Volume 5 Issue 4 April 2023
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Rohit Rastogi
*, Rayush Jain
, Prabhinav Mishra
and Prateek
Associate Professor, Department of CSE, ABES Engineering College Ghaziabad, U.P.,
Student, B.Tech. Second Year, Department of CSE, ABES Engineering College
Ghaziabad, U.P., India
*Corresponding Author: Rohit Rastogi, Associate Professor, Department of CSE,
ABES Engineering College Ghaziabad, U.P., India.
Literature Review
Received: February 20, 2023
Published: March 24, 2023
© All rights are reserved by Rohit Rastogi.,
et al.
Housing Management System is a web based project through which a user can easily access all the rental houses around his
several places. This is a tedious process and can take a lot of time but our web page will create a direct link between a user and the
owner with transparency.
As we all can see from the stats shown above, there are still a number of people who do not have their own homes and are accom-
modating in rental houses. Many people have to migrate from their residential area to some other place for a particular slot of time
Many people of different professions like students, working executive, households etc. faces a change of residence and have to shift
management system will play a major role in these type of things and will help such citizens and made their life easier and simple.
Keywords: HTML; CSS; Java Script; UI; Web Application
Project objective
• To develop a Rental Housing Management System that allows
users to view customers as well as data recorded of houses
and hostels.
• It is a system that enables editing or saving the user and cus-
tomers’ data where they can edit and see their records also.
• By the increasing number of parental guidance or hostels.
• There are some people that are not even able to afford it and
some for personal issues.
•         
rental housing to meet further needs. To provide a variety of
house types, cost and location in cities and ensure too took a
living for you.
• To develop an Rental Housing Management Website that is
easy to access and secure.
Scope of the project
If we talk about the scope of the housing management system
then the biggest reason for its impact is the rapidly growing cities
and societies which will create bigger opportunities for the housing
management. Residents or clients need good and affordable hous-
ing according to their needs, in which housing management will
play a major role. The system will sustain because of the user, their
demand and their contributions. We will upgrade the system time
to time, will add more features as per the user convenience.
As the user opens the web page there will be two options to reg-
ister and login. When the user clicks the register option a new tab
will open with two options. Register as tenant or register as owner.
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023):
mobile number and email ID. Then the OTP will be generated and
the user has to enter that OTP and create a password to register.
For log-in, the user has to use his mobile number or email-ID along
with the password.
After Log-In users will have complete details along with the im-
which he has chosen. We will also provide the categories which will
rectly contact the owner. There will be one more available option
for the owner who can also add new rental homes as per availabil-
ity. So our webpage will act as a broker between the owner and the
tenant with no extra cost and transparency. Both the parties will
be in direct contact and this will help in saving time and money for
the users. Our webpage will use technologies such as HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript. We will add new and powerful features to our web
page which will provide easy user friendly access and an attractive
Role of authors
Dr. Rohit Rastogi played his role as project guide and mentored
ect making with ensuring that the quality of the content written
is profound. Mr. Prabhinav took the task of analyzing the data and
contributed to the technical part. Mr. Rayush did the interpretation
of data and Mr. Prabhinav and Mr. Rayush did the conception and
design of the project. Mr. Prateek handled the task of assembling
the literature survey with all the graphical presentations. The team
contributed to the results and remarks.
Our Rental Housing Management System gives you free access
and login and it is no paid website where a user can freely use it
mostly the hostellers and renters used to see a rental house choice
with their preference which make it easier for our website to show
you your nearby rental apartment and houses that meet your rec-
ommendation and we have 24x7 chatbot that available to help you
any time. In these Rental Housing Management systems, customers
or users can easily access without any advertisement while using
our website also shows you the contact details of the rental apart-
ment owner which make it easier to comfortably talk to the rental
apartment owner.
• Help support chatbot
• 24x7 accessible to the website
• Show result on the basis of user preference.
Our application can be used by anyone such as elders, students,
etc. Because it does not have any limitation except the authentica-
tion of the user that he/she is a minimum of 18 years old. It re-
quires less memory to install and is easy to operate, which is im-
mensely helpful to the user. It only requires your sign-up when you
want to see the seller’s details or the house owner’s details to con-
tact. It is extremely helpful for those people who are unaware of
the new place where he/she has not lived in here. It also provides
you with a GPS location page which helps you to navigate to your
destination safely.
Gantt chart
The above given Gantt Chart shows how the team managed all
the work that has to be done in the given time limit of 16 weeks.
statement and then we worked on the technical and coding part
of the project with report writing in continuation. In the last few
weeks we analyzed the result and tested whether our application
works effectively or not (as per Figure 1).
What is rental housing management system
Housing management comprises two separate words one is
housing and the other is management, as we can see in simpler
terms managing houses is what should be called as housing man-
agement but it has a broader perspective. Traditionally, housing
management was all about rent collecting, allocation and mainte-
nance but if we talk about modern day scenarios many small tasks
are also added in it like interactive sites, community involvement
etc. So to tackle all these things we came up with an online Hous-
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023):
Figure 1: Gantt Chart showing the project plan of our team.
ing Management System in which the user will be free to explore
various properties, rental houses etc. at their convenience which
is an astonishing thing. The client can book their favorite property
online with just a few clicks and they can also directly talk to the
owner with details provided at their end (Voumick, D., et al. 2021)
Figure 2: Online Housing Management System.
Source URL:
The above image shows us beautifully how we have taken a leap
from normal housing management to an online housing manage-
ment system. The house is connected to the laptop with a cable and
the image of the house is shown in the laptop screen which shows
that the house is up for rent or sale via online housing management
system (as per Figure 2).
Global records and statistics on RHMS
In the earlier times all the records were maintained in regis-
ters and booklets which was a very hideous task. But after the in-
troduction of the online system the work has become easier and
better. Earlier, people must be present physically at places if they
want to ensure the status and quality of the property they are go-
ing to rent or buy but after the introduction of the online system all
these things can be checked through online mode. Due to this much
convenience many countries are using this online housing manage-
ment system. If we see the records then an approximate of 30%
people live on rent in India, 36% in the United States, 11% in Russia
and many more countries. All these countries use online housing or
property management systems for making their work easier (Vou-
mick, D., et al. 2021) [7].
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023):
Figure 3: Countries with most renters.
The above image shows us the statistics of how much renters
are there in many different countries from the lowest to highest.
The global analysis has shown that the U.S. and U.K. has shown a
major growth in the number of households renting their homes
which in turn results in the downturn of the country’s economy (as
per Figure 3).
Need of rental housing management in 21
century Society
If we look at the present scenario, due to the decrease in the
availability of land, there is a hike in the price of properties as well
as rental homes especially in smart cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Ban-
galore and others. People from all over the country visit these plac-
es for jobs or for educational purposes and the wages of the people
is less as compared to rent and also due to the less availability of
the land the people also don’t know about the unknown places and
places with less rent (Kirmani, J.A., et al. 2017) [4].
Figure 4: Finding the perfect house for yourself.
Source URl:
house according to our needs using the online rental house man-
agement system. The online rental house management system
helps its user with various types of features which enhances the
 (as
per Figure 4).
Automation and its need of HRMS in 21
century smart society
Rental Housing Management System Automation is needed in
the 21
century for saving time, reducing human errors, and do-
style which we also see in our daily work like using applications
and phones. The need for Rental Housing Management System to
save or record data carefully and It’s a type of data collection where
there is no chance of duplication where every data is stored on an
online server where users are able to see it at any time. A Rental
Housing Management System is also needed because of the daily
also resolved their problem and in our RMS you can easily open it
with one web browser... It also shows you the nearby location ac-
cording to your need and provides you various services like GPS,
Retail food delivery, etc. In the 21
Century, it saves a lot of money
and time (Gommans, H.P., et al. 2014) [2].
Figure 5: Checklist of House necessity.
Source URL:
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023):
The above image demonstrates that with the help of an auto-
mated rental house management system one can make a checklist
of his/her demands and will sort out the best match from the online
application which will save their time and money (as per Figure 5).
The Impact of housing management system in country’s devel-
Our webpage will provide a user friendly system that will be
useful to all the classes of the society. So,it will help provide shelter
to all the category of users. Hence it will be helpful to improve the
quality of life of people and will also lead to the economic and social
development of the nation. Our online rental housing management
system will be very helpful for the citizens of the country in ac-
commodating the house and property they want with proper chat
and concern of the owner which will lead to minimum disputes be-
tween the citizens (Kirmani, J.A., et al. 2017) [4].
Figure 6: 
Source URL:
There is transparency between the owner and the tenant as
both are in direct contact.
This leads to mutual trust and understanding between the ten-
ant and the owner (as per Figure 6).
Literature Review
Rathore, K., et al. (2021) and his team demonstrated a Rental
House Management System. They designed an online house rent-
ing system for the ease of the citizens. They found that nowadays
websites in these sectors such as 99 acres,Magicbricks are not well
managed, So they came up with a new system which can simplify
the work for its users and all their work such as rental house search
and property dealings can be effective.
The system is operated on the Django framework with a user-
friendly interface. When a user opens the application, the user
must sign-up and log-in. If he/she wants to talk to the house owner
and if someone wants to post their property online then they have
to log-in as an owner on the application. The application is devel-
oped using the following:
• Django
• Java Scripting
• Python
• MySQL
The outcome of the project was that they developed an applica-
tion that has improved the lifestyle of the people as they can easily
for their rental property. This application works as a matchmaker
for both the tenants and the owners. The Web based Rental Hous-
ing Management System is an advantage for both tenants and land-
lords (Rathore, K., et al. 2021) [6].
Misyam, M.R., et al. (2021) and his team demonstrated that a
house is a place where people gather, they can improve their life-
style, and can grow economically as well as socially. Their team de-
picted that initially buying a house is a big task for an individual
because it needs a very high capital amount, so a person has to
         
the house.
Their team researched and saw that there are some loopholes
in the current management system such as the customers are un-
known of the rental houses available in their area, they don’t know
how to contact the owner of the property as a result a rental house
management system was created to render out such shortcomings.
The user interface is very easy to understand and very convenient
for the customer, they simply have to login into the software and
The methodology that was used in creating their rental hous-
ing system was prototyping and the programming languages used
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023):
were Hypertext markup language (HTML), CSS, JS, Hypertext Pre-
processor (PHP) and MySQL database.
The conclusion of their research was that they were successful
in creating a web based application which will help the custom-
ers in making their lifestyle more convenient and their system is
developed in the sight of all the requirements that were needed for
the betterment of their online rental house management system
(Misyam, M.R., et al. 2021) [5].
Kirmani, J., et al. (2017) and his team demonstrated that there is
a need for an affordable housing system which will provide shelter
to all the classes of the society and will increase the quality of life
of people which will add to the country’s prosperity and develop-
based searching which will provide a user friendly interface.
The software is also provided with a cart system through which
the user can select the properties which he likes to view for later.
Space Spatial database is used for providing geographical informa-
tion of the rental houses. This is a basic web based project where
the user has to register and login and then he is eligible to rent, buy
or sell the properties.
The developers have also tried to reduce the search time.
used is SQL 2008. It uses a client/server architecture based on the
HTTP protocol.
This project provided customized software which will provide a
database to store information with data security for the landlord.
J.A., et al. 2017) [4].
Ikuomola A. J., et al. (2020) and his team demonstrated that
there is a need to build a customized system to manage the prop-
erty dealing due to increase in data and lack of data security. In this
work, a secured mobile cloud-based house rental management sys-
tem which will help landlord and tenant to overcome the hassles
and manage tasks and issues easily in a more convenient way is
This is a web based software which is used for making the rent-
ing easier for the user. The team has used the cloud service with
components such as app server, payment engine, wallet engine,
chat server, message engine and authentication server. Centralized
databases using MYSQL and programming languages are angular
js, PHP and laravel. A cloud based mobile application with user
friendly interface and secure environment is established.
Integrated system can be used i.e. if the tenant does not have a
device to contact the owner then he/she can use the smart door
House rent countdown system can also be added to remind the
tenant of the rent (Ikuomola,A. J., et al. 2020) [3].
Gommans, H.P., et al. (2014) and his team demonstrated that
in all over the country housing plays an important role in reveal-
ing the economic growth in any country, being a shelter among
the keys of development. And the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights gives one of the basic human’s rights as the right of decent
living by the central government which allows us to live in decent
object of this research is to manage the housing for low income,
medium and high incomes households that can allow a human to
live in proper or standard housing which is affordable to pay the
house rent. The advantages of this Rental Housing Management
System is to easily calculate or manage the all over the data that
takes several days to manage a large number of tenants that paid
their rent.
This is a database type system that is able to access all the in-
formation and is to manage and it is especially bilt for rental home
• CSS
• JavaScript
• PHP
This project is a database type software that is used to help
landlords to manage the records or pay history of tenants that’s re-
(Gommans, H.P., et al. 2014) [2].
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023):
Afzal, S., et al. (2021) and his team demonstrated that if you are
a stranger in some city and wanted to rent a house. Then, it is very
ments. The main motive to build an Online Rental Management
System. So, this website helps users to register individual homes
is also used for property selling, leasing, and buying. Which makes
it easier for tenants to choose a desired house or property within
budget and Landlords can easily sell their property by uploading
and registering the website.
And the loopholes in the existing system only provide a text-
based interface which is not very as user friendly as a Graphical
user interface. Since the system is implemented manually the re-
sponse is very slow. Hence, there is a need for the reformation of
the current system to a new system that has more advantages and
tation of the existing system.
• To remove the paper-based work.
• To save time for both landlords and tenants.
The methodology that they used to create in their Online Rental
Management System is Structured Query Language (SQL), PHP will
be used to collect or store the data in a database. And for web de-
sign they used html, css, bootstraps. It consists of three parts: Cli-
ent, Web Server, Database Server.
The conclusion is that they were able to successfully devel-
oped and Online Rental Housing Management System that have
also mostly very favorable for hostler and PG person that wanted
to search a suitable house and it also have an GPS map system in
it which also save a lot of time by searching it automatically show
the direction of it which it is easy to navigate. It is an Online Web-
site which is easy to use and also has the standards of current time
(Afzal, S., et al. 2021) [1].
Methodology and setup of experiment
For the proper working of our web application we collected
data from many resources. We talked to people (customers) so
that we can understand the problems they are facing in the rent-
ing system. We also collected views of people on the current online
websites which provide an online renting system and noted down
the problems faced by them or anything that caused any kind of
inconvenience, so that we can enhance the quality of our work.
•         
statement and analyzing the major faults and issues.
• Our team asked the opinion of various people on the current
management system and asked if there was any kind of issue.
• We collected data from the current working websites on
renting management systems and seek for any type of issue
• We talked to various owners and their requirements like what
they need for a better experience on the website.
• After collecting all the required data all the team members
analyzed it, and started its interpretation.
• Then we start to learn HTML and CSS for making the front end
of our web based application.
• After that we learned the languages required for making the
back-end of our rental house management software.
• After gaining all the knowledge required the team divided the
work and started to make the web application.
Use case diagram
Figure 7: Basic use case diagram showing how the
Rental House Management System works.
• This diagram explains how our website orientation will be
• The Admin or developer has the control access to the System
and database and can modify the system.
• The tenant and the owner can collaborate if the needs of both
are matched.
• They both will also have the user access to the system (as per
Figure 7).
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023):
Paper Title and
Introduction Methodology
Data Set and
Conclusion Future Scope
Rental House
Management Sys-
tem (Rathore, K.,
et al. 2021) [3].
Their team built a web based
application which will make the
online renting system more ef-
When the user opens the
web application he must
log-in and sign-up if he
wants to talk to the owner
and the same goes for the
owner side if he wants to
put his property on the
web application.
MySQL Database
on phpMyAdmin.
Apache server on
The outcome of the project
was that they developed a web
application that made the user
houses and the owners can
liking for the rental property.
In the current scenario there are
a number of people who are living
rentals to live in so this web ap-
plication will make their task of
more convenient.
House Rental
System (Misyam,
M.R., et al. 2021)
Their team built up a web based
application which will help the
rental properties and they also
made sure that there is a proper
gateway of conversation between
the parties.
Their software works on
a very simple method, the
user has to login and have
house which meets their
demands and can contact
the owner of the property
for further details.
The languages
used to build
their applica-
tion were
and the database
used was MySQL
Their team concluded that
software that meets all the
requirements according to
the demands and it will surely
help in enhancing the lifestyle
of the people.
Buying a house is not an easy task
for an individual hence one has to
up for buying a house. So, their
web app will help such people
who are in need of a convenient
rental house. They will also add
up new features for enhancing
the user experience.
Rental Housing
System (Kirmani,
J.A., et al. 2017)
This is a software
of this research is to provide
“affordable” shelter to all the
classes whether lower upper or
middle class.
This software has user
direct contact between
buyer and seller. Cart sys-
tem is also provided. Easy
addition, deletion and
searching of houses with
user -friendly interface.
base used is
SQP 2008.
This online software provides
exact information and can be
accessed easily from any-
cart system and mail based
information increases its de-
mand in the market.
version which is now upgraded to
Dropdown searching and satel-
lite/map based searching can also
be added in this software.
Cloud Based Rent-
al Housing Man-
agement System
(Ikuomola,A.J., et
al. 2020) [3].
This is a web based software
which is used for making the
renting easier for the user.
The team has used the
cloud service with compo-
nents such as app server,
payment engine, wallet
engine, chat server, mes-
sage engine and authenti-
cation server.
databases using
languages are
angular J.s., PHP
and Laravel.
A cloud based mobile applica-
tion with user friendly inter-
face and secure environment is
Integrated system can be used
i.e. if the tenant does not have a
device to contact the owner then
he/she can use the smart door
House rent countdown system
can also be added to remind the
tenant of the rent.
Rental Housing
(Gommans,H.P., et
al. 2014) [2].
Most of the work done by the
housing managers is on paper
and maintaining records is re-
will basically help the user to
maintain data in an organized
way and will also prove a user
friendly interface for both the
owners and the tenants.
Firstly, you have to log in
then you have to select an
option that is visible on
the website. It will show
how the data is collected
from the user through the
system that has been kept
in the system database.
Database system
design, frame-
server address,
This software is used as an
inventory to provide a frame-
work that enables the manag-
ers to make only reasonable
transactions made within a
limited time of the framework.
This system software has to
also give a pay slip and data that
are directly connected to the
Microsoft Access that automati-
cally sends the slip of recorded
payment to the tenants.
Online Rental
Housing Manage-
ment System
(Afzal, S., et al.
2021) [1].
Their team make a website of
Online Rental Housing Manage-
ment System which is built on
the basis of eliminate paper
based word, save time and give
an desirable result according to
the user need
Firstly, they used web
servers like SQL and PHP
that enable the website to
store or collect data in a
database. And they used
HTML, CSS, Bootstraps.
That contains three parts:
client, web server, data-
base server that help to
build an online website.
Structured Query
Language (SQL),
This website is used for ten-
ants, landlords, hostel, PG, etc.
existing system. It has more
accuracy and compatibility
in terms of saving time and
working output. It is an online
website where a user has to
details then the recommen-
dation of that similar output
shows on the web page. It is
This is a modern Online Rental
Housing Management System of
Web application that is built by
PHP and SQL. And it also has a
client/server HTTPS protocol.
For the future scope this system
has a GPS server which helps to
give the location of a house. It
is a user-friendly system which
makes it easy for a tenant to
search a desired house and for
landlords which just have to input
the details of their properties.
Table 1: Summary of reviewed papers.
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023): 88-102.
Figure 8: Total use case diagram of the Rental House
Management System.
• All the functionalities are written in the oval shaped box and
the access is shown by pointed arrows.
• This diagram describes the total functionality of the web-page
and also shows who has the access to which function of the
website (as per Figure 8).
E.R. diagram
Figure 9: An ER diagram showing the working of Rental House
Management System.
The above shown diagram is the E.R. (Entity Relationship) dia-
gram of the Rental Housing Management System. It shows us the
information that has to be given by the user end and also by the
owner end for the proper working of the system. The user as well
as owner have to give their basic details, the user must give the
proper details of the house he/she wants and the owner should do
the same for the property they want to rent out (as per Figure 9).
Data flow diagram
Figure 10: A DFD diagram showing the basic working of
Rental House Management System.
          
rental housing management, the contents written in the rectangu-
lar boxes shows the input that is given to the software and the ar-
House Management System. It shows how the user will enter into
our web application where he will sign up and proceed as shown in
the above diagram (as per Figure 11).
Result and Discussion
Here a user can choose whether he/she comes for our website
as a tenant or owner. It makes easy to categories between the ten-
ants and the owners. We make it easy so anyone can use it (as per
Figure 12).
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023):
Figure 11: 
Figure 12: Selection between owner and tenant. Figure 13: Login and Sign-up page.
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023):
In this page an individual person can access or create an user id
by this following option Login and Sign-up which is directly linked
to a page where he/she can make a user id, login the website (as
per Figure 13).
Figure 14: Login page of the tenants or the owner.
It is used after a person has created his user id so that he or she
can access their data which is saved in our website. And it is highly
secured which is also a user friendly and easy setup (as per Figure
Figure 15: Sign-up page for the tenant or the owner.
This is the page where a person can create a user id for him-
self that is unique and secured his data. Sign-up is used to make a
login id for a user that he/she can access from any browser just by
It is the review page where a user can rate our website and how
it feels after using our Rental management website and what we
have to improve in it more. It is a page where a user can clarify its
satisfaction and problems that occur in run time (as per Figure 16).
Figure 16: User rating page for the users.
Figure 17: An about us page for knowing us and our website.
In this page we have given the information about yourself and
mail so if any problem occurs in run time that a user can contact us
and the main motive and what is the use our website and what it
used for (as per Figure 17).
It is a payment gateway page where a user has to pay the price
we added a number of category modes in payment which make us-
This is the front page view of our website which shows how the
user will be interacting with us.
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023):
Figure 18: Payment gateway page for the convenience of users.
Figure 19: User Interface for the tenant to explore.
This is simple and an explorer option where a user clicks and
    
in our front page view we also added property, service. About us,
contact us because it is a necessary requirement of any website (as
per Figure 19).
This is the page on our website where users can see the price
ter option in it which makes it easier for users to choose a good
           
        
Figure 20).
This is the page of our website which shows how the owner will
Figure 20: List of various popular rentals on our website.
Figure 21: Add a homepage for the owner to upload info about
their property.
not (as per Figure 21).
Technical conclusions after results
This pie chart shows the feedback of people and their experi-
ence while using the website.
with our website as more then 75% of the rating was above 4 stars.
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023):
Figure 22: User Rating pie-chart.
Total Responses:182
5 star: 60 4 star: 74 3 star: 36 2 star: 9 1 star: 3
Average Rating: 4.0 (as per Figure 22)
Figure 23: User rating bar graph.
The above graph represents the user rating in the bar graph (as
per Figure 23).
Figure 24: User rating line graph.
This graph shows the analysis of the feedback of the tenants and
the owner separately.
Our webpage has two different portals of tenant and owner and
we have analyzed the feedback of both separately and found out
that the average rating of both are almost the same.
Average rating of tenants: 3.95
Average rating of owner: 4.05 (as per Figure 24)
Figure 25: Bar graph showing age group using rental website.
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023):
This graph represents the different sections of age group using
our website. On analysis we found out that the most number of us-
ers using our website lies between 18-32 which contains mostly
bachelors and tenants.
We found that the age group of 33-50 were families and the age
group above 50 were joint families (as per Figure 25) [8-12].
• Our Rental House Management System will have a better
user experience than many other current working web-
• We will provide proper details of the owner as well as of
the tenants for the proper assurance of background of the
• We will add a special bargain feature in our software so
that if the customer wants to bargain on the price he can
do it with assurances of the owner.
• Our rental house management software will also contain
dents coming to an unknown place.
Our webpage will provide an user-friendly interface and both
are provided with easy registration and login with OTP and pass-
word for security purposes. Separate portals are provided for both
search technique which recommends the user with the houses as
per his/her requirements and budget. Our webpage will provide
the recent images of the house and contact details of the owner for
Future research direction and limitations
• A user can only access this web application not above
than 2 or more portal access of the same user at a time.
• Our web application doesn’t have dynamic visuals on it
for now.
• It doesn’t show the landlord’s property which doesn’t
have a register on our web page.
• Our web application system database has a web storage
which allow user to store or publicly upload their photos
and video of property but the limit of the size of photos
are 10MB and for video – 50MB.
Future directions
• To also provide service to a user like personal transpor-
tation support which are directly connected to Ola Cabs,
Uber where a user can book a cab for its destination
which with 2-4% discount.
• To make our online web application also for Android and
IOS app systems.
• To add dynamic features and also create an AI Chat bot
which helps you to solve your biggest problem regarding
transaction, using this online web application.
• To make our application system on voice command also
with different languages.
This Rental Housing Management System is a web application
that is made by using HTML, CSS, JS, MySQL. All of this was devel-
oped in visual studio code by Microsoft. Our rental house software
is a very convenient and user friendly software and it provides its
users with various new features for enhancing their experience.
sign-up with their credentials and then they will be directed to our
webpage where they will have to select the region in which they
want to rent a house and then after that they will be shown all the
lect the house that meet their demands. This rental software will
enhance the renter owner relationship and will aim at making cus-
tomers’ lives easier.
The Author Team pays their respects to God. They then thank
each of their parents for everything they have done for them. They
then express their sincere appreciation to CPBC-Delhi, Patanjali
foundation, Shantikunj Haridwar for providing help and assistance
for lab equipment and research. They further offer their sincere
gratitude to seniors of Dayalbagh Educational Institute Agra, GS
Ayurveda Medical College Hapur, and ABES Engineering college
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023):
Ghaziabad. We also offer our special thanks to ABES management,
Director ABESEC, HOD ECE, HOD CSE and all other senior Coordi-
nators for their extraordinary support to our team. In the end, we
pay our due respects and thanks to each and everyone involved,
direct or indirect in this work.
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Key Terms and Definitions
• HTML - HTML is a Hyper Text Markup Language which is used
to structure your web page and its content. It helps to create
your own website.
• CSS - Cascading Style Sheet is used to style and web pages.
For eg:- colors, font, or adding animation and other decorative
• Java Script - JavaScript is often abbreviated as JS, it is a pro-
gramming language that is one of the main core technologies
of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML, CSS. It enables dy-
namic updating content, animated images and pretty much
• UI - It stands for user interface, is anything a user interacts
with on a website or any digital devices. It encompassed both
the appearance and interactivity of an app or website.
• Web Application - Is an web application software that runs
in a web browser. It is an application program that is stored
on remote servers and delivered over the Internet through a
web interface.
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2.2 (2021): 1745-1754.
6. Rathore K., et al. “Rental House Management System. Interna-
tional Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Tech-
nology and Science 3.5 (2021): 01-06.
7. Voumick D., et al. “Development of Online Based Smart House
Renting Web Application”. Journal of Software Engineering and
Applications 14.7 (2021): 312-328.
8. Oxley M and Smith J. “Housing Policy and Rented Housing in
Europe” (1996).
9. Gong YR. “Rental housing management as surveillance of Chi-
nese rural migrants: the case of hillside compounds in Dong-
guan” (2016).
10. Assessing the integrated sustainability of a public rental
housing project from the perspective of complex ecosystem
11. Struyk RJ. “Private management for eastern europe’s state
rental housing”. (1991).
12. Ahmed T. “Property Management System. (2018).
Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation
Citation: Rohit Rastogi., et al. “Rental House Management System: An Empirical Approach with Simulation". 5.4 (2023):