Grade 1 Tier B/C
Sample Writing Tasks:
Making Bird Feeders
Using this document
Review this sample item to gain a better understanding of the look, feel, and process of the
ACCESS for ELLs Writing test. Use this item in any way that is helpful for you and your students.
If practical for your classroom, WIDA strongly encourages you to use the sample test administrator
script to do a full mock administration of this sample item, as a realistic administration can help
prepare your students for the real test.
If you do plan a mock administration, read through this document and set aside 45 minutes to
explain the activity and allow students to write their responses.
Create materials for the mock administration by printing:
One copy of pages 2–4 for each student. (Print single sided)
One copy of pages 5–7 for yourself. (Can be printed double-sided)
Explain to your students what they will do, and then read the script provided to administer the
sample items.
Part C: Making Bird Feeders
This rst-grade class is studying birds. These pictures tell a story about their
class project.
1 2
4 5
2 © 2020 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System Grade 1 Tier B/C Sample Item
Now it’s your turn to write!
Write a story about what the students made. Remember to write about each picture.
Make sure your story has a beginning, a middle, and an ending. You may use the
words in the Word Box to help you.
Word Box
rst last window hang carton
next teacher idea decorate feeder
You can write on the next page, too.
Name: _______________________
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Name: _______________________
4 © 2020 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System Grade 1 Tier B/C Sample Item
How to read the script
The script includes text that is read aloud during test administration as well as directions for the test administrator:
Read aloud all bold text. Instructions students hear are black and bold. Test items are blue and bold.
Do NOT read unbolded text aloud. Unbolded text gives directions to the test administrator.
Introducing the sample items
Explain to your students that they are about to complete a writing exercise. This exercise is similar to a test they will
take in the future. The test will be their opportunity to demonstrate their English prociency in writing, and this practice
exercise will help them get ready for the test.
When the students are ready and understand what they are going to do, pass out the test materials. Each student
needs a complete copy of the sample test items and a pencil.
Ask the students to write their name at the top of each page.
Read the following script to guide students through the sample items.
This part says, “Part C.”
Hold up the next page of the script to show Part C. Scan the room and make sure
all students are in the right place.
It says,
“What is happening in this picture?”
In this part, write about what the class is doing. Number 5 is
done for you. What does it say?
Allow time for students to respond, or say: It says, “The teacher is giving a pencil
to a girl.”
Look back at the big picture. Find the teacher giving a pencil to a
girl. PAUSE.
What else do you see happening in the picture?
Allow time for students to respond.
Read all blue and bold
text aloud.
Read all bold text aloud.
Do NOT read this text
aloud. All unbolded text
serves only as a guide
for the test administrator.
Read italicized black
and bold text aloud when
Grade 1 Tier B/C Sample Item © 2020 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System 5
Look at the page with the pictures. At the top of the page, it says, “Part C: Making
Bird Feeders.”
Scan the room and make sure all students are in the right place.
Look at the sentences at the top. They say,
“This rst-grade class is studying birds. These pictures tell a story about their
class project.”
Now look at picture one. PAUSE.
What is the class doing at the very beginning of the story?
Allow time for the students to respond. If necessary, say: The class is learning about birds today.
Look at the tree outside the classroom. There is one bird in the tree. It is looking for food.
In picture one, nd the boy who is raising his hand.
Scan the room and make sure all students are in the right place.
He is telling his class about how they can feed the birds. What is his idea?
Allow time for the students to respond. If necessary, say: The boy says that they can make bird feeders to feed
the birds.
Now look at picture two. PAUSE.
The students are getting supplies to make their bird feeders. What materials do they have?
Allow time for the students to respond. If necessary, say: The students have milk cartons, scissors, glue, colored
paper, and wooden sticks. They also have food for the birds.
Now look at picture three. The students are making their bird feeders. PAUSE.
Tell me about what the teacher is doing at the table.
Allow time for the students to respond. If necessary, say: The teacher is cutting holes in the milk carton.
Look at the other side of picture three. Tell me about what is happening at that table.
Allow time for the students to respond. If necessary, say: The students are decorating the bird feeders. One
student is tying string to his bird feeder.
Now look at picture four. PAUSE.
The class goes outdoors to hang their nished bird feeders. What is the teacher doing?
Allow time for the students to respond. If necessary, say: The teacher is lling the bird feeder with bird food,
which is mostly seeds.
What else is happening in this part of the story?
Allow time for the students to respond. If necessary, say: One girl is searching for birds.
6 © 2020 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System Grade 1 Tier B/C Sample Item
There is no picture ve. We don’t know how the story ends. You will make up your own
ending to the story. How do you think the story ends?
Allow time for the students to respond. If necessary, ask: What do you think the bird will do when it sees the
bird feeders?
Look at the top of the next page. It says, “Now it’s your turn to write!”
Scan the room and make sure all students are in the right place.
Look at the directions. They say,
“Write a story about what the students made. Remember to write about each picture.
Make sure your story has a beginning, a middle, and an ending. You may use the
words in the Word Box to help you.”
Now look at the Word Box. The words are there to help you write the story. I will read the
words from top to bottom. Point to the words as I read them aloud. The words are:
“rst, next, last, teacher, window, idea, hang, decorate, carton, feeder.”
You have about 30 minutes to write the whole story. You will start writing on the rst line
of this page. If you get to the bottom of this page and need more lines to write on, you may
write on the next page with lines on it.
Remember: Start with picture one, use each picture to write about what happens, and then
make up your own ending to the story.
Do you have any questions?
Answer questions.
Now begin writing.
Monitor the students. Check to make sure everyone is following directions. When the students have nished,
encourage them to check their work.
If any students are still working productively at the end of 30 minutes, allow them no more than 5 additional minutes to
complete their work and then say: Please nish what you are writing now. PAUSE.
End the testing session by saying:
Please put your pencil down, and I will collect your papers.
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