in Non-Technical Cadre - Transfer of Subject from Adm.Branch to
Secretariat Branch - order kept in abeyance issued.
158. (Per)BP(Ch)No.137(Adm.Br.) dt.28.6.04(P7/06/04)
Estt-All Transfer and postings in respect of Staff in non - Technical cadre of Class II Service
- Transfer of Subject from Adm. Branch to Sectt Branch - orders cancelled.
159. Memo No. 079428/568/G42/G423/2004-1(Adm.Br.) dt.21.12.04(P36/12/04)
Elecy -TNEB - Request Transfer and Administrative Transfer guidelines - Instruction issued.
160. Memo No.079428/568/G42/G423/2004-2dt.28.12.04(P37/12/04)
Electricity - TNEB Guidelines - All earlier Request Transfer application may be cancelled
and Fresh applications may be obtained from 1.1.05 - issued.
161. Memo No. 079428/568/G42/G423/2004-4dt. 29.6.05(P21/6/05)
Elecy-TNEB - Request transfer guidelines - Instruction issued.
162. (per) BP(FB) No.32(SB) dt.21.7.05(P49/7/05)
TNEB - Service Regulations competent authorities to order postings and orders in respect
of RWE workmen - issue of Amendment to Annexure IV - issued.
163. Lr.No. 089990/1050/G42/G423/2005-1(Adm.Br.) dt.8.9.05(P1/9/05)
Elecy. Request Transfer Guidelines Instruction eligibility of one year for the purpose of
Request transfer will be decided on the date of making the said application - issued.
f.v©. 124867/4069/Í42/Í423/2005-1/(Ã.». ehŸ 24.12.05(ã 17/12/05)f.v©. 124867/4069/Í42/Í423/2005-1/(Ã.». ehŸ 24.12.05(ã 17/12/05)
f.v©. 124867/4069/Í42/Í423/2005-1/(Ã.». ehŸ 24.12.05(ã 17/12/05)f.v©. 124867/4069/Í42/Í423/2005-1/(Ã.». ehŸ 24.12.05(ã 17/12/05)
f.v©. 124867/4069/Í42/Í423/2005-1/(Ã.». ehŸ 24.12.05(ã 17/12/05)
îthf« - x‹wh« Ãiy - g¤ bjhFâ ÉU¥g khWjš É©z¥g« rk®¥ã¤jš
- ÉU¥gkhWjš t£l¤â‰FŸ vÅš vªj ïl¤â‰F v‹W F¿¥ãl nt©L« vd
165. Memo No.041275/Adm.Br. G43/G433/2007-1 dt.13.40(P13/4/07)
Transfer Guidelines - instruction issued.
166. Lr.No.073302/AB/G13/G132/2009-3(Adm.Br.) dt.20.8.09(P20/8/9)
Estt-Class II Service -Filling up of vacancies in Hydro Generation circles - consent letter
from the willing officials to work in Hydro Generation circle - called for.
1. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.77 (SB) Dt.14.03.83 (P.117/83I)
Estt. – TNEB – Service Regulations – Compulsory retirement of Officers in Class I& II
Service Amendment to 17 (g) of TNEB Service - regulation issued.
2. B.P.Ms.No.221 (SB) Dt.05.05.82 (P.17/83I)
Estt.- Resignation of Board employees acceptance of – Instruction of Govt. Applicability
- orders issued.
3. Memo.No.26078-E1/2/83-1 (Adm.Br.) Dt.23.03.83 (P.121/83I)
Estt. – Class II Service – Resignation application - Not forwarded in time - instruction
4. Cir.Memo.No.26078-E1/2/83-2 (Adm.Br.) Dt.18.07.83 (P.137/83II)
Estt. – Class II Service – Acceptance of resignation - instruction issued.
5. Lr.No.63007-O.2/83-3 (SB) Dt.08.06.83 (P.54/83II)
Retirement – Voluntary retirement benefit of Weightage - clarification issued.
6. U.O.Note No.068736-E7-1/83-5 (Adm.Br.) Dt.03.09.839 (P.284/83II)
Estt. – Class II and III Service – Voluntary retirement – Resignation – instruction issued.
7. U.O.Note No.34482-D2/C.2/78-63 (SB) Dt.07.11.83 (P.409/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Compulsory retirement of Officials – Appeal Procedure to be adopted.
8. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.175 (SB) Dt.28.12.83 (P.477/83II)
Estt. – Class I and II Service – TNEB Compulsory retirement of Officials appeal procedure
Amendment to Regulation 17 (g) of TNEB service Regulations – issued.
9. TNEB - Voluntary retirement of Board employees after 20 years of qualified service –
Amendment to regulation 17 (g) - issued.
10. B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.222 (SB) Dt.11.06.84 (P.392/84)
TNEB - Voluntary retirement of Board employees after 20 years of Service. Amendment
to Regulation 17(g) - issued.
F¿¥ghiz v©. 69274(¥ã 1/84-1 (brayf ãÇî ) ehŸ 19.1.85(ã 23/85)F¿¥ghiz v©. 69274(¥ã 1/84-1 (brayf ãÇî ) ehŸ 19.1.85(ã 23/85)
F¿¥ghiz v©. 69274(¥ã 1/84-1 (brayf ãÇî ) ehŸ 19.1.85(ã 23/85)F¿¥ghiz v©. 69274(¥ã 1/84-1 (brayf ãÇî ) ehŸ 19.1.85(ã 23/85)
F¿¥ghiz v©. 69274(¥ã 1/84-1 (brayf ãÇî ) ehŸ 19.1.85(ã 23/85)
j‰fhÈf gÂÚ¡f« brŒa¥g£l Ä‹thÇa CÊa®/ xG§F elto¡if vL¡f¥g£l
Ä‹CÊa® - ÉU¥g XŒÉš bršy mDkâ¥gJ bjhl®ghd muá‹ bjËîiu
- elto¡if¡fhf
12. BPMS(Ch)No.1/94 (SB) dt.29.5.85(P531/85)
Regulations- TNEB Service Regulation 17(gg) - Amendment issued (The employee may
with draw the notice of voluntary retirement notice)
13. BPMS(Ch)No.247(Sectt Br.) Dt.29.7.85(P827/85)
Estt - TNEB - Voluntary retirement of Board employees while on foreign Service - Instruction
of Govt-Adoption to Board - orders issued.
14. BPMS(Ch)No.379(SB) dt.15.11.85(P1159/85)
Estt - Resignation of Board employees - Acceptance of Guidelines - revised.
15. BPMS(Ch)No.:380(SB) dt.15.11.85(P1160/85)
Regulations-TNEB service Regulations - Acceptance of resignation of Board employees
Regulation 16 - amendment issued.
16. Circular Memo No.:- 011292/79/E6/2/86-3(Adm. Br.) Dt.15.4.86 P367/86)
Estt. Request from employees for voluntary retirement / Resignations forwarding to Head
Quarters - Instruction issue of - reg.
F.M. v©.80398-¥ã/85-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 21.7.86(ã 640/86)F.M. v©.80398-¥ã/85-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 21.7.86(ã 640/86)
F.M. v©.80398-¥ã/85-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 21.7.86(ã 640/86)F.M. v©.80398-¥ã/85-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 21.7.86(ã 640/86)
F.M. v©.80398-¥ã/85-1 (brayf »is) ehŸ 21.7.86(ã 640/86)
j‰fhÈf gÂÚ¡f« brŒa¥g£l muR CÊa® /XG§F elto¡if vL¡f¥g£l muR
CÊa® j‹ ÉU¥g XŒÉš bršy mDkâ¤jš - bjËîiu.
18. Memo No. 029140/16/E3/A2/87-1 (Adm.Br.) dt.4.3.87(P177/87)
Estt - Employees retiring voluntarily from Service-Acceptance of Voluntary retirement - if
the employee come forward to remit the monitory equivalent of the unexpired portion of
punishment-instruction - issued.
19. BPMS(FB) No.51(SB) dt.22.6.88(P363/88)
Estt - Voluntary retirement of Board employees after 25 years of qualifying service - Giving
weight age of not exceeding 5 years - orders issued.
20. Cir Memo No. : 120096/332/E6-A2/88-2(Adm. Br.)dt.31.12.88 (P12/89)
Estt. Class II Service - AE/JE I Gr. and CHD - Resignation and voluntary retirement may be
accepted by the SE’s concerned - Instruction issued.
21. Lr.No.120096/332/E6-A2/88-3(Adm. Br.)dt.2.1.89(13/89)
Estt - Class II Officers - Resignation and Voluntary retirement - acceptance - instruction
22. Memo No. : 10903-A/89-1 (SB) dt.8.5.89(P367/89)
Estt-Voluntary retirement of Board employees after 25 years of qualifying service - Giving
Service weight age of not exceeding 5 years - order - amendment issued.
23. (Per) BP(FB) No.67(SB) dt. 5.10.89(P842/89)
Estt - Voluntary retirement of Board employees-Giving service weightage of not exceeding
5 years from 18.12.87 - orders issued.
24. Memo No. 68590-P2/(SB) dt.11.11.89(P906/89)
TNEB - voluntary retirement of Board employees payment of Notice salary orders
- correction issued.
25. Memo No. : 21236-P1/90-1(SB) dt.30.4.90(P232/90)
Estt - Voluntary retirement of Board employees after 25 years of qualifying service - Giving
Service weightage - Further clarification issued.
26. Per BP(Ch)No.109(SB) dt.17.5.91(P218/91)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulation Qualifying Service-Defined Clarification to
Regulation 17(g) - issued.
27. (Per) BP(Ch)No.6(SB) dt.25.1.93(P10/93)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations - Voluntary retirement of employees Giving
weightage of not exceeding 5 years - Regulation 17(gg) of TNEB Service Regulation
- amendment issued.
28. Cir Memo No.39587-SS1/93-1(Vigcell) dt.13.8.93(P432/53)
Vigilance Clearance for the employees of the Board seeking voluntary retirement and
employees who retire from Service on Superannuation - vigilance clearance - instruction
29. Memo No.46362/P1/93-1(SB) dt.27.4.94(P174/94)
Regulation -Regulation 17(gg) of TNEB Service Regulations - Voluntary retirement of
employees of Board - Amendment issued-Belated receipt of application need not be
returned The period of notice period will take effect from that date.
30. Memo (P) No.1281/P1/96-1(SB) dt.21.6.96(P186/36)
Fundamental Rules - Rule 56(3) -Voluntary retirement -consolidated Instruction issued by
Govt- communicated.
31. (Per) BP(Ch)No.41(SB) dt.22.2.97(P) 18/2/97)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - voluntary Retirement of Employees under
Regulation -17(gg) Modification - orders issued.
F.M. (Ãiy) v©.10593/¥ã1/brayf ãÇî /97-ehŸ 4.6.97(ã3/6/97)F.M. (Ãiy) v©.10593/¥ã1/brayf ãÇî /97-ehŸ 4.6.97(ã3/6/97)
F.M. (Ãiy) v©.10593/¥ã1/brayf ãÇî /97-ehŸ 4.6.97(ã3/6/97)F.M. (Ãiy) v©.10593/¥ã1/brayf ãÇî /97-ehŸ 4.6.97(ã3/6/97)
F.M. (Ãiy) v©.10593/¥ã1/brayf ãÇî /97-ehŸ 4.6.97(ã3/6/97)
j‰fhÈf g ڡf« brŒa¥g£l / xG§F elto¡if vL¡f¥g£l muR CÊa® - j‹
ÉU¥g XŒÉš brŒa mDkâ¤jš - bjËîiu tH§fjš (mDkâ mË¡f¡ TlhJ)
33. Memo (P) No.28575 - Q2/97-5(SB) dt.27.8.97(P114/8/97)
Pension -Voluntary retirement - Giving weightage modification - orders issued - clarification.
34. (Per) BP(FB) No.74(SB) dt.10.9.97(P1/9/97)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations-Compulsory retirement and Voluntary retirement
- Definition of Qualifying service Regulation 17(g) and 17(gg) - amendment issued.
35. Memo (P) No.28575-Q2/97-6(SB) dt.10.7.98(P15/7/98)
Pension -Voluntary Retirement giving weightage - Further clarification issued.
36. Memo (P) No.46658/P1/98-1(SB) dt.25.2.99(P15/2/99)
Fundamental Rules -Voluntary retirement condition under Fundamental Rules 56(3)(e)
Obtaining report from Special Branch Criminal Investigation Dept. - certain clarification
37. Memo No.99294/D2/97-15(SB) dt.12.3.99(P1/3/99)
Estt-TNEB- Employees of the Board - Clearance from Director of Vigilance and Anti
Corruption before accepting voluntary Retirement - instruction issued.
38. (Per) BP(FB) No.31(SB) dt.2.7.99(P1/7/99)
Regulations-TNEB Service Regulations-Regulation 16A of TNEB Service Regulations
- amendment issued.
39. Memo No.17372/A18/A182/2001-8(SB) dt.9.1.2002(P6/1/02)
Estt-TNEB - Employees of TNEB - Grant of Leave to take up employment abroad - Counting
of Service for Voluntary retirement - after remitting the pension contribution - clarification
40. (Per) BP(FB) No.16(SB) dt.6.3.2002(P12/3/02)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Voluntary retirement under Regelations 17(gg)
- Giving weightage - Amendment to Service Regulation - issued.
41. (Per) BP(FB) No.24(SB) dt.2.4.02(P2/4/02)
TNEB -Delegation of Powers to Chairman to accept the proposal of voluntary retirement
in respect of Chief Engineer- order issued.
42. Memo No.21948/B11/B112/2002-1(SB) dt.5.6.02(P12/6/02)
Vigilance clearance for employees seeking Voluntary retirement and officers who retire
from service on superannuation - clearance be sought for well in advance - Instruction
F¿(Ãiy) v©.7854/m18/m/181/2003-1/ehŸ 15.3.03(4/3/03)F¿(Ãiy) v©.7854/m18/m/181/2003-1/ehŸ 15.3.03(4/3/03)
F¿(Ãiy) v©.7854/m18/m/181/2003-1/ehŸ 15.3.03(4/3/03)F¿(Ãiy) v©.7854/m18/m/181/2003-1/ehŸ 15.3.03(4/3/03)
F¿(Ãiy) v©.7854/m18/m/181/2003-1/ehŸ 15.3.03(4/3/03)
gÂaik¥ò - thÇa gÂahs® ÉU¥g XŒÉš bršy mDkâ¡F« K‹d® á.I.o. áw¥ò
ãÇÉš ïUªJ jilÆšyh rh‹W bgw nt©oaJ mtáakh v‹gj‰fhd bjËîiu.
44. Memo No.116517/A18/A181/2003-1(SB) dt. 8.1.04(P5/1/04)
Estt-TNEB - Voluntary Retirement of Employees - Acceptance notice for voluntary
retirement - fulfilling of condition stipulated under Regulation 17(gg) (e) of TNEB Service
Regulations - instruction to ensure that no criminal case or prosecution is contemplated
or pending against employee - reiterated.
F.M.v©.58147/m18/m181/04-1(br.») ehŸ. 3.8.04 (ã8/04)F.M.v©.58147/m18/m181/04-1(br.») ehŸ. 3.8.04 (ã8/04)
F.M.v©.58147/m18/m181/04-1(br.») ehŸ. 3.8.04 (ã8/04)F.M.v©.58147/m18/m181/04-1(br.») ehŸ. 3.8.04 (ã8/04)
F.M.v©.58147/m18/m181/04-1(br.») ehŸ. 3.8.04 (ã8/04)
gÂaik¥ò - ÉU¥g XŒÉš bršy ÉU«ò« thÇa gÂahs®fŸ - T£Lwî á¡fd
ehza r§f¤âš cŸs ÃYit¤ bjhifia gÂahsÇ‹ g¡bfhilÆš <L brŒJ
bfhŸSjš m¿îiufŸ tH§f¥gL»wJ.
46. Memo No.38353/A18/A181/2005-1(SB) dt.31.5.05(P1/6/05)
Public Service Voluntary retirement and retirement on Superannuation obtaining clearance
from DVAC/CBCID/SBCID-Instruction issued modified Instruction issued by Govt.
- communicated.
1. Cir.Memo.No.19070/Vigilance Cell 8/83-5 Dt.04.02.84 (P.91/84)
Security – Entrustment of Security works of Power Houses, Sub-Station etc., to private
agencies – consolidated instructions – issued.
2. Cir Memo.No.8162/VC8/84-2(SB) Dt.27.03.84 (P.172/84)
M/s.Security Consultancy and Services, Chennai-40 inclusion in the list of Security
Agencies – reg.
3. Cir Memo.No.12513/VC8/84-3 (SB) Dt.06.05.84 (P.307/84)
Security – Entrustment of Security works of Power Houses, Sub-Stations to Private
Agencies - List of Security Agencies – reg.
4. Cir.Memo.No.13235/VC8/84-3 (SB) Dt.27.06.84 (P.408/84)
M/s.KTR Securplans, Security consultants and Agencies , Chennai-17 inclusion in the list
of Security Agencies – reg.
5. Cir.Memo.No.12836/VC8/84-1 (SB) Dt.20.07.84 (P.495/84)
Security – Entrustment of Security works of Power Houses / Sub-Stations , etc. to Private
agencies – Further instruction – issued.
6. Cir.Memo.No.37459/VC8/84-1 (SB) Dt.11.12.84 (P.971/84)
Security – Entrustment of Security works to Private agencies – reg.
7. Cir.Memo.No.2719/VC8/84-4 (SB) DT.12.07.84 (P.489/84)
Provision of Armed Police Guards to Vital Installations of TNEB recovery of cost of Police
Guards from TNEB – reg.
8. Ch’s Communication No. CH/TA/6369/85-1 dt. 31.8.85(P873/85)
Labour - Appointment of watchman on Contract basis through Security agencies -
conciliation - Govt - orders.
9. Cir Memo No. : 39085/VC8/84-12(SB) dt.12.12.85(P1390/85)
Security - Entrustment of Security works TNEB vital Installation power houses,
stores offices and other premises etc. inclusion of Global Defective Agencies (P) Ltd. in
the list - reg.
10. Memo No. : 9659/VC8/86-1(SB) dt.7.4.86(P309/86)
Security - Entrustment of Security works to private agency - certain particulars - publication
of Circular instruction in TNEB Gazette – reg.
11. Cir Memo No. : 24558/VC8/86-1(SB) dt.21.7.86(P641/86)
Security - Entrustment of Security works to Private Agency - instruction issued.
12. (Per) BP(FB) No.6(Adm.Br.) 8.2.95(P30/95)
Recruitment - Recruitment of Ex-Service Men from Tamilnadu Ex Service Men corporation
on Contract Basis for Security Purpose of State Under takings / Board -General Guidelines
- Adoption of Orders of Govt. - orders issued.
Copy of:
Establishment – Tamilnadu Electricity Board – Allowing certain employees of Board to move to
selection grade on completion of ten years of service – Creation of selection grade posts on
higher scales of pay – orders – issued.
Board’s Proceedings Ms.No.288 (Sectt. Branch) Dated: 03.12.1979
1. In G.O. Ms.No.1050, Finance (Pay Commission), dated 5.10.1978, the Government of
Tamilnadu have issued orders permitting the Government employees in a number of
categories in the middle and lower levels to move to higher posts/selection grader/special
grades on higher scales of pay on completion of 10 years of service in the posts, if they
are otherwise found fit for normal promotion of advancement.
2. In order to relieve stagnation among the employees of the Board, the Unions of
employees of the Board have been requesting for the grant of the benefit of higher scales
of pay to such of the employees to continue in the same time scale for certain years.
Representations have also be on received for the creation of special grade posts in various
3. The Tamilnadu Electricity Board has considered the representations referred to in para
2 above and passes the following orders:-
(a) A person holding a post in the categories carrying the following pre-revised/revised scales
of pay existing in the Board shall be allowed to move to selection grade on completion of
10 years of satisfactory service in the Ordinary Grade:-
Pre-revised scales of pay Revised scale of pay
1) 210-4-230-5-270-7-305 1) 300-5-325-10-375-15-455
2) 225-5-250-6-292-8-340 2) 355-10-375-15-480-20-600
3) 260-8-300-10-350-12-410 3) 390-15-480-20-600-25-650
4) 265-10-315-12-375-15-465 4) 425-20-525-25-650-30-770
5) 285-10-335-12-395-15-470 5) 500-25-600-30-720-35-790
Pre-revised scales of pay Revised scale of pay
6) 305-12-365-15-440-17-525 6) 580-30-700-35-875-40-995
7) 315-15-390-18-480-20-600 7) 650-35-720-40-800-50-1000 -60-1180
8) 350-15-425-18-515-20-615 8) 680-40-800-50-1000-60-1180
9) 375-20-475-30-685 9) 800-50-1000-60-1240-65-1305
10) 395-20-475-30-715 10) 850-50-1000-60-1240-65-1500
11) 415-20-475-30-715
12) 440-30-620-35-935
13) 520-30-640-35-955
14) 470-30-620-40-980
15) 475-30-625-40-825-50-1025
16) 565-30-625-40-825-50-1025
17) 600-40-800-50-1200
The scales of pay applicable to such selection grades shall be as mentioned below:-
i) Wherever special grade or selection grade posts are existing at present for any
category, the scale of pay applicable to such special grade or selection grade posts
shall be allowed as selection grade scale of pay with reference to the orders in these
ii) In other cases (upto the level of the employees carrying the scales of pay mentioned
above only), the scales of pay applicable to the next higher category in the line of
promotion shall be allowed as selection grade scale of pay. In, cases where there is
no higher category in the line of promotion for any post, no selection grade scale of
pay shall be allowed. Adopting the above principles, the holders of the posts in the
categories mentioned in column (1) of the Annexure to these proceedings shall have
the scales of pay of the categories indicated in corresponding entry in column (2)
thereof, as selection grade scales of pay.
(b) The present total number of posts available in a category in the ordinary grade, special
grade and selection grade (selection grade posts sanction with reference to existing
schemes as well as those sanctioned with reference to this order) shall be taken together
and no fresh sanction should be asked for with reference to this scheme of advancement
to selection grade. Within the total number, the Chief Engineer (General) or the Authority
competent to order promotions can vary the numbers among the ordinary, existing special/
selection grade and selection grade with reference to this order, depending on the
advancement of personnel from one grade to another.
(c) This new scheme of selection grade will come into effect from 1
January 1979.
(d) Fixation of pay under Regulation 33(b) of the Tamilnadu Electricity Board Service Regulations
shall not be applicable for the persons who are appointed to selection grade from the
ordinary grade. The employees moving to the selection grade shall be allowed fixation of
pay at the next higher stage whether the pay in the ordinary, existing special/selection
grade represents a stage in the scale of pay in the selection grade with reference to this
order or not.
(e) The pay of an employee appointed to the selection grade (with reference to this order) on
the date of accrual of increment in the ordinary grade or existing special/selection grade
post shall be fixed without taking into account the increment that accrued in the ordinary
grade or existing special/selection grade scales of pay and then he shall be allowed to
draw his increment on that date in the selection grade scale of pay.
(f) Employees who are on other duty shall also be appointed to selection grade.
(g) Leave, other than extraordinary leave without pay and allowances, should be taken into
account while computing the 10 year period. The period of ten years in a post will be
reckoned from the date of regular appointment to the post but will exclude the periods of
(h) A senior employee in the ordinary grade and existing special/selection grade will also be
appointed to the selection grade with reference to this order with effect from the date on
which his junior is appointed to the selection grade, even though the senior might not have
actually put in the required 10 years of service.
(i) The Chief Engineer (General) or the Authority competent to order promotions shall prepare
a list twice in a year, not later than 1
April and 1
October, of employees eligible for
advancement to selection grade. While so drawing up the list, the employees who have
completed the prescribed period of 10 years in the preceding period of six month should
be taken up and orders issued. The appointment should, however, be made with effect
from the actual date of completion of the 10 year period. No option will be allowed to the
employees to choose a date other than the actual date of completion of 10 years service
to move to the selection grade. The first list of employees eligible for advancement to
selection grade as on 1.1.1979 shall be prepared immediately. The next list of employees
eligible for the advancement from 2.1.1979 to 30.11.1979 shall be prepared by 31.1.1980.
Further lists may be prepared by 1
April and 1
October. The Chief Engineer (General) or
the Authority competent to order promotions shall take care to see that the total sanctions
are not exceeded by advancement of personnel from the ordinary grade, existing special/
selection grade to selection grade with reference to this order.
4. In the case of posts for which selection grade is not provided in this order, the employee
holding such a post shall be given two increments (including the normal increment falling on
the same date or thereafter) on his completing 10 years service in the same post. This
benefit will be available only once in his service but it will be with cumulative effects. The
usual annual increments will be sanctioned for the subsequent year onwards.
The Chief Engineer (General).
All other Chief Engineers.
The General Superintendent/Ennore Thermal Power Station.
The General Superintendent/Tuticorin Thermal Power Project.
The Chief Financial Controller, Madras.
All Superintending Engineers.
The Accountant General, Madras-18.
The Residential Audit Officer, Madras-2.
The Chief Internal Audit Officer, Madras-2.
Copy to:
The Commissioner and Secretary to Government,
Public Works Department, Madras.
‘I’, ‘J’ & ‘K’ Sections.
The General Secretary, Tamilnadu Electricity Workers’ Federation.
All Sections/Officers of Secretariat Branch.
: True copy: Forwarded: By Order:
(1) (2)
1. Office Helper Record Clerk
2. Record Clerk Junior Assistant
3. Typist/Steno-Typist Selection Grade Typist
4. Junior Assistant Assistant
5. Assistant (Secretariat Branch) Section Officer
6. Assistant (Audit Branch) Assistant Audit Officer
7. Assistant (Headquarters Unit Officer) Junior Superintendent
8. Assistant (Accounts Branch) Accountant
9. Junior Superintendent Senior Superintendent
10. Accountant Special Grade Accountant
11. Senior Superintendent Personal Assistant
12. Special Grade Accountant Assistant Accounts Officer
13. Section Officer (Secretariat Branch) Selection Grade Section Officer
14. Assistant Audit Officer Internal Audit Officer
15. Personal Assistant Selection Grade Personal Assistant
16. Assistant Accounts Officer Accounts Officer
17. Cashier Sub-Inspector of Cashiers
18. Sub-Inspector of Cashiers Inspector of Cashiers
19. Inspector of Cashiers Special Grade Inspector of Cashiers
20. Store Keeper Grade II Store Keeper Grade I
21. Store Keeper Grade I Chief Store Keeper
22. Chief Store Keeper/Stock verifier Special Grade Chief Store Keeper/Stock Verifier
23. Special Grade Chief Store Keeper/
Stock verifier Stores Superintendent
24. Assistant Draughtsman Draughtsman Grade III
25. Draughtsman Grade III Draughtsman Grade II
26. Draughtsman Grade II Draughtsman Grade I
27. Draughtsman Grade I Chief Head Draughtsman
28. Junior Chemist Senior Chemist
29. Instrument Repairer Grade II Instrument Repairer Grade I
30. Transport overseer Grade II Transport Overseers Grade I
31. Junior Engineer Grade II Junior Engineer Grade I
32. Junior Engineer Grade I Assistant Divisional Engineer
33. Assistant Engineer Assistant Divisional Engineer
34. Assistant Divisional Engineer Divisional Engineer
Note : The holders of posts of Regular Works Establishment categories will be allowed the
next higher scale to pay as selection grade.
// True copy //
Memorandum No.106-B1/80-11 dated 31
October 1980.
Sub: ESTABLISHMENTTamilnadu Electricity Board Allowing certain employees
of Board to move to Selection Grade on completion of Ten Years of service –
Creation of Selection Grade posts on higher scales of pay – orders –
clarification – issued.
Ref: B P.Ms.No.288 (Secretariat Branch) dated 3.12.1979.
1. A point has been raised whether an employee can be moved to the Selection Grade
post when a Disciplinary Proceeding is pending against him.
2. The Chief Engineers/Superintending Engineers and other Officers of the Board are
informed that pendency of a charge is not a bar for appointment to Selection Grade post on
completion of ten years service.
The Chief Engineer (GL) Madras-2.
All other UEs.
The General Superintendent,
Ennore Thermal Power Station and TTPP.
All SE’s
The CIAO/BOAB/Madras-2
The RAO / Madras-2.
Copy to the TNE Workers Federation
Copy to all personnel Officers / Adm. Br. B, I, J, K, and N Section.
// True Copy //
1. Memo.(P) No.36189-R1/82-3 (SB) DT.19.05.83 (P.9/83II)
Estt. – TNEB – Allowing certain employees (Work load) of Board to Move to Selection
Grade on completion of 10 Years service – Creation of selection Grade post on higher
scale of pay – counting of service for computing. 10 Years service - clarification.
2. Memo.No.56323-R1/83-2 (SB) Dt.07.11.83 (P.412/83II)
Estt. TNEB allowing certain employees of Board to Move selection grade on completion
of 10 years of service – Date of eligibility for Movement to Selection Grade – Arriving of
– clarification issued.
3. Memo.No.48610/83-1(SB) Dt.04.04.84 (P.216/84)
Estt. – TNEB – Appointment of senior employees to selection grade on the date of
appointment of the Junior employee to selection grade – clarification issued.
4. Memo.No.71713-R2/83-2 (SB) Dt.08.05.84 (P.311/84)
Estt. – TNEB – Sanction of Two Increment benefits on completion of 10 Years of service
– Date of next increment – clarification issued.
5. Memo.No.25028-R2/84-1 (SB) DT.06.07.84 (P.485/84)
Estt. – TNEB – Allowing certain employees of Board to Move to selection grade on
completion of 10 Years service – Creation of Selection grade post on higher scale of pay
orders – Date of effect - amendment issued.
6. Memo No. 97650-R2/83-2(SB) dt.10.1.85(P11/85)
Estt - TNEB - Allowing certain employees of Board to move to selection grade on Completion
of 10 years service-when undergoing punishment - Fixation of pay - clarification issued.
7. Memo (P)NO.82941/R2/84-2(SB) dt.17.4.85(P366/85)
Estt - TNEB - allowing certain employees of Board to move to selection grade on completion
of Ten years of Service Reckoning of period of Suspension which is yet to be regularised
- clarification.
8. Memo No. : 63451-R2/85-1(SB) dt.5.9.85(P935/85)
Estt - TNEB - Movement to selection grade post on completion of 10 years and granted
Two increment date of next increment - clarification issued.
9. BPMS(Ch)No.363(SB) dt.31.10.85(P1114/85)
Estt - TNEB - Allowing employees to move to selection Grade on completion of Ten years
Service-Revised scale of pay for selection grade post effective from 1.12.84 - orders
10. Memo No. 66710-R1/85-5(SB) dt.23.11.85(P1182/85)
Estt - TNEB - Allowing higher scale movement to selection grade office Helper and Duffedar
- clarification issued.
11. Memo No. 66710-R1/85-7(SB) dt.27.11.85(P1193/85)
Estt TNEB - Special Gr. Accountant, Special Gr. DSO as on 30.11.84 who have not
completed 10 years of Service as Accountant / DSO and SPl. Gr Accountant DSO on the
date of Revised Scale of Pay - orders issued.
12. Memo No. : 79682/C2/86-1(SB) dt.31.3.86(P301/86)
Estt- TNEB - Allowing employees to move selection grade on completion of 10 years - the
period of Temporary promotion of the employees who have subsequent by reverted for
want of vacancy with the lower post service for computation of 10 years - clarification.
13. Memo No. :78638-C1/85-1(SB) dt.24.4.86(P316/86)
Estt - Revision of Scales of Pay from 1.12.84 fixation of pay in the selection grade Record
clerks -clarification issued.
14. Memo No. : 79350/R1/C1/85-1(SB) dt. 11.6.86(P511/86)
Estt - TNEB - Allowing Higher Scale Movement to Selection grade OH and Duffedars
- Further clarification.
15. Memo No. 78638-C1/85-3(SB) dt.15.7.86(P633/86)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of Scales of Pay from 1.12.84 - Fixation of pay to selection grade
Record clerks - clarification - modification - orders issued.
16. BPMS(FB) No.10(SB) dt.2.2.87(P100/87)
Estt - TNEB - allowing employees to move to selection grade on completion of 10 years of
Service - Fixation of pay in selection Grade post - revised orders issued.
17. Memo No. : 017628/130/C2/4/86-5 (Adm.Br.)Dt.10.3.87 (P180/87)
Estt - Class III Service - Movement of Selection grade-Assessment - Cum - collection
cadre - Delegation of powers to Regional Chief Engineers - reg.
18. Memo No. 13924/C2/87-1(SB) dt.21.3.87(P191/87)
Estt- TNEB - Allowing employees to move to selection grade on completion of 10 years
fixation of pay in Selection Grade post - Minimum benefit of one Increment will be eligible to
those who have moved to selection grade from 1.12.84 - clarification issued.
19. Memo No.51205/241/IR2(2) / Adm. Br./87-10 dt. 9.9.87(699/87)
Estt - RWE Workman - Transfer from one circle to another system - Movement to selection
grade - clarification orders issued.
20. Memo No. :32383-C2/87-1(SB) dt.11.11.87(P865/87)
Estt - TNEB - Allowing employees to move to selection Grade on completion of 10 years
service - Fixation of pay in selection grade post orders - clarification issued.
21. Memo No. 24135-C2/87-1(SB) dt.19.12.87(P972/87)
Estt - TNEB - Allowing employees to move to selection grade on completion of 10 years
- Date of eligibility for movement to selection grade - clarification already issued - correction
22. Memo No.6975/C2/88-1(SB) dt.8.2.88(P95/88)
Estt - TNEB - Allowing employees to move to selection grade on completion of 10 years of
Service - Date of eligibility for movement to selection grade - clarification issued
- amendment issued.
23. Memo No. : 20997-C2/87-1(SB) dt.19.3.88(P179/88)
Estt - TNEB - Allowing employees to move to selection grade on completion of 10 years
service - Fixation of pay in the revised scale of pay w.e.f.1.12.84 in respect of Senior Supt.
Special Gr. Accountant etc. as on 30.11.84 - orders issued.
24. Memo No. 70142-C1/87-1(SB) dt.10.5.88(P295/88)
Estt - Revision of scale of pay from 1.12.84 - protection of pay to the employees appointed
through Internal Selection - moving to selection grade - fixation on pay - clarification issued.
25. Memo No. 12980-C2/89-1(Sectt.Br.)dt.27.4.89(P304/89)
Estt - Watchman and Equivalent RWE categories moved to selection grade on date
between 1.1.79 to 30.11.79 - Scale to be allowed on and from 1.12.79 - Further orders
26. Per BP (FB) No.53(SB) dt.27.6.89(P500/89)
Selection grade - Fixation of pay - Junior getting more pay than Senior - Pay anomoly
Rectification - orders issued.
27. (Per) Memo No. 65035/C1/87-25(SB) dt.19.8.85(703/89)
Labour - TNEB - Reivsion of Scale of Pay -orders issued - Revised selection grade pay
scales - orders issued.
28. Memo No. 38241-C2/89-1(SB) dt.6.9.89(P768/89)
Estt - TNEB - Movement to selection grade on completion of Ten years Service - Applicability
for the Second time in Service in the higher post - clarification issued.
29. Memo No. 73505-C1/89-1(SB) dt.5.12.89(P984)
Labour - TNEB - Revision of Scale of Pay and Allowances -Revised Selection grade sides
for certain categories.
30. Memo No. 5730/C2/90-4(SB) dt.19.11.90(P657/90)
Estt - blue Printer Gr-I movement to Selection grade on dates between 1.1.79 to 30.11.79
Scale to be allowed on and from 1.12.79 - orders issued.
31. Memo No. 1150-C2/91-1 (SB) dt.7.9.91(P478/91)
Estt - TNEB -Allowing certain employees of Board to move to selection grade on completion
of 10 years service creation of selection grade post of higher scales of pay shall be deemed
to have come into force from 1.1.79 - orders issued.
32. Memo No. 080363/952/R11(2) /92-1 dt. 16.10.92(P563/92)
Recruitment - Class III Service - Assessors Appointed by direct Recruitment w.e.f. 1.12.83-
The Service rendered prior to 1.12.83 need not be taken into Account for movement to
selection grade.
33. (Per) BP(Ch)No.200(SB) dt.5.11.92(P629/92)
Estt-Class III Service-Staff Nurse - Benefit for Completion of 10 years service in ordinary
grade change - orders issued.
34. (Per) BP(Ch)No.21(SB) dt.1.2.94(P95/94)
Labour - Revision of Scale of Pay and Allowances - Revised Selection grade Scale of Pay
- orders issued.
35. (Per) BP(FB) No.106 (SB) dt.3.11.94(P522/94)
Labour - Revision of Scale of Pay and Allowances - Revised Selection grade scale of Pay
orders - amendment issued.
36. Memo No.21504/C2/92-2(SB) dt.4.3.95(P84/95)
Estt-TNEB - Allowing certain employees of Board to Move to Selection grade on Completion
of 10 years Fixation of pay in selection grade post - Amendment to original orders issued.
37. Memo No.84806/C1/94-1(SB) dt.15.6.95(P260/95)
Estt- Revision of Scale of Pay and allowances with effect from 1.12.92 Revision of Selection
grade scale of Pay ordered in BP(FB) No.106(SB) dt. 3.11.94 also be with effect from
1.12.92 - orders issued.
38. Memo No.47062/C1/95-1(SB) dt.22.12.95(P623/95)
Estt-TNEB -RWE wiremen and Equivalent - Movement to selection grade on completion
of 10 years of Service - Allowing Selection grade scale - clarification issued.
39. Memo No.82457/C1/96-2(SB) dt.26.3.97(P7/3/97)
Estt-TNEB Sanction of Two Increment benefit (Including the normal Increment falling on
the same day or there after to the employees of the Board for whom selection grade on
completion of 10 years was not provided - clarification issued.
40. Memo No.78549/C1/98-1(SB) dt.19.1.99(P10/1/99)
Estt-TNEB Merger of Technical Asst. Grade II and Grade I in 1992 wage Revision -Movement
to Selection grade post- clarification issued.
41. Per BP (Ch)No.5(SB) dt.18.1.2000(P10/1/2000)
Estt-Class IV Service - Thiru P. Elumalai Marker -Allowing Higher Scale movement on
completion of 10 years of Service instead of Two Increment benefit - orders issued.
42. Lr.No.15674/A3/A31/2003-1(SB) dt.21.2.03(P1/3/03)
Estt-Class III Service -Revenue Supervisors completion of 9 years service in the category
of Revenue Supervisor - Movement to Selection Grade Fixation of Pay - clarification issued.
43. (Per) BP(FB) No.11/(SB) dt.8.2.2006(P12/2/06)
TNEB Revision of Wages to the employees of Board with effect from 1.12.02 Revised
Scale of Pay for Selection grade posts-Introduction of Selection grade Scales of Pay to
certain categories of employees for whom there is no selection grade at present
- orders issued.
44. (Per) BP(FB) No.12/(SB)) dt.8.2.2006(P14/2/06)
Estt-TNEB - Allowing Certain employees to move to special Grade on completion of 20
years of Service -Creation of Special Garde Posts on higher scale - orders issued.
45. Memo No.101074/A3/A31/2005-1(SB) dt.17.2.2006(P52/2/06)
Estt. TNEB - Allowing certain employees to promotional scale for Selection grade and
Special Grade- order kept in abeyance - orders issued.
46. Memo No.101074/A3/A31/2005-2dt.15.6.06 (P33/6/06)
Estt-TNEB allowing promotion Post Scale as Selection grade Scale to certain categories
and creation of Selection grade scale of Pay for whom no Selection grade Scale at Present
and Allowing employees to Move Special grade on completion of 20 years - orders issued
- Further Instruction issued.
47. (Per) BP(Ch)No.107(SB) dt.16.6.06(P34/6/06)
Estt-TNEB Allowing Promotion post Scale as Selection grade Scale to certain categories
and Introduction of Selection grade scales of pay to certain categories of employees for
whom there is no selection grade scale at Present and allowing employees of Board to
move to special grade on completion of 20 years of service - creation of Special grade
post on higher Scale of Pay - Further orders issued.
48. Memo No. 101074/A3/A31/2005-3 (SB) dt.24.6.06(P36/5/06)
Estt-TNEB - Allowing Promotion post Scale as Selection grade to certain categories and
Introduction of Selection grade Scale of Pay to certain categories for employees for whom
there is no selection grade at present and allowing special grade on completion of 20
years service - orders issued.
49. Memo No.54594/A3/A31/2006-2(SB) dt.26.6.06(P1/7/06)
Estt-TNEB Allowing employees of the Board to Move Special Grade kept in abeyance for
Assessment cadre only.
50. (Per) BP(FB) No.36(SB) dt.18.7.06(P6/7/06)
Estt-TNEB - Grant of the Special Increment to Special Grade Duffedar who have completed
10 years service as Special Grade Duffedar and also completed 30 years of Service
orders issued.
51. Memo (P) No.110676/A3/A31/2006-2(SB) dt.18.1.07(P19/1/07)
Estt-Allowing employees of the Board to move to Special Grade on Completion of 20
years - orders issued - kept in abeyance clarification on settlement of pension.
52. Memo (P)NO.54594/A3/A31/2006-5(SB) dt.5.4.07(P6/4/07)
TNEB - Revision of Work Allocation and Staff pattern - Allowing employees of the Board to
move to special grade on completion of 20 years of Service - Orders and Further clarification
issued - Reviewed further - orders issued.
53. Memo No.54594/A3/A31/2006-8(SB) dt.16.607(P8/6/07)
TNEB - Allowing employees of Board to move to special grade on completion of 20 years
of Service Implementation compliance report called for.
54. (Per) BP(FB) No.20(SB) dt.18.6.2007(P11/6/07)
TNEB - Allowing employees to move to selection grade and Special Grade modification of
Selection grade and Special grade Scales to certain categories - orders issued.
55. Memo (P) No.31984/A3/A31/07-1(SB) dt.29.6.07(P24/6/07)
Estt-TNEB -Allowing employees of the Board to Move to Special Grade on Completion of
20 years of Service orders - Further clarification issued.
56. (Per) BP(FB) No.18(SB) dt.16.7.2009(P43/7/09)
TNEB -Grant of Special Grade Scale of Pay to Special Duffedars on parwith Record clerks
who have completed 10 years as Special Grade Duffaders and also completed 30 years
of total Service - Modified orders issued.
1. Memo (P)No. : 65508-N2/87-3(SB) dt.11.10.88(P690/88)
Special pay - sanction of Shift operation Special pay to JE II Gr. in 110KV Sub Station
clarification The AEE/AE, JE I and II Gr. who put on shift are eligible.
2. Memo No. : 73524-N2/82-5(SB) dt.2.2.91(P58/91)
Special pay and Allowances - Payment of Shift operation special pay during leave period
and SLS - Clarification past cases need not be reopened.
3. (Per) BP(Ch)No.13(SB) dt.7.1.99(P17/1/99)
Special Pay - Shift Operation Special Pay to NCTPS - Employees - orders issued.
4. Memo No.43497/A3/A32/99-3(SB) dt.1.7.200(P 1.7.2000)
Special Pay - Shift Operation Special Pay for Staff who attended Shift Duty in NCTPS not
eligible for Tester chemical however they may be paid Night Shift Allowance - clarification.
5. (Per) BP(Ch)No.51(SB) dt.17.2.2001(P25/2/2001)
Special Pay - Shift Operation special Pay to the Staff of Basin Bridge Gas Turbine Power
Station to attending Shift Duty - orders issued.
7. (Per) BP(Ch)No.278(SB) dt.15.11.01(P13/11/01)
Special Pay- Shift Operation Special Pay to the Staff of Thirumalkottai Gas Turbine power
Project attending to Shift duty - sanction -orders.
1. Lr.No.19342/Q2/84-1 (SB) Dt.07.03.84 (P.154/84)
Tamilnadu Employees Special Provident Fund – Cum – Gratuity Scheme orders issued
by Govt. – communicated.
2. Lr.No.19342/Q2/84-3 Dt.21.04.84 (P.267/84)
Tamilnadu Govt. Employees Special Provident Fund – Cum Gratuity Scheme – Instructions
on preparation of Schedule and entries in Service Book – reg.
3. Lr. No. 19342-Q2 / 84-17(SB) dt.14.5.85(P547/85)
Tamilnadu Govt. Employees special provident Fund-Cum-Gratuity Scheme - clarification
4. Lr.No. 19342-E2/84-21(SB)dt.20.8.85(P877/85)
Tamilnadu Govt. Employees Special Provident - Cum-Gratuity Scheme - Furnishing of
Separate Nomination for the scheme - clarification communicated.
5. BPMS(FB) No.76(SB) dt.31.8.85(P901/85)
Gratuity Scheme - TNEB employees Special Provident fund cum - Gratuity Scheme
- orders issued.
6. Memo No. 55237-E2/85-2(SB) dt.5.10.85(P1124/85)
TNEB - Employees provident Fund - Cum - Gratuity Scheme - amendment issued.
7. Memo No. 66372/E2/85-2(SB) dt. 30.11.85(P1234/85)
Gratuity Scheme - TNEB employees special provident fund - cum - Gratuity Scheme
- amendment issued. (Sanctioning Authority prescribed)
8. Lr.No.:22810-N1/86-2(SB) dt.26.10.86(P986/86)
TNEB Employees special provident Fund cum gratuity scheme - Extension to employees
continued on extension of service - clarification issued.
9. Memo No. : 71784/N1/86-2(SB)dt.11.2.87(P119/87)
TNEB employees special provident fund cum-gratuity Scheme - issued of sanction orders
in the prescribed form - orders issued.
10. Lr.No. 11520/N1/87-1(SB) dt.6.5.87(P354/87)
TNEB - Employees Special provident Fund cum gratuity scheme - stoppage of subscription
one month before the date of superannuation - amendment issued.
11. BPMS(FB) No.83(SB) dt.30.12.88(P918/88)
TNEB - Special provident Fund - Cum-Gratuity Scheme Final payment to employees allowed
to retire without prejudice to DP Under Rule 90 of Tamilnadu pension rules 1978 Payment
of amount on the date of retirement - instruction issued.
12. Lr.No. : 8728-N1/89-2(SB) dt.20.4.89(P317/89)
TNEB Employees Special Provident Fund-Cum - Gratuity Scheme - payment of the
Scheme amount when nomination not made - instruction.
13. (Per) BP(Ch)No.336(SB)dt.16.12.89(P994/89)
Gratuity -TNEB employees Special Provident Fund cum-Gratuity scheme - Due of Board
employees not to be recovered from the amount payable under the scheme -payment to
employees who are allowed to retire without prejudice to the D.P.- order issued.
14. Endt. No.:89821-N1 / (SB) dt.3.3.90(P168/90)
TNEB - Spl. Provident Fund-Cum-Gratuity Scheme Refund of Wrongly recovered amount
- sanctioning authority for refund of Subscription - instruction issued.
15. (Per) BP(Ch)No.103(SB) dt.23.5.90(P315/90)
TNEB employees SPl. PF cum Gratuity scheme - Enrolment of Military Pensioners/Ex
Service men in the TNEB - orders issued.
16. Memo (P)No.:18644/N1/90-2(SB) dt.6.6.90 (P385/90)
Pension -TNEB Special P.F.Cum Gratuity Scheme -stoppage of subscription one month
prior to Superannuation Instruction - reitreated.
17. Memo No. 65412-P1/90-1(SB) dt.25.2.91(P67/91)
Gratuity Scheme - TNEB employees Spl. P.F. Cum - Gratuity Scheme - orders issued
clarification those who have retired between 1.4.84 to 30.9.85 and expired without exercising
option be paid lumpsum of Rs.5000/-
18. Memo No. 87079/N1/90-2(SB)dt.4.4.91(P162/91)
Gratuity scheme - TNEB Employees special special provident Fund cum Gratuity Scheme
- certain clarification issued.
19. Memo No. : 58704/N1/85-4(SB) dt.14.5.91(P248/81)
TNEB employees SPF Cum Gratuity Scheme certain clarification - issued.
20. Memo No.55701-N1/91-2(SB) dt.30.10.92(P624/92)
TNEB Employees Special PF Cum -Gratuity Scheme Amendment to clarification already
- issued.
21. Memo No.42853-N1/92-1(SB) dt.9.11.92(P630/92)
TNEB Employees PF - Cum - Gratuity Scheme - Stoppage of Subscription - instruction
22. (Per) BP(FB) No.123(SB) dt.2.12.93(P669/93)
TNEB - Employees Special Provident Fund-Cum-Gratuity Scheme - Further orders of
Govt- Applicability to Board - orders issued.
23. Memo(P)No.5122-N1/94-2(SB) dt.28.2.94(P102/94)
TNEB Employees Spl. PF Cum Gratuity Scheme - Stoppage of Subscription - instruction
24. Memo No. 54966-N1/93-1(SB) dt.8.3.95(P89/95)
TNEB - Employees Spl. Provident Fund - Cum-Gratuity Scheme - Issue of Sanction orders
in the prescribed form - modified orders issued.
25. Memo (P) No.52209/N1/95-3(SB) dt.7.12.95(P609/95)
Special Provident Fund - Cum - Gratuity Scheme entries to be made in the format - revised
orders issued.
26. (Per) BP(FB) No.35(SB) dt.15.5.97(P25/5/97)
TNEB Employees Special Provident Fund-Cum-Gratuity Scheme - Payment of interest
on the employees Subscription beyond 148 Instalment at 12% - revised orders issued.
27. Lr.No.93402/A19/A192/2000-1(SB) dt.13.11.2000(P23/11/2000)
TNEB Govt. Employees Special Provident Fund-Cum-Gratuity Scheme - Enhancement
of Govt- contribution from Rs.5000/- to Rs.10000/- orders communicated.
28. (Per) BP(FB) No.98(SB) dt.8.12.2000(P51/12/2000)
TNEB - Employees Special Provident Fund -Cum-Gratuity Scheme Payment of interest
on the employees subscription beyond 148 instalment - revised orders issued.
29. (Per) BP(FB) No.62(SB) dt.20.11.2001(P15/11/01)
TNEB - Employees Special Provident Fund - Cum - Gratuity Scheme - Payment of Interest
on the employees contribution beyond 148 instalment - Revised orders issued.
30. (Per)BP(FB) No.37(SB) dt.22.5.2002(P13/5/02)
Tamilnadu Electricity Board Special Provident Fund Cum Gratuity Scheme 2000-
Introduction of new Retirement Benefits Scheme - orders issued.
31. Lr.No.99328/A19/A192/2000-8(SB) dt.22.7.02(P45/7/02)
TNEB - Employees Special Provident Cum Gratuity Scheme 2000-Introduction of New
Retirement benefits Scheme -orders issued - Table of Repayment - communicated.
32. Lr.No.99328/A19/A192/2000-9(SB) dt.6.8.02(P17/8/02)
TNEB employees Special Provident Fund Scheme 2000 Introduction of a new Retirement
benefit Scheme orders issued-The employee recruited on or after 1.6.2002 this scheme
is compulsory and Rs.70/- pm.to deducted upto retirement - except last month - orders
33. (Per) BP(FB) No.57(SB) dt.25.10.2002(P18/10/02)
TNEB - Employees Special Provident Fund - Cum Gratuity Scheme - Payment of interest
on the employees subscription beyond 148 instalment - revised orders issued.
34. (Per) BP(FB) No.34(SB) dt.24.11.03(P15/11/03)
TNEB - employees - Special Provident Fund Cum - Gratuity Scheme - Recovery of
Subscription on the completion of 148th Installments -payment of Interest on the employees
- Subscription beyond 148 instalment - revised orders issued.
35. Lr.No.79315/A19/A192/2003-2(SB) dt.1.12.03(P12/12/03)
Tamilnadu Govt. Employees - Special Provident Fund - Cum Gratuity Scheme (1984)
Recovery of Subscription on the Completion 148th Instalment - Payment of interest on
the employees subscription beyond 148th installment - revised orders - communicated.
36. Memo No.109367/A19/A192/2002-1(SB) dt.1.6.2004(P8/6/04)
TNEB Employees Special Provident Fund-Cum- Gratuity Scheme - Interest for the
employees who have voluntarily retired / Died in the middle of the Month - clarification.
1. Memo.No.40334-B1/83-1 (SB) Dt.05.08.83 (P.207/83II)
Estt. – EEs in Regional Offices (CE/Distn) Surrender of O.H. – Sanction of Cash allowance
– reg.
f.v©. 102140-M®. 2/v©.2 th.br.ã-1/(br.».) ehŸ 14.3.84(ã 138/84)f.v©. 102140-M®. 2/v©.2 th.br.ã-1/(br.».) ehŸ 14.3.84(ã 138/84)
f.v©. 102140-M®. 2/v©.2 th.br.ã-1/(br.».) ehŸ 14.3.84(ã 138/84)f.v©. 102140-M®. 2/v©.2 th.br.ã-1/(br.».) ehŸ 14.3.84(ã 138/84)
f.v©. 102140-M®. 2/v©.2 th.br.ã-1/(br.».) ehŸ 14.3.84(ã 138/84)
mYtyf cjÉahs®fis x¥gil¥ò brŒJ <£L¥gz« bg‰w ãwF mt®fis brhªj
ntiy¡F cgnahf¥gL¤j¡ TlhJ.
3. Lr.No. 67064-N1/84-2(SB) dt.23.4.85(P411/85)
Allowances - Surrender of Residential Office Helpers - Increase in rate of cash allowance
- orders of Govt. - communicated.
4. BPMS(FB) No.34(SB) dt.7.5.85(P542/85)
Allowances - Office Helper surrender Allowance Scheme for Surrender of Residential
office Helper Continuance for another five years and enhancement of rate of allowances
- ordered.
5. Memo No. 27933-B2/85-1(SB) dt.1.6.85(P688/85)
Estt - TNEB - Enhancement of rate of cash allowance in lieu of surrender of Residential
office Helper - instruction issued.
6. Memo No. : 38462/N2/85-2(SB) dt.19.11.85(P1166/85)
Allowances - Cash Allowance - Inclusion of the Category of Senior Personal Officer for
Sanction of Cash Allowance - amendment issued.
7. Cir Memo No.: BOAB/Rep I /U III/Spl. 620/82/D47/86 Dt.5.6.86 P 538/86
BOAB - Audit - Audit - of Entitlement Accounts arrears payment of cash allowance to
ADE’s and AEE’s Delay in implementation of Audit objection - instruction issued.
8. Memo No. :CEP/044985/220/Adm. Br/97-4/85-7 dt. 1.7.88 (P717/86)
Estt - TNEB - Class -II Service - Medical Officers cash Allowance in lieu of surrender of
office Helper - not eligible.
9. BPMS(FB) No.7(SB) dt. 17.2.88(P102/88)
Allowance cash Allowance - Sanction of cash Allowance to the eligible officers of TNEB in
lieu of Residential office Helper - revised procedure - orders issued.
10. Memo No. : 18641 / N2 / 88-1 (SB) dt.8.6.88(P 347/88)
Allowances cash Allowance - Sanction of cash allowance to the eligible officers of TNEB
in lieu of Residential office Helper - Selection Grade AEE / ADE are not eligible - clarification
11. (Per) BP(FB) No.21(SB) dt.26.5.90(P320/90)
Allowances - Office Helper surrender Allowance Scheme- Continuance for one year from
1.4.90 - orders issued.
12. (Per) BP(Ch)No.74(SB) dt.16.4.91(P172/91)
Allowance - Office Helper Surrender Allowance scheme continuance one year from 1.4.91
- orders issued.
13. (Per) BP(Ch)No.64(SB) dt.7.5.92(P270/92)
Allowance - Office Helper Surrender Allowance Scheme - Continuance for one year from
1.4.92 - orders issued.
14. (Per) BP(FB) No.53(SB) dt.26.4.93(P145/93)
Allowances - Office Helper Surrender Allowance Scheme for Surrender of Residential
office, Helper enhancement of Allowance - ordered.
15. (Per) BP(FB) No.107(SB) dt.29.9.93(P504/93)
Allowances - Office Helper Surrender Allowance Scheme for Surrendering of Residential
Office Helper Enhancement of allowance - orders Amendment issued.
16. (Per) BP(Ch)No.197(SB) dt.21.9.93(P512/93)
Allowances - Office Helper Surrender Allowance Scheme for Surrender of Residential
office Helper continuance for five years from 1.4.93 - orders issued.
17. (Per) BP(FB) NO.84(SB) dt.23.10.94(P13/10/97)
Allowance - Residential office Helper - Surrender Allowance -entitlement during the period
of deputation - orders issued.
18. Memo No. 92393/A3/A32/99-4(SB) dt.1.6.2000(P2/6/2000)
Allowances - Office Helper Surrender Allowance Scheme for Surrender of Residential
Office Helper Continuance beyond 31.3.98 - orders issued.
19. (Per) BP(Ch)No.138(SB) dt.5.7.2000(P2/7/2000)
Allowances office Helper Surrender Allowance scheme for Surrender of Residential Office
Helper Continuance beyond 31.3.98 - orders issued.
20. (Per) BP(Ch)No.129(SB) dt.7.5.2001(P8/5/2001)
Allowances - Office Helper Surrender Allowance Scheme for Surrender of Residential
office Helper continuance beyond 31.3.2001- orders issued.
21. (Per) BP(Ch)No.87(SB) dt.12.4.2002(P46/4/02)
Allowances - Office Helper Surrender Allowance Scheme for Surrender of Residential
O.H. Continuance beyond 31.3.2002 - orders issued.
22. (Per) BP(Ch)No.76(SB) dt.19.4.02(P48/4/03)
Scheme of Surrender of Residential office Helper continuance beyond 31.3.03 - orders
23. Memo No.67078/A3/A32/94-31(SB) dt.19.7.03(P43/7/03)
Allowances - Cash Allowance - Sanction of Cash Allowance to eligible officers of TNEB in
Lieu of Residence office Helper - orders issued.
24. (Per) BP(Ch)No.265(SB) dt.5.12.03(P1/12/03)
Allowances - Office Helper Surrender Allowance - Scheme for Surrender of Residential
office Helper - Dispensed with from 1.10.03 - orders issued.
Circular Memo No.29500/SS.1/85-1 dated the 29th November 1985
Sub : Employees of the Board placed under suspension based on Vigilance enquiry
- Revocation of Suspension - Procedure - Instruction - issued.
Ref : B.P.Ms.(Ch) No.16 (Secretariat Branch) dated 18.1.1984
1. Instructions have been issued in the B.P. Cited that no employee should be kept under
suspension for a period exceeding three months without getting the approval of the Chief Engineer
concerned or for a period exceeding six months without getting the approval of the Chairman.
The approval for such extension of suspension should be obtained every month and the
application for approval of extension of suspension should be sent sufficiently in advance giving
full reasons therefor, where the suspension has been ordered by the Chairman, the case will be
put up for review by the Chairman every month for continuance of the period of suspension of
the employee beyond three months.
2. The following further instruction are issued in the matter :-
In all cases where allegations against an employee are being investigated by the Directorate
of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption or the Vigilance cell of the Tamilnadu Electricity Board and the
employee had been suspended from service either on the basis of the recommendation of the
Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption or Vigilance Cell or Suo Motu by the competent
authority, the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-corruption or the Vigilance Cell, as the case may
be shall be consulted if the competent authority considers at any time that there is not need to
continue the suspension and the suspension could be revoked. In cases where the competent
authority proposes to revoke the suspension overruling the objections of the Directorate of
Vigilance and Anti-Corruption / Vigilance Cell, as the case may be, the orders of the Chairman
shall be obtained.
3. In all cases of revocation of suspension, copies of the revocation orders reposting
orders should be communicated to the Vigilance Cell.
The Chief Engineer (Personnel)/Tamilnadu Electricity Board, Madras-600 002.
All other Chief Engineers / Tamilnadu Electricity Board
All Superintending Engineers / Tamilnadu Electricity Board.
Copy to the Chief Financial Controller / Madras -600 002.
Copy to the Chief Internal Audit Officer / Internal Audit Department,Chennai-600 002.
1. BPMS(Ch)No.81(Sectt. Br.) dt. 16.3.85(P274/85)
TNEB Services - Suspension and revocation of Suspension of the employees of the Board
- Date of effect - orders issued.
2. BPMS (Ch)No.75(SB) dt.13.3.85(P265/85)
TNEB Employees D&A Regulations - Imposing of Penalty of Removal and Dismissal from
Service Simultaneously on a board employee on Two different set of charges -procedure
to be follow - orders issued.
3. BPMS(Ch)No.77(SB) dt.14.3.85(P267/85)
Estt - Orders of Dismissal or removal from Service-Cases of unauthorised absence
removal should be prospective only.
4. Memo No. : 22237-P2/85-1 (SB) dt.17.6.85(P669/85)
TNEB employees Disciplinary and Appeal Regulations Imposing of Penalty of removal
and Dismissal from Service simultaneously on a Board employee on Two different sets of
charge procedure to be followed further instruction.
F.M.v©.: 81705-¥ã 1 /84-1 (brayhf ãÇî) eh‹ 7.8.85(ã 834,85)F.M.v©.: 81705-¥ã 1 /84-1 (brayhf ãÇî) eh‹ 7.8.85(ã 834,85)
F.M.v©.: 81705-¥ã 1 /84-1 (brayhf ãÇî) eh‹ 7.8.85(ã 834,85)F.M.v©.: 81705-¥ã 1 /84-1 (brayhf ãÇî) eh‹ 7.8.85(ã 834,85)
F.M.v©.: 81705-¥ã 1 /84-1 (brayhf ãÇî) eh‹ 7.8.85(ã 834,85)
jÄœehLÄ‹ thÇa g Kiw ÉâfŸ - Ä‹thÇa« gÂahs®fŸ ma‰gÂÆ‹ nghJ
- j‰fhÈf ntiy Ú¡f« - ãiH¥óâa« tH§Fjš g‰¿ bjËîiu - tH§f¥gL»wJ.
6. Ch’s Endt No.: CH/TA/7736/85-1 dt. 31.10.85(P1112/85)
Estt - Dismissal of Certain officials - Boards orders upheld - by High Court copy
- communicated.
F¿¥ghiz v©. : 55948-¥ã1/85-1 (braš ãÇî) ehŸ 26.10.85 (ã. 1148/85)F¿¥ghiz v©. : 55948-¥ã1/85-1 (braš ãÇî) ehŸ 26.10.85 (ã. 1148/85)
F¿¥ghiz v©. : 55948-¥ã1/85-1 (braš ãÇî) ehŸ 26.10.85 (ã. 1148/85)F¿¥ghiz v©. : 55948-¥ã1/85-1 (braš ãÇî) ehŸ 26.10.85 (ã. 1148/85)
F¿¥ghiz v©. : 55948-¥ã1/85-1 (braš ãÇî) ehŸ 26.10.85 (ã. 1148/85)
F¿¥ghiz ehŸ 7.8.85š Ãiy Miz v©. 465‹ ehŸ 20.12.84 v‹gj‰F gâyhf 23.5.84
jtWjyhf cŸsJ. mij 20.12.84 v‹W âU¤â thá¡fî«.
8. BPMS(Ch) No.552(SB) dt.17.11.86(P1027/86)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 56-Amendment issued. (Payment
of Subsistance allowance on production of Certificate from the employees)
F.M.v©. 18722-¥ã 1/87-1 (braš »is) ehŸ 15.4.87(ã 288/87)F.M.v©. 18722-¥ã 1/87-1 (braš »is) ehŸ 15.4.87(ã 288/87)
F.M.v©. 18722-¥ã 1/87-1 (braš »is) ehŸ 15.4.87(ã 288/87)F.M.v©. 18722-¥ã 1/87-1 (braš »is) ehŸ 15.4.87(ã 288/87)
F.M.v©. 18722-¥ã 1/87-1 (braš »is) ehŸ 15.4.87(ã 288/87)
j‰fhÈf g ڡf« - nkš Kiwp£o‹ ÛJ Miz tH§Fjš bjËîiu F¿¤J.
10. BPMS(Ch)No.363(SB) dt.21.9.87(P716/87)
Estt - Dismissal, Removal Compulsory retirement or suspension in Pursuance of Criminal
action - Reinstatement into Service after acquittal by court Regularisation of Period of
absence from duty - procedure order issued.
11. Per BP(Ch)No.60(SB) dt.4.3.89 (P275/89)
TNEB - Service Suspension and revocation of Suspension of employees of the Board -
Date of effect - orders - modified.
12. Memo No. : 81549-C2/88-1(SB) dt.21.3.89(277/89)
Industrial Dispute Act 1947 - Tamilnadu Act of 1988 relating to Dismissal / Removal to
Labour Court - instruction issued.
13. Memo No. : 22519 - P2/89-1(SB) dt.5.5.89(P367/89)
Public Servant - Suspension of employees - orders to be issued by the Competent authority
- Instruction issued by Govt - Copy Communicated (Suspension orders) should be issued
by competant authority only)
14. Lr.No.: 026085/121/S2/A1/89-1 (Adm. Br.)Dt.29.7.89(P655/83)
TNEB - Regulation - Competent authority to Sanction subsistance allowance to Class III
and IV employees - clarification issued.
15. Memo No. : 56680-P2/89-3(SB) dt.30.9.89(P793/89)
TNEB - Suspension of employees on the date of retirement - Instruction issued by Govt-
Copy communicated for guidance.
16. (Per) BP(Ch) No.322 (SB) dt.28.11.89(P921/89)
Regualtions - TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 57(B)4- Regularising the period of
Suspension of employees dismissed or removed from service and subsequently modified
as compulsory retirement - orders issued.
17. (Per) BP(Ch)No.153(SB) dt.19.7.90(P448/90)
Regulations- TNEB Service Regulations-Regulation 57-B(1)-Regularising the period of
Suspension of employees dismissed or removed from service and subsequently modified
as compulsory retirement - amendment issued.
18. BPMS(Ch)No.154(SB) dt.19.7.90(P449/90)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 56 - amendment issued.
19. Memo (P) No. :48995-C1/90-1(SB) dt.4.8.90(488/90)
Estt - Disciplinary cases - Suspension - Continued beyond 90 days - payment of
subsistance Allowance beyond 90 days - need not be stopped on the ground that the
approval for continuance of suspension - instruction issued.
20. (Per) BP(Ch)No.120(SB) dt.30.7.92(P420/92)
Regulations - Regulation 56 of TNEB Service Regulation - Employees exonerated of
charges on appeal - Regulations of Suspension period - orders issued.
21. Memo No.82265-P1/92-1(SB) dt.20.9.93 (P505/93)
Estt-Suspension Just before retirement - clarification orders issued by Gov t - adopted to
22. (Per) BP(Ch) No.40(SB) dt.23.2.95(P36/95)
Regulations - TNEB Service Regulations - Regulation 57 - Amendment issued. When a
Board employee Suspended is fully exonarated of the Charge on appeal the Suspension
period is to be treated as duty and he shall eligible for Full pay provided the suspension
period ended before superannuation.
23. (Per) BP(FB) No.85(SB) dt.7.12.96(P10/12.96)
Regulations-Tamilnadu Electricity Board-Service Regulations-Regulation 57-B
- amendment issued.
24. (Per) BP(FB) No.26(SB) dt.29.4.97(P11/4/97)
Estt-TNEB - Suspension of employees from Service -Standard Form of orders of
Suspension-Revised form - orders issued.
25. Lr.No.24694/Lc1/98-2 Legal Cell dt.18.4.98(P8/4/98)
Estt-Misconduct committed by an employee while working in one system subsequently
transferred to another system placing him under suspension Authority Competent to place
under Suspension is the present controlling authority (SE) opinion of the Legal cell
- communicated.
thÇa (Ãiy) Miz v©. 640 (û) ehŸ 23.11.82(ã194/83thÇa (Ãiy) Miz v©. 640 (û) ehŸ 23.11.82(ã194/83
thÇa (Ãiy) Miz v©. 640 (û) ehŸ 23.11.82(ã194/83thÇa (Ãiy) Miz v©. 640 (û) ehŸ 23.11.82(ã194/83
thÇa (Ãiy) Miz v©. 640 (û) ehŸ 23.11.82(ã194/83I
thÇa« -jÄœ M£á bkhÊ brayh¡f«-gaz¥go bgWtj‰fhd got¤ij jÄÊš vGj
Miz ãw¥ã¡f¥gL»wJ.
2. Memo.No.31924/R.2/82-1 9(SB)Dt.29.11.82 (P.200/83-1)
T.A. – Revision of T.A. consequent on the revision of Scale of Pay to the employees of the
Board – Admissibility of Incidental charges – instruction issued.
3. Memo.No.19762/R.2/81-8 (SB) dt.7.4.82(P162/83I)
Travelling Allowance - employees appearing for Special Test-Claiming of TA bill for appearing
special Test -Not eligible - clarification issued.
4. Memo No.4616-R2/81-1(SB) dt.13.4.82(P164/83I)
Travelling Allowance - Claiming of Mileage allowance - clarification issued.
5. Memo No.75754/R2/81-1(SB) dt.16482(P164/83-I)
Travelling Allowance - claiming of Daily Allowance for Air Travel - Clarification issued.
6. Memo No.14361/R2/82-1(SB) dt.19.6.82(P174/83I)
Travelling - Allowance - Revision of Travelling Allowance - Consequent on revision of Scale
of Pay to the employees of the Board - Admissibility of claim of Personal servant while on
transfer - Eligibility of grade - clarification issued.
7. Memo No.43002/R2/82-1(SB) dt.20.7.82(P179/83I)
Travelling Allowance for Halts in Head Quarters of Union Territory - clarification issued.
8. BP Memo No.541(SB) dt.13.10.82(P190/83I0)
Travelling Allowance - Journey by employees of Board to station outside the Tamilnadu -
Permission to claim the Service charge payable through agent - orders issued.
9. Memo No.64820/R2/82-1(SB) dt.12.11.82(P191/83I)
Allowance-Travelling Allowance - Permitting special rate of Daily Allowance for Stay in
Hotel or other establishment with Scheduled Tariff to the General Public - Production of
receipt for stay in hotel - instruction.
10. Memo No.28732-R2/82-1(SB) dt.20.11.82(P192/83I)
Travelling Allowance and conveyance Advanced sanction to employees in selection grade
of category the scale of pay of which is equivalent to that of Junior Engineer I Gr / Assistant
divisional Engineer -clarification issued.
11. T.A. Admissibility of Incidental charges to a station outside the state Rate of incidental
charges enhancement - orders issued.
12. BPMS(Ch) No.73(SB) dt.11.3.83(P223/83I)
Estt.Administrative Branch - Approval to draw Second Advance of Tour Advance of Tour
when Ist Advance is outstanding - relaxation of Article 84 of Madras Financial code volume
I of Staff of Inspection Section - orders issued.
13. BPMS(Ch)No.274(SB) dt.21.7.83(P162/83II)
Travelling Allowance - employees availing half a day casual leave on Camp half daily
allowance eligible - orders issued.
14. Lr.No.2839/R2/79-11(SB) dt.24.5.83(P46/83II)
Travelling Allowance - Certain Panchayats and Town ships around Madras City acquired
with Madras City - Certain changes in payment of Travelling -Allowance - Notice under
Section 9 A of Industrial Dispute act. - copy forwarded.
15. BPMS(FB) No.154(SB)dt.10.11.83(P425/83II)
Travelling Allowance - Revision of rates of Daily Allowance to the employees of TNEB
orders issued.
16. Memo No.00252/Q1/83-1(SB) dt.1.12.83(P48-1/83II)
Travelling Allowance - Revision of rates of Daily Allowance for stay in Station outside the
State of Tamilnadu and for stay in Madras City further - orders issued.
17. Memo No.54802/R2/Q1/83-1(SB) dt.21.1.84(P31/84)
Travelling Allowance - Daily Allowance for Halts outside the state - certain clarification
18. BPMS(Ch)No.59(SB) dt.18.2.84(P97/84)
Protection and communication circle - carrier communication erection Division staff -
Travelling Allowance Bills - Exemption from monthly ceiling limit on Drawal of Travelling
Allowance - orders issued.
19. Memo (P)No.29010-R2/Q1/83-8(SB) dt.21.3.84(P163/84)
Travelling Allowance - Permitting Terminal Charges for combined use of Conveyance
- clarification issued.
20. BPMS(FB) No.42(SB) dt.11.3.84(P340/84)
Travelling Allowance - Regulation of Taxi / Auto Fare - Claimed by the employees of the
Board while on Tour / Trading Instruction issued.
21. Memo (P) No.13091/91/84-5(SB) dt.15.5.84(P341/84)
Estt-TNEB Boards standing counsel - Travelling Allowance claims for the Journey performed
in connection with the case - clarification issued.
22. Memo (P) No.39469-R2/Q1/83-3(SB) dt.24.5.84(P345) 84
Travelling Allowance - Mileage Allowance for the Journey Performed by Bicycle fitted with
Auto engine - orders issued.
23. BPMS (Ch)No.223(SB) dt.11.6.84 (P394/84)
Travelling Allowance -Allowing Transfer Travelling Allowance for the Journey on transfer to
husband and wife employees in state / Central Govt. / Public Sector under taking
- clarification issued.
24. Memo (P)No.84807-Q1 /8305(SB)dt. 11.6.84(P395/84)
Estt-Thiru P.Mani WM-Regular work establishment - Deputed to TTC Training at Thiunelvely-
Travelling Allowance claim for 11/82-stay in Hotel -non Printed receipt admittance
- clarification issued.
25. Memo No.23076/SS2/83-9(SB) dt.6.7.84(P509/84)
TNEB - Anti Power Theft Squad - Travelling Allowance claim of officers and field staff -
Exemption from ceiling limit - instruction issued.
26. Memo No.67826/R2/Q1/83-7(SB) dt. 19.7.84 P513/84
Travelling Allowance - Employees availing half - a - day casual leave on camp admissibility
of Proportionate Daily Allowance - orders clarification issued.
27. Memo No.90994/Q1/83-6(SB) dt.26.7.84(P517/84)
Travelling Allowance - Travel performed by Taxi and claim limited to eligible Train fare
- clarification issued.
28. Memo No.38449/Q1/84-1(SB) dt.8.8.84(P573/84)
Travelling Allowance - Permitting Terminal charges for combined use of conveyance -
further - clarification issued.
29. Memo No. 108481-Q1/834(SB) dt.11.9.84(P649/84)
Estt-Travelling Allowance - Enhancement of monthly ceiling limit - instruction issued.
30. Memo No.72505-Q1/84-1(SB) dt.19.11.84(P874/84)
Travelling Allowance - Grade II officers - Journey in Air Condition 2 tier couch instead of Ist
Class eligibility - clarification issued.
31. Lr.No.57604-91/84-1(SB)dt.21.1.85(P27/85)
State Public Sector undertakings - Foreign Tours of Executives - Rate of Daily allowance
- instruction - issued by the Govt. - communicated.
32. Memo No. : 40667-D1/83-1(SB) dt.26.12.84(P1/85)
TNEB -Tour by officers with no regular / touring work - should be obtain prior approval to
Perform Tour. - nstruction issued.
33. BPMS(Ch)No.68(SB) dt.4.3.85(P292/85)
Adjustment of advance of Travelling Allowance pending for over three months collection of
Interest orders issued by Govt - Applicability to Board - orders issued.
34. BPMS(FB) No.15(SB) dt.6.3.85(P294/85)
Allowances - Drawal of Monthly Travelling Allowance by officers of the Board - enhancing
the ceiling limit - orders-issued.
35. 39488-Q1/84-4 (SB) dt.10.4.85(P403/85)
Travelling Allowance - certain Clarification
36. Memo (P) No.98057(P1/83-16(SB) dt.3.5.85(P540/85)
Travelling Allowance - Travel by Super deluxe bus - Admittance of claim - Clarification-
37. UO Note No.: 82282-R2/Q1/83-12(SB) dt.30.5.85(P559/85)
Allowances- Incidental and Terminal charges for Travel with in 8 Kms away from Camp
while on continuous camp - clarification issued.
38. Memo No: 228/DPI/52/85-2(Adm.Br.)dt.22.4.85(P455/85)
Establishment - Serving of communication outside the state -Instruction issued (prior
approval of chairman should be obtained.)
39. Ch’s Circular No.:228/DPI/85-2 (Adm.Br.)dt.9.6.85(P655/85)
Tour out Side the State - Prior approval of the chairman obtained Instruction - reitrated.
40. Memo (P)No.:109495-Q1/P2/83-9(SB)dt.19.7.85(P781/85)
Travelling - Allowance -Mileage Allowance - Increase in the rates clarification - orders
41. Memo (P)NO.45364-01/P2/84.5(SB) dt.17.8.85(P890/85)
Travelling Allowance - Enhanced rate of Mileage Allowance - clarification issued.
42. Cir Memo No. : 43398-P2/85-1(SB) dt.28.8.85(P871/85)
Tours - Tour outside the state-Approval of the Chairman should be obtained.
43. Memo No. : 41853-P2/85-1(SB) dt.11.9.85(P969/85)
Payment of out of Pocket expenses to persons deputed to Training Course - clarification
44. Memo No. 17377/P2/85-3(SB) dt.16.9.85(P976/85)
Travelling Allowance - Drawal of Travelling Allowance by officers-Enhancement of ceiling
limit - Further orders issued.
45. Memo No. : 65541-R1/84-1(SB)dt.31.10.85 (1118/85)
Estt - Revision of Scales of pay of employees of Board - Revision of Travelling Allowance
and Daily allowance - instruction - issued.
46. BPMS(Ch)No.393(SB) dt.20.11.85(P1224/85)
Estt - Out of Pocket expenses to Drivers of Board vehicles in madras city - enhancement
of rate - orders issued.
47. Memo No. 68656/O&M cell / 85-1 dt.21.11.85 (P117/85)
TNEB - Deputation of Subordinate officers / staff to place outside their Jurisdiction
- instruction issued.
48. Memo (P)NO.4208/N2/86-1(SB)dt.4.2.86(P137/86)
TTPS - RWE workman Utilised to drive Bull Dozers of TTPS - grant of out of pocket
expense of Rs. 10/- Per day - orders issued.
49. BPMS(FB) No.3(SB)dt.1.2.86(P1120 to 114/86)
Travelling Allowance - Inclusion of certain Panchayats and Townships around city in Madras
city corporation to employees of TNEB working in expanded Madras city - orders issued.
50. BPMS(Ch)No.41(SB) dt.1.2.86(P130/86)
Regulation - TNEB employees Travelling Allowance Regulation 53 - Amended (Tour Exceed)
8kms with in the city of Madurai, Madras, Coimbatore etc. Not treated Tour)
51. BPMS(FB)No.9(SB) dt.27.2.86(P)162/86)
Allowances - Travelling Allowance - Revision of Classification of employees DA, Milage
etc. - Consequent of wage revision - orders issued.
52. BPMS(Ch)No.10(Accts. Br.) dt.7.3.86(P255/86)
Claiming of TA by Staff of Provincial Estt - Dispensing with the not payable copy of TA bill
53. BPMS(Ch)No.139(SB) dt.9.4.86(P311/86)
Labour -TNEB Discussions in 1984-85 on wage revisions and work load Revision -
Attendance by employees representing union - Allowing Travelling Allowances and Daily
Allowance - orders issued.
54. BPMS(FB)No.28(SB) dt.11.4.86(P343/86)
Allowance - Travelling Allowance - Mileage Allowance - admissible to an employees on
transfer under Regulation 57(IV) and 52(i) and (ii) of TNEB employees T.A. Regulation -
Revision in rates - orders issued.
55. BPMS(FB) No.30(SB) dt.18.4.86(P347/86)
Travelling Allowances - Classification of employees - Modification - Rate of Daily Allowance
in respect of stay in Hotels, Govt. Guest House, Public Sector / Joint Sector Guest Houses
etc. with in and outside the state-Monthly Ceiling on TA - Revision - ordered.
56. BP(RT)(FB) NO.6(Adm. Br.) dt.2.5.86(P431/86)
Training on Hot line Maintenance Technique conducted by Hot Line Training Centre -
Bangalore - Staff deputed - Daily Allowance Payable to the Trainees - orders issued.
57. BPMS(Ch)No.185(SB) dt.6.5.86(P434/86)
Travelling Allowance - Claiming of Cancellation Charges on railway tickets - Regulation 25
of TNEB Employees Travelling Allowance Regulation 25 of TNEB Employees Travelling
Allowance Regulations - amendment issued.
58. BPMS(Ch)No.325(SB) dt.14.7.86(P660/86)
Estt - TNEB - Resident - Manager New Delhi - Travel Concession to Visit Madras Once in
Two Years - orders issued.
59. Memo No. : 6002/Adm.Br./IR2(1) / 86-1(Adm. Br.)dt.21.7.86(P638/86)
Electricity - Modified System of Card billings of energy Charges and Collection - Payment
of actual expenses to the Revenue Supervisors - orders issued.
60. U.O.Note No. : 10359-P2/85-2(SB) dt.7.8.86(P723/86)
Travelling Allowance - Incidental Half Daily Allowance for Self - clarification issued.
61. Memo No. 34235-p2/86-2(SB) dt.8.8.86(P762/86)
Travelling Allowance - Cash Receipt issued by the Union under the Board to their members
and other employees of Board for Stay in Guest House Maintained by the Union - Not to be
62. Memo No.28795-P2/86-2(SB) dt.23.9.86(P832/86)
Travelling Allowance -Enhanced rate of Daily Allowance admissible to Special tract and
Madras city - clarification issued.
63. Memo No. : 42754-P2/86-2(SB) dt.28.10.86(P942/86)
TNEB - Claiming of Travelling Allowance - Revision in the format of Trip sheet - orders
64. Memo No. : 111067/Adm. Br./IR2(1)/86-1dt.16.10.86(P978/86)
Elecy - Modified system of card billing of energy charges and collection - Payment of
actual expenses to the special Gr. Rev. Supervisors - orders issued.
65. Memo No. : 55505-P2/86-3(SB) dt.10.11.86(P1024/86)
Travelling Allowance - Claiming of terminal charges for use of bi-cycle and walk-Not allowed
- clarification issued.
66. Memo No. 84938-P2/82-17(SB)dt.9.12.86(P1093/86)
Travelling Allowance - Admissibility of Incidental charges when Mileage allowances is drawn
- clarification issued.
67. BPMS(FB)616(T13) dt.9.12.96(P1095/86)
Accommadation - Plan Discussion at New Delhi in Nove. 86 Participation by officers of
TNEB-Permission to Stay at Hotel Lodhi, Ambassadar -New Delhi - Approved.
68. BPMS(FB)No.3(SB) dt.7.1.87(P33/87)
Travelling Allowance - Daily Allowance for Journey on duty in Various countries - Revised
rates fixed by Govt. of India - Applicability of Board - orders issued.
69. BPMS (FB) No.23(Adm. Br.) Dt.19.2.87(P143/87)
Training-Grant of Full Daily Allowance for 3/4 Months to the Trainees attending training in
Institutes other than Department Training centre / Approved.
70. BPMS(Ch)No.101(SB) dt.5.3.87(P177/87)
Travelling Allowance - Economy in expenditure on T.A. Certain - instruction issued.
71. LR NO.: 55981-p2/86-5 (SB) dt.3.6.87(P452/87)
Travelling Allowance - Claiming of Cancellation charges on unused bus Tickets - clarification
72. BPMS(FB)No.72(SB) dt.20.8.87(P662/87)
Travelling Allowances - Travel by Second Class A/c sleeper by Grade I(b) officers - orders
73. Memo No. : 43218-SPS/87-2(SB) dt.22.8.88(P664/877)
Sports Meeting of TNEB Sport, and Games Committee-Sanction of TA and DA when
coaching Camp in India.
74. BPMS(Ch) No.13(SB) dt.12.1.88(P10/88)
Labour TNEB - Discussion in 1986-87 on Bi monthly System of Card billing energy charges
and collection Attendance by employees representing unions - Allowing TA and DA - orders
75. BPMS(Ch)No.15(SB) dt.14.1.88(P62/88)
Travelling Allowance-Officers eligible to draw motor car mileage and Transport Motor Car
Conveyance on transfer - Modified orders - issued.
76. Memo (P)No.: 57071-P2/87-1 (SB) dt.1.2.88(P87/88)
Travelling Allowance - Milage Allowance - Increased in the rates - clarification issued.
77. Memo (P)No.:4859-P2/88-1(SB) dt.19.2.88(P122/88)
Daily Allowance -Revised rate of Daily Allowance for Journey on duty in Various countries
- orders of Govt. - communicated for regulation.
78. BPMS(Ch)No.61(SB) dt.4.3.88(P171/88)
Labour-TNEB - Permitting TA and DA to representative of unions Participating in discussion
on Revision of pay and Allowances - orders issued.
79. BPMS(Ch)No.168(SB) dt.15.6.88(P357/88)
Regulations - TNEB Employees Travelling Allowance Regulations- Regulation 37 -
Amendment issued.
80. Memo (P)No. 33304 / O&M cell/88-6 (SB) dt.1.8.88 (P544/86)
Tour - Approval of Tour Programme for Tour by employees of Board with in and outside
Tamilnadu - orders issued.
81. Memo No.:48140/P2/88-1(SB) dt.9.9.88(P643/88)
Allowances - Travelling Allowance - Admissibility of lumpsum grant to an employee on
transfer - orders - amendment issued.
82. Memo No.:71616 / P2/88-1 (SB) dt.30.11.88(P821/88)
Daily Allowance Revised rate of Daily Allowance for Journeys on duty in various countries
- orders issued.
83. Memo No. :12874-P2/88-9 (SB) Dt.23.12.88(P910/88)
Travelling Allowance Bill-Admission of Luxury Tax charged by Hotels Clarification issued.
84. (Per) BP(FB) No.1(SB) dt.10.1.89(P49/89)
Regulations-TNEB Employees Travelling Allowance Regulation - Daily Allowance - Payment
of Daily Allowance during the period of Training - Regulation 83(a) - amendment issued.
85. Memo No.:26956-P2/87-1(SB) dt.10.2.89(P143/89)
Travelling Allowance - Economy in expenditure in Travelling Allowance - instruction
clarification - issued.
86. Per BP(Ch)No.57(SB) dt.3.3.89(P197/89)
Regulations-TNEB - employees - Travelling Allowance Regulations-Regulation 49-Authority
competent to permit to under take Tours - amendment issued.
87. (Per) BP(FB) No.43(SB) dt.10.5.89(P371/89)
Travelling Allowance - Revision of Special Rate of Daily Allowance for stay in Hotels / Govt
Guest house/Public sector Guest house/Joint Sector Guest house etc. with in and out
side the state - orders issued.
88. Per BP(Ch)117(SB) dt.3.5.89(P)349/89)
TNEB Employees - Travelling Allowance Regulations -Regulation 1 - 23 under section
1-11 Amendment - issued.
89. Memo No. : 35272-p2/89-1(SB) dt.13.6.89(P479/89)
Travelling Allowance - Revision of Special rate of Daily allowance - for stay in hotels / Govt.
Guest Houses public Sector Guest houses with in or outside state orders - amendment
90. Per BP(Ch)No.179 (SB) dt.24.6.89(P547/89)
TNEB Employees -T.A. Regulations - Regulation 24 to 44 under Section IV to IX
- amendment issued.
91. Per BP(Ch)No.178 (SB) dt.24.6.89(P562/89)
TNEB Employees -Travelling Allowance Regulations-Regulation 45 to 68 under section X
to XIII - amendment issued.
92. Memo No. 13038-P2/88-2(SB) dt.31.7.89(P615/89)
Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance - Stay of officers at Hotels in Delhi - Payment of
actual expenditure for such stay of officers by the Resident Manager thro imprest - orders
93. Memo No. : 52230-P2/89-1(SB) dt.1.8.89(P657/89)
Travelling Allowance - Revision of Special rate of Daily Allowance for stay in Hotel/Guest
house with in or out side the state applicable to Cochin, Ernakulam, Visakapattinam, Poona
and Baroda - correction issued.
94. Per BP(Ch)No.264(SB) dt.28.9.89(P792/89)
Estt - Officers and Staff in the Board deputed for works with in Madras City- payment of
Flat rates of Actual expenses - orders issued.
95) Memo No. : 63437-P2/89-1 (SB) dt.12.9.89(P771/89)
Estt- Revision of Scale of pay of employees of Board - Revision of T.A. and DA - instruction
96) Per BP (Ch) No.254(SB) dt.18.9.89(P777/89)
TNEB Employees - Travelling Allowance Regulations-Regulation 68A, 85 under section
XIV to XXII - amendment issued.
97. Memo No. : 63806 -P2/89-1(SB) dt.1.12.89(P981/89)
Tour- Foreign Trips of the employees of the State Public Sector under takings / Board
Procedure for regulating the Tour - orders of Govt. - copy communicated for guidance.
98. (Per) BP(Ch)No.340 (SB) dt.20.12.89(P998/89)
Allowance - TNEB - TA Regulations - Regulation 49-Approval Authority - Amendment -
99. (Per) BP(FB) No.2(SB) dt.5.1.90(P26/90)
Allowances - Travelling Allowance - Revision of Scale of pay - classification of employees
for drawal of Travelling Allowance consequent of revision of pay scales from 1.12.88 and
revision of Daily Allowance and Milage Allowance - orders issued.
100. (Per) BP(Ch)No.9(Sectt. Br.) Dt.22.1.90(P17/90)
Regulations - TNEB Employees Travelling Allowance Regulations - Annexure I
- Amendment issued.
101. (Per) BP(Ch)No.3(SB) dt.6.1.90(P5/90)
Regulations-TNEB Employees Travelling Allowance Regulations - Transport of Personal
effects - Regulations 57 - Amendment issued.
102. Memo No. : 2042/Q/90-1(SB) dt.9.2.90(P91/90)
Regulations-TNEB Employees - Travelling Allowance Regulations - Annexure I issued in
(Per) BP(Ch)No.9(SB) dt.22.1.90 - Erratum issued.
103. (Per) BP(Ch)No.19(SB) dt.12.2.90 (P92/90)
Regulations - TNEB Employees Travelling Allowance Regulations - Regulation 18, 30,39,57
and 59 Amendment issued.
104. Memo No. : 20931/O&M cell/(1) / 90-1(SB) dt.31.3.90 (P158/90)
Delegation - Approval of Tour Programme of EE/AEE, and AE with in outside the State -
orders issued - amendment issued.
105. (Per) BP(CH)No.47(SB) dt.20.3.90(P171/90)
Regulations-TNEB employees Travelling Allowance Regulations - Regulation 67(vii)
- amendment issued.
106. Memo No. 8625-P2/90-1(SB)dt.20.3.90(P172/90)
Travelling Allowance -Revision of Classification of employees for Drawal of Travelling
Allowance consequent on revision of pay and allowances w.e.f. 1.12.88- clarification on
DA and Milage allow and issued.
107. (Per) BP (Ch) No.70(SB) dt.21.4.90(P249/90)
Regulations-TNEB employees - TA Regulations-Regulation 49-Authority competent to
approve Tour Programme - amendment issued.
108. Memo No. : 032075/P2/90-1(SB) dt.5.5.90(P299/90)
Allowances - Travelling Allowance - Reduction of rate of Terminal Charges due to revised
classification - protection of the higher rate already admissible - clarification issued.
109. Memo No. : 12264-P2/90-1(SB) dt.7.5.90(P300/90)
Allowances - Travelling Allowance - Protection of benefits drawn by employees while in
pre-revised scale - clarification issued.
110. (Per) BP (CH)No.126(SB) dt.20.6.90(P395/90)
Regulation 80-A Employees on retirement TA be paid to settle down any where in India
- amendment issued.
111. Memo (P)No.44449/O&M cell(4) /90-1(SB) dt.19.9.90(P567/90)
Estt -officers and staff in TNEB deputed for official work with in Madras city payment of
Actual expenses - Applicability to all employees working in city offices.
112. Memo No. : 4138/P2/91-1(SB) dt.16.2.91(P49/91)
Economy in expenditure on Travel expenses - instruction issued - communicated.
113. Memo No. : 88378-P2/90-1(SB) dt.4.2.91(P59/91)
Allowances - TA - Protection of benefits drawn by employees while in pre-revised scale -
clarification orders - Erratum issued.
114. (Per) BP (FB)No.8(SB) dt.8.2.91(P60/91)
Allowance Travelling Allowance - Classification of employees for purpose of drawal of
Travelling Allowance - Rates of Daily Allowance etc- revision orders issued.
115. Memo No. 19422/P2/90-2(SB) dt.16.2.91(P63/81)
-Do- Further - orders issued.
116. Memo No. 65412/P1/90-1(SB) dt.25.2.91(P67/91)
Allowances - Travelling Allowance - Incidental charges Journey on Tour beyond 160kms
from one camp to another - clarification issued.
117. (Per) BP (Ch)No. : 48(SB) dt.7.3.91(P108/91)
Allowances - Travelling Allowance - Reimbursement of Transport charges to employees
on Tour at Delhi and other State Head Quarters outside Tamilnadu TNEB Employees
Travelling Allowance Regulation - amendment issued.
118. Memo No. : 16246/P1/91-2(SB) dt. 21.5.91(P262/91)
Allowance - T.A.-Enhanced rate of Daily Allowance at Special tracts and Allowance for
incidental expenses Regulation at the Guest / Private rate New Delhi rate - clarification
119. Memo No. 10857-P1/91-3(SB)dt.19.7.91(P375/91)
Tamilnadu Electricity Board employees Travelling Allowance Regulation 83(a) Correction
issued - The Trainees shall be allowed to claim Travelling Allowance as on Transfer if the
Training Period exceed 180 days.
120. (Per) BP (Ch) No.234(SB)dt.3.9.91 (P473/91)
Concessions - Grant of Go Home concession to employees working in North Madras
Thermal power project - orders issued.
121. Memo (P) No.18937/P1/91-3(SB) dt.31.10.91 (IV Annexure)
Field officers and staff of Investigation circle Journey from halting place to work Spot -
Permitting Bus Fare and Milage Allowance - orders issued.
122. Memo (Per) No.74346/O&M cell/4/91-1(SB)dt. 20.11.91(P625/97)
Estt - TNEB - officers and Staff deputed for office work with in Madras City payment of Flat
rates of actual expenses - orders issued - Further instruction issued.
123. Lr. No. : 78698/P1/91-1(SB) dt.10.12.91(P706/91)
Travelling Allowance - Regulation of Journey by Air- instruction issued.
124. Memo No. : 74892/P1/91-1(SB)dt.17.12.91(P718/91)
Daily Allowance - Revised rate of Daily Allowance for Journeys on duty in various country
- orders issued.
125. (Per) BP(Ch)No.45(SB) dt.24.3.92(P112/92)
Regulations - TNEB Employees - Travelling Allowance Regulations - Regulation 49
- amendment issued.
126. Memo No.60735/P1/91-1(SB) dt.16.12.92(P749/92)
Adjustment of Advance of Travelling Allowance Pending over 3 months collection of Interest
orders issued - reitreated.
127. Memo No.8476/P1/93-1(SB) dt.16.3.93(P92/93)
Allowance - Travelling Allowance -Rate of Daily Allowance - Claiming of Lodging charges
- acceptance of rent paid for stay at Minnagam Guest House of TNEB Engineers
Association - orders issued.
128. (Per) No.19330/P1/93-1(SB) dt.28.4.93(P149)
Allowances - Travelling Allowance - Rate of Daily allowance claiming of Lodging Charges
- reg.
129. (Per) BP(Ch)No.175(SB) dt.13.8.93(P431/93)
Regulations - TNEB Employees Travelling Allowance Regulations - Regulation
49 - amendment issued.
130. Memo (P) No.11528/P1/92-4(SB) dt.25.8.93(P445)
Travelling Allowance - Monthly ceiling on drawal of Travelling Allowance - Extension to
SE operation - orders issued.
131. (Per) BP(FB) No.99(SB) dt.26.8.93(P447/93)
Regulations-TNEB Employees Travelling Allowances Regulations - Daily Allowance
Payment of Daily Allowance during the period of Tour/ Training Regulation 37 and 83(a)
- amendment issued.
132. Memo No.42307-P1/93-1 dt.18.9.93(P492/93)
Unspent Tour Advance - Remittance and delay in presenting the bills - instruction issued.
133. Memo (P) No.21776/ofm cell -1(4) / 92-17(SB) dt.30.3.94(P128/94)
Estt-TNEB - Officers and Staff deputed for official work - payment of flat rate actual
expenses - orders issued.
134. Memo No.54318/P3/90-1(SB) dt.5.4.94(P179/94)
Advances - Transfer Travelling Allowance Advance payment without waiting for relief
- clarification issued.
135. (Per) BP(Ch)No.110(SB) dt.29.4.94(P190/94)
Estt. Staff car Drivers -TNEB Lunch or Dinner Allowance - Enhancement of the Allowances
from Rs.10 to 25 sanctioned - reg.
136. (Per) BP(Ch)No.161(SB) dt.23.6.94(P314/94)
Allowance-Travelling Allowance - Classification of Grades of Employees for purpose of
Drawal of Travelling Allowance - Consequent on revision of Scale of Pay w.e.f. 1.12.92
- orders issued.
137. (Per) BP(FB) No.44(SB) dt.19.7.94(P348/94)
Estt-Actual Expenses to Assessors and Escorts for remittance of cash into Bank - Revision
of rates - orders issued.
138. Cir Memo No.BOAB / PAI/U1/TA/C No.05361/95-1dt. 9.2.95(P41/95)
Travelling Allowance - Guidelines in the form of Instructions while presenting the Adjusting
the T.A. bill - communicated - reg.
139. Memo No.45196/P3/95-1(SB) dt.19.8.95(P394/95)
TNEB - Daily Allowance - Revision of rate of Daily Allowance for Journeys on Foreign
countries - Date of effect - clarification issued.
140. Memo No. 48352-P3/95-1(SB) dt.19.8.95(P396/95)
Travelling Allowance -TNEB Train fare - Admissibility of Train fare by Kanyakumari Express
Instruction issued by Govt - copy communicated.
141. Memo No.54187-P3/94-5(SB) dt.14.9.95(P444/95)
Allowance -Travelling Allowance - Classification of Grades of employees for purpose of
drawal of Travelling Allowance consequent on revision of Scale of Pay and allowances to
employees of the Board from 1.12.92 - orders issued.
142. Memo No.72867-P3/94-4(SB) dt.19.9.95(P446/95)
Travelling Allowance Regulations - Travel in Train by Ist Class-Bed Roll Charges collected
Separately Reimbursement - clarification issued.
143. Memo No.70931/P2/95-1(SB) dt.19.11.95(P555/95)
Travelling Allowance - Non Provision of Ist Class in Delhi bound Trains - Journey in IInd
Class A/c Sleeper - Certain Clarification issued by Govt. - communicated.
144. Memo No.64035/P2/95-1(SB) dt.19.11.95(P555/95)
Daily Allowance -Rate of Daily Allowance for other State Head Quarters - Union Territories
- Revised orders in respect of Goa- Orders issued by Govt. - communicated.
145. Per BP(FB) No.95(SB) dt.20.12.95(P621/95)
Allowances-TNEB - Travelling Allowance - Milage Allowance - Revision of rates of Milage
Allowance - orders issued.
146. Memo No. 70933/P2/95-1(SB) dt.29.12.95(P628/95)
Travelling Allowance - Non Provision of I class in HOWRAH bound Trains Journey in II
class A/c Sleeper - Allowed - instruction issued.
147. Memo No.91808/R1-1/95-6(Adm.Br.) dt.6.1.96(P8/96)
Recruitment - Class II Service. Asst. Engineer Trainee - Allowing TA/DA taking in to Account
the Minimum basic pay of Rs.2150/ in the time scale applicable to the post of AE
- clarification issued.
148. Memo No.84084/P2/95-2(SB) dt.1.2.96(P1/2/96)
Travelling Allowance - the employees of those who are eligible to travel I Class may travel
in IInd Class A/c Sleeper when there is no Ist Class in the Trains - orders issued.
149. Memo No. 75788/P2/95-1(SB) dt.15.3.96(P10/3/96)
Travelling Allowance - Daily Allowance - Claiming of Lodging charges - Inclusion of Luxury
Tax - instruction issued.
150. (Per) BP(FB) No.21(SB) dt.25.3.96(P37/3/96)
Allowances - Travelling Allowance - Classification of Grades of employees for purpose of
Drawal of Travelling Allowance - Rate of Daily Allowance Revision - orders issued.
151. Memo (P) No.37965/P2/96-1(SB) dt.19.7.96(P6/7/96)
Allowance - TNEB - Travelling Allowance - Milage Allowance - Revision of rates of Mileage
Allowance orders issued - clarification issued.
152. Memo No.42650-P2/96-1(SB) dt.29.11.96(P30-11/96)
Regulations - TNEB Travelling Allowance Regulations - Regulation 38(c) claiming of Daily
Allowance on halt in camp - instruction issued.
153. (Per) BP(FB) No.4(SB) dt.30.1.97(P15/1/97)
Travelling Allowance - Erratum to the TNEB employees Travelling Allowance - Regulation
40 - amendment issued.
154. Memo No.62254-P2/96-1(SB) dt.6.2.97(P7/2/97)
Travelling Allowances - Travel by Satabathi Express on Tour / Transfer - instruction issued.
(Not eligible for LTC)
155. Memo No.:4918-P2/97-1(SB) dt.15.2.97(P34/2/97)
Allowances - TNEB -Travelling Allowance - Milage Allowance - claim by officers having
own car - instruction issued.
156. Memo No.43024-P2/96-5(SB) dt.1.3.97(P17/3/97)
Travelling Allowance - Drawal of Tour Advance and Sub Mission of Travelling Allowance bill
by Trainees - instruction issued.
157. Memo No.48667/Ofm I (4) /97-1(SB) dt.13.8.97(P123/8/97)
Estt-TNEB - officers and Staff deputed for official works - Payment of Flat rates of Actual
expenses - orders - clarification issued.
158. (Per) BP(FB) No.72(SB) dt.1.9.97 (P10/9/97)
Regulations - TNEB Travelling Allowance Regulations Travel by Air - Regulation 30
- amendment issued.
159. Memo No.13060-P2/97-1(SB) dt.21.1.98(P12/1/98)
Travelling Allowance - Sanction of Travelling Allowance - Guidelines.
160. (Per) BP(FB) No.30(SB) dt.28.6.99(P24/6/99)
Regulations - TNEB Employees T.A.Regulations - Regulation 33(b)(ii) Rates of Daily
Allowance - amendment issued.
161. Memo No.16307/A18/A182/99-1(SB) dt.10.9.99(P10/9/99)
Daily Allowance - Revised rate of Daily Allowance Applicable to Journeys on duty in various
countries orders issued by Govt. - communicated.
162. (Per) BP(FB) No.52(SB) dt.15.9.99(P6/9/99)
Estt-Actual Expenses to Assessors and Escort for remittance of Cash into Bank- Revision
of rates - orders issued.
163. Memo No.87440/A18/A182/99-1(SB) dt.14.1.2000(P8/1/2000)
Travelling Allowance - Air Fare Claims - Regulation 30 of TNEB Travelling Allowance - the
Ticket Fare Purchased thro Credit card may also be admitted - clarification issued.
164. Memo No. 73147/A18/A182/99-1(SB) dt.27.1.2000(P20/1/2000)
Deputation of Govt. Servants of Foreign Service Revised Classification under the new pay
Structural for the purpose of Travelling Allowance and the revised rate of Daily Allowance
orders issued by Govt. - communicated.
165. Memo No.623871/A18/A182/99-1(SB) dt.18.4.2000(P7/4/2000)
Allowances - Monthly Ceiling on drawal of Travelling Allowance - enhancement of limit for
General Construction circle - orders issued.
166. (Per) BP(FB) No.76(SB) dt.19.10.2000(P20/10/2000)
Allowances - Travelling Allowance -Classification of Grades of employees for purpose of
drawal of Travelling Allowance - Rate of Daily Allowance - revision orders issued.
167. Memo No.97725/A18/A182/2000-1(SB) dt.27.11.2000(P46/11/2000)
Travelling Allowance - Expenses -Travel by Air Travel by Indian Air lines only - Instruction
168. Memo (P)No.88783/A18/A182/2000-1(SB) Dt.27.11.2000(P46/11/2000)
Travelling Allowance - Claim of Thatkal Charges in Travelling Allowance bill - Clarification
issued by the Govt - communicated.
169. Memo No.59427/A18/A182/2000-1(SB) dt.12.12.2000(P38/12/2000)
Economy in expenditure on Travel expenses - instruction issued - reitrated.
170. Memo (P) No.41574/A18/A182/2000-1(SB) dt.28.4.01(P20/4/01)
Economy in Expenditure on Travel Expenses - Officer in the level of CES are not to
undertake Air Journey with in the State - instruction issued.
171. Memo (P) No.9965/A18/A182/2001-1(SB) dt.5.5.2001(P22/5/01)
Daily Allowance revised Rate of Daily Allowance applicability to Journeys to foreign countries
- Regulation of Transport Charges and allowances as per the Govt. India Guidelines -
orders issued by the Govt. of Tamilnadu - Applicability to Board.
172. Memo (P) No. 17193/A18/A182/2001-1(SB) dt.7.5.01(P23/5/01)
Allowance - Monthly ceiling on drawal of Travelling Allowance - Enhancement of limit for
G.C.C. and MRT/Special Maintenance wing - orders issued.
173. Per BP(FB) No.26(SB) dt.16.5.2001(P27/5/2001)
Allowance - T.A. Milage Allowance - Revision of Rates of Mileage Allowance ordered by
Govt. Applicability to Board - orders issued.
174. Memo (P) No.51372/A18/A182/2000-1(SB) dt.28.6.01(P14/6/01)
Travelling Allowance - Stay in Guest House of TNEB Engineers Sangam Acceptance of
Rent vouchers for claiming T.A. - orders issued.
175. Memo No.61428/A18/A182/2001-1(SB) dt.28.7.01(P1/8/01)
Revised rate of Daily Allowance Applicable to Journeys to Foreign Countries - Certain
Clarification issued by Govt- communicated.
176. Memo No.90272/A18/A182/2000-1(SB) dt.16.8.01(P5/8/01)
Allowances - Travelling Allowance - Classification of Grade of employees for the purpose
of drawal of TA and DA - Revision ordered - Further orders issued.
177. Memo No.77832/A3/A32/2001-4(SB) dt.20.2.02(P12/2/02)
Estt- Payment of out of pocket expenses to Vehicle Helper in the absence of Driver
- Proposal Accepted.
178. Memo No.7558/A18/A182/2002-1(SB) dt.16.3.2002(P31/3/02)
Travelling Allowance - Grade II employees may Travel by 3rd A/c if the fare is less than I st.
Class - clarification issued.
179. Memo No.98842/A3/A32/2001-2(SB) dt.16.3.02(P31/3/02)
Estt- Bull Dozer Driver / Helper utilised to Driver bull Dozer of NCTPS out of Pocket
expenses Sanction - orders issued.
180. Memo (P) No.18529/A18/A182/2002-1(SB) dt.29.05.02(P35/5/02)
Allowances-Monthly Ceiling of drawal of Travelling Allowance - Enhancement of limit for
EHT Lines wing - orders issued.
thÇa (Ãiy) Miz (jiyt®) v©.136(br.».) ehŸ27.6.02(ã27.6.02)thÇa (Ãiy) Miz (jiyt®) v©.136(br.».) ehŸ27.6.02(ã27.6.02)
thÇa (Ãiy) Miz (jiyt®) v©.136(br.».) ehŸ27.6.02(ã27.6.02)thÇa (Ãiy) Miz (jiyt®) v©.136(br.».) ehŸ27.6.02(ã27.6.02)
thÇa (Ãiy) Miz (jiyt®) v©.136(br.».) ehŸ27.6.02(ã27.6.02)
ÃWtd« - br‹id efu¤âš gÂòÇí« thÇa C®â X£Le®fS¡F tH§f¥gL« Äif
neu if¢ bryî¤ bjhif (Out of Pocket) ca®¤j¥g£l bjhif %.25/- ÈUªJ %.35/
- Mf tH§f Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
F.M. v©.66285/m18/m182/2003-1 ehŸ 20.8.03(ã3/8/03)F.M. v©.66285/m18/m182/2003-1 ehŸ 20.8.03(ã3/8/03)
F.M. v©.66285/m18/m182/2003-1 ehŸ 20.8.03(ã3/8/03)F.M. v©.66285/m18/m182/2003-1 ehŸ 20.8.03(ã3/8/03)
F.M. v©.66285/m18/m182/2003-1 ehŸ 20.8.03(ã3/8/03)
gaz¥ go - mtru fhy§fËš thÇa mYty®fŸ jÅah® M«Å ngUªâš gaz«
brŒa mDkâ tH§f¥gL»wJ. (Limited to Train Fare by the entitled class)
183. (Per) BP(FB) No.27(SB) dt.4.9.03(P25/9/03)
Allowances - Travelling Allowance - Classification of Grades of employees for purpose of
drawal of Daily Allowance - Revision orders, Amendment issued (DA at Double the rate
stay at Chennai deleted.)
184. Memo (P) No.118938/A3/A32/2003-1(SB) dt.17.6.2004(P9/6/04)
Payment of out of Pocket expenses to employed for Driving Bull Dozer in the absence of
Bull Dozer Driver - modified orders issued.
185. Memo (P) 39143/A18/A182/2004-2(SB) dt.24.8.04(P17/8/04)
Travelling Allownace -TNEB employees Travelling Allowance Regulations - Claiming of
Terminal Charges Clarification issued.
186. Memo (P)No. 77971/A3/A32/2004-1(SB) dt.24.11.04(P39/11/04)
Estt-RWE - out of Pocket expenses to Loco Drivers to Drive Loco Wagons at Thermal
Power Stations - sanction orders issued.
187. Memo No.18249/A18/A182/2005-2(SB) dt.13.5.05(P28/05/05)
Travelling Allowance Regulations - Stay at Circuit houses, Inspection Bungalows / Rest
House with in or outside the State including TNEB Guest house New Delhi on official Tour
- Admittance - instruction issued.
188. (Per) BP(FB) No.33(SB) dt.21.7.05(P74/7.05)
TNEB Employees Travelling Allowance Regulations - Controlling officer to Counter Sign
in the TA Bill Asst. Adm. Officer included in the list of Controlling officer - amendment
189. Memo (P) No.69684/A18/A182/2005-1(SB) dt.19.9.05(P7/9/05)
Travelling Allowance - Travel by Air - modified orders issued.
190. (Per) BP(Ch)No.267(SB) dt.29.12.05(P38/12/05)
Labour - TNEB - Permitting Travelling Allowance and Daily Allowance to the representative
of Unions / Associations Participated in the discussion on Revision of Work Allocation and
Staff Pattern and Wage revision - orders issued.
191. Memo (P) No.59174(A18/A182/2006-1(SB) dt.12.7.06(P26/7/06)
Revision of Wages with effect from 1.12.2002-Admissibility of Travelling Allowance
-clarification issued.
192. Memo (P) NO.50273/A3/A32/2005-6(SB) dt.12.10.06(P12/10/06)
Estt-Out of Pocket expenses to RWE employees utilised to drive Loco Wagons at ETPS
- orders issued.
193. (Per) BP(Ch)No.67(SB) dt.16.3.07(P61/3/07
TNEB - Revision of out of Pocket expenses to Draughts Man of CDC 1 orders issued
(Rs.10% to Rs.50%)
thÇa (Ãiy) brašKiw Miz v©.213(br.».)ehŸ 8.9.07(ã19/9/07)thÇa (Ãiy) brašKiw Miz v©.213(br.».)ehŸ 8.9.07(ã19/9/07)
thÇa (Ãiy) brašKiw Miz v©.213(br.».)ehŸ 8.9.07(ã19/9/07)thÇa (Ãiy) brašKiw Miz v©.213(br.».)ehŸ 8.9.07(ã19/9/07)
thÇa (Ãiy) brašKiw Miz v©.213(br.».)ehŸ 8.9.07(ã19/9/07)
ÃWtd« br‹id efu¤âš gÂòÇí« thÇa C®â X£Le®fS¡F tH§f¥gL« Äif
neu¤ij¢ bryî¤ bjhif (Out of Pocket Expenses) ca®¤j¥g£l åj¤âš tH§f
Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ. (%.35ÈUªJ %.50 Mf ca®¤j¥gL»wJ.)
195. Memo (P)No.9169/A18/A182/2007-1(SB) Dt.19.11.07 (P23/11/07)
Allowances - Air Travel by Top Level officers and other Officer working in Board to Perform
Journey by Private Air Lines also within or out side the state Country - Permission
- orders issued.
196. Memo No.70784/A9/A92/07-1(SB) dt.14.1.08(P15/1/08)
TNEB visit to Delhi (Guest House) Use of Prepaid Tax by officers of Board - Further
instruction issued.
197. Memo (P)No.16408/A18/A182/2008-1(SB) dt.4608(P10/6/08)
Daily Allowances -Revised rate of Daily Allowance applicable to Journeys to foreign countries
- Restriction of 25% cut in the over all ceiling - with drawn - orders issued.
198. Memo No. 019665/G58/G582/2008-3(Adm.Br.)dt.8.8.08(P12/8/08)
Contract Labourers - absorbed as Temporary casual Labours / Contract Labourers -
Claiming of Actual Bus Fare as Travelling Allowance in Addition to Daily wages - orders
199. (Per) BP(Ch)No.180(SB) dt.23.9.98(P26/9/08)
Travelling Allowance - Reimbursement of Transport Charges to employees on Tour at
New Delhi and other state Head Quarters outside Tamilnadu -Revised transport charges
- orders issued.
200. Lr.No. 19912/A18/A182/2009-1(SB) dt.28.3.09(P16/3/09)
Estt-TNEB Travelling Allowance - Eligibility for Journeys by Air and Rail inrespect of Govt.
Servants - Revised orders issued by Govt.
201. Lr.No.47979/A18/A182/2009-1(SB) dt.15.7.09(P40/7/09)
Travelling Allowance - official committee 2009-Recommendations of the official committee
on Travelling Allowance - orders issued by Govt. - communicated.
202. (Per) BP(FB) No.1(SB) dt.4.1.2010(P10/1/10)
Travelling Allowance - Reimbursement of Transport Charges to employees on Tour at
New Delhi and other state-orders issued enhancing the transport charges -Amendment
to Regulation 39A - orders issued.
203. (Per) BP(FB) No.15(SB) dt.17.6.10(P117/6/10)
Estt. TNEB providing private accommodation on lease basis to Member (Generation and
(Distn) enhancement of rental charge - orders issued.
204. (Per) BP(FB) No.23(SB) dt.15.7.10(P19/7/10)
Allowance - Travelling Allowance - classification of Grades of employees for the purpose
of drawal of Travelling Allowance - Rate of Daily Allowance, Terminal Charges, Incidental
charges / Mileage allowance Lumpsum Grant and Fixed Travelling Allowance - Revision
orders issued.
205. Memo (P) No.57215/A18/A182/2010-2(SB) dt.17.8.10(P15/8/10)
Allowance - Travelling Allowance - Classification of Grades of Employees for purpose of
drawal of Travelling Allowance - Rates of Daily Allowance etc. - Clarification sought for by
the Audit - issued.
206. Memo(P) No.51233/A23/A232/2011-1(SB) dt.13.7.11(P23/7/11)
Estt-TANGEDCO official Tour Programmes- certain instruction issued.
(Ãiy) jiyt® k‰W« nkyh©ik ïa¡Fe®/j.Ä.c.k.gf. brašKiw Miz(Ãiy) jiyt® k‰W« nkyh©ik ïa¡Fe®/j.Ä.c.k.gf. brašKiw Miz
(Ãiy) jiyt® k‰W« nkyh©ik ïa¡Fe®/j.Ä.c.k.gf. brašKiw Miz(Ãiy) jiyt® k‰W« nkyh©ik ïa¡Fe®/j.Ä.c.k.gf. brašKiw Miz
(Ãiy) jiyt® k‰W« nkyh©ik ïa¡Fe®/j.Ä.c.k.gf. brašKiw Miz
v©. 181(br.».) ehŸ 19.8.11.(ã28/8/11)v©. 181(br.».) ehŸ 19.8.11.(ã28/8/11)
v©. 181(br.».) ehŸ 19.8.11.(ã28/8/11)v©. 181(br.».) ehŸ 19.8.11.(ã28/8/11)
v©. 181(br.».) ehŸ 19.8.11.(ã28/8/11)
jÄœehL Ä‹ c‰g¤â k‰W« g»®khd fHf« br‹id efu¤âš gÂah‰W« thÇa C®â
X£Le®, jngjh®fŸ, mYtyf cjÉash®fŸ, áw¥ò Ãiy F¿p£lhs® k‰W« nkh£lh®
thfd bkr‹r®fS¡F tH§f¥gL« Äif neu ifbryî¤ bjhif (Out of Pocket
Expenses) %.50/- ÈUªJ %.100/- Mf ca®¤â tH§f Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
Advance-Technical Education Loans - Madras State Electricity Board Educational Loan Rules,
1963- Re-Issued.
Board’s Proceeding Memo. 1759 Dated 11th August,
B.P.Ms.No.2291, dated 28-9-1964
From the Accounts Wing D.O.Note No. BG.OBA/13G dated 8.2.65
From the Residential Audi Officer, Letter No. CA/MES/Gaz/III/G1-10/dt.15.4.1965
From the Chief Engineer / Electricity, Letter No. 119866-T/ 65-56, dated 13.6.1966.
The Madras State Electricity Board issued in B.P. Ms. No.2291, dated 28.09.1964 the rules
regulating the grant of Advance to the non-gazeated employees of the Madras State
Electricity Board for the education of their Children, in order to enable the latter to prosecute their
studies in the cost metric professional and technical courses conducted in the recognized edu-
cational institutions. The rules framed required amendments in some respects. The
revised rules approved by the Madras State Electricity Board are annexed to these proceedings.
V. G. Chathu Menon
Secretary to the Board
The Chief Engineer / Electricity
1. These rules are called the Madras State Electricity Board Educational Loan Rules,
2. These Rules shall come into force with effect from the Ist June, 1963.
3. A loan under these rules shall ordinarily be granted for all post Matric professional and
Technical Courses (degree as well as diploma courses of atleast one year (academic year)
duration) conducted in the educational institutions under the control of the Director of Medical
Education, Director of Technical Education, Director of Agriculture, and Director of Animal Hus-
bandry including recognised non-Government institutions. Loan wil be granted for post -gradu-
ate and post Diploma courses also, but not for evening courses like A.M.I.E. A loan will be
granted for Sandwich course if the students in that course is not in receipt of any salary from his
employer while under study.
4. Children of Substantive non-Gazetted employees of the Madras State Electricity Board
(other than those Deleted vide B.P.Ms.No.107 dated 19.9.1975 will normally be eligible for loan
under these rules. Loans will not be granted if one of the parent is a Gazetted Officer.
Applications from non-Gazetted employees of the Board who have not be confirmed in
any category of the Boards Service-but who have put in more than 10 years’ continue Service
under the Board - will, however, he considered on merits provided they have reasonable period
of service before retirement. The quantum of loan and the period for which the loan should be
allowed in these cases will depend upon the remaining period of service as also the retirement
benefits Particularly Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity to which they may become entitled in case
they are eventually confirmed in the Board’s Service.
5. An application for the grants of loan shall be made in duplicate in the prescribed form
(Appendix -I by the parent of the student to the secretary, Madras State Electricity Board. The
original should be sent through the Principal of the Institution within 2 months from the date of
admission to the Institution (Vide Memo No.56240. W3/74-1, dt.16.9.74). The duplicate application,
prominently marked “Duplicate” shall be sent through the Chief Engineer (Electricity) of the
Board, and the Chief Engineer shall forward the same to the Board together with the service
particulars of the employee and also the retirement benefits to which the employee may be
eligible at the time of retirement. The application sent through the Principal shall also be
accompanied by a certificate to the effect that the applicant is a permanent member in the
category of non gazetted officer issued by superintending Engineer Concerned, Chief Operation
Engineer, Chief Engineer (Electricity Case of Nonpermanent employee of the Board, the
Certificate should indicate the length of the regular continuous service of the applicant under the
6. The loans will be awarded to all eligible applicants who are qualified to apply under rule
4 above subject to availability of funds. A loan granted under this rule, will not be discontinued,
because of a subsequent change in the status of the parent during the pendency of the course.
No loan will be sanctioned for the academic year or years subsequent to the year in which the
applicant ceases to be in Board’s Service.
6A. Addl. Rule Sec. B.P. Ms.(CH) No.39 dt.8.2.85 Linked in Page No.167.
7. The amount of loan that will be granted to an applicant will be fixed so as to cover :
1. The Payment of full tuition and special and other fees. (Examination fees and
caution money deposit to be excluded) and
2. The purchase of text books and instruments upto the following maxima :
i. M.B.B.S.-Rs.1,500/- for the entire course.
ii. all other degree course Rs.1,000/- for entire.
iii. Diploma courses Rs.500/- for entire course.
Only text books (and not reference books) and instruments which are certified as es-
sential by the Head of institutions should be purchase.
3. An Uniform maintenance allowance of Rs.50/- p.m. in cash be paid to each loanee
for 10 months in a year just like salary payments. This allowance, will not be paid
to students during the period of their absence from classes for more than one
month on account of illness or other cause on regular leave.
A general sanction will be accorded permitting the applicant to draw the monthly
instalments at the close of each month. While claiming this monthly instalment,
a certificate from the head of the institution to the effect that the student concerned
was not absent from classes for more than one month should be produced. In
the case of tuition and other fees and cost of text books etc. no cash payment will
be made to the loanee. The amount of loan required towards tuition and other
fees will be drawn in lump sump, and a crossed cheque made out in favour of the
principal of the institution concerned. The applicant should in due course produce
the receipt of the principal in acknowledgement of the crossed cheque.
In regard to the text books etc. the loanee will be required to buy the books and
instruments from authorised dealers in text books and instruments on the strength
of a certificate issued by the Head of the institution that the books and instruments
are essential for study, and pass on the credit bills to the Head of the institution
who will pass them upto the ceiling amounts specified above and forward them to
the secretary, Madras State Electricity Board for payment direct to the concerned
dealers. Formal sanction for the amount admissible will be issued by the Board.
No Interest shall be charged on such loans :
The Loans covering items (1) to (3) above will be sanctioned for the entire course of
study if the parent of the student would remain in the service of the Board during that
course. If the parent of the student ceases to be in Board’s Service during the pendency
of the course, loans shall be granted to cover the course only upto the end of the
academic year during which the parent ceases to be in Board’s Service. The applicant
shall restrict his claim for loan accordingly.
In the case of the Second and subsequent years of the course, orders for the release
of the loan intended for each academic year from out of the gross amount of loan
sanctioned already will be issued by the Board on the basis of formal application which
shall be sent through the Head of the Institution, a copy thereof being sent through the
Chief Engineer (Electricity). Payment shall be made on the same lines as indicated
8. The Chairman, Madras State Electricity Board, shall be the Sanctioning authority for these
9. The Loan will be payable only once for each year of study, ie. lf a candidate is detained in
a particular year, he/she will have to carry on for the second year in the same class
without the loan. He may, however, be given the loan for the next year when he gets
promoted to the next higher/class. The continuance of the loan every year will be subject
to the students maintaining minimum academic standard, good conduct and attendance.
The Chairman, Madras State Electricity Board, shall obtain at the end of the each term
progress report in respect of the student for whom the loan is granted from the heads of
the institutions concerned.
10. (1) Before the loan is advanced, the parent of the student if the student is a minor, and in
the case of student who is a major, the parent and the student, shall execute an
agreement in the prescribed form (Appendix. II) together with a third party surety in
favour of the Secretary, Madras State Electricity Board, convenanting to abide by the
following terms :-
a) that the loan shall be repaid as indicated in Rule 12 below and in the event of default of
any one instalment, the whole amount remaining due shall become immediately
b) that on the grantee’s failure to pay the instalment fixed in rule 11 below or to fulfil any of
terms and conditions on which the loan is granted, the Madras State Electricity Board
shall have power to realise the sum due from the surety.
Recoveries in case of default in repayments shall be made from the salary of the
parent / surety.
c) that the grantee shall pay the stamp duty payable upon the agreement under the law
for the time being inforce.
d) that the payment of loan may at any time be stopped on failure of the concerned
student in any recognised examination on receipt of an unsatisfactory report about his
progress in which he is enrolled and the amount already paid will become refundable
to the Madras state Electricity Board.
e) that the grantee agrees to execute another bond immediately after the son attains
majority for the total amount of the loan along with his son.
Note : The third party surety should be a permanent employee of the Board of sufficient status
not lower than that of the employee to whom the loan is advanced under these rules
and he should also have adequate period of service before retirement.
10. (ii) The agreement will be executed for the value covering the maximum amount admissible
under the rules towards tuition fees, special and other fees, cost of the books and instruments
and maintenance charges for the whole course or part of the course, as the case may be.
11. The loans granted under this scheme shall be refunded to the Madras State Electricity Board
except in cases governed by the proviso to Rule 12 in the following number of instruments :
Loans granted upto and inclusive of Rs.1000/- .. 30 Months
Loans granted upto and inclusive of Rs.2000/- .. 50 Months
Loans granted upto and inclusive of Rs.4000/- .. 75 Months
Loans granted upto and inclusive of Rs.5000/- .. 100 Months
Loans granted in excess of Rs.5000/- .. 120 Months
12. The repayment of the loan shall commence one year after the student successfully completes
the course or from the date of securing employment by the student whichever is earlier
provided that if the parent of the student ceases to be an employee of the Board either by
retirement or otherwise during the pendency of the educational course or of the duration of
the loan, the balance of the loan that remains payable to the Board shall be recovered in a
lumpsum from the Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity or the contributory Provident Fund
payable to the parent. If any amount still remains recoverable the employee should agree to
make repayment from out of his pension.
NOTE : For the purposes of this rule, the last day of the examination in which the student
comes out successful shall be taken as the date of completion of the course.
The parent and the student should inform the secretary Madras State Electricity Board and
the Chief Engineer/Electricity of the Board all the changes of address that may occur and
also the fact of the employment of the students as soon as the student is employed, together
with full particulars regarding the pay and allowances and properties acquired, till the loans
granted to them are repaid in full.
13. Students who are in receipt of scholarships or fee concession as from any source or who
are eligible for the award of such scholarship or fee concession will be allowed the option to
continue to get the scholarships and fee concession or to avail of the loan facilities under
this scheme. They will not be allowed both the scholarships (or fee concession) and the
loan benefits. The amount of assistance realised from one of the sources shall be refunded
at once in single instalment.
14. The rules will also apply to the students who are already undergoing professional and technical
courses in the II, III, IV of final year of their studies.
15. The recovery of the loans granted to the employees of the Board under these Rules will be
watched by maintaining a register in the form prescribed in Appendix -III. Such register shall
be maintained in the office of the Board’s Secretariat in respect of employees employed in
the Board’s Secretary to the Board and the Chief Engineer (Electricity), as the case may be
will arrange to agree the monthly totals with the figures booked in the Accounts wing of the
Board wherein Broad Sheet showing lump sum balances will be maintained. The Secretary
to the Board or the Chief Engineer (Electricity), as the case may be will furnish to the accounts
Wing a Certificate of acceptance of balance exhibited in the books of the Accounts as on the
31st March of each year.
Form of Application for loans to employees of (Tamilnadu Electricity Board for education of
their Children in the Engineering, Medical, Agriculture and Veterinary Institutions.
(Rules 5 of the Madras State Electricity Board Educational Loan Rules 1963).
1. Name and Address of the applicant (Parent)
with Designation, (In Block letters.)
2. a) Age and date of birth :
b) Date of retirement from Bd’s Service.
3. Place of birth and domicile :
4. Name of student for whom loan is
applied for (in Block Letters)
b) Age and date of birth of Student.
c) Name of the institutions attended
by the Student and Particulars of
the Examinaiton passed.
Name of High Date of Examinations Class or Subjects
School, College, entering Passed Division taken.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
5. Memorandum of Marks
6. Any Additional qualification
not covered in column. (5)
7. (a) Monthly income of parent
(b) Capacity of parent to support
the student.
Note : If parents (father or mother,
as the case may be) have
separate incomes the income
of each parent should be
8. Particulars of the course for
which the loan is required
and arrangements made for thetraining.
9. Amount or loan required and
the academic year or years
for which loan is applied
for (vide Rule 6).
(a) Amount of loan required towards fail
tution fees special and other fees
payable to the college for each
academic year or years of the
course. Each items to be specified
separately (Examination fees &
caution money deposit to be excluded.
(b) Amount of loan required to purchase
text books and instruments which are
certified as essential by the Head
of Institutions. Amount for each
academic year to be specified).
(c) Amount of loan required towards
Uniform, maintenance allowance
on the basis of 10 months in each
academic year of the course.
10. Duration of the course of study
of the subject.
11. Is the student in receipt of or
eligible for any scholarship
fee concession or other pecuniary
assistance from any other quarter :-
(Full details to be furnished.)
12. Any general remarks that the applicant
have to offer (if the space below is not
sufficient attach a separate sheet)
Date :
Place :
Signature of the Student Signature of the Applicant.
To the best of my knowledge and from the Certificates submitted, the informations furnished
above are correct.
It is also certified that the amounts mentioned in item (@) above are the correct
Signature of the Head of
the Institution with seal
Appendix II
This agreement made this .........................day of .................between .................son of
..............resident of ...................(hereinafter called “the Borrower”) ......................(Student) son
of..........................resident of......................(hereinafter called the borrowers Son/Daughter) Thiru
.............................(Designation) o/oMr..................hereinafter called this surety jointly and severally
of the one part and the Tamilnadu Electricity Board (hereinafter called “Board” of the other part)
Whereas the borrower has applied to the Board for the advance of a loan of
Rs......................(Rupees...................................................................................repayable without
interest by installments hereinafter specified for enabling the borrowers son sri.............................to
prosecute his studies at.................................................
AND WHEREAS the Board has agreed to advance the said loan subject to the conditions
hereinafter contained and also subject also to the conditions in B.P.Ms. No.1759/dt.11.8.66
Sanctioned in CE/D/Chennai Metrol
1. The borrower, borrowers son and the surety will repay to the Board the said sum of
Rupees...........................or such other amount as might have been actually paid without
interest by monthly installments at the rate prescribed in the rules repayable on or before
the 10th of every Memo No.
2. The repayment shall commence from the date of employment of Sri.......................(borrowers
son) or after one year from the date of completion of the course by Sri......................whichever
is earlier provided always that the entire loan shall be repaid within the maximum period
provided in the rules : If the borrower cases to be an employee of the Board either by
retirement or otherwise during the pendancy of the educational course or of the duration of
the loan the balance of the loan that remains payable to the board shall be recovered in a
lump sum from the Death-Cum-Retirement Gratuity payable to the employee. If any amount
still remain unrecovered, the borrower agrees to make repayment from out of his pension.
3. Tuition fees, special and other fees payable to the institution shall be paid by the Board
direct to the institution out of the loan sanctioned and the amount towards books and
instruments shall be paid by the Board direct to the supplier against bills :
4. The borrower shall spend the said loan paid for the purpose of proceeding the studies of his
for and for no other purpose whatsoever.
5. The borrower shall pay the stamp duty payable on this agreement.
6. The borrower/borrowers son shall truly observe the Tamilnadu Electricity Board Educational
Loan Rules for Technical Education/Medical / Agricultural / Veterinary studies promulgated
by the Board and for the time being inforce, and those rules and all subsequent amendments
thereof shall at all times be binding on the borrower/borrowers son.
7. If any of the installments shall be in arrears in whole or in part, the whole sum then remaining
due to the Board under this agreement shall become payable at once and the borrower/
borrowers son/daughter and the surety shall be jointly and severally liable repay the same.
8. The payment of installments of the Said loan to the borrower may at time be stopped on
receipt of an unsatisfactory report about the progress of Sri....................(borrowers son) in
studies from the Head of the institution in which he is enrolled and in such cases the amount
already paid shall become refundable to the Board forthwith :
9. If Sri..........................is detained in a particular year, he/she will have to carry on for the
second year in the same class without the loan.
10. If Sri.......................(borrowers son) discontinues his studies, the amounts already paid
shall become refundable to the Board forthwith.
11. Every changes of address and every information regarding the employment, pay,
emoluments and properties acquired by Sri......................shall be intimated to the Secretary
to the Board as well as the Chief Engineer/ General of the Board at once during the period
in which the loan remains unpaid.
WHEREAS in consideration of the Board agreeing to advance the said loan in the manner
aforesaid, the borrower/borrow’s son and the surety have agreed to execute the above written
How the condition of the above written bond or obligation is such that
Sri.......................(borrowers son) shall well and faithfully diligently pursue his studies and the
borrower/borrowers son and the surety shall conform to all the conditions herein before contained
or shall pay to the Board the sum of Rs.....................or such other sum as might have been paid
under this bond and still remain due the above written bond shall be void OTHERWISE the
same shall be and remain in full force and effect and such sums shall be liable to be recovered
by deduction from the salary of ................(parents / surety) or by recourse to proceedings in a
court of law in respect of the amounts due and cost of the legal proceedings.
IN WITNESS THEREOF THE BORROWER, BORROWER’s son and the surety...............have
signed this deed.
Signed by the Borrower
In the presence of
Witnesses :-
Signed by the borrower’s
son (Student)
Witnesses :
Signed by the surety in the
presence of :
Witnesses :
Signed by.................acting
for and on behalf of the
Madras State Electricity Board
Register for Recovery of the loans Advanced under the Madras State Electricity Board Educational
Loan Rules 1963.
1. (a) Name and designation of the
Board’s employee, designation
and his permanent address
(Change in address to be entered).
(b) Name of the student for whose
education the loan was
sanctioned (details of the
course to be entered here).
2. No. and date of the Board’s
proceedings sanctioning the
loan, and amount of loan
3. Amount of total loan
actually disbursed 196- G 19 19 19 Total
4. Maximum number of installments
in which the loan is to be
5. Amount of monthly installments.
6. Due date for the commencement of
the recovery of loan
7. Date of retirement.
Amount recovered
Serial No.
Monthly Year of
Total recovery
during the year
Balance of loan
due to the end
of the year
carried forward
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan - Delegation of powers to the Chief
Engineer/ General and Secretary -orders issued.
Board’s Pro. Ms. No. 1163 Dated 22nd August,
i. B.P. Ms.No.1750 dated 11-8-66
ii. B.P.Ms.No.375, dated 12-3-76
The Tamilnadu Electricity Board directs that the powers relating to sanction of technical
Education Loans to the non-gazetted employees of the Board for the education of their children
in order to enable them to prosecute their studies in the post-metric, professional and technical
course conducted in the recognised educational institutions be delegated as follows subject to
the budget provision and in accordance with the Tamilnadu Electricity Board Loan Rules, 1963
as modified from time to time :-
Employees of the Board Secretariat
and Accounts Wing.
All Employees of the Board excluding
Chief Engineer / General
the Board Secretariat & Accounts Wing
(By Order of the Board)
The Chief Engineer / General
//True Copy//
Memorandum No. 6655-G2/77-4 Dated 17th September
Sub : Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan - Stamp duty payable
on agreement - Instructions issued.
As extract of Article 15 of the Tamilnadu Stamp Manual is forwarded to the Chief Engineer
/ General, and Chief Pay and Accounts Officer / Accounts Wing for guidance in obtaining
Technical Education Loan agreement from the employees of the Board. The Stamp duty payable
by the employees of the Board Should be strictly in accordance with the above article.
The Chief Engineer / General
// True Copy//
Office of the Chief Engineer/
157, Anna Salai, Madras -600 002.
Endt. No.1112.T1.1/77-4 dated 27-9-77
Copy communicated with an extract of article 15 of the Tamilnadu Stamp Manual to the General
Superintendent, E.T.P.S. Financial Controller Director of Research and all S.Es System/Circle
for information and guidance.
Chief Engineer(General)
The General Superintendent, E.T.P.S.
and Others
//True Copy//
“10 Bond (an defined by Section 2(5) not being a DEBENTURE and not being otherwise provided
for by this Act, or by the Tamilnadu Court Fees and stuits Valuation Act, 1955 (Tamilnadu Act, XIV
of 1955.)
Where the amount of Value accured does
not exceeds Rs10/- Fifty Paise
Where it exceeds Rs.10/- and does not
Exceeds Rs.50/- One Rupee
Where it exceeds Rs.50/- and does not
exceed Rs.400/- Two Rupees
Where it exceeds Rs.100/- and does not
exceeds Rs.200/- Four Rupees
Where it exceeds Rs.200/- and does not
exceeds 300/- Six Rupee
Where it exceeds Rs.300/- and does not
exceeds Rs.400/- Eight Rupees
Where it exceeds Rs.400/- and does not
exceeds Rs.500/- Ten Rupees
Where it exceeds Rs.500/- and does not
exceeds Rs.600/- Fifteen Rupes
Where it exceeds Rs.600/- and does not
exceeds Rs.700/- Seventeen Rupees
Where it exceeds Rs.700/- and does not
exceeds Rs.800/- Twenty Rupees
Where it exceeds Rs.800/- does not
exceeds Rs.900/- Twenty two Rupees and fifty Paise
Where it exceeds Rs.900/- and does not
exceeds Rs.1000/- Twenty five Rupees and for every Rs.500/-
or part thereof
in exceeds of Rs.1000/- Twelve Rupees
// True Extract //
Memorandum No. 6655-G2/77-4 Dated 17th Septermber, 1977
Sub : Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan - Stamp duty payable
on agreement - Instruction issued.
An extract of Article 15 of the Tamilnadu Stamp Manual is forwarded to the Chief Engineer
/ General and Chief Pay and Accounts Officer/ Accounts Wing for guidance in obtaining Technical
Education Loan agreement from the employees of the Board. The stamp duty payable by the
employees of the Board should be strictly in accordance with the above article.
A.B. Bhatikar
The Chief Engineer / General
//True Copy//
Office of the Chief Engineer / General
157, Anna Salai, Madras -600 002.
Endt. No.1112 / T1.1/77-4 Dated 27-9-77
Copy Communicated with an extract of article 15 of the Tamilnadu Stamp Manual to the
General Superintendent, E.T.P.S. Financial Controller, Director of Research and all S.Es. System
/ Circle for information and guidance.
C. Sanjeevi
Chief Engineer (General)
The General Superindent , E.T.P.S.
and others
// True Copy//
Board Office : Technical Branch : Operation
791, Anna Salai, Madras-2.
Memo No. CEO/C/80-1 dated 6-12-1980.
Sub : Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan to the employees of the
Ref : 1. B.P.Ms.No.1750 dt.11.8.66
2. Boards Memo No.31605 - G2/77-1 dt. 27.8.77
1. Rules 5 of the Tamilnadu Electricity Board Education Loan Rules issued B.P.No.1759
dt.11.8.66 as amended in Board’s Memo No.31605-G2/77-1 dt.27.8.77 permits sending application
for sanction of the advance through the Principal of the Institute within a period of two months
from the date of reopening of the institution.
2. Normally the professional Institution reopens during the month of June of each year. But
the selection of students for admission to the Institute is done by a committee appointed by the
Government and the list of selected candidates is published during second/third week of August.
in the circumstances it has been represented that it is not practically possible for the eligible
employees to submit their application through the Principal of the Institutions concerned within
the period of two months from the date of re-opening of the Institutions.
3. The Matter has been examined in detail and it has been decided to permit the students
to submit their applications within a period of two months from the date of admission to the
4. The following amendment is issued to the Rules applied to the B.P. Ms.No.1759
1. For the Second sentence occurring in rule 5 of the Board’s Technical Education Loan
Rules 1963 appended to B.P.Ms. No.1759 dt.11.8.66 the following sentence shall be substituted.
“The Original should be sent through the Principal of the Institution within two months from
the date of admission to the Institutions.
L.N. Vijayaraghavan,
The Chief Engineer/Generation, Operation and All Chief Engineers.
Copy to Chief Financial Controller
//True Copy //
1. BPMS (Ch)No.39(SB) dt.8.2.85(P167/85)
Loans and Advances - Madras State Electricity Board Educational Rules 1963(Technical
Education Advance) Advance not to be sanctioned against whom DP or vigilance enquiry
is pending amendment to rules - issued.
2. Memo (P) No.25841-E2/86-7(SB) dt.6.6.87(P462/89)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loans -TNEB Educational Rules 1963-
Procedure for Payment of Tution and other fees.
3. Memo No.47743-E2/87-46 (SB) dt.1.2.94 (P71/94)
Loans and Advances - TNEB - Technical Education loan Rule 1963 - certain clarification
4. Memo No. 15100-E2/93-2(SB) dt.1.2.94(P72/94)
Loans and Advances -TNEB Technical Education Rules 1963-Payment of Computer
Training Fees - clarification issued.
5. Memo No.75514-E2/94-1(SB) dt.16.11.94(P549/94)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education loan for the Self - Financed college - certain
clarification issued.
6. (Per) BP(FB) No.6(SB) dt.3.2.95(P28/95)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan - Extension of benefits to employees of
Class II and Class III and IV employees whose spouse are working as Class II Officer -
Eligibility with interest - orders issued.
7. Memo No. 20772-E2/92-19(SB) dt.29.2.96(P14/2/96)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan Rules -Rates of Fees for various courses.
8. Memo (P) No.63/56/E2/95-4(SB) dt.5.3.96(P5/3/96)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education loan Stamp duty on Technical education Loan
Agreement not reimbursable - orders issued.
9. Memo No.41442/E2/96-3(SB) dt.21.1.97(P55/1/97)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan - Rate of fees for MCA Courses
- clarification.
10. Lr.No.16008/E2/97-2(SB) dt. 17.5.97(P27/5/97)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan - Sanction of Loan to BF. Sc. Degree
Course - Fee - Structure - Furnished.
11. Lr. No.41230/E297-4(SB) dt.10.11.97(P4-10/97)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan - Fee Structure for Polytechnic for the
academic year 97-98 - communicated.
12. Lr.No.73180/E2/97-3(SB) dt.3.2.98(P3.2.98)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Advance - Fee Structure for Diploma in Hotel
Management, Category Technology and Applied Nutrition - communicated.
13. Memo (P) No.7496/E2/98-3(SB) dt.2.3.98(P7/3/98)
Loans and Advances -Technical Education Loan - Sanction of Technical Education for
Study outside the State not to be sanctioned - instruction issued.
14. Memo No.81843/E2/97-3(SB) dt.9.3.98(P12/3/98)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education loans Rates of fees for various courses
coming under Technical Education.
15. Memo (P) No.52571/E2/98-3(SB) dt.24.10.98(P29.10.98)
Loans and Advances - Technical Educaiton Loan - Sanction accorded based on Pre-
revised fee structure - Revised Sanction order General - instruction issued.
16. Lr.No. 80961/A7/A72/99-1(SB) dt.15.10.99(P6/10/99)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education loan should be sanctioned to only one ward -
even both the husband and wife are employed - clarification issued.
17. Memo No.74144/A7/A72/99-1(SB) dt.7.10.99(P25/10/99)
Loans and Advances - Technical education loan Rate of fees for various courses coming
under Technical Education.
18. U.O.No. 75800/A7/A72/99-1(SB) dt.2.11.99(P1/11/99)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education loan applied by Tmt. S. Prema Asst. / Adm.Br.
for her daughter Studying in Annamal University BDS Course Clarification issued (Not
19. Lr.No. 74151/A7/A72/99-1(SB) dt. 18.11.99(P65/11/99)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education loan Sanction of Technical Education Loan to
the employees of Ward who have not secured pass in a Semester but not detailed in a
Particular year - clarification issued.
20. Memo (P) No. 71351/A7/A72/99-1(SB) dt. 9.11.99(P15/11/89)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education loan - Eligibility for Sanction of loan certain
- clarification issued.
21. (Per) Memo No.59240/A7/A72/99-4(SB) dt.25.2.2000(P/16.2.2000)
Loans and Advances Technical Education Loan Sanctioned to employees Recovery of
Technical Education Loan from the employees who have not fully availed loan
- instruction issued.
22. Memo No.87796/A7/A72/96-31(SB) dt.28.2.2000(517/2/2000)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan Rates of fees for various Medical Course
- communicated.
23. Memo No. 30678/A7/A72/2000-1(SB) dt. 18.5.2000(P7/5/2000)
Loans and Advances - Sanction of Technical Education loan -Releasing of Pending
installments in case of Charges framed after releasing of one or Two installments - Need
not released - clarification issued.
24. Memo No. 8334/A7/A72/2000-5(SB) dt.20.7.2000(P3/7/2000)
Loans and Advances - Technical Educational Loan Rate of fees for the MCA courses -
25. (Per) BP(FB) No. 8(SB) dt.12.2.2001(P21/2/201)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education loan - Sanctioned to an employees - ward
expired during the course of Study - The Loan amount may be recovered in easy
installments without Interest - orders issued.
26. (Per) Memo No.116371/A7/A72/2001-1 dt.19.12.01(P33/12/01)
Loans and Advances Technical Education loan- sanction accorded to Class III employees
promoted as class II officer after drawal of one or Two Installments - Interest need not be
charged - clarification issued.
27. (Per) BP(Ch)No.82(SB) dt. 2.4.2002(P4/4/02)
TNEB - Delegation of Powers to Superintending Engineers for sanction of Technical
Education loan to the employees working under their control - orders issued.
28. Memo No.49945/A7/A72/2002-1(SB) dt. 30.5.02(P27/5/02)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education loan - Admissibility of Technical Education
Loan to an employee for Study of his / her ward under Mangement Quota - Modification
- instruction issued.
29. Memo No. 42054/A7/A72/2002-1(SB) dt.16.6.02(P19/6/02)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education loan - Sanction accorded but payment not
made with in the financial year - Two Instalment may be released in the next financial year
- orders issued.
30. Lr.No. 83042/A7/A72/ 2002-4(SB) dt.1.11.02(P39/11/02)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan - Revised rate of fee Structure for BE
degree/ Diploma course - communicated.
31. Memo No.116094/A7/A72/2002-02 (SB) dt.23.1.03(P12/1/03)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan - Sanction of Technical Education loan
for the course of M.Sc. Multi Media Informatics - Admissibility for Availing Technical Education
loan - clarification.
32. Memo No.116094/A7/A72/2002-4(SB) dt.24.2.03(P8/2/03)
Loans and Advances Technical Education loan- Technical Education loan admissible for
the course of M.Sc. Electronic Media Informatics - Rate of Fees Furnished.
33. (Per) BP(Ch)No.58(SB) dt.25.3.03(7/3/03)
Loans and Advances Technical Education loan - Counting of Service rendered as Helper
Trainee office Helper (Trainee) for Sanction of Technical Education loan - orders issued.
34. Memo No. 83042/A7/A72/2002-9(SB) dt.29.3.03(P29/3/03)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan - Revised rate of fees Structure Prescribed
in the Govt. institutions from the year 2002 -03 for Self Supporting and other Programme -
35. Memo No. 75017/A7/A72/2003-1(SB) 3.10.2003(P13/10/03)
Loans and Advances -Technical Education Loan -Revised rate of fee Structure for BE
Degree/Diploma courses communicated.
F.M.v©.105983/m7/m72/2003-3(br.».) ehŸ 6.2.04(15.2.04)F.M.v©.105983/m7/m72/2003-3(br.».) ehŸ 6.2.04(15.2.04)
F.M.v©.105983/m7/m72/2003-3(br.».) ehŸ 6.2.04(15.2.04)F.M.v©.105983/m7/m72/2003-3(br.».) ehŸ 6.2.04(15.2.04)
F.M.v©.105983/m7/m72/2003-3(br.».) ehŸ 6.2.04(15.2.04)
fl‹ k‰W« K‹ gz« - bjhÊš E£g¡ fšÉ fl‹ kU¤Jt¤ Jiw¡fhd 2003-04 M«
M©o‰fhd fšÉ¡ f£lz¤ bjhif - mD¥ãit¤jš bjhl®ghd.
37. Memo No.88902/A7/A72/2003-03(SB) dt.16.4.04(P46/4/04)
Loans and Advantages - Technical Education Loan - Eligibility of Technical Education Loan
for BSMS and BHMS courses and the fee Structure for the Cer 2003-04 - communicated.
38. Memo No. 84236/A7/A72/2004-2(SB) dt.26.10.04(P29/10/84)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan - Fee Structure for BE, B.Tech., Degree
Courses Govt. Govt. Aided and Self Financing Engineering Colleges - communicated.
39. Memo No.98822/A7/A72 / 2004-2(SB) dt.29.11.04(P44/11/04)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan fee Prescribed for MCA Course
- communicated.
40. Memo No.90214/A7/A72/2004-03(SB) dt.22.12.04(P40/12/04)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan-Tution fees prescribed for BE, B.Tech.,
and B.Arch. by Anna University - Furnished.
41. Memo (P) No.45215/A7/A72/2005-1(SB) dt.10.8.05(P39/8/05)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan to the employees whose wards Studying
in Deemed universities - orders issued.
42. (Per) BP(Ch)No.259(SB) dt.13.12.05(P30/12/05)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan - Counting of Training Period of Assistant
Engineer and Assessor for Sanction of Technical Education - loan orders issued.
43. (Per) BP(FB) No.65(SB) dt.19.12.05(P31/12/05)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Rules - Amendment to Rule 4 of the Technical
Education Loan Rules - Reducing the period for eligibility from 10 years to 6 years - orders
44. Memo (P) No.7455/A7/A72/2006-2(SB) dt. 18.5.2006(P64/5/06)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education loan -Sanction of Technical Education Loan
for Study out side the State of Tamilnadu - Eligibility - instruction issued.
45. Memo No. 62100/A7/A72/2006-1(SB) dt.20.7.06(P27/7/06)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan - Fee Structure for BE / B.Tech. Degree
Courses -Govt. / Govt. Aided and Self Financing Engineering College - Further orders
46. Memo No. 88324/A7/A72/2007-1(SB) dt.16.12.2007 (P13/12/07)
Loans and Advances -Technical Education Loan - Fee Structure for B.E. B.Tech. Self
Supporting Degree Course in Govt / Govt Aided and Self Financing Engineering Colleges
- Further orders issued.
47. Memo No. 95083/A7/A72/2007-1(SB) dt.22.1.2007(P14/12/07)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan - Fee Structure for ME/ M.Tech / in Arch
Course - communicated.
48. Memo (P) No.54512/A7/A72/2008-2(SB) dt.4.9.08(P9/9/08)
Loans and Advances - Technical Education Loan fee Structure for BE / B.Tech. Degree
Course in Govt/Govt. Aided and Self Financing Engineering colleges for the year 2008-
2009 - communicated.
1. BPMS (Ch)No.38(SB) dt.8.2.85(P211/85)
Allowances - Payment of out of pocket Allowance to officers deputed to under go Training
course with in Madras City - orders issued.
2. BPMS(Ch)No.53(Adm. Br.)dt.25.1.85(P101/85)
Training - Training of Board employees in various Centre / Institute / College-Ardous nature
of work-special Pay for Trainees payment - orders issued.
3. Cir Memo No. : 12148/DTS/A4 / 85-9(Adm. Br.) dt.10.3.86(P204/86)
Avoiding deputation to training during the period when DP pending or DP period is yet to be
completed - reg.
4. Endt. No.3326-P1/92-1(SB) dt.21.2.92(P51/92)
Bond - Execution of Indemnity Bond by Govt. Servants for various Training / Higher Studies
- Deputed with in or outside India - certain instructions.
5. (Per) BP(FB) No.37(SB) dt.6.6.95(P245/95)
Deputation -TNEB - Deputation of employees abroad for Training / Study Tour, Seminar
etc. - Consolidated - instruction issued.
6. (Per) BP(FB) No.117(TB) dt.29.9.01(P32/10/01)
Training & Development - Deputation of Boards Engineers for Full Time Post Graduate
Courses like M.E., M.Tech., in disciplines relevant to TNEB and MBA in Power Management
of Boards cost-Proposal Approved - orders issued - Reg.
7. (RT) BP(FB) No.5(TB) dt. 1.10.2001(P33/10/01)
Training and Development - Deputation of Boards Engineers in Full Time MBA Course in
Power Proposed to be Conducted by M/s. National Power Training Institute Farida Bad at
Boards Cost approved - orders issued.
8. (Per) BP(Ch)No.195(SB) 31.10.09(P8/12/09)
Estt-TNEB - Constitution of Standing Committee to decide and Advice deputation of officers
for Various training programmes, Seminars etc. - orders issued.
1. Memo.No.258050 /(Adm.Br.)/IR-2(1) 82-1 Dt.16.07.82 (P.29/83I)
Labour – Keeping of Union Properties in the office premises – instruction issued.
2. Memo.No.10718/S2/81-25 (SB) Dt.29.11.82 (P.61/83I)
Labour – Workers participation in Industry in TNEB – Nomination of members representing
Board and employees /workers in apex-Level Joint committee – amendment issued.
3. B.P.Ms.No.404 (SB) Dt.03.08.82 (P.277/83I)
Labour – Workers participation in Industry in TNEB - Revised scheme approved.
4. Trade Union Activities during office Hours.
Judgment of High Court in W.P.No.5699/79 (P.149/83II)
5. Ch.Memo.No.82955-S2/83-1 Dt.06.10.83 (P.347/83II)
TNEB – Labour Unions – Conduct of Meeting with in office premises – instruction issued.
6. B.P.Rt.(Ch) No.165 (SB) Dt.14.11.83 (P.416/83II)
Labour – Workers participation in Industry in TNEB Renomination of members
representing Board/Workers in Apex Level Joint Committee.
7. Memo.No.77591-S2/82-1 (SB) Dt.23.11.83 (P.423/83II)
Labour – Participation of Meeting in Apex Level and Unit Level Joint Committee – Treated
as duty – clarification issued.
8. Ch’s Circular Memo.No.11468/Adm.Br./IR 2(1)/83-4 Dt.12.03.84 (P.135/84)
Labour – TNEB – Office Bearers of Union/Associations – Seeking interview with officers
of Board to represent grievances – Procedure to be followed – instruction issued.
9. Lr.No.100/IR 1(1)/Adm.Br./84-25 (Adm.Br.) Dt.18.06.84 (P.399/84)
Modification of issues which requires to be discussed with unions – instruction issued.
10. Memo.No.50798-S1/84-1 (SB) Dt.27.07.84 (P.502/84)
Tamilnadu Labour Welfare Fund Act 1972 – Availing of benefits issue of certificates by
Board officers instruction issued.
11. B.P.Ms.(FB) No.153 (SB) Dt.24.11.84 (P.865/84)
Labour – Workers participation in Industry in TNEB – Revised Scheme – amendment
12. Circular No.69/Adm.Br./IR 2(1) / 86-1 dt.28.4.86(323/86)
Labour - Unions / Associations - Furnishing of Copies of orders of creation / Sanction and
abolition of post etc.
13. Memo No.: 59256 - R1/C1/85-1(SB) dt.11.4.86(P312/86)
Labour - TNEB - Discussion on statutory settlements with Unions / Associations on revision
of wages and revision of work allocation - Number of representative attending discussion
eligible for special Casual leave - orders issued.
14. Ch’s Circular No.55/IR1(1) / Adm. Br. / 86-19 dt.24586(P412/86)
Labour - Decision taken / Assurances given in discussion - Need for prompt action
- instruction issued.
15. Cir Memo NO. : 55/IR1(1) / Adm. Br./86-53 dt.1.8.86(P718/86)
Labour - TNEB - Decentralisation - Discussion with the Unions / Associations by Divisional
Engineers - instruction.
16. Ch’s Memo No. : 078640/993/IR3(1)/Adm. Br./86-12 dt. 3.8.86 (P720/86)
TNEB - Workers Participation in Industry-Meeting of Unit level joint Committee
- orders issued.
17. Memo No. : 166189/Amd. Br./IR 2 (1) / 86-1 dt.13.2.87(P126/87)
Periodical discussion with TMTM Sangam - Furnishing of guist of discussion to Central
Union - clarification.
18. Cir No. : 94359/Adm. Br./IR2(1) / 87-1 dt.29.12.87(P979/87)
Labour Unions / Associations - Discussion with officers at various levels - instruction issued.
19. Cir No.: 11084/26/Adm. Br. /IR1(3) 91-1 dt. 15.2.91(P46/91)
Labour - Unions / Associations - Discussion with Chairman Modified - instruction issued.
20. Lr.No.11799-CC1/98-1(SB) dt.7.3.98(P10/2/98)
Trade Unions - office bearers cant’ claim attendance without working - reg.
21. Memo No.61368/CC1/98-1(SB) dt.23.10.98(P10/10/98)
Labour - Employees of the Board Involving themselves by active participants in outside
Union, Sangam - Curtailment of - instruction issued.
22. Memo No.58901-Q2/98-3(SB) dt.23.1.99(P12/1/99)
Pension - Conducting of Periodical Meeting with Pensioners Association / Union - instruction
23. (Per) BP(FB) No.8(SB) dt.11.2.99(P9/2/99)
Powers - Delegation of powers to Chairman in the Matters relating to recognition to unions
- orders issued.
F.M. v©.55766/m3/m31/2000-1/ ehŸ 31.7.2000(ã8/7/2000)F.M. v©.55766/m3/m31/2000-1/ ehŸ 31.7.2000(ã8/7/2000)
F.M. v©.55766/m3/m31/2000-1/ ehŸ 31.7.2000(ã8/7/2000)F.M. v©.55766/m3/m31/2000-1/ ehŸ 31.7.2000(ã8/7/2000)
F.M. v©.55766/m3/m31/2000-1/ ehŸ 31.7.2000(ã8/7/2000)
m§ÑfÇ¡f¥glhj r§f§fË‹ nfhÇ¡iffË‹ ÛJ elto¡if vL¡fyhkh v‹gJ g‰¿
muR m¿îiuÆid thÇa¤âš mKšgL¤â Miz btËÆl¥gL»wJ.
25. (Per) BP(Ch)No.254(SB) dt. 8.10.2001(P2/10/01)
Labour - Recognition to TNEB Anna Podhu Thazhildar Sangam - orders issued.
26. (Per) BP(Ch)No.77(SB) dt.28.3.07(P49/3/07)
Union - TNEB workers progressive Union and TNEB Engineers Association - Request for
deduction Subscription and Donation to Trade Unions from the salary of the employees -
Acceptance - orders issued.
27. (Per) BP(Ch)No.111(SB) dt.9.5.07(P3/5/07)
TNEB - Contribution from employees towards Annual Subscription and Donation to Trade
Unions - Deduction from the Salary of Willing employees - Orders Detailed Guidelines
- issued.
28. Memo No. 15832/A3/A31/2007-1(SB) dt. 21.5.07(P8/5/07)
TNEB Contribution from employees towards Annual Subscription and Donations to Trade
Unions Deduction from Salary of willing employees - Further instruction.
29. Memo No. 45399/A3/A31/2007-1(SB) dt.4.7.07(P1/7/07)
TNEB Contribution from employees towards -Annual Subscription and Donations to Trade
Unions - Deduction from Salary of willing employees inclusion of Tamilnadu Engineers
Sangam - orders issued.
30. Memo No. 86807/A3/A31/2007-2(SB) dt. 19.1.207(P13/12/07)
TNEB - Contribution from employees toward, Annual Subscription and Donations to Trade
Unions-extension of Time - orders issued.
31. Memo (P) No.11573/A3/A31/2008-1(SB) dt.24.3.08(P16/3/08)
TNEB - Contributions from employees towards Annual Subscription and Donations to
trade unions - Deduction from the Salary of willing employees - orders - Details guidelines
issued - reiterated.
32. Memo No.87429/A3/A31/2008-2dt.2.2.09(P9/2/09)
TNEB - Deduction of Union Subscription and Donation to Trade Unions from the Salary of
willing employees Detailed Guidelines - issued - Strict Adherence - reiterated.
33. Memo No.25502/A3/A31/2009-1(SB) dt. 5.5.09(P11/5/09)
TNEB - Deduction of Union Subscription and Donation to Trade Unions from the Salary of
willing employees- Detailed guidelines - issued - Strict adherance - reiterated.
34. Memo No.60047/A3/A31/2009-1(SB) dt.29.9.09(P15/9/09)
TNEB - Deduction of union Subscription and Donation to Trade Unions from the Salary of
willing employees -Extension of time for exercising option to deduct union Subscription
- Granted.
35. Memo No. 26582/A3/A31/2010-3(SB) dt. 23.4.10(P)20/4/10
Committee - Revision of work Allocation and Staff Pattern Committee to review the existing
ratio of Promotion / Appointment to various categories - Inclusion of Union Members
- orders issued.
36. Memo No. 46955/A3/A31/2010-1(SB) dt.2.7.10(P11/7/10)
TNEB - Deduction of Union Subscription and Donation to Trade Unions from the salary of
willing employees extension of Time Limit for exercising option to deduct union subscription
- Granted.
37. Memo No.67387/A3/A31/2009-2(SB) dt.8.9.10(P12/9/10)
TNEB - Contribution from employees towards Annual Subscription and Donations to Trade
Unions Deduction of Subscription and Donations from the Salary of Willing Members of
Tamilnadu National Electricity Workers Federation (Swarnaraj Group) - orders issued.
38. Memo (P)No.78452/A3/A31/2010-1(SB) dt. 23.10.10 (P38/10/10)
TNEB - Contribution from employees towards Annual Subscription and Donation to Trade
Unions -Deduction of Subscription and Donation from the Salary of willing members of
Tamilnadu National Electricity Workers federation (Xaviour Group) - orders issued.
39. Memo No. 85819/A3/A31) 2010-1(SB) 12.11.10(P11/11/10)
TNEB - Contribution from employees towards Annual Subscription and Donations to Trade
Unions - Deduction of Donation from the Salary of willing members of TNEB Thozhilalar
Aykkia Sangam - Enhancement of Donations - orders issued.
40. Memo No.22491/A3/A31/2011-1(SB) dt.26.3.11(P23/3/11)
TANGEDCO - Contribution from employees towards Donation to Trade Union - Deduction
of Donation from the 3rd Instalment of wage revision arrears of Members of TNEB workers
Progressive union - orders issued.
41. Memo No.29562/A3/A31/2011-1(SB) dt.10.5.11(P18/5/11)
TANGEDCO - Contribution from employees towards Annual Subscription and Donation to
Trade Unions - Deduction of Subscription and Donation from the Salary of willing employees
of TNEB wokers Progressive Union - Enhancement of amount of Subscription and
Donation - orders issued.
1. (Per) BP(Ch) No.299(SB) dt.3.11.94(P523/94)
Loans and Advances - Advance for Purchase of warm Clothing - Enhancement of Monitory
limit from Rs.500/- to Rs.1000/- or Two Month Basic Pay - orders issued.
1. B.P.M.S.No. 161(SB) Dt. 8.4.82 (P.162/83-I)
Concession – Washing allowance to employees supplied with uniform - order issued.
2. Memo No.: 68426 - E1/(SB) dt. 9.2.86(P138/86)
Concession - Washing allowance to employees supplied with uniform - clarification issued.
3. BPMS(Ch)No.110 (Adm. Br.)dt.23.2.88(P128/88)
Allowances - Board office Adm. Br. - Head Quarters Dispensary - Uniform Allowance and
washing Allowance to Staff Nurse and Auxiliary Nurses - Enhanced rate - ordered.
4. Memo No. : 139478 / G42/G421/2005-1(Adm.Br.) dt. 30.12.05(P24/12/05)
Allowance - Washing Allowance - Increase of Rate from Rs.20 to Rs.50/- orders issued.
1. Memo.No.108808-N2/83-9(SB) Dt.22.8.84(P.611/84)
Estt – RWE – Special Pay and Allowances – Payment of Welding Special Pay – instruction
2. BPMS(Ch)No.503(SB) dt.21.10.86(P983/86)
Labour TNEB- Revision of Scales of pay and Allowances from 1.12.84 - Revised rate of
welding Special Pay - orders issued.
1. B.P.M.S.(Ch.)No.452 (Adm.Br) Dt.22.8.83 (P.229/83II)
Estt – Temporary – Distribution, Generation, Construction, Project circle and Headquarters
Officer – D’man categories – Fixation of Staff Pattern and sanction of Staff – revised
orders issued.
2. Ch. Memo No.74988/S5/(A2)(517)/82-2(Adm.Br) Dt.4.9.83(P.285/83II)
Work load and norms are guidelines for sanction of staff and not norms for work in Particular
seat or Fixation of work load for individual staff – instruction.
3. Memo No.Rev/Gen/F5/85-43 (Accts. Br. ) dt. 29.6.85(P740/85)
Card Billing System - Modified card billing System Card billing - Work Allocation to Inspector
of Assessment Posted to Revenue Branch - clarification issued.
4. No. S3/92465/85 dt.21.10.85(P1044/85)
Memorandum of Settlement under Section 12(3) of the industrial Dispute Act 1947 Reached
before the commissioners of Labour - Madras.
5. Memo No. : 6710-R1/85-1(SB) dt.5.11.85(P1156/85)
TNEB - Revision of work Allocation and Staff Pattern - orders implementation - orders
issued Nomination of Nodal officers.
6. Memo No.: 146/IR 1 (i) / 85-3 (Adm. Br.) dt.24.1.86(P30/86)
Modified System of card billing of energy Charges and Collection - Inspector of Assessment
in the Section office - Work allocation.
7. Memo No.(Rev) / Gen II / 86-1(Accts. Br.) dt.10.1.86(P45/86)
Revenue Branch of division office-work allocation and staff pattern - Assistant (Common
work) Maintenance of Remittance Register (Assessor/Bankwise ) - instruction issued.
8. Memo No. : 088190-(502) / C3 / 86-1(Adm. Br.) Dt.27.6.86(P523/86)
Estt - Class III Service - O&M system - Implementation of Surplus Accountant, Assistant,
and Junior Asst. Postings - instruction issued.
9. Memo No. : 088190-(502) / C3(2) / 86-4 (Adm.Br.)dt. 7.8.86(724/86)
Estt - Class III Service -Operation and Maintenance System Surplus Accountant, Asst.
and Jr. Asst. - posting further - instruction issued.
10. Memo No. : 088190-(502)/C3(2) / 86-73(Adm. Br.)dt.28.1.87(P18/87)
Estt - Class III Service - Filling up of Vacancies by deployment - orders issued.
11. Memo No. : 146412/475/S4(A1) / 86-1 dt.(P93/87)
Estt - Class III Service - Sanction of Posts for Central Office - Allocation of Works to
Administration Accounts and Technical Branches - clarification issued-reg.
12. Memo No. : X/Rev / Gen II/ F5/87-27(Accts. Br.) dt. 19.4.87 (291/87)
Modified System of Card billing of energy charges and Collection - Work Allocation to Rev.
Supervisor - instruction.
13. Memo No. X REV/ / Gen II / F5/87-26(Accts. Br.) dt.19.4.87(P290/87)
Modified Systems of Card billing - Work Allocation to Spl. Gr. Rev. Supervisors - instruction
14. BPMS(FB) No.74(SB) dt.25.8.87(Annexure to 8/87)
Electricity - Bi-Monthly System of Card billing of energy charges and collection - Settlement
with Unions of employees of TNEB - Implementation with effect from 1.10.87
- orders issued.
15. BPMS(Ch) No.373(SB) dt.28.9.87 (P724/87)
Labour - TNEB - Revision of work Allocation and Staff Pattern, Benefits of Probation,
Seniority and Increment for the Staff Promoted against work load posts - orders issued.
16. Memo No. : 169932/20/S2/A2/ 87-1 (Adm. Br.) dt.7.1.88(P5/88)
Estt - Rcc yard in O&M systems - sanction of Assistant Engineers (Civil) to the RCC Yard
- Fixing of norms proposals.
17. BPMS(FB) No.11(SB) dt.23.1.88(P31/88)
Labour - Revision of Scale of pay and Allowances to employees of Board from 1.12.88 -
Revision of work Allocation to Certain are areas - committee.
18. Memo No. DFC / Rev/ CB/F41/88-26(Accts. Br. ) dt.30.11.88(P805/88)
Elecy - Bi - Monthly systems of Card billing Allocation of Services among the Assistants/
Accounting and Allied works.
19. Memo No. : 164541/322/B/A2/88-2/89(Adm.Br.) dt.20.2.89(151/89)
Recommendation of the Distribution Re Organisation Committee - Formation of
Construction Section and Sub Division - re organisation Distn. Division, Sub-Division and
Sections - instruction issued.
20. Memo No. 82240/ofm cell / 89-30(SB) dt.17.10.92(P564)
TNEB - Distn. circle, Uniform Staff Pattern in RCC/PSC Yard - Study report adoption of
Suggestion - orders issued.
21. (Per) FB No.5(SB) dt.25.1.94(Annexure 1/94)
Labour -TNEB Revision of Work Allocation and Staff Pattern - orders issued.
22. Memo No.25253-C1/92-114(SB) dt.4.2.94(P101/94)
Labour -TNEB Revision of Work Allocation and Staff Pattern - amendment issued.
23. Memo No. 107918/963/Adm. Br. IR 1(3) / 94-1/dt.3.9.94(427/84)
Revised Work norms- Sanction having only one Assessor posting of one Inspector of
Assessment - reg.
24. (Per) BP(FB) No.120(SB) dt.20.12.94(P598/94)
Labour - TNEB - Revision of work Allocation and staff pattern - Upgradation of remaining
surplus Linemen post in Section of Distn Circle as Line Inspector - orders issued.
25. Memo No. 03007/42/S4-A3/95-6(Adm.Br.)dt.6.8.96(P3/8/96)
TNEB - Sanction of C & I Section - Revised norms - orders issued.
26. (Per) BP(FB) No.68(SB)dt.25.11.02(P36/11/02)
Labour -TNEB - Revision of work Allocation and staff pattern for Assessment and Cash
Collection - orders issued.
27. Memo No.092986/565/G43/G431/2003-1(Adm.Br.) dt.5.9.03 P4/9/03)
Estt- Bill Collection and Assessment Cadre - Settlement made under Section 18(1) of ID
act 1947-for New Work norms attending of works by Promotees - instruction issued.
28. (Per) BP(Ch)No.92(SB) dt.17.5.2004(P5/5/04)
Elecy-Revision of Work Allocation and Staff Pattern in respect of Assessment and Collection
staff in Distn. circles - Settlement with Union under Section 12(3) of ID Act 1947 - orders
29. Cir Memo No.CFC/FC/Rev/E4/C No.1403/2005 dt. 16.12.05(P9/12/05)
Elecy -Revision of Work Allocation and Staff Pattern for Assessment and Collection Staff
of Distribution Section - Payment of one day wages to the Assr. / SNIA for preparation of
Pre receipt, Collection Statement etc.
30. (Per) BP(Ch)No.222(SB) dt. 21.11.09(P11/11/09)
Labour - TNEB - Revision of Work Allocation and Staff Pattern for Field workmen, Revenue
Accounting Assessment and Collection Staff and Store Staff in Distribution circles - orders
31. (Per) BP(Ch)No.114(SB) dt.10.6.10(P61/6/10)
Revision of Work Allocation and Staff Pattern Assessment and Collection staff in Distn.
Circles introducing 30 days Assessment and Collection Sanction of Additional Assessor
- orders issued.
32. Memo (P) No.32838/A3/A31/2010-1(SB) dt.10.6.10(P62/6/10)
TNEB - Workmen - Revision of Work Allocation and Staff Pattern - Assessment and
Collection Staff - amendment issued.
33. Memo (P) No.006813/15/G39/G392/2010-3 dt.8.12.10(P12/12/10)
Estt-Sanction Additional post of Assessor Consequent on introduction of 30 days
Assessment and Collection to Chennai EDC Central, West and Chingleput - orders issued.
1. B.P.M.S.(FB) No.40(SB) Dt.7.5.84(P.307/84)
Labour – Revision of scales of Pay and allowances to employees of Board from 1.12.84 –
Revision of Work Allocation and Staff Pattern in certain areas – Discussion - order issued.
2. Memo No.18608 - R1/84-13(SB) Dt.24.7.84 (P.499/84)
Labour – Revision of Scale of Pay to Staff from 1.12.84 committee to hold discussion CE/
Personnel Included - order issued.
3. Lr.No.:18608-R1/84-44(SB)dt.29.5.85(P532/85)
Wage Revision - Interim Adhoc Payment adjustable against the wage revision arrears to
employees of Board covered by settlement -orders - Applicability to employees under
suspension - clarification.
4. BPMS(FB)No.87(SB) dt.24.10.85 (P1089/85)
Estt - TNEB officers - Revision of Scales of pay, DA, HRA, CCA and other allowances wef.
1.12.84 - orders issued.
5. BPMS(FB) NO.86(SB) dt. 24.10.85(P1074/85)
Labour - TNEB - Revision of pay scales and DA, HRA, CCA and other allowances with
effect from 1.12.84 to the employees - orders issued.
6. BPMS(Ch)No.350(SB) dt.24.10.85(P1101/85)
Labour- TNEB - Revision of scales of pay rates of DA, HRA, CCA and other Allowances -
arrear consequent on revision - Provisional Payment - orders issued.
7. Memo NO. : 48015-R1/85-1(SB) dt.20.11.85 (P1169/85)
Estt - TNEB - Officers Revision of Scales of Pay, DA, HRA, CCA and other allowances
from 1.12.84 - orders issued - Inclusion of Medical Officer in the list Amendment - issues.
8. Memo No. : 66710-R1/85-2(SB) dt.8.11.85(P1157/85)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of Scale of Pay to employees of Board from 1.12.84 counting of
Service for reckoning service weightage - orders issued.
9. Memo No. : 66710-R1/85-3(SB) dt.16.11.84(P) 1161/85)
Estt-TNEB - Revised scale of Pay for selection grade post from 1.12.84 - orders - Fixation
the revised scale of pay-Illustration - communicated.
10. Memo No. 66710-R1/85-4(SB) dt.22.11.85(P1181/85)
Estt. TNEB - officers revision of scale of pay and Allowances from 1.12.84 Fixation of pay
when on officer opted for fixation on the date of Increment present emoluments - clarification.
11. Memo No. : 66710-R1/85-6(SB) dt.25.11.85(P1183/85)
Labour - TNEB Revision of scale of pay from 1.12.84 fixation of pay in the revised scale of
pay and ensuring minimum Benefits - Illustration - communicated.
12. Memo No. : 66710-R1/85-8 (SB) Dt.27.11.85(P1194/85)
Labour -TNEB - Revision of Scale of Pay - amendments issued.
13. Memo No. : 48015-R1/85-2(SB) dt.29.11.85(P1196/85)
Estt - TNEB - officers Revision scale of Pay-from 1.12.84-Illustration communicated.
14. Memo No. : 65889-R1/85-1(SB) dt.29.1.85(P1198/85)
Estt - TNEB - Promotion of an employee covered by wage revision settlement of an officer
category between 1.12.84 to 21.10.85 permitting option on the date of promotion - orders
15. Memo No. 66710-R1/85-10 (SB) dt.29.11.85(P1195/85)
Estt -TNEB - Revision of Scale of Pay to workmen and officers option to come over to
revised scale of pay - on 1.12.84 or date of next Increment- Time limit for furnishing option
extension - ordered.
16. Memo No. : 71051-R1/85-1(SB) dt.2.12.85 (P1309/85)
Estt - TNEB - wage revision w.e.f. 1.12.84 - employees Transferred from one system to
another system preparation fixation statement - instruction issued.
17. Lr No. : 74990-R1/85-1(SB) dt.17.12.85(P1315/85)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of scales of pay of employees covered by wage revision settlement
option to come over to the revised scale of pay on the date of promotion.
18. Memo No. 66710/R1/85-11(SB) dt.16.12.85 (P1320/85)
Estt - Revision of Scales of pay to the employees of the board from 1.12.84 - Change of
Nodal officer - instruction issued.
19. Memo No. : 76465/R1/85-1(SB) dt.20.12.85(P1328/85)
Labour - TNEB - Revising scale of pay amendment to BP 86 dt. 24.10.85 - Scale of Pay
1260-60-1440-70-1650-80 - 2050 changed 1260-60-1380-70-1660-80-2060-90-2150
- orders issued.
20. Lr.No. : 74991-R1/85-1(SB) dt.23.12.85 (P1330/85)
Estt - TNEB - Officers revision of scales of pay Fixation of pay - clarification issued.
21. Lr.No. : 77371-R1/85-1 (SB) dt. 23.12.85(P1334/85)
Estt-TNEB - Revision of Scales of pay to workmen from 1.12.84 pay fixation - clarification.
22. Memo No.: 66710 - R1/85-13(SB) dt.2.1.86(P1/86)
Labour, TNEB - Revision of Scales of Pay rates of DA, HRA, CCA and other allowances
- orders amendment issued.
23. Memo No.:48015-R1/85-3(SB) dt.4.1.86(P2/86)
Estt - TNEB - Employees covered by wage revision Settlement - promotion to the category
- after 21.10.85 - Loss in emoluments - Protection by granting personal compensatory
Allowance - orders issued.
24. Memo No. 67829-R1/85-1(SB) dt.6.1.86(P11/86)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of Scale of pay to workman and officers from 1.12.84 Points raised
by SEs - clarification issued.
25. Memo No. : 8517-C1/86-1(SB) dt.28.2.86(P108/86)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of Scale of Pay to the workman and officers - option to come over
to the revised scale of pay on 1.12.84 or the next increment - Time limit for furnishing
option - extension ordered.
26. BPMS(Ch)No.95(SB) dt.12.3.86(P209/86)
Estt - TNEB - Officers -Revision of Scale of pay Regulation - from 1.12.84 - amendment
issued (Power) to Remove Anomaly)
27. BPMS(Ch) No.112(SB) dt.20.3.86(P213/86)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of Scale of Pay to workmen from 1.12.84 - Allowing next Increment
in the revised Scale of Pay - Advancing Seniors date of Increment on par with the Juniors
date of Increment in certain cases - orders.
28. BPMS(Ch) No.113(SB) dt.20.3.86(113/86)
-Do- To Office Rs.
29. Memo No. : 11398-C1/86-1(SB) dt.21.3.86(P215/86)
Estt - TNEB Revision of Scale of Pay to workman and officers w.e.f. 1.12.84- Fixation of
Pay in the cases of employees who died without exercising or revising the option to
comeover to revised scale of pay - orders.
30. Memo No.: 76459-C1/86-1(SB) dt.27.3.86(P223/86)
Estt - Revision of scale of from 1.12.84 - Fixation of pay in the revised scales of pay in the
post other than the officiating post on national basis - Allowing of option - clarification
31. Memo No. : 7296-C1/86-1(SB) dt.26.4.86(P318/86)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of Pay Scales from 1.12.84 - Payment of arrears to Addl. Charge
Allowance, overtime and Double wages - Permitted - clarification issued.
32. Memo No. 76658-R1/C1/85-3(SB) dt.26.5.86(P415/86)
Estt - TNEB - Officers Revision of Scales of Pay and DA, HRA, CCA and other allowances,
from 1.12.84 - orders amendment issued.
33. Memo No. : 11253-C1/86-1(SB) dt.9.6.86(P501/86)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of Scale of Pay from 1.12.84- Employees dismissed, Removed
from Service or who have resigned the Boards service - Ineligibility to wage revision
Benefits-payment already made - Recovery / waiver - orders issued.
34. Memo No. : 37981-C1/86-1(SB) dt.1.8.86(P718/86)
Estt - TNEB - Officers - Revision of Scale of pay and allowances - Date of next increment
after fixation of pay in the revised scale further orders - amendment.
35. Memo No.: 41023/R1/86-1(SB) dt.12.8.86*P730/86)
Labour - TNEB - Revision of Scale of pay and allowances to employees - orders
- amendment - issued.
36. BPMS (FB) No.104(SB) dt.5.11.86(P1019/86)
Estt - TNEB - Revised Scale of Pay for officers from 1.12.84 - Drawal of Stagnation
increment beyond the Maximum of time scale - Enhancement of limit - orders issued.
37. Memo No. : 70982-C1/86-1(SB) dt.2.12.86(P1085/86)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of Scale of pay from 1.12.84 - Ensuring of minimum benefits in
case where pay fixation is done on 1.12.84 taking into account the pay as on 30.9.84 -
clarification issued.
38. Memo No. : 63351/C1/86-1(SB) dt.20.12.86(P1112/86)
Estt - TNEB Revision of Scale of pay to workmen and officers - Pay fixation in the revised
Scale - Exercising of revised option in the case of persons already promoted to higher
post from the selection grade of the lower post - Extn. of time limit orders issued.
39. BPMS(FB) No.12(SB) dt.11.2.87(P121/87)
Estt - TNEB - Revised scale of pay (officers) 1985 refixation of pay under Regulation 4(3)
of Regulations and refixation of pay of the senior on par with Junior whose pay refixed
under Regulation 4(3) of officers and workmen - orders issued.
40. Memo No. : 19376/C1/87-7(SB) dt.29.3.88(P185/88)
Estt - TNEB - Revised scale of pay for officers from 1.12.84 - Drawal of Stagnation
Increment beyond the maximum of the time scale - Reaching of Maximum limit by personal
pay - orders issued.
41. (Per) BP(FB) 57(SB) 57(SB) dt.5.8.89 (Annexure I 8/89)
Labour - TNEB - Revision of Scales of pay, rates of DA, HRA, CCA and other Allowances
and special pay w.e.f. 1.12.88 - orders issued.
42. (Per) BP(FB) No.60(SB) dt.24.8.89 (Annexure II 8/89)
Estt - TNEB - officers - Revision of scale of pay DA, HRA, CCA and other Allowances
w.e.f. 1.12.88 - orders issued.
43. (Per) BP(Ch) No.255(SB) dt.18.9.89(P776/89)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of scale of pay with effect from 1.12.88 - option on the date of
Movement to selection grade- further time limit - orders issued.
44. (Per) BP(FB) No.55(Adm. Br.)Dt.19.9.89(P787/89)
Estt - TNEB - Class III Service - Scale of Pay applicable to Pharmacist Modified.
45. (Per) BP(Ch)No.284(SB)dt.31.10.89(P856/89)
Estt - Pay Limits in 1984-Scales fixed for certain purpose like eligibility to draw Advance for
purchase of Motor car and grant of Mileage Allowances from 1.12.88 - orders issued.
46. Memo No. : 65035/C1/87-33(SB) dt.5.10.89(P842/89)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of Scales of Pay and allowances to workmen from 1.12.88 option
to comeover to revised scale of Pay already exercised by workmen-revision - permitted.
47. Memo No. : 65835-C1/87-34(SB) dt.30.10.89(P855/89)
Labour -TNEB - Revision of Scales of pay and allowances to workmen with effect from
1.12.88 - Fixation of pay to workmen entered into Board between 1.12.88 to 30.7.89
- clarification issued.
48. Memo No. : 62235-C1/89-1(SB) dt.23.11.89(P 912/83)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of Scales of pay and allowances for workmen and officers from
1.12.88 certain - clarification issued.
49. Memo No. : 67521-C1/89-1(SB) dt.23.11.89 (P914/89)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of pay and allowances for officers from 1.12.88 - ordered clarification
for fixation pay in the case of annual Increment drawn on 1.10.88 and Incentive Increment
in between 2.10.88 to 30.11.88 - issued.
50. (Per) BP (Ch) No.317(SB) dt.25.11.89(P914/89)
TNEB - Revised scale of pay to workmen and officers Regulation 1989-Fixation of pay in
the revised scale of pay in the cases of workmen / officers on leave on 1.12.88, Voluntarily
retired, compulsory retired and Invalidated from service subsequently - orders issued.
51. Memo No. : 66134-C1/89-1 (SB) dt.23.11.89(P913/89)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of scales of pay and allowances for workmen from 1.12.88-
Clarification on ensuring minimum benefit of Rs.200/- issued.
52. Memo No. 4525-C1/90-1(SB) dt.30.1.90(P23/90)
Estt - TNEB - Revision of scale of pay and Allowances from 1.12.88 permitting employees
to exercise revised option time limit extended upto 31.3.90 - orders issued.
53. Memo NO. : 65035-C1/89-40(SB) dt.3.3.90(P137/90)
Estt - TNEB - officers - Revision of Scales of pay and allowances - from 1.12.88-orders
- amendment issued.
54. Memo No. : 14974-C1/90-1(SB) dt.20.3.90(P152/90)
Labour - Revision of scales of pay and allowances fixation of pay - on the next Increment
falling after 1.12.88 - clarification issued.
55. Memo No. : 65035-C1/87-41(SB) dt.31.3.90(P178/90)
TNEB - Revision of Scale of pay to officers - stagnation Increment will be once in Two
years - with a maximum of Three Increment up to a maximum of Rs.5450/- amendment
56. Memo No. : 78872-C1/90-1 (SB) dt.26.12.90(P738/90)
Revision of Scale of Pay - Fixation of pay in the revised scale in the cases of workmen /
officers on duty and expired subsequent by - clarification.
57. Memo No. : 83114 - C1/89-6(SB) dt.29.1.90(P11/91)
Estt - Revision of Scale of pay to the officers / workman / who are on service on 1.12.88
and Subsequently resigned / removed are eligible for fixation.
58. Memo No. : 80903/C1/90-8(SB) dt.3.9.91(P473/91)
TNEB - Revised scale of pay Regulations 1989 - fixation of pay in the case of Workmen on
leave on 1.12.88 and expired subsequently with out joining duly - clarification issued.
59. Memo No. : 4657-C1/91-6(SB) dt.12.12.91(P692/91)
Estt - Revision of scales of Pay - Fixation of Pay opted to come over to the revised scale
of pay with effect from 1.1.89, 1.4.89 and 1.7.89 - clarification issued.
60. Memo No.75166/C1/92-1(SB) dt.12.8.93(P431/93)
Estt-Revision of Scales of pay as on 1.12.88- Fixation of pay opted to come over to the
revised Scale of pay with effect from 1.12.88, 1.1.89/ 1.4.89/ and 1.7.89 - clarification
61. Memo No.64194-C1/93-1(SB) dt. 27.12.93(P675/93)
Estt-TNEB -Promotion of an employee covered by wage revision settlement to an officer
category between 24.10.85 to 30.11.88 - Permitting revised option to come over to revised
Scale of pay on the date of Promotion - D.A. Rates for Pre revised scale 1984 - orders
62. (Per) BP(FB) No.5(SB) dt.25.1.94(Annexure /1/94)
Labour TNEB Revision of Work Allocation and Staff Pattern and revision of Pay and
Allowances with effect from 1.12.92 - orders issued.
63. Memo No. 76980/C1/94-1(SB) dt.4.4.94(P178/94)
Estt-TNEB promotion to an employees covered by wage revision settlement to officer
category between 24.10.85 to 30.11.88 Permitting option to come over to revised scale of
Pay on the date of promotion -orders issued- Further extension of time upto 3.6.94
- ordered.
64. (Per) BP(Ch)No.98(SB) dt.22.4.94(P184/94)
Labour TNEB- Revised scale of pay and Allowances option to come over to revised scale
of pay on the date of completion of 15 years of service between 1.12.92 to 31.12.93
- orders issued.
65. Memo No. 33922-C1/94-1(SB) dt.31.5.94(P247/94)
Labour TNEB - Revision of Scales of pay and allowances -option to come over to revised
scale of Pay - Extension of Time upto 24.6.94 orders issued.
66. (Per) BP(FB) No.23(SB) dt.4.5.94(Annexure )
Estt-TNEB officers - Revision of Scale of Pay and allowances and Special Pay from 1.12.92
orders issued.
67. Memo No. 46083-C1/94-1(SB) dt.13.7.94(P332/94)
Labour - TNEB - Revision of Scale of Pay and Allowances -option to come over to the
revised scale of pay extension of Time limit - further - orders issued.
68. Memo No.25253/C1/92-138(SB) dt.11.7.94(P358/94)
Estt-TNEB - Revision of Scales of Pay and Allowances to officers - correction issued.
69. (Per) BP(Ch)No.182(SB) dt.12.7.94(P358/94)
TNEB - Revised Scale of Pay workmen and officers Regulation 1994 - Fixation of pay in
the revised scale of pay in the cases of workmen and officers on leave on 1.12.92 and
Voluntary retired / Compulsorily retired, expired and Invalid dated from Service Subsequently
- orders issued.
70. Memo No. 13590-C1/94-1(SB) dt.2.9.94(P419/94)
Estt - Revision of Scale of Pay and Allowances to employees from 1.12.92- Fixation of pay
in certain cases - clarification issued.
71. Memo No.44638/C1/94-3(SB) dt.6.10.94(P477/94)
Revised scale of Pay of officers - Fixation of pay on Promotion in cases where the officers
are in the Maximum of the Scale of Pay applicable to the higher post even before promotion
- orders issued.
72. Memo No.56921/C1/94-2(SB) 12.10.94(P479/94)
Estt. TNEB - Revision of Scale of Pay and Allowances for employees from 1.12.92 In the
cases of employees opted for 30.9.92 and who has sanctioned Incentive Increment
between 1.10.92 to 30.11.92 - clarification issued.
73. (Per) BP(Ch) No.298(SB) Dt.3.11.94(P520/94)
Estt-TNEB-Merger Technical Assistant Grade II and Technical Assistant Grade I - Fixation
of Pay - orders - amendment - issued.
74. Memo No.77483/C1/94-1(SB) dt.5.11.94(P525/94)
Estt-TNEB -Officers - Revision of Scale of Pay and Allowances from 1.12.92 - orders
- Amendment issued.
75. (Per) BP(Ch)No.347(Sectt Br.) dt.15.12.94(P590/94)
Labour - TNEB - Revision of Wages and Allowances - orders issued - amendment issued.
76. (Per) BP(Ch) No.349 (SB) dt.19.12.94(P597/94)
Labour -TNEB -Revision of Scale of Pay and Allowances employees who have internally
Selected between 1.12.92 to 31.12.93- Revision of option on the date of Joining Permitted
- orders issued.
77. (Per) BP(Ch)No.55(SB) dt.16.3.95(P92/95)
Estt-TNEB -Workmen - Revision of Scale of pay from 1.12.92- Exercising option - Further
orders issued.
78. (Per)BP(Ch)No.56(SB) dt.16.3.95(P93/95)
Estt. TNEB - Officers -Revision of Pay Scales from 1.12.92 -Exercising option
- Further orders issued.
79. Memo No. 29495/C1/95-1(SB) dt.20.5.95(P208/95)
Estt-TNEB - Revision of Scale of Pay and Allowances w.e.f. 1.12.92 - orders Amendment
- completed 15 years of Service - clarification issued.
80. Memo No.16983/C1/95-1(SB) dt.19.8.95(P395/95)
Estt- Revision of Scale of Pay 1.12.92- Fixation of pay orders issued- Exercising option -
further - orders issued.
81. Memo No. 12822/C1/95-1(SB) dt.4.10.96(P1/10/96)
Estt-Revision of Scale of Pay and Allowances - Allowing Revised option incases of
Employees for whom the pay in the Selection grade of the lower post was Modified
subsequent to date of Fixation of pay in the promoted post - orders issued.
82. Lr.No.35772/C1/98-1(SB)dt. 28.5.98(P1/6/98)
Tamilnadu Revised Scales of Pay Rules 1998 - certain clarification issued.
83. Lr.No.41059/C1/98-1(SB) dt.3.6.98(P5/6/98)
Tamilnadu Revised Scale of Pay 1998 - Certain clarification issued by Govt. with regard to
ordering of arrears into GPF - copy communicated.
84. Lr.No. 40703/C1/98-1(SB) dt.16.6.98(P8/6/98)
Tamilnadu Revised Scale of Pay 1998 certain clarification issued by the Govt. for fixation
of pay under FR22-B in the higher post - Relaxation to Rule of Tamilnadu Revised pay
Rule 1988 - copy communicated.
85. (Per) BP(FB) No.58(SB)dt.18.7.98(Annexure)
TNEB Workmen - Revision of Scale of Pay rates of Dearness Allowance, House Rent
Allowance, city Compensation allowances Special Pays and Other Allowances with effect
from 1.12.96 - orders issued.
86. (Per) BP(FB) No.59(SB)dt.18.7.98(Annexure )
TNEB -Officers - Revision of Scales of pay, Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance,
city Compensatory Allowance Special Pays and other allowances with effect from 1.12.96
- orders issued.
87. Memo No.53005-C1/98-1(SB) dt.3.8.98(P1/8/98)
Estt-TNEB -Fixation of pay in the revised scale of pay in revised scale and claiming of
Salary in the revised scales in respect of categories not covered by wage Revision orders
- instruction issued.
88. Memo No.53005-C1/98-3(SB) dt.5.8.98(P1/8/98)
TNEB -Workmen / officers - Revision of Scales of Pay and other allowances and Special
pays with effect from 1.12.96- certain - clarifications issued.
89. Memo No.53605-C1/98-6(SB) dt.5.9.98(P4/9/98)
TNEB - Workmen / Officers - Revision of Scales of Pay, Special Pays and Allowances
with effect from 1.12.98 Further - clarification issued.
90. Memo No.53005-C1/98-7(SB) dt.19.9.98(P8/9/98)
TNEB - officers - Revision of Scale of Pay DA and other allowances with effect from
1.12.96 - Erratum issued.
91. Memo No. 54859/C1/98-1(SB) dt.22.1.999(P11/1/99)
Estt- TNEB - Workmen / officers - Revision of Scales of Pay - orders certain request
- Not accepted.
92. Memo No.70559/C1/98-1(SB) dt.27.1.99(P3/2/99)
TNEB - Revised Scale of Pay (Workmen / officers) Regulations 1998 - Permitting revised
option in certain cases employees consequent issued of Specific Clarification
- orders issued.
93. Memo No.53005/C1/98-11(SB) dt.2.2.99(P6/2/99)
TNEB Workmen / Officers - Revision of Scales of pay special pays and Allowances with
effect from 1.12.96 - Further clarification issued.
94. Memo No.5761/C1/99-1(SB) dt. 26.3.99(P5/3/99)
TNEB - Revised scale of Pay (Workmen officers) Regulation - 1998 Permitting Correction
in the date of Option in certain cases of employees - orders issued.
95. Memo No.12155/C1/99-1(SB) dt.1.4.99(P1/4/99)
Estt-TNEB Revision of Scale of Pay and Allowances from 1.12.96-Permitting employees
to exercise revised option to come over to the revised scale - orders issued.
96. Memo No.53005/C1/98-13(SB) dt.16.6.99(P17/6/99)
TNEB - Revision of Scales of Pay with effect from 1.12.96-Fixation of pay in respect
employees Joined in Boards Service after 1.12.96 - clarification issued.
97. Memo No.30508/C1/99-1(SB) dt.21.6.99(P22/6/99)
Estt-TNEB - Revised Scale of Pay and Allowances from 1.12.96 permitting employees to
exercise revised option to come over to revised scale of pay by remitting the excess
payment of pay and allowances already drawn - Further instruction issued.
98. Memo No. 39365/A3/A31/99-2(SB) dt. 22.11.99(P8/11/99)
TNEB - workmen / officers - Revision of Scales of Pay with effect from 1.12.96 Exercising
of option to come over to revised scale of pay - further clarification issued.
99. Memo No.12969/A3/A31/2000-1(SB) dt.25.3.2000(P13/3/2000)
Estt-Fixation of pay in the revised scales of pay permitting correction in the date of option
in certain cases of employees due to reduction of pay based on Audit of Section - instruction
100. (Per) BP(Ch)No.213(SB) dt.29.9.03(P23/9/03)
TNEB - Workmen / officers - Release of 50% of Impounded wage revision Arrears due to
wages revision of Scale of pay w.e.f.1.12.96 - orders issued.
101. (Per) BP(Ch)No.214(SB) dt.29.9.03(P24/9/03)
-Do- Released in full after 1.7.03 to the retired employees / officers - orders issued.
102. Lr.No.92473/A19/A192/2003-1(SB) dt.15.10.03(P4/10/03)
TNEB -Workmen and officers Release of 50% of impounded wage revision arrears to
retired employees and officers - certain clarification issued.
103. (Per) BP(Ch)No.175(SB) dt.14.10.04(P20/10/04)
TNEB - Interim Relief - Payment of Interim Relief to workmen at Rs.250/- pm from 1.9.03
- orders issued.
104. (Per) BP(Ch)No.176(SB) dt.14.10.04 (P22/10/04)
TNEB - Interim Relief - Payment of Interim Relief at Rs.250/-p.m. with effect from 1.9.03 to
officers - orders issued.
105. (Per) BP(Ch)No.220(SB) dt.16.10.05(P13/10/05)
TNEB - Workmen - Revision of Wages with effect from 1.12.02 - orders issued.
106. (Per) BP(Ch)No.221(SB) dt.16.10.05(P30/10/05)
TNEB Officer - Revision of Wages with effect from 1.12.02 - orders issued.
107. (Per) BP(Ch)No.210(Adm.Br.) dt.22.10.05(P46/10/05)
Estt-Revision of wages and Revision of Work Allocation and Staff Pattern - Enhancement
of Consolidated wages to part time employees (Sweeper and Seavenger) from Rs. 250 to
Rs.850/- orders issued.
108. Memo (P) No.87936/A3/A31/2005-7(SB) dt. 5.12.05(P3/12/05)
TNEB - Revision of Wages to the employees of Board with effect from 1.12.02 - permitting
next Stage Fixation and option on the date of completion of 15 years of service - orders
109. (Per) BP(FB) No.61(SB) dt.5.12.04 (P4/12/05)
TNEB - Revision of wages to the employees of the Board with effect from 1.12.02 -Demand
of the union for permitting next stage fixation and option on the date of completion of 15
years of service - orders issued.
110. Memo No.92401/A3/A31/2005-1(SB) dt.18.12.05(P11/12/05)
TNEB - Workmen - Revision of wages with effect from 1.12.02 - clarification on fixation of
pay issued.
111. Memo No.87936/A3/A31/2005-9(SB) dt.27.12.05 (P18/12.05)
Estt-TNEB - Revision of Wages from 1.12.02 Permitting the employees to exercise revised
option - orders issued.
112. Memo No.97400/A3/A31/2005-1(SB) dt.27.12.05(P19/12/05)
TNEB - Workmen wage revision of wages w.e.f. 1.12.02- personal pay to be treated as
pay for the purpose of pay clarification on fixation of pay.
113. Memo No.97961/A3/A31/2005-1(SB) dt.28.1.06(P16/1/06)
Estt-TNEB - Revision of wages from 1.12.02-Employees promoted to higher post in
between 1.12.2000 and 30.11.2002 - Permission to revise option for fixation of pay in the
promoted post - orders issued.
114. Memo No.87936/A3/A31/2005-10(SB) dt.9.1.06 (P7/1/06)
Estt-TNEB - Revision of wages with effect from 1.12.2002 Permitting employees to exercise
revised option to come over to revised scale of pay 2005 orders Fixation of pay will be
made after remitting back the difference - instruction issued.
115. Memo No.106723/A3/A31/2005-1(SB) dt.1.3.2006(P1/3/06)
TNEB - Revision of Wages with effect from 1.12.2002 option on the date of completion of
15 years of Service - Data of next increment after fixation and eligibility of consolidated
amount of Rs.2400/- clarification issued.
116. (Per) BP(FB) No.59(SB) dt. 8.12.06(P5/12/06)
TNEB Scale of pay of Chief Head Draughtsman from 7225-225-13525 to Rs.8100-275 -
15525 with effect from 8.12.06 - orders issued.
117. (Per) BP(FB) No.4(SB) dt.24.1.07(P24/1/07)
TNEB - Scale of Pay of Chief Head Draughtsmen Change in Scale of pay with effect from
1.12.02 with monitory Benefit from 8.12.06 - orders issued.
118. Memo No. 6044/A3/A31/2007-1(SB) dt. 23.2.07 (P9/2/07)
Wage Revision Fixation of Pay to employees who were removed from Service- Not eligible
for fixation - clarification issued.
119. Memo No. 30717/A3/A31/2007-1(SB) dt.27.07.07 (P34/7/07)
Wage Revision - Fixation of pay to the employees who were removed, Dismissed or
resigned from Service after 15.10.2005 shall be allowed wage revision Fixation - Further
clarification issued.
120. Memo No.38722/A3/A31/2007-1(SB) dt.3.10.07(P8/10/07)
Wage Revision with effect from 1.12.02 Period of Punishment of with cummulative effect
- may be deducted from total qualifying service for the purpose of giving service weightage
- clarification .
121. (Per) BP(FB) No.49(SB) dt.20.11.07(P26/11/07)
Estt- TNEB Workmen / officers - Revision of wages from 1.12.2002 counting the service
rendered as Trainee for allowing service weightage - orders issued.
122. (Per) BP(FB) no.1(SB) dt.13.2.09(P12/2/09)
TNEB - Revision of pay and allowances with effect from 1.12.07- Payment of lump sum
amount as One time Payment towards Interim arrears to workmen - orders issued.
123. (Per) BP(FB) No.2(SB) dt.13.2.09(P13/2/09)
-Do- To officers.
124. (Per) BP(Ch) No.223(SB) dt.21.11.09(P21/11/09)
Tamilnadu Electricity Board - Workmen - Revision of wages with effect from 1.12.2007
- orders issued.
125. Memo (P) No.76485/A3/A31/2007-12(SB) dt.23.11.09(P55/11/09)
TNEB - Workman - Revision of Wages - Payment of arrears - correction issued.
126. (Per) BP(Ch)No.224(SB) dt.21.11.09(P55/11/09)
TNEB - Officers - Revision of wages with effect from 1.12.2007- orders issued.
127. Memo (P) No.76485/A3/A31/2007-13(SB) dt.23.11.09(P81/11/09)
TNEB - Officers - Revision of wages payment of arrears - correction issued.
128. (Per) BP(Ch)No.239(SB) dt.7.12.2009(P8/1/10)
Committee - Bringing pay parity on par with Govt. to certain categories upgradation of pay
scales to certain categories, creation of promotion policy to remove stagnation in promotion
and rectification of pay anomaly to seniors consequent on the introduction of Special grade
w.e.f. 1.12.02 constitution of committee to study question - orders issued.
129. Memo No.96048/A3/A31/2009-1(SB) dt.12.3.10(P10/3/10)
Wage revision with effect from 1.12.07- Payment of arrears to legal Heirs of the employees
deceased - reg.
130. Memo (P) NO.18689/A3/A32/2010-1(SB) dt.22.4.10(P20/4/10)
TNEB - Officers - Revision of wages with effect from 1.12.07- amendment issued.
131. Memo (P) No.49461/A3/A31/2010-1(SB) dt.7.7.10(P13/7/10)
TNEB - Workmen - Revision of wages - amendment issued.
132. Memo 49461/A3/A31/2010-2(SB) dt.7.7.10(P13/7/10)
TNEB officers Revision of Wages - amendment issued.
133. (Per) BP(FB) No.28(SB) dt.19.8.10(P17/8/10)
Estt-TNEB - Modification of Pay Band and Grade Pay of Superintendents of Administrative
/ Technical Branches on par with section officers of Board office Secretariat Branch
- orders issued.
134. (Per) FB TANGEDCO Pro No.14(SB) dt.17.5.11.(P20/5/11)
Estt-TANGEDCO - Modification of pay Band and Grade pay of Superintendent - Cum -
Steno in Administrative Branches on par with the Superintendents of ADM/ Technical
Branches - orders issued.
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