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Managing Environmental Con ict
Joshua Fisher
irtually all communities in the world experience occasional tensions
over ecological issues like land use, environmental quality, water
allocation, waste disposal, and natural resource management, among
others (Dukes, 2004). In these con icts, environmental factors play a sig-
ni cant role as either direct causes of con ict or as primary drivers of it.
Environmental con icts come in many forms, from interest-based competi-
tion over scarce or valuable natural resources, to value-based con icts over
incompatible perceptions of place, space, and our relationship with the natu-
ral world. These con icts can also be needs based, such as con icts involving
the environmental drivers of health, security, and identity.
Despite the variety of issues that environmental con icts encompass,
they share certain common characteristics that present signi cant chal-
lenges to con ict resolution and require dynamic strategies for con ict
management. Among these characteristics are social and ecological com-
plexity, scienti c uncertainty, and complicated legal and procedural frame-
works for environmental decision making (Copple, 2011). In response to
the challenges of managing this complexity, a body of theory and practice
called environmental con ict resolution (ECR) has gained momentum over
the past two decades as it seeks to nd avenues and create tools to manage
private, public, and international disputes. ECR techniques and the body
of literature that underpins them offer important lessons for practitioners
seeking to intervene in environmental con icts.
This chapter explores the characteristics of environmental con icts, dis-
cussing the challenges that they hold for con ict resolution. That discussion is
followed by a review of trends in environmental con ict resolution research.
Particular emphasis is placed on discussing methods and tools for overcom-
ing the challenges that environmental con icts pose, metrics capable of eval-
uating success in environmental con ict resolution, and the skills and tools
that practitioners need to intervene effectively in environmental con icts.
The nal section discusses implications for practice consisting of six recom-
mendations for practitioners tasked with managing environmental con icts.
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A distinction should be made at the outset between environmental con-
icts and con icts with environmental drivers . The former are con icts in
which environmental issues or the impacts of environmental factors serve
as direct causes or primary sources of con ict. For example, tensions sur-
rounding the construction of dams and highways in the Brazilian Amazon
have many drivers, including indigenous rights, economic development,
and regional and global political factors. However, these drivers all center
on land use choices and their implications on various interested parties. It
is this centering on or revolving around an environmental issue (or set of
issues) that makes these environmental con icts.
In contrast, con icts where environmental factors contribute to larger
con ict dynamics but are not themselves the primary issues in the con ict
are considered con icts with environmental drivers. For instance, the role
of diamonds in funding armed insurgency in several African states has
been documented extensively (Olsson, 2007). However calling civil unrest
in Angola, Sierra Leone, Liberia, or the Democratic Republic of Congo
environmental con icts would be a gross mischaracterization. Rather,
a lootable resource in those cases served as an indirect con ict driver by
incentivizing and funding insurgency in wider con icts over governance
and political power. Thus, for the purposes here, discussion of environmen-
tal con icts refers to con icts where the primary sources or drivers of con-
ict are divergence of values, preferences, or desirable outcomes resulting
from some environmental factor or resource (Balint, Stewart, Desai, and
Walters, 2011), and not larger con icts where environmental factors are
indirect drivers of con ict processes and behaviors.
At their core, environmental con icts are incompatibilities in the inter-
ests, needs, positions, or objectives of various social actors concerning envi-
ronmental issues (Redpath et al., 2012). These con icts can emerge between
competing users of a particular resource or parcel of land, between groups
that seek to use a resource and groups that seek to preserve the resource,
between decision makers and resource users, and between decision mak-
ers across a range of coinciding jurisdictions (Elias, 2008; Nie, 2003). In
addition, environmental con icts can be driven by the effects that changes
in environmental quality, resource availability, or environmental access
have on speci c individuals, groups, or communities. For example, changes
in rainfall in either micro- or macroclimatic scales may alter water avail-
ability and food production systems, requiring the renegotiation of social
structures and relationships in the affected areas (Scheffran, Brzoska,
Brauch, Link, and Schilling, 2012; Hsiang, Meng, and Cane, 2011).
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The de nition of environmental con ict that I have offered provides an
umbrella under which a wide variety of con ict processes, patterns, and
behaviors resides. The potential spectrum of con ict processes ranges
from latent value differences, to policy debates, to large-scale violent con-
frontations. As in most other types of con ict, environmental con icts are
dynamic, undergoing ebbs and ows in intensity and cycling through peri-
ods of escalation, deescalation, stalemate, and paci cation. This dynamism,
coupled with a wide array of potential environmental issues at play, makes
the notion of environmental con icts seem amorphous at best. However,
these con icts typically share a number of common characteristics that
help to unify them into a coherent class of problems.
The following sections discuss the common characteristics of environ-
mental con ict and the methods that have been developed to manage the
inherent social and ecological complexity that they involve. Just as in other
categories of con ict, every environmental con ict has a unique set of
stakeholders, issues, and drivers, and there will thus be varying degrees of
complexity in the following characteristics. Despite that individual nuance,
these con icts are uni ed around the themes discussed below.
Ecological Complexity
As Wittmer, Rauschmayer, and Klauer observe, “A central feature of envi-
ronmental con icts is the complexity of the ecological system which is the
natural base of con icts” (2006, p. 1). This natural base and the constituent
pieces that comprise it do not exist in isolation but are integral components
of ecosystems at the micro, landscape, and global scales. The individual
pieces are woven together in a web of trophic relationships—the ow of
energy and matter through a system—that de nes ecosystem functions.
When part of that web is altered, those changes ripple through the trophic
structure of the system in complicated ways that produce cascading impacts
across interconnected elements and subsystems. Thus, changes to a single
system component, whether naturally occurring or human caused, will
have both predictable and unpredictable effects on the wider system. Each
of those effects will in turn produce a new set of impacts that ripple across
interconnected system components. This cascade of impacts and effects
makes it incredibly di cult to understand, let alone predict, the systemic
impact of a single event, action, or change. Ecosystems are thus dynamic
biophysical environments that are constantly adjusting to uctuations
across a network of interconnected and interdependent constituent parts.
Humans are not separate from these systems; they are directly and inex-
orably tied to them. The trophic relationships and constant uctuations and
adaptations across a system produce the natural goods and ecosystem ser-
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vices that sustain and ful ll human life (Constanza, d ’Arge, deGroot, et al.,
1997; Daily, 1997). In addition, individuals and groups form components and
subsystems of the larger social-ecological system (Gallopin, 2006), contributing
to ecosystem structure and functioning in unique and dynamic ways. Human
action in and interaction with other components in the system have the same
sort of cascading effect across the ecosystem as other biological and geophysi-
cal changes. Humans and social groups, as part of the system, are affected
by changes in environmental factors and must respond and adapt to new
dynamics by renegotiating social relationships in and with the natural world.
This environmental and social complexity can present signi cant chal-
lenges for resolving environmental con icts when they arise. Due to the
dynamic and adaptive nature of social-ecological systems, any management
action taken to address the drivers of con ict or more sustainably govern
a resource will instantiate other changes across the system, with the poten-
tial for creating, renewing, or escalating tension among affected actors.
The dispersion of impacts across a system can also create new con icts or
ignite previously latent con icts. For instance, establishing a national park
or conservation area often results in changes to permissible land uses inside
the protected area boundary. This can displace previous land users such as
subsistence-based agricultural households and shift the spatial concentration
of agriculture onto adjacent nonprotected land parcels. That shift can then
alter environmental factors like soil quality and resource availability (water,
space) with important implications for other stakeholders in those areas.
A nal challenge rising from this ecological complexity is the fact that eco-
logical processes and social processes operate on different spatial and tem-
poral scales such that there may be lags between the implementation of a
management decision and the ecological or environmental impact of that
decision. Those lags can fuel perceptions among marginalized groups that
their needs are not being considered in potential resource management
strategies. Such lags can lead to delayed environmental impacts that can
fuel grievances well after management decisions have been implemented.
Continuing with the example of a newly established protected area, this
could mean that human use inside the area may be restricted in order to
allow the ecosystem to recover from previous overuse. This would have the
long-term effect of improving ecosystem functioning and ecosystem service
delivery. However, in the short term, it may be perceived as unfairly restrict-
ing access to the resources necessary for subsistence livelihoods and arti-
sanal production or as giving preference to one group of users over another
(e.g., deference to future generations at the expense of current users).
Social Complexity
This discussion hints at another distinguishing characteristic of envi-
ronmental con icts. In addition to ecological complexity, these con icts
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typically involve a great deal of social complexity (Wittmer et al., 2006;
Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1994). For a given resource, landscape, or environ-
mental process, a number of different social actors will have some claim
to it or will be affected by it. These actors could include the consumers of a
resource, the consumers of goods and services that the environmental pro-
cesses provide, the owner of the land where the resource is found, the gov-
ernmental or traditional authorities that manage the landscape, as well as
future generations that might depend on the resources.
Collectively the groups and individuals affected by or have claims to an
environmental issue are referred to as stakeholders. A stakeholder might
alternatively be conceptualized as anyone who can in uence or is affected
by a system or subsystem (Freeman, 1984). In fact, a rich literature has
developed around de ning, identifying, and productively engaging stake-
holders in environmental management and con ict resolution (Reed, 2008).
Stakeholders within a system are connected in complicated multinodal
social networks inside dynamic social systems. The relationships among
them are affected by direct interaction, indirect in uences, and complex
nonlinear internal and external feedback mechanisms (Coleman, Bui-
Wrzosinska, Vallacher, and Nowak, 2006). These relationships, particularly
those revolving around natural resources, ecosystem services, and other
environmental factors, are constantly being negotiated and renegotiated
in response to changes in the wider social-ecological system. At times this
process of negotiation is passive or informal, with actors and groups indi-
vidually adjusting to new dynamics by modifying their behaviors and men-
tal frameworks. At other times, this negotiation is more actively manifest
through formal transactions and intentional interactions. Whether active
or passive, this process of adjustment, interaction, and negotiation can
result in incompatible needs, goals, values, and positions around environ-
mental factors, which can drive con ict processes.
The range of stakeholders in a given con ict will likely extend beyond the
primary parties engaged in active con ict. Indeed, given the ecological com-
plexity and the impact that a single change can have across an entire system,
the potential range of stakeholders in an environmental con ict may be quite
large. To be effective and sustainable, efforts to resolve an environmental
con ict should include all affected stakeholders and consider the interests,
needs, values, and desired end goals of each (Haydon and Kuang, 2011).
However, this presents several challenges for con ict resolution efforts.
First, there are logistical issues in effectively designing and managing
con ict resolution processes that can accommodate large sets of stake-
holders. Bunker (2006) discusses these and advances some suggestions for
working with large groups of stakeholders. Next, the costs of con ict reso-
lution increase with the inclusion of more and more stakeholders, partic-
ularly in terms of time involved in reaching agreements and the nancial
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resources required to accommodate additional stakeholders. There will
also be power asymmetries across different stakeholders in terms of their
ability to effect change in the system, the impact they have on the process,
their access to information and ability to leverage that information effec-
tively, and the costs of participating in the resolution process (Christie,
2008). Those costs might include nancial burdens, opportunity costs, and
the risk of losing legitimacy in their social groups and organizations for
compromising issues and positions.
Finally, some stakeholders might be unwilling to engage in con ict res-
olution processes due to legal, administrative, economic, or cultural con-
straints. In some cases, a speci c stakeholder ’s actions may drive con ict
processes, but their actions may be technically legal, and modifying their
behavior may result in signi cant nancial costs. For example, a company
might be responsible for polluting a waterway through the legally permitted
discharge of industrial waste. Such a situation could result in con icts with
downstream users who fear health risks associated with that contamina-
tion. In such instances, the affected communities may be willing to engage
in a resolution process. The company may not, however, as it holds permits
to discharge waste and therefore has no incentive to alter its behavior.
In other instances, stakeholders may face administrative barriers to engag-
ing in con ict resolution processes. This is often the case for government
agency representatives and natural resource managers. Cultural factors may
prevent some groups from being willing to engage in con ict resolution or
constrain their participation in such processes (Tam, 2006). Stakeholder posi-
tions and constraints therefore may add to the social complexity of an envi-
ronmental con ict and produce barriers to con ict resolution.
Scienti c Uncertainty
Balint et al. (2011) discuss the evolution of the scienti c understanding
of ecosystems and socioecological systems away from the previously held
view that these systems are closed, deterministic, self-regulating systems to
the current paradigm that view these as open systems affected by stochas-
tic processes and internal and external in uences. They note that given the
complexity of social and ecological processes and the dynamic interaction
among them, “ecosystems are characterized by high degrees of scienti c
uncertainty—in their basic ecology and biology, in their economic param-
eters . .. the effects of management actions, and ... whether it is possible to
achieve management objectives” (p. 16). Wittmer et al. (2006) echo this and
suggest that efforts to resolve environmental con icts must cope with this
uncertainty and develop processes that can manage it. However, this uncer-
tainty presents signi cant challenges for con ict resolution, as witnessed
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by contemporary scienti c debates over the causes of climate change and
its impacts. Attempts to resolve con icts over climate change remain mired
in arguments over data, models, and projections. Rather than serving to
inform resolution strategies, science in the climate con ict has served an
adversarial role and presented a barrier to resolving the climate debate
(Ozawa, 2006). For instance, there remain technical disagreements over the
causal pathways through which human action affects climate cycles and
conditions, as well as what effective mitigation strategies and policies might
be. Thus, rather than focusing on ways to prevent, mitigate, or reverse cli-
mate change, the various stakeholders in the debate are stuck debating
aspects of the scienti c complexity underlying climatic processes.
The climate debate is not the only place where scienti c uncertainty
contributes to con ict processes. Instead, many environmental con icts
escalate due to the adversarial use of scienti c data. There is a common
misperception that what is needed to resolve environmental con icts is
perfect information or better data. The notion is that better science will
lead to a clearer understanding of the problems at hand and the most e -
cient and effective solutions. However, many scholars have demonstrated
that science itself is not value neutral (Carolan, 2008), but rather that the
way in which scienti c analysis is structured and conducted—from the
questions that are explored to the funding structures for research—is itself
a social construct (Sarewitz, 2004). As such, scienti c processes, ndings,
and legacies are subject to and shaped by social biases.
This is not to discredit the scienti c process or the value of science in
environmental decision making. Rather, the point is to understand the lim-
its of science and identify appropriate roles for science in informing con-
ict resolution processes. Ozawa (2006) emphasizes this fact, noting that
disagreements in intractable con icts are ideological or political rather
than factual. This is similar to Balint et al. ’s (2011) conceptualization of con-
ict as con icting values, perceptions, and desired end goals.
What is needed to resolve these con icts, then, is not better data or per-
fect knowledge, but frameworks capable of identifying the underlying value
and interest differences and eliciting mutually agreeable solutions to those
differences. Under such frameworks, science and knowledge can be used as
tools to inform decision making, correct asymmetries in knowledge power,
and create sustainable answers to environmental challenges (Christie, 2008).
Legal and Procedural Frameworks
In addition to scienti c uncertainty and socioecological complexity, envi-
ronmental con icts occur in complicated policy and administrative
spaces. In most environmental con ict, unlike some other forms of con ict
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(e.g., interpersonal, communal), a government agency is charged with
oversight, management, implementation, or mitigation of the elements of
the natural world that contribute to con ict processes. Typically these con-
icts cut across multiple jurisdictions at multiple administrative levels and
involve at least some component of public disputes, including health, race,
justice, development, and governance (Dukes, 2004). For instance, gover-
nance of public lands in the western United States typically involves over-
lapping jurisdictions at the municipal, county, state, and federal levels, with
multiple intersecting bureaus and departments at each.
Borrowing from ecological metaphors, O ’Leary and Bingham (2003) cate-
gorize this legal and procedural complexity according to the scale at which
environmental con icts interact with policy and procedure. Upstream
con icts involve macroscale issues over policy or laws that stipulate how
a given environmental issue will be addressed. Midstream con icts occur
at the bureaucratic-administrative scale involving issues regarding how a
speci c issue or resource is administered. Downstream con icts involve
issues over site-speci c con icts or issue-speci c enforcement. Considering
the social and ecological complexity, scienti c uncertainty, and spatial
and temporal scales that these con icts include, a single con ict may be
expressed in each of these three policy scales.
This legal and procedural complexity presents challenges to con ict reso-
lution by constraining the range of potential solutions for a speci c issue, as
well as the types of methods and forums available for pursuing resolution.
Because in most instances of con ict, a government agency administers or
manages the environmental issues or drivers in question, the parties in con-
ict and affected stakeholders may have very little power to affect decision
making in the con ict. Furthermore, the range of alternative management
actions available may be constrained by each involved agency ’s legal con-
straints and procedural and administrative frameworks. In addition, there
may be legal and procedural constraints on the form and method with
which governmental representatives engage each other and the public sur-
rounding the environmental issues in con ict. There may be limited legal
or institutional latitude for involving affected stakeholders in the decision-
making process. Thus, any attempt to intervene in or manage an environ-
mental con ict must work within these institutional and legal constraints.
Challenges for Con ict Resolution
Each manifestation of environmental con ict will have different degrees
of complexity in each of the characteristics described. Some con icts may
appear relatively straightforward, and indeed may be readily negotiated,
mediated, adjudicated, or mitigated. However, each incidence of con ict
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on or surrounding a speci c environmental issue is part of a larger history
of policy, decision making and environmental management, social action,
and ecological interaction that contribute to produce the current con ict
dynamics. Thus, a given con ict needs to be understood in terms of both its
current dynamics, as well as its history and its spatial and temporal scales.
In the same vein, efforts to resolve a current manifestation of con ict need
to be considered in terms of the impact that those decisions will have on
the wider system dynamics at multiple temporal and spatial scales.
Because of the interconnected nature of social and ecological systems, an
environmental con ict is di cult to resolve nally and fully. This is due in
part to the fact that any action affects the larger system dynamics in unpre-
dictable and unforeseeable ways. Thus, it may be better to conceptualize
interventions that seek to productively manage con icts rather than seek-
ing to resolve them (O ’Leary, Amsler, and Kopell, n.d.).
Given the complexity of social-ecological systems, it is clear that man-
aging many contemporary natural resource and environmental issues
requires collaboration among all affected stakeholders. This is particu-
larly true when considering that no single stakeholder individually, or sub-
group of affected stakeholders collectively, has the knowledge, authority,
resources, and capabilities to manage such issues by themselves (Weber
and Khademian, 2008). Environmental con ict resolution (ECR) grew out of
the eld of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in response to this need for
inclusion and collaboration. Whereas traditional mechanisms for resolving
disputes are either adversarial (e.g., litigation and arbitration) or exclusive
(e.g., legislation, or top-down administrative decision making), ECR meth-
ods use collaborative processes for problem solving to reach mutually sat-
isfactory agreements to con ict or contentious issues (O ’Leary et al., n.d.).
Initially consisting largely of environmental mediation, the breadth
of methods in ECR now covers a wide range of collaborative tools and
processes, including facilitated negotiation, joint fact nding, con ict
assessment, policy dialogues, early neutral evaluation, collaborative plan-
ning, and community-based natural resource management (O ’Leary and
Bingham, 2003). Underlying the development of collaborative tools and
processes for resolving and managing environmental con icts, an expan-
sive body of theory has emerged that explores questions such as these:
What types of interventions work best in given situations or types of con-
icts, and what sorts of forums do they work in? How is success de ned
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in ECR processes, and how is it measured? What are the skills required for
practitioners to manage environmental con icts effectively? The following
sections provide a brief overview of current trends in ECR research, with
the goal of identifying lessons for practitioners.
Addressing Environmental Con icts
through Collaborative Processes
Since the 1970s, there has been an increase and proliferation in the use of
collaborative processes to address environmental con icts (Singletary et
al., 2008; Wondolleck and Yaffee, 2000; Bingham, 1986). This has occurred
in both the developed and industrialized nations as well as in developing
contexts (Cousins, 1996), and ECR processes have been applied across an
incredibly diverse range of issues, from single-issue decisions such as log-
ging versus community rights in one village (Yasmi and Shanz, 2010) to
managing global commons (Ostrom, 1990). The proliferation of these pro-
cesses has grown out of the limitations of other approaches for addressing
environmental con ict. Traditional legislative processes, for instance, are
generally not able to consider site-speci c issues or incorporate individual
stakeholder concerns into policymaking. Scienti cally sound solutions are
rarely politically acceptable, even when the facts are clear and solutions
are readily devised. Furthermore, not all stakeholders possess adequate
nancial means to effectively lobby their position to elected representatives.
Litigation faces many of the same challenges. While litigation does (or
can) represent individual stakeholder interests, the range of issues that can
be addressed through litigation is constrained by legal precedence, issues
of standing, and other procedural limitations (Christie, 2008). Furthermore,
the adversarial nature of litigation creates win-lose outcomes and thus
presents signi cant risks for stakeholders to engage in this sort of process.
In contrast, collaborative processes based on joint fact nding, problem
solving, and shared responsibility in decision making can offer several
advantages to the traditional zero-sum approaches (Susskind, Levy, and
Thomas-Larmer, 2000). Among the promises of the ECR methods advanced
in the literature are that they are faster and less costly than litigation; they
can build social capital, which in turn serves as a foundation for future
con ict resolution; they address the real issues in a con ict rather than just
stated positions or issues with legal standing; they are more exible and
more inclusive than traditional methods; and they have a greater likelihood
of reaching positive-sum—and thus more stable and mutually acceptable—
agreements (O ’Leary and Bingham, 2003; Campbell and Floyd, 1996).
As Dukes (2004) notes, there is a tendency in the literature surrounding ECR
to view these processes and their more traditional counterparts as mutually
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exclusive means of addressing environmental con icts. However, environ-
mental con icts occur on a wide range of temporal and spatial scales, and any
manifestation of con ict at a given time and place is part of a longer history of
processes to manage, litigate, legislate, and mitigate the sources and drivers of
a particular con ict. Environmental con icts are also played out in a variety
of forums and processes (Dukes, 2004; Buckle and Thomas-Buckle, 1986).
Daniels (2009) highlights this interplay by describing the synthesis of
arbitration and mediation into a hybrid ECR method to address con icts
over land use between motorized and nonmotorized resource users in the
western United States. In that case study, a long history of con ict between
user groups had resulted in gridlock over land use. Because of the intrac-
tability of the con ict and the threat of litigation, the affected stakehold-
ers agreed to a mediated solution with a nal arbitrated settlement to be
made by the government agency responsible for administering the land in
question. Despite common agreement among the stakeholders to accept the
solution, once a decision was made, the con ict again erupted and resulted
in renewed litigation. Thus, the hybrid ECR process was just one part of a
complex system of legal, legislative, and administrative processes.
Measuring Success in ECR Processes
Although they are only part of a larger and more complicated system of
rule making and management, it is important to explore whether, in what
ways, and how well ECR processes deliver on the promises of success
described. A number of different metrics for success have been advanced.
Susskind and Ozawa (1983), for instance, rst de ned successful ECR as
including the following elements (Pearson d ’Estree and Colby, 2003):
The negotiated agreement is acceptable to the stakeholders.
The results are perceived as fair.
The results maximize joint gains.
The process used to reach the agreement minimizes transaction costs.
The process improves relationships among stakeholders.
While other theorists have been critical of objective criteria such as
these for being incomplete (Buckle and Thomas-Buckle, 1986; Pearson
d ’Estree and Colby, 2003), several important elements of success stand out.
First, success in ECR processes can be measured according to whether an
agreement or a settlement is reached, participant satisfaction with the pro -
cess (Susskind, McKearnen, and Thomas-Larmer, 1999), the cost of the
process (Bingham, 1986), and the outcomes in social capital and enhancement
of con ict resolution skills (Buckle and Thomas-Buckle, 1986). Additional
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criteria could include whether a settlement was implemented, how fully it
was implemented, and how durable it was.
A substantial body of research has emerged that explores those fac-
tors in practice. Much of this literature focuses on individual case stud-
ies and presents deep understanding of speci c contexts of ECR processes
to explore whether and why each instance was successful (Heikkila and
Shlager, 2012). While case studies present valuable lessons extrapolated
from the nuanced understanding of individual processes, there is also
utility in large-number studies with more generalizable lessons regard-
ing which factors determine whether an ECR will be successful and which
characteristics drive success across cases (Emerson, Orr, Keyes, and
McKnight, 2009). Dukes (2004) provides the most comprehensive (albeit
dated) discussion of the large-number studies in the ECR literature and syn-
thesizes them to discuss implications for practice.
Emerson et al. (2009) build on this to provide perhaps the clearest and
most thorough empirical exploration of the factors that affect three metrics
of success: whether an agreement is reached through an ECR process, the
quality of the agreement, and the impact of the process on relationships
among stakeholders. They nd that the effective engagement of participants
in the process is a key factor to success. Likewise, according to their ndings,
the involvement of appropriate parties, the skills and practices of ECR medi-
ators and facilitators, and the incorporation of high-quality and relevant
information and data in the intervention all affect success in ECR processes.
Pearson d ’Estree and Colby (2003) attempt to bridge the case study and
large-number methods of research by rst explicitly de ning success in
environmental con ict resolution according to standardized criteria that
can be employed in comparative case analysis and then demonstrating
the application of those criteria to eight disparate cases of water con ict in
the western United States. Through that application, they are able to re ne
their criteria and analytical techniques into a coherent methodology for
comparative case analysis. Their nal set contains seven measurable crite-
ria for success, each consisting of a set of exible subcomponents that can
be tailored to individual contexts or potentially used in large-number stud-
ies. Adapted from Pearson d ’Estree and Colby (2003), the macrocriteria are
Outcome reached: This criterion is focused on the short term and may
be necessary for success by giving stakeholders a common goal to
work toward or a focus for collaboration. However, it may not be suf-
cient for success.
Process quality: This criterion measures stakeholders ’ perceptions of
and satisfaction with the process. It involves elements of justice, fair-
ness, inclusiveness, and costs.
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Outcome quality: In addition to reaching an agreement, the quality of
the agreement itself is an important factor in the success of the inter-
vention. This criterion includes things like cost-effective implementa-
tion, cultural and legal feasibility, scienti c and technical soundness,
and environmental sustainability.
Relationship of parties to outcomes: In addition to stakeholders ’ per-
ceptions of the ECR process, their perceptions of the outcome itself are
important criteria for success. This category of factors includes issues
of whether the stakeholders feel ownership of the outcome, whether
it is fair and representative, and whether they feel it is exible, stable,
and durable.
Relationship between parties: This criterion asks whether the process
successfully improved relationships among stakeholders. It includes
short-term issues such as working relationships throughout the ECR
process, as well as longer-term issues of continued postsettlement
relationship quality. This criterion includes issues of cognitive and
affective shift, reduction in hostility or grievance, and other transfor-
mative shifts.
Social capital: The nal criterion examines the impact of the ECR pro-
cess on the larger system. This criterion asks whether the ECR process
resulted in macrochanges such as enhanced citizen capacity to draw
on collective resources, increased capacity for environmental decision
making and collaboration, and social system transformation.
In their discussion of each of these criteria, Pearson d ’Estree and Colby
discuss the inherent trade-offs in working toward successful environmental
con ict resolution—for instance, “increasing stability of an outcome may
reduce exibility .. . [and] environmental and cultural sustainability may be
at odds” (2003, p. 47). Because of these trade-offs, it may not be possible to
determine success based only on high rankings in all criteria. Rather, stake-
holders and process managers must make explicit value choices in what
they are seeking by engaging in the ECR process. They must also be realis-
tic about the legal, historical, cultural, and environmental constraints of the
situation and design a process that can work within the current context.
Skills for Effective Intervention
Conspicuously absent in Pearson d ’Estree and Colby ’s evaluation framework
are metrics evaluating the effectiveness of the ECR convener, mediator, or
facilitator (hereafter process managers ), presumably because their frame-
work is designed to enable ex post facto cross-case comparison of the out-
puts and social and cross-stakeholder effects of ECR processes. However, as
Copyright © 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
seen in Emerson et al. ’s (2009) large-number study, the skills of the process
manager are fundamental determinants of success in ECR interventions. We
are therefore left to infer that success as measured by Pearson d ’Estree and
Colby is facilitated in part through the inclusion of a skilled and effective
process manager. The question remains, however, of what skills and compe-
tencies enable a process manager to facilitate a process toward success.
Citing Dukes (2004), Emerson et al. (2009) note, “The value of the third
party neutral in con ict resolution processes has been virtually axiom-
atic in the literature” (p. 38). Indeed a substantial literature has developed
around facilitator and coordinator skills in ECR and the importance of
these in determining the success of processes. In a review of this literature,
Leach (2006, p. 46) reports that “the presence of an effective facilitator/
coordinator is one of the most frequently cited keys to success.” But what
exactly does “effectiveness” here entail?
There is a tendency to focus discussion of process manager skills directly
on the negotiation or mediation process itself. For instance, studies exam-
ine effective methods of convening mediation (Susskind and Cruikshank,
2006), their ability to reduce or manage con ict toward consensus (O ’Leary
and Raines, 2002; Susskind, 1994), or their exibility and ability to facilitate
fair and constructive dialogue. Singletary et al. (2008) conduct a study of
agricultural extension workers engaged in ECR and rank thirty- ve skills
on their importance for effective ECR process management.
However, despite the deep knowledge and theory regarding the skills
that make facilitators and mediators effective, facilitating stakeholder dia-
logue is just one part of the ECR process. As Heikkila and Schlager (2012)
note, much is known about the mediation process itself, but much less is
known about the ECR process generally. A review of contemporary litera-
ture suggests that the front-end or preintervention analysis and coordina-
tion skills of a process manager are fundamental to designing an effective
ECR intervention.
For instance, determining whether the situation is ripe for ECR, and not
some other form of dispute resolution, is a prerequisite to ECR processes
often cited in the literature (Emerson et al., 2009; Susskind et al., 1999;
Carpenter and Kennedy, 1988). In an article discussing the effective rep-
resentation of clients in ECR, Bingham, Esterman, and Riti (2009) nd that
assisting clients in assessing this ripeness is a fundamental skill that attor-
neys should develop and that conducting such an assessment should pre-
clude any decision to engage in mediation, arbitration, or negotiation. This
should ideally be done through formal con ict analysis (Coleman, 2006).
Building on this, the inclusion of the right stakeholders is imperative
to success in ECR processes. There is a tension between including a broad
range of affected and interested stakeholders and effective engagement of
Copyright © 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
informed and committed stakeholders in ECR processes. As Emerson et al.
(2009) discuss, “striking the right balance here is a case-speci c judgment
call that affects . . . subsequent process design decisions . . . [as well as] the
perceived internal and external legitimacy of the group” (p. 37). Here, the
mastery of con ict analysis skills can assist process managers in making
those judgment calls on which people to include and when to include them.
In addition to these early design and analysis skills, process managers in
ECR must have a clear technical grasp on the issues in question or be able to
identify and engage relevant experts to include as advisors to the process. As
discussed earlier, environmental con icts entail questions of ecological pro-
cesses and scienti c uncertainty. Christie (2008) discusses the mechanisms
through which knowledge of facts in an environmental con ict is a signif-
icant source of power for stakeholders. According to his discussion, stake-
holders possess different levels of ability to collect, process, analyze, and
mobilize information in pursuit of their interests. This creates power asym-
metries among stakeholders regarding knowledge power. In order to engage
in effective resolution processes, these asymmetries need to be addressed.
There will inevitably be questions regarding what information is accu-
rate and relevant to the issues at hand. The process manager must thus
devise a strategy for obtaining, vetting, and making that information
equally available to stakeholders in the process. This can be achieved
through methods like joint fact nding, wherein stakeholders identify and
agree on relevant information as well as identify knowledge gaps that need
to be lled. In the review of literature on successful ECR processes, Leach
(2006) nds numerous studies and cases reporting that the inclusion of
high-quality, trusted information is paramount to successful ECR.
In sum, an effective process manager (or team of managers) needs to
develop competency in more than just facilitation and mediation. Effective
process management includes just and fair process design, effective stake-
holder identi cation and engagement, procedural skills in ECR techniques,
and technical competence in the subject matter and knowledge of institu-
tional, legal, and administrative constraints.
In light of the discussion, the question remains as to who speci cally initi-
ates, coordinates, or employs ECR processes to manage environmental
con icts. There is no single answer to that question, as each instance of
environmental con ict is unique. At times, a natural resource manager
may nd herself or himself embroiled in a con ict between competing
stakeholder interests and recognize the opportunity to use ECR techniques
Copyright © 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
to move beyond the impasse. At other times, environmental planners in
governmental or private sectors may employ these techniques. Campbell
and Floyd (1996) argue that planners may in fact be perfectly positioned
to convene and coordinate ECR processes due to their methodological and
analytical training in anticipating issues and assessing alternatives to
accommodate a range of competing interests. In contrast, Bingham et al.
(2009) demonstrate the attorney ’s role as an ECR practitioner, and Singletary
et al. (2008) discuss similar roles taken on by agricultural extension work-
ers. In still other instances, conservation managers and programming staff
may employ ECR methods in their work (Redpath et al., 2012).
Despite the wide range of professions and professionals who may be
involved in coordinating or employing ECR processes, there are several les-
sons that practitioners of these methods should take from the discussion here.
Understand the Con ict in Terms of the Larger
Social-Ecological System
Given the complexity of social actors, environmental processes, and eco-
logical relationships in modern socioecological systems, it is inevitable that
at times incompatible goals, values, interests, and needs among a diverse
range of stakeholders will escalate into con ict. Practitioners who nd
themselves charged with intervening in these con icts need to understand
them in terms of the larger systems and the nonlinear processes of cause,
in uence, and effect within these systems across multiple spatial and tem-
poral scales. Without an appreciation of that complexity, it is likely that
important stakeholders will be omitted from ECR processes. In a similar
way, an oversimpli ed view of the con ict and its drivers will lead to the
design of a process that addresses short-term behaviors and issues, missing
the more fundamental drivers of con ict and opening avenues for future
escalation of tensions.
Design a Process That Works within Existing Legal,
Procedural, Technical, and Cultural Boundaries
For practitioners engaging in efforts to manage or resolve environmental
con icts, it is important to bear in mind that current resolution processes
are part of a legacy of management decisions, legislative processes, legal
decisions, and individual choices that gave rise to the current situation
and, as part of that legacy, will in uence future iterations of action, interac-
tion, con ict, and negotiation among stakeholders. Process managers must
be realistic about the legal, administrative, procedural, technical, and cul-
tural frameworks that constrain the range of management options for the
environmental factor in question, as well as the range of solution options
Copyright © 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
for affected stakeholders. Processes designed outside of those frameworks
risk designing solution strategies that are not implementable. Furthermore,
engaging stakeholders in processes that do not t their organizational, cul-
tural, legal, and economic constraints risks exacerbating gridlock and esca-
lating tension and intractability.
Identify Clear and Explicit Objectives
Because of the social and ecological complexity involved in environmental
con icts and the legal, procedural, cultural, and administrative constraints
under which they occur, no process can be a panacea capable of fully and
nally resolving the sources and drivers of con ict. Practitioners thus need
to be realistic in terms of what a process can accomplish within existing
constraints and de ne success according to achievable and measurable
process outcomes. Process managers should clearly communicate with
stakeholders what is reasonable to expect from participating in the process,
what each stakeholder ’s responsibility is in the process, and what success
will mean or produce.
Engage All Relevant Stakeholders and Understand Their
Role, Power, Needs, and Interests in the System
Including the right stakeholders in ECR processes is imperative for success.
There is not, however, a universal standard of right in the case of envi-
ronmental con ict. Anyone with an interest or stake in the issue at hand
could be included in discussions surrounding that issue. However, some
key stakeholders may not be willing to engage, particularly if there are
large power asymmetries among them. Furthermore, there may be latent
or potential stakeholders who have not previously played a role in the con-
ict itself but are affected by it. Thus, some sort of con ict and stakeholder
analysis is needed in the preliminary stages of an ECR intervention in order
to fully understand the range of stakeholders involved and their power and
positions in the situation.
Manage Scienti c Information and Uncertainty to
Correct Asymmetries around Knowledge Power
Most, perhaps all, environmental con icts involve technical questions regard-
ing ecological, biological, and physical processes. There is often disagreement
among stakeholders regarding the facts and scienti c understanding of those
processes. Even when the processes themselves are relatively well under-
stood, there is often disagreement over what to do to address environmen-
tal problems. Thus, practitioners need to design processes that can manage
Copyright © 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
scienti c information, identify knowledge gaps, and structure processes for
lling or working around those gaps.
In addition, stakeholders will possess different levels of ability to collect,
process, analyze, and mobilize information. Process managers thus need
to devise strategies to balance these asymmetries in knowledge power in
order to create fair, transparent, and just processes.
Identify Opportunities for Peace Building
This discussion has focused on environmental con ict, challenges to reso-
lution, and guidance for effectively managing ECR processes. When deal-
ing with environmental problems and natural resource issues, it is easy to
focus solely on con icts and tensions. However, as Kramer (2008) adeptly
recognizes, “There are several pathways along which environmental
cooperation could contribute to peace. Working together on solving prob-
lems can help replace distrust, uncertainty, and suspicion with . . . a tra-
dition of cooperation” (p. 10). Jarraud and Lordos (2012) echo this, stating
that common environmental issues can be leveraged to build cooperation.
Environmental issues may provide a bridge between parties with seem-
ingly irreconcilable differences.
Thus, the discussion ends here with a call for con ict resolution prac-
titioners and natural resource managers to identify and capitalize on
opportunities to build peaceful, productive relationships among compet-
ing stakeholders and parties in con ict by nding points of cooperation on,
and pursuing sustainable solutions to, environmental issues. These points of
collaboration can build trust and working relationships among stakehold-
ers and create a foundation on which future productive interaction can be
built. Such a foundation can also serve as a cross-cutting social structure
that can reinforce social ties across stakeholder groups when incompatibili-
ties in interests, needs, and objectives arise. Finally, cooperation and collab-
oration around environmental management and ecological considerations
can demonstrate mutual concern among distinct social groups that might
potentially bridge ideological, cultural, and identity-based divides.
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