Chapter 2
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Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Introduction
Issuing the receipt is the first step in the collection of payments. This should be done immediately
upon receiving the payment.
We recommend your entity purchase receipt books containing pre-numbered receipts in triplicate.
The original receipt is given to the person making the payment. One of the copies is for the
treasurer, and the other copy should be kept in the receipt book by the clerk. If the offices of clerk
and treasurer are combined as clerk/treasurer, only the original and one copy are needed.
Separate receipts should be issued for all payments received, including payments received by mail
such as tax apportionments from the county treasurer, and state shared taxes or grants from the state.
In these cases, the original receipt should be attached to the detailed statement accompanying the
remittance and kept on file. The information must be filled in on the receipt at the time of the
transaction. This is necessary for making entries in the accounting records and for providing
supporting documentation for all receipts.
Cash received should be deposited intact with the treasurer or into the depository daily, if possible.
If the money is deposited with the treasurer, it should be accompanied by the treasurers copies of the
receipts, and the treasurer should prepare the daily deposit. If the money is deposited directly into
the depository by the clerk, a copy of the deposit slip and the treasurers copies of the receipts should
be furnished to the treasurer.
Accessing the Receipts Section
By default, CTAS opens to the Receipts section. If you are working in another part of the program
and wish to access the Receipts section, click on the Accounting Module tab (circled) at the top of
the screen, then click on the Receipts icon (boxed). The Receipts List opens.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Entering a Receipt
From the receipts screen you can Add, View/Edit, Void, or Delete receipts. You can also export a
receipt list to a CSV file (a spread sheet format) and Print receipts from the Receipts List tab screen.
To begin entering receipts, click on the Add Receipt tab (circled) in the Receipts section.
Once the tab is selected, the Add Receipt screen will open, as shown on the next page.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Entering a Receipt (continued)
Once the Add Receipts screen appears, the following steps are required:
A receipt number must be entered in the Receipt Number field. CTAS will
automatically enter a default number, which will be the highest receipt number
previously entered plus 1. The number should come from a pre-numbered receipt
book. Verify that the receipt number is correct or edit this number if needed.
Enter the date of the receipt in the Receipt Date field.
CTAS will enter the receipt date into the Deposit Date/ID field under the assumption
that the payment will be deposited into the bank on the same day. All receipts with
the same Deposit Date/ID will be added together when reconciling the bank statement.
If the deposit date is different from the receipt date, you can enter the deposit date
after the hyphen in Deposit Date/ID field.
Enter the name of the person or entity from whom the payment was received in the
Received From field. CTAS offers a drop-down menu listing all the remitters for
whom you have created receipts in the past: click the down arrow (circled) on the right
side of the field to access that list. Alternatively, if you begin to type the name of a
previously-used vendor into the field, CTAS will complete that remitter’s name. If
you are issuing a receipt to a remitter for the first time, click the New” button (boxed,
center) to open an Add Remitter form, which you can use to enter that Remitter’s
information into CTAS. Instructions for the Add Remitter form can be found on page
2-6 in this chapter.
Enter a description of the transaction in the Description field.
In the Summary (boxed, right), enter the amount of the receipt in the “Total” field.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Entering a Receipt (continued)
The optional information below may be entered:
Insert comments concerning this transaction in the Notes field. You can enter up to 255
characters in the field.
Enter when the amount in the receipt was received in the Occurrence Date field. The
Occurrence Date field is a new feature in CTAS. This is an optional field to track
receivables or deferred revenue as you enter receipts. A receipt shall be considered a
receivable if the occurrence date is in the year prior to the receipt date. The receipt shall
be considered deferred revenue if the occurrence date is in the year after the receipt date.
The Account Distribution section (boxed) allows you to enter information relating to which account
the receipt is allocated to. In this section:
Enter the Fund Number to indicate which fund will receive the money.
Enter the Account Number to define the source of the receipt.
You can also enter a Program Code. An explanation of the Program Code is shown in
Chapter 8 of this manual, Chart of Accounts.
Enter the amount of the receipt allocated to this fund and account.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Entering a Receipt (continued)
You may enter additional Account Distribution lines until the amount of the receipt has
been completely allocated. As you enter values in the Amount field, the sum of the
values will be automatically calculated in the Distributed field in the Summary box.
When you have completed filling out the Account Distribution lines, the number in the
Difference field must be zero in order to save the transaction.
Click the Save button (circled) to continue.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Adding or Editing Remitter Information
A remitter file allows you to add information on a remitter so that CTAS will automatically enter
information into a new receipt when you choose the name of a remitter you have used previously.
The Received From, Description, Fund Number, and Account Number fields are populated from the
remitter’s most recent transaction, however, amount and date fields are not. A remitter can only be
added or changed in the Add Receipt tab.
To access a remitter file, first navigate to the Receipts section of the Accounting Module (see page 2-
1 for instructions). Click on the Add Receipt tab. The New and Edit buttons (boxed) in the Add
Receipt tab allow you to enter or change information in a remitter file for people, businesses, and
government entities from which you receive funds. To update information on a remitter, select a
remitter from the Received From drop down (circled) and click the Edit button.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Adding or Editing Remitter Information (continued)
To enter a new remitter, click the New button. The Add Remitter screen will appear, as shown
When the Add Remitter screen appears, the Remitter Name field is the only required field. You may
also complete the following steps:
Enter the remitter’s address in the Address field.
Enter the remitter’s contact name in the Contact Name field.
Enter the remitter’s telephone number in the Phone # field.
Enter the remitter’s fax number in the Fax # field.
Enter the remitter’s e-mail address in the E-Mail Address field.
The Active box must be checked (circled) in order for the remitter to be selected when entering
Click the Save button to store the new remitter.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Adding or Editing Remitter Information (continued)
When the Edit button is selected on the Add Receipt screen, the Edit Remitter screen appears. You
can make the desired changes by clicking in the appropriate field. Click the Save button to record
your changes.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Editing a Receipt
To edit a receipt, go to the Receipts List (see page 2-1 for instructions). To narrow the choices on
the Receipts List, you can use the Search Feature (See page 2-21 for instructions). Highlight the
receipt you wish to edit and click the View\Edit button (circled) or double click on the receipt.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Editing a Receipt (continued)
The receipt will open in a new tab, labeled with the receipt’s number (boxed). An “X” in the Cleared
box (circled) indicates the receipt has cleared the bank. Once the receipt has been cleared, the receipt
number and the total amount of the receipt cannot be changed.
After completing your change(s), click the Save button.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Recording a Transfer of Funds
The following section describes how to enter a transfer of funds in CTAS. This section contains
instructions on entering the transfer and is illustrated with a sample entity’s transaction records.
Note: When money comes from an investment (savings, CDs, money market, etc.) to checking
it would be a sale of investment to the designated fund rather than a transfer. When money
goes into an investment (savings, CDs, money market, etc) from checking it would be a
purchase of investment rather than a transfer. A transfer is recorded only when it moves from
one fund to another fund.
For our sample entity, a transfer of $3,000 from the General Fund to the Fire Fund was approved at
the January 18th meeting. This transaction will be recorded in both the Receipts and Disbursements
The first entry records the transfer into the Receipts section (see page 2-1 for instructions) by Adding
a Receipt (circled).
After the Add Receipt option is selected, the Add Receipt screen will appear, allowing you to enter
the information for your transfer.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Recording a Transfer of Funds (continued)
Complete the following steps to record the transfer in:
Enter the receipt number in the Receipt Number field. In this example, TRF is used to
identify the transaction as a transfer. The 1182016 indicates that the transfer was made on
January 18, 2016.
Enter the receipt date in the Receipt Date field.
Enter the deposit date in the Deposit Date/ID field.
Enter the fund name of where the transfer is coming from in the Received From Field. In
this example the transfer is from the General Fund.
Type a brief explanation of the transfer in the Description field.
Enter the amount in the Summary field on the right side of the screen.
In the Account Distribution section, enter the fund number (that is receiving the transfer) in
the Fund Number field.
Enter the Account Number to define the source of the receipt (see Appendix for transfer
account numbers).
Enter the amount.
Click the Save button (circle) to save the receipt.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Recording a Transfer of Funds (continued)
The second entry is to enter the Disbursement portion of the transfer, go to the Disbursements
section (see page 4-1 for instructions) by Adding a Disbursement (circled).
After the Add Disbursement option is selected, the Add Disbursement screen will appear, allowing
you to enter the information for the transfer.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Recording a Transfer of Funds (continued)
Complete the following steps to record the transfer out:
Enter the check (disbursement) number in the Check Number field. The check number in our
transfer example is the same as the receipt number, TRF1182016.
Enter the date in the Check Date field.
Enter the name of the fund receiving the money in the Pay to the order of field.
Type a brief explanation of the transfer in the Description field.
In the Summary section on the right side of the screen, enter the amount in the Total field.
In the Account Distribution section, enter the fund number (that is disbursing the transfer) in
the Fund Number field.
Enter the Account Number to define the source of the disbursement (see Appendix for
transfer account numbers).
Enter the Object Code. Object Code 720 indicates it is a transfer.
Enter the amount in the Account Distribution Amount field.
Click the Save button (circle) to save this disbursement.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Recording a Transfer of Funds (continued)
You can then print a Schedule 1 to see that the transactions were recorded properly. See page 7-41
in the Financial Reports chapter for instructions on how to print a Schedule 1. Below is a Schedule 1
showing the recording of the transfer.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Voiding a Receipt
The need to void a receipt could result from a check returned for lack of funds or from an error that
was made when the receipt was written. To void a receipt, open the Receipts List tab (see page 2-1).
To narrow the choices on the Receipts List, you can use the Search Feature (see page 2-21).
To void a receipt, click once on a receipt line to highlight the receipt, then click on the Void (Y/N)
button (circled). The Void Receipt screen appears (below). Click on Yes to void the receipt.
You can void multiple receipts by holding down the Control key (Ctrl) on your keyboard as you click
on the receipts you wish to void. When you have selected the receipts, click the Void (Y/N) button
and the Void Receipt screen will appear.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Deleting a Receipt
The need to delete a receipt could occur if an error was made when the receipt was entered. To
delete a receipt, open the Receipts List tab (see page 2-1).
To narrow the choices on the Receipts List, you can use the Search Feature (See page 2-21).
To delete a receipt, click once on a receipt line to highlight the receipt, then click the Delete button
(circled). The Confirm Receipt Delete screen will appear (below). Click Yes to delete the receipt.
You can delete multiple receipts by holding down the Control key (Ctrl) on your keyboard as you
click on the receipts you wish to delete. When you have selected the receipts, click the Delete button
and the Confirm Delete Receipt screen will appear.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Export to CSV
CTAS allows you to export your data to a CSV file. The CSV ("Comma Separated Values") file
format is used by many spreadsheet applications, including Microsoft Excel. Many CTAS users
export data to CSV files to give them flexibility in analyzing and presenting their entity’s data.
You can choose which receipts to export either by highlighting them on a Receipt List or narrow
the choices on the Receipts List by using the Search Feature (see page 2-21).
Once the receipts are selected to export, click the Export to CSV button (circled).
When the Save As window opens, select the location on your computer where you would like the
file to be saved (boxed) and change the file name if necessary. Click on Save when finished.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Export to CSV (continued)
CTAS will save the data as a CSV file in the location selected. Below is an example of the CSV
file when opened.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Print an Individual Receipt
To print an individual receipt, open the Receipts section of the Accounting Module (see page 2-1).
Once the receipt is located, highlight the receipt and click on the Print button (circled).
An Individual Receipt screen will open with a preview of the document. After reviewing the
preview, click on the Printer icon (circled, left) to begin printing. By clicking the red “X” (circled,
right) you can close the Report Viewer screen.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Using the Search Feature
In the Receipts List tab, you can choose from a number of options to search for receipts. The first
and default option is to search by Receipt Date (boxed, left).
The default date search range is the last three weeks. To change the range of search dates:
Click on the first date field under Search by Receipt Date (boxed, center) and enter a new
starting date or choose a new starting date from the calendar you can access by clicking
on the down arrow at the end of the field.
Click on the second date field and enter a new ending date (boxed, center), or choose a
date from the calendar by clicking on the down arrow.
Click the Search button (circled).
Transactions meeting the date criteria will be displayed.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Using the Search Feature (continued)
The second option is to search by payor.
To search by payor:
Select the Search by Payor option (boxed, left) from the Search By drop-down menu. The
screen will display the Search by Payor field (boxed, center).
Click on the field below the Search by Payor heading (boxed, center) and enter all or part
of the name of the remitter.
Click the Search button (circled). All remitter names matching the search criteria will
then be displayed.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Using the Search Feature (continued)
The third option is to search by receipt number.
To search by receipt number:
Select the Receipt No. option (boxed, left) from the Search By drop-down menu. The
screen will display the Search by Receipt No. fields (boxed, center).
Click on the field below the Search by Receipt No. heading (boxed, center). Enter the
beginning number in the range of receipts you want to search in the first field and the
ending number in the second field.
Click the Search button (circled). All of the receipt numbers within the specified range
will be displayed.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Using the Search Feature (continued)
The fourth option is to search by Fund and Account Numbers.
To search by fund and account numbers:
Select the Fund and Account Number option (boxed, left) from the Search By drop-down
menu. The screen will display the Search by Fund and Account Number fields (boxed,
Click on the down arrow in the first field (boxed, center) below the Search by Fund and
Account Number heading to choose a Fund number.
Click on the down arrow in the second field (boxed, center) to choose an Account
Click the Search button (circled). All of the receipts with the specified Fund and
Account Numbers will be displayed.
Note: You must enter both a Fund number and an Account Number.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Using the Search Feature (continued)
The fifth option is to search by Deposit Date/ID.
To search by deposit date:
Select the Deposit Date/ID option (boxed, left) from the Search By drop-down menu.
The screen will display the Deposit Date/ID field (boxed, center).
Click on the field below the Search by Deposit Date/ID heading (boxed, center) and enter
the deposit date.
Click the Search button (circled). All of the receipts with this deposit date will be
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Using the Search Feature (continued)
The last option is to search by Receipt Total Amount.
To search by the total amount:
Select the Receipt Total Amount option (boxed, left) from the Search By drop-down
menu. The screen will display the Search by Receipt Total Amount fields (boxed,
o If you want to search a range of amounts, enter the smaller number in the first
field under the Search by Receipt Total Amount heading (boxed, center) and
enter the larger amount in the range in the second field.
o If you want to search for transactions with a particular amount, check the
Exact Amount box at the right of the search field (boxed, center) and enter
the amount in the field to the left of that box.
Click the Search button (circled). All of the receipts with amounts within the range will
be displayed.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Printing Reports
There are three reports that you can create and print for the Receipts section: the Receipts Ledger,
the Receipts Register, and the Remitter Ledger.
To select the report you want to create, click on the Reports tab (circled) from the Task Bar and then
choose the Receipts icon (boxed). A screen will appear listing the three reports.
To run a report, highlight that report and click the Run button at the bottom of the screen. The
following pages describe each report and illustrate how to create and print each report.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Printing Reports (continued)
Printing a Receipts Ledger
A Receipts Ledger is a detailed list of receipts sorted by fund and account number. The ledger
should be printed and reviewed at least quarterly to identify any receipts that have not been coded
After the close of the fiscal year, print a Receipts Ledger for the full year. Review this report for any
receipts coded incorrectly. Print a finalized copy and store it as part of your permanent records.
Highlight Receipts Ledger and click the Run button (see previous page). The Receipts Ledger screen
will appear.
To create the Receipts Ledger:
Select a Fund or All Funds by clicking the down arrow (circled) in the Fund box.
Select the account(s) to be printed by moving them from the Available Accounts box to the
Selected Accounts box. The >>” button will move all accounts; the “>” button will move
individually-highlighted account(s). You can also move an individual account by double-
clicking on the account. The “<” and “<<” buttons allow you to remove accounts from the
Selected Accounts box.
At the bottom of the screen, use the up and down arrows to select the Budget Year (boxed)
and choose start and end dates for the report.
Click the Run button and the print preview (Report Viewer screen) opens.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Printing Reports (continued)
Printing a Receipts Ledger (continued)
After reviewing the preview, click on the Printer icon (circled, left) to begin printing the report. By
clicking the red “X” (circled, right) you can close the Report Viewer screen.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Printing Reports (continued)
Printing a Receipts Ledger (continued)
After clicking on the Printer icon, the Print screen appears.
By clicking the Pages radio button (circled, left), you can choose to print only certain pages of the
report. The Number of copies box (circled, right) allows you to enter the number of copies you
would like printed. After selecting the printer details, click on the Print button to begin printing the
report. The following page has a sample of the report.
To close the report:
Click the red “X” icon on the Report Viewer screen (see previous page).
Click the Cancel button on the Receipts Ledger screen.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Printing Reports (continued)
Sample Receipt Ledger Report
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Printing Reports (continued)
Printing a Receipts Register
A Receipts Register is a chronological record of cash received. The register should be printed
monthly and a copy saved as part of the entity’s permanent records. This report should be used when
reconciling the Cash Control Statement.
Note: The total amounts on the report do not include the amounts for voided transactions.
To print a Receipts Register, begin by selecting the Receipts Register from the Receipts Report
screen (see page 2-27). The Receipts Register screen appears.
On the Receipts Register screen:
Select a Fund or All Funds by clicking the drop-down arrow (circled) in the Fund box.
Enter the Start Date and End Date for the report by entering dates or choosing a date from
the calendar you can access by clicking on the down arrow at the end of the field.
Click the Preview button and the print preview (Report Viewer) screen appears.
After reviewing the preview, click on the Printer icon (circled, left) to begin printing the report.
(See page 2-30 for printing instructions)
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Printing Reports (continued)
To close the report:
Click the red “X” icon (circled, right) on the Report Viewer screen (see previous page).
Click the Close button on the Receipts Register screen.
Sample Receipt Register Report
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Printing Reports (continued)
Printing a Remitter Ledger
A Remitter Ledger is designed to provide information on the amount of revenues received from
To print a Remitter Ledger, highlight Remitter Ledger and click the Run button (see page 2-27). The
Remitter Ledger screen will appear.
On the Remitter Ledger screen:
Select the remitters for the report by moving them from the Available Remitters box to
the Selected Remitters box. The >>” button will move all remitters; the “>” button will
move individually-highlighted remitter(s). You can also move an individual remitter by
double-clicking on the remitter’s name. The < and << buttons allow you to move
remitters out of the Selected Remitters box.
Enter Start Date and End Date (boxed) for your ledger by typing in the date or by clicking
on the down arrow and selecting from the calendar.
Click the Print Preview button and the print preview (Report Viewer screen) appears.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Printing Reports (continued)
Printing a Remitter Ledger (continued)
After reviewing the preview, click on the Printer icon (circled, left) to begin printing the report.
(See page 2-30 for printing instructions)
To close the report:
Click the red “X” icon (circled, right) on the Report Viewer screen.
Click the Close button on the Remitter Ledger screen.
Office of the State Auditor
Receipts: Printing Reports (continued)
Sample Remitter Ledger Report